HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-1-22, Page 8oromemamonimmasmordsmamokron
OW that the holiday trade le
about over we wish to call the
itttFtitiolh of the Public to our stock
:Cf 'Books, Stationery, h'eo• We
'have all the School Books, Copy
Books, Slates, *nails, Ink, Pens,
Automatic Poncild; Schools, Cray
fns,• and all necessaries for'°pupils.
A. good line of Albums, bound
ill plush and leather, in stock and
rvill.bo sold at a very low figure.
Beautiful Bibles from $13.50
down. Autograph Albums also
on Band.
Call and get a quire of our note
All kinds of account books on
hand. School tablets can be sup-
plied. '
Give Us a Cali.
Train eaves Brussels Station, north and
suth a sfollows:
Going South. Going North.
e._ .... ....-.7:25a.m.I Mixed 10:00a.m
111.preas.........i1:lla.m, Mail ..2:49p,m.
faxed 8:50 ,m. Expres .........9;39 p.m.
The morning train south and thenighttrain
Orth aill'oaly run on Tuesdays, Thursdays,
and Saturdays
.otaJ Iitius items.
A chiel'e nasus ye tak;n' notes
►n' faith he'll prent ft.
We are very anxious to get out-
standing subscription accounts closed
up, so that we can begin early with a
targe paid-up lien. There is no cepa-
plaint about the City papers enforc-
ing this rule. Indeed, it is boat for all
:iartiee concerned. Please examine
.your receipt and see if yon are paid
rip for 1886. If you happen to be a
year in arrears, enclose $8 and we
will credit you with two years' sub-
scription. We are obliged to solicit
an early settlement of old aocounte.
Waco will be Warden ?
READ the legal advt, referring to
the formation of a now County.
Hoven to rent. Apply et Tan Posr
Pnbiiehing House.
Wee Husxog has been laid up for
some time from a strained side,
SEVEEAL 'of our townspeople are
putting away ice for next summer's
Mise MAY ROGERS, of Gerrie, has
been visiting old friends in town
this week.
WE are glad to see Robt. Graham
able to move about a little. He has
Veen laid up for a long time.
Mama Lanterns, that will afford any am.
cunt of amnsememnt during tho winter ev-
oninge, at TUE Poor bookstore.
OWING to the lengthy report of the
Farmers' Institute several interest.
ing matters are crowded out of this.
NEXT Sabbath morning Bev. Wm.
Smyth, will preach the Sabbath School
anniversary sermon in Wingham.
His pulpit will be ocoupied by Rev.
J. L. Kerr.
Tare week A. R. Smith of "99," is
completing arrangements for opening
out a branch store at Sunshine. As
they have had no store there for some
months we predict a largo trade for
Mr. Smith.
THE St. John's flhuroh Sunday
School intend giving a service of
song, illustrative of the Life of Jos
oph, on the afternoon of Sunday,
January 31st. All are welcome and
invited to attend.
Tae McLennan boys were galled to
Seaforth last Sunday to attend what
was supposed to be the death bed of
their father. We are pleated to say,
however that the old gentleman rat.
lied and is in a fair way to recovery.
Sas the large stook of letterheads,
noteheads, billhoads, statements, me-
morandums, envelopes, etc. at THE
Pose Publishing House. Don't send
out your accounts 6n scraps of paper
when you can got neatly printed bill•
heads for about the same cost.
A. aroma, who has been aiding H.
James occasionally at this rink, help-
ed himeelf to several books of tickets
and was disposing of them at a heavy
discount when nabbed. The tickets,
we understand, were locked up in a
box. An advt, in this issue cautions
people from buying books from any-
one but the Secretary, E. B. Burt. •
TIM Wingham Times says, quite
correctly too :—'.'he Toronto mail
destined for Wingham was thrown off
at Brussele last Saturday afternoon
and filo Brussels mail was brought to
Wingham, This thing has happened
so often of late that it le beeoming a
regular nuisance and something
should be done to preventa reeurren-
Jan. 2, t846.
A ammo is talked of.
Wool is coming in with a rush
this week.
JOHN HALLIDAY, of Loudon, was in
town this week.
Seaforth, are visiting in town this
Reeve Roonas.will leave next Mon•
day for the County Council at Gode-
SEE legal notice in this issue con-
cerning the revision of the Voter's
List. '
Ownio to the indisposition of the
isoumbent there was no service hold
in St. John's church last Sunday.
