HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-2-26, Page 7it TIt1 BRUSSgX.IS POST. She trice memoriam), to ornSelnnr nuc illusion ; but her strength is iusufllo ant for her. The room in which silo thee Mr, Mlldmey, all fade from ilei, and again she in walking tip that pale en, ridor with her true lovo awaiting her in the light of tho moon's rays. He is clad in that gray slut which HIM h,;1 told hitti thin would be for over ttll .,d to hor memory of hint in roc future. 'How lightly at that lust, more^'nt ho ha,1 treated these words of hors; but now— docs he remember them now ? He had laughed, mho recollects, bet had margo nn excise for apned.riu,, .a- fore her at that lato hour in morn;n *. dress, But she had understood It al.; she &new that hie love for her had pee. t-onted his re-entering his tnotbgr.•e doors that day. Ile had not dined lee meth lior roof. He had taken 1't itt very had pari, the cruel telling of tum creel truth be hip best,boloved 1 Yee, yes, she Traci bin " beet be. loafed." 11. lite from thin day forth the worst thing possible, she has at lutelf the hisses certainty that *nee oil* it te, hint tho dearest thing on earth I loved her, and ohs loved, him—ay, Wig steer love hint, even to the naoritloing kr hits all hope and peace and joy, Oh, darling, daslleg I A little heart -broken ory bunt, frith' her, wad with Om sound of her voice mores tbo diwelntien of her sad vlsioa. lieu eerie fades away from her, her mad dream dies. the is leu longer witq bre lover, bet *ray lying hers, faint, ill, tier• ape/ring, arttehed in pool and body, lowerod b, the very verge of the grave sleet, alas, met dying 1 • She r13i144 her yogi t* Mr. Mildmay, . Ya., it is lane," she soya, with 'a t,aleful effort, "there .ie—another— wt , u I love," And bhsa enddeuly breaks into bitter arraying, and tame bar face te the Neill, Tears rise In the eyeapl Mr. Mildmay, He laze hie haled tenderly neon her shoulder. , Poor child, peer child, And es it •c ?•' he says. "'$let take comfort. There may be hope pomewhere. That his love and years pro mutual I feel sire. And perspe, whatever dlAot}ltfidt be in the way new, in time yon will ba ».gain united-" ' No," oteyet Dolores, with•' a passion - Me shudder --e nab new, or In gm future, or ever," CHAPTER XXIX. " So like, no like—;the resemblance is terrible," mutters Mr. Mildmay, as he Panes np and doer* his Andy in a net, Celle abebraebioa.• Hu hands are clasp. ed behind his bank, hie heed i. bowed. The belief that he is alone is gently bro. ken in ripe.. " Yee, she is stroagely like,"says Mrs. Edgeworth thoughtlfonllly, 7lo starbs and zeas*s himself from his reverie. Ah, you her., Ilidgeworbh," be says, with. a sigh. "I imagined myself as alone in body as l ever am in spirit. And soou too have noticed this mar- vellous likeness T' " Ay, air. Who, having once seen her face, could fail to have aotioed s ream. hence bo it? They aro the same eyes, the same lip., and the hair has the same little touch of gold in it, though here would reach down far below her waist in its straight sweet folds. Yon will re. member it P" What smallest thing do I forgeetl" lie runs his hand across his forehead and draws his breath heavily. tlently memory coalmine no charms for him. " How u ouriuvalid to•day?" by asks abruptly. " I thought alien last I saw her she looked ftn,hed, excited— ?" " She was thinking of her old life, perhaps. The remembrance of it Tres. ries her at times, I oan ate; yet she won't speak of it. She holde her seorot. fast, whatever it,may be -so fast that one might" welt ,wonder at the power that lies in that alightlittle frame of here. But that there 'should be any. thing wrong connected wibh such an in. nocent as that lamb epstairs—no, Dover 1" says Mrs. Edgeworth, with startling vehemence. " I woa't believe it" " Wrong, wrong," repeats hor master obtusely. The Maiming of her cords fails to tomo home to bine. /IA