HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-2-26, Page 3Almsle • AMMMOW Fan. 20, 1886. THE BRUSSELS PAST. A.eir)). PSALM: OF THE BALD HEADS, t Tell me »Ot, in merry accents, That I have au nnthdtohed roof ; 'Tie rho hairy head that lecke south-- I3aldnoes is of thought a proof. Hair ix vulgar, hair ismeelese, And to brush and comb a bore ; Making life but dud and juiceless, I need brush and comb no mure,, Not for wise mon matted hair Is, Black or brown or red ie fair ; Lot the savage of the hirairioe Waste Lie time in raising hair I Life is short and hairs are numbered, And, though Rios aro hardly borne, Still et nigh' I've ale aye slumbered, When the Lighten') Shave worn, For no future, bald-headed brother, You were. bald in infant days; (have not hirsute or another-- Brain nother-Brain it is; not hair that pay0, In the world's broad field of battle, V.hu'd be at the Limber's call, Listening to his tiresome tattle, Better bare as a billiard -ball. Lives of great men all remind us Iliac our ',mouth and polished pates Leaving all hairy beads behind us Let no thank the favored fates I Footprints of Old Time's fleet walking No one sees on oar smooth crowns, Nino no nitre the idle talking Made by anxious mop -head clowns. Let us, thea, O:hairless brother, Proudly through life's pathway rell; We remember that dear mother Earth is barien at the pole. TO THE MEMORY OF THE LATE ALEXANDER WEBSTER, BT 0!118 11. 0., 1110380EL8. Farr -well dearest brother We meat bid you adieu, _ And we all feel sorry At patting with )ou.' So we deeply deplore Rhe sad loss t.f a friend, And with tear0 of affection We bear ,you in mind. Possessed of each virtues, Ae gotdnces and truth, So kind and obliging Oh ; such a worth. The youth of our village, Both matrons and men, All mourn in procession To the place whence he came. So rices may vanish And ages go by And time and eternity Oloser draw nigh, So with tears of affection We will mark on the slab At the bead of the mound Where our hero is laid, Sleep on dear brother, Peace Le to thy Foul, We all all soon must follow ' To flit up the roll. When the last trumpet sounds And the dead will arise, And with robes of snow whiteness Bo will mut to the akiee, , Then the Great Judge'ill appear Among' hie angels of light And the verdict will be To the right, to the right. TEE WASHERWOMAN'S FRIEND. In a ver) humbleeot, In a rather quiet spot.' In the suds and in the soap Worked a woman hill of hope ; Workitg, aiming, all alone, In a sort of undertone, "With a Saviour for a friend; Re will keep me to the end." Sometimes bapponing along, I heard the semi -song, And I often used to smile, More in empathy than guile; But I never maid a word In regard to what I heard, As the sang about her friend, Who would keep hertothe end. Not in sorrow nor in glee . Working all day long was she, As her children, three or four, Played around her on the floor; But in monotones the song She was humming all day long, "With a Saviour for my friend, Ile will keep me to the end." Just n trifle lonesome she, Just as poor as poor could be, But her spirits always rose, Lilco the b ebble0 hi the olothoa; And though widowed and alone, Cheered with her monotone,. Of a Saviour and a friend 'Who will keep her to the end. I have aeon her rub and scrub On the washboard in the tub, While the baby, sopped in suds Rolled and tumbled in the duds; Or was puddling in the pools With old scissors stuck in spools ; She still humming of her friend Who Would keep her to the end.. }lumen !hones and human reeds Bevo their root in human needs ; And I would not wish to strip From that washerwoman's lip Any song that she oan sing, Any hope that songs can bring For, the woman has a friend 'Who will keep 1ier to the end. warimaressweassannsassessamesse Nothing definite has boon settled at Ottawa regarding the ° sending ens of a hying column to the 3 orth.wost to matte impressions on the Indiana, aa racenamended by Gen. Middleton 110UN1'siiuld0 WITS. A little borax put in the water in which i oarlot napkins 0011( rod - border -ed towels are to be wa.