HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-1-29, Page 7b Jar. Or 16ed, ° Al t rUr ROME WASN'T I3UILT IN A DAY,yr Tho boy who done a etroko, and stops Willne'er a grout man be ; 'Tie the aggregate of single drops That makes the sea the sea. Not all at ollee the morning, streams Ito gold above the gray, It takes a thousand little beams, To make the Clay the day. Upon the orchard rain must fall, And soak from branch to root, And buds must bloom and fade withal Before the fruit ie fruit. The farrier needs nine! sow and till And wait the wheaten head, Th, n cradle, thresh, and go to mill, Notate the breed is bread, Swift heels may get the tarty shout, But, spite of all the din, It is the patient holding out That makes the winner win. BEYOND HER PLOWERH. Selections from Schubert and Spohr She eon very reepeotahly play, And Chapin and Liszt from the score, On her patient pianoforte ; And many a Teutonic lay Can sing with or not with the book, Her talent there's nose can gainsay , But ebe never will. learn bow to cook. In Gorman her friends ebe can floor, And in French e110 is also au fait, Against her lioguietical lore I am aura that no one can inveigh, She dances ae light as the spray; In that art alto no rival will brook ; She's ever so pretty and gay; But she never will learn how to cook, .Her gowns aro from Gallia'e shore, And are made in the mode of the day, Her father the bills moat deplore For her very expensive array. She paints and she models in play La her own very healthful nook ; And art of all sorts she'll e0eay ; But oho never will learn bow to cook. RNvor. Fair maid, read the morel I pray; I would win her by hook or by crook; I'd give her a chance to say yes If she only would learn how to crook. SIGNING THE FARM AWAY. Bine old farm, fora hundred years Kept in the family name; Cornfields rich with golden ears Olt ae the harvest name; Crowded barn and crowded kin, And still the loads kept coming in - Rolling in for a hundred years ; And the fourth in the family line appears. Orchard covered the slopes of the hill ; Cider -forty barreis, they say -- Sure in 8041011 to come from the mill, To be tasted round Thanksgiving Day 1 And thty wank ae they worked, and they drank as they ate, Winter and summer, early and late, Counting it as a great mishap To be found "without a barrel on tap." Bat, while the seasons crept along, And paaoiens into habits grew, Their appetites became ae strong As ever a drunkard knew, And they labored less, and they squandered more, Chiefly for rum at the village store, Tiil called by the sheriff, one bitter day, To sign the homestead farm sway. Thelfather, shattered and scented with ram; The mother, sick and pale and thin, Under the weight of her sorrows dumb, In debt for the bed she was dying in ; Oh,I saw the wreaked honeebold around her Stand - And the justice lifted her trembling hand, Helping her, as in pain the lay, So sign the homestead farm away. Oh, many ecenee have I met fel life, And many a oall to pray; But the saddest of all was the 'drunkerd'a wife Signing the farm away ; Home once richest in all the town, Homo, in that fatal cup poured down, Woreethan fire or flood's dismay - Drunkard signing the farm away 1 THE SPINSTER. She was a sour spinster, A woman of renown, Of vinegarish features, .And ever.preeent frown. She kept the girls on nettles, Likewise the boys the same - Did this peculiar creator° Of goeeip•adding fame, Her cellar it wan laden With pickled things in jars; She constantly was creating Among the neighbors ware Her attic it was crowded With simples hung to dry She said they would be useful - Who knows ? in by and by, The plague it cane and smote them The people of the town; The epineter was an angel, For all her past renown. The doctors fled in terror, Fear-etriokon from tho place ; God Mesa the ugly spinster Of vinegarish face l Her ein/pies from