HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-1-22, Page 5jam. 22, 1886,
Blue ale.
Thos. King, an old Bluevale
who teaches in the atone Sohool ho
Morris, passed five; pupils all bo
up to the entranoe oxatninatiou to
High School, with high marks.
Mrs, G. Acheson, whose death
expected for some time, breathed
last on Saturday morning, tho 1
inst. As Mfrs, Acheson was one
the old settlsra and widely known
(loath is mourned by a very largo oi.
of friends and acquaintanoos.
We wero just a little too provi
in claiming first place for Bluevale
the Entrance Examinations. Full
turns were not in when wo wro
`Third plaoo is all we aan claim t
time but if you will just lay thnt ite
by until next time, it will then
mathematically correct, no Bliley
intonds to be first then by a big m
Tho annual statement of the Bl
vale Cheese and Butter Co. for t
past year has just boon issued, and
presents a most satisfactory elate
affairs. The year was oomutenc
With a balance on band of $900.
and after paying tho patrons $10
724 ii ill ca'ih. besides salaries au
running expenses the sem of $1
892.08 is carried to their credit.
Coffee socials aro coming to tit
Carnival on the rink on Prada
evening of this week.
Our Bonrcl of Tracie has berm dim
mussing the County Town question.
The young people of the Meths
dist church have organized a Liter
ary Society.
Our curlers got away with th
Walkerton club in the match for the
Ontario tankard.
Kincardine curling club defeated.
the Seaforth olub and the home team
here last week.
The Caledonian Society will hold a
grand concert on the 27th inst.—the
Burns Anniversary.
Last Sunday missionary sermons
were preached in Christ's church, by
Rev. J. T. Wright, of St. Marys,
The Poultry Exhibition is in pro-
gress, in town, this week. P. L.
Jarvie, of London, is the judge.
The stove and tinware business of
R. Osborne has been purchased by
Masers. Bonnet & Boyce. They still
hold tho old place of business.
The annual meeting of the Agri.
cultural Society was held lest week
in the town hall. The following of.
flare wore elected for the owning
year: --President, Win. Dixon, re-
elected ; let Vico-President, Seth
Donn ; gad do., R. Cleland ; Direct.
ore -Brea -J. L. Turnbull, Jas. Brown
and Jas. Alexander. Wallace -3.
Vankleeck, Alex. Allan and Fred
Hemsworth. Listowel -T. E. Hay,
A. W. Featherstone and J. B. Drew-
ry, `Treasurer, Jno. Livingstone, jr.
Secretary, R. Ferguson. The Au
ditor's report was presented, show-
ing receipts for past year, $881.61
er,pen,litnrs, $758.86, leaving a bal-
anco of $77.75. J. P. Mabee addres•
sed the meeting on the question of
the proposed scheme to amalgamate
the Agricultural ,Society with a joint
stook company to bo formed for the
purpose of purchasing 20 or 26 acres
of land, erecting suitable buildings
for holding much larger exhibitions
than heretofore, and for the purpose
of a riding and driving park. On
motion, the Secretary was instruct-
ed to take steps to have a joint meet•
ing of tho members of the Society
and of tbo citizens of Listowol and
surrounding country called at au
early day to discuss the question.
The contract for the (rection of the
new Methodist church was let on
Monday to J. & J. Large, their tender,
$10,641, beteg the lowest, The new
church is to be Molt of brick, modern
style, size 60 x 90 ft., with porch at
front entrance. The building will be
72 feet high from ground to ape's of
roof; side walls 86 feet high. The
interior will be divided into base-
lnent, audience room, class rooms,
ate. The basement will be entirely e
above ground, with 10 ft. 6 in. coiling.