CHAS. AnOLAY and Ilire, of Harris -
ton, were in town this week to see
Mrs. Ainlay's sister, who has boon so
Mee. Jae, DEawe sr. was summon•
ed to London this week to see her
daughter, Mrs, D. Kelly, who is lying
at the point of death.
Miss JENNIE GRANT, a Salvation
army soldier, has been very ill this
week and very little hopes aro enter•
taiued for her recovery.
Pnrv.ITE Funds to Loan on farm or other
good security. Apply at Tns Pon Pub-
Iishing House.
AconsEsPONDENT writing from Kirk•
ton says the choir of the Methodist
church has been re -organized with
Miss Hattie Harris as organist.
BORT. DURNION, of Brussels, has
purchased the Pollock hotel property,
Blyth, from a Toronto Loan Company
for $1,000 and has moved in and
commenced business.
A ozerarx man an Mill street puts
in part of his time, so the neighbors
say, in boating his wife. A. free rail
ride is promised him if this kind of
thing is not stopped, at once, too.
Set uotioe of annual meeting of
Morris and Grey Cheese and Butter
Factory to be hold in the Town
Hall, Brussels, on Tuesday of next
week, at 1 o'clook.
Tice HONORED.—James Mitchell
has loaned us a book entitled "The
Annual•Register," published at Lon-
don, Eng., in 1768. We purpose
making some extracts from this old
relic as time and space will permit.
Kinn Karla ie prepared to take a limited
number of pupils in Kensington and satin
painting. Terms :—a2 for each, or 63 for
both if taken together.
Some people are complaining about
their children being looked out of
school and compelled to go home be-
cause they were late. Tho object is
to do the pupils good as it is no ad.
vantage to the teacher.
W. ANDERSON, who has just oom-
pleted his apprenticeship with Harry
Dennis, has gone to Wingham where
he will work at his trade in F. Bill-
ingsley'] shop. Anderson is a tip-top
harness maker and does credit to his
WE understand that R. W. Tuck
has purchased a hotel at Shelbourne,
Grey Oo., and will remove there short-
ly. Mr. Tuck understands the hotel
businees thoroughly and will open the
eyes of the Shelbourne, people as to
what a first-class hotel is. We are
sorry to lose Mr. Tuck and family
from Brussels.
A large old steam fire engine came
to the .Ronald Works this week from
Oshawa to be suppliedl with a new
boiler and a general overhaul. It
will go back next week all oompleted
and nearly as good as new. Mr.
Ronald agreed to do the work inside
of two weeks and he will be on time.
AT nob time] as this every prudent
man and every good citizen will take
unusual precaution against fire, It
is impossible for the fire department,
no matter how bravely its men expose
themselves to Buffering and danger,
tofight fire with such moms as when
the weather is comparatively calm
and mild, and a small fire may oaeily
grow into an extensive conflagration.
Ws have received a copy of the
Canadian Journal of Fabrics publish-
ed in Montreal and Toronto. It was
formerly published as a monthly, un-
der the name of the Dominion Dry
Goods Report, but now appears week.
ly under the above name. It is a
nicely printed publioation and should
be of invaluable service to every one
engaged in the dry goods or kindred
trades. It is published at only $2
per annum.
Nonce To Dsnxone.—All persons indebt-
ed to Jno. Nott, V. 6., are requested to oell
at his residence and settle the lame at once.
Jonas No V. S.
I. 0. 0. F.—The following ofihcere
were installed in Western Star Lodge,
No. 149, L 0. 0, F., for the ensuing.
torn :—J. P. G., Wm. Martin ; N. G.,
Geo. Fulton; V. G., K. McKenzie ;
R. S•, J. G. Skene; P. S., P. Scott
Treas., F. S. Scott; Con., D. A, Smale;
Warden, A. Hingaton ; 0. G., W. A.
Oalbick ; I. G., A. Currie ; R. S. N. G.,
W. Cornish ; L. S. N. G., F. Kelly ;
R. S. V. G., Geo. Armstrong ; L. 8.
V. G., J. Arent; R. S. S., J. Har-
greaves ; L. • S. S., Goo. Hayoroft ;
Chap., Jas. Wilson; Plhye,. Dr. Gra-
slam and Dr. Hutclhineon.
FLENTY of 8no,9 now,
Snit our musio rolls, POST Bookstore.