the attic Kept down the firebrand ; And temples that were bursting Cooled underneath her hand. Ged bless the dear old creature 1 Although her tongue was keen, To.day among the people She is their potted queen. The maintenance of prisoners in the Brantford goal during the last three menthe has been 6+ cents per day, the ioweel figure reached for 90me years. TO OUR READERS, We oftnnot to strongly urge upon our readers the necessity of subeorib• ing for a family, weekly newspaper of the $ret -Blase -such for instance, ae the Indipendent, of New York. Wore we obliged to eoleot one publica- tion for habitual and careful raiding to the exclusion of all others, we ehnuld ehooeo unhesitatingly The In- dependent, 31 is a newspaper, mag azine and review, all in one. It ie a religious, to literary, an educational, a story, an art, a scientific, an agricul- tural, a fluancial and a political paper oombined. It has 32 folia pagee and 22 departments. No matter what a person's religion, polities or profession may be, no matter wbet the age, nes, employment or condition may be The Independout will prove a help, an in- structor, an educator, Our readers can do no less than to send a postal pard for a flee specimen copy, or for thirty cents the paper will be sent a month enabling one to judge of its merits more critically. Its yearly sub• sanption is 83,00, or two years for $5.00. Address, The Independent, 251 Broadway, New York City. High School Entrance. The next entrance examination to High Schools will be held on July 5th, 61b and 7th. The following are the selections for Literature, from the new Fourth Baader, which is the only one to be used :- JULY 1886. 1. Boadicea -pp. 85.86. 2. The Truant -pp. 46-50. 8. The Fixed Stars -pp. 93.96. 4. Lochinvar-,pp. 16x4.70. 5. A Christmas Carol -pp. 207- 21L 6. Riding Together -pp. 281-232. 7. Marmion and Douglas -pp. 256 268. 8. Tho Capture of Quebec -pp. 288.289, 9. The Ride from Ghent to Aix -- pp. 285.287. 0R0Rlrkxa 1886. 1. The Truant --pp. 46.50. 2, The Vision of Mirza. First Reading -pp, 68 66. 3. The Vision of Mires. Second Reading -pp. 68 71. 4. The Bell of Atri-pp. 111-114. 5. Lochinvar-pp.169.170. 6. A Christmas Carol -pp. 207. 211. 7. The Ride from Ghent to Aix- pp. 285 287. 8. A Forced Recruit at Solferino- pp. 287, 588. 9. National Morality -pp. 295-297. Teachers will save themselves end others trouble, if they will cut out this list and preserve it for reference, Friendship. Those who would wish to know one of the greatest bonds of true friend. ship may read the words, of Francis Feleou who wail Archbishop of Cam bray in the seventeenth century. He was not afraid to know his own faults for he wrote: - "I request you more than ever not to spare me in telling me my faults ; though you think you dieeover a fault in me whioh perhaps I have not, the harm will not be great. If your in• timation and advice offend me, I shall. thereby see that you have reach- ed the quick, and thus you will still do me a great benefit, by injuring me to reproof, and to a Christian 10 wli- neae of spirit. The higher I am raised by my oharaoter, the more I ought to bo humbled. And I hope that, far from weakening our union, it will be a means to 'strengthen it." If two persona are to friendly gym- pathy with each other they will re- gard it as a duty, though an un- pleasant ono, to try each to correct the faults he finds in the other. This must be done in all lovingness of spirit or dee harm only ie likely to remit on both sides. Remember that he who makes the loudest protost- attone of friendship, declaring that he will never be offended with you whatever you may say to him, will often be the first to see cause of of- fence in a reproof. If you would be in the highest ful that friendship ou take rwith eproof at his be ever hands in a kind way, not lightly if it be a matter of importance, but laying it