The Brussels Post, 1886-2-26, Page 8,E BSUSSELf3 POET RANk TRUNK RAILWAY. DUTHERN EXTENSION,W G & 13.13 Train oavconruseolS Statian,aOrth end a nth aaf°Howe: Going South, l oingNorth, Hail. 7;20.,M., Mixed 1000a,m, einem1100p,m, Mail ,J.49p:m. Mixed MO m, EzPrOe ,..9,2ep,m, The morning train south and the night train ortb will Only run on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays a GREEN S 1VOwoocl wanted. Apply gag pus ferns, at TBE Pon Publishing Hottso. WE aro Sorry to hear that Dire,. Fen, 26,18E4 Sae logel advt. ro Purvis estate in School l3oara ,will meet on Friday this issue. of next week Theme bleuket found. Ask at Motivates.; Coven n end'1'imothy Seed et ivreClradk- on's, on's. Powe remes Hymnals for sale at GED. LOVE has taken oat lioense ao Tim Pon Bookstore, auctioneer. • Aires MAGGIE BOYD, Of Teeslvater, DRAWING books and all e0ha01'sup. w visiting in town tine week. pleas at Tun Pose Bookstore. 5 nus Young Ilyson Tett for 51,00, at G 20 DDIM toke Light Brown Sugar for 01.00 at Gee. Broker's. DIVISION Court ou Wednesday of this week. Report will be given next week, REMEMBER the Choral Service in St. John's church next Sunday aftor- n001.1. JAG, ANNnnt htr,e put up handsome blinds on his grocery windows. "Col" Roddick did the job. J. F. So&TT, of Toronto, general agent of the Davis sewing machine, spent several days in Brussels this' week. Jam MoCALLUR and Robt..C[ender- sou left hero this week for Newark, N, J., where they will try their for. tuno. Trios. J. Hemmen:, of Stratf ord and Miss Ettie Whitting were united in marriage no Deo, 29th, and are now living in the Mania city. Our, space is so fully occupied by the report of the Farmers' Institute that a large amount of interesting matter ie crowded.ont this issue. Ray. MR. Youiw'a sermons on Set. urday, Sunday and Monday, in Knox church, were quite in keeping with the rev. gentldmiiu s reputation as an ex• ponuder of Holy Writ. JAMES LIVINGSTON, M.P., and James Webster were in town last week ar- ranging matters in connection with the decease of the Into A. Webster. They aro the executors. THE question hal been asked a dozen of times why the Reeve does net stop horse racing ou the Main street ? Someone will be injured or killed yet if it is not stopped. WE are sorry to hear that on last Saturday morning about , two o'clock a building at the north end, of Toes. water, owned by A. H. Thacker, and occupied by Grabill & Rivers as a blacksmith shop and carriage, fan tory, Wag burned to the ground. A high wind from the north deluged the village with cinders, and the streets were literally blackened with them. The fire is said to have been started by an incendiary. This is the sec• mid attempt to burn the building withiu two weeks. Thacker's lose on on the building is $1,000 ; insured in Wellington Mutual for $800. Gra bill & Rivers' loss is $800 ; insured iu Huron & ,Middlesex for $450. . Tan Presbyterian Review; of Feb. 18th, contains the following notice of interest to Bruesolites:—The people of Mt. Forest who i vatled themdelvea of the opportunity, enjoyed a rich lit- erary treat in the Presbyterian church un the evening of the 20th ult. The occasion was the delivery of a lecture by the Rev. John Rose, B. A., of Brussels. Subject; "We are all Sculptors." The Representative gays :—"The • lecture is considered by those who heard it tribe the most en- tertaining thing of the kind they ever had. For an hour and a half the rev. lecturer held his audience deep. ly interested. Rev. D. Bickel' per- formed the duties of chairman." An- other pleasing feature about the en tertalument was the negative side of its object, viz., nut to raise money to bolster up church schemes. THE BURT MaDAL,—This medal is givon by Mr. Burt, Secretary ,of the Maitland Skating & Curling Company, of Brussels, to the Brussels