HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-1-15, Page 5JAN. 15, 1886. THE BRUSSELS POST. DISTRICT NEWS, After a resolutiou of confidence in neav 7a. Bolton Preeeptory, No, 360, held here, elected the followiug otlicere for the ensuing term :—Sir Knight, 11'm, Magill, W. Prooep ; Richard Wil- son, Dy, do ; Matthew 11orrisou, Chap,; Wm. Laidlaw, Recorder; Arthur Woodman, Treas. ; Geo, L, Feels, let Lecturer ; C. J, Sherritt, 2nd do; John Sheritt, 1st Censor; Jae. Lesbam 2nd cio; Jas. Fulton, ist standard bearer ; John Magill Pureuvant. Tho following appointments have been made under the provisions of the Division Courte Act of 1880 :— Myles Young, of the village of Blyth, township of Morrie, County of Huron, gontlemau, to the Olerk of the newly established Twelfth Division Court of the Oounty of Huron, and Alexander Mutduuh, aleo of the township of Morrie, to be bailiff of the Twelfth Divtaion Court of the County of Huron, $1>tuvrtle- John Etcher ie very ill with erysip. elan. Revival services every night in the Methodist church. Tho Methodists held their Mission• ary meeting last Snbbat.h. Revth Fisher, of Rlyth, and Burwasll, of Bolgmtve, was the deputation., This fund will not sutler from the hard times this year on this circuit, as mord than the lushes amount has been subscribed, The Foresters' Hall is completed and will be opened on Friday, the 2211d Met., by a grand concert. Mrs. Sage and daughter, from Walton, will give a uumber of seloctione on the musical glasses. Gracey, of Wing ham, and a host of other celebrities wilt contribute to the evening's enter- tainment. The result of the entrance examine Clone show that tho Bluevale candidet. es secured the highest marks of any school in the county. Two of the candidates, Bella Duncan and Will Hartley, standing 30 and 40 marks, respectively, higher than any others. Master-Slemmon is to be congratulat ed on the good showing made by his pupils which is all the more creditable from the fact that out of the seven pupils sent up not one was plucked. Gerrie. The following report of the public meeting held on Wednesday evening of last weak, in Gerrie under the patronage of the