HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-1-15, Page 66 rr1 B .VS •;.,e ,cos%., JaN. 16, 18116. inotory cS-1thFces and Societies. H1.LVYa,I.10 CILu1Wa.^+-Sabbath Services at 11 ty, ty; and 8510 p.m. Sunday School at 2:30 pan, Rev. Jim, Rosa, 11. A„ pastor, Kaox entnitlt.-ySabbatl1 Services at 11 a.m. and 6:8') p.m, Sunday School at 2:30 p.fn. Rev. 8. Jones, pastor. SP. Jo11N's i;uaaon,--Sabbath l4ervioee at 11 a.m. and 7 p,m. Sunday School at 0:80 840. Rev. W. T, Oluffe, incumbent, 1lftrnoblsT Onunca,-Sabbath Services at 10:30 a.m. and 6:80 p.m, Sunday School at 410 p,ln. Rev. Wm. Smyth, pastor. Umtata CAiuoLIo Ousioc 1, -Sabbath Ser. vioothird Sunday in every month at 11 a.m. Rev. P. 3. Shea, priest. Muctrau1Ca' Unarms Reading Room and Library iu Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and 3aturilaya. Miss Jessie Rose, Librarian. ODD It`Ezww's LODGE every Thursday evening in Graham's block. MAso rro Lopata Tuesday at ov baforo full moon in Vansteue's bleak. A. 0., 11, W. Loons meets on 2n11 and last Wednesday evenings of °nob month. Fogsarsa's LODot 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month in Smale's hall. L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every month in (Rause Hall. POST Ozaror.-Of 110 Hoare from N a.m. to7 p.m. VARIIETIES. \1/leen a Heiner has been eaten by a grizzly the western people speak of Mtn as being admitted to the b'ar. Garear,whooiiug sough and bronchitis tot med18Eoly relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by c<: A. Deadman. "Give an example of syllogiem." Logical freshman ; "All Mil are more er lees alike. I am a man, therefore, I am more or lees alike." 'TEAT booking cough oan he so quickly cure d by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee lt. Bold by G. A. Goodman. "I don't love you, and I won't mar- ry you, she Said to him in a pet." "Two negatives make an affirmative, my dear ; let's go and eee the parson," he said. They went. '40,010' Cough and Consumption Cure is old by G. A. Goodman on a guarantee. It 0ar00 oonsutnytton, Jones -Have you heard from your wife since she has been in the count- ry. Smith -I got a (hit) letter this morning. She cautions mo to be careful about drinking (hie) ice water. Jones -Yon ate careful aren't you. Smith -Very (hie), very careful. S.oE'a Catarrh Romdoy-a positive ours for Catarrh. DipMaria. and Canker Mouth. SOW by G.A. Dretadmn. An exohange says : "The Chinese IMO no humor ; they cannot under- stand a joke," Ads explains the reason why the Chinamen get mad when lioodlume smash their windows. We Clave always had a suspicion that John couldn't understand a joke. ar. 0anlsesetetss . matte miserahie by that Able cough, shlloh's Curo la the remedy ta�rr f10 'D0; Sold by G, A. Deadman. "What do they do when they in• stilt a minister ?" enquired a small boy. "Do they pnt him in a stall end feed him ?" "Not a bit," said hie father ; "they harness him to a church and expect him to draw it atone." Wynn you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed so cure you. Sold by C. A. Goodman A sentimental poet says that a kiss is "the meeting of two souls." This pretty metaphor .is badly shattered when a third aole on the foot of the girl's father, puts in a euddon appear ince. So are the young man's hop- Farm ikl trtete. es, A correspondent reports that his I cannot make it out, Will yon please read it for me ? Tbo young postwaeter read es fol. love ; "I send you 113 mitt a dozen kisses." Glancing at the bashful girl, he said : "Now, 1 have paid you the money results ill tightening tbiaa cord, which mud I suppose you want the tattoos ?' 00021 brings the refractory Onimel t'1 "Yea," elle eaid, if lie has seat me ! terms. any kisses 1 want them, too," A Sensation. 1.1 10 a hardlynecessary to saythat Ali I nnaralloled sensation le bolas uroaball Y all 0x00 Ontario by tbo wunderinl and uuoq• the rest of the order 413031 promptly yelled. manner In whish NmlOalgia,To0thaeb0, aid and in a scientific manner at nheumatlam, Baetrait ,HmtdtOhe, Is 1'01n01' - p , nd by but 000 application al 1`lui4 Lightning. that, and eminently satiefatetory t0 No offeueivo, disguetlug druge need be takeo for days. It is au Instant mire. Try a Jou. the couLltry maiden. bottle from J. Hargreaves R 00„ druggist. After she had arrived home she re- Although woods will nob grow marked to her mother : "Oh, moth- when the ground is covered by scow er, but this post office system of ours and ice, this is the season when they is a great thing, developing morn and are largely spread by being blown on more and more every year, and each icy glare mune the fields, This is now feature added seems to bo the especially the way in which seeds of beet. Jimmie sent ale a dozen hisses wild etlrra/ are disseminated from along with the money order and the from farm to farm. 