The Brussels Post, 1886-1-29, Page 5Jan. 29, 1886.
John ()ober has beer/ laid up with
a felon.
Another surprise party ou the pro•
gram this week.
Mies Lula Spence is away visiting
friends in Georgetown.
Mrs. John Giber has been on the
sick list for a week or so,
Milne's sawmill yard is receiving
its anuual filling up of saw logs.
David Dobson arrived home from
Miunesotalast Saturday evening, after
an absence of some 10 months. He
had been working with W. P. Davids.
Nearly all the strayed cattle lost in
this neighborhood, and advertised in
Telt PoeT, have been found, although
• some of them ran a narrow chance,
if reports are true.
We are now clear of the burdensome
school tax we had to pay for our new
school house, and after this year it is
expected there will be two teachers
in the school instead of ono. The
school is a great dent too large for one
teacher. -
Tho enoramsnt of the Lord's Sup.
per was observed in the Presbyterian
church last Sunday. Rev. D. B.
McRae, the paster, conducted the
servioee in the morning and Rev. Mr.
Stevenson, of Ittolesworth, preeeheid
the thanksgiving sermon in the even.
ing. New members were added to
the list of communicants.
Gr rey.
Several of our debating societies
are being organized.
Miss R, V. Ball is home enjoying
a well earned vacation.
Revival services are being held at
Roe's church. by Rev. R. Paul.
All the township officers were re•
appointed for the ensuing year.
Rusted Bishop 11188 returned to the
Agricultural College, Guelph, this
Matthew Ongbton, who was injur-
ed severely in 11. cutting box, is got.
ting along .nicely.
The regular quarterly meeting of
the Ethel circuit will bo held next
Sunday morniug at Roe's church.
Service will commence at 10:80 a. m.
Wood bees are quite common. Jno.
Harris had one lately, and with fire
saws he had 40 cords of hard wood
cut up in one day. Pretty good
Wm. McOutcheon, well-known in
this township, intends making his
home in Listowel, where he has the
agency for Abell's agricultural im-
John Harhottle was appointed
township engineer in :.lace of Lewis
Bolton, P.L. 8„ at the recent Council
meeting. This will be a big saving
on the township treasury.
Robt. Pearson has purchased a 100
Gore farm, let 28, con. 5, froin Adam
Polined paying $1500 for the same.
This will make the Pearson family
the puteeesors of 500 acme.
Ousts. Dobson Hold his 100 mere
farm, lot 19, con. 8, to John McOart
ney, whose farm adjourns lir. .Uob
souls, for $4,200. Mr. Dobson has
gone to Kansas 00 a prospecting
Judging frem the lively manner in
which wood, logo, building material,
cam, is being slid around just now it
is more than likely that the electors
of Grey expect a thaw in the near
John Harris. lot 0, con. 16, hae a
grade ball calf that weighed 1040
pounds when a year old, Ile has al-
so u 2 weeks old calf from the mother
of this year old tient promises to do
equally well,
John McNeil was kicked in the
head by the young entllion belonging
to Lachlan McNeil. lair. MoNeil's
forehead was badly brnised, had 111e
beast been shod death would no doubt
have resulted from aha kiol(.
Log bees, 010110 Wee and bees that 1
beggar description follow each other
thick and fast just now. We know
of different parties who have ea11s for
7 Oonseenttve days aiolad and more
expected it sleighing hangs out.
Report says that one of our protni•
nevi farmers bas been badly bitten
by v. hay fork swindler and bed to
"whack up." When will peep le learn
to do their business with regularly i
established dealers instead of patron- 1
iziug travelling impostors
Two sons of Wm. Polland, Gth
con., who have been in Dakota about 1
n your, are getting along well. Rufus t
is working a farm belonging to Thoe, t
Maunders, and Henry an adjoining t
farm. After paying all tl:oir debts
they have 500 bushels of oats, 400 r
bushels of wheat and three yoke of
cattle. The boys had very little mon- s
ey when they started and we are c
pleased 10 Bear they are doing so
well, They say Maunder's farm ie a a
good one and they are well satisfied
with the country: Adam Pollard
will go out there in the spring.
