HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-1-15, Page 88'
t31X1Jt313EL4 ePBT.
Jag, 15,,1864.
mow that the holiday trade is
about over we wish to call the
attention of the Public to our stook
of .Books, Stationery, Szai. 1\'u
have all the School 13°0104, Copy,
Books, Slates, Pencils, Ink, Pons,
Automatic Peneils, School Cray -
ens, and all necessaries for pupils.
A good line of Albums, bound
in -plush and leather, in stock and
will bo sold at a very low figure.
Beautiful Bibles from $18,50
down. Autograph Albums also
on hand.
Call and get a quire of our note
paper. •
All kinds of account books on
hand. School tablets can be sup-
Give Us a Call.
Train eaves if roseate Station, north and
uuth asfullows:
Oath,: Somit. Going North.
MAIL. 7'2aa.m,.11:LOo.m. I Mixed 1000a:m
The morning train south and the night train
orth will only run on T need aye, Thursdays,
sad sattuda ys
7!iqproes .. Moll........... 2:49p•m.
wed .., 6:50 .m. ltxpres p•m•
` gra) lidos aitems,
A chief's among ye takin' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
ei0'P10E'F(4 still) i(m .13 4115.
\1'e are very anxious to get out,
standing subscription accounts closed
up, so that we can begin early mitt] a I interview d `rhos. Goodwill, In filo
large pail np list. Three is no cora post clues block, relative to his no -
plaint about the City papers enffrc•sleeting to provide proper comforts
lug this rule.d, it is beet for all for achild under his care, Said to be
partiesparties concerned.eded. Please examine
an adopted sou. The little fellow i,
your receipt and see if you aro pail) a br,ghr, intelligent child unci, so re-
p for 1858 If you happen to be n pert garb, has been shut tip in the
year in arrears, enclose 58 and we airier aud store, all by Himself, many
Pill cratlit you (vittwo years' sub -
es. When the two goutletoso
ec,iptiuu. .We are obliged to solicit, mentioned slave, went into the cellar
an cur,}• settlement of old accounts. the oily appearance of a flail was a
NEST Monday the new Conned will C001110 of costa spread ou a little
inset and hilts the oath of office. straw ou top of a box. There was
uo stave in the place. After a little
^REVIVAL services will be nee- protestation, uu the part of the alleg•,
cd. in the Methodist Churchrah next ed father, the boy was taken to the
week: American hotel where he hoe been
Site legal advt, relative to the af- well cared for by Mr. and Mrs. Km
fairs of the deeoased Robt. Blown, of • ni.. The boy iu question hails from
JANUARY half gone.
Trus skating; and curling rink is
well attended these uiguto. A large
number of ladies and gentlemen, to
say nothing of youngsters, aro learn.
ing to Bltato.
AN order clime all the way from
Mauituba for several petite of the cels -
limited corsets manufactured by Mrs.
D. A. Smale. Their ntivt. was read
in TUE Posr,
Horse to runt. Apply at Tun Pose
Publishing House,
THoeias OALBION had a very narrow
escape from injury by A. R. Smith's
horse kicking him in the face, As it
was his front teeth were loosened and
his upper lip damaged.
JAMES Hrexs ii home from the west
after an absence of about seven
months. Ho reports everything work-
ing well up there. Mr. Hicks brought
a number of prairie chickens home
with him, one of which he presented
to us.
LAST Tuesday afternoon the fire
engine and hose carts were got out
iu a burry to be taken to what was
supposed to be a fire ou Mill street,
We are gin; to say it was only a horn-
ing chimney itt the old Orange Hall.
Our fire brigade in always ready.
lioLD yuur sides while you take in
the great loris (?) got off by the 'fun-
ny' man of the rs iugham Advanoe. Its
terrible funny. Hero it is:—"The
editor of the Brusbele Poor wishes to
make the merchants of his town Ba•
laams. His natural modestyprsvents
him claiming the character of the ass
—nevertheless Balaaul he is and
donkey likewise. The lass was wiser
than tato prophet." Don't you think
it west hurt to be as "funny" its the
Advance mai is ?
LAST Saturday evening Reeve
Young and Constable Scott, iu re•
sponse to it number of complaints,
Norton To DEnron8.—All persons indebt.
ed to Jno. Nott, v. S., are requested to call
at his residence and settleyth om m ` 6.
JooSLE advt. of the meeting of the
County Council.. It -meets on the
20th inst.