sink, into it chair. "Wrong," '113 »days again; and the* all at once he comprehends and knows thathis worthy hottaeneoper is defending the character tit the poor child above. This defeapa a.urnehow raise. groat wrath within him, " It is only a wicked mind," he declares, with mobil 'agitation, " that could coo. uoct even the idea of wickedness with a face emelt as hers." " And indeed that is my own thought too,air," says the housekeeper gently, " But wo must needs think, for all that, if only for het sake, poor young lady. That she has lied from her bomo is omy twin. But why she fled is not so clear. lielike they diad tried to fordo her into 5 marriage with one whom she could not loin." Mr.. Edgeworth, who is droll up in the" pennydreadfuls," says thie feelingly. I have hoard of such things thyself," she ooncludeewith dignity, end to good deal of sentimentality. It may be—it may be indeed, poen ehild," pay. Mr. Mildmaysorrowfully, thinking of that great outuont of grief upon .i)olors's parta few cloys ago, when he had but lightly touohed upon the eubjoot of love generally, What if, lova one'iitan, she had been ooergad'tand amen towards marriage with another until only flight seemed. possible to her ria a means of eaicape ? " Iier spirits aril dreadful low," gays Airs. Fal 'Swords, dapping the table with leer fore fin;ger a".dreadful, I oan't,abear to tee her like that. 'Ti, btu.ws know no. e thing of her; iin4.till myheartgoesout to T her lemmas of that strange look of hers; aud.itecanee tee it its a lonely plane, ,one ;store rasuy—anymtlug yo /mikes snob life in the house," "lances furtively at her rnastee, I !tough to see what ho thinks of herr worns; men silo good an, " When lu,tvon ns, we Anil learn her loss," soya, in a low tante He has seemed silont,so nueympathetio up to this, t vile in losing heart, and a ntroug n tiou for the lonely child whom fate firing to hor has grown up within heart, " heaves no I That shall nose, Sho told fro she had now no home, i eheuld she go ?" says Mr. Miltlm waking into moro eager life than had see in him for}'caro-'-novor inti shoo that far.olT sad event that had his house desolate unto him. "Her mined ie made up to it the tem says grimly. "Only so hour a:; sbe wan dieeusaing with ine the aha of gotting hor living in some large tow , Her living I Iior death rather l" olaime,lir. Mildmay, strangely agitat " She cannot go—ole shall not. Wit Expose one so young, eo gentle, to tomptations, the anieerien el poverty• shah not be, I, tell yea," insists he, to in; upon his faithful torrent, aa thou she too were in league seentinsb hi „ Tito world is a horrible place ; she Ma fit to battle with it." ".I said all that to her," says M Edgeworth earnestly. " As far as might, without having the word Ir your own lire, I told her there was great hurry about her leaving hoose, that you would make her glad welcome ; yot go, she says, she evil "She in a wayward child,' rater her master impatioaly; " eke must reasoned with. A hells girl of her a shoald have no determinatieas; o towmandiug word trams her *lie should be sufficient 110 reduce her bo els dienoe. The utter absurdity of thio renter cs coming from Mr.. Mlldmay's lips patent. The boldness of hie' attempt look stern etrtltea ,,roti the hone keeper, as she Ieeks npea hie gent yielding fame and his merveue trembli Comore. 