The Brussels Post, 1886-2-26, Page 6e
TWO 80.1.1813E1,11 PO&TLe..
Fisc. 20,1886..
t, r forowe, '
Dlioof y of Gharahao and SooiotiaL I omet some farmers from the town.
1IsLvlt,Lw Carman,—SabbaLb Services at
1 a,. and 0:80 pan. Sunday School at
0 p.m, B4v, Juo, Boss, B. A., pastor.
i ioox Onouoo.—Sabbath Servide at 11
can, and 8:80 p.m. Sunday School at 2:80
p Bev. 8, Jones, pastor.
ST. John's C$unon,--Sabbath Services at
Il, a.m, and 7 p.m. Sunday School at A:80
aim. Bev, W. T, Oluffe, incumbent.
MaraoDlsx Onunon. sabbath Services at
10.030 a•m. and 0:30 p.m. Sunday School at
2:80 p.m. Bev. W in, Smyth, pastor.
Bolan OAt'noLIO Onplton,—Sabbath Stu -
vice thirdSnnday in every month at 11 a.m,
Bev. P. J. Shea, priest.
ODD PaLbow'5 Lonoa every Thursday
ening in Graham's block.
Miso:ilo Lorton Tueaday at or before full
moon in Vanstone's blook.
A, 0. U. W. LODGE meets on find and
last Wednesday evenings of each month.
Fonmo2Bles Lonag'2nd and last Monday
evenings of eaoh month in Smale's hall,
L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every month in
Orange flan.
Poem Oxrlcg.—Office $ours from B a.m.
4i p.m.
Mganeutos' IRsarruxa Beading Boom and
Library in Holmes' block, will be opeu
from 8 to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and
ISalurdays. Miss Jessie Boss, Librarian.'
trams. 2vartess.
In giving his experience to the
farmers of Renfrew, Donald McLaren
eaid.his Shorthorn grades were found
to be hardier than scrubs. Renfrew
is one or the ooldeet oounties of the
Province, and if the native cattle
there are legs suitable to the climate
than the crosses of the Shorthorn, it
isa strong argument in favor of doing
away with the ecrub altogether,
' One reason why the quality of our
butter is so poor is that milk and
dream are seldom kept at the proper
temperature during the hot summer
•season. This can only be done with
the use of ice, and there are eompar•
atively but few farms in the country
where ice is stored for the purpose.
'het it is not a costly article; it can
generally be had for the hauling, and
an icehouse good enough for the
purpose may be built by any handy
man at the cost of the material and
his own labor. This is a good month
for laying up a stook of ice for the
Is a risky experiment to hire a
new man for the farm every `season.
Half of the men who offer theirser-
'ices in the spring of the year are
men who could not keep a plaoe per.
maneutly if they would, and the farm-
er who does not hire until be le oblig•
ad to is almost certain to get one of
these. A.permanent laborer, who is
given a cottage and a garden, soon
begins to feel an interest in the work
and the business of the farm only se
oond to that of the owner, and, be•
coming attached to his home, he will
naturally seek to keep his place by
the rendering of faithful,servioe.
A paper was rend at the Renfrew'
Farmers' Institute by John Parks on
lntohen gardening, which touched on
•some points worthy of every farmer's
consideration. The variety whioh a
garden may give to a bill of fare, is
calculated to snit all tastes, and var-
iety in food is not only pleasant but
healthy. Farmers, above all men,
Mr, Parks observed, have the privil
ege of enjoying the luxuries of the
table ;,but they ignore them more
than any other olaas of people, and
their food is oonfined to a narrow list
of eatables of whioh it is no wonder
that the palate grows weary. A well•
planted and well -tilled garden should.
be considered as indispensable on
every farm.
Prof. Brown, of the Agrioultural
College, has been lecturing the farm-
ers this winter on the subject of per-
manent paeturee. Unfortunately,
'this is a matter to which little atten-
tion has hitherto been palled in this
country, yet its importance is abalone
to al; who reflect on they nature of
geneses, and the economy the servo
in the grazing of farm stock. It is
silmply not possible to get good pas-
ture on land that ie broken up every
three or four years, and the man
who depends on the aftermath of a
Meadow to furnish food for his cows
or sheep does not know what risk he
runs of providing them with escape
from absolute dtervation. An after-
math may be good enough pasture,
but everything depends on the kind
of soil and the state of the weather.