deeply to heart with the intention of benefiting your character by your friend's advice. In this way friend- ship is strengthened and turned to good account. The debt incurred by the citizens' committee of Ottawa who provided the dinner for the returned volunteers being yet unpaid, an entertainment will be given in the Royal theatre in that city to secure the necessary funde, Tho next timo the caterer will demand that the citizens' cons - mato pay for the dinner before it is o0nsOmed, 11II4 BRUSBZ Oet.rarttl4an N owls. The $5.000 whioh the Can institution asks from who Ontario eminent for the purpose of foun au arolueologioal museum omit worse spent. The policemen of Winnipeg orgltnized themeolves tato et lila society, and will while away hours of idleness in pronoun matohos and debates. The healtb department reports there is not a eingle case of sinal in Montreal. This will be a g relief to many who feared that diseaeo would spread over Ca this winter, At the recent bilddlosex Ass Aire. Goldsmith, wife of tht fain base bail pitcher, sued the city London for $2,000 compensation injuries received by her through ing on a bad Oleos of sidewalk, recovered $500. Few people have any idea of amount of passenger traffic aorose 81. Clair River at the Sarnia ere iug during the year, The Port H on Ferry Company's boats the Bo Beckwith, Dormer and Conger, ried over 500,000 passengers in 18 Private reports from Prince Alb say that the Indians thereabouts driving off settlers' cattle and "cat ing" the cattle for future nee. T is hard for the battlers, but it oho that the lndien is a long-headed p vider, with an eye to future oomfo A number of gentleman are talk of building a crematory in or n Toronto. They will probably ap for letters of incorporation in a days. Cue has been erected in B falo. The Episcopal and Rom Catholic Bishops are against it, wh some members of other denomin tions favor it. "Sing a Song of Sixpence' is old ae the sixteenth century. 'Thr Blind Mioe' is found in a music bo dated 1609. ' Phe frog aud'the Mon was licensed in 1580. 'Three Ohil ren Sliding on the Ire' dated fro 1688. 'London Bridge is Brok Down' is of unfathomed antiquit LS PQt3T. adieu goy - ding d bo have rosy their clog that ipox rest the nada leas of for fall - and the the 9e- ur and ear 85.• ert ere oh - his we ro- rt. ing ear 1 pY few uf. an 1I0 a- ae ea ok se' d• IH en 7. of et ch. d• Id us a a is II Is ea r- at r- e. 9 a • e d a 1i• • • a 1817 Prin Brun seven malt the 000 t have Onto and 418,0 istere in 18 are 8 with The ‘72i Girls and Boys Oome Out to Pla certainly as old as the reign tutees II, as is also 'Lucy Look oat her Pocket,' to Ilio tune of whi be American song of 'Yankee Doo ' was written. The scenery at Niagara Falls h een transformed by the late oo Gather into a vision of wonder() gouty. Frozen spray has given ilver coating to every object in ih eighborhood of the Falls, and th capped with pure white enovr. I ,e immediate vicinity of the fol rd along the banks the icy stalaetit ud stalagmites have assumed eno oue lengths, and the ioe cones e foot of both falls now realm nes half way up to the top of the -fall he lee mountain ie daily growin magnitude, and the pen, soya rrespondent, utterly fails to de ribs the wonderoue beauty of th ene during these sunny days an onlight nights. Brookville is all torn up over gedy that oocarred there. Whe aid Young went to visit his moth on Perth street, he found his Bis Margaret and a oompauion nam Demo Derosia lying dead in m and his mother unconscious 0 chief of police wail called, and s at first inclined to attribute the the to coal gas, but subsequently estigation led to the belief that women had been poisoned. ere was no distortation of the fen. os in either case, as their would e been had the death been caused euffooation by coal gas, and eev- bottlee containing mysterious ids were found in the young wc. 