HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-1-22, Page 6Tr.' . 8atISSETAI " 0(43: Directory of Charolue and Societioet llrlr.vnw.3 dltog1_Sabbeth Services at 11 a.m. 600a).p418. Sunday School at :1:30 p,xil. RoV. Jpo. /loss, B. A., pastor. lixox Ciiurtalt -Sabbath Services at 11 a.m. and 6:$0 p.tn. Sunday School at 2:30 pan. liev. 0. 7ouea, pastor, Sa. Jouete CStunCu,--Sabbatlx Son' Mee at 11 A.M. and 7 pan, Sunday Scllool at 9:30 a.m. Rev. W. T. Oluffe, incumbent. Mi.TaovrsT Czroneu.—Sabbath Services at 10:8011,m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday Sobodl at 2:80 emu. Rev, Wm. Smyth, pastor. Roman CATuoNza Conradi,—Sabbath Ser. vicothirdauud`ayin every month el 11 a.m. Rev. P. J. Shea,, priest, I\Inan.culae' Iae'0Ieent 1leadingRoont and Library in, Holmes' block, will bo open from 6 to 8 °':.lock p.m. Wednesdays and :iaturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Librarian. Ont Emaznv's Lomat! every Thursday evening in'Grabain's block. Masonlo Logan Tuesday at or before full moon in Vanstoue's bleak. A. O. U. W. Cones meets on end and last Wodnesdai evenings of each month. Po o1aTEn'e LODGE 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month in Smal'l's 11a11. L. 0. L. 1st Dlonday in every month in Orange Hall, POST Orrlca:--Office flours from 8 a.m. to 7 pm. $'a;ract iK asters. it owes you a living lint you haul energy enough to go and collect it "Gonitis and industry ore once to win their own -rewards," ie a very poor precept to post on the minds of a dexterous burglar who spends throe Douro in opening a sato which only contains thirteen old copper cents and an empty gin bottle. Porlamo hack, side or cheat, use Shiloh's Poioub klasto r. Price 05 conte, Sohl by el .11. Bondman, Little boy—Mamma, papa says he 18 captain of this ship. What then are you 2 Mamma—The pilot, I suppose. Boy—Then I must bo the oompass? 11:Inmma•—VVhy 2 Boy— Because they say the captain and pilot are always "boxing tho COM - pass," "I say, Aunt Chloe, you Is gm Ming around, right smart': "Yes indeed I is, honey. I was pestered and s ick abed with Rheumatism for six years and done tried this .W gist's Wor1d'e Wonder or Family Liniment the people 000 talking It. ono saved much this 01,1 nigger'sas nlife.." Price 25 cents and 30 cents per bottle. Sold by John l3 argreavo z& co. Barry Sullivan was playing Rich- ard III, and when 110 palled the lino "A horseit horse! My kingdon for a horse," a man in the theatre milled out: "'�l «ldu't an ass do you, Air. When horses do not work shut oft ? He iustnaltly broagllt down the buns° by responding. '•'Yea, please 00tne around to the side stage door. some of the feed. Why will you. cough whom Shiloh's Cure w111 give immediate relief, Price 100„500., and 81. Solt/ by 0. A. n mimes. Tea N. Y. counties this year pro- duced 5,0900,000 barrels of apples, theme matt in demand being Baldwin, A 3ensatlon. An unparalleled 'lenses tion is being created all over Ontario by the wonderful and 0nec . nailed, manner in which N ,uralgia, Toothache , Rbeuwarism, nackacho, HOa,L,nhl, is rom0v. ea by bat ane aDphcataon of i`luia Lightning. Greeningd and Spys, prices ranging No oimusiva, dieguatiug drugs need bo taken instant Try n ”"c per beere from S1 to S1.80 l. for days. It la an n aura. I bottle from J. Ilan instan C Co., druggist." Shiloh's Cure wit/immediately relieve Croup Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by (3, A. need0.nn. If you have calve: or colts the tulle to commence their education is immediately after weaning. Teach them to lead and obey the word of command. It is the ground work of future useffluess. ANOsaI Inlectar free with each bottle of "Dey much cost me two yours 111 de 3hneh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 Dents. Sold ,Pnitbll6hler of I tole." by G. A. Deadman. 