A permanent pasture, however, is
reliable in almost every season, for if
the eoil is suitable, if it is seeded with
a good variety of grasses, if the drop-
pings of animals are spread as the
should be, and if a dressing of fertil-
izers is applied now and then, a rich
supply pf nutritious herbage may be
depended on with reasonable certainty.
Prof. Brown days that for a farm of
ordinary size a field of five acres is
largo enough for permanent pasture,
and, if ]'roper ow istaken with ib,
we are disposed to agree with him.
Certainly there ie notbing better for
fooding purposes, unless it is the soil•
dug system, and for the dairy we have
strong preference for some (merois°
ship of Elmo., and was gratified ae
well as eurprised to find what a
revolution dairying has made in that
sectran of country. There are other
districts well adapted to dairying in
which similar results await scamp.
liehment, But 11 seems to me it is
DOW high time to turn attention to
creameries rather than oheose factor-
ies. There is a constant and eager
demand for choice butter. The home
market for that is very far from being
supplied, Everybody wants good
bread and butter ; but obsese is more
of a luxury. The eame advantages
belong to creameries in the manufao
tare of butter that characterize fact
ores for the produotion of cheese. A
reduction of labor and an increase of
profit are the chief of these. They
appeal at once to self-interest and the
augmentation of national wealth, If
the Ontario Government would now
set itself to the encouragement of the
creamery businese, as it has done so
nobly to the development of cheese
making, it would prove itself patriot
io and paternal in a high degree. Ire
experimental creamery is a good be
ginning, and is already having a
stimulative influence. I was in Mount
Forest shortly after my visit to Wood
stock, and found the farmers all agog
for a start in dairying. Nearly two
hundred of them attended% prslimiu••
ary meeting, and the greatest inter
est prevailed. Steps are being taken
to secure a visit from Prof. Brown
and els. Barre, of the Ontario Agri.
cultural (lollop, and they will find
a field white unto the harvest when
they go there. W. F. Clark.
"I must oongratulate you, on your
marriage, Mr. Pageby. Your wife is
oharruiug women." "She id, iu
deet) ; loving, luuiebin, and acuom-
pliehod,, and so naay pleased." "017.
I knew Illat when I heard else was a•
(lout to marry you.,'
John Bargreav0a at-. (lo., druggists, will glad-
ly inform may one sugqeiring of tlmm 07 the
woo dorful results of West's Cough Syrup. It
is an unfailing aura for all throat and 1,n41 die -
aims, coughs, colds, hoareeuess, influenza,
000etunptlou in its curly R agee, and wlr.,Ople g
coggir. Prion 4a Dente, 60 auto,and 81.00 per
Small girl—"Aren't you awfu ly
glad to be on laud eolnelime 2"
Unole—"Why, what do you mean 2
I tlettsr myself teat I am on land
'most of tho tune." Small girl—
"You are 2 Why, papa pays, that
whenever he Bee,' yon, you ere about
ndlasette over."
"I say. Aunt Chloe, you Is getSing around
right smart." •Yesfndeea I is, honey Iwag
pestered ands ick abed with Rheumatism for
Wonder oand r Family Liniment tis he speople aro
talking so mush about, and I was aura enough
curod. It done saved this old nigger's life."
Prise 46 pouts dad fie cents ver Pottle, 8011
by John B argreays set Co.
"'Pommy," exolaimed Mrs. Fogg,
"duel you know its Sunday ? Don't
you know that it is naughty to !nuke
a kite today 2" "But luy dear,"
Interposed Fogg, "Don't you dee he is
snaking it with a religious paper."
"Ohl" said Airs. F. "I didn't notice
An Irishman watohing a game of
base ball' was sent to grain by a foul,
which bit him under the left rid. "A
fowl, was ut? Begorra, I thought it
was a mule."
wim, you suffer with Dyspepsia and•Liver
, e reyou. Bold by G.G.A.iDeadmaga araateod
"If you don't keep out of this yard
you'll oatch it," said a woman to a
boy in West Lynn. "All right," an-
swered the gamin, I wouldn't have
some in if I'd known you folks bad
°Amman r oured, health and sweet breath se-
cured, by Shiloh's Catarrh leemody Price 26
Dente. Nseal injector free. Sold by Goo A.