curling club to be competed for annually by rinks, to be oomposed of all of the members of the club, the win. ning rink to play off man against man and the winner to hold the medal until competed for the next year, it to be the property of the in- dividual winning it twice. The olub this season had 40 inemberg and to make the rinks as even as possible the Committee chose ono half of the best players and drew them, two for each rink, the other half is then drawn in the same way. There wore ten rinks and the winning rink was composed of R. Leatlierdale, A. Good 0. R. Cooper and' J. R. Grant, skip. They played 8 matches of 12 ends each, winning all 8 • and drew one bye. In the play off Yvir. Cooper .beat Mr, Loatherdale 4 shots, lbft'. Good bo"at Air. Grant. 7 shote and in the final game Mr. Good beat Mr. Cooper 5 shots. Of the last four playere we might say that Messre. Cooper and Grant aro players of 8 years standing and aro good all round curlers. Masers. Leathordale and Good aro both new curlers, this be: ing their first winter, Mr. Leather - dale is fast coming to the front as a player and Mr. Good, the roAult speaks for its self. Wo might also say that it is very doubtful if any member of the elub could have beaten NIr. Good in eithor of Lis last two furnished the Information in this cava, games. A ohiel's among ye takin' notes An' faith he'll prent it. BECEIPr8 at carnival $42,82. NEXT Monday will be the 1st of March. ALnuies away, awey down at 'flirt POST Bookstore. Heseperaves has just received a very handsome stook of Wall Papers. First olioice is the best, remember. JAs. WALKER'S father and mother, from Wingham, were visiting him this week. Teasta Dame nearly being a ruction between one of our citizens and the .Army one evening last week. e JAS. DREwE has Resigned to 0. 13. Jno. Jones has been on the sick list lately. Mite. WILES and daughter, of For. gas, were visiting at J. A. Creighton's this week. LAST week J. J, Gilpin paid e fly• ire/ visit to Newhard township, Perth Co, alive has= COURAGE is away on a visit to Ingersoll, London, Glencoe and Detroit. JAMES CRAWFORD and sister, of Blanchard, were visiting friends in town this week. 20,000 ENVELOPES in stook at THE POET Publishing House, Give lie a eit)1 if you want auytbing in this line, Armstrong, of London. See advt. REv, 5. JONES preached in the "concerning the same in this issue. Methodist church last Thursday DENNIS O'BRIEN Ilan opened a oboe- evening. The rev. gentleman's dis maker's shop in the stand lately Va courses are always good. oatedby H. Chapman. Give him a THOS. 'WATSON put in part of this trial. week at the Queen city, He is pre - ONE of our enterprising ottizens has paring for a big rush In the imple- offered the Skating Riuk Coy. $30 went Hue alis next summer. forthe lee for. a Carnival on Thurs. PERSONS are warned about furious day of next week. driving on the street and trotting "Tae Drug Store," Graham's 8 storey over the bridge as an example is to btook, is the place for good, pretty and he made of law breakers if it is not cheap Wall Papers and borders, J. Har- stn ed. - gesavee & Co. Tem Ledies of St. John's church Wa hold over•the very interesting intend giving a series of socials to aid ,papers for nest , week. One on of the-biturch food, the first of which "Dairying," by-Jno. Hannah of Sea will lie held on Thursday :next, the forth, the other ou "Noxious Weeds," 4th day of march, at the renitence of by Thos. Strachan, of Grey: W. H. Moss, King street, at 8 o'clock NOTtay.so DsD•roas.