1 think, with you, air—I quite thin Bo," oho ()aye demurely, tapping t table again with her bosky knuckle " "tut who is to ray the oommandi word ? Will you ? " " I ? Oh, no—ell, dear, no I It wi come-muoh bettor from you—a woman declares he falteringly, "1 have spoken, sir, and flailed," " Well, if I mutat exeroire my autho ity, I will," gays Mr. Ilfildtnay, in rather quaking bone. "Tut — to Sorely oho owoe me something? I her guardian, in a fashion, appointed Fete herself. I shall therefore forbi hor—net too sternly, you understand Edgeworth -I have read' that tyrenn always defeats its own purposes --but shall certainly give her firm] , to Ino that she shall not leave my house nn lees it be to return to her friends an e l salt." Yvlt will know what to say to her sir," Bays Mrs. Edgeworth admiringly tubo really, after all .these years, bal helievos in hint, " And when will yo speak to her, air—now? " "Now? My good Edgeworth, sural there is no eneh great haste 1' " "1 think the sooner the better, sir She seems quite bent on leaving us with as,littlo delay no poesible." " But why ? She has been very eon tent here apparently for three wee nearly four. Why—why," says Mr Mildmay, looping athis'housekeeper and speaking in a low confidential tone, as if }talf afraid of the step he is about to take—" why should ale not stay— always ? " "Ah, wiry note indeed—" " We oan lteep her 1 " " If thio will be kept. Go to her, flir— tto her 1 She will listen to you, I hope, I believe, Already her young heart has warmed to you, an though you were het own father." "•Ali, Edgeworth," Hays the old man, regarding her imourmfully, " had Heaven been merciful, just snob a 0110 as she might have haher home within any heart to -day I" ' Perbapl�e now, aeon late as it is, Heaven has sent you a substitute in that pretty 'child up stairs," says Mrs. "Edgoworbh tearfully. " Ah, dear air, ggo�o to her, and persuade her to remain! it will be terrible if oho leaves us now I" here the good woman throws her apron over bei head and breaks Into loud and healthy Whitt * Sitting in Doloree's room—the pretty ntor•ming•room that has, now been al- lotted to her since the doctor gave bier permission, to move from 0118 .chain• bur to another—Mr.. Mildmay seeks vo}nly for a successful method of com- mencing his mission. The "word of command" le still far from him; the etorn power that is to rodnco her to olsedionoe in deplorably wanting. The Weighty guardian " appointed by Fate " is itt a 1ou• and depr000d state of mind. For quite three minutes he bat beau absolutely silent. A weak endeavour to produce a speech that will.at least intro. duce .his eobjeotiferendoring him dumb. Dolores's soft low voice, breaking in upon his distressing reverie, is welcomed by him at, a blasted relief. "There la one 'thing that tormonte me," says the girl almost solemnly--' it it the/41'am *triad yell do not think I understand how good you have been to me." " Good ? Tut—tut 1 Nothing of the sort," return, he, iu bisnorvone }aalsion. Ile takes off and puts en his epoetaoles several times after saying this, anti, finally riling ie his feet, goes over to tho window, " To take in one of whom. you know othing, to ,tend her so lovingly 1 'trough a dream, es it were, it all omits back to me now," gays Dolores, ;s remember little things, tender mots, . . nu:f gentle el m.:era. Alt • --.aur+(trews a lout{ she breath—"}udetl I all] not ungrateful,,, a. She Tooke at hint with d0wy oyes, " In lrt,i I all the long future that 1 roar ilea bu- nlie fere n0- ,you r.ee even thin friar Las trot she ' Itt1l td rnq..1 s1la.11 hear a Iantiup; loll utry so of you," hat " 1/11/,, 1111 child, betides tide future nl floc- I whuat you x1,0111 su sadly, you hove hna ( Past,'• runlarlis .lir. MiIAo,ay goody her "ant in that bast liofru•nde; y0tt tri;,; me the other day of two et hast," "Yee—two only,"nays 1etiores dream. fly. All the runt of the world Iran rnr, i:heet from her, leaving vols to rottlittltiou of hor 1071,1', end of lief Trie had been to Ler alutost more mother, " And 1itt—'' liepnntex. „r' - giya tura, Lev dear, if I hurt you," • roes on presemtly ; " but they may 111143 - take' yeflr ellenoe, they are .ignorant of i your illness; they may perhaps— Consider, consider, my child," nays lte, with a Budden burst of nervone eager. sere, " how anbappy they muse he I" " Oh, don't I" oriee the girl vehement- ly. She buries herface in the cushions, and a wave of passionate terrtfyin:% grief eweeoe over her. Thio iv the (TO BE CONTINUED.) hod 1'hy ny, silo eo:1 loft 't" 0 tie neo u." ex, a1i. atl the Ib rn- gh 111. 