The Brussels Post, 1886-2-26, Page 44
FRIDAY, FEB. 26, 1880.
131iatea ratLes.
Thomas Farrow, Ai. P., left for
Ottawa ou Mondale.
BON. George Lotlnds was intown
on Friday and Saturday of last week
looking es troll ;lad vigorous es ever.
Programs are out for the Baud
Concert ou Friday night. A splendid
array of talent ie presented. Hollis,
Seaforth's talented oomio vocalist,
and the Sage Co., of Walton, with
their musical glasses, have been se•
cured, but will not he the only at-
traction. Every name on the list is
a drawing card.
Dr. Scott and John Beatty, of
Seaforth, were making friendly calla
on the Dr's. old chums on Monday.
Mr. Beatty does not regret losing years and had been a great suffered,
the Police Magietraoy as the position all of which she bore in the true spirit
is not a desirable one butis sorry the of a Christian. Her husband died
appointment was so long delayed. about 4 geaage.
He blames the tardiness of the Gov Chas. Drs obaon'e sale was well at
eminent for the.coutempt with which tended and things sold well. One
the Scott Act is at present treated in horse brought $150. Mr. Dobson
this oounty. and family will leave this week for
Mrs. Pandegrast gave an excellent Kaneae where he will make hie
address to a slim audience on Mon -
We We wish tum abundant mo-
des, evening. This eloquent lady cess and hope fortune may smile up -
speaker poesesees a clear, ringing en
voice of considerable power. She is Ghim.
eo. Moir, of Usborne, .a few days
decidedly American in appearance ago bought a handsome coach eta),
and manner. ,Her brisk, curt sent- lion from Jas. Campbell, of Stanley,
delivered for a large sum. Mr. Mair intends
tatting him to Imlay, Lapier comity.
ItIiobigan, early in March. The
above mentioned coach etalhon is a
get from "Sir `ration Ooaohmau"
>✓thol. now owned by Messrs. McNeil, Shine
_ ,titDelgatty, of this township.
Revival services are still in pro- The township fathers were getting
grass in the Methodist church. ready 10 administer ti knock la the
Mise L. Spence has returned from head to the proposed County of Malt -
visiting fridnds at Georgetown and land when word came from Toronto
Tilaonburg.•to Reeve Strachan that the Govern•
W. E. Hicks has returned from merit would not take any action
Waterdown, whore he has been mill- in the matter thin session. We are
wrighting. satisfied to hold on to old Huron Co.
Mrs. James Spence ie poorly this yet and will do our best to show what
winter and is bothered with rheum- we think when the time comes for us
ahem and the effects of a broken to speak.
anile. . A good deal of squat° timber hive
John Heffernan has sold hie house been taken out in this section this
and lot to Mr. j,lcDonald, of Elma, winter, for the Quebec market. A.
for $800. He gives poesessron on the gang of men is still working in the
let of April. southern portion of the•township uu-
Next Tuesday evening the banquet der the supervision of L. McRae, of
to honor Wm. Milne will be held at Brussels. Such timber is evidently
Roberteori's hotel. A. good time is getting seams as they 810 liow pay.
expected in epeaoflifying, singing, mg a good figure for .what they would
eating, d c. not take at any pride a few years ago.
' On Monday evening a large num. The item whioli appeared 1n last
bor of young people of Ethel spent a week's issue over the signature of W.
very pleasant time at the residence Knight has again been the oeoaeion
of A. W. Panabaker. His brother, of much merriment all round, even
Ephraim, •frem Hespeler, was leaving more so than the first. He appears
on Tuesday so the party was held be. this time in a new light, excepting,
fore he went. A very happy and en- however, that of blowing his own
joyable time was .put. in and the horn and making unbecoming state -
young folks after heartily enjoying meats. Tho general opinion is that
theinselves returned to- their homes when he penned his first items he
with kindly feelings towards lir. and fully equipped himself for a contro-
Mre. Pauabaker.•versy, but his production was too old•
Last Monday Wm. Bawtinhimer's womanish for anybody to notice it on
dog jumped through H.F. MoAllis, that score. Now his last . item is
ter'e store window.- The dog had fol- termed the fruits of disappointment
lowed his master into the store and and is ucnsidered very old -womanish.
not seeing him in the-' shop took a The fact Burns might have been
short cut to get outside: The result musing over some such prodnotion as
was about $8 worth of china dishes his when he wrote the lines
were smashed that were in the win. wad some To se000rsele as ithers r the seat uime s,e us
Row and n pane of glass 86x48 was and lastly it may be stated that eith-
er of his items or both combined will
not in the least dampen the spirits of
any of the Young Liberals of Grey.
The township Council will meet at
Dames' hotel, Cranbrook, on Friday
of neat week for the purpose of ap
pointing patlnnastere, fence viewers
sand pound•koopers for the aiming
Last week tt wood -bee was held by
the members of the Presbyterian
Ohurob, Cranb rook, and the wood
ward of the pastor, was well stocked.
