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Jio . 22, 18813.
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FRIDA Y, JAN. 22, 1886-.
- WHAT will the Dominion and
Local Legislatures do with the
Scott Act? There has been any
amount of controversy .and debate
on this very important matter and
something definite will have to be
done. 'Whether the Dominion
Government deals with the ques-
tion or handl it over to our Provin-
cial authorities the temperance
people of Canada, Blore especially
Ontario, want justice. This they
have not had and yet they have
had to stand the brunt of the bat -
while endeavoring to hold. fast
to their convictions. There is no
retreating however, and unless
some satisfactory legislation is
granted they will be heard from,
all along the line, too.
THE Blake banquet, held in
London on Thursday evening of
last week, was an unqualified suc-
cess. There was an immense aud-
ience Who were treated to an ex-
cellent spread, prepared by the
well-known caterer, S. Grigg, of
the Grigg House. Addresses were
delivered by Hon. Edward Blake,
Hon. D. Mills, Hon. A. M. Ross,
Hon. 0. Mowat, Messrs. Patterson,
Armstrong, Magee, Taylor and
others. The speech of theevening
was made by Mr. Blake, who, for
hours, dwelt upon the publie ques-
tions of the day in his able way.
The bon. gentleman stands unriv-
alled on the political platform as
an orator and his effort on Thurs-
day evening was very highly ap-
preciated and will bear fruit.
Now that Sir John has arrived
home from England Dominion
Parliament will, no doubt, be cal-
led at an early date. The Prov-
incial Legislature will get down to
work in a little while too and the
daily newspapers will teem with
parliamentary news. It would be
a god -send to this country if the
speech from the throne and the
debate that usually follows were
either done away with altogether
or each speaker limited to a certain
time. This thing of spending days
and weeks over the Address is time
and money wasted and the whole
thing is repeated in debate later
on in the session. What this coun-
try needs is to adopt a more matter
of fact way of doing business, not
keep up expenses by salaries of
clerks, runners, &e. A. numberof
very important questions will come
before the Dominion House, par -
titularly, this session and thepub
lic will watch with no small amount
of interest the debates and votes.
AT the Blake banquet, in Lon-
don, last week, A. M. Taylor de-
livered an address in response to
the toast of the 'Young Liberals,
of Ontario. On behalf of the young
men'of Ontario, and more partic-
ularly of the Young Liberals, he
thanked them for the manner in
which they had drank the toast. He
said that the time wit's coming when
the young Canadians would have
to assume their share of the work
connected with the government of
the country. It was claimed that
if the young anon were allowed full
swing they would go to fast. That
might, perhaps, be true. On the
contrary, however, if the older
Seen wero not urged an by -the
younger they would go too slow.
(Applause.) He assured them
that the Young Liberals were thor-
oughly in sympathy with the policy
of the reform party, and were de-
voted followers of their great lead-
er. I -Ie thanked those present for
the manner in which the toast had
been received, and assured them
in conclusion that at all times and
upon all occasions they could de-
pend upon the Young Liberals of
Ontario to do their duty. (Ap-
WS think the re -appointment of
F. S. Scott ae Villageclork was a
move in the right direction. Party
feeling has run high and there has
been in the past too much of a
desire to have their own supporters
in offiee' but when a Conservative
Council, less one member, elected.
a man on his merits and let politics
go to the winds it is establishing a
precedent that will no doubt bear
fruit in the future. As to Mr.
Scott's ability to fill the position
there is no disputation and that he
has been a hot supporter of his
party is equally evident and his re-
election gives the impression, as
far as some men are concerned,
that politics should bo dropped and
the best mon put in the attices. As
there has been some little disput-
ing about the appointment we state
the case briefly so as to set all
parties right. Councillor Braker
proposed A. Veal as Clerk. Then
there was a pause of about five min-
utes, after which Councillor Kerr
moved the appointment of F. S.
Scott. Another Quaker meeting
took place, lasting about fifteen
minutes. Councillor Wynn was
the first man the spirit moved and
he seconded the amendment. Coun-
cillor Vanstone then came to the
relief of Mr. Backer and a tie was
the result. This, as has been 'stat-
ed elsewhere, was decided by the
Reeve by his voting for Mr. Scott.
However after the matter was de-
cided all expressed themselves as
pleased with the appointment so
we are satisfied all around. A good
deal of street talk was on the wing
on Monday and the action of Mr.
Wynn and Reeve Rogers strongly
criticised by their uncompromising
Conservative friends but everything
has settled down to its usual quiet
and we hope the year's work at the
Council Board will be such as to
keep down expenditure, attend to
the necessities of the place and
the best interests of Brussels.