Otis week from next Monday is the
sat of February.
Aims MAGGIE Barooa Id home from
Stratford for her holidays.
TEE revival services in the Method.
1st church are growing in earnest,
Jxo, Ceoexsa and wife, of Exeter,
are visiting relatives• in town this
Fos local nerve Tau Pose takes the
lead. Recommend it to your friends
and neighbors.
A nsossmrox for Rev. W. T. Cluff
and bride was held at the residence
of J. D. Ronald on Monday evening.
A most enjoyable time was pat in.
A NEW way to, leave your sweet-
heart—jump out of the upstair win-
dow at half past ono in the :corning
and have your overcoat thrown after
Tire numerous friends who came
from Chatham, Chicago, Milwaukee,
&o. to attend Rev. Mr. Clefts mar-
riage ceremony all departed to their
respective homes last Monday.
AT the meeting of the School Board
on Monday W. H. Moss was elected
Sec.-Treas. for the incoming year.
Jno. Shaw, who has filled the position
for years, declined the appointment.
Crantadtta ar Ne'vws.
A farmer writes from Moosejaw an-
ticipating Indian trouble, and stating
that a body of police who went to a
reserve for prisoners came back with-
out, and in additiou the Indians stole
some of their horses.
Last Friday evening the Simeoe
Methodist church was the scene of a
new feature in church entertainments
—a Pullman Car supper. The sup-
per was an exact imitation of the re -
paste served in those travelling pal.
aces, even the waiters being attired
like the waiters in those cars.
The Brantford Expositor says that
"probably a more dismal. comfortless
waiting room cannot bo found along
the line of the Grand Trunk than
that of Harrisburg. One dim Lamp
just breaks the gloom, the reading
room is never illuminatea, and the
platform is evidently counted upon
being lighted by halting trains. Har-
risburg.is a point where much wait•
ing is necessary, and the station
should be made comfortable."
The following puzzle is now crest-
ing a furore in Ontario :—A captain
in mid oeeitn runs short of provisions.'
His crew consists of thirty men, fif-
teen whites and fifteen negroes. He
has only food enough to supply half
the crow ; so ho arranges the men in
a circle, or row, and throws over-
board every tenth man until only fif-
teen remain, These fifteen are white
men. Explain in what order the
man were arranged.
Woodstock eau boast of 15 doctors
in active practice, 17 lawyers, 12
hotels and Beloons, 5 barber shops,
10 butchers, 9 places of 'worship, 8
undertakers, 5 jewellers, 7 dry goods
merchants, 4 gents' furnishing stores,
8 banks, 3 dentists, a score or more
of grocers, 5 blacksmiths, '7 tinsmiths,
4 hardware merchants, a dozen shoe
stores, 4 stationery stores, and half a
dozen confectioners.
Tho people of Orangeville were
again trhown into excitemeut on Sun-
day morning another dynamite out-
rage having boon perpetrated. At ono'
o'clock on Sunday morning an espies
ion took place at the residence of Mr.
Monro, Police Magistrate. On exam-
ining the premises it was found that
the dynamite cartridge had been pia•
ed on the sill of the kitchen door,
which was inside a shed ; the door
was blown in, the stove broken, the
windows and walls shattered. The
shod was also blown to pieces; the in-
mates of the house were not injured.
This is the second attempt on the
Police Magistrate, who has been in-
fiheting fines for breaches of the Scott
Act. There aro rewards offered of
ono thousand dollars for the perpe.
trators of the first outrage, no doubt
the reward will now be increased.
Tho little 8.year-old girl named
Hortubise, of Gatineau Point, report-
ed on Monday las having been choked
to death by swallowing a pin, has
been restored in a most wonderful
manner. She apparently died after
suffering indescribable agony for 24
hours, and the parents were frantic
with grief. Preparations were made
for the funeral, and everybody who
had known her mourned the demise
of the young sufferer. After watch-
ing the prostrate body for several
hours, signs of animation were via -
able, and itwas at once ascertained
that sale had been only 10 a comatose
Mate. A physician was immediately
summoned, and announced the glad
tidings that the spark of life was not
extinct. By careful treatment the
little girl wag gradually brought
around. The pin, after a aeries of
attempts, was dislodged from her
throat, and the is now conValescont.
Mr. Jones, of Listowel, recently
telegraphed from Montreal "ship no
cattle," The telegram as received
read "ship cattle,' Mr, Jones was
out $100 by the mistake, and threat.
ens to sue the' ooprpany.
