HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-2-19, Page 5/t Fes, 10, 1886, Listovvel, W, G. Hay & Son are on the grain market thio winter.—Cur townspeople are hammering away on the agrioul- tural park business,—Tho County town question is being boomed with increasing vigor and with good hopes as to permanent rosults.--Wm. Lowe of this town, is anointing a theologi- cal college, ---The Montreal boreo market has heou receiving addtti.oua by ehipmonts from this town, A. mooting of about twenty five fermiers assembled in the 'Town Hall, 012 Tuesday, to inose a report of the working of the Listowel Creatnery. Tho report read was encouraging to our now 'industry, the butter made brought nearly 24 outs per pound in theLondon,Eng., market, the patrons received 75 cents per 100 panicle of milk, and the skim milk returned after all expenses were paid. Next year a basis of working was agreed upon at the rate of 4c. per lb. of hut. for for making, all expousoe except hauling being paid by the maker. It is estimated that a return of about 70 to 75e per 100 pounds of milk will be ale/magi by the patrons on the average during the Doming season, (unless butter should fall in price), and in ad- dition the patrons will have the sweet, new, skim milk for stock feed at the time they need it, while later on it will be left at the factory bringing in addition 20o. per 100 pounds. Al the close of the meeting quite a numbs,. of farmers signified their intention of patronizing the Creamery. The out- look at present is that the season's work will be suceesssful lend that the Creamery will pay quite as well if not better than the cheese factories. Wm. Shearer, of Elms, anted as chairman attic meeting and much -interest was taken in the proceedings by all pres- ent. B1neyale. John Etohor is convalescent. Band concert on the 28th inst. Miss Bina Farrow returned home from. Ottawa last week, looking all the better for her sojourn at the Cap- ital. Mrs. Pendegrast, of Seaforth speaks in the Presbyterian church nextMonday evening, subject–"Home Influence." Charlie Jackson, of Calgary, N. W. T., is visiting his parents here for a short time. He left his ranch about two weeks ago. The weather there then was beautiful and stook on the preiries•in good condition. To judge by Charlie's looks life on the foot - We is healthful and pleasant. G. A. Reid, artist, of Toronto, form- erly of time place; lane had one of hie subjects, "Where the crane feeds," selected for exhibition at the Indian and Colonial Exhibition in London next Bummer. Although but a young artist the merit of Mr. Raid's ,work is rapidly attracting attention. Rev. 'lir. Cook moved into the fluty new personage last week,•aud expres- ses himself its well pleased with the oomfort and convenience of the build - rug. The thanks of the Society aro tine to James Timmins who, at sou• siderable inconvenience and annoy• once to himself, provided so neat and oommodions a house, for the very modem. expenditure of $825. A few of the members of Rev., Mr. Cook's Bluovals 000gregatioq drop-. ped into the parsonage on Monday evening to see how Mr. and Mrs. Cook fitted their now quarters and to congratulate them un thio their first essay at housekeeping. The .general air of comfort and coziness. *hilt has been eo quietly produced wee the oubject of general remark. E. T. Slommou, who has been poorly for the part few week, hoe boon granted% month's furlongh, in which to recruit his health. Mr. Thompson will have charge of the school during that time. 'It is tete hope of this community that Ed. may speedily 70. gabs his m bored vigor and return to his duties, as ho is doing excellent work and cannot well bo spared. The marriage of Jnb: M. Farrow, eldest son of Thos. Farrow, M. P., mail clerk on the ii, H. B., to Miss Kato Young, daughtee of Jas. Young, of Gorrie, which took place in St. Stephou'e ohureh, Gorrie, on the 10th inet,, was most pleasing in every par - tinier. The' spacious church was nearly filled with invited guests and personal Mende' of the popular young groom and his beautiful bride. Miss Bina Farrow, sister of the groom, as. elated as bridesmaid, Geo. Duffield, of Wingham, supported the groom. The bride was dressed in a becoming bronze green silk, with real laoo draping and orange blossoms, and tulle. Miss Farrow wore