The New County Council.
The County Council of the County
of Huron will be composed of the fol-
lowing representatives for the current
year :—
nitrtya DEYIIT2.
Saaforth D. D. Wilson Jas, Beattie
TuokersmibhDavid Walker S. Smilio
Usborne T M. Ray hrot elected
Limber .,,.Dr. Rollins W. G. Diesott
,Stephen ..,V. Raiz I H. L,'ilber
10. Eilber
Hay S. Ramie J. C. Halbliesh
Stanley ,J. Torrance A. Campbell
Goderjch W. Jobuston M. G. Cameron
Clinton . , A. MoMurohie Wm. Coates
Oolborne......A. Allan Joseph Beak
G•oderiah Tp.. G. Elliot J.BottomAshfield Jos. Griffin {D. McMurebie
W. &others •
W. Wawanoeh,O. Girvin Cl. Durnion
10. WawanoshUobt, Ourrio F. Anderson
Bayfield Nebo .Essen
P Kelly
IIullebt .J. McMillan John Britton
Morrie W. Wray Ohne. Bowe
Ternberry, , . ,,Jas, Hemlines W. MoPhorson
Wroxeter ,T. Saunders
IIowick ,John liana {B. S, Cook
T. Wilson
Grey 1' Stracllau
E. Bryaus
Brussels. , , , ..,F. 0. Rogers
Molijllop dam. flays To be sled:ed.
Wingham W. Clegg Walter Scott
Fast Huron A11.,y'(IOfetY.
The annual meeting of the above
named Society was hold on Wednes-
day afternoon, in the Town Hall,
Brussels, Donald Mcl.,auollliu, Pres-
ideut, in the chair.
The minutes of the lest aminal
meeting were read anal passed. The
auditors' report showed the receipts
to be $1118.01 for the past year, and
the expenditure to be $,988,68, leav-
ing a balance of over $124. Out of
tine amount about $116 has yet to
be paid prise winners who have not
drawn their Money, Moved by Robt.
Miller, seconded by Jas. Ferguson
that the report be adopted. Carried,
The following officers were then
elected: --Donald MOLaechlip, Pree.;
Wm, Grieve, let vice Pres, ; Robt.
Gibson, 2nd vice Pres, ; Jos. Cowan,
Ohms. Hingeton, Jas. Ferguson, Robt.
Miller, Goo: El, Moffatt, Thos, Kelly,
A. Stewart jr„ A. L. Gibson, and D.
Milne, Direotors. F, S. Seott and
W. H. Kerr, Auditors; Thos. Kelly
and D. Stewart, Representatives.
An interesting discussion was en-
gaged in by a largo number of the
Board over the Sooiety purchasing
some new kind of spring wheat for
Beetling purposes.
The meeting then adjourned. At
a subeegnout meeting of the Direct-
ors D, Stewart wae re appointed Seo.
Treas. at a salary of $05, The next
meeting will be held o11 Tuesday,
Feb, 9111 at 2 o'clock.
The first meeting et the now Coen -
ell wits held, according to Statute, on
Monday forenoon, in the Council
`211e enstamary oath was adminis
tered I.nd the new Council put in
shape to transact business for the
year of grace 1886.
The Infutate% of last meeting were
read and approved.
A communication was read from
E..E. Wade referring to the Tassio—
O'Callignn snit and the $1,400 hold
by the town Treasurer,
Moved by Geo. Booker, seconded
by W. F. Vanetone that Arthur Veal
be appointed Clerk at the same salary
as last year, viz., $60. Moved in
amendment by W. H. Herr, seconded
by John Wynn that F. S. Scott be
retained es Olerk at the same salary.
lleeveRogers gave the eluting rote
1n favor of the amendment. He stat.
ed that 11e expected there would be a
hitch over the Clerkship and although
Mr. Scott had opposed him he con-
sidered in justice to himself and the
corporation Mr. Scott should be 11p
pointed. He did not want to be
Reeve and Clerk both
.loved by John Wynu, seconded
by W. F. Vanstone that C. R. Coop-
er be Assessor, at a salary of $40
Moved by Geo. Backer, seconded
by W. H. Kerr that Thos. Kelly be
Treasurer. Carried,
Moved by W. H. Herr, seconded
by Geo. Backer that Thos. Town be
re -appointed Collector for this year.
The Reeve appointed A. Hunter
auditor. Moved by Jno. Wynu, sec-
onded by Geo. Booker that Goo. E.
Cooper be auditor, salary to be $8.00.
