HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-1-29, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST IS PtFELISIIED L P1'RY FRIDAY MORNING, in Mino for the Early Mails. at rrho ]Fust 0 team Louse, BRUSSELS, - ONT. TERMS.—The subscription rote o1 Taal Posy is 81.50 per annum 10 042111100. All'nb- ssarbine if net somust bo paid i 55'200 will be chaid at the timarged. No paper discontinued until all arrears aro paid up., ADVERTISING RATES,—Thu following rates will he charged to Mow who advertise by the year: 1 "oar. 0 months. 8 months Ono column 80000 .........515 00 .,....,..520 00 Bali " 85 00 ........00 00 ........12 00 Quarter' 20 00 ...... 12 00 .....,.. 6 00 eighth " 12 00 ........, 8 00 ..,..... 0 00 Eiglteenteperlrue for first insertion, and • three cents per line for each oubseanant in- sertion. til v.Iv-Women tote ensured canon• p arril--12line0 to the inch. Btisiaesr curds of sig Latinos and under, 05 per annum. Advertisements without 8peeifio directions ivnlb8 inserted until forbid, end charged no. cording11. Inebruotions to change or dieooutinue en advertisement most be left at 21.1 counting room of Tug Pear, not inter than Monday noon of each week. This is imperative. Advert.' semen is trod er 01,0 brad nf. 002010o, 9tolen.LOst or FOund•Wante, Farm s or Stock for Bale or Wanted, hc., not excee,lina seven lides,wlll be siren four insertions 15/.51.00. 2-2:. EZ2R, .31tor fir d Propn0 eter q 1)c lglrttsse(s Vont. FRIDAY, JAN. 29, 1880. East Heron Reformers. A Toes+inn of the Reform Assoc- iation of East Huron will be held at Wroxeter, on Tuesday, Febru- iery 9th, at 1 o'clock p.m. A large attendance is requested as busi- ness of importance will be trans- acted. THE Ontario Legislature was formally opened on Thursday of this week. A busy season is an- ticipated. AT the opening of the County Council last Tuesday, V. Ritz, Reeve of Stephen township, was chosen Warden. He was opposed by T. M. Kay, of Usborne town- ship. - JANUARY is about over and noth- ing has been done in reference to the formation of a Farmers' Insti- tute. Gatherings of this nature are being held all over the country and a very lively interest is being manifested in connection, and we think a visit from some ofthePro- fessors of the Agricultural College and some of our more noted agri- culturalists would enthuse the farmers of this section and result in an Institute being formed. There is 0310 thing certain without trying we will never succeed and if the farmers of this section of the country desire anything of this kind they ought to speak out and give expression to their opinion on this Scatter. Tar. defeat of Lord Salisbury's, Government by such a large ma- jority will have a tendency to draw the attention of the pubhc, more closely than ever, to the political situation of the mother country. The probabilities are that the Government will resign and the country may be thrown into the turmoil of another general election. It was generally thought that the Irish question would bethosticking point but that knotty problem had not come up for discussion. Parnell and his following hold the balance of power and as Parnell is a cool, level headed man he will not 0111 in with either party unless he sees that his project—self rule for Ire- land—is carried out, or somolegis- lation brought about to remedy the political situation of the Em- erald isle. MS'. Colling's amend- ment, on which the government was defeated, expresses regret that no lneaslc•e2 etre announced in the Queen's speech for the relief of the sufferers by the depression in trade and agriculture, particularly in re- gard to affording facilities to farm laborers, etc., for obtaining allot- ments of small holdings on equit- able terms as to rent and security of tenure. Wei hope the Directors of the Grey Branch Agricultural Society will not Ica the project of selling the old anr.icultural grounds and purchasing more: desirable prem- ises fall through. The majority of the Directors agree with the plan proposed and what is wanted is it united push to attain it.. The Listowel people are arranging to purchase 20 or 80 acres and will add new features to their Fall ex- hibitions and will have their show last for three days, in all probab- ility. Our Grey I3rancll Shows have been marked by a largo de- gree of prosperity and we want to see this continue. There is only one way, that is by securing com- modious grounds where modern arrangements can be made and where the novelties, used with such good effect at other places, can bo introduced. Why not have a committee appointed, at once, to