bronze greets tried with garnet facings, The knot was tied in true episcopal style by the Rev. Mr. Moorehonee. After the Wedding breakfast at the residence of tate bride's father, tho bridal couple, !Mended by some Seen couples, drove over to Wingham, where tl'oy took the train for Chicago. The gifts to the bride were nuususlly numerous, elegant and costly. if the character of the clay be soy anilioatiou of the bride's future, thou the future happi• nese of this bride is sou ed for balmy air and beautiful ouuyhinu were both in attendance. O'V11;14 hrrm. The salt well hoe been abandoned. —An elm log was delivered at Ander- son's saw mill that contained about 1000 feet,—Goa, Shaw and Joe. Saint wens fined $8.85 each fur disturbing tho Gospel Army,—A charity concert is on the program.—Next season the roller rink will bo turned into an ice rink.—They fine people for furious driving on the streets in Wingbam,- 13. Oornyn boat W. 'Misstep for the silver cup ownership on the rink last week.—Some of the young ladies are wishing that S. B. Smale, who was at the carnival last week, from Bru- nie, would raturn to town egain.-28 degroeo below zero was registered here this winter.—The Phippen family have "tumbled" into a little fortune. It was`divided among' the children. There is Said to be more to follow.— Thee, Farrow, M. P., addressed the electors in the Town Hall on Wednes- day evening of this week. (7anadian Ne,war. Bishop Fabre, of Montreal, is dang- erously ill. The Welland Canal contracts have been awarded. Smallpox has again broken out in 'it suburb of Quebec. A gang of counterfeiters have been broken up in St. Catharines. The employees of the Massey Works returned to work Tuesday. Hon. Mr. Robertson, Proviooial Treasurer of Quebec, is dangerously 111. John B. Gough has had a stroke of apoplexy, and lies iu• a critical con- dition. Mr. Coffee, a Guelph lawyer, has abandoned hie profession to become a Jesuit priest. ,The directors of the Kingston Gas Company talk of buying an electric lighting apparatus. In the township of Louth, near St. Catharines, a colored woman nearly 121 years old, died on Sunday. Jas. A. Keaoiaie, of Beverly, h.as a pooket rule which be has carried on his person for thirty-three years. - John Leitch was eleotod Mayor! of Ridgetown. The election was rend- ered necessary by John Moody's re- signation. The municipal Couuoil of Parte. adopted a resolution favoring the granting of amnesty to all political offenders. W. Bell & Co., of Guelph, during the past week made Large consign ments of organs to the Bahamas and Barbadoes. The Council. of the Dominion Ar- tillery Association have decided to send a Canadian team to Shoebury- ness this season;' � The municipal nom'hnations for Montreal took place . Monday. i+or Mayor Boaugraud and Decal (No. tary) wore nominated. Warden Hogan, of Frontenao, hese been unseated, owing to a Mistake of the aseessor in transferring figures from the assessment roll. At the inaugural meeting of the Brighton Fanners' Institute, a reso. lution was passed requesting the Ontario Government to appoint an etienologist for this .Province. Hod. A. M. Roes, in reply to Mr. Baxtor,.etated that it was the in. tention of the Government tp 'Plage a sum in -trio estima os for thii, purliose of aseistinl, theOnttrio .l3sekebbere' Aseociitii'on to make , air exhibit of Apiariati produote i.t the,Oalouiel ex- hibition. • STO JAS. ANNETT Takes pleasure in informing the people of::Brussels and surrounding country thaf he has opened a choice anti Fresh Stook of General Groceries in the Stand lately occupied by GEO. THOMSON. - Our stock is well selected and it will pay the public to call on us. Special Bargains aro offered in Teas, Sugars, Canned Goods, &e, Give me a Call and satisfy your - Se Veg. our-Seines, JAMES ANNLTT,. tar Remember the .Stand, North of the Queen's Hotel, Brussels. THE 131117SSELS POST. I' anumcaaTrmvTr"}�'�' e NEWhsrNgBs�nrrMRrz,.'m„ 111,run TW �3T `] 19{ r'ryLY, The opportunity •,f a life time that Every- one requiring Allo W"AR, Should take advantage of. The Whole of my Large Stock, embracing Every Line of Goods in a First -Class Hardware Store will be Sold, Positivel regardless;,. f adalletimIllaYamisam a sty+ You may. never have another chance like it. sTa . DRE.W Golden Padlock.. 13RUSSELS, Fob, 18t1), 1880.