Moved by John Wynn, seconded
by W. F. Vanetone that .'hos. Brad -
well be Pound.keeper. Carried,
Moved by Geo. Backer, seconded
by W.F. Vanetone that T. Ballan-
tyne, Thoe. Maxwell and Thomas
Pierce be Fence Viewers. Carried.
Moved by W. F. Vanstone, second.
ed by W. H. Herr that Alex. Stewart
Thos, Town and J. H. Young be ap•
pointed on the Board of Health and
that Dr. Holtnes be medical Health
Officer. Carried.
By-laws Noe. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7 it
8 confirming the above appointments
were read and passel.
Moved by Jno. Wynn, seconded by
W. H. Herr that the meetings of the
Council be heldon the first Monday
in each month, commencing at 8 o'-
clock. carried.
Moved by W. F. Vanetone, second-
ed by W. 14. Kerr that the ,Reeve,
Jno, Wynn and. Geo. Booker act as
Street Committee. Carried.
Moved by Geo. Banker, seconded
by Jno. Wynn that the Reeve, W.
F. Vanetone and W. Ii. Kerr be the
Finance Committee and that they al•
go act as Charity Committee. Oar.
A short conversation was held over
the Land Improvement Fund settle-
ment with Morris townelnp after
which the Council adjourned to sleet
on the let Monday In February.
Or<araadia.rn avows.
Brantford has resohod to give as-
phalt eidewallls a chance.
Surgical dressing cases have been
placed in the various statlous on the
Grand Trunk Railway.
Mayor Rowland proposed to Tor-
onto Council to offer a reward of $50
for each conviction for liquor law in-
fraction, and to increase the cost of
licensee by $50.
Tllo annual convention of the
Dominion Alliance will be held in the
city of Toronto ou Feb. 2nd and 8rd.
Reduced fares ate. oar be obtained
by those wishing to attend. The
question of aluendtnente to the Scott
AO will Dome up, also Prohibition.
A movement is on foot to construct
an elevated railway in Toronto, and
notice has been given that applica.
tiou will be made at the coming see
Sion of the Ontario Legislature for
the necessary authority. The route
will include Yonge, Queen and other
principal streets.
Half-breeds at Batoeho are said to
be suffering for want of food,
Mayor Howland opened the Tor.
onto Council proceedings with prayer.
Bight thousand dollars damages
has been awarded to Warden Massie
in a libel suit.
A verdict for $10,000 has been
given against the Mail in the Laflam-
me libel snit.
,It is reported from London that
George Stephen, of Montreal, hue
been created a baronet.
It is said the C.P.R. iutond hero -
after running the dining once as far
west as Rat Portage.
Hamilton's 5 per cent. debentures
sold for 101i, the City Clerk giving
only cue day's notice of the sale.
The Locomotive Works at King-
ston wilt start oil the tat pros, on an
order for nine engines from the C. P.
Tho militia ,lepartluent has 'so far
authorized the payment of over $4,-
000,000 towards the expenses of the
Tho ten thousand dollar damages
libel suit between two Hamilton law•
yers has been dismissed without going
to the jury.
Mayor Whiting, Of Kingston, will
devote the amount he world have
spent In all inot11gur:tl baiigll<'t to the
relief or the poor.
Harriet Decker, au lntnate of the
county jail at 'Hamilton, ha: received
legacy of $3,700 from a deceased re-
lative in Scotland.
Lx -Mayor anning's signature
bound Toronto to five year.' street
lighting contract on 81tarday with
the Electric Light Company and Gas
The Woodstock wator•works sys-
tem was formally handed over to the
town Monday for the 81101 of $35,-
150, being the meant awarded the
owner by arbitration.
News has been received et St.
Thomas of the massacre by the Ind-
ians of James and Thomas Wright,
nephews of Alderman Wright, of
that city. They met Meir deaths in
Washington territory.
Prince Edward Ieland is sending
the Premier and Provincial Secretary
to England to insist ou the provisions
of the .13. N. A. Act, for winter cos.
munication with the mdlnland, being
carried out.
Lachlan McDonald, of Galt, 1b iu
oustody 00 a charge of attempting to
murder his wife with an axe, with
which 11e inflicted several serious
wounds. Drink end bad temper led
to the occurrence.
A widow named Flynn, who receiv-
ed a judgment from the Quebec Low-
er Courts for $3,000 for the loss of
her husband, who was employed by
the 0. P. R., has had the judgmont
confirmed by the Court of Appeal.
