HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-1-29, Page 8Wit& BRUSSELS POST ;Jae, 20, 18t6.
'Zemin eaves Brussels Station,
utli follow s:
Gettig South, GoingNortb,
AVhiy... 7:86a.m.I Mixed lo:oom.m
8liproea .110m,m. Mail 9t49p.m,
Wks,' 8260 .n1. Exproe 9129p.m
The morning train south ho night train
ur 0 railway
un ea Tuesdays, Thursdays,
Pat Reius Puts.
A ohiei's amang ye takin' notes
Aa faith he'll prent it.
We aro very anxious to get out-
standing subscription accounts closed
up, so that we can begin early with a
large paid up list, There is no com-
plaint shoot the City papers enforc-
wg this rule. Indeed, it is beat for nil
parties concerned. Please examine
your reeoipt and see if you are paid
up for 1888" If you happen to bo a
year in arrears, enclose $3 and we
will credit you with two years' sub-
scription. We are obliged to solicit
an early settlement of old accounts.
RiNaw yonr subscription.
Sas our music rolls. YosT Bookstore.
MRS. DONALD SCOTT id visiting at
Bias. CORMAOS 18 visiting friends at
Seaforth and locality.
STOOK taking season is about at
hand with our merchants.
MR WELLS and wife, • of Dres
den, were visiting at E. Rfelson's last
MRs. W. J. Tieosepsooe and son, of
Cbpetown; are visiting al Rev. Wm.
I myth's.
PnrvATE ?nude to Loan on farm or other
good seeerity, Apply at Tux POST Pub-
lishing Hauge:
Ma8;.HAR,14 DuNroan anachildren
will remove to Dakota iu the spring.
Mr. Danfordis farming there.
Cosxssr a ou services, will be held
in Melville ohuroh next Sunday.
Revds.•Mesere. McRae and McLean,
will assist the pastor.
THE salt block is proving a source
of revenue to e great many farmers
this winter who are hauling hund-
reds of cords of wood there.
ONE of our youbhfui'citizena reaeyv
ed a very "important" message that
lie was wanted elsewhere, this week.
He went, of course, and some of our
reaidente mourn his departure.
NOTION To DEsrone.—A.11 persons indebt-
ed.to Jno. Nott, V. 8., are regneeted to call
et his residence and settle the same at once.
Joni; N0TT, V. S.
CAPT. STaaTrOE, of the Queen's ho-
tel has placed two magnificent mir.
cors, 5x7 feet, in the house, one in
the dining room and the other in the
bar room. The first coat of thein
was $500.
San the large stock of letterheads,
noteheads, billheads, statements, me-
morandums, envelopes, &c. at THE
Pose Pnbiishing House. Don't send
out your accounts on scraps of paper
when you can get neatly printed bill
heads for about the same cost.
R005sneL= FVBNIT1BN 800 8ALx.-=Mrs.
Barry Danford intends removing to Dakota
aiyout the middle of March end will die.
pose of her household furniture by private
sate. The goods may be seen at her resi-
dence, Turuberry street, and will be sold
apt reasonable terms for cash.
Dian.—On Thursday morning of
this week the wife of Jas. Gibson
jr. breathed her last, leaving a little
boy 2 weeks old to be cared for. The
funeral will take place from her late
residence, Alexander street, on Fri-
day afternoon at 2 o'clock. lrir.
Gibson hoe the sympathy of the com-
munity in his affliction.
Sas advt, of gold braoelet lost.
Vmuo.os Council will meet neat
Monday evening in the Council Chem.
her. '
Weseen ou4 for Spring advertise.
Toro ice harvest is in full bloom
this week.
GaaaN atovewood wanted. Apply
at THE POST Publishing House.
A, M. Ker and sister returned home
last week froma visit to friends at
MAYOR Naviieos, of Wingham, is
a very enthusiastic lover of the stelae
and besom.
Wentz you get hold of en item of
news hand it in so that our readers
will share in it.
OUR old friend John Nott writes
that the weather is very cold in Kan-
sas this winter.
Reeve RATE, of Stephen township,
fills the Warden's chair for 1886, He
is a Reformer in politica.
Run the edut. of F. W. O'Brien,
V. S., in this issue. He is thorough-
ly posted in his profession.
LAST Friday evening we had a very
good representation of what a west"
am blizzard is hire.
Beam Monday ushers in the month
of February. How are your good
resolutions hanging out ?
CHARLIE GRIER, who is in the em•
ploy of Adam Good, has been on the
giok list for the past few weeks.