wait upon the Caledonian Society, and other persons who may feel an interest iu the scheme, and get the ball rolling. There are energetic workers enough to carry this plan to a successful issue if those who are at the h end of affairs will give tho word "go." The success or failure of our shows in the future depends very largely on whether new features are introduced or not. The Provincial and Indus- trial )exhibitions will make a big- ger effort than ever to draw the people and the more people who attend these big gatherings will tell against smaller shows unless something out of the old rut is in- augurates Norris Council fleeting. At the Town Hall ou Jou. 18th, the uowly elected members of the municipal Council, namely Wm. Wray, Reeve ; 0. A. Howe, Deputy Reeve and H. Mouuey, E. Bosman and S. Calbiok, Councillors met pur- suant to statute, and enbecribed the uecessary deelaratious of office and qualificatiou and the Council was dally orghuized, the Reeve occupied the chair. Minutes of the last meet• ing of the old Council were road and passed. Moved by H. Mooney, sec- onded by E. Beeman that W. Clark be reappointed Clerk, at a salary of $120, Carried. bloved by 0. A. Howe, seconded by S. Calbiok that John Watson be reappointed Asses- sor salary $80 and ne extras. Carried Moved by H. Mooney, seconded by C. A. Howe that Mark Cardiff be re. appointed Auditor. Carried. The Reeve then appointed W. H. Cloakey second Auditor. Moved by E. Bos man, eeoonded by 0. A. Howe that the following accounts be paid:— P. Kelly, statute labor tax $8.60 ; T. Pasmore, printing, $6 ; Juo. For. rest, repairing scraper, $1,50 ; Thos. Miller, °leaning hall and pipes, $2 ; J. Williams, remission of dog tax, $1 ; R. McDonald do. $1 ; W. Claris, eleotionexpeneee $10; Misses Exfo rd, oharhty, $10 ; J. Leech, gravel and plank, $4.70 ; John Mooney, collets tor's salary, $80. Carried. Moved by E. Bosman, seconded by S. Onl- hick that the Deputy Returning of- ficers be paid $6. Carried. Moved by C. A. Howe, seconded by H ltloon- ey that school set:tiuns 1408. 1,9,7 & 6, be paid $8 each for use of school house at election. Carried. Moved by S. Calbick, seconded by E. I3os• man that 0. A. Hove be instructed to let a job of putting new stringers on Riohmcnd'e bridge, between lots 5 and 6, con, 9. Carried. Moved by E. Beeman, eeoonded by S. Calbiok that By -Law No. 1, as now read, be passed. Carried. Moved by Henry Mooney, seconded by 0. A. Howe, that this Council do now adjourn to meet again on the 22nd of February. Carried. WM. CLARE, Cleric Urea' Connell Meeting. Tho Council elect of the township of Grey met at Tuck's hotel, Oran - brook, January the 18th, pursuant to statute, The following gentlemen having made and subscribed the nec- essary declaration of Aloe, and qual ifioation, took their seats as the now Council for 1888, viz. Thomas Strach- an, Reeve; Walter Oliver, let Deputy Reeve ; Edward Bryans, 2nd Deputy Reeve; James McDonald, and Thomas Ennis, Councillors. Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Wm. Wilson was present and made application for the office of assessor. It was moved by Walter Oliver, sec- onded by Edward Bryane that Ales. Stewart be Auditor. Oarried. The Reeve then appointed Jacob Kramer the other auditor. Moved by James McDonald, seconded by Thomas En- nis that the by-law appointing Lewis Bolton township engineer be repealed and that John Harbottle he appointed township engineer under the provis- ions of the bitches and Watercourses Act of 1888, that lie be paid the sura of $8 per day for each day he may be engaged in surveying, and $2 for each day he is engaged making his awards that a by-law be passed con- firming the appointment. Carried. JAN, 29, 1858, Moved by Walter Oliver, seconded by Thomas Ennis that James McDonald be authorized to examine into the oiroumptanoee of the Logan family, who are reported to be in destitute circumstances and if found neoeesary to relieve them with a sum not ex - 'moiling $10 in the Meantime. Car- ried. Moved by E, Bryane, eseond- ed by Walter Oliver that the follow- ing aoconnte be paid :—Trustees School Sections Noe. 2, 4, 5, 9, and 11, each $8 for use of school house at election ; Albert Dames, use of hall at election, $8 ; A. Rose, A. Reymann, Jae, McNair, Jae. Lind- say, Andrew Turnbull, and Wm. Spence, each $4 services as Deputy Returning -officers ; Wm. Biebop, ee• looting jurors, $4 ; Hart dr Co., oleo tion blanks and minute book, $8 61 ; Jonathan Moore and Mrs. McKay. each $1, refund for doge taxes paid by them, the owners having left the township ; Robt. Menzies and Jacob