'e room. The mother, on rem. could not throw any light on the urreuoe. The girls had come e abort 10 o'clock, she acid, and gone to their room. During the t her daughter lead called out, lve me a drink of water; I'm dy. The old woman answered vil a die," and closed the door he girls, The pollee are trying them the mystery. me recently publishedfigures in ada show that the Presbyterian oh has talion a Orin hold upon le of Canada and that it makes encouraging progress. Since 7 it has increased 600 per cent. in oe Edward Island, and in New Brun the increase has been fold. In Nova Scotia it has iplied itself by six In Quebec names° of members is from 15,- 0 50,000 and the congregations increased from S to 60. In 1817 rio had 82,000 Presbyterians nine ministers, and now 11 has 00 Presbyterians and 660 min- . In the Northwest there was 82, only 1 minister, now there 28 congregations and stations, 4,850 families and 94 ministers, money raised In 1875 was $982- in 1881 it Tag 1,5u8,218r is 0 L le b w b n is th S a re ah ly in 00 no e0 m0 Lra Da er tor ed roo Th WO deo inv the `I'11 tur hay bUral liqu men Mg, 000 hom had nigh nig. "De on t to fa So Can char poop 0106t HEALTH IS WEALTH! 1 HURON AND BRUCE •ntdeOoyfrimot0agiaraeeaelfor Hea Die- men'', Oonveletone, Otto, Nervous Neuralgia, Hesdaohe,Nervens Prostration: eau sod by the nee of alcohol orToeaeoo, wok°fulaeae, efon. IalDeprensioa,Softening of the Brain result. log In insanity, Leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Sorrentino, Lease% Power in either sox, Involuntary Lome and Bperrnotorrhma cleaned by over-exertion of the Brain, eelf.abuee or over•indulgonee. Each box oonfalaa one month's treatment, Si a box, or alit boxes for 43,saat by ,nail prepaid on receipt of price, Wo Ilearautoe 81x Boxes To Mare anyene0. With each order received by ue for nix bores, aocomp0nied with es, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money litho treatment does not effect a curt. Guarantees laeued only by Jno. Hargrea res d: Co, B rossele, Canadian Pnoi6c Railway halo Tablet Teeswater Branch. Milan. Goin` Nest, Mali, Exprre O'Toronto.. Dep 7.20a,m, 4 Orangeville ,. 9.50 " Orangeville Jet 0.05 74 Amarantbt .. 0,15 '1 10 Vgeldemar.... 0.24 " 12} Luther ...... 10.a1 " 284 Arthur .. . .. 11.08 " 304 Kenilworth-. 11.90 " 38f 9!r. realm .. 11.58 a.m, 44 Pages 1.... . • .12.15 p.m. 471 EDMRISTON.. .. 12.28 " 66} Fordwich .... 12:55" " 60 Gorrie ...... 1.08 " 624 Wroxeter 1,15 ' 00 Windham Road 1.38 74 Teeswater.. Arr 1.55 p.m. 6.40 p.m. 7.05 " 7.22 7.92 7.38 7.44 8.10 8.29 8.46 9.01 9.10 931 9.40 9.46 " 10.08 ' 10.16 " 14 14 It 411 Miles Going East. .Express. Mail' 0 5 111 14 I74 261 30 36?f 4Ji 504 611 64 664 170 74 22 Teeewater Dep Wingham Road Wroxeter ., .. Corrie . .. Fordwich .... arriston .... Pages l...... Mt. Forest.... PKenilworth ,. Arthur , ..... Luther ...... Waldemar.... Amaranth Orangeville Jot Orengaville .. Toronto .. Arr. 6.15 a.xa., 5.28 5.47 " 5.53 6.02 6.26 6.85 6.51 7.09 7.26 7.63 7.68 8.04 8.12 8.35 10.46 a.m. 2.15 plm. 2.80 2.49 2.66 8.06 3.29 3.40 8.57 4.19 4.39 5.10 5.17 6.24 5.35 5.55 8.85 p.m. it it it Refreshment and Dining R00m8 -AT- lIOItONTOSUNCTION, ORANGEVILLE AND CARLETON JUNCTION, S..iS7'N'OiiC7OST 9118=9'1•5 OST THROUGH TRAINS -EET4rEEN-- -TORONTO AND MONTREAL. - T. PLETCHFR, TICKET AGENT, ROUSSELa. THOS. FLETCHER., Praotioal watchmaker and Jowleat Gold Watches, Silver Plated Ware, Silver, Watches, Clocks, Goat Rings, Violins, Etc. I keep a full line of goods usually kept in a first-class Jewelry store Call and examine, no trouble to show Goods. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Agent for Ocean Tickets, Amor- ioan Express Company and Great Northwestern telegraph Company. Loan & Investment 0o. This Company is Loaning Money 001 Farm liccurity at LOWJSGT BATAS of Interest, MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BBANCH. 