HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-2-19, Page 2s /FE 138U$8ELE1 e08% ihetc47 Of Chuoho: LAd Sooiati L ' X2x.viLrlt ODIInoa.—Sabbath Sel'vioe0 at 11 a.m. and 6;30 p.m. Sunday SohOol at 2290 p.m. Rev. no. Ross, D. Al paster.,. ILN0x Onunon.—Sabbath Seryioes at 11 assn. and 6:80 p.m. Sunday Sohool at 2:30 P.M. Rev. 8. Jones, pastor. ST.7onx's Onunou.--Sabbath Services at 11 amt. find 7 p.m, Sunday Sohool at 4:30 ase. Rev. W. T. Cluffe, incumbent. MINrnonsar Ounn0n.--Sabbath Services at i(W a.m, and 6180 p.m. Sunday Sollool at 2.50 gm. Rev. Wm. Smyth, pastor. 11011AN ONroOLBo Onuacii.—Sabbath Ser - vine third Sunday in every month at 11 a.m. Rev. R. J. Shea, priest. ODD FELLOW'S LODGE every Thursday otpming in Graham's block. Damao Lone& Tuesday at or before full noon in Vanetono'e block. A. 0. U. W. Lonox meets on 2nd and 1886 Wednesday evenings of each month. Foca olln'S Lonox 2nd and last Monday ovaninge of eaoh month in Smnle's hall, L. 0. L. let Monday in every month in t~1.ang0 Hall. Poet Oa''wa.—Office Hours from 8 a,m. 7 p.m. SAM JONES' SUNDAY SERMON. Cinoinnatti Enquirer's report of Sam's Sunday Sermon :—"Every man in this country is the product of homo miesionary work. The man who gives to foreign missions is the man for whom home missions have done much. Here is a man, we'll say he comes to church in his fine carriage and give $10 a year to foreign min- sione. There isn't a Hottentot under heaven who would gives $10 for that man's religion. My Christianity is that I haven't a momekt'e time, a drop of blood, or a dollar of money that I can't give to God. Cinoinnatti spends its millions to damn the city and hundreds to save it. Pews in the saloons are full, but here in the churches you all pay big money for the best pews, and crowd sinners to the back seats. It's an eternal shame to sell the pews in a church. My God, how my heart dropped when I heard this church rented its pews. If you can't live without renting them' why close up, and the sooner you du so the better. As if 500 men. can't raise money enough to pay one poor preacher without renting pews ? Meth- ..odism in rented pews is as much out of plane as a South Carolina cornfield darkey in the White House. Some of you may say to me "if I'd known you as ere going to talk tnis way I'd voted you not to come." Well, you can hold a meeting to -morrow and vote me out Brothers, wipe out this disgrace. If we can get you rub bedlup a little you'll -shine; you don't now. There are men' professing to be christians in this church. God can check on ,you for $100 and you'll swear you haven't got the money, :ind immediately go down town and buy, a corner lot and pay $5,000 for it. Go.l Almighty will put you in hell, old fellow, for lying. Here's a lady who is naked to give something to Some good cause. She'll tell you elle would gladly do it, but has no money, and in a week or two you'll read in the paper that Mrs. So-and-so gave a swell entertainment at her house that must have out her $500. She'll go to hell for such lying 1 Here's a Meth odist, we will say, whose annual in oome ie $10,000. His expenses, •m - eluding church contribution, amount to $8,000 a year. He'll tell you be's got all the world's goods he wants, but you go to him and ask him for 4500 for the Orphans' Home. He'll lium and haw and say, "Splendid cause ; wish I was fixed so I oould give it" ; but he .won't, and et class- meeting that man will get up and say he wouldn't give up hie hope of heav- en for all the riches of earth ! That fellow thinks he's fooling Clod 1 Here's a steward worth $100,000 assessing himself $200 a,year. Old Bro. B., Who works in a foundry, he puts down at•$2 a year. Brother B has a hard time to get along. Many a time his family have no sugar for their coffee. The rich steward goes to him and asks for his contribution. He hasn't saved a cent, and tells the steward so, who remonstrates with him, saying, "Brother B., I give $200 a year, you should certainly provide for your con- tribution," That man goes home at night sick at heart. He thinks over his poverty, and lies abed brood- ing over the steward's call. Then he 'mself, "G rod knows if I give Btohl g $2 a ,year he ought to give $1,000, and if one devil gels mo for the $2 I didn't pay, 40 devils ought to get him for the $800 ho didn't pay." You'll