An exchange says :—"A miss in
Iowa has hail' that 'weeps the floor."
Now if this mies had hair that could
cook, wrath and iron, and milk the
oowe, what a bonanza she would be
as a wife!
gatoon's Vitaliser ie whet you needier Con-
sttpation,lose of appetite, dinginess, and an
syrnptomeo'Dyspepsia. Pride 10 and 75 cents
per p0,00410. Bold by G. A. Deadman.
"Are you happy, ducky 2" "Reas-
onably so, dear." "Why, darling,
what do you mean by that 2" "I mean
that I am as happy, dear, as anyone
could be with a fall bonnet in the
summer time."
BLo1r'u Catarrh Bomdey—a positive 011re
for Catarrh, Dlptlieria, and Canker Month.
Sold by G.A. Deaadmu.
Oat of His Misery at Last.—"Let
me see. You knew Olayeon, didn't
you 2" "Oh, yes, I knew him well."
"Well, poor fellow, he's out of misery
at last." "What 1 is be dead 2"
"No ; but his wife is."
Oscine , whooping dough and bronehitia im-
mediately relieved by Shiloh's Oure. Bold by
0. A, Deadman.
The Queen's daughter gradually
ascended in the social snale'in eeleot-
ing a husband. First a Lord then a
printer. If the Queen had another
daughter she would probably look
still higher, and marry an editor.
Sffinon'p Cough and Oonenmption Cure is
sold by G. A. Deadman on a guarantee. It
cures consumption.
A woman can look a man straight
in the eye, blink, aud,talk to him by
the hour, while all tho time she is
pulling her neighbor's new bonnet to
pieces mentally, and decorating her
own. No mortal man can do it.
For lam° bank, aide or cheat use Shiloh's
?Mut Plaster, Price 25 omits. Bold by G A.
"Will you have some more bread,
Wilde 2" said a Kankakee mother to
her young hopeful, yesterday.' "No."
"What do you say 2" "No." "No,
what 2" "No more bread ; do you
take me for a bakery."
8rmeormsenights, made miserable by that
terrible Dough Shiloh's flare In rho remedy
for you. Sold by G. A Deadman,
"What does the minister gay of our
dew burying -ground 2" asked Mrs.
Malaprop ofher nelgbbor. "He doesn't
like it at all. He says he never shall
be buried there as long as he lives."
"Well," says Mrs. Malaprop, "If my
life is spared, I will."
Western Lady—"I am very sorry
to notice, Hrs. Pilgrim, that
your daughter is troubled with her
eyes." Boston Lady—"You must be
mistaken. My daughter has the very
best of eyes." "But I certainly see
her wearing glasses' the entire' time."
"'That le on account of bet extreme
modesty." ",Extreme modesty 1
What do you moan2" "She would
be most awfully shocked to look at
an . qu anlialaitea Minix 01 fruit Alp anybody with her reeked eye,,,
filE ]'EUPLE' COLb lJil,
tui)N l; 1 'CO LOAN 1 t•
11h Dent, :4tral 810 l''ausi It 1 ,";
ti0(01+3 FARMS FOlt 3 "t'
IAre t+lobilq,i,npr0ven n, . 1. '
in mete -a elate of Grey, nor, -•
lap lopt\ to A'ijlLGAPT 1,el n.'.-dpita , la,'
.Brus0ol,l' 0. '
Ii'JHES, J UBI;10 ": ii l'
lugscud driyate anomie V•'1
deourrtcd 10 modern 5451es ot •a.
rates, rstl In otos given, Adla,:, .lase• L 1
1 •
'10.01 ,lel r1
J, .\,Itao NP.1. SALE, 0)NT'ITN
Don't rte Deceived.
Beware al any druggist who will try to lu-
luoO you to take anything in plane of Mc-
Gregor ec Parke's Carbolic Oorate• It ie a
marvel of healing for Sores, Cuts, Burns. ole.