'these runli postmaetor gave me twenty. It beats sends often adhere to the mud attach the special delivery eyetem all hollow.' ed to wagon wheels and eau thus he "I say, Aunt Chloe, you Is getting around carried long distance, right smart:. 'Yes Mclean I is, honey, I was postured anus iokabod with Rheumatism for For lamp book, eido or cbout, nee 8hiloh'e six years and done triod this W est's World'o Parent fluster. Price es cents. Hold by 0. Wonder or Family Liniment the pecple are bondman• talking au 1111101 about, and I was aura enough Few farmers a COClate CiU) tell )OL'- cured, 10 done saved this old itf 0(0880'0 o." pp 1 Price 05 oente and 50 cents nor bottle. Hold tnuco of giving Lite bulk of their food by.) ohn 8argreevesd: Co. for et0ok to young animals, They And now the honest farmer packs gain more from the Hanle auuxmt ul' His apples for the town ; feed, which manna that by proper This la the tip rOW in 1110 sacke-- selection of stools a farmer Gall get The Tins:dans have an effdmenti1 1' 1 way of managing rnuaway home it i Ib They take it cord, melee it into a slip. noose, which ie linseed around 1110 - neineal'd nook, The other end 10 placed where the driver tau oltsily reach it, Any attempt t0 run away 0 0 0 higher prices for hay, oats and corn. It is very possible that by And tide is lower down- feeding only to growing stock far - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 mere might make the feeding great - are sowing the seeds of consumption by er than the commercial value of neglecting that cough. Much misery and coarse grata Bud .nuke the 'immure lingo ring sickness can be avoided by tieing West's Cough Syrup, as it will completely cure pile as so much extra, you, Xinarseueao, Influenza, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Congo, Asthma, b renehitie, and all The barbed wire i$ a lawful fence Throat and Lung diseases vex ish like magic ill moot States, but t0 avoid aim • before West's Cough Sy0up, Sold at Jae. Hay. socines and si.00pe booifle: Prfoe 25 (mute, ages for injury to stock it must he matte vieable either by a board oe a 1ll0FORE AND AF01''11. slight bank of earth thrown against Dot vas leedlo Jakey'e ehtomack it, With this precaution the daag `'en. de K ismae day begun ; er to animals is reduced t0 almost 0 nothing. Stook should, on being Un dot vas Jskey's sbtomack taken into to pasture inclosed by barb Ven dot Iiriemae day was done; ed wire, be led to it and their noses be touched once or twioe to the barbs. They will need no further lessons to Sant Jones Philosophy. Induce them to keep at a respectful distance. Soap don't cost as much as dia- With a good flock of sheep or herd monde, but lots o' people don't seem' of cattle tinder bare basements it is able to afford both. an easy matter to exoluc'1e frost. A A. mac who needs forty cents worth very perceptible heat is radiated from of whiskey to give him an appetite one animal, and if ordinary precau for a fifty cent dinner always has die. tions are taken to exclude outside pepsia. cold, even potatoes may be kept 'never feelcomfortabiewhen there's without freezing. They may need a man around that smiles all the some covering in coldest weather, time. The only dog that ever bit me but this need not prevent them from never stopped waggin' his tail. being easily accessible for feed. Last When I see feller sittin' two quarts winter was of unusual severity, but of ashes an' amokin' a ten cent cigar potatoes were kept in underground at won time, I know he'll get rich be- stables without injury. cause he's ekenomical. As is well-known, the common pot - You show me a lean that's alae ato is native to the 'plains bordering workin' in politics an' I'll show you a on the Rocky and Nevada mountain man that gets a eight more an' better ranges Growing wild it has