never do much in a church until you get a liberal Board of Stewards. I think there must be one or two stingy once here in Trinity. Smoke them out. The atewaids have told mo to give it to you, My concern ie a double. back -action arrangement, It hits both ways, and you've got it to -day. If you can't pay your preacher at Trinity without renting its pews, tolfe a pauper's oath, and I'll have collec- tions taken up for you all over the • country. Let's quit this puiv renting business." VARIETIES. The towel's slang—"Wipe off your chin 1" Shtloh'e Cure & Will lmmallatet33 relieve Croup, W00optne cough anti llronollitle. Bold by C:, A. Deedn.en. Be that ]endeth to a tramp giveth to a saloonist. A Hegel Injector tree with aaoh bottle or Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Prloo 50 osnts, 8018 b7 G. A,Deadmau. The right kind of a dog in a yard is a terrier to evil -doers. mese hooking Dough can be so ciuickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. Wo guarenlos it Bold b y G. A. Deadman. No woman can lace herself so tight as a man can drink himself. Why will you Dough wham Shiloh's Ouro will geld namedintmldma,Prion 100., 500,, and 81. 'Young man, never hug a delusion —makes pretty girls aro very eearoe. "Two weds are better than one," as the Mormon elder remarked. For Dysper ata ane Liver Complaint, you have Vitalizer aIt nev neverfallsto eu e. Soottle ld b7,G.A.Doadman, One of the lost 'arts—the one that the boy stole from the bakery. The ,world moves. It probably finds it cheaper to move than to pay rent. Are you made miserable by Indtgoetion Con - Bradlee ,Dizzinese,Loss of Appetite, bellow Skin 7 801101'5 Vitalizer is a positive Duro. Sold by G. A. Bondman. The world owes every man a living but some of us are finding, collections rather glow. "Speech is silver." If you don't believe it read the dollar-ous proceed- ings of parliament. Tim Rev. Geo, H. Thayer, of Bourbon, Ind„ says:—"Both myself and wife owo our lives to Shiloh's consumption Duro. Bold by G. A. Bondman. "Hello ! old man 1 How did you come to fall down ?" "Huh! Conidu't fall in any other direotrno, could 12" inquiriee wore smothered in the laugh- ter of everybody within hearing, "I remember," said n; Detroit boy to his Sunday Soh ail teacher, "you told mete always count fifty when angry." "Yes ? Well, I'tn glad to hear it. It cooled your anger, didn't it ?' "Yon see, a boy be Dame into our alley and made fapee at ine and dared me to fight. He was bigger'n me, and I'd nave got pulverized. I remembered what yon} said, and began to Daunt." 1"And you didn't fight ?" "No, ma'am. Just as I got to forty two, my big brother came along, and the way he licked that boy would have made your heart glad. I was going to count fifty and then run." Stray Thoughts. "We had a Strike up at our house last night," said a lad to a comrade. "What was the matter ? help struck ?" "No, ma struck pa for a sealskin saoque." John Hargreaves & Co., druggists, will glad- ly inform any one enquiring of them of the wou Sorrel results of West's cough Syrup. It is an unfailing euro for all throat and lung die. eases, coughs, colds, hoareeneee, influenza, monsumption in its early stages, andwhoopiog cough. Price 25 oen8e, 50 cents, and $1.00 per bottle. Student—"How is it, doctor, that I always take cold in my head 2" Doctor—"It's n well Imo wn pri eiple, sir, that a cold is most likely to settle in the weakest part." "I say, Aunt Chloe, you is getting around, right smart."..Ree indeed Iis, honey. I was pestered ono sink abed with ROoumati0m for six years and done tried this W oat's World's Wonder or Family Liniment the people are tanking so mno0 about, and I was sumo enough dared. It done saved this old nigger's Lie." Prime 25 conte and 50 conte per bottle. Sold by John B ergroavo s& Go. A Modern wit define the difference between men and women :-"A. man gives forty cents for 1r twenty-five -cent thing he wants, and a woman gives twenty-five cents fur a thing she does not want." Don't Be Deceived. • Beware of any druggist who will try to in- duce yea to take enrthing in place of Mo. Gregor1* Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It is a marvel of healing for Sores, Outs, Burns. etc. No family should be without it. It has no.eq- uai: Got McGregor & Perko's, and have no other. Or]y ato.'er box at 