It is especially designed for Sunday
School purposes, and will be both coin-
modious and convenient. The aud- D
fence room, will bo reaohed te
from the entrance door by landings &
14 foot in depth-. There. will be a d
gallery over the landing and extend. o
ing in the form of a circle from 14 to
18 feet over the audience room. The w
choir and organ left will form au ho
alcove immediately behind the pulpit, at
ou a Blight elevation, on either gide tit
of which there will be a class room wi
and vestry. The Beats in the audience Go
room will bo a semi -circular, and are pa
made after an improved pattern. The tors
roof will be an appearing truss roof, B
with heavy principals, The building ac
will be well lighted, and will be heat. Th
h or
10 -
ed by furnaces in the .basement. By
the terms of the contraot it is to be
completed by the 1st Dec, next.
ki ratillryn.
Look( out for first-olase tea -meet
Ings in a few weeks,
The Methodists have decided to
purchase a new organ for their'
The Methodist Sunday School i
doing well here. At a meeting of th
officers, teachers and friends of the
school Last Monday evening it was
decided to expend $16.50 on a new
library, which will bo on hand abou
the let of February.
from tiro Secretary's report ;—Tb
total amount of milk received at th
Molosworth Cheese .Factory for th
past year, was 1,787,085 lbs., wh
was manufactured into 178,082
of cheese, being an increase of 85,
the, of ebeoee over the your lief
The total amount realized for ghee
$14,1175,77. The number of lbs.
milk to make 1 lb. of cheese for
a I season was 10.88 lbs. The aver
e prior per lb. of cheese was 8 65 col
The cost to manufacture per ]b.,
ebeose, including all other expans
connected with the running of t
factory, 1.68 onto.
The item which appeared in le
week's issue over the signature of
Knight has been the 000asion of mu
merriment all round but especially
Young Liberal circles. It was thong
that the writer would have given
something more appropriate on 11
ove of his departure from our midi
If be supposes that that eommnnit
called "public mind" is to bo den
with after the fashion of pupils in
school room ho is badly mistake
Everybody knows, as well as thee
who organized clubs, that it is a difili
eult matter to have a satisfactory at
tendanoe tit ouch in country places
especially at some senone of the yea
and it dans not take torch l'arethe '.tgh •
to perceive that acting iu a inanne
likened into "throwing rap the sponge'
m' staking unfair statements will ton
in any way to remedy this. Th
sears of Liberalism hi Grey, no, re
gards the young then, WAS never on a
better rfooting
than est
when duty requires thorn they will be
found in the thick of the battle, aid
no item, even enppose ft coutainsd
far more elements than self and unba.
coming side issnes, will eauso disoord
in their rants.. We must remember
that dark clouds often bring waters
when tho light brings none. We
don't want justice measured out like
ginger in coarse wrapping paper, we
want it by the ear load and at whole.
ate prices,
o There are 120 pupils on the roll of
o our High Sohool, 60 of those are
e taking up 8rd class Teacher's work..
The Tuokeremith Agl. Society el.
noted the following oflice•beareri for
4 the ensiling year: --President, Thos,
E. Bays ; Vice. -President, John Mo.
Dowell. Directors,—'Phos. Graven.
look, McKillop ; Robert Armstrong,
Robert Smith and Robert Knox, Mul-
let ; G, E. Cresswell, Robert Brook
nod Geo. T. McKay, 'Tuckaramith ;
Alex, Davidson and D. Hogan, Sen•
to: tin,
Dan. Moran is "on Its ear" at the
Salvation Arany Capt. Be soya :—
I lova the Salvation Army. I rewir-
ed blessings by its manes, but many
of the officers repel timers rather
than draw them. I have objected to
officers engaging in culinary pursuits
to the itegleot of bitckelidcrs 0r wool;
members, 'hence the head and front
of my ofiouding. A person may go t,
Hada on rollers, but oto go as speed.
ily 00 foot, through 02 uity, ignorance
and presumption. If Army rules
wero obeyed to the letter, no journal
Mit 1V,u• Crys or books fro:n ho td
quarters could be read the world
would soon minima into worse than
Egyptein tbtrlcne+s. SI
Alt the munioipal officers wore re-
aleeted for the coming year by the
Oounoil last Monday.