Mr, Innes, M. P. for Soath Wel-
lington, has distributed his extra ees.
coital indemnity as follows:—$50
each to the Erin, Eramdsa, Guelph
Township and Puslioch Agricultural
Sooieties ; $100 to the Free Public
Library ; $50 to the Guelph General
Hospital ; $50 to St, Joseph's Gen-
arr.! Hospital, and $50 to rho City
Benevolent Fond.
Anderson, the painter who was
run oyer and frilled by a G. T. R. en-
gine at Toronto on Saturday last,
had a standing joke that he had Been
his own funeral. This erose from an
extraordinary event which happened
at the tune of the Fenian raid in '66.
Deceased was at that time a member
of the Queen's Own, and went to the
front with them. Becoming detach-
ed from hie regiment in some way
while on service, he found his way
into Hamilton jail, his whereabouts
beiug unknown to the regiment. In
the meantime the body of a fallen
soldier, thought to be that of Ander-
son, was brought to Toronto and tak-
en in charge by Anderson's relatives.
A wake was held at the residence of
an aunt of Anderson, and a military
funeral in due form took place. Some
time after the funeral Anderson turn-
ed up in 'Toronto, and created a great
sensation, as it was firmly believed
that he was the man who had been
buried. It was afterwards disoover-
ed that the body which had been
buried was that of a man named
The Port Arthur Sentinel, not de•
siring that the tide of emigration
should roll through the district whose.
interests it upholds without contri-
buting something to build up ite for.
tunes, points out the advantages it
possesses as a home for settlers.
Several townships at the head of
the lake have been surveyed, and.,are
open for free entry under the Ontario
laws. The soil is described as of
excellent quality, running from a
lightsandy to a heavy clay loam,
with intervals of heavy bottoms suit-
able for hay meadows, Good water
is abundant, building material is
cheap, railway communication is es•
tablished, and good roads exist.
Around Murillo station some hun-
dred settlers have established them
selves, mostly from Western Ontario
and England. Small game is plenty,
deer are common, and, in season,
the woods abound with wild fi uta
and berries. A11 grain and root
Drops do well, and the nearness of
towns and the demands of the mining
region afford it ready market for all
the produce the farmers can raise,
From the Sportsman : A Sydney
(N, S. W.) report says :—Hanlan
has now issued a challenge by cable
to row anyone in She world if the
race is rowed in America. He is
known so well In these colonies as a
"bag of wind" that no notice would
bo taken thereof. When Hanlan was
in Australia he wastreated to the
best of everything. A public recap.
tion was given him on his arrival,
and the highest personages is the
land invited him to their houses and
showed him hospitality. He lived on
the best, root free, and nothing was
too good for him, and had he bean
more careful as to his living and ab•
stained from late hours, it is my op-
inion he might still have been cham-
pion of lbs world. I had consider-
able facilities for watching his train-
ing, and, however, fit he may have
seemed, yet I hold it to bo an impos.
siblity for a man baviug accustomed
himself to loose and easy living to
pail himself up suddenly and go in
for arduous physical exertion, and
then to be in as fit a condition an his t
opponent who has been living quietly
and working hard all the time. His
powers of endurance must necessarily
be greater, and the other must suc-
cumb in a hard struggle. Hanlan's
tactics have been to "burst" his ad-
versary from the jump, and in his
race with Beach he pursued this
game, but found after a mite ho had
rowed himself out. Beach, being, a
"sticker," had hung on to' him, and
was fresh as a daisy, free to go, ahead
and win as he pleased ; and I have
no hesitation in saying that Hanlan']
behavior told on him then, and bbfe
was the real cause of his defeat.
Whether he will ever regain bis lost
position is problematical ; a great
dual depsnds upon himself anct his
future modes of living. Even then
young soullers are rising up every
day, some of whom, no d oubt, in,
their turn may family earn the cham-
pion belt.
Giasoit.—In Brussels, on the 15th inst., the
wife of Mr. 'Jamie Gibson of a son.