Ws refer our readers to the Liters
ture to be used at the coming Teach
ere' Examinations, to be found on
page 8 of this issue.
Tart annual meeting of the County
Orange Lodge of North Huron will
be held m the village . of Blyth, on
Tuesday, February 2nd.
Mee. T. G. HoLMES and daughter
arrived home from Now York on
Them:lay of this week, They have
been away about six weeks.
IT ie reported that a harness mak.
erfrom Manchester intends opening
a shop in the stead lately vacated by
B. Stevenson, Graham's blook.
Len Sabbath morning Samuel
Fear occupied the pulpit of the Meth•
odist ohuroh and in the evening Rev.
3. L. Kerr took the service.
JAMES Mons left an excellent sam-
ple of Manitoba wheat on our table
last week. It will be a bard matter
to produce better grain in Ontario.
HARRY JAMES states that the youth
who "cabbaged" the skating rink
tickets was not helping trim, nor had
he anything to do with the Dare of
the rink.
A LARGE number of our farmer
friends were in town on Tuesday
afternoon of this week attending the
annual meeting of the Monis & Grey
Cheese and Butter factory.
A /eine ; of persons interested in
hauling milk to the Morris & Grey
cheese and butter factory for the
coining season is called for Saturday,
February 18th, at 2 o'clock. See
advt. in this issue.
Minto Lanterns, that will afford any am.
cant of amceememnt during the winter ev
eaings, at Tns Pon bookstore.
THE regular meeting of the School
Board will be held on Friday evening
of next week. The first Friday in-
stead of the last Friday of the month,
as stated be the minutes last week, is
the night of meeting.
A saw style of amusement at car-
nivals is an obstacle race. This is
how it is done :—The competitors,
after skating a few rode, have to crawl
through a barrel, skate to the end of
the rink and saw a stick of cordwood
in two, then elude once round the
rink and take a sent and the one who.
devours a half dozen soda biscuits
first takes the prize.
Ge Wednesday night of last week
Alex. McLennan, of Egmondville,
father to Daniel Murdie and Alex.
MoLennen, of Brussels, died, aged 60
years. The Seaforth paper says :--
We regret having to 03300000e the
death of Alex. McLennan, of Eg•
mondville, which took plane on Wed-
nesday after an illness of seven days
of pleurisy. He was an old and
much respeoted reeldent of this vicin•
Tuts week Ernest S. Cooper left
town for 'Welland, where he has se-
cured a position in a foundry. He
has been in the Ronald Engine Works
for several years and is a good me-
tlbanic. We are sorry to see Ernie
leave town no he has been a very
energetic member of the town band,
having filled the position of See.-
Treas. for the past two years. We
wish hila emcees in his now home
and hope he will find plenty of warm
Goo. A. Fiu.ais visiting at Sea -
THE ourlere are having a big time
this week,
!teen Boerne is away at the Coun-
ty Commit,
Miss the Bsiwir, of Seaforth, is
visiting at P. Scott's,
MIse EMMA OLIVER is Lome from
Woodbridge for her vacation.
Mies KxHo .DE, of Wingham, was
visiting friends in Brussels this week,
Mag. NlanmiOGALE arrived home
from it week's visit to Mitchell last
BORT. WILSON, of the firm of Wil.
son k Patton, is away al Innsrkip
this week.
Lase MODnay Miss Maggie Shaw
arrived home, from Moorfield, for
her holidays.
W. MURPHY, of Ford & Murphy,
merchants of Mitchell, was visiting
iu town this week.
Miss IDA PaLTow and brother, of
Wingham, were visiting relatives in
town this week.
A LARo11 quantity of grain and pork
has been brought to our market din
ing the past week.
Savawee persons have had teeth
loosened, or knocked out, by collisions
on the rink lately,
CAPT. Rowe, of Toronto, has taken
command of the Brussels contingent
of the Salvation Army.
Miss Amos Orem, of Toronto, ,is
in town. We are sorry to hear that
Mrs. Leckie keeps very poorly.
A Brit.= correspondent says Gif
ford Elliott, of Brussels, Intends op•
ening u law office in that village.
Nem Sunday afternoon the ser-
vice of song ou the story of Joseph,
will be given in St. John's Church.
DON'T forget Miea O'Oonner'8 COD -
cert. ou Tuesday evening of next week.
Did' you see the program ? It is good
LAST Friday evening the band en-
livened the prooeedinga at the rink
by discoursing some of their excellent
Tan editor of the Clinton News.