7. Hargreaves 1 Oo's "'Father,". said a newly married youth, "net discovered that my wife is a fool." "Say nothing, my eon, say nothing about it, and everybody will , think nothing about it, and everybody will think yon are happily matched," A Sensation. An unparalleled sensation is being created all over Ontario by the wonderful and uneq- ualled mennerin whish N ouralgia, Toothache , Rh0uma61em, Baokaohe, Beadeohe, is remov- ed liybutone application of Fluid Lightning. No offensive, disgusting drupe need be taken for days, It Is an !natant euro. Try a 950. bottle from 7. Hargreaves d C0., druggist. This a slice out of the verbal part of a recent examination for a good Civil Service post : "What is the principal property of heat 2" Answer: "To expand." "And that of cold 2" Answer.: To contract." "Give me an example." Answer • "The days Fee. 10, I.SSO, THE PEOPLE'S COLU9 : MONEY TO LOAN ppA lT1yy O PER sent. Straight loynnA, F611,17 tO N, S0., Orenbr0ok. 3010E FARMS FOR SALT;.• is{ ew splendid, improved, tame for 0nle In the to wnehlp'of Gray, Morrie and MoICt1- lop. Apply to A OIILGAPTl,00.Auotionaer, Brussel 0' 0. 15-1.5 CIHUROHES, PUBLIO BUILD-. l Inge, and Private 1lousee painted and d000ratod in modern stylus nt reasonable rates. Betimatos given. Addreee- 10.OLUCAS, 20.11 Goder1a11. VA.RM FOR SALE, CONTAINING 100 soros. There are good buildings, 75 acres "'leered. or will Boll 50 containing good bnlldings. The above property adjoins the village of Brussolo and will be sold on mason - able terms, Por full 01no ABMBTiiONC Prbp. However d'sgraded man's character may be, it is au utter impossibility to place him quite on a level with the beast—. -ho has a soul. , isleolisnios do not begin at the top to build ohimneys. Ask a mac what most he needs, and he is at a loss to answer—gum it up and he is abundantly provided for. Thought is the down deep root of everything that ' is good or evil. It doesn't always require wings to make angels. We are somethipg more than ma- chines. , Mountains are largest at their base —'ooxoombs,' the smallest, It is natural push, not wealth, that oarries a man suoossefully through life. Weigh renown and your soul in the balanoe, and see which brings down the scale. We carry one end of the chain that pulls us o'er life's causey—it would be averse to our nature to drop it and' `go alone.' The vulture seeks the loftiest crag when constructing ite nest. Fogies screw down the levers of construction. The wheel of advancement is rolled along by deeds of mighty. We think of people in delapidated houses and pity them, but thoughts and pity aro by no means invigorating diet. The cup of life is sweetest after a series of afflictions are passed. To keep the links out of life we must hold tight to the nine. Begin, and your work is very near complete. MOGreger's Speedy Curo. It is popularly admitted everywhere that. MoGrogor's Speedy Cure is the safest, most reliable - relioble and by lar the uneapeet remedy for oonstipetlon, Liver Complaint, Indignation, maths, Impure Blood, Loss of appetite, troubles Itis nob necessary to take a great quantity before any. result is produced. A few doses will oonvinco you of its merits. Tri- al bottle given a4Mergreavee' drug store, Things That make One Weary. A boil—anywhere. Woman who yawn. Longing 'to be wealthy. Goats and all other cranks. Butter strong enough -to drink. The bug that-stalketh at night. Old mutton dressed lamb fashion. Men who sow the country with wind. Those who • eat molaseee with a knife. - Paying a quarter to. Bee a dime show. Mistaking a piece of soap for a caramel. One drop of hot grease in the wrong plane. The fiend who always wants to shake hands. The smell of peanuts eaten by creme one else. Working for love and never getting their pay. Cheese that has the strength to talk, but won't. The man with big cuff -buttons and aro long in summer and short in win• a bad breath. ter." People who use a fork as they would an eel -spur. Making your v11170 clear to a thick headed man. The fool who smokes everywhere except in bed. Men who discuss subjects they know nothing about. The girl who wants to know 'where you have been at.' The surly fellow who wants his own wily and lies to got it. "1 you so or two al. Tho toldbore w ways turns up after a crisis. To be alone in a room with a talk• ing