No fatally should bo without it. It has no eq-
ual. Gat 10001 agar de Parko's, and have no
other. Only 200 ,`3'er box at J. Hargreayoa ,4
"Ma, do little dunks hke' water 2"
"Yes, dear," "But they don't like to
bo out m the rain, do they ?" "Oh,
yes, they do." "Then why dons nurse
take an umberella with her when she
goes out in the rain 2 She's a little
duck 2" "Who says so 2" "Pa ; I
heard him tell her she was a little
duck Sestsrday."
IgoGregor's Speedy Care.
It is popularly admitted everywhere that
MdGregor's Speedy Cure is the safest, most
reliable and by far the o heapest remedy for
Constipation, Liver Complaint, Indigestion,
Inmure Blood.Loes oI appetite, and similar
Ir.ubles Itis net neoss0ary to take a great
quantity before any result is produced. A
few doses will convince you of ftemarits. Tri.
el bottle given atAargreaves'drol store.
At some of the Western, faire a
"great secret" is acid in sealed en-
velopes at ten cents apiece. Here Is
the secret :—"Never buy an article
before examining it. If you had
known this before you would not have
paid ten cents for a worthless en-
velope when you could have got a
dozen good ones for the same price."
Puny, sickly, fretful ohildreu, are very try
Lug to the patience of all who have the Dare
of them, and fu Oho majority of oases the-
frettulueee edam' from a weak and emaciated
condition of Ella body, caused by the drain on
Lhe ooue4ltutlon durlu$ 7110 period o! teetbi ng
orshe rapid growth of ohlldhaed, in euoh
eases give Robinson's Phospherieed Amuleion
according to dlreotione, or the advice of your
Cowboy—"Stranger, there's some
good men in thie gang, you heather
life, Do you see that quiet, iii ffen-
sive little mon over there ? You
wouldn't think to look at him that
he'd killed his dozen or more men,
would you 2" Tenderfoot—"Good-
ness gracious, uo 1 has he 2" Cow-
boy—"You bet, pard; he's a dootor."
Tenderfoot—"Oh, E see." '
ore ••011 '. 1(1, IS
%Gros 'Veered, or• will soli 00.
bu1181040. 1'h0 above pr,por(7"ij,1"" •
village of Brnsealo and w111 U„ &(1.1 nu •"
alIoInms. For toll
OrA3\I ,Y"'1' '''•
'' t•,
Proceedings were begun Monday
at Kingston to uueeat the Warden of
Frontenao County, on the ground of
bribery, treating and oorruptlon. De-
oision R'ae reeerved.
A Sensation.
An unparalleled sensation is being created
all over Ontario by the. Wonderful and uneq-
ualled manner in whioh Neuralgia, Toothache,
Aiheinua0iam, BackaOhe, Headache, is remov-
ed b§ but one application or Fluid Lightning,
No QAonaive, disgusting drugs need be taken
Eos fl ,70. It le pin fuetaut Dura. Try a 18o,
bottle 100503.m1031.
Hargreav00 Co., druggle/.
The Dominion Government is &bunt
to organize a marine police to proteot
Oandaian sea fishurioe from the en•
oroaohments of American vessels.
Capt. Peters, of the 7th Battalion,
who had his loft armaamputated on
account of rheumatlem °entrained
while with his regiment, in the North-
west, has been awarded a pension of
$1,000 a year for life.
Boyo and girls who are growing rapidly,
should, Ito unsure strong and healthy eonstit-
utioue), be given regularly Robinson's Phos-
phorised IOmulslon, to keep up the waste,
that ds oontitivally going on fu the system
during the growing period.
Mr. Shepard, sr., of the Grand
Trunk station, Berlin, met with a
terrible and fatal aooident last Friday
afternoon. it appears that f'hile
shunting trains his foot caught iu a
frog, and the' passenger train +ran
over his leg in several planes, cutting
it completely off, and also hit arm,
There is no 1 00ees1ty of passing a sleepless.
night and annoying the entire household with
that cough, as West's Cough Syrup will mire
701 like magic, the boat known romody for
ooughe, colds, aonsuuiPtio11 in its early stages,
anti all threat and lung,dfseasos. Sold by.1no.
klargreavel d: Co., druggists, Trico Jt cleats,
60 701101, and 81 per bottle.