Record has the "gall" to speak of
Brussels as a second-class burg. You
have is 'little too much nerve Bro.
Miss Ksaa is prepared to take a limited
number of pupils in Kensington and satin
painting. Terms :-82 for each, or 08 for
both if token together.
DANIEL CALMS, and bride, of New
Westminster, B. C., were in town
this week visiting relatives, They
return to the west in the spring.
Mxesiowsrw.—Next Sunday Rev.
George Richardson, of Lietowel, will
preach the annual missionary sermons
in the Methodist church, at 10.80
and 6/30•
Lase week Albert Fitzpatrick was
seriously injured by falling on the
floor at W. Nightin,rale's store
with a keg of lard. A number of his
teeth were knocked out and hie dace
badly bruiaed.
Ir is now the close season for the
following game :—Deer, elk, moose,
reindeer or oariboo, grouse, pheasant,
prairie fowl, partridge, wild turkey,
quail, wood-oock, snipe, wood duck
and black duck,
RUT. JOHNSTON and Chas. Watts,
well-known in Brussels, have started
business in Welland. Report says
another member will be added to the
firm from this locality before very
long. Guess who it is.
A COMPLAINT having been made
that children were attending school
from holies where typhoid fever was
prevalent, the Medical Health Officer
investigated the case and it turned
out to be false in the extreme.
Tan handsome tootle and ouriere
broom offered by the President of the
curling club, (J. R. Grant) to be
awarded to the local curler who scores
highest, are on exhibition at J. Har-
greaves' store. Who will win them ?
CuRLI to. -A match was played On
the Brussels rink on Thursday after•
noon between Brussels and Wroxet-
er. There were three rinks on each
side. The following is the score
nRUesaL8, wnoXOTEO•
r1INn, No. 1.
ROBBIE BURNS,—A few Iovers of
Burns had a pleasant time on Tues-
day night, in commemoration of the
birth of Scotland's ploughman bard.
George Thomson and his guid wife
are recent acquisitions to our popu.
Wien, but they have settled the
question as to how far genuine, open-
handed Scottish hospitality can go.
Their snug d,velling was invaded by
a number of their more intimate and
invited friends on Tuesday evening
last. The table spread would do
credit to it royal caterer. Mrs.
Thomson's rendition of Scottish mus-
ic on the piano, both as instrumen•
ballet and accompanist, was a sur-
prise and delight to a11. The usual
loyal and patriotic toasts ware given
and fitly responded to. John Alex-
ander, of the Lieu, made a capital
hit in his response to the toast of the
evening, "Robbie Burns," He oleo
gave an original poem suited to time
and piece which provoked much
merriment. 1'iret and second violins
in good hands, make fair music but
when accompanied by Sandy and the
'cello and The. Thomson on the
piano the merry dancers were delight-
ed and furnished a treat for all.
'Willie Mann was there
"He sorew'd the pipes and gait thein skirl
Till roof and rafters a' did dirt."
Our space forbids a more lengthy
report, StliE0e it to say a very pleas-
ant evening wee spent and Mr. and
Mrs, Thomson deservedly reoeived
the hearty thanks of all present. The
singing of "Auld Lang Syne" and
God cavo the Queen terminated a
very agreeable evening's entertain.
went feeling happy to Moet, sorry to
part, hoping to meet again,
8. Laird, 7. Moffatt
D. Strachan, A. Paulin,
A. Currie, T. Brock,
F. 8. Scott, skip -18....T. Rao, skip -17
The Hamilton City Council passed
a by.law prohibiting coasting and
tobogganing ou the streets.
Gen. Strange thinks that Indians
should not be allowed off their reserv-
es when armed.
Horsey, solf•oonvioted of arson at
Kingston, has been sentenced to 14
years' imprisonmsut.
Gen. Middleton has reported to the
Minister of Militia in favor of a mil•
itary demonstration in the North-
Sanitary inspection has bean aban'
doned at St. Albans, and Montreal
passengers are free to enter the U. S.
by that route.
It is said the Glouoestel' fiattermen
have decided to join trio Knights of
Labour in order teat they may pro -
teat themselves better.
Col.•Sergt. Thomas Wrighton, lobo
of the Midland Battalion, and a vet
eran of the British army, has died at
Belleville from wounds received at
A boy has been killed while ooast-
ing on a public street in Hamilton.