Fonsvrn.—In Brussels, en January 19th
the wife of stir, Alex. Forsyth of a
faINTOSH et ;efoT'AGGART',
Note 5o Di an ddiecounte d.
interanbitlorredon deposits repayable on
l'romp tattentlongivout000ilegtioes. •9
(1 .y,.It+'FABD L L L I O '1', L A W
3 Jlnee,Jraut .lBlock, aruoeole. Mona
• O)rioe formerlyoocupled oy A. J , M
Coll ,Eeu.•tu Leokle'belock , Money tot cud
V1' (late with.}arrowd ereuefoot.tt ode
rich) 3olieitor, Conveyancer, &e. Office i n
Grant' elock,Brueeele. Money toLoan. .
11. the M ourth Division Ooert Co . Euro 5.
Oouvoyeneer,Notori eublic,Lnnd,Luan end
Insurance A¢ont,Fundeluveetedaud to Loaf
Collections made. Ofaoe, Graham's B1os t
eA. doNAUGHTON, M. D. C.
• td.,L, ii,J. P„eidiube igh Physielen,
inrgeouandAeoouoiteur, OIDeeluMre.ahiel't
block, rurnbury Street.i
t/Y A. ,HU'l'CHINSON, M. D.
L M.C. P.lidlnbargh.
dasremovod to htsroeidenee ou MI1180oe
the nous of ormorly000upio d by Dr. Graham,
andwino e there at night. lie et(llrotains an
onto eat dargreaves'D rn g store.
r`t L.BALL, L. D. S., HONOR
• Graduate sod Member of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons Toronto The
anamthotic or the gugiven
s only,isAll perations
()Irefully performed and luarauteed. Bruce
modurate. ()Moe overPowell'a store hour;
8 a.m. to a p.m,
of Thorough Bass, Vocal, and Instrnr
mental Music on Piano , Organ and Guitar.;
Noforence—Ladles of Lore lto,Gueiph.
Reeidenoe—No .5,1 south BriekTerrace
44•am. Brussels,Onb
Bauer Marriage Lieoueoe. OIDae at hi grog
Bry,Y'ruborry street, 3.28
• Surgeon, Graduate of Ontario Veteri-
nary College, Tercels. Residence et Jno.
Nott'a, B rueoole ,
• ridge Lies neer.by appointment or
G, lentenant•Governor Oemmiealonor ho., Q
oraessatileoranbrootPoI Office
Insurance Agent,
re • Accident and Loan Insurance Agent for
some of the best and most reliable Companies
in the Dominion. Oalco. brink terrane, Tilrn-
beery SI.,uear the Station. S months.
Dutcher, thanking his
nanyonetomersfor their liber
- _-. - tlsupportforthepastslx years,
wtahee tot nform them the t bo
ing burned onto! the old stand has fittednp
a shop in Bmale's Sleek in drat -ohms style
whore he Impel' to see all the old ouatomere
andaemany new °news see flt to give bin e
troll I keep nothingbutAret-oiaee meats, all
kinds of Poultrvandeausageiieat Delivered
toallparteofthe TownFreo. Cash paid for
Fat Stook.
AA rout °rise Block, - Brussels.
Age utfor Joseph Tomos & Co .,Montreal and
Toronto, Actinolite Cement Bootleg—fox Mor-
on and Brume Counties.
Gravel, T in, Iron and other roofs repniro i
and satiniaotiou guaranteed
Eetimatee given, Tar & rel t atwboletale
book, of tickets have been stolen from
the Bink, the pubno are cautioned unbolt
buying ticket a from anyone but the Seore.,
tory. - E. D. DUET, Secretary
The Electoral District of East Huron,
undersigned has boon appointed oleek
for the Dp et Riding of the Count of Buren
under the Dominion Franchise Rot. All cont-
muuicatione to the Revising Barrlabor for the
said Electoral Dietriot aro to be addressed to
'Wingham.” All seeitoations for the insert-
ion Of names upon the Voters' lists must be
made in writing and sopppported by satisfactory
proof, E. L,Di0ESON,
Clerk: for East Riding Huron.
1Bsustwels i,L arket,
OohtsnoTED OASErar,r,Y LivUar WEE$.
White Fall Wheat....., ., 72 76
Rod Winter 79 78
Spring Wheat 50 70
48 55
28 80
Butter, tubs and rolls 11 15
Dego per dozen 16 00
Flour per barrel 5 00 00
Potatoes...• •25 80
Hay per ton . . ...........t 8 00 11 00
Hides per lb , , 6 71
Dressed Bogs 5 26
Sall por bbl:, wholesale :.. 00 80
sheep skins, each 50 1 00
17 18