an in- to eat than his wife and children do. significant top, which is usually so I don't often ask riddles, but wot eaten down by the potato bug that it do you think a family is likely to have is not to be seen. Digging in the for dinner w'ou the Ohl than earns ground, however, the tubers will be eight dollars a week, spends four for found in large quantities but scatter - beer. two for cigars and buys a raffle ed through the soil, The tubers vary ticket? in size from a pea to that of a com- mon potato ball. Planted and culti- vated for two years or more some of these potatoes may develop into var- ieties of value for general cultivation. An English farmer who believes in ensilage, but did not wish to go to the expense of building a silo, stack- ed sumo eighteen acres of green grass ,ind clover the past aea80n, treitdiug it down solid with Ilorsas which were slid down from the stack after illo grass was tall 0D. A. portion of No bottom of the Statk was cut (00410)' and put ou the top, which was coy e1'ed with Coarse sacks, upon which Wail placed a layer of earth about one foot in thickness, the latter being covered with rakiugs from the Stacie, Upon opening it iu November the fodder appeared to be in good con- dition lvitll the exception of some portions on the outside of the stack. Although the experiment proved fair. ly successful, it must be much safer and far more convenient to store the ensilage in pita. Secretary Chamberlain, of Ohio, eaye that if fifteen farmers in every county in that State each grew as many potatoes as one farmer grew in 1888, they would together raise more than the average potato crop of the State. The fifteen farmers in each county would aggregate 9,190,000 bushels, while the average produc- tion of the whole State for seven years has only been 8,690,000. Thie shwa how easily a crop like potatoes may be overgrown so as to glut the mark- et. But on the other hand the grow. ing of one crop as a specialty, .pro- vided it is not in over•sdpply, loaves the farmers who produce It greater profit than would the production of the same amount in small quantities on each of hundreds of thousands of farms. What is done at wholesale, if economy in labor is used. can bo done cheaper than proditoiug in 8 small way. n00anrn oared, heath• and sweet breath ae- rntrod,byShiloh's Oatarrb. Rented), Price eG cheep ran in Ms apple orchard all ciente, sanal injector free. Soul by Geo. A. steamer, doing 110 damage, bnt be - A girl who heel just been admonish !gen peeling off the bail• with the 1st be- ad by her ml:.tl'ioa to be very careful freer. The grass at this season in "washing up" the best tea things, I comes shorter and lose nutritious. 4100 ot'rrl:r`;u?? shortly :1 (0 10ards, in { Don't Ito Deceived. Beware of any druggist who will try to in - the isitebcn, iLall;ging in mho follow• ' duo° you to take anything to pine° of Mc- Gregor C Parka's Carbolic Cerate. I4 is a ing eol';Oquv, while in the :set of wip• ing the eugar mein :-"If I was to drop this 'aro 1,nein, and way to catch it, I s'lrise 1 sherd:1u'; catch it : but if 1 eves to dra1) it, crud wasn't to catch it, 1 r i' :rn 1 just waned catch it." •1ursou'oVitalxzer is what you needier Con. atipatioc,loss of appetite, dizziness and all oym tome of Dyepopela. Price .l000,175 cents Per bottle. Sold by G. A. Deadman. A brisk, rapid clergyman attended hie church to solemness marriages lat- ely. Seeing a bridal party waiting, he had deet: ordered Imp sharply, ami began marrying away in post-haste. As he rattled on through the service, the bridegroom turned color, quivered, and gasped out -"Please, sir, don't you think It would be as well to watt for the bride? I'm sure she won't be long a -coming." Robin son's Pbosphor1eed Emulsion is part!. elderly adapted to delloatefomal es, is those low states of the system that manlfeet them- selves In SO 1)30.01 of the ailments peculiar to their amt. Always auk for Robinson's Phu.. phorized Emulsion, and be sure you got it. KisoEs BY afaiD.