The sleigh on which the lads wore
collided with a teals, which so start•
led one of the horses th tt it ki`ll`ed
one of the boys in the head, killing
The three mile race at Toronto,
between LMve Bennett on foot and
Win, Hill on a bicycle took plats at
the Princes Roller Rink on Satur-
day night. The agree.nents were
Bennett to run 2t, miles or 27 laps,
while Hill rode 8 miles or 36 laps.
Bennett won by 8 laps. Time 10
rain. I0 sec.
There is a fraud at Lueknow who
is filling the country with circulars
offering to sell oonuteefeit notes. It
ie a pity that he and all who are dia.
honest enough to send him money
cannot be made to taste the joys of
a prison cell. It ought not to be W.
Rola to convict him notwithstanding
that he is a double fraud. He might
at least be made to clear himself of
the charge of waving counterfeit notes
in hie possession.
The Great North -yeast Telegraph
company is threatened with opposition.
The Canada Gazette contains notice
of an application for a charter for the
North American Telegraph company
to carry on a general telegraph sad
telephone busmen. Perhaps the pro-
jectors mean business, but the public
need not anticipate much relief from
extortionate telegraph rates owing to
their competition. In the end they
are sure to be absorbed or amalgamat-
ed with the present monopoly. The
only hope of the public for reasonable
rates and efficient services lies in gov-
oyernment ownership of the lines on the.
English plan.
Lord Dufferin find that he has ser•
ions difficulties before him in the
governmeut of India. Lord Daffodil
is a man of tact, but whether he will
prove a suaoessfal financier is wholly
a different question. The expendi-
tures of India have been since his ac-
cession to office very large. The
whole western frontier has been modi-
fied, extensive and 'mealy works of
defence have been erected ; the rail-
way oommunicetion from the Indians
to the frontier has been improved,
and the Burmese war which has
arisen since the Afghttn ,lifficui ie+
has been dieposed of, and has added
oleo to the expense of the Govern-
ment. So that Lord Dufferin finds
himself, at the end of the fiscal year,
with a defioit of £2,000,000 sterling.
An income tax has been imposed for
the purpose of meeting the increased
expenditure ; from this tax the land-
holders have been exempt, so that
Sir Anthony Colville estimates the
inoreaeed revenue from this source
will amount to not more than .600,-
000, so that there is still a large de•
fiolt over. How the whole burden is
to be overcome does not yet appear,
and it is predicted that there will be
heard very loud complaints against
the income tax which has been im-
posed. Lord Dufferin has serious
financial difficulties before him, and
he will indeed he a fortunate man
should he succeed in completing his
administration without becoming an
unpopular viceroy.
nom, Ne, 2,
C. R. Cooper, N. Forsyth,
J, Ross, J. Barnard,
D. Ross, J. Sanderson,
A.' Veal, skip -21,.: ...T. Snell, skip -13
0IN8, NO. 31
A. Schenck, M. Allen,
G. Miller, A. Gofton,
0, B. Vaustone, G. Miller,
J. R. Grant, skip—•11.,.T, Miller, skip -20
Total, ,,,,,.,,53 Total. .... ...5O
oau1xtt,ditl.1i Newry.
The total expenditure in organized
charities last year in Toronto' ie place
ed at $104,800.
An Ordor•ln Council further pro.
regime the meeting of Quebec Legis-
lature pro forma till Tuohy, 24th
1 February.
Noteso Mend lleoonnted.
Coterostiilowedon deposit ',repayable 5•1
Woi roe—MdICAr—At the Manse, Bluevale
on the Both Deo., 1886, by the Rev. Mr.
Hartley, Mr, John Walton, of the city
of London, to Ming Alice McKay, of
Nicsum MaTNTosn.—M the Maus°, Blue -
vale, on the 26th Jan, 1886, bythe Bev.
Mr. Hartley, Mr. Jas. Elliott Nichol
to Mies Annie 33. McIntosh. both of
P romptsttontionglvensocollectione, -8
r"1 IFFARD .E L L I O T. L A W
4Jf 01naa,drent !Stook, Brussels. Mono
Bno,irasonl.--In Wingham, on the 18511
inst., Amelia, wife of Thos. Billingsley,
and mother of P. Billingsley, formerly
of Brussels, aged 50 years,
MOL0NNAN,--In Bgnlondvillo, on the 20th
inst., Alexander McLennan, sr., aged
WALLACE.—In Morrie, on the 15th root„ the
wife of Mr. John Wallace, aged 37.
GrnooN,—In Brussels, on the 28th inst.,
Margaret, wife of Mr. James Gibson
Ir., aged 20 yrs., 6 mons,, 17 daps.