114 re. om ne 0•-113 ly I." ne r� TS la to se• le ng lc s. lie ng 1 tut am by• • tai h ice. Sign oftho Sootch Gollar --00--- Here we are with a Splendid Stock of ROBES, BELLS, HORSE BLANKETS, ce. —00— Our harness fills the bill every time. Cal] and see our stock and leave ,your'order. —00— .A. large assortment of Trunks, Valises & Satchels to choose from. —0p— Repairing promptly attended to.§ --00— Cull in and see our goods. We don't charge anything for looking. H D.EXNIS. NEW GOODS AT TETE 'Gul�eu Patlloc( The Mammoth Hardware Store. —u-- STANDARI PLATFORI.' 80ALNS, 900, 1200, and 2000 Pounds. Family goales For Butter, Groceries, Etc., Etc. --0--� Cross -Cut Saws: -- "NEW IMPROVE]) CHAMPION, "RACER," "LANGE," &c., &e,, Ike. • The tElectric'bi.'ck saw. -o_-_ CHOPPING AXES, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. Cattle' Chains AnALL THE BEST THAT MONEY:CAN BUY AT LOW PRIM. HURON AND BRUCE . Loan & Investment Co. This Company is Loaning Money on l.''itrmn Security at LOWLiT Bonito of Interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED, SAYINGS BANE MUNCH. 3, 4 and 5 per cent. Interest Al. lowed on Deposita, according to amount and time left. O1wion.--On corner of Market Square and North street, Goderich. Horace Horton, Goderioh,Aug.111laletie MANAena. HEALTH IS WEALTH et+Ri rc ry o'F.GYlt, e Do.E, C. Wuotr'a Nerve and Drain Trent tnuut, a quarautootl al oeitlo for livetoria, :irts- zneee,Coavltl,luna, i,'ita, itorl out t`onrsfk1l bloodaohe,Narvona.PraeY,rat On L'10 std by Osu- mi of aloolrol or i'oouoob Wakefulness, ;ttau- miDeproselon,SolWuingof the nrolr, rg0lt- bteielneauity,londiug to n,loory�, decoy' Ord death, Premature Old Ago, llurrenatn,Lfeaci Power to (tabor cox, Involuntary l.otees rid Spermotorrhma (towed by over-exertion a 110 Brain, 11111-abuso or over iudultouco. iota' box contalae ono month', trenhnant. $11. pov, Or lis bozos for &b. heat h7 mall prailnl,i;•en receipt of pricy. wo (lultra lace Six Ilexes To ours an)• o any. WWII 000 order reay'ypotl by u. for .1z boxed, n000rapanicd with 08 .se n111 sand Oho purchaser art written ggt74ee W refund the money 11th t7rata..ant does not• affect a curb. tau urns tees loaned only l,y Pr10. nargreaye & Co.Brumeole. NATIONAL ROLLER MILLS. tiv ,tAd,a Vanstone & Sons, -:- Proprietoro. We have much pleasure in announcing to the public that our New Roller Mill is in Complete Running Order and is giving the Best eS,at- isfaction. SHORTS, MEAL, BRAN & CHOP CONSTANTLY ON HAND. We also make the following brands of flour Patent, . jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride. and t Snow Storm. Gristing attended to. with Promptness. All kinds of Lumber cut to Order. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAINM`' EAST HURON Carriage"Works,. JAMMS ETT -.QRS —Is ANUFACTUBI:.B op__ OARP,•IAGES, DEMOCRATS, EXPRESS WAGON;,. BUGGIES, WAGONS, ETC.. ETC., E'I'C. All made of the Best Materials and finished in a Workman=like manner, Repair. .. and Painting promptly attended to. Parties intending to buy should call before . purchasing. REI•Ea3NoEs.--Mamelon Smith, B. Laing, James Cott and Wm. Me- Kelvey, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, W. Little, G. Brewer and 1). Breckenridge, Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Blilshill, Brussels ; Rev. E. A. Fear, Kirkton, and T. Wright, Turnberry Township. REMEMBER THE STAND—SOUTH OF BRIDGE.' JAMES BUYERS. ETH E L 173LIEUZST LI 70" :X, 146., • The undersigned, having completed the change from the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the ;VIi i In • First-class Running Order, 4, And will be glad to tree ;011 his old customers and as .many new ones as possible. Chopping done. Flour and Feed i t1,walyo oil Hand. Hig'hcs•i I hi'ar gl— roil for any quantity tie ,Goad U?vlf•n. FINE.