Tbie is a commendable way of treat-
ing the minister and should be follow•
ed by other congregations.
Time. Shiele, lot 16, eon. 15, liae
disposed of his farm, 50 acme, to
Bobt. Scott, sr. of lot 20, 000. 14, who
takes possession about Marsh 1st.
Mr. Shiele talks of going to Dakota
where his on resides. Mr. McNabb,
of McKillop, moves on to Mr, Scotts
old farm.
Mrs. Foster, mother to Mrs. Semi,
Ames, died at Cavan, on Sunday of
last week, aged 88 years. The old
lady had been ill for the past five
eneea elegantly worded and
in an energetic :business
would leed one to believe
was born south instead of
the 40th parallel.
that she
north of
shivered to atoms. The questionaie
DOW who will pay for the damage Mr.
McAllister, Mr. Bawtinhimer or the
n Thursday of last week the ma-
trimonial lint was tied between Jno.
Elliott, eon of Wm. Elliott, and Miss
Jemima McKelvey, by Rev. D. 'B.
McRae, at the residence of the bride's
father. Mies Jenett Elliott and Alea•.
Patterson acted ne attendants to the
bride and groom. After dinner the
happy twain left for a wedding tour
to Stratford and other places. We
wish the young couple sucaoss and
hope that their home may be filled
with olive brandies.
Our shanty boys have again return -
ea to the Elmo and Logan pine woode.
Miss Mary Sample returned home
from Muskoka last week after an
absence of Lon mouths.
Robt. McKay, con. 7, still keeps
very poorly and is gradually growing
weaker. His is an old complaints of
years' etanding.
Joseph H. Frain, of Nebraska, who
bas been visiting among his friehde
for the past five weeks, returned home
last Tuesday. He thinks a groat
deal of the met where he has' lived
for five years. •
An old folio' party was held at the
roeidenoe of John Long, 12th eon.
last week. When you hear about
folks having a "big, old time" you
get a faint idea of 'the enjoyment
there that night. There was i large
ettendanee present.
Ala Friss.
A communicatipn from Jno. Young
was crowded out this .,eek. It will
appear in our next issue,
Wm. Vincent has sold hie farm,
lot 7. con. 8, containing 50 acres, ad-
vertised in THE PosT .lest week, to
his neighbor, Michael Kelly, for the
sum of $2,475. This gives Mr. Kel-
ly 200 acres of land now.
We had Rev. W. G. Hanna, B. A.,
married to the wrong lady iu our re-
port last week. His bride is a Miss
Strang. Mr. Banns probably knows
the difference, however, so with thio
correction we will take our seat.
A. K. McAllister, lot 21, con. 2,
formerly of Grey, sold a three year
old, "Prince of Wales," entire colt to
a Mr. Young last week. The price
paid was $400. The horse weighed
1,625 pounds and is the makings of
a fine animal. He was from a Tinto
mare. The buyer will ship him to
the States.
COMIIENDABLE.—A. little eon of
Wm. Ellie, 8rd line, has been laid
up with a bad leg on whph are run.
ning some. To provide a few little
extras for the'purpoee of aiding the
little sufferer's appetite tho members
of the Debating Society raised $5.80
for this purpose. This is very °red-
itable and these contributing will
never be any the poorer.
TisrsTLE AND Bose. --Away in the
township of Morrie, amid the deep
winter snows, far from the monntaic
steeps and green vales of Britain the
sons and daughters of the thistle
suet resp blown and grow up together
in all their nature beauty. The
grafting together in the sweet betide
of wedlock of Mr. Anderson and Miss
Wilkinson was very tastefully and
nrlistioally•exemplified on the rich
wedding cake, the thistle and rose on
one stem, executed by Goo. Thain•
eon, baker, Brussels, was admired by
nIl, Riolr and costly lnottontoos
were proientod to the widely known
and belbved twain among their host
of well wishes we joie in the blessings
of that happy day.
When love did bend the,thistle's head
• To•matab a rose, sweet Wilkinson,
And on one stem'they now are wed
The little sprouts will Anderson.
DRSATINo SOCIETY. ---Tho timed
meeting of S. 8, No. 4 Literary and
Debating Society was held in the
school house on Tuesday evening.
The program consisted of a debate on
,,Resolved that fire is more destruct-
ive than water" which was taken
part in by Jae: Ireland, John Sample
and Peter Barr„ for the affirmative,
and Neil Bleak, John Barr and Jas.
Bowman, for the negative. Tho
former won. Songs by 0. B. [Iarris,
Jiro. McLauchlio, Rundle Cochrane,
and Alex. Grant. Readiugs by Juo.