0. D. WHIrn, of Seaforth, was in
town this week visiting some of his
old friende
Fon local news Tan POST takes the
lead. Recommend it to your friends
and neighbors.
Tins County Lodge of the Orange Or-
der will be held in J3lyth thie year. It
meets nest month. '
Mrss )iota is prepared to take a limited
number of pupils in Icensington and satin
painting. Terms -$2 for each, or 53 for
both if taken together.
$5.40 per cwt. was paid for dress-
ed hogs on our market this week.
Trot in vour pork.
ACCORDING to an Exeter correspou•
dont S. B. Smale intends "commit-
ting" matrimony in the near future.
DID you cast your optics on the
advt. concerning that exoellentjourn-
al "Grip." Read about it immediate-
G. L. BALL, L. D. S., has again
opened hie dental office at Gerrie
and has placed W. H. McDonald in
ON Tllurgday of last Week Mise
don o Dwa to ona summoned her Flitter, Mrs. D,
Belly, who is dangerously ill.
Tan bible, bracelet and watch ad-
vertised in Tam Post were found and
returned to their respective owners.
A word to the wise is sufficient.
Davin PEERRIS occupied the pulpit,
in Melville Church last Sunday in
the absence of the pastor. His dis-
courses were thoughtful and interest-
Saturday Thee. Hall pus.,
chased 5 hogs from Jno. Mclutosh,
of Grey township, . that aggregated
1928 pounds. These are the kind of
hogs to count.
WILSON to PELTON are manufactur.
ing a clotheshorse that every house
wife should see. It is a complete ar-
rarJgement and overcomes till the
difficulties ulties of the old style.
• 'Sas the large stock of letterheads,
notoheads, billheade, statements, me.
morandums, envelopes, tee. at Tim
Peer Publishing Elmo. Don't send
out your accounts on scraps of paper
when you can get neatly printed bill•
beside for abetitthe Bann cost.
some Orphan's Home in Toronto.
TRUE To THE oonE.—The days of
romance are not over yet and the
truthfulness of the old saying 'Absence
makes the heart gro .v fonder' was ex-
emplified last Monday, When Miss
Jennie 1VLuir, of this place, after Slaving
prepared a handsome trosseau, and
received a number of beautiful pros.
ante, started for Fresno, Cal., where
she will be united in marriage to Thos.
Ball, well known in this locality.
This daring little woman faced a 3000
mile joarney, taking about 8 days, to
be true to her promise and save her
betrothed a double journey. She was
accompanied by her brother-in•law,
Jno. Nott, as far as Kansas City, from
which city she goee alone. A large
number of relatives and friends ac-
companied alias Muir to the station
here and many were the good wishes
expressed for her safe journey and
future happiness. Figuratively, we
throw an editorial (slipper away over
to the land of summer and flower,
and hope Mr. and Mrs. Ball may
prosper in their far off southern home.
Parma say speeding horses on the
front street should be stopped.—
there will be a change in some of the
Municipal offices under the new reg,
ime.—Our next trustee election will
be by ballot, in all probability.—An
effort should be made to hold a rous-
ing celebration in Brussels on the
Queen's Birthday this year.—The
gaseliers at the rink did not work
well.—Very little snow may be look-
ed for this winter.—The wood piles
are coming down to a fine thing.—
Money is bard toget hold eland hard
to keep when it is got.—People say
the Town Hall will soon have to un-
dergo repairs.—More gravel or as-
phalt walks should be put down and
less plank as either of the former will
outwear the plank five to ono. ---There
is no talk of Brussels being connected
with outside towns by telephone yet.
—Green stove wood will be bought
at a dollar a cord this winter. The
price is not much for the seller but
it is a great boon to the poor who
have to lay in their summer's supply.
—There will likely bo some changes
made in.eonnection with the School
Board shortly.—It would bother a
regulator to beep track of the time
in Brussels. Everybody appears to
run on time of their own There is
tape of an organization, bearing the
name of "order of Chosen Friends,"
-.being formed in town,
SEND along the local items.
Do you ever write 1885 for 1880 ?
Otte cllrlero tire getting down to
IF snow does not soon some there
will be a wood famine.
Mas. W. F. VANs'roNE and children
aro visiting ab Walkerton.
Mow MA -00M WiLeoa, of Streets.
villa, is visiting her sister, lire, J. G,
RIVATa Funds to Loan an farm or other
good security. Apply at Tun Pon Pub -
tithing House,
Rev, W. E. KERR, who has been
preaching in Essex County sines last
summer, is home on a short vacation.