Tuck, each $1, error in dog tar; Wm. Mann, statute labor 1884, $2 ; W. H. Kerr, printing, $17.25; John Grieve, Grey share for gravelling on boundary Grey and•Elma, $20 ; Jas, Smith, part puma for grading at lots 24 and 85, con. 18 and 14, $35; Thos. Stevenson, gravel, $3 ; James IlIoCutcheon, error in assessment, $1.80 ; Simeon Ealfit, cutting hill aide road lots 10 and 11, con, 9, part payment, $5 ; Alex. MaDonelcl put ting around auutment of bridge at lot 0, con. 2, $12.12 ; Mrs. Barker, lceep ing David Kinemnu, au idiot, $20; James Browu, two doge wrongfully assessed, $2; Win. Spence, registra tion of birth, marriages, null deaths. $15.40; Henry Armstrong, error iu school/tax, $2.10. Council then ad• journed to meet again at Dentes hotel, Craubrook, on the first Friday in March nazi. WSt. SPENouo, Clerk. Cxa.ractdictsx 1•k cW 50 At Renfrew en Saturday the thee - urometer registered 18 degrees below zero ; Pembroke, 12 degrees. The pariehoners of Rev. Father O'Neil, of Logan, donated him n purse containing $140 recently. School master Stirret, of the 41h line, Warwick, has been fined $1 and $5 costs for inflicting too severe putl- iellment upon Francis Lucas, son of Jatnee Lucas, of Watford. H. Carter, of Aylmer, and Mr. Mc• Kenzie, of St. Thomas, have perches ed property in Springfield, where they intend to manufaotnre the ,ditching machine recently invented by Mr. Carter. Frank S. with a trial heat in 2;211 and valued at $8,000, with no mark against him, was killed at Point Ed ward on his way from the States to Ottawa and other ice meetings. He fell over a track as he was being shipped east. Ho was owned by D. N. Stewart. Registered letters were frequently missed in transit from Kincardine and neighborhood to Hamilton. The Poet Office authorities set a watch, and finally suspicion fell ou James Kelly. a Hamilton mail clerk, aged 80, and married, and was suspended, though he did not fall into a trap set for him, Since his suspension Mr. Kelly has left the oity. It is said he spent a a good deal of money; but not a bit of direct evidence has, so far, been secured against him. Deputations waited upon the Ou- taxio Government, Wednesday, from tho Canadian Institute, asking for a grunt of $5,000 to start a Provincial museum ; from the Canada Land Law Amendment Association, regard- ing the Torrens system of land trans for ; from the Ontario College of Pharmacy, asking for a grant of $5,- 000 ; from the Legislative Committee of the Ontario Medical Couuoil, ask- ing the Government to support cer- tain proposed amencllnents to the Medical Act, and from the county of Halton, regarding enforcement of rho Scott Aet. Consideration of these requests was promised. The persons qualified to vote are :— UNDER DOMINION 0:4»1015 ONTARIO AOT, 0011. Property own- Owners, tenants, ers, cities. . , . $800 or occupiers, " " towns 200 in cities $200 " " villages 180 " " towns 200 "townships 180 " ' villages 100 Income 800 " " townships 100 Farmers' sons in Income 250 counties, Wage-earners 250 Sons of persons ltousoholdor that owning and occupy- is any sole tenant ing real estate in cit- actually residing in les and towns. a dwelling house, Tenanteof any real I1very son regi. property who have dent with re- paid ono year's rent rent who is at $2 month Vienna.- assessed for ter, $12 }.year, or $20 roar property your. in cities and Tenants renting any towns et $400 property asseseodhigh. " in toown- enough to qualify own, ships and vil• or as voter, loges 200 Fishermen owning By tho Act "eon" land or personal prop. includes son, stop. arty value $160 son, grandson, Or Indiana, son -it -law, Idnfranehieod in. diens. The Toronto Y. M. 0. A. have de. oided on a eight for a new building on Gerrand street oast. Steps will be taken to have the verdlot in the Laflamme—Mail libel suit sot aside on legal grounds. More than 80,000,000 of fish were artificially hatched in the Dominion fish breeding establishlnent last year, Thee. Keefer, C.E., of Ottawa, has been selected vita -president of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Bandmaster Robinson, of the Ham - Mutt 18th Battalion, is threatened with the loss of eyesight owing to a neuralgia affection. The Erie & Huron Railway ie bo• fore the Railway Committee endeavor ing to get power to Dross the Canada Southern near Courtwrigllt. The President of the Oanadit Pacific Railway Oonpauy has been knighted by Her Majoety, • and will hereafter be known a4 Sir Goorga otaphan. The Circle Lafontaine his 901111oo• ed the Government to amnesty the half breed and Indian prisoners now confined in Stoney