+bed will pre. vent fading. Boiled etaroh eau be mush improv- ed by the addition of a little sperm or a little snit, cr both, or a little diesoly ed gion arable. When the burners of lamps become clogged with char, pill them in a strong ourip'u de and boil awhile to clean them. Dry salt applied every day and brushed into the roots will maks the hair olllly and cause it to grow. Do not continue but rt year, or two at longest, n; 11 i0 a etrong tonic, The method of cleaning velvet is a secret It owl be greatly freshened by steaming it over boiling water, caro being token to expose the wrong side of the velvet to the steam ; but thisisuseful only where the damage is not very great. The olaeticity of oano-chair bottoms can be restored by waebing the cane with soap and writer until it 10 well peaked, and then drying thoroughly in the air, after whish they will bo come as tight and firm as new, if none of the canoe are broken. Oue tablespoogfnl ofgronnd brown mnstard seed, mixed with two table- epnonfuls of Juke -warm water, will make a very efficient plaster. Lay this between well -warmed muslin and fold the edges, that the linen of the bed your, person may not be soiled. A. little molasses will prevent blistering. Javell water often met with in words and articles on cleaning and dyeing, is Dade of One gallon of water and four pounds of ordinary %gaiting soda ; boil. for five or .ten minutes, then add one pound of ohlorid of lime. Let 000i, aucl keep corked in a stone- ware jar or air tight vessel. The best way to apply salt to paths to destroy wesde 1s as follows. Die - wive the salt iu water, one pound to one gallon, and apply the mixture with a watering porthat has a spreading nose. This will keep weoda and worms away for two or three years. Pot one pound to the square yard the first year ; afterwards o weaker solution may bo applied when requir- ed. TEAT SMELL OP PAINT. -The smell of paint may be taken away by sloe Mg up the room and Betting in the centre of it a pan of lighted charooal on which have been thrown some juniper. berries. Leave this in the room for a day and night, when the smell of paint will be gone. Some persona prefer spell or water in which a handful f hay IS soaking. This is also effectual in removing the odor of tobacco smoke from a room. RELIEF Fon BuIIN0.-131-'°arbonot0 of soda affords speedy relief for exter nal berm, and should be kept in every house. Apply the soda to the burned part, and moisten well, binding a wet sloth over it. In nearly all cases the relief is alhn0st instantaneous. If one application should not relieve, make -a second after a few minutes. It has been found that burns heal more rapidly by this method of treat. went than by any ether. Flannel which has become yellow with use may bebleaohed by putting it for some days in it scJutton of hard soap to whish strong, Ansonia- has been added. The right proportions are 1} pounds of hard soap, fifty pounds of soft water and two-thirds of a pound of strong ammonia. soiut- ten. The same object may be ob. tained 41,'5 !better time by placing the flannel for a quarter of an hour in a weak solution of bisulphate of sodium, to which a little hydrochloric acid has been added. Cauadittax Ne-cvs- , .. petition, signed by 41 the him - Meese men of Essex Centre, setting forth the inconvenience: and expense to which they are put by the existing customs regulations, has been for. warded to Ottawa. W. S. 3ohnston, Reeve of