LI Olfoeformoriy occupied oy A, J. M
Ooll,Eeq.,lu Leckie'e Block • Money tot end
''+ lute with ,yorrowetProudfoot.ti oder
rich) SolicitorOanveyancer, ere, 0ffioe 1
Grant' Jloek,brueeela• Money to Loon.
.ceche 9aurth orvie{oL Ooart 00 . atire 8
Oonveyanoor,Netery Publio,Land,Loan a ad
Insurance AReut,t'und sinyo•ted and to Loa 1.
Oolleotions mode- Ogle, Graham's Bloo
Brueee 1,
r.A. MoNAU(*HTON, M D., C.
• Si.,L 51,0, P., e'. dtnburgll Physician,
durgeonaniA000uoheer, Uffiaein Mts.8hla1'
bleak, luruenry Street.
J • A. 1111POHINSON, M. D.
L II.O. r_ ndlubarg
Hasremovod to'lireresidenoe un h. MM1118troo,
the house formorlyoeoupied by Dr. Groharn`
and 'thine ;here at night, I. ie stillreteiae an
omsest ltargreayee'DrugStere.
('1L. BALL, L. D. S., HONOR
lJf •Graduate and tfember of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto The
various oomSthotioe Riven, also a now Local
amo•thetiotor the gums only, All operations
otrelully performed add guaranteed, Prices
moderato. Oeloe over Powoll'e store Hour
B a.m, to Gpan.
of 'thorough Bass, Vocal, and Inalrul
mental/Saloon Pinna ,Organ and Guitar
Itolorenoe—Ladies of Lorette,GueIph,
Reatdenae—No .2 ,(south BriekTerrace
44-8n1 Brusaels,Onl
ssuuer,Eorr1age Licenses. Office at hl groo
Cry; Y
• Burgeon, Graduate of Ontario Veteri-
nary College Toronto, Residence et Juo.
Nott'., Blnasels.
• `lase Ltoonees,by •npointment of
Lieutenant -Governor Oommiesioner era., Q
B.CoureyanoersnCA900IPIre tnenranor0o
Oaloes tlneJranbrook Po etOface
Insurance Agent,
rJ • AccidentauaLoau Ineursnoo Agent for
some arta best and most reliable Companies
In theD,l+uioion. Otnoe. briok berme, Torn.
bear, St„1100. the Station. 9 months.
'�] Tb1. BLASRILL,
8utoher, thanking his
aanyouatomereforthoir liber
slsupportforthe pastels ye oral
wishes tot !item them that be
ingburnedootofthe old stand has fitted up
a shop iu 3male'ellook in first-class style
where hehopo,to Soo a15 the old ouatom ere
and as many new 0115005 aeo et to give him a
cell 1 koep nothingbutdrat-olass moats, alt
kin deofPoultroaodeausagoMoat Deli -road
toall partaofthe Town9'roe. Cash paid for
rat Stook.
Pont Offioe Block, - Brussels,
Agent for Joseph James k 00 .,kion trail and
Toronto, Actinolite CementBooling—for Bur -
on and Bruce Oouhtles,
Gravel, lin, Iron and other roots repaired
and satiefaotion guaranteed
Estimates given. Tar k Pal at wholesale
hooks of tiokote have been stolen from
the Rink, the public are cautioned against
buying tiokote from atyone but the Score-,
tory. E. B, BURT, a eoreta ry
The I6iectoral District of Nast Baron.
The en hoe bean appointed clerk
forihe Not Biding of the County of Huron
under the Dominion branchiae Act. A11 com-
muniontioae to the Revising Barrister for tbo
said Electoral District ere to be addressed to
"Wingham." All anplioations for the insert.
ion of names uPon two Voters' lists mist bo
made in Writingend sup0pported.by satisfactory
proof, E. 111 DkOf rO11Nast aiding Huron.
1Brutsslols Market.
i101thE0TAD OAAxr1m1ii Beeler Winne
White Pall Wheat........ 76 76
Rod:Wintar 7b 70
10 oo
500 100
25 85
8 00 9 00
5 00 26
00 80
50 1 00
17 18
Spring Wheat
Pose 53
Butter, tubs and rolls ,,,, 11
Vggs per dozen, .
Flour per barrel
Bey per ton
Dressed Hoge
Salk per bbl., wholesale ,,,,
Sheep thine, each ..,,.,..
Wool ,,..,,,.,,.r,,....,