M.nntaiu Peniten- tiary. In reply to a onfhunuoication fr Jtn Hamilton the Dominion Departnleot of Agriculture has dieoouraged the idea of sending an exhibit of live stock to England. The Toronto News suggests that a fund be raised to send the Queen's Otvn and Grenadier Regimeute to England to take part 10 the °el°bra• tint of the Queen's Jnhiloo. Bishop Bond, of Montreal, has set apart Sunday, the 31st inst., as a day of spacial thanksgiving for de- livernuce from smallpox with which the city has lately been visited. A. Scotch spool thread manufactur- ing firm is looking for a Canadian site for a factory. Ottawa and King- ston are anxious for it, but the Orin would prefer a more western section. The Mayor, of Toronto, intends to tilfe etept towards pt -acing under pro- teetinn all newsboys who conduct themselves properly. It is expected that eventually they will be licensed and uniforrned. By a recentdecisiun of the Oustotns Department priuters' materials, such es cases, frames, and oabmets, . will in future pay 85 per cent. ad valorem, and be classed as furniture. Hither .to they were classed as manufactur- es of wood and paid only 25 per cont. The Governor-General on There day,22nd, presented each of the workmen at Rideau Hall, including policemen and employees of every description, with a New Year's gift. The recipients were summoned one by one, and received the presents from the hand of the Marquis him • self. The presents took the shapes of fancy pipes, tobacco, clocks, &e. The Canada Gazette contains a proclamation bringing into force in the Northwest Territories the various acts relating to the Supreme and Ex- chequer Court of Canada from and after the 18th of January. The ap pointmeut of all the judges of the High Court of Judicature and of the Oounty Courts of the Province of On. tam, each to bo a colllmieeioner per depimns potestatem, to administer oaths of office and oaths of naturaliz- ation, 1e announced. C. F. Moore, of British Columbia, the Englishman who was recently at variance with the authorities over the entrance into the province of his Chinese wife and children, eases that the new route to Japan and China via the U,P.R. must prevail over the present means of connection with thoee countries, inaemneh as to the London dealers time is the "estenee of the contract." Tea, he says, will not loose its flavor by its passage through higher latitndee, The ob• jective point of the trade, ho dunks, should he Shanghai tie being farther north than Hong Kong and nearest the centre of the lea districts. Ile suggests the manufacture here of fir• tidos in straw Snell as hat's bonnets and mats. Mr. Moore was a resident of Pekin for 10 years and spent al. together 25 yoare 1n Olhina• It seems the judges at the From (Scotland) Cheese Show said the Eng. lis11 Cheddar makers were trying to im. Hate the American factory system, which was the cause of the lots pric- es they get for their cheese. In con• eogaence of the statement, R. J. Drummond, formerly of Dereham, who is at present teaching the Can• edian system at Ayrshire, Scotland, offered to make a wager of from :020 to 12100, against any Cheddar maker in England to make a cheese in any dairy outside the factory of his oppon• Mit, on the Canadian factory system, that would be equal in quality, and one that would will for as high a price in the Loudon market, as the ono the Other party would make on English Cheddar system. Although the chal- lenge was issued in the month of November, there is no account of its having been accepted. Rev. T. O'Connell has obtained $800 damages at the London Assizes for illegal arrest. February 25111 is the day on tvbioll it ie expected the Dominion Parlia- ment will bo called for ixosines's. Hamilton Presbytery lues resolved that Presbytertee .have the right of nomination for the Moderator's chair. A young tush has been fined in Toronto under the amended Crooks Act for purchasing liq.lor iu prohibit- ed hours, The remains of an aged couple b.lve been found near Allanburgh, under cireunetanoes whish polut to a torr• ible murder having been eolnmiited. Montreal is Hoe struggling with au epidemic of diphtheria. What with the Riel disturbance, the smallpox, diphtheria, Montreal Inc haul a hard tom, of it of late. Ontario Medical Connell has hold a meeting for the purpose of agreeing upon amendments to the Meclival Act to be asked at the next meeting of the Ontario Legislature. The Western Fair Association du not expedt that the new Fair build- ings will he erected ou Queen's Park m time fur a September exitibitiol, and are ther^fore malting