machine—male or female. Men who always oat as though they' were hurrying to catch the train. The scandalmonger who never wants his name mentioned, you know. The barber with hands the temper - stare and consistency of the under side of a toad. 0yclones, earthquakes, creditors, bad bills, terrible murders, garrulous old women and a sore toe. ` ' Wthr, you suffer with Dyspepsia, and Livor Complaint? mire ou. Sol Toby G,iA.1Leadnlguaranteed To see rogues flourish and grow fat whilst honest men toll and wear a pair of latinel drawers ?" Further themselves out for nothing. - Puny sickly, f rotful ohildroo, aro very 6ry ing to the pstlonoo of all who hove the caro of them, and in the majprity of cases the fretfulness origin flom a weak and emaciated condition of the body, caused by the drain on Inc oonotttutton during the•poriod of teething or the rapid growth of childhood', in suoll oases give Robinson's Phosphorised Emulsion aoaording to directions, or the odytoe of your phy0i01tu, A. sharp student was galled- up by the worthy professor of a celebrated college, and asked the question, 'Can a man see without eyes ?"Yes, sir ?' was theprompt reply. How, sir 2" cried the astoniehod professor, "can a' man see without eyes ! Pray, sir, how do you • make that out 2" "He can see with ono, sir," replied the ready -witted youth, And the whole Claes:shouted with delight at the tri- umph over metaphyeioe. A very pretty little girl, only three years old, attracted the attention of passengers in a G. T. Ii. train for London the other day, finally one gentleman sneeeeded in getting her upon his knee. "Where aro you go, ing, sisey ?" ho enquired. "I'm dole' to London, said the child, adding eagerly, "I've dot on a new pair of flannel drawers 1 Did you ever have ry I 1tl�,�t1, 11 wvwend f0 el aytou ponnog0n tlhanmeuGnypolu box t, fae rngodowud'lye, •ot making more money atponus, than anything oleo iu America. Both soxee of all ages Dao live ob home and work in Sparc time, or, iln the time. capitol not required. We 10111 start you. Intmo000 pay Sure for those who start at once, STINSON &Portland, Maine pUBLIO NOTICE:— Ib having oome to my knowledge that oor- te,ininteroetod parties aro oireulatiug are• port that I intend to give np bc,hn's. I beg to state that it is not 'u y intention to do any- thing oftbo 6100,00 the oun6rary I intend of ails well, to s now in the Spring one Of the bust Stook:, ever brought into Brussels. 1 may state that it is my intention to make a change iu the business of which due nntioe will no gi ou. 11`. C. 11OGIBBS. 'f ABM FOR SALE,—THE SUB- 7, on.ii,acriborGrey, sale. ,rue term' contains 10, ono,,, Grey, 100uer0,05 of whichaxe oleara wherate s frame1 me house and large bank barn with straw house in the . and all herearu000e n yo oonvenienoe e.I an orchard' Tho farm is ono mild oast of 10 thol, whore there are churches,. school, stores, railway, tole• graph, ta., and is wellfonoed and drained. Price 95,2110. For further purtloular5 address 25.8 0II12I8TOPHER BARN RD,Prepriotox 'I 1ARyi IN GREY FOR SALE BE ,L ing lot 14, on the 1040 Dun, oontefnl ng 100 sores, south part lot 10 on 10 Doo„ oontatning 45 sores, Lot 14 is pertly aleerod, the bal- ance the lob.b,and it is ell adoptedri°reefo farmil ing or grazing. Lo115 is mootly cleared and bared With btaok ash.n'Willusellune alt 'together or 1n port is to suit the purohaser. Por further Particulars apply to the proprietor on the premil100. This lot is well drained. 0100. AVERY PARM FOR SALE.—THE EX- ocators of the estate of the late Stair= gr,E,be- tag lot 12,5 on .12 G501' Theride e urs 100 llen if soros in the farm 80 Ofwhioh arm oleared,10 saw art- Thorerisda good frame tarn 90x00 foot with stone stabling undornoath. Immediate pos. section winbo 88ireo. Agood portion of par - chase moneywillbeallowed to stead ons ober. est. For furtherPartlonlareapplyto JOHN LE01115 1970oliege etreot.Toronto, pr JOHN BLEMMON, 15.60 Ethel P. 0, RAILWAY AOCIDENT 1 or from any other cause, The Accident Insurance Company OF NORTH. AMERICA. SIR A. T. GAIT, G. C. M, G., - PssoiotsxT, wi111nsure youagainst aooident, travelling or otherwise, for the suni'ot 95c. per ttpay, or $4.