Mee Annie MoBrino, of Clinton, ie
visiting at George Armstrong's this
Mrs. John Mooney was called away
last week to see a relative who ie dan-
gerously ill at Newmarket,
Mrs. Brown, of London, sinter 10
John and Henry Mooney, is visiting
friends in this locality this week.
The reflection of the fire at Ben-
nett's factory, last Friday morning,
was seen for miles in this township.
Dungan Livingstone hos been Iai 1
up for some time with n lame foot,
ocoassioned by paring a corn too
Miss Edith Robb, of Tuckersmith
and Miss Ada Turnor, of Fullerton
are visiting at Chas. Robb's this
The Livermore family has remov-
ed to Dundalk where they will reside.
They will still work the Lees faro.
until their lease expires, we believe,
Mrs. Jas. Grieve and Mre. Robb
are away at Roxboro' and Tooker.
Smith, and Mrs. Robt, Dickson is at
Gederich this week visiting friends.
There are three lonely grass widowers
who go aronnd from house to house
comforting ono another, on the 5111
Alex. Forsyth, 4th Iino, has leased
his farm, for a terra of years, to a
man from Mints township. Mr.
Foreytb will remove, with his family,
to Manitoba where he has an excel
lent farm. He docs not purpose any
ing farewell to Morrie forever but ex
peels to return 1n the course of a few
years. He had heavy crops 10 the
west last year.
The Literary and Debating Society
in S.S. No. 6 promises to be a 81:100088.There are al -early over 60 members
enrolled. The efficient for the pres-
ent month are:—Ohne. Hingeton,
Pref. ; Jno, Currie, viee•Pree, ; M.
Black, Sec. -Tress. The following
subject was debated at the best meet
ing:—"Resolved that married life is
happier than single life." The af-
firmative was enstained by Jno. Mas-
on, Jae, Ireland and Q. Anderson.
The negative by Jno. Barr, Jun. Cur-
rie and 0. 13ingeton. Mr. Cochrane,
the chairmau, gave hie decision in
favor of the affirmative. A. dialogue
was given by Misee'. Mary Ireland,
Maggie Mason and Emma Mabee ;
readings by Misses Joan Ireland,
Janet Mason, Mary Ireland. and Neil
Black ; songs by Miss Rozella Cooh•
rane, Jas. McLauchlin and Dad. Mc-
The annual meeting of the Morris
Branch Agricultural society was held
at ."amigh'e hotel, Blyth when
J. Outing was re-elected chairman,
The minutes of the het' meeting were
read and approved, The auditor's
report was read and the following
figures were produced : Receipts for
the year 1885, $649.88; expenditures,
$655.90. Balance due treasurer, $6.
52, which was adopted. The election
of officers was then proeoeded with
resulting as follows : President,
John Cuming,,re elected •,Vice -Presi-
dent, Jas. Barr, to -elected ; Directors,
A. W. Sloan, Neil MoDrnald, Rob!.Hughes, Wm. Pollock, Thos. Brown,
Win. Campbell, re-elected, and R. B.
Laidwaw, Jas. Potter and John Brig-
ham ; Auditors, J. A: Anderson auct
0. E. Tanner. Seerotaryand treas-
urer to be appointed at the first meet-
ing of 111e directors. The society en -
tore 1880 with a membership of ever
anneal The *Missionary meeting
was hold in the Methodist church,
Sunshine, on Thursday evening of
last week and was attended by the
following very able staff of rev. gentle-
men :—Rev, J. S. Cook, of Bluevalo,
Rev, J. S. I('isber„ the much esteem-
ed pastor of, the circuit, and Rev. G.