It is said that our Sunshiuo post.
master is auxious to give up the job.
Tho misorablo pittance of $10 or $15
a year is u0 return for the trouble.
A Literary and Debating Society
has been organized ab Anderson's
school house, S. S. No. 6. This is a
good move and it is to be hoped the
young people will take an interest in
A dressed hog was received at the
Blyth packing house last week which
weighed 651 pomade. This hog wits
raised and fatted by Goorge (banger,
of the 91h con. of Morrie, and was of
the Berkshire breed.
Sunshine is to become a place after
all and right away wo aro to have two
stores. A. It. Smith will run one and
lir. Hotham will look -after tho oilier.
11r'. Smith intends placing Wm. Hes.
- lam, well-known Caere, in charge, we
Daviel Weir is visiting friends hero.
The brass band was out serenading
the other eveniug. They play a num-
ber of pieties well.
Wm. Doig, of Lachute, late of Port I e
Arthur, purposes opening ont a jew-
ellery shop hors. Wo wish him suc-
H. F. McAllister is talking of add-
ing a shoemaking establishment to
hie business. Mc. is fall of enter-
prise. t>
The sacrament of the Lord's sup-
per will be dispensed in the Presby-
terian Church next Sunday. Rev.
Mr, Stevenson, of Molesworth, is ex.
'sated to preaoh on Saturday. Ser-
vices on Saturday and Sunday will
begin at 11 o'clock.
SURPRISE PARTY.—Two sleigh loads,
comprising abort thirty of the Ethel
people, drove over to Goo. Welsh's
last Wednesday evening, 18th inst.
As previous notice of their approach
had not been given Mr. and Mrs.
Welch and family were taken entirely
by surprise. They, however, by their
hospitality, soon made everyone feel
at home, and a very enjoyable time
was spout. The party was soon en-
gaged in various games and they all
seemed to enjoy themselves to their
heart's eonteut. The lstdies had then'
baskets with them. web filled with an
endless variety of good thinge from
tvhieh an excellent and bountiful re•
past was spread. Al 12 o'clock the
company were invited into the dining
room to test the good qualities of the
same, and it 1e deedless 10 say that.
they did ample justioo to the good
things provided, Airs. Welsh's stool;
of celery was considerably dtmtniahed.
They retained to the village at au
early hour in the morning, well sat-
isfied with the evening's amusement.
i t1
lois rola Cs_m_s L .3*
Thor' i, , t1 1 of a new Town Holt
d in 11x1100.
Toe Winthrop"temperauco" house
is re -opened.
Over 400 ,pupils attend the Clinton
pt 1>!rc school.
t 1
Tho Salvation Array i, gainiug
gronuti rat Exeter.
1.5 heavy dranghc lturs1 wort:
shipped last wool; from Exeto:.
$400 in prizes aro offered by tine
Poultry' allyl Pet Stock Aa' oc:Loi lit of
Exeter. •
Exeter Conservatives elodted Dr.
Rollins, President ; D. Mill, Vice
President ; 1. l3laorett, Sec. Tres..
The total receipts for the Hullot1.
Agl Society for lost year was 6;1,264,.
43, and their expenditure $1,121.85
Fred. Elliott, of Exeter, Inn l S tin
uel Jones, of Crediton, suosiid''1 in
passing tine qualifying exa:nitot tit
for the civil service.
Messrs. Embttry, of G,dorich,
Thom and Cornett', of Stretlu'oy,
MetvIillan, of Granton, and Turnbull,
ofOlintoi, are appiicau is for the rchool
Inspectorship of Staub Hurnu, The
matter will be decided. at the County
Council next week.
4 ringhain.
The Caledonians will cline ou hag -
OD the celebration of Bobbie Burns'
A 40 ]torso power boiler has been
at into Inglis & Oo's. woolen mill.