1' f A hen that sits on the roost, or Don't eta booelved. Beware of any druggist W110 will try to 15 - stands on one leg from morning till duos you to take auytbine in pisco of \/c - b 1) lava will not lay. Crregor 8 Psrka's Carbolic Uernto. It ie a . _eel cre8 is. a9 essential good y a ou o wi nu ae n inn, and hens that are expected to eel Cot '1laGr ager & Parke'e and have no other. Only _,.o._ 0r box at J. Hargreaves & Meeting Jim Webster, Uncle ./lose could not help beiug alstnniahed at the magnificent pants of Jim. ":bat's a mighty fine pair ub pants for each a pore nigeah as you aim to bo a we3ric'." "Yes, doy'e gorgous, and no mistake." "How much moat day cost yor, an' Mew did yor get 'one ?" night these cold. days, , marvel of boa/lug for 60ros, Cults, Bairns. oto. i tial as gfeccl• y f tt u leu cu tit Illi o lay must bo feet 80 as to compel then/ Oo's T a T to scratch and take exercise. e Had seen that kind of a m811.— Cnour,whoapiageon&and bronchitis 101 "flare i5 a 0111.101100 case, ma'am," icediatoiy relieve by Shiloh's Cure, Sold by said the Superintendent of tee ius.aue G. A.1)oadm a9 u.tn"imagined he es , This man A horse is Y not fully mature until six. years of age. Immature animals the motive power that runs the world. aro often over -taxed end their future Ho's perfectly harmlaes, though, but !d 1 usefulness discounted. Young hordes he thinks the war sou du't move b kid too hart/ if they without him. Very queer notion. isn't should not a nor it? "I don't know about that ; my are o expected to live to agre°u and are useful Gid age hnsbr.nd has just the slime notion in The Boy. Goo. H. Thayer of Bourbon, Ind. big dead." nays:—"Both myself and wife owe our lives to wauregor'a Speedy Cure, Shilolr's Consumption nur0. Sold by G. A, It to popularly admitted everywhere that Deadman. McGregor's Speedy Cure is the safest, most Ieliable and by far the cheapest. romoily for Constipation, Livor Complaint, Indigestion, Impure Blood,Loss of appetito, and similar troubles. Itis not necessary to take a groat quantity beforo any result is produced. A few doom' w111 eonvinco you of its merits. Tri. al bottle given at Hargreaves' drug store. "Mother," salt a little Rockland girl looking up from her book," what does transatlantic mean 2" "Oh, Water with the chill taken off should be supplied to fowls at least twice a day during freezing weather. It should not be kept constantly be- fore long wattled fowls like Leghorus, since these appendages are apt to be- come frost bitted from frequent dip- ping in the water. 1100088 the Atlantic of eonree. Don't Are you made miserable by Indigestion, Con- bother me—you made Inc forgot myttppatioa,Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. 00nnt." ttDseo trans always mean Sold by G. A. Deadman.. The quantify of land to be calci- l across ?" "I suppose it demi. If you vated as n farm will varyaocerding j don't etop bothering me with year to the capacity and circumstances cif the you'll go to hod." "Then the owner, and according to its own I does transparent mean a erose par. enc?" Ten minutes litter else wag meting in her little couch. ,'Timmy haokingcough can he so quickly cured byShiloh's Cure. Weguar an80o it. Sahib G. A. Doadmaa. "20 grains make one scruple ; 3 scruples make one ounce, 12 ounces make one lb."—One of Burns coun- trymen, like the old poet himself, is too fond of his cups. His doctor said his health rebuired that he should limit himself to 2 ounces of liquor a day. He asked his eon how much 2 0unees wee. The 'eon, having just learned the above 'rtthmetio, answer- ed, 16 drachms. 011 weel eiiid the canuio Scotchman, Ilguess I can get along with 16 drams a day. There to no modlolne on the market that eau equal West's Cough Syrup in We cure of coughs, oolde,Cononmption,influonca Hoarse- nese,aothme, and all throat and lung troubles, . it has no equal, Sold by John Hargreaves & Co., druggists. Pride 25 cents, 50dents, and 81 per bottle, Four Bridegrooms,—Tho author of a "Hand -book of Matrimony," recent- ly published in London, tolls of a nervone bridegroom who, confusing the baptismal and marriage ceremon- ies, replied, when asked if he consent- ed to tape the bride for his wife : "1 renounce them all ;" of a Hampshire rustic who when giving the ring, said solemnly to the bride, "With my body I then wash tap, and with all my hurdle goods I thee and thou;" of another who, when asked whether he would take his partner to be his wed- ded wife, replied, with shameful indo. oieion. "Yee I'm willin', but I'd a much eight rattier have her sibter," and of a' Scotch lady who, on the occasion of her daughter's wedding, was asked by an old friend whether she might congratulate her on the event, and answod, "Yee, yea, upon the Whole itis very satisfactory ; it is true Jeanie hates her good, loan ; but location and character. Tbi.s much may be said In conclusion, that there is probably no farmer in the country who would not be better employed in seeking to develop the resources of the farm that he has than in trying to adcl to its dimensions. VARRIETIE1i. A snow plow is like a bad habit— A. good thing to cut adrift. Because the baby is a little yeller 110 sign he ie a Chinaman. Second thoughts are always best, Woman was an afterthought of crea- tion. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. you laggge a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh'e Vitalizer. It never fails to ours Sold by G .t,Deadman. You can injeot morphine in the calf of your leg, but you cannot take quinine by harking your shin. Papa, what is a luxury ? Father— Ii is something my son, that we can do without. Logical boy --What e luxury a mosquito must be. Prof.—What as the most delicate of the senses ? Sopb.—The touch, Prof.—Prove it. Sopb.—When yon sit on a pin, you can't Boit, you can't taste it, but its there." Robinson'ePhOsphOr Iced Emulaloa is parti- cularly adapted todelicate femal es, in those low states of the system that manifest thorn. selves in so many of the ailments Peculiar to their ailelebereot p zed Emulsion, and sure get I We know an editor, a mild and patient editor, andlong•suffering, who always alludes in a soft whisper to the wretches who come in and paw over his unread exchanges as hie paper callers. Tired looking young man—It's no fault of mine thut I game iota the world. But I am here, and the world owes nee a living. 13ystander—Yes ; ,then there's always a something." htlrnulreo Repeiva CIO. Pio farmer who is of any 04i1001it is idle any part of the year uowsdaye, either winter or eulltmer. But' the labor in the cold menthe is not so sevet8, and he will have c0llslderttble time "nights and Sundays." If Ito i'1 Wide tie w0 thin/: he ie, lie will have somo good reading to 1111 113 hie spare timo, and keep hie boys and girls interested at home. The largest and best variety of good reading can bo secured by eeveral neighbors clubbing together. Ono may subscribe for one magazine ur paper, another for riuotlter. They may be react turn .about, passing from one to another till they Bake gone emit* all hands. Club rates for several publications together may bo secured advantageously for just this purpose. The eeloctions are often already made up. Firet of all it should bo every man's duty and pleasure to subscribe for his home paper. The home paper shouldlikewieo be of such character that it chill be a profit to lata to sub scribe for it. But alter that there i4 still a large field to ohonse fro:u, and it showed he worked. He should have a good sprinkling of publioa tions pertaining to hid busiu004. Really intellinult farm families read more than city people do. Excellent farm books can no seen od in the sumo way, by each mall or woman oubsoribiug a a•,nal1 sum. The books would then ho joint property, and make foundation of an except+n' uoigllborhoocllibrary. Ten to $25 will buy an excellent oolleetieu, We have given a lint of the mus valuable ngrtcultural publicetinne. Wo shall to it for the ben°lit of noighbarli 1•.1.1 libraries hereafter. b'OUN973fIE$'t' 13ANIC NOPE'. JAN. 22, ISM TRAIN IS W...LTfi! 011.11. C. W)aeT's Servo and Drain Treat 010128,0 gnaraateelornide for Hysteria. Dig - men, (musby the use of alcohol or To.1500, Wakefulness Men- tal Depression. Softening of the Brain mea- tus In luaanity, leading to misery, decay and death. Premature 01,1 Ago, Barroiloos,Laseof Power lu either 501, [nvoluntary Losses and Spormotorrhwa caused by over•exertton of the Brain, soil -abuse or over -indulgence. hash box oontat00 ono uiontll's tro Mmont $10 box. 0r six boeoo for 85, Bout by mail prepaid on rocoitt of nrloo, We Guarantee Six Boxes To cure any ease. With (mah order roevtvod by us for six be zea, accompanied with 95, wo will send bllo par 111000 Our written guarantee to refund alto money if the treatment does not effect a ours.. Guarantees issued only by duo. Hargroa toe* Co, B ru coals. THOS. Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, FLETCHER. Gold Watches, Silver Plated Ware, Silver, I'Vatchcs, Cloche, Goltz Rings, Violins, Lic. I keep a full lino of goods usually kept in a first-class Jewelry store - Call and examine, no trouble to show Goods. Issuer of flfarriag e Licenses. Agent for Ocean Tickets, Amer- ican Express Company and Great Northwestern telegraph Company. -- Several correepunrleuts have asked I POST for a brief memoraudntn of what 0000- , r -7_I ,Iix, terfeitCantatlian bilis they 311)11111 1)1 ml the lo:ak,nut for. The following a�TO plates or photographs are rep lr;:;,l ill c tis i 4 a Dyu's Detector. Ten; Maritime bank. Dated St, John, N. B. Letter A. N timbered 00787. Ten ; Ontario Bank. New 1.44110. Letter A. Dates/ 13aannauvifl3, Nov. 1st, 1870. Ten; Merc110nt'd 13,u,k of Halifax. Photograph and lithograph cambinad, Ton ; Bank of British North Amer. ice. Ottawa Branch. Photograph. :Con; People's Bank of N. 13. Photo. graph. Ten ; L't Banque Nationale. Five ; Beak of Nova Scotia. Dated 5011 July, 1877. Letter 13, 120304. Five ; Bauk of 33. N. A. Old 18500 Kingston branoh. Darted let Islay, 1875. Five; Canadian Bank of Commerce. Old Issue. Lotter C. Dated 151 May, 1871. Five; Bank of Toronto. Photograph. Port Hope lame of notes. Lester F date let July 1S80. Numbered 45,- 881. Five ; Union Bank of P. E. I. Pho- tograph. Plato A. Fivo ; Bank B. N. A. Now ie8n0, Letter 1). Five ; Bank B. N. A. Quebec Branch. 010 188118. Photograph, Five ; raised to ten. Canadian Bank of Commerce. New issue. Five ; raised to ton. Imperial bank. One ; Dominion of Canada. Old Government issue. Letter D. Dat- ed Ottawa, July 1st, 1870. One; Uniou bank of P. E. I. Dat- ed January let, 1872. No. 80,252. One ; raised to four. Now Govern merit issue with portrait of Lady Duf- feria in centro. Two; Dominion of Canada. New Government issue. Letter 0. Dated June 1st, 1878. Two; Union bank of P. E. I. Photo- graph. Old issue. Two; Union bank of P. E. I. New issue of notes. Lotter A. Dated March 1st, 1885. Four ; Bank of B. N. A. Si. Sohn branch, N. B. Old issue. Photo- graph. Four; Dominion bank. Old issue. Letter B. Dated February let, 1871. Four; raised to ten. Canadian Bank of Commerce. Altered with pen and ink. Very clever. A.0 the last meeting of the Stratford council, $200 was granted to tho May- or, ayor, and $100 to the Chairman of the Board of Works, as a slight recogni- tion of the time lost in attending the city's interests ; and last, but not least, $10 to each reporter of the news• papers for reporting the debates. The Brantford clergymen, fearing that Sabbath desecration 18 gaining ground in Choir midst, have resolved to np1101d the san0tlty of the day by refusing to attend Sunday burials. They denounce Sunday driving for pleasure, bands of mono playing on the streets and neglect of public wor- ship. Just received a fresh stock of Richter and Thio Month Organs. All the School /looks in stock. Orders taken and filled for School /daps, Tablet Lessons and any book desired, on the shortest notice. See our, 100 and 200 page scrib- blers. Santa Claus has unloaded ono pack of Christmas Goods and more is coming. Wait and see our hands olu0 Christmas Cards. Get a sample of our Note Paper. Canadian Pacific Railway Time Table. z0r. :� •_ Teeswater Branch. Miles. 414,1110 1V est, 0 4 71 10 12± 284 804, 884 44 47± 564 60 02} 60 74 Toronto.. Dep Oranl;ovi118 . . Orangeville Job Amaranth '1' •• Waldemar.. •. Luther ...... Arthur.. •. •• Kenilworth.... MT. remise .. Pages l...... HARRI;TOB., •. FOrrlwiah , • Gerrie .... .• Wroxeter Winghaw Road Teeswater. , Arr 8Ini1, 8xpr00 7,20 a.m. 0.50 ' 10.05 ' 0,15 '1 0.24 " 10.31 t t 11,08 " 11,50 " 11,58 a.m. 12,15 p.m. 1228 ' 12.55 " 1,08 " 1,15 " 1.88 " 1.55 p,ln• 5.40 p.m. 7.05 7.22 7.32 7.88 7.44 8.10 8.20 8.46 9.01 9.10 9.31 9.40 9.46 10.08 10.16 Mlles, tieing Hast. Expros0. ig it it ti it „ ti it . Diad 0 6 111 14 I7g 264 80 4A 504 611 64 664 170 74 22 Te tswater Dep Wingham Road WroBeter .1 • • Gerrie ...... h'ordwieli .. • • IHarriaton .. Pages Mt. Fo• . rest.... 13.enilevorbh Arthur.... •. Luther . Waldemar.. •• Amaranth t Orangeville Jot Orangeville .. Toronto .. Atr. 6.16 a.m. 5,28 5.47 6,53 6.02 6,25 6.35 6,51 7.09 7.26 7.53 " 7.68 " 8.04 t' 8,12 e 8.86 ,t 10.45 a.m. tt „ Co tt 2.15 p.m. 2,80 ” 2.49 " 2.59" 8,00 " 8,29 't 3.40 " 8.57 " 4.19 " 4.89 5.10 5.17 6.24 5.85 6.55 8;85 p.m. tt tt IC ,t. Refreshment and Dining Rooms —AT— TORONTO J AT— TORONTO. JUNCTION. OIRANGEVILLE AN» CARLEITON JUNCTION. 