—Aesents due es• m Refreshments will. be served, tate of James DreWe, Brussels, mast be P. faid to J. C. Smith, in charge, note's, or Admission lOcts. same will be placed in snit for collection. Tam Oouuty Judges of Huron have • C. B. Acus:noxa, Trustee. issued the following request to the To you are about to render accounts members of the bat' in this county :— call at THE Posr and see our samples, •'DEAR SIR,—It Is the practice in end get our prices for bill heads. All some parts of the province for mem- kinds of job work done on short no bars of the bar to appear in court tine and at reasonable prioes. costume in the Division Ooart, as in • A NUMBER of Brusselites attended other courts. • We think it would be else Sunday School Convention at advisable to adopt this practise henoe Wingham this week. Among the. forth in this county." number were Rev. J. Roes, B.A., Rev. }Saxe Fon CANADA.—Dr. Barnardo, W. Smyth and Mrs. Smyth, W. R. of London, England, is sending out Wilson, A Stewart, and G. L. Ballin the early spring, a party of boys DIED —Mrs. A. D. Stewart, atter of ages ranging from 10 to 16 for it short illness. A busbancYand ono farm and other employment. Those child are left to mourn her loss. The desirous of obtaining boys should ape rewire' took place on Tuesday the ply early, either direct to Mr. Ed - interment being made at Formosa. ward Duff, Superintendeut, Hazel Mr. Stewart has the sympathp of the Brae, Peterborough, Ont., or through neighborhood. tae- ostmaster of the district from Is addition to•our stook of 85 different wham forme. of application may be %Vies we have samples of the Best and Richest Wall Papers made by the best far- obtained. tory in Montreal, which we will show yon BY the annual missionary report of end procure any quantity in 6 or 6 days the Methodist Church for last year, After. Seo them at "The Drug Store," J. We learn that the amount contributed Hargreaves & Co. to missions in this district woo as SEE the largo stook of 'Warheads, fol owe :—Goderieh, $394 ; Rotten- noteheads, billheads, etatemeats, ems- bur St., Clinton, 8:3 Ontario morandnms, envelopes, &c. at .PRE Y $ 7 St, Penn Publishing House. Don't send (including Turner's and Alma) $161; out pont accounts on scraps of paper Seaforth, $169 ; Aolmosville, $145 ; when you can get neatly printed bill Ebenezer, $68 ; Sharon, $10 ; Zion, heads for about the same Dost. $12 ; Bayfield, $22 ; Cole's $29 ; THE name: of our old townsman, Bethel, $29 ; Varna, $84 ; Goshen, John Leckie, is quite freely mention. $87 , Bruoefield, $83 ; L,ondesboro', ed as a probable bandidate to contest $107 ; Kinburn, $65 ; Auburn Cir - Met Huron for the Hoose of (Jona- ouit, $68 ; Wingham, $116 ; 13lyth, irons, in the interests of the Reform $96 ; Brussels, $98. In the whole darty. Mr. Leckie intends returning Guelph Conference there are only 26 to Brussels and will once more bo- who contributed $25 or over to mi t;come ono of our citizens. He would cions, and among the number are make a strong candidate. the following :—Rev. James Gray, 'Tees Rosiuwo Geary.—John Alex- Clinton, $25; W. Taylor and wife, ander of"the Lion" offers for eompe Clinton, $80 ; Bev J. Kenner, and tition among the members of Brus. family, Olinton, $25 ; Wm. M. Gray, eels Carling Club a magnificent ourl. and family, Seaforth, $45 ; James ar'a cap to be the property of the in- Laithwaite, - and wife, Holmesville, dividual who wins ib this season, The $25 ; E. Husband, Fordwich, $40 ; competition will be by rinks as for. the E. S. Rupert and family, $30. medal and the drawing has already • WIDE OF THE TRUTH—The following taken place and play commences at item appeared in the Blyth Advocate once, Ourling is booming. and was afterwards copied into the A. GOOD deal of merriment was oc- Huron Expositor :—"An old man casioned at the carnival by the judges named Jimmie Gray died on Monday awarding the prize for the best dress• at the residence of Jas. Jackson, of ed lady to Charles Sheriff, who per- tho township of Morris. He gained a sonated "Eliza Johnston," a lady of livelihood by working at the carpenter - color, The cat was 