R. Turk, of Lneknow. The attend-
ance was not so bad, considering the
condition of the weather, which was
very stormy. Inane Rogerson Occup•
ed the chair in a very worthy man-
ner. The annual report of miesione
and mission work was road by the
pastor. We may elate hero that the
Church choir was in attendance and
gave very appropriate music for the
00008103 occupying very profitably
the intervals elapsing between
the, Rev. Mr. Cook deliver-
ed a very eloquent, interesting and
nstructivo address. Last but not
endwas the speech delivered by the
Rev, Mr. Turk. It was the beat of
the evening and. was wall womb the
abor of travelling a few miles, even
hrough the snow storm, to hear and
hose of the congregation who failed
o bo present missed an intellectual
f the loss of which they have good
ea80n to deplore. Thee who were
present being so well pleased with the
peaches that it is said n pure silver
enaction was given and Alexander
the coppersmith failed to put in an
ppearance at all. Votes of thanks
were tendered to the choir for their 1
mitsfo and also to rho chairman and t
peakore of 1110 evening,
Wm. MoKonny was appointed High
School Trustee in place of Jno. Hack -
mg whose terra of office had expired.
The 'smart' boys of town attending
the Army meetings are being looked
after by Oonetable Beatty,
H. B. Morph), was (leeted town
clerk at the first meotiug of the now
/WV. Wm. Burgess, the well kuown
temperance advocate of Toronto, has
been indicted into the pastorate of the
Congregational Church here thie
Wal ton.
McDonald's saw mill yard ie being
well etooked with loge this season.
Last Monday evening a very sne-
ceoeful tea meeting was held in the
Presbyterian ahnroh here, After par•
taking of an excellent slipper Rev. J.
Ross, 13. A., of Brussels, took the
chair and after a few preliminary re-
marks called upon Revds, Meagre.
Hartley, of Bhlevale, Sabine, of Wal-
ton, and Rogers, of Oollingwood, for
addresses Exoellent muei0 was cup.
plied by the choir, Prof, Coutts pre-
siding at the organ and Precentor
t11c&dieter leading, Thie interesting
gathering was brought to a close by
votes of thank•: to 111e Indies, Hpention;
and choir, It ie expected before twig
that the church affair'. will be arnie.
ably settled and a pa:tor called.
t ie:el ler/eh.
Lieut. Linde ty, of the S. A. "fare -
welled" from Seaf0-111 last week,.
Bnru'H annivnreary was celebrated
by a eupnor at Currrn�iohael'e hotel.
(IL Palest land R. W. Porter have
entered into partnership in the jew-
ellery business.
Seafortb curlers got their work in
last week and defeated the Wingham
and Goderieb clubs,
The Mayor entertained lust year's
Council and the Council for this year
to an oyster supper.
Jackson Bros., of Equnondv111e,
have dissolved partnership. Geo. E.
will 00011000 the bustnes'..
Rev. Jeffrey Hill, formerly of Sea -
forth, lectured here last week on
"The virgin soil, or children's chane-
The annual meeting of the Tucker -
smith branch agricultural eociety was
held here, when the following officers
were elected: 1 T. E. Hays, Yroe. ;
John MoDowall, Vice Pres. ; Direct•
ors---McKillop--Thos. Govonlock.
Hallett—Robert Armstrong, Robert
Smith, Robert Knox. Tuckersmtth—
G. E, Cresswell, Robt. Brock, Geo.
T. McKay. Seoforth---Alex, David-
son, D. Hogan.
At the last regular meeting of the
Seaforth Lodge, Aueient Order of
United Workmen, the following of-
ficer:: ware elected, viz:—Goo. Pat-
terson, Master Workman ; Andrew
Young, Foreman ; Wm. Ceruoehan,
Overseer ; M. Pilimon, Guide ; A.
Strong, Recorder ; Wm. liawlishaw,
Receiver ; Wm. Henderson, Fiume-
eier ; Wm. Box, Inside Watch ; J. G.