7.+7-TS.TCS32DIOST 33Ai3K:e]'S'.'cI ON THROUGH TRAINS • -•naTw1119x•^• •--TORONTO AND MON TRE AL.— li'L ifl1CTI 1t, 'mitten 541305T. t,ItI0il8 8,i8 .[1. L. ,1'4 CICr9ON, pratioal Watchmaker and Jeweller/ Satisfaction Quaranteea in al; Repail'ing, ----SH 7P AT -- W, Jackson's Store, - Brussels. HURON ANI) BRUCE Loan & Investment Co. This Company is Loaning Money 011 Fal'm Security at LOWEST BAT318 of Interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per cent. Interest Al- lowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFPIcr.--On corner of Market Square alit/ North street, Goclorich. Horace Horton, 11A3A0011. Goderioll, Aug. 3111,1883 Hurrah. for the Beehive, The undersigned desires to return his hearty thanks to hie numerous customers for their past support and wishes to an. uouncothat for the 1"EXT IO DAYS he will give -Great Bargains fu FRE SU GBOCEBILS, SEASONABLE FRUITS, CANDIES, NUTS, And a IIeat ut Articles that cannot be mentioned bore. 111101111 Business and a Call will eocvium• you that during the Holiday Season you will spend your money to good advantag,' by Calling at the Beehive. SPECT I,L CUTS • 1n Sugars, Teas, Crockery, Glassware, L,:. Wishing you one and nit a Merry Xm:t: and a Happy New' oar, I am, Yome truly, [V. II. ✓lICCr'aclicn• The Iul<lepe .d.ento THE LARGEST, THE ABLEST THE BUST (Religious awl ',dowry Weekly. The most influential religious organ in tho Statos.—Tho Spectator, London, Eng, Tam I0DE1ExnanT is one of the boat pa; pars in the world. Its good points are many and striking. They have only to be stated to bo appreciated ; tend for the proof of our claims appeal may be taken to any of the fifty-two issues of the year. Any num- ber of Tho Independent will show that its contents are marked by - 11r1/.1'.1'2, VARIETY AA'b 11Tmnm0T. Tbo groat thinkers, the great story -writ} ors, the groat poets, men of the highest re. pntation in all departments of hurnan knowledge, make lip its list of contributors. Religion, philosophy, scienec, literature, art, travels, discoveries, stories, and all oonceivablo topics aro embraced in the con- tents, and everybody, old oe young, learned and unlearned, witllont regard to sex, em- ployment, or condition, will find something of special interest in ovary issue. omireEOENSIVENOsa,--It is a religious, a literary, all educational, a story, an art, a scientific, au ttgrioult r 1, a financial and a political paper combined, Bitnnwu50050011, E0alim0T1VE81'.—T110 In^ dependent is tied to no denomination ; it its the organ of no clique or party in state or Church. It is free, therefore, to discuss alt questions, and to speak its mind candidly. It. is not swerved by fear or favor. It is a vigorous defender of the Evangelical faith, it preaches practical righteousness, anis earnestly supports all moral reforms. Alt its columns—the advertising as web as the reading -are free from everything of doubt- ful or oblootionable character. No matter what a person's religion, politics, or profes- sion may be, if he desires to keep 1i with the times and know what the brightest minds are thinking of, the ablest pone are writing about, and what the world at large is doing—ho should read The Independent, TERMS TO SUBSORIBERS : Three months ,. 75 One year 01580 s 00 Pour months --St 00 Two years 5 00 Six months 150 Five years 10 00 Can any one make 11hotter investment of 520 to $3.00 than one which 'will pay 62 DIVIDENDS DURING Tk1E YEAR? Every intelligent family needs a good Newspaper, It is a necessity for parents and children. A good way to make the ae- gnaintanee of The Independent is to send 80 cents for a "Tniar. Tin'" of a ,month. SPECIMEN t101'JES FREE. No papers are sent to subscribers after the time paid for has expired. The Independent's Clubbing List will be sent free to any person asking for it. Any ono wishing to subeeribo for one or More papers or magazines, in connection. with The Independent, 0011 siva money by or. daring from our 0111b Md. Address THE INDEPENDENT, 1', 0. ilex '2787, •1• Nish Y.011111.