8, 4 and 5 per cent. Interest Al- lowed on Deposit&, according to amount and time left. O1rrOcE.--On corner of Market Square and North street, Godorich. Horace Horton, MANAGER. Goderfoh,Aug,Stb,1885 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMti, aorcE FARMS FOR SALE.- t he townshinp of Grey, Otorrier and ttclttIP lop, 1pply to A DELGAI'TY,00.A0ctieneer, BrneaeleP 0. • 10-tI OHUROHE8, PUBLIC BUILD -- J Inge, and Private nooses painted and decorated An modern styled at reasonable rotes. Estimated given. Address - R. H. ()LUCAS, Goderieh. T 1ARM FOR SALE, CONTAINING 100 scree, There are good buildings, 78 wires irbl will bprtjiatheue1no.1,e above prpety adons village o! Brussels and w111 be sold on reason. able terms. Fox WI particulars, appply 10 GEO. ASMSTRONG,Prbp. COLLIE SLUT LOST. -THE town undersigned fw es ego collie elwan black in color with half of her facie white. A suitable rbwerd. will bo paid for herre0overy Anyone harbor- ing the animal after this date will be pprose- cutes, according to law. JOHN ,H ARISES, 27 4 Lot 16. oou.5,. Gray t , Box 40, Brussels P.0, DIPSIBOICUM 'A true diseases reyqyuiring 10gcertain a®cienttonl, ee peeially'nd18otti016. Dyspepsia,' Wen t'of :Ap. petite, Lots ofdtrongth, Lack el EneIgy..ka Itenrieheethe blood, strengthens the soles and and iej netwhto aeerer bud 1wa� ,. 10 a etrlatlyyVegetable in Combination, an isuont Olooholio. For sale by deafere. generally. -EIARM FOR SALE. -THE BUB - 7, eon 8 Grey offers his 0010. excellent farm, contains 100 aoros,95 of which are cleared. There" is a frame house and large bank barn with straw hoose In the roar, There ie an oreh Mrd, well, and all the necessary convenience e. The form la inn mile east of Ethel, where there are °hurohee, school, stores, railway, tele- graph, &e., and in well fenced and drained. Price 25,900. Tor farther particulars address CHRI5TOP38B RAYNARD, 25.0 Proprietor TIARA,/ FOR SALE. -THE EX- itorfrglttelotreSnEaroxEeonensexolnfere b- ing lei 12, 000.12, Grey. There aro 100 acres in the farm 80 0/which are 0105004,10 acres part - Ivo' eared 00610 sores 0 !good hardwood/malt. 'Phare le a gaud frame barn, BOx00 feet with stone stabling underneath. Immediate poe- Weldonwillb0 Riven. A good portion of 'p0s- °banemo0ey will be allowed 00 stand en Inter- net. For further partioularsapplyto JOBN LECKIE, 197 College street. Toronto. or JOHN 80E.11D1ON, 10.1! Ethel P. 0 RAILWAY ACCIDENT! or from any other o0uoe. The Accident Insurance Company OP NORTH AMERICA, Son A. 1'. GATT, G. 0.315. G., - PoxeiDENT, will insure you ag0inet accident, travelling or otherwise, for the sum of 265. per day, or 84.• 50 per month, securing you 515.00 per week if laid up from the accident, or 03,000 in ease of death, if that should amour three months 'af- torthe aecidont. J. A. CREIGHTON, Agent, Brussels, Our NEW BLAOKSIaITH, Bringyour lame hereon to Daniel Ewan,' he has LEASED W. T. HUNTER'S STAND, Brussels. Having practreod for years and risen to the highest pooltion in the leasing horse shoeingt, establishment of Graham, Lrdin- lnburgh eoottand. Also having peened with honors through the Royal Veterinary Shooing Bobool. of I. B. Smith, London, England, where hundreds of Monied home mesa aur hands daily I can safely guarantee to cure oontraoted foot or interfering horses. Naw work and repairing of all kinds done on 108. 000ahlo terms, and workmanship that will would 6eoure your trade, D. cell I feel sattsne6 1 D. EWAN, 1741 Hunter's Old Stan ETHEL Gil The undersigned having complete tbo change from the stono tothe ' Colobratod Hungarian System of Grinding,llns now the Mill in First -Class Running Order, and will be glad to see all his 010 Customers and as wavy new ones as possible. Chopping done. 'lour and Feed .t',1wavo on Ia .d a IIIGHESTPMCE PAIL) I?OE ANY QUANTITY OF GOOD) WII'EAp W - Mzzl