The plans and specifications for
the enlargement of the Welland Can-
al, s0 as to admit of vessels drawing
fourteen foot of water, have been pre•
pared, and are now on exhibition at
the office of the Chief Engineer of
It is understood that the Depart-
ment of Agriculture is negotte,ting for
special freight rates for the transporta-
tion of goods for the C'.olonial and Id•
dian Exhibition, and that ahipmcnts
will commence almost immediately,
now that arrangements have been pel•
The average cost annually for each
pupil attending the public schools
of Ontario ie $6.60. The number of
'schools in 5,000 ; toaclleri 7,198..
The number attending public schools
is 27,000 ; )aigb schools 12,000.
Willie, the four-year old son of
Engineer Lope, St. Thomas, Sun.
'day morning got a bottle of landau -
um frena the cupboard aid tock three
teaspoonfulle of the contents, Dr,
Smith was sent for and administered
the necessary remedies, and the child
believed to be not of clanger.
A 1FT 00,110 00 gents postage, nod we
will mo111010 fro0 1 1-02111,
chat wto, sample box of awods
chat win put you in the way
of making more mono at once, then anything
else in America. Both 00x00 of all ages 0nn
1Iv0 at home and work in Beare time. or al)
the time. Capital not required. Wo will
Mart roe, Immen00 env Dare ter those who
stars at once. STINSON Jr 00.,
Portland, Maine.
0 lug lot 14,11D ttd 10011 coo ,o0ntaf0i11g 100
acres, 0On0h part Int 15 on 1n eon , nontauling
45 acres, hot 14 le partly cleared. the Intl.
11)100 well timbered, A. never rndllng (rook
crosses the 00111001000 well adapted for term-
under good cultivation, the baline90 will tnod
bored with black ash, will sell an together
or to part s to Beit the purehaoor. For fn rih0r
parnenlar0 apply to the proprietor on the
promises. Thin lot Is well drains 1.
Li 0E0. AVERT;
81200 that nn epplicath•n will be nlndo 10,
1110. Legislature el the Provinro of nets*. •L. et
the next woolen 0)1e)•001, ler on Aot erecting
the Townships of Wallace. 141011 and Herring-
ton, in the Comity of Perth Bewick and Grey,
in the County of an roe, end htaryybomugh, in
the 0 runty of Wollingten, with the Villages
of alilvotton, 10110fiels and wrlxetar and the
Towne of Palmerston and Listowel, le the
said (nnutios,into a Prov.si0ual County, to
be caned tbe-County Of Maitland, with the
Town of Listowel as the County Town, with
hr0vi01nn0 similar to those contained in the
sot 00 Vieteria,ehal.ter 01, for the !mutation
of thea minty of Dufforin, sobjeot the np-
'movalof a majority of the elo010re of the
e.10d municipality, to be taly 0 atm: stero1n
to he hold for the purpose ,,oder said riot in
a manner similar to the Bald Act for the
formation of the eounly of Dufferin. •
DARLING .tt 311014*,
Solicitors for applicants.
90.0 Mateyo', December, 180!1, 1860.
ITolts OL'
.JA 1IRS ('LARK, (deceased)
Pursur-ut to an order n! the High Court of
Justice, Chancery Division, made 111 re Clark
In facts, the creditors of James Clark, late of
the Township of Groy,in the County of Iiuron.
.farm or,who died iu or about the mouth of
August 1877, aroou or before the 27th day of
J 0nu11ry 1886, to send by post prepaid to id. B.
Wade, barrister,lhrussels ,thoir0hrlstall and
0llramme9, address and description, the full
particulars of their 0laim0, a statement of
th Nr aoeouuts and the nature of ileo eeaurit-
i00 (it wy) 11 old by them : or fu default there-
bontiloy weain of b0 1010 DerOsamleptorilorder.y 0xaltided tram
)lvery 00 bolding any security fa
the to
00011000 the game hetero 010 the yulgrted
oifiofnl Referee at 040 said court att my 0ham-
ohuertshie 9O0tlhgodoadya oHf ain t2o18c9i0t, yatof 1roOroinndok,
udibeing the time appaint0d for ad-
j001cation on 0110 claims.
Ihttel the 7011 day of January,1884.