James Watson was slightly injured
i by the axle of his buggy breaking, last
Wm. Elliott is offering an Astracan
jacket, and a bearskin robe to the two
purchasers who guess the nearest to
the number of buttons in a vaso in
itis store.
The following officore were elected
for the ensuing year in connection
with Idle Horticultural Society:-.
Crowell Wilson, Pres. ; D. Melanie,
Vice -Pres. ; J. J. Anderson, Wm.
Clegg, H. W. 0. Meyer, J. A. Morton,
Wm. Elliott, S. Youhill, Jas. A ()line;
11obt. Tennant rind Walter Scott, Di-
reotors ; E. R. Talbot and John Nee -
lands, Auditors.
Minerva Encampment, 1. 0. 0. F.,
installed the following officers lust
week•:—C. P. W. 3. Young; H. P.,
John Sheffield'. S. W., Geo. Russell ;
Soribo, J. 11. lliscocks; J. W., 8,
Merrifield ; G., 0. Gilchrist ; 1st W.,
John Hardy ; 2nd W., Geo. Baker ;
3rd W., A, Hardy; 4th W., J. Ooch-
raue; J. G., W. F. Broekenthire
1st G. of T., Neil McGregor ; 'dud 0•.
of T., John Elder. .
Turnberry Agl. Society elected the
following Board to manage affairs :—
Charles Henderson, Pres.; Jolla El-
ston, Vice Pres. ; James lilliott, Jno,
Farrow, Geo. Moffatt, Wm. Robert.
son, Wn1. MoOlymont, Alex. Young,
Johu Anderson, D. Vanalstine aud
John Hardy, Directors. AI a eubsu•
quant meeting of the directors, John
Anderson was appointed secretary 111(1
Wilbtt to Elliott treasurer.
The Young Men's Liberal Club is
to be re organized shortly for the
winter menthe.
Wo are sorry to hoar of the serioae
indisposition of our old friend Jno,
Hill, of the 10th eon.
Thos. Newsome, framer, and a gang
of men are busy taking out timber for
Jno.. Cash's new barn.
Goo Forrest and wife aro away this
week lo the vicinity of Woodstock at-
tending the wedding or their niece,
The meetings at the Whitfield
bnroh are boe.smiug quite interesting
and pt'ecious smile are deciding for
Next week Reeve btraehau and
eputies Oliver and Bryan will at.
nd.tho Oottarty Council, As this is
Ir. Bryan's first term he will aro
otbt have to go through the initiat.
or ceremony.
The annual meeting of the Moles.
orth Choose and Butter Go,, was
Id On the 0th last., and wttt well
tended by the patrons belonging to
e Company. •All were well plowed.
tit the way that the atiaire of the
mpany wero managed during the
st year. After adopting tine Audi.
and unnttal reports, the old
Bo • of Directors worn ro.el:otod by
clamation for the present year.
o following figures ,veno tikes
At St. Marys, last Friday, our
curlers were boateu by 83 shots.
Dr. C,impbell was eleotod I.trtsl•
dent of'the Huron' Medical Amsocia•
A number of our eitizeus attended
the Blake hnuquot, ill London, ;stmt
The Van lganond firm took prizes
at the Antwerp exhibition an their
woolen goods.
Robb. Jauueson, Mrs. Alex. Wil•
son and M,liss; Lumsdlon left for the
old sod thte tveelc.
Miss Maggie Campbell, our talent.
ed vocalist, is charming tate .ttth, inhabit-
ants of the east and north with her
cultivated voice
Our Mieollanlia Inetitate rattails
8rd in the, Province.' Wo have a
membership of aver 800 and duriug
the year 10,598 books were distrib-
A man named 'Vanston), wito hat;
been working in Broaclfoot's fantcry,
died very suddenly of i.afLtwntatiou
of the bowele, bilis week. il;ts re.