preparations to hold it upon the eastern half of the tail grounds Dr. Sinclair lute been Mayor of Tilsonburg for throe years, and 00 re- tiring from the position his admires preseutsd him with an elegant silver tea Nervier, consisting of a eilvur urn, coffee pot, two teapots, sugar baton, cream pitcher, and slop bowl. The &elver ie 20x28 lushes. The set is very tnao-iv', told suitably engraved. The Yuung Liberals of Hatniltott have been dis0ilosiog the future of Canada, and have decided in favor of British counectiou by a two third, majority. While loyal to the existing condition of thiuge, however, they seem to have sucoeeded in consider- ing intelligently argtunents in fever d trolipenden0e without, calling for blood. The Hamilton police were celled on Thursday night to quell a young, lady who threatened to poison herself be- cause her parents would not allow her to go to the roller rick. This is a very sad ease, but if the yonug lady insists upon one or the other, her par- ents would do well to declare in favor of poison. It ie expeditious and ef- fective, while the roller rink method of winding up a life is tortuous and paiufal. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER cont. Straight loans. Apply to A, BAYMANN, 80- Cranbrook, (1 OLD BRACELET LOS L' ON she nine on Monday evening. The find. er will bo suitably rewarded DT leaving it at TO0 Posl Publishing House, et one e. NOTICE. A Mooting of the Cheese Factors Directors will so Welty the Town Nall, Brussels, on sATOI1DAT FEB. lain, at 2 0'0100Y, P. n1., for the purpose of letting the Milk thawing for the ensuing Season, all parties interested era invited to attend, JOHN STRACN I.N, 85.2 President. GIFTSeild Id canto p (rI O ', and eve " 041( moll vnu free n royal, vntnnblo, sample boa de1 OM will put you in thof esue600 00 1180111/22 hours money a1 once. bhnn northing else 10 America. Ratti. sexes of all ages can levo 01 home and work in 00018 time, or all the time. Capital not required, Wo will start you. Immense per sure for those who start at once. STINSON e4 Co„ Portland, Maine, 'LIAM{ IN GREY FOR SALT, BE - ink: lot It, nnDm10thoort. ooutatning 100 aorto, 080511 Part lot 10 on 10 con„ costa mine 45 soros. Lot 10 is partly cleared, the bal. auto well timbered, A never failing amok crosses the lot:and it is well adapted for form, ing or grazing. Lot 10 is mostly Mewed and under good cultivation, tho balance wall tim- bered with black nth. Wi11 0011 all together or in part to salt the purchaser. For further partionlars apply to the proprietor on the promtsre. T1100 lot rt well drained. Lf ONO. AVERY; �UBLIO NOTICE IS HEREBY given that an application will be made to the 1,00(010511m of the Province of Ontario at the next oes61011 thereof , for an Act erecting tho Townships of Wallace, Mein incl Marring• ton, in the County of Porbh Flan/Lek and Croy, in the County of Buren, mud Mar yborough,11) the 0 malty of Wollingtnu, with the Villages of Milverton, 1 ruoeole and Wroxeter and the clowns of Palmerston and Listowel, iu the said Counties, into a Provisional County, to be called tho County of Maitland, with the Towle of ldatowol 116 the County Town, with provinioneehnilar to those oontainod in the Act CO Victoria, chapter 81, for bho formation of theft nutty of Dntrerin, onbjeot 0'i the ap- proval of a majority of the 01005or0 of the Said municipality, to bo taken atom 010otton to be held for the purpose and or said Ant In a manner similar to the said slob for the foronttion Of the County of Dnfforin, DA TILTED. R' eI00118, solicitors for applicants. 2043 Listowel, December, 10111, 1885, ESTATE NOTICE. --- Pursuant' the Act 48, Vic, Cap 11, Or '0,10, the owl Lora of Potherb Brown, late n1 the 210120t1111 of Grey, in the 05,miv of Huron, y0001140, who died on or about the 22nd day of November, A. 0, 1880, and others having 812100 in respect to his estate, time hereby 'tended to send of o' before the 151h day of Remelt, A. n.1080, to the nndorslguod admin 1-• t,•atlix 'tithe odate and o01ooto of the sii,l deceased, their names and add200400 and the . fell 1 arttiulara) of 01012 01101ms and of the so. iirnli'a fat lyaf6 held painhate and 08e00neli r the said deteaeetl will he cliotrlbubod.among the parties entitled tunrot0, having regard Only to o1,un6 of winch the aclminlatratrlx has then notioo and the adminLOtratrix will not bo liable for any assets so dintrib• Medio any person of whose claim the shall not intro had notice, 'bated at Grey the 18111day of January, 1880, MANES RROWl1 Admini0tratrix, JAMES BROWN, Adminratratore, 30 1I RheoWx, 28 G'rnnbrook, Ont 8