About 11 o'clock on, Thursday
night of last week a lire broke' out.
in the Dominion Boller Skating Rink,
Kincardine, owned by ' Kelly
Bros. Thu buidiug wag totally mi-
stimed. Kelly's lose will exceed $8,-
500 ; insured in the British America.
for $500. 'I'lhe origin of the fire is
AA. t(ty T Y1 Y1 05,1,1 10 eon to 40041 :1
. f;•11t''i' ,vllt +can Yot f i
valuable, corm 1, -,110
that will 1 onu0, thou lo,11t(10th, �.
Of making more m00011
etoo to ca. Both nexus of ill hoclive 1t come
0me acud work in opera 11•01 n1 nit
the time. Oenlist not required, lir ill
!AAA vou, Immen00 pay sure tot tboeo wh
e tar4 et nnuo. 572148014 4
Pond aud, Matto
i1Ali;e1 BOB.—.,SALE.- REIN(.
I. north east quargter of lot 7, 000,0, 'Verde
notes cleared, thaubateaoif0ibush. 11'ripe are
lege aro good. There is R good uriu1 tmune
farm is 41 miles from myth, o 1
from Brussels. 'Share are live acme of Lill
wheat tn. Immediate po0u50sinn Dau bin it'-
00, The 0141010 pertsot. Pur fill pirttoolare
apply ooi1 the promises. WM, VI t0VINN , PV. Prot'
It havld:i oomo to ray knowleugo ,that oar•
tale interested parties are clrodbiliug a re-
port that I intoud to give .1p 10171110i,' I beg
to state that it Is not •ty iutentlento do any-
thing of the kind, on 0110 oen10001 I intend of
uilswoll, to smear in the Spring Due of the
boot stooks ever brought into Brussels. I
M07 elate tuatit is my lutetticu to snake a
change to rho business of whi,h duo notice
will he givoa. F. 0. 1BOGER. .
,L lug lot 14. on the 18th euu.00nta(utng 100
aoroa, south part lot 18 on 10 non., containing
46 -&ores. Lot 14is partly cleared, the bal-
ance) well timbered. A never falling melt
crosses the lot.aud it is well adapted for farm.
Diger 4001100. /Lot 1.0 is mostly cleared and
under good oultivatton, too balauoe well tint -
bored with bleak ash, 1ViU sell all together
oriu parts to soli the purchaser, 'Nor further
partleulara apply tothe proprietor on the
Promises. This lot is well draine . AVERY
L adorers of them/tale
0!thelate 8Ann1•L
BLatnt0Y off drier ealethateseellonttarm ,be-
1thalerm80 fwhich aoon. 12 re el0erod,10lire 1aaresparl-
There is a good frame ti 20 70x601aot with
stone • atabiing underneath. Immediate roe -
' mien willbo ,Siren. A stood portion of pur-
cbaseuloney wlllboallowodto stand onlnter-
wo, yeti 0riherpar110ulareapplYto
10 7 0 0110 6 5 street Toronto,
or JOHN SLitM3f0N.
16.11 Mimi P. 0,
or from any other astute.
The Accident Insliranre Company
01140111TH A:1LIIIIICA.
SIR A. T. GALT, G. 0. M. G., • Pagslntxr,
will insure you against accident, travel ling or
otherwise, for the sum of r -u0. per day, or $4.-
4:60 per month, mitring you $16.00 per week if
laid up Tram the aooldo❑t.❑r $3,000 Cu oath of
death, it that should poem. three months af.
ter the &Goldoni.
J. A. ORBLGHTOAgent, Brueieie,. ant
given that an. pplloa;tien will bo made to
the Legislature of Elio Provinee of Ontario at
the next 'session thereof, for an 401 ascetics
the TownehiPB of Wallace, Nl'ma and Marring-
ton in the Uounty of Perth, Bowiok and Grey,
in the. Comity of Huron, and Maryborcugl, in
the County of Wellington, with the Villages
Towns of oPal orison and
said (Dilution into a Provisional County, 00
be called the County of Maitland, with the
Town of Llatowel as the County Town, with
proviehu05imllar to these. oontafn0d 1n the
Act 00 Vloiorla,ob.apter 31, for tit0 ,formation
o 1711o0 panty of bulletin, sabjeot t'7Lthe ap-
proval of s majority of rho electors' of the
Raid to bo hardier the pure sea unden r maid an election
a 1000000 similar totho mid Aot for the
formation of the county of Dufierin.