1011105'wore talon' to Str,rtetr,l,.
Pox CIL County Noted'.
100 women voted iu Stratford
the last municipal election.
It ie reported that the Watt faint
of Mitchell, James, .Robert and Jolt
have been left a fortune of nearly
quarter of a million dollars, by
grand•uncle, to bo divided anion
Justice O'Connor gave his decisio
in the Stratford appeal against t
award. He allows the city $686 fo
its share of the cost of building th
SuutbRicliugrogietry office, but allow
the ctty nothing for the old count
buildings. He also chauges the form
of the award so as to make it ren
'cost of administration of justice.'
Ire dismisses all other grounds of ap.
Stops are being taken by the County
Council of Perth to have an act pose-
d. by the Ontario Legislature at iia
ext session, regulating the width of
wagon tiros, and also the ovidth of
leighs in winter time to 3 feat 9 in•
ones. They are also asking the Gov
roment to amend the Dacha aud
Waterconrsei Act, no as to plane ;'sal
ay oompaniaa on the same footing
s private oweenc of hinds. Bout a
endmeuts aro much nestled Wire nolo
n t On tariu.
Some few clays ago Arra. (tom: e
Brown, wife of Geo. Brnwu, plast•'rer,
of St Marlootys rose early to •,t 1 ,,
hnsband'e brealtfkst as ustiol. 'Tis
morning being very cold sbu took her
baby, aged 18 months old, from the
bed,.nna placed itiu a high ohair, and
pat him near the stove. The teapot
was set clown near the baby, and
while tho mother had her lbaok turn -
el the little one drew the contents of ,
the boiling tett into its lap, scold-
ing the baby in a frightful manner..
A doctor was called in and everything
Clone to relieve the little sufferer, but
3�1 S`" "
To e.loso out our ln'eent ,took
I lsh
and Loather I,orur(] AI -
bums, to maks, rooms for other
goods, tvo have made tt big reduc-
tion its prices. It will pat' yeti to
buy here. •
They Books, Journals, Ledgers,
Counter Blotters, Indexes, and
all kinds of Blank Books kept in
stock, also blank notes, orders,
All will be sold at close prices.
Wo have. a beautiful stock of
Family bibles that cannot be
beaten for price. Come and com-
pare them with books you porch-
aseil Eros agents. We have smal
ler bibles suitable,{ for (- lurolt or
the pocket, at low prices. We id -
so keep English Church Prayer:
hooks, Presbyterian and Methodist
Hymn Books, &c.
Hand Sleighs.
The balance of our stock n1'
Hand Sleighs, Toys and Fttriev
Articles will be sold at Prices sat-
isfactory to tate pureha.swo.
Paper & Envelopes.
Wo make a specialty of handl-
ing good writing material and we
have this week received a lot. of
Fancy Stationery that should be
seen by every lady. 10;000 en-
velopes to hand. Foolscap, Note.
and account papers in stock. 'l'ry
Sohool Supplies.
All the Sohool Readers, Geo-
graphies, Grammars, Ariihnarfit'1s,
Algebras, Betanys, :Dictionaries,
Book-keeping Books, Copy, Scrib-
bling and Exorcise Books, Slates,
Pencils. Pens, Inks, School bags;
Tablet Lessons, Chalk...Crayons.
Phe proof of the pudding is. int''
the eating of it and the pathic,
generally will find' it to their rad`.
'iaatrlgit tb visit
it. lingered until Saturday last, when
denth carne and relieved him of all
Sir .lobo Macdonald arrived at
Ottawa `.Tuesday.
Sutallpox htta broken out- .on the
Mohawk Indian reservenear Dem,
It hue been decided to use the :Edi-
son iucondeseent light in lighting the
Parlianlcut buildings, Ottawa.
A blind hail Inas received damages
at the Middlesex Assizes in London,
for having fallen into an exeavation
through there being no fano to pro:
teat citizens.