WII,L the anniversary of the birth,
day of Bobbie Berns be celebrated by
the Brussels Caledonian Society this
A NEW kind of light will be needier
the Tableaux at Mies O'Connor's
oonoert. Remember the date,
Tuesday, Feb. 2nd.
A. M. TAxnon was one of the speak-
ers at the Blake banquet in London,
on Thursday evening of this 'week.
A. M. is coming to the front in good
A NEW style of birthday parties
is being inaugurated in Brussels in
which each individual is expected to
bring a shingle or slipper to warm up
the person whose birthday is being
B. B. BURT, NV110, by the way, is
an untiring worker, is preparing a
series of services of soug, from bible
stories, to be given by the pupils of
St. John's Sunday School on Sabbath
$150 morns of now books here
been purchased for the Brussels ide
ehanics'Institute. No place can you
spend a dollar bettor, if you want
good reading, than by becoming a
member of the Institute.
JNo. No'rr, Y. S., left l3russols last
Monday afternoon for Mtusas where
bo will spend the winter. We don't
lilte to see good citizens leaving town
but hope lir. Nott will be well treat-
ed iu the west. He deserves it.
I11 royponse to our request to pity
tip, a number of our friends have re.
speeded very promptly and we are
vary grateful to them. We try to
get equate with the world once a year
ttud the only way we can do this is
by gutting in the money duo us.
Fula Co.—At the annnitlmeeting of
the Brussels Fire I3rigade, held on
Wednesday evening, the following
dificers were elected :–Chief, P. Scott ;
Capt., A. Currie ; let Lieut., Win.
Ainlay ; 2nd Lieut., Wm. Hartry ;
Sec. Treat., F. 5. Scott ; Engineer,
1I: Mellon ; Assist. Engineer, John
Meadows ; let Branohmau, J. Boss ;
lard, Geo. Fulton ; 3rd, II. Ruby ; 4th,
R. Williams. No. 1 reel, W. Ainlay,
J: Boss, G. Fulton, J. G. Skene, and
A. McGuire ; No. 2, W. Hartry, H.
Ruby, R. Williams, T. Dunford and
0. Waterer; No. 8, W. F. Vanatone,
W. H. Kerr, B. Gerry, J. Jones and
H. Bennett ; Boal hart, D. A. Smale
and D. 0. Rose.
L. 0. L,—District of Grov Orange
Lodge met iu the Orange hall, Brits.
eels, ou Jan. 12th,,'Phe following
officers were eloeteltJohn Mooney
Dietriet Master ; B. I1. l+ergeson,
Dept, ; M. Morrison, 011ap, ; J. I'I.
Young, Bee, -Sec. ; E. Tompkins,
Fiu,.Soo, ; Joseph Whelptou, Treas.;
Thos. Watson,. Dir, of Oer. ; Jas.
Stratton, Leet. ; \Vm. Spouses and 13,
Gerry, Auditors. The officers report
was left over until the J'uue meeting
on account of the absentia of some of
the former officers,
There were 12 tenures in Canada
reported to Bradstreet's during the
past week, against 10 in the preced-
ing .week, and 22, 20 and 19 in the'
corresponding weeks of 1895, 1884
and 1888 respectively. In the Unit.
ed States there were 229 failures re•
ported to Bradetrees's during the
week as compared with 297 in th'
preoeding week, and with 448, 345
and 842 respectively iu the corres
ponding weeks of 1885, 1884 and
1883, About 82 per cent. were those
of small traders whose capital was
lees than $5,000.
The following letter has been re-
ceived by the Bishop of Quebec and
speaks for itself :-At. Andrew's In-
dian Mission, Fort Polly, Assiniboiae,
N. W. T. icy Lord,—I know I am
taking.° liberty iu thus writing to
you, but I have no friends in Lower
Oanada, and know of no one else
likely to interest themselves iu the
work hero. We aro greatly in want
of some warm clothing for the school
children, of wholn there aro over 80
regular attendants. Tho people are
very poor, being entirely depondeot
upon the Government for enpirort.
1 find them, however, most willing to
learn and ready to help forward our
work in every may 111 3' can I aiu
certain that mauy of your rich peo-
ple will spend a happier New Year
and be none the poorer by sending a
few old clothes to these poor people.
Your faithfully in Christ, SatsTo
About fifty men, under the direc-
of J. 13. Hutchinson, of Montreal,
are ongaged in laying the foundations
of the ice castle at St. Paul' Minn.,
the ice for which is being hauled by
ten teams. The ice used is abed
eleven iuches thick and the blocks
are cut three and one -ball foot long
and two feet wide. The foundation
walls for the central tower aro to be
five feet thick, tapering to forty in.