DABLIN0 Sr 55A13101g,•
Solicitors for applicants.
de -8 Listowel, December, 18th, 1880.
In the , Township of Grey, in the
County of Huron.
Pursuant to the direotlon of James S. 0art-
wricht, Require. Olftolal Referee, 1111410 in a
certain matter of ro Clark, infants, there w111
be sold b ypublic emotion, with the approba-
tion oftho said Official Beforea, at Oho Cent.
rat Hotel, in the Village 0f Brunel/1, In the
County of Huron, cu 8wtarllay. the 27th day
of 8001yrlary. 1886, at tho hoer of twelve
o'olook, noon, by '. S. Soott, auotloneer, the
followtnglande and promisee, namely :—
Tho west half of lot -number ton, in the six-
teenth oonoe90ion, et the Township of Grey,
in the County of Huron, containing by ed.
hien t fifty acres of land, be the game
The property la well sttnated in a good
505501110 looalIOY 101001 d good market within
MX miles and of . easy dooms. The Janda ore
all cleared and in a state of cultivation with
rho monitor' of about Ave acres, whioh le
Uponodlrdho promfeos are eructed a lug hoose
and !name barn.
The property will he offered for role aitbjoat
said reserved
fes a and has
also to the
105000y020710Jama0Flonstou,101,1071 touenoy
expires on tho'alrt day of October next. '
T1111M0 01' eAnit.—Ton per Dent, of the put -
abase money shall be palate t110 Solioltor for
rho PetitIoher0 at the time of valet thirty per
oont, more shall bo paid into Court within
thirty days' thereafter, without interest, to
Ells credit of the said matter, and tho balance
to bo eoeured by n first mortgage 511 the land,
payable lufyo yoars,interest at six iter cent„
Yearly, to bo settled bribe Official Beforeo.
In all other respects the terms and condi-
tions of solo will 110the standing conditions
et the Ohaneery Division of the High Court
Tiurthorpatico.i'Oloulare CU 110 111170 from Z. 71.
Worm, Solicitor for the Infant Petitioners.
Dated at Toronto this i3ath clay of January,
Ju}9.t. GABT011olal1 ufete,
ol, bi wants.
To close out our present stock
of Plush and Loather Bound Al -
hams, to make room for other
goods, we have made a big reduc-
tion in prices. It will ploy you to
buy here.
mentor for''etlticnhre
1)ay Books, Journals, Ledgers,
Counter Blotters, Indexes, and
all kinds of Blank Books kept in
stock, also ble,nk.notes, orders, &c.
A11 will be sold at close prices.3 •'
We have a beautiful stock of
Family Bibles that cannot be
beaten for price. Come`and. com-
pare them with books .you purch-
ased fron agents. We have smal-
ler bibles suitable for church or
the Pocket, at low prices. We al-
so keop English Church Prayer
books, Presbyterian and Methodist
Hymn Books, &c.
Hand Sleighs.
ns balance of our stook of
Hand Sleighs, Toys and Fancy
Articles will be sold at Prices sat-
isfactory to the purchaser.
Paper 86 envelopes.
We make a specialty of handl-
ing good writing material and we
have this week received a lot of
Fancy Stationery that should be
Been by every lady. 10,000 en-
velopes to hand. .Foolscap, Note,'
and account papers in stook. 'Try
School Supplies.
411 the School Readers, Goo-
graphiec,•Grammars, Arithmeties,
Algebras, Botanys, Dictionaries,
Book-keeping Books,- Copy, Scrib-
bliug'and Exercise Books, Slates.,
Pencils. Pens, Inks, School bags,
Tablet Lessons, Chalk Crayons,
The proof of the pudding is in
the Dating of it and the public
generally will find it to their ad-
vantage to visit