-A young post master of a village post office was hard at work when a gentle tap was heard upon the door and iu stepped a bashful maiden of 16 with a money order, which she desired cubed, She handed it to the official with a bash fol smile, who after examining it, hauded'her the money It called for. At the same time he asked het if she had read what was written on the margin of the order. "No, I have not," she replied, "for marvel of healing for Sores, Cuts, Burne. eta. No family should be with0utit, It has no on - vel. Get McGregor R Parkes, and have no other. Cray 2to,per box at J. Hargreaves 31 CO's Fowls will clo very well in winter if fed only twice -a day, but the last feed should bo late and of whole grain, that it may not be digested too easily or quickly. No soft food should be given at night during cold weather. IlrGreger's Speedy Cure, It is popularly admitted everywhere that McGregor's Speedy Cure is the safest, most reliable and by far tbs o homiest remedy for ConetipatiOn, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Impure illood,Lose of appetite, and similar troubles. Itto not necessary to take a great quantity before any result is produced. A few doses willocnvin co you of Its merits, Tri. al bottle given atHergreaves' drug store. See that poultry is free from ver- min when put up for winter. A thorough washing of all parts of the henhouse with kerosene will accom- plish this, au the fowls will clean themselves if allowed fa deist -bath. It iq the vermin on fowls more than any other cause which prevents fall and winter laying. The breeding sow should have a comfortable pen during cold weather, but it should not be made so close as to exclude outward air. In the eon, fined, ill -ventilated bed, the pig's health is impaired, and it is all the more likely to catch cold when it ventures out for food. A nearly uni- form temperature is more important for the pig than for any other dom. estic animal, as tltey have little out-' ward protection. ft +1351 i o-, A L "j "t �, �t ty . Da.10, t1 waste's Nerve and drama Traits 1110111, a ganra1110011 x sonic for Hysteria, Dla- mause, Cnuvuleious, Fits, 2421Don0 Neuralgia, llordauhu, Nervnns P rofOration :amend by the use of nloohnl or To lame, Wok°fal'leOe, +ren- tal Depression. Softening of the .irate result. lug In tusauity, leading to misery, decay and death. Premature CCtl Age, Patroness, Lose of PO•ver la either ocx, fuv lluu tory Lcsses and Sper,uoiorrh'ea caused Uy uvor-exertion of the Brain, solt.abueo or o vor•ludulgonoe. Paoli box uout.tl.ls .1132 ,touters treatment. $1 a box, or 210,41000)0 3.i, snub by mall prenold on ro0elpt of urloe. we Guarantee Six Boxes To mire any:aae. with each order received will Bend 41. 1 em pnrehaser n,'r.ind written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not ei00,1 :0 O'll't, hear tutees issued Only by 2,10. Hargrea lose Co, 'Brussels, /Ti ROS, PL1'1TCIIER.• Praotiaal Watchmaker and Jeweler) Gold 1T 'etches, .Silver Plated Ware, Silver, Wcitches, ClocIe-s, Goltt Rings, Violins, Etc. 1 keep a full line of goods usually kept in a first-class Jewelry store Call and examine, no trouble to show Goods. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Agent for Ocean Tickets, Amor- ican Express Company and Great Northwestern telegraph Company. THE POST OOKSTORE. •Just received a fresh stock of Richter and Thie Mouth Organs. All the School Books in stock. Orders taken and filled for School Maps, Tablet Lessons and Any book desired, on the shortest notice. See our 100 and 200 page scrib- blers. Santa Clans has unloaded one pack of Christmas Goods and more is coming. Wait and see our Christmas Cards. Get a sample of our Note Paper. hands ome Canadian Paoiflo Railway Time Tablet Teeswater Branch. Miles. Doing West. Mali. ExpICE 0 Toronto.. Dep 0 Orangeville :. 4 urangoville Jot 7(1 Amaranth 'I' •- 10 Waldemar.... 12(1 Luther 28i Arthur . 30i Kenilworth.... 38} iMT. P010181' .. 44 Pages 1.. .. . • 4731 HaanisTON.. .. 00} Portlwich .. .. 00 Gerrie ...... 62, Wroxeter 60 74 Wingham Road Teeswater. • Ayr i 1.55 p.m. 10.15 Milos. Goinlr not. Express. Matt 7.20 a.m, 0.50 0,15 '1 0,1.5 10,21 • 10,31 11.00 " 11,30 ' 11,58 a.m. 12,15 p.m. 12.28 " 12.55 " 1.08 " 1,13 " 1.38 " 5,40 p,m, 7.05 " 7,22 7.32 7,14 8,10 8.'311 8,46 9,01 0.10 0.81 9.49 9.41] 10.08 0 131 1.1 1731 26(1 80 3531 48} 50i 0131 64 66i 70 74 122 Teeswater Dep Wingllam Road Wroxeter .. ,. Gerrie . • . , • Fordwit:l , . , • Harriaton Pages 1.... • • Mt. Pores.... Kenilworth •. Arthur .... , , Luther .. , . • , Waldemar.. • Amaranth A t • • Orangeville Jct orangovillo Toroibto . , Arr, 5,15 a.m. 2.15 pan. 5.28 " 3.30 " 5.47 " 2,40 5.53 " 2.50 6,02 " 8.00 0,25 " 8.20 0.85 " 3.40 6.51 " 3.57 7.09 " 4.10 7.26 " 4,89 7.58 " 5.10 7.58 " 5.17 8.04 " 5.24 8.12 " 5.85 8,35 5.55 10.40 a.m, 8,85 p.m. Refreshment and Dining Rooms -AT- TOttONTOJUN6TION. (DR,1N(.EYILLE ANI► C ARLETON .II8,'u;25ON OEM = =I* 13Asenenmcs O1�T THROUGH TRAINS --nn'rw>'nlN.