28.2 Registrar Q. n. D.
Ptlreuallt to the Act 4o, Vic. Cap, 9, Ontario,
the Creditors of Robert Drown, late of the
Township of Grey to the Comity M Huron,
yeoman, who died ono, about the 22nd day
of November, A. D. 1885, and others having
claims in respc01 to 1100 estate, are hereby
notified to Bond on or before the 191:01 .lay of
March, A.D. 10811, to the undersigned ndini, it.
tratrtx of the estate and effects of the paid
deceased, their names and addronses mid the
full portion/ars of their claims and nl the se-
cnritiee (lf so Wield d by then., and els, that
immediately titter the said date the assets of
the said deo:mood wilt he distributed among
the partied 000)1101 til -bete, having reggr,0
only to elaima ,,1 which the admiutsiratrix
baa than notion and the odnlh)tstra tri x will
not be liable for any assets 00 distrib-
uted to any person of whose claim the shall
not have bard notice.
noted at &reptile Nth day of 100uary, 1562,
AIPNil6 1ROIVN,) Admiulstrairix,
Jodi\ nRowN, Administrators.
48 Orsabrook, Oat•
feeted at South Kensington to receive 1W13 1 U
them. 1
A Montreal man lately sued a
druggist for damages from having
been deprived of work for several
weeks in consequence of taking a
poison sold him by mistake. The
error was caused by the wholesaler,
who had labelled the package wrong-
ly before selling 1t to the druggist.
the Court held, however, that the
druggist should have vcrtifietl the
contents of the package, and. gave
judgment for $200 and costs.
The expcuees of Montreal amount•
ed to $137,779,80 up to Jell. 1, and
since that time $7,000 has been paid
out. The, money has been .spent
chiefly iu the erection of hospititle
and in placarding infected boubas.
A largo number of suits --It is said
at lout 2,500 --are to be -brought
against the city by the small -pox 8uf•
ferrite, or their friends, alleging that
in the early clays of "the epidemic
proper precautions were not taken to
limit the spread of the disease, and
claiming damages from $800 to $5,-
000 in each 01090,
Waterloo town hashed a count out
and a count in in the matter of the
mayoralty. The proceediugs were
before Judge Miller. The candidates
wore Geo. Moore° and Wm. Snider,
The return handed in by the return.
ing officer showed a majority ,of" one
for Mr. Moore. lllr. Snider obtained
an order for a re -00(1111 of iia ballote.
The public were not admitted cloning
the proceedings, only the candidatee
with their respective counsel Being
present, The mount .reeuited as
follows ; —187 for Moore an 1 180 for
Snider: ---majority for Snider, 2,
Great Infhroc'entonts For 1886.,
The aim of "GRIP" Is to set forth ,in an im-
partial and independent manner, tbo passing
ovanto of Oanadiau political Bud nodal lite.
Its ()anomie sneak mora definitely
and more pleasingly then whet(
columns of editorial, In this pungent, easily
npploalabhe, anti artietie style of presenting
tt oubloot, the whole situation in reyetlod at it
glance. ''21o) nuo0000 of Grip plows hoty well
this fact to appreciated its 'Cartoons on the
passing political events of the country being
even more eagerly sought after than the
chaste and hemol•ouo Lotter -Drees of ills pap.
cr,—though the latter to equal to that of any
900101ar publication on the oon0lnent,
The publishers of Grip are malting extensive
improvomouts for 1880. T110 old cover is to be
discarded; and the iournalwill hereafter Om.
prise 12 pages, and be printed 0u heavy toned
and oalondored paper,—every number being
Bo ar0totioally executed as to 00mpare favor.
ably with the best papers of the kind on the
continent. The m1010.0111 bo 00uu0res1Od and
more systematically arranged ; while simmer
Improvements w111 be made Its to the letter.
1re00, A n00' and )ande0m0 design will adorn
the title -page; while the Cartoons will cert.
ainly not suffer from 024001,01V8 tutpr0vemento
iu the artistic dopartnlsnt
The prima of Grip will hereafter be S0 a year
which. 108 lower than that of any paper of !to
kind in Amerlae,—meet of them tolling for 85.
Single numbers of Grip wnl bele 001110.
Twice it year, at Hide/Ulmer and 0inletmat
a beautiful sneeitti number will be tsimed, the
number of nodes bol ug'bereasod, and plea.'lug
features iutroduoed,--partinnlars at whloh will
be given in lieoneodlllg lames. These 1111111.•
berm will lm prose subserihero without
extra Char g6.
Grip's Platform'
nnnie withoutVulgarlty' Patriotism with-
out Pnrt0rnusbip ;Truth without Temper.
Only $8 a Year, P. °stage Free.
Address the Grip Printing 01 1Publtohing
0o,rlpauy, 20 00 09 Front Strout crept, Toronto.
and GRIP w111 be ill ruiOhed te,au10orlbero, by
mt)ched arrangement with the publlohors of
tiro latter jottranl, both Wiliam for only 010.08.
W..tr. 15l21111, Auoilo)