Port Elgin, recently elected Warden of Brune, on returning home from at- tending the meeting of the County Council watt the recipient of an ad- dres'1 and gold headed cane from his constituents. Bro. Johnston is one of the proprietors of the 'rimes. The stores of the firma of S. Robin d1 Co. and Lebautellier, of Paspebiac, Que., were 'Monday morning • raided by a crowd of French Canadlana, The doors of the provision stores were broken open. and about 200 barrels of flour 'taken, Every effort was made by the agents of the firm, the clergy and tho Mayor to being the crowd to reason, but without avail. Half a barrel of flour and potatoes wore offer- ed each of them and rbjooted, and the ringleaders 1ed on the 200 rioters, wlio helped themselves to all they could take. This crowd belonged to Pagpebiae alone ---that ie, the French portion of The Kincardine people want to pnr°hase a steam fire engine. Wiltrtou'e new industry, a chair Sud box factory, is now in operation. The Manitoba Local Legislature has boon called to Inset for tho dos• patch of hammier; on Marsh 41h. The Ontario Dairymen'e Amide, tion propoee huldiag a number of email cheese oonv0utions in different parts of the country, and Ridgetown is one of the plaees selected. Prof, 'Wilmont, of the Newcastle fish hatchery, has received the lar - gent sturgeon caught in Lake Huron for forty years, which he intends to here stuffed and sent to England for exhibition, At the annual meeting of the offim- ere of the 26111 13nttelion, held at Strathroy a few evenings since, it we decided to furnish the whole Battalion with regulation holmeta, at a oo0t ' of nearly $800. The vote on the organ question in St. Andrew's Onurob, London, was counted and resulted in favor of the organ by a vote of 8 to 1-510 to 167. That settles the "kiet o' whistles" finally there. It hag boon a burning Question for over 10 years. Kiugeville, some months ago, voted to give Green & Barber a bonus of $8,500 for building a saw mill there. The mill is now finished, but there is some misunderstanding between the firm and the town, and the bonus is net forthooming. Negotiations are now being made for the puroheee of a magnificent pie organ, at to Dost of about $1,600, which, it is expected, will be planed in the Granton Methodist churoli and ready for use In about three months. Fully 8000 .people, headed by braes bands, moral to'the depot at Hasa. inge to witness the simultaneous ar- rival of delayed :mine. Twenty.nine passenger trains pulled into the Un. ion Depot inside of thirty minutiae. The blockade had lasted ten days.- Vmaha Bee. According to the Shelburne Free Prase a gang of swindlers is working in that district reporting themselves as representing the Hamilton Seed Company and.eelling a choice kind of wheat, which the buy from one farm- er at 80 cents per bushel, and bull- doze the other into paying $8 per bushel for it. A public meeting was held at Al- tenburg Friday night to devise means to ferret out the murderer of John Bates and wife on Jan. 22nd. A committee was appointed to examine the mine of the burned houso'and to petition the County Council to offer $800 reward in addition to the $100 'offered by the Ontario Government. A. Wiarton man has invented a cradle'whioh can be wound up like a clock, and will run all day if requir- ed. The husband .will be able to have a clean shirt every week .now, and no more holes in the heels of hie socks, and the old song, "Rook the cradle, John," will lose ite • popul. alike following are the newly elect- ed officers of the South Huron Con- servative Association :-President, W. J. Shannon, Seaforth • Vice -Pres- idents, Wm. Graham, Stanley, and Dr. Coleman, Seaforih ; See.