- lailpi up fr om tBeaming e non 8 you 18'3,050 in Week xof 60cdenth, theifaoofthatdent, should occual r three months a- l. A. UREIGI:LTUN,. Agent, Brussels, Ont DUBLIO NOT>:.UB IS. HEREBY gfvenhat on appllcationwillbo made t0 the Legislature of the of, for an Ontorlo at the noxi minion thereon, for an Aot ,rooting Cho Towaanipa of W alla0o, 111010 anti Mdrring- ton, in the county of Perth, IIowlok and 0101,, in the County of Berea, and Maryborough, in the A minty of Wellington, with the Villages Townne or Palmerston and Lie owes and the said counties, into a Provtslonel county, 50 be Balled the County At Maitland, with the Town of Listowel as the county Town,. with provisions eimnar to those oontained in the of theO ounty of Dufierin, subpf or lot too the ,001 prove! of a majorlty of the elmotore of the eats muni01pa11ty, to be taken at eleotion bobo hstdfor the parpoeo under sold Aot to a intoner similar to the said Aot for the 1ormailon of the Unduly of .Dufforin. DARLING & MABEE, • Sonoitore for applioanttl. 20-8 Listowel, Dooember, 1811, •1885. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY In the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron., Pursuant to the direction of James S. 014E- wrieht,Esquire, Olnotel Referee, made in a certain' matter of re Clark, infants, Moro will be sold b ypubli.o auotlon, 101511 the approba- tion of the said O01oie.1 Referee, of the Cent- ral Hotel, to the Village "of Brussels, in the County of Huron, on Saturday. the 17th day 00 February. sa851. at 6ho hour •of iwelvo o'clock, noon,: by if S. Soobt, auctioneer, tile. followinglauds and'',remises, namely PhD wost half 0M01 number ton, in the six- teenth oonoes0ion, of tho Township o1 Grey, in the County of Buren. oontatning by ed. measurement fifty puree of land, bo the same more or loss. Tho property Ls wall situated 10 a goad farming looality with a good market within alla of iarodan01.111 easy astat000f foThe tivetion with the of about five 'taros whiob le woodland . fou , Upon the promises are erected a lug house and fremo. barn Tho property wtllbo offered for sale subjost to a. reserved bid, w010h has boon axed by the amid °Mehl 11oforoc, and subjost oleo 50 the tenancy Drone James Houston, w0ioh tenancy oxpjlro0 en the flet day of October next. '.rafters 01P 6AL14.—TOn per cont. of h0per- tl Pettiitioners a6 6110 time of the 'thirty per Cont, more shall bo paid into Court within thirty days thereafter, without interest, to he orodit of the said matter, and the bslano9 to b0 000{lrod by a first msriga3o on the laud, payable t na ye years, interest at six per Dant., yearly, to bo settled by the Officio]Rotoreo, In all other reenacts the terms and oontlf- tlons of sale will be the Standing conditions of the Ohanoory Division of the High Court of ;Indica. Farther 7.fartionlare ops bo had from D. E, WADx, Soliottot for the'Intant Potltioners. Dated at Toronto this 81111 ,hay of Jendary, A. 0.188$ JAS. e,7ART0a01I01taar00 k:• ppoiOSllrforP061110u0, "THE POST" BOOK STORE. ALBUMS. To close out our present stock of Plush and Loather Bound. Al- bums, to make room for other goods, we have made a big redic- tion in prioes. It will pay you to bay here. ANENT BOOKS. Lay Books, Journals, Ledgers, Counter Blotters, Indexes, and all kinds of Blank :Books kept in stook, also blank notes; orders, cbe. All will be sold at close prices. B1 T: 8. We have a beautiful stock of Family Bibles that cannot be beaten for price. Conte and com- pare them with books you • purch- ased fron agents. We have .smal- ler bibles suitable for church or the pocket, at low prices. - We al- so keep English Church Prayer books, Presbyterian and Methodist Hymn Books, &c. Hand Sleighs. The balance of our stock of Hand Sleighs, ; Teys ' and Fancy Articles will be sold at Pricos sat- isfactory to the purchaser. Paper & Envelopes. Wo make a specialty of handl- ing good writing material anti we have this week received a lot of Fahey Stationery that should be seen. by every lady.. 10,000 en- velopes to hand. Foolscap, Note, and account papers in stook. Try us. School Supplies. All the School Headers, Geo- graphies, oagraphies, Grammars, Arithmotios, Algebras, Botanys, Dictionaries, Book-keeping Books, Copy, Scrib- bling and Exercise Books, Slatos, Pencils. Pons, Inks, School bags, Tablet Lessons, Chalk Crayons, &c. The proof of the pudding is in the eating of it and the public generally will find it to their alk vantage to visit `i HE POST BOOK TORE. saw T