Wilson, Outside Watch. This lodge
is continually growing in popularity,
and the membership is 1trgOiy in•
The hope of establishing a tele-
graph office here has died.
Singing class, nuclei- the leadership
of Profeseor Coutts, every Saturday
We are now back to nor two stores
again, the old reliables still holding
the fort.
Sacrament heaving been dispenses
at Ethel Sunday, there was no ser
vice in Knox church.
Hiram White iuleude etarting bis
sawmill next week in full lllast. He
has about200,000 fest of logs already
in the yard. mil people eau got any
land of lumber required.
Adam McKay, of Craubrook, line
taken a job to put in r. quarter of a
million feet of logs to Hiram White's
sawmill yard. Good for Ada 1, ho is
a pushing young man and will fulfil
his contract, no doubt.
Bees aro awarmulg here. notwiih •
standing the inolemeucy of the ,veatli-
er so that to bee or not to leo to the
question, Whether it is nobler to
suffer 1110 want of them or by op•
posing end them is a consummation
devoutly t0 be wished, We have
had sand bees, gravel bees, stone
boos, wend idea And quilting (lees.
A0 one of th'ueo bees a villager hap-
pened with ha Berme accident which
resulted in parnli0i8 of the whole bods'.
During the early part of the day he
appeared strong and vigorous bat 10
the afternoon eynlptoms of weakness
the joints were quite diem/liable
and it soon became apparent that
hie limbs were feet bottoming power.
00s, At hast tulconeci0us 110 full to
he rerouu(1 and .t WAS with some dif-
ficulty that hO wa8 ca1rie(i tome,
On enquiring into the cause of hie
ailment it was (Hoovered that he bad
swallowed several yards of Blue Rib,
bon. Moral.—Don't swallow what
does not agree with you.
tet nrelaInc.
A. Il, Smith, the eu101-Prisiug mer. 1 luol11dlug all expenses oxoept repairs,
ebant, of Brussels, has opened out a � 1 17-20 per lb. elnking''251408 lbs,
lull stock of uew and apes Dry cheese at 2+ cente per lb., $5688,89;
Goods. The erroneous impression Makin 2423 lbs. 0 Je°so for patrons,
has gond abroad that he is selling
second-hand stock. That this le not
fact anyone who visite the store will
bo fully satisfied. The gouda aro
now, wsll•seleoted from the best mar- '84,
kets and cheaper than any ever of +Balance csash in 11eae'H. hftn(ls '84, $900.00 ;
fared to the people of 'Sunshine and I aeli in Seey'e. hands
vicinity. We beepeak for him a lib- 29 ars. ; Supplies on hand, 1884,
ore' report :--Amount of milk reedit-
ed, 2648525 lbs.; Average number of
lbs. of milk to lb, cheese, 10 42-100
lbs, ; Amount of oheeeo made, 258786
lbs.; Average price for aoason por lb„
8+ cent,/ ; Average cost of drawing,
t3} nlillH per gal. ; Cost of making
at 2e cents per lb., $51.48 ; Wiley
sold, $412 50; Bente of milk cans,
$10.50 ; Salt sold, $18 60; Factory
supplies sold to patrons, 89 eta. ;
Borrowed money, $200.00; Balance
ern. patronage and fell assured lir. 1
Smith will more than mantrap his
long eetablished reputation ae one of
the most pushing, obliging and re-
lieblo business men in the Oouaty.
Sunshine is hound to come to the
Win Titian.
The toboggau slide 1e affording
plenty of sport this whiter.
Geo ele,Key is home from the old
sed. [10 incl au eejuyab10 time r, atm
The barbering business of John
E,tclee hae been perehased by R.
Paunor,of Guelph.
Tho Caledonians had a oig time at
the haggis supper, hast Tuesday oven
ing, at the Dinsley House.
The Goderieh curlers were toe heavy
for our boys and cons^gnently Wing
ham enffered defeat by 27 shots.