°hos at the top. The work will be
necessarily slow at filet, bl}t as soon
as the foundations are laid the fortis
of men employed on the palace will
be largely increased and work will
be pushed forward rapidly. The
waiting and refreshment rooms, on
the north side of the grounds, are
nearly completed. The main tobog•
gan elide, which is about one thous
and feet in length, and has five tracks
is.completed and covered with snow,
and needs to be wet over to be ready
or the coasters.
S. S. SOCIAL.—The anneal social
Or Melville Church Sunday School
was held lost Tuesday evening. There
was a large attendance. After an
ample repast had :been partaken of
the pastor, Rev J. Rose, B.A., • took
the chair and the following interest
iug program was carried through :—
Addresses by W. R. Wilson, Revs, 5
Jones, 3. L. Kerr and W. Smyth ;
singing by the school, 1). Stewart and
flsdily and Kate Wilson, Rachel Alex
tinder and Mary Ross; Sec.-Treas.
report ; dialogue by Misses Maggie
Bennett, Lizzie Wilson and Aunie
Brooks. Tho audience was well pleas-
ed with the evening's entertainment.
A. collection amounting to $14 was
taken up.
Msrvu.nE Owaaoc.—The annual
congregational meeting of this church
was hold on Wednesday of this week.
The following persons were elected on
the Board of Management :—Alex,
Stowert, 8th oou., Duncan MaLauoh-
lin jr., W. R. Wilson, 3. R. Smith,
A. Webster, Robert Malcolm, James
Grieve, James M. Marcia, Dr. Gra.
ham and Dr. H}itohinson. Auditors,
D. Stewart and Thos.' Smith. Sec
rotary, D. Stewart. The Missionary
Association is composed of Alex.
Stewart, Queen st., Preeident ; W.
R. Wileou, Viee•Pres.; Mrs. Graham,
Mrs. Webster and Mrs. Wm. Martin,
committee. The following facts are
gleaned from the annual report of the
church :—Number of families 100,
names added to roll 35, names re
moved from ro1111, present member-
ship 183, number of names on S. S.
roll 1513, average attendance 90. Aot•
nal amount contributed by church
and Sabbath School for ordinary
purposes $1,098.05, amount contrib-
uted by church and Sabbath School
for schemes of church $9:61, total for
all purposes $2,154,05. The affair
of Melville Church are well managed
and there is no room to doubt but
that they are in a very prosperous
Y ts
BANKER& BRUSS3l.S1v1e011 .
B U SIN L85,
Notssof'laud llaoountod.;y,
totoronttilowedon depoelttrepaymble on
eromptattontioLgivousoaolleotions, •8
�..:ay,LPFAISD LLLl~O T, - LAW'
t11 Jaiae, .lraut tntook,•urnesels• AtOnay
Lit L. 1VADi ,134 1tI1TER, he .
• OnlootUrmerly°peopled o y A. J. M
Uull,den„lu 1.uekie't nlPak. IAOne040100d
0 • (lateeithaerater er0o t ONppe in
rieut lolloitoriOourey p
,}rant' dloak,eruseele, looney t°Loan._
A LEX. 110,11'2E11, CLERIC 01'
res. ono tl' ourth .Utylelol. Court Co, Huron
Insura ce gout, uu�=i'k,uyoetod alto Lost
UolleotooAr out,
oullaotiout wade Ualou, Grnitam't Rion ><
t1 aleNAUGUT ON, D
e•J • Af.,L, 10,0. P., ntdinburOh
e '
bod, ustory aCI
5, It. tg, I'. gal abnrgle.
Naaromovod tollluresideuceou 61111atruu
too auusuforutorlyoaeuplod n3' lir. Graham
and '011100 lance at atgus.to stnitotaime an
eaves 'Drug Store.