Ourrie, Allen Ooohraue, Jno. Bow•
man, and Jas. Ireland. Lecture by
Joaeph Bowman. Dialogues by Dan.
MaLauchiin and Alex. Grant, and
anotbar by Mary Ireland and Maggie
McKay. A. recitation was given by
Jessie Robertson. The attendance
keeps up well and there is no leggiug,
in interest. A public eotertaiumeut
is talked of, the Nude to be approp•
'Hilted toward the purchase of a Mill
fur the sohool house.
A meeting of the village Council
was held last hIouday evening in the
Council chamber. All the mombere
preseut, the Reeve iu the chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and
passed. The following accounts were
read :—Mrs. Hart, charity, $2 ; Mrs.
Stacey, charity, $4 ; J. Hargreaves,
misoollaneous, 75e. ; Kcenig & Gcebol,
charity, $16.30 ; Newsome & Corey,
balance on work, $1,50 ; C. R. Coop-
er, on salary, $25 ; W. H.. McCrack-
en, for cart, $1.50.
Moved by Geo. Bteker, seconded
by tib. H. Kerr, tL• et the above no -
counts be paid, exoepting Konig &
Gceble's and that it be laid overuntil
next meeting. Carried.
Wen. Vanstoue & Sons' yearly state-
ment of amount of work done iu the
Roller Mill for last year, to secure the
exemption; was presented Moved by
W. H. Kerr, seconded by Jno. Wynn,
that the report be accepted and tett
a debenture be granted the Collector
for the sum -of $876.24, being amount
of taxes: on mill, and that the build-
ing be left off the assessment roll this
year. Carried.
Taxes were remitted for dogs killed
belonging to Geo, Cooper, $2, ; Mrs.
Anderson, $1 ; and S. Hopkins $1 ;
aleo the taxes of Geo. Colvin, $2.48,
and W. H. Foster, $8 72, on motion
of Geo. Barker, and W. P. Vanstoue.
Moved by W. F. Vanstone, second-
ed by W. H. Kerr, that the Salvation
Army pay $1.50 per day for the Town
Hall instead of $2. Carried.
The Reeve and Clerk reported hav-
ing attended Morris Council in con-
neatiou with the Land Improvement
question. Moved by W. H. Kerr,
seconded by Jno. Wynn, that E. E.
Wade bo instructed to write Morris
Council demanding the amount of
the•Oouncil. Carried.'
A. conversatiou took place in refer.
enoe to the care of the chairs, &c. in
the Town Hall, the appointment of a
constable, horse racing on the street
and trotting over the bridge, after
which the Council adjourned. -
Takes pleasure in informing tho
people of Brussels and surrounding
country thaf he has opened a
choice and Fresh Stock of
General Groceries
in the Stand lately occupied by
Our stock is well selected and it
will pay the Lublin to call ou us,
Special Bargains are offered in
Teas, Sugars, Canned Goods, lice.
Give me a Call and satisfy your-
I Remember the Stand, North
of the Queen's hotel, Brussels
I+Isal. 26, 1 t+80,
—0000000000 --
ZEE 0'
—0000000000 --
Begs to announce that having decided to Close Up the Present Groc-
ery Store and carry on the 13usiness in the One Store as heretofore
we have 'decided to have a
TUESDAY, FEB. 23RD, 0886,
and Continue for Two Weeks, aucl if the public never got Bargains
before ive intend to give them some on this occasion. Wo are .fully
determined to sell at some price or other to effect a Big Clearance.
We have been 12 years in business here and during the whole time
have never made any pretensions to a Selling off, and would not do
so now only that it becomes imperative on us to Sell a largo- amount
of geode to effect the desired change.
When we. Say 'a Thing we Mean it
without anyy humbug, and we most strongly recommend Everybody to
Teske of this Sale,
as probably they will not have such a chance of buying goods again at
the prices we intend to offer them for years to come.
To give some idea of what may be expected we quote :-
20 yards good yd. wide Cotton for $1.00.
Dress Goods from 5c. per yard upwards.
Good Checked Shirtings 8c. per yard.
Best Prints 8c. per yard.
20 lbs. Sugar for $1.00.
5 lbs. of good Tea for $1.00.
'8 Cans of Apples for 25c.
Men's Long Boots $1.50.
For Crockery and Glassware we do nob intend to keep any ionto and
will give these at
e —0000000000—
It's impossible to give prices of every article 'in au advertisement we
• have only to say
IA 3-3 o
On account of the large reduction in the Prices it must bo distinctly
understood to be
0 la
--0000000000— •
The present Grocery Store, without a doubt the very best stand in
the Village of Brussels, will be to rent.
—0000000000— •
All parties who have not ,yot settled up their last year's aecountiaro
requested to
Call and do so at Once
either by Cash or Note.
F. O. RO G RS,
Brussels, Feb. 15th, 1886.