- --TORONTO AND 1MMON'T'REAL, 'T'. E1LJ TCREJt, rietaE'r AGENT. IIR111111lJtLN 11. L. J,4CI.4lOrN, Pilativaiilitchmaker atlli Jewella, Satisfaction Guarantocn in all Repairing, - SH )P AT -- W. JaeksO1i's Store, - it'ussels. HURON ANI) BRUCE Loan 84 Investment Oo. This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at LOWEST RATES of Interest. MORTGAC'-liS PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK B11.400(11. 8, 4 and 6 per cent. Interest Al- lowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFriclg.--On corner of Market Square and Nortel street, Godol'icb, Horace Horton, MANAGER. Godorieh, Ang.5111,1885 Hurrah for the Beehive. The undersigned desires to return his hearty thankv t0 his numerous customers for their past support and wishes to an - noancethatforthe :EXT 10 T-)AYS ho will give Groat Bargains lo PRESS GROCE1IIES, SEASONABLE FRUITS, CANDIES, NUTS, And a Host of Articlee that cannot be mentioned here. I mean Business and a call will convince you that during the Holiday Season you will spend your money to good advantage by Calling at the Beehive, SPECIe4L CUTS In Sugars, Teas, °rookery, Glassware, &e. Wishing you one and all a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year, I ata, Youoa truly, W. H. McCracken. The Independent. THE LARGEST, THE ABLEST THE BEST Religious and Lai -wary iVeekly. The most influential religious organ ' in the States. -The Spectator, London, Eng. Tat INDEPYNDENT is one of the best pa; pen in the world. Its good pointe are many and striking. They have only to bo stated to bo appreciated ; and for the proof of our claims appeal may be taken to any of the fifty-two issues of the year. Any num- ber of The Independent will show bloat its contents are marked by - ABILITY, 401001200 AND 3NTsa0B'r. The groat thinkers, the groat story -writs ors, the great posts, noon of the highest re- putation in all departments of human knowledge, male up its list of contributors. Religion, philosophy, science, literature, art, travels, discoveries, stories, and all conceivable topics are embraced in the cou- toute, and everybody, old or young, learned and unlearned, without regard to sox, em- ployment, or condition, will find something of special interest in every issue. COalrintlll:xsuyox(:aa.--1b 1s a 1'.11i311011e, a literary, an educational, a story, an art, a soieutillc, an agricultural, a financial and it political paper conbined. DREAMT, CANDOR, EAlouoo'eNci6.-The Ill: dependent to tied to nu denomination ; ft is the organ of no clique or party in state or Charon. Itis free, therefore, to discuss all questions, and to speak els mind candidly. It is nob swerved by fear or favor. It is a vigorous defender of the Evangelical faith, it preaches practical righteousness, and earnestly supports all moral reform, All its columna -the advertising as well as the reading -aro free from everything of doubt- ful or obiootioneblo character. No matter what a person's religion, polities, or proles - aim may be, if he desires to keep tip with the times and know what the brightest minds are thinking of, the ablest pets aro writing about, and what the world at largo is doing -ho should read The Independent. TERM TO SUBSORIBERS Four Three monttmenthe 01 0705 75 Gnoo yla yearrs 63 00 91x months 150 Five years 5 00 10 00 Can any ono make a bettor investment of 92.00 to 08.00 than one which will pay 56 DXVXDENDS DIMING TH77 YEAR? Every intelligent family node a good Newspaper. It is a necessity for parents and children. A good way to make the ac- quaintance of The Independent is to send .30 cents for a "Timm Tau'" of a month, 91'110111EY COSIES FREE. No papers are sent to subscribers after the time paid for hie expired. The Ihdependont's Clubbing List will be sent frac to any portion risking for it. Any on wishing to subscribe for enc or more papers or magazinoe, in eonneotion with The Independent, clan save money by or- dering from our Glob List. Address THE INDEPENrIENT, 1'. 0. Box 2787, -:- NEW Yoko.., i Ii