By Act of Congress, approved June
19, 1878, Canadian vessels of all de
scriptione were to be permitted to
render aid - to Canadian and other
vessels wrecked or disabled in water's
of the United States contiguous to
the Dominion of Canada, when the
reciprocal privilege was extended to
vessels of the United States wrecked
in Canadian water4. The President
has not issued his proclamation that
the reciprocal privileges have been
agreed to by the two countries,
though eight years have elapsed, and
complaint is made that commerce of
the United States, especially on the
lakes and rivers of the Northwest, is
suffering great and irreparable injury
by the refusal or neglect of the Gov-
ernment ofthe Dominion to extend
the reasonable comity of privileges
eought by the United States. To
bring the matter to the desired ter-
mination, or to apply some remedy,
Representative Maybury has intro-
duced a resolution requesting the
Secretary of State to report to Oen-
gross what action our Government
hes taken to acquaint Canada with
its desire for friendly relations in re-
gard to this matter, or, it Canada has
neglected or refused to accede to the
proposition, that the secretary of
State shall inform Congress "what
legielatfon, retaliatory or otherwise,
is necessary to release our commerce
from its grievous burdens ? Mr.
Maybury has also introduced a reso-
lution looking io a renewal of romp -
roost treaty relations with British
America in reaped to free navigation
of the Great Lakes and the St. Law-
rence River and canals connected
therewith. The oiroumetanoes nn'
der which the Treaty of Washington
was abrogated have been ohanged
and modified by Limo, he says, and
unfetted trade and commerce be-
tween the United States and our
northern neighbors would be. bene-
ficial:and satisfactory to both coup•
t L. BALL, L. D. S., HONOR
. lraduute and Member of the Royal
iellege-et ueutal a10500't0'Pimento 9:110
various auteatnetiosluven, also a now local
ac0,thetia fart(' gums mIIy, All operations
otrotully purtor.U0.1 6.10. uuuruutUud. l'rmes
.nudarate. J Sue averi'oWil1's store Hour,
8 a.m. to 1 P•m•
188 0' alUal N Ott, TE ACHE It
A111010 rusu1518lu Organ 1 1111 Guitar `ru,
,teferooeo–Ladles of Loroite,Gaelph. „..
Itusideneo–Nu.2,teuutlt ilricltrerrace a, -
„rs9-Om. 100110001s,Vnt
V/� 11.l1cCRACKiN,
erVy/ r,rnIorry sttro0ysae. Ufduo at hl 9roe
JL1 • Surgeon, Graduate of Ontario Veteri-
nary College, Toronto, ltestdenoo at ,Ino.
Notes„Brussels .
['lege Licenses ,by appointment of
t,teutenant-Governor Uommileimnel to„ f1
n.0ouroyanoorand Agentriro 0 nenra1101Co
OilloeatlioWranbrook Po ■tOfaco
Insurance Agent,
• Aooidont mid Loaniigearaneo Agent for
some of the best and mos ttin11ab1e Companies
in the Dominion. O aloe, brisk terrace, Turn-
besrySt.,nearthe Statiou, a monthI.,W
Bntchor, thanking hie
n my anetomeref or their liber
.lsupportf or thepaeteix years
wishes tol uferm them that be
lag bunco ant of the old stand has Stied uP
a shell lu amale'sa lock in area -class style
where be hopes to see all the old customers
and aememyn5W onetime see at to give bin, a
call .I keep nothingbutarOt-class moats , all
studs of PoultrvanddausageAfea4 Doliverod
to all partsof the Towo]roe. Cash paid for
Pat Stook.
.L Pont Otnoe Block, - Brussels.
Agent for Ieseph lames it; Co ',Montreal and
Toronto, aottuolite Comontitooang–for Nur-
on and Bruce Conntl00.
Gravel, Pin, Iron and other roots repaired
and 4ntlefaetien guaranteed
Dattmatoegiven. Tar 5,Felt atwholesale twi
A GIFT gond Ig soots postage, and w0
will moll you iron n royal,
valuable, enmplobox of goods
shat will put yon in the way
l °laking mora money at onoo,thnn anything
ulive to homeland Roth Boxes of all ages can
vo s int home set work in 011600 titan, or all
the time, Capital not required, Wo will
start you, Immongo pay sure for those who
start atones, 8TINSON 4.00.,
Portland, Maine,
Christmas, The ander will be reworded
by leaving the same at Tun Poem Publishing
House, et once.
the Corporation of the County of limon
will mast in Ohs Court bloom, lu tbo Town of
Goderlob, on Friday, the sell, instant.
• County Clock.
Sa•4Ysetgelis Market.•.
Oo1111.60TED ()MU MMA bOvonix Wasx.
White Fall Wheat...,., .. 70 78
Bed Winter 00
0 00
1 00
Spring Wisest
Butter, tuba sad rolls ,.,,
Eggs por dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton., ........,
Hides per lb
Droe501 Hogs ,
Salt por bbl., wholesale .
Shoop skins, earth ..,,,
5 00
8 00
5 10