•Treas., George Jackson, Edmondvillo. A. condolatory resolution was passed to D. H. Ritchie, ex -President, for his mast services and oouneej. Mr. Balfour has introduced a Bill into the Local Legislature, to amend the Franchise Act, which will no doubt receive the Hearty Resent of the House. He proposes to enact that the time spent by the sons of land- holders attending college, or other. wise pureuiug their studies, and the time spent by the sons of sailors and fishermen while absent from home in the pursuit of their respective callings shall be counted to them as time ilpont at home, The Executive Committee of the .Young'Men's Liberal Association of Ontario will meet at the Reform Club in Toronto on Friday next. Members from all' parte of -Ontario are urged to be present, as very Im- portant business will demauct the at- tention of the committee. Among the objects of the meeting will be to promote the organization of °tube and to take what farther steps are necessary in connection with the vot- ers' hate. Apparently the Cherokee Ianguage supplies the longest exiAling word in "WiuitawtgeginaliekaW wlu'ngtanatem- olitieosti," which means "They ' will by that time havenearly dose grant.' ing (favors) from a dietanco to them and to me," And according to the same writer, "lionorifioabilitwdinily" is the longest word in the English literature. In .Aztecan equally far- inidabje combination of vowed and conaonante waste. It ,in "A:matte:a uilolitquitcatiaxlebuilii," ;and it means "payment received for hay- ing•been beater of a paper .With writ. ingot it.. The Newfoundland Legi lature opened on the 11111 lest. by 8 peel) from Sir F. B. T. Carter, J,dmioio. trator of the Gorornment, A, J, W. MoNollly was °tweet' Booker, Dairy Oonvourioue under the awl - piece of the Western Association will be Held at Listowel, 26th ; Strltihroy, March 8rd ; Ingersoll, March 4th ; Brownevillo, Merrill 10th, mud Water- ford, March 21111. Geo. Bishop, postmaster at Colen- zo, Grey county, inform; the Medford Mirror, that during the heavy snow storm which uoourrad about the let• ter end of Jauuary, two eheep were covered by a drift beside a fence. Some seven days after a dog got scout of the animals and succeeded in scratching a hole into the drift large enough to allow the exit of the eheep. One of the sheep took advantage of the opportunity offered and made its way home. The other through weak nese or some other cause, remained in the drift until the following day, or eight days after bong snowed nu - der, when Itfr. Bishop followed the dog and liberated the animal. The sheep have been wall cared for since, and show little signs of having had so lengthy a fast. The Elora correspont of the Guelph Mercury is responsible for the follow- ing extraordinary pare:"A few weeks ago, a threshing took place at the farm of Nathan Cowan, 26th sou. of Peel, when a valnable fat pig was eo- oidentally buried in a straw emelt. At the end of twenty -fire "days, his pigsbip being probably,, anxious to learn later news of the day than had reached him m his involuntary re- tirement, worked hie way through the superinoumbent straw to liberty, 1tfr. Cowan was surprised and de- lighted at the reeovery oK his missing animal, but calculate that he had lost about 100 lbs. of good meat by the temporary burial of kis porcine friend. THOS. FLETCHER, ?rutin' Watchmaker ad Ilooler, Gold Watches, Silvan Plated Ware, Silver, Watches, Clocks, Gold' Rings, Violins, Etc, I keep a fullline of goods usually kept in a first-class Jewelry stores Call and examine,. no trouble to show Goods. issuer of Marriage Licenses. Agent for Ocean Tickets, Amer- ican. Express Company and Great Northwestern telegraph Company. Canadian Patine Railway Time Tablol Teeswaterrrlt�Branch. tlotnE West. Man, Elpre 0 Toronto.. Dal, 7.20a,m. o Orangeville • , 9.50 " Orangeville Jot 0.05 " Til Amaranth ,. 