3. A Morton was re-elected chair
man of the School Board for 1880,
Wm. Robertson, Sec. and 13. Willson,
Our town Whore etre on the alert
regarding the uew county town gees.
tion and have appointed a oammittos
to look after the matter,
Our town band not only serenad-
ed the newly elected Council but
drove to Lueknow and gave the Coun-
cil,"•of that village a similar treat.
Dr.. iMacdonald's name is quite
freely mentioned as a probable candi-
date for the position of M. P. for
East Huron, The Dr. would make a
good representative.
There is some talk of charging .t
license fee 015100 for roller rinks in
town. The towu rink bas not paid
very well this year and $100 extra
would be the last straw t0 break the
camel's 1,ack.
The union Sunday school ooavon
tion for the county of Huron will be
held in Wingham on Tuesday and
Wednesday, Feb. 23rd and '24th. The
first day's session will bo held in
the Methodist and the second day's
in the Rresbyteriau church. Sunday
school workers from all parts of the
comity will be present and tale p •1t
in the proceedings.
lu.e van e -
The Foresters' Ball was dedicated
to Liberty, Beuevolence and Concord
on Friday evening with iluposin i
ceremonies. Besides the members of
this Court (Douglas) there were pros•
ent too vice H. 0. 1d. McIntyre, of
Luoruow, Grand Secretary, of Lista
avbl, and Treas. Neoiands, Mayor of
Wingham. After the dedication the
doors were opened to the general
public, who speedily filled up to a
comfortable degree rho largest and
beet appointed Foresters' Hall in the
County, The concert which had
been announced to commence at 7.80
was opened by Rev. Mr. Hartley tak-
ing the chair and introducing iu fel-
icitmlH style the various performel•e
Tbo chief features of the evening's
entcrtainmeut were the /elections of
Airs. mud Miss Sage, on the musical
glasses ; the solos of it •v, and hies.
Cook, lair, Ohne and Tisa Sago ; the
readiogs of Mr, Graney, null elfin le
clu(irman's happy remarks. lire. ee
Whitney, of Wingham, me ia00.ulp:l:) o
ist also ridded greatly to the enjoy-
ment of the ocuesion• The pr.cissa 11
foot up about $60. L.
The annual meeting of the 131usvalo o
Cheese and Batter Factory brought m
together between 200 and 1300 of the
patrons, The special object of the A
meeting being the making of final 3r•
ritngemeats for the building of the 1
proposed new ftetery. After the sus- c
totuary reading and .adopting of re- b
ports and election of all the olcl oflie" t
ere, 801301008 Inc• raising the necessary
funds roguired for building purposes e
were considered. The one adopted 1
was to borrow the roquislio amount ja
and apply the yearly dividends of a
12 per Dent, now paid to etoakholdore th
to pitying off the debt incurred, which th
itis earned it will do in five years. fa
A uurnbe- of tenders had been reeeiv• 8
ed from c mtraetors for the job, that w
of Mr. Welsh, of 13elg-ave, for $1729, T
being, by nearly $200 the lowest, the in
contract was awarded to him, Tho
following ie a synopsis of the Audit- it
Perth Counts. Notes,
i Stratford had 0 birth 1,tat year,
Thos. Ballantyne, 11 P. 1:'„ has
born re-eotbd prssi,leutof the West-
' ern Dairytuon'e Aes.rciation for 1886,
for many years in enceesaion.
At the Dairym8u'e Oo,,y. ,bine held
in \Yoodstucic, J. A. Gray ems engeg.
ed eo take charge of the ,Milverton
cheese factory for the coming season.
W. W. Gray was aleo eng,lged to
teem charge of the honey Grove t'Hd.
tory, whore he hes boon making for
the past throe years.
At the unmet meotlag of the Plma
Agricultural Society, wince was held ta
at Newry on n 14th inst., the fol -
laving gentlemen were elected of-
ficers of the Society for the present
year:—President, J. 13. s-Ialnileen
vies•Prestdont, Wel. Hero. Dircot
ors, Ed. Henry, Wm. Furreet, ,Jas.