'let out of the ing trade. Ho was in Blyth a short bag and "Eliza" was stripped of "her" time ago, apparently enjoying good honors. We propose at the next health, and was Noticed to be under carnival that throe medical gentle- the influence of liquor, and from ex - men be judges, so. that there will be poeuro caugbt a severe cold and died no mistakes made as to the sex of the from inflammation of the lungs." It competitors. is untrue in the following particulars J. R. GRANT'S rink came, to the —1st, His name was not "Jimmie," 'front and won the Burt medal, Wm. but Thomas. 2nd, He bad not been '.4'homson's rink being the last cam. in Blyth for a month before his de- petitor. The match was a very close cease. 8rd, He did not catch cold one and attracted much attention, from exposure but while working in from onlookers. The score was 9 to Sarni. Fear's bush sawing wood, con - 8 on'favor of Mr. Grant's rink, The traded a cold that ted to his death. winning rink then played off with The editor of the Blyth paper was each other to see whish one would either imposed Upon or was wilfully get the medal. Adam Good, by two lying, and We make the. above °erreo- well played games, won the trophy tions to set the true state of affairs and now holds it for a year. If he before the public. It seems quite evi- wins it next season it.will become dent the old saying "Of the dead and his property. Mush interest was ex- the absent speak nothing but good," cited. Tho presentation will ..mite has been forgotten by the parson who place soon, Many Jonas nae gone to Sbol. burno where he will 104 R. W. Tuck m looking after the hotel busineee in that town. S. 13. SMALE gave a $10 silver watob for a40 lap race at the rink leek Tuesday evening. It was won by T. Town, of Seaforth. Is the weather is favorable 4 rinks of the Brussels curling club will go to Seaforth to -day (Friday) to play Goderieh and Senforth olube. PRESENTATION,—On Suudny last when Wm. Hartley, who bee recently removed to Seaforth, visited. Brn15518 after a brief ahsene°, the Sululey School class of which ho had been teacher for years presented liim with an address and a pair of beautiful napkin rings and a Cabinet of the members of the class. On behalf of the close the address:vas read by Mies Bertha Ball and the present- ation made by Nide May Kerr The address was asking Mr, Hartley to accept the preeeut with their love, thanking him for his efforts while amongst them and asking him to pray for them. He replied in n very suitable and touching manlier thank• ins them for the present and prayiug that God would keep him faithful that be might meet thein all—not one bat all in heaven. • BORN ~ . L.+xc.—In Grey„ on the 21st inst. tho wife of Mr. Isaac, Lake, of a sun, tlAih IED. EPProTx--MaliunvET.—In Etbel; on the 18th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Bev. D. B. Merge, Mr. John Elliott, to Miss Jemima Mc- Kelvey, all of Ethel. Fownen—CArnnn.—Ili Galt, on the 10th inst., by Bev. J. A. 11: Dickson. B: D„ Mr. Wm. 0. Fowler, of Oakland couu. ty, Manitoba, to Miss Kate Calder, o the township of Grey, Huron County, Out. DIM STEwinT.— In Brussels, on the Slst fast„ Catherine, beloved wife of A. D. Stew- art, aged 29 years, and 7 months. SUorto1 SALES. Farm stook' and implimsnts, on Thurs- day, March 45h, let 29, eon. 4, Morris, at 12 o'alook sharp. Alex. Dolgatty, aunt. Alex. Foreyty, prop. WsncssnAr, - March Ord.—Farm otoek, and implements. Lot 10, enc. 12', Grey. Sale to commence at 12 o'olock. Thos. Hawkehaw, Prop. Alex. Dolgatty, Ano. • Tuusnav, Marten 2ND: -Farm, Farm stook, implements, &o. Lot 22, con. 10, Grey. Hale to commence at 1 'o'clock. Henry Green prop. Capt;. Stratton, ane. MIILK DRAWERS' ATTENTION e. meatiugmf lite Oheeoo Factory; nireotors and other portion interested, will he held in the Town Hall on Saturday the 27011 inst. at 2 o'olookp. m. for the purpose of letting the milk drawing on those routes not already let. JOHN STBAOHAN, President, Feb 16th1820. 