10.15 '1 10 Waldemar... 10 24 " %til Luther , - . 10 81 " 264' Arthur 11.08 90x} Kenilworth.... 11.30 " 38} MT„Foanap „ 11.58 a.m. 426404..* 4 Pagoo =......112,16 p.m, 471 RAanraeo.l .... 12.28 561 Fordwioh .. .. 12,55 " 60 Gerrie . , ... 1.08 " 621 Vtrroxeter 1,15 " 69 Wingham Road 1.88. " 74 Toeswater..Arr 1.55p.m. 5,40 p.m,. 7.05 7.22 " 7.32 01 7.88 " 7,44 " 8.10 " 8.29 8.40 9.01 9.10 9.81 9.40 0.46 10.08 10.15 ASlies. Going Bast. Express. Mall 0 Teeewater Dep 5.15 a.m. 2,15 p.m. 5' - Wingham Road 6.28 " 2.30 ' < 11/ Wroxeter ,... 5.17 " 2.49 14 Gerrie ., ..., 5,58 " 2.56 171 Fordwioh ,. .. 6.02 " 8.06 261 rtarriston ,. ,. 6.25 " ' 8.29 80 Pagoe 7.. , . , . 6.85 " 8.40 851 Mt. Forest,... 6,51 8.57 484 Kenilworth .. 7.09 " 4.10 501 Arthur , .. 7.26 " 4.89 611 Luther , .. 7.58 " 5.10 64 Wa.ldemar.... 7,58 " 5.17 661. Amaranth 7 . 8.04 " 5.24 170 Orangeville Jot 8,12 " 5.85 " 74 Orangeville . 8.35 " 5.66 << Toronto„ Arr. 10,4 a, m• 3.35p.m Refreshment and Dining Rooms " <f • 22 TOICO11TOJUNOTION, ORANGEVILLE ANI/ OARLETON J rt1CTltON, MAT1vOMMZOIi' 3.3-Et.0 axis CIN' THOUGH TRAINS -naTwa0.1'•- •--TO11O1ITO AND MONTREAL. -- T. EILETO11ER, wieaer Aolet r, slatrsetiws. NEW BLACKSMITH Brioryourlamobcrsesto Daniel Ewan, he has. LEASED W. T. Hug%wxt's STANT, brussels, having practised for years and x11161110 tile highest poultion iu the heading horse shooing establishment 01(3rebstn, Edln- inburgh,Seotland. Also haying passed with honors through the Royal Veterinary Shoeing School. of 1, H. Smith, London, ,England - where huudrede of crippled horses passed our hands dally 1 0511 safely guarantee tau sin 0, contrasted feet or interlerlm horses. TN'ow work and repairing o1 all kinds done on rea- nonahle terms, and workmanship that will please, B9 giving me a call if eel satisfied 1 would secure your trade, n. SWAN, 11.11 - Bunter's old Stan THE GREAT TIHOROUGHFARE '10 THE NORTHWEST. Tie It, Paul, Miaaoapolia & Manitoba, RA1TL 6PATi.', with its 1,500 mites of road. Itis the only line extending through the Park Region of Minnesota, to all principal pointe in Red River Valley, Northern Minnesota, North- ern Dakota. The Shortest Route to Fargo, Moorhead, Sank Ventre, Wahpeton, Cassel - ton, Breckenridge, and Morris. The Only Lino to Grand Forks, Grafton,. Mayville, Larimore, Devils Lake, Crooks- ton, Portland, Rope, Winnipeg, Hillsboro, Ada, Alexandria, and to DEVILS LAKE A1'7D TURTLE MOUNTAIN DIST'S, in which there is new the largest area of the most desirable vacant Government Lands in the United States. The lands of the St. Paul, Minneapolis'bManitoba Rail- way Co. in Minnesota are particularly de- sirable for all alarms of farming, are offer. ed at very low prioee, and easy terms of payment, and it will be to the advantage of all seeking mw homes, to examine them be- fore purchasing elaewhere. Maps and pamphlets describing the coun- try, giving rates of fare 'to settlers, etc., mailed FREE to any addreaa, by JAMES B, POWER, Land and Immigration Comm'r, C. H. WARREN, General Passenger Agent, St. P. M. & M. R'y., ST. PAUL, Stxoo. WEAR SPECTACLES And Eye -Glasses -That Will Preserve Your Eyesight. - F, L I Zd2IR US, Manufacturing Optician, late of the firm of Lazarus & Morrie, 28 Maryland Road,. Harrow Road, London, England, ban ap- pointed an agent for the Renowned Spect- acles and Eye -Glasses which have been be- fore the public for the past 25 years. LAZARUo' Spectacles never tire the eye. Last many years without change. ---For sale by - JAS. DRE WE, -:- Hardware aferobant•, 81.3m" Brussels, Ontario. STOVE COAL Always G 1'l hand, BLACKSMITH'S COAL, NOW IN STOCK. ALSO ANY QUANTITY OF CEDAR -A: E JLC' C F1 Por sale. POSTS Call hid up Full a once. Apply to a B. CER.Y.