Duncan, J, Coulter, J.,hii Gray, ,John
Howat, John GrahamJ'. 11' Pave,
Robt. Ford. Auditor,,, eleesee. Jas.
Irwin and Geo Richmond. The
newly elected board of directeri re•
appointed John Morrison See, 'Cress.
After discussing several questions er
importance the meeting Adjourned.
The annual meeting of the Enna
Partners' Mutual Fire Iusurunoe
Company was h ld at Oorrre's hotel,
Newry on the 19th. There way a good
turn out of members. James Dick -
50n, sr., was called 00 the 011011, sed
Robert Cleland appuiuted Secretary.
The President was very much plea:-
ed to see so many members and friends
of the eompauy at this moettng, and
was glad to say !het 1000485 still at
tended the company; net haying one
cents worth of damage drub a+ yet.
Tho Secretary read the ;auditor', re
port, which showed that the Company
had 209 policies, amounting to $277,-
418, and premium note,, amounting
to $18,870,90, with a balance on haml
of $55.00. On motion the roper: was
adopted, On u101100 made and car-
ried, it was also resolved that the
Beard ouustet of nine members. The
renewing were elected ; Win. Sheerer,Wm. IIauuuund, la. Cleland, Wm.
llowitr, Janes Donaldson, George
Ricbenr,u 1, J. R. ilainmonil, Samuel
Merelli-u r and S. S. Rothwell, On
liana le Lunde, and carted unanimous-
ly, ;a aciarly v ,ts of thanks was given
to the Directors for the admirable
meninx in Ann,
they bed conducted
the butmees of the company since its
formation, Ata subsequent meeting
\Vm. Sl1o(1'e(• was re"elected Pre/n-
il/int;\Vm. Itnmmond, Vice -President;
and R. Oiele 1d, Sao,-Treas. ; S. S.
11othtvell, J. R. Hammond. and S.
McAllister, retiring 1st year; Wm.
Shearer, Wm. Hammond, Jas Don-
aldson, retiring 2nd year ; Robert
Clelllud, Geo. Richmond and Wm.
Hewitt, retiring 8rd pier. After ac-
cepting 1pplicetioue for insurance,
umonutiug to $2,350, the meeting
adjunrued to meet teepee on Tuesday,
Maruh 2o0, 1880, at 2 o'clock, p tn.
The 13a11 Farming Oompeny's claim
for transport WAS $84,000.
The uew bridge betweuu th,' village
nt Brvsun nod Unbitt n .inline, for
Ua 01- C'loll et w41011 lila MA111u1011
0V(111111)u11101,1,10 131 It;)propci atlell
f $4,0110, is alweet completed.
The newly elected \V•all,en'1l11 !nem.
mitten :nest b: 90;84-„,r1,1 of :s 11r -
sin ,anomie of gii01 humor, Ai . w0
eervl they 11'ty° lir. S111elt1' enah-
an of the ' cemetery” 0ltpwittee
The. 101111 001/0001/001/00111r
18 aid lu w nn
ugiioizrxl term of the India: east
adoboggen," the netn0 by which the
(1elan deeignoto • his sledge. which
0,400onsists of a 111010 ,t00 ,iC rough
oars bevelled at one end en ea not
o dig into the (rust of the snow.
Silas Shaver, the bigamist seuten
datBelleville to the peniteetia1•y 1, •
hree years, was interviewed at th i
it Friday morning by his Limit ,e•
vife, Miss Walsh. The Ontario s sa
at she fondly kissed the scound„•
rough the bars, and premised to i„
aithful to him during his abeence.
he wept bitterly and in oomph toe:
ith his wish gave him more funs.+.
heir parting beats. quite a 8,30/10
the jail, the Lindsay bride biddin,i
Hina en affootiouate farewell. She 88 •, .
is eaid, bite thee wivoe,