03-2 -1.1108 SALE. --THE PROPERTY, u lot 50, Mill street, Brussels, known as too old Orange Hall property, is offered for sale, Tenders will be r000ived uP to noon on Mon- day, Maxon 251, Tenders to be addressed to Thee,Wateon,who will give any partioulare desired, The tit le is indisputable e�WATSON L' ARM ,TO RENT.—THE SUB. .L scriber will rout lot 20, eon, 0.Grey,00u- taining100 aures, about SO cleared, for one or more years, House, barn and all other eon• venienoee on the lot. 'Ahere le a. quantity of feedthat would be left, by the lease agree- ing to leave a similar amount when his time was out, The nee of implements would also be allowed. 'Also 100 aorea in Howiok town- ehip,t mile from-Wroxet or. 80 acres cleared. There is a house on the lot but no barn. A tenant building a barn would be alloowed to stop it out of tho rant. Possession eon be given WHITE, Apra 1st. For further particulars T09. WHIT, apply9.4 Ethel, P. O. NOTIOE TO CREDITORS. Io the matter of James Drew°, of the Town of ernesals, is the County or Huron, Afor• Mont, an Insolvent. Retie els hereby given that the above nam - ad Jamoe Drowe halo this day made an assign- : mont to meinpursuauce oI the Ontario Jot 48 Via. chap 20, intituled an Alit reepeoting Aeeignmoutefor the general benefit of Ore. ditore.,Ameeting oi the creditors of the saidJamOB M Drawn Mulketn, anat Wednesday the saway the Ban DAY as Manan, at 9 o'clook M. the afternoon for theiapporntment of rnaPeotors and thea givinn of direotioae with ref°range to thedisposalother baeinens athe stshall be expedied to nt fa Oho interests of the Creditors. Kindly die olaim on or before the day of anon meeting, • 0,B, ARMSTRONG)', London, Fon, 10111050. Trustee, 84.1 . ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of,JAME5 PUR- VId, late of the townsbip of Morrie, in the °Monty of Huron, farmer, deoeaeed, Pursuant to Seetiou34, of Chapter 107 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, and of Section 1 Chapter 9, of 40 Vietorin Ontario Statute9. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of tiro tootho,day of Septemberho r,,o4, D 1983uare on, or before, the Mali day of Aur11 next, to send by post (prepaid) to THE TORONTO GENDn6L TBU9'1'8 COMPANY, 27 and 29 'Wallington etr Det Toast , Toronto, ' - Adrein. istrators,,with the will annexed of the ea - tato and effeotsof the said Jamoe Purvis, doceasod, fnllpai01031are of their olaime, a' atatetnent of their aceouote. and the nature. el the socuritl ea (if ane) hold by them to- gether with their Christian names, etirnarnee a ddreeee a and de party Mons, aocomphanfedbY a etatutorY' doolaration vortllying the occur• coy of such claims and lurth or, take notice that on, or after,. the said,0fth day of Aprl1 next the as sate of the deceased willb e die. posed of and dnstributod among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which nottee ohttll have been re. ooived and the said Administrators will not he liable for the octets so disposed of or din- tribntotl Or, any part thereof to persona whose Olalms shall not have been rooeivod by them at the time of the dIoposltiou end distribu• Men of the said as sats Dated at Toronto,th0 Med clay of F°briery nee, leas, • EDGAR.&MALONE', Solleitors for the 'Administrators 244 The Toronto General Truitt; co. BANKING. 11/1a1NT0SlI & MaTAGGART," IBANiKERS, .:- BI0USSl:Lb, . Transact n General Banking Business, .wNotes to hand dloaanittod. MInteragt allowed On del,aelts ron.tyablo on demand. 9Pr0mpt attention givon to 00110 tions, . LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. (IF1?ARD ELLIOTT, LAW OF - 1100, Grant's Block, Brussels, Money to loam, J3 E. WADE BARRISTER, &o. •L_4. Oflloe formerly eseeptod by e..T. Me. 0011, Plod, 0 ,nklo'o Block. do.,ay L., man, 13. DICKSON, (LATA WITH !tor, 0ouvoyauoer o.q%uo, t}raui'o bleak, Brussels. Money to luau. ALEX ettUN'E'ER, CLERK OF the Foorill Division Jourt 00. Huron Oooveyanoer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Iuuura nue Agent. Funds invested andto loan. Oolleotioa. made. (Moo in Groh/6111's 'Block, Brussels. MdDICAL CARDS. A. MoNAUGHTON, X11, D.. C. e.r ,o M. L. 1i. u P rdinhurgh. Phyalgtaa, Surgeon and Aaeouebour. Whoa, Mrs, Sh1o1'e blank, Turuburry Street. ,,, A. HUTCHINSON, SLD. +1r.1%. q.,p. Etiinbargh, Han removed to hi• residence en ida1 street, the hon0o,.turmerly uoeu fad by to. .i sonarµ and will be there at night, Flo ells /tetanus un ethos at Hargreaves' Drug Store. DENTAL. L. BALL, L, D. S., HONOR \:A. • Graduate. and Member of the aoyal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. The various anroetbotias given, also a now local amesthetia for tiro gums only. All operations carefully performed and guaranteed. 'Prises moderate, Office over Pow ell's store. Hours 8 a.m. to0p,m. 'BUSINESS CARDS. ..2.2W. O'BRIEN, VETERINARY • Surgeon, Graduate of Ontario Veteri- nary College, Toronto, nesldonoe at Jno. Notts, Brussels. .MISS O'CONNOR, TL+'ACHER of Phorougb Base, Vocal and Inetre- mental Music on Piano Organ and Guitar. Reference—Ladles of Loretto, Guelph. Residence—No.2 south, Brick Terrane 44-3m Bruaeele, Ont. H. MaORAOKEN, ISSUER • of Marriage Licenses. ORloe 9,4 his Grocery, Turoberry street, 2-228 oNAIR, ISSUER OF MAR - A. Mnage Licenses, by appointment of Liooteoant.Governor, Commissioner, 60., Q. 13. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Ineuranse Co. Oeiao at tho Craubrook Poet Moe. - Robert Cunningham, I'J3CJ.,10YaE :,GENT, Guelph, Ontario. T ill. O'CONNOR, FIRE, LIFE, tit • Accident and Loan Insurance Agent for 0um0 of the boot au l most reliable Compan- ies in the Domlulon, Office Briok Yarrows.Turnberry Street, hoar the nation. 9m WM. BLASHILL, Butohor, thanking hie many customers for, their liberal support for the pact six yearn winhoe to inform them that be- ing burned out 01 the old stand baa fitted op a 54403, in emale's 'Block' in firet.alaos style where he hopes to see all the old elastomers and as many now ones as Soo at -to give him o can, I keep nothing but first-class meats, all kinds of Poultry and Sauvage Meat, Deliver- ed to all parts of the town Free. Cash paid for Feb Stock, tIA1bM TO RENT, BEING LOT 12 22, eon 18, in the township of Grey, County of Huron containing 100 some, 60 of which are clearest. There ere good buildings: P094080iou will be given on April 100. nor partioulare apply to O.R. 000PER, 82-4• Brussels, Ont. ETORSES FOB SALE.—THAT woB brad agrieulturol entire horse "Young Contest," wild 14 rising 4 year•s old and has a good pedigree and le well known in for sale. also hie yCl} Clydesdale Dod Morris lt "Baron There." For full 3,arlietn. rs ae to tsrme, &0. apply to Mit8,R013T. BROWN, JAS. BROWN; or JOHN BROWN 4iu Lot IS, oon.10, Grey,Oranbraofi P. 0. r pHE STUDY of THE •F1iEN Ott IL LANGUAGE. MISS S. A. BLAOK5 Daughter of Bev.. B. K. Black, Wingham, and who has had experionoe in teaching French in Torres, Scotland, desires to ob. tain a class in Brussels, to meet twice a week. RuvesENOEs,—Rev. J. Rose, B. A., 14fr. Joan Stem, 1 ri taipal of the Public School, and Mr. G. L. Ball, L. D.,S. 32.4° A3ruetvelu .0141,x-kot. O0ntteor5D OAnxr0LEY EVOIT WERE, White Fall Whoai , . 75 78 Ned Winter ... .. 76 76 Spring Wheat 50 70 Barley 48 65 Oath 28 90 Peat 50 64 Batter, tubo and rolls 12 Eggs per Boron, 15 00 Flour per barrel 5 00 • 00 Potatoes,., .,25 a 88' Hay per ton 8.00 tl 00 IIideo per lb 7 7i Dressed Hoge ' ' 5 00 50 Salt per bbl., wholesale . c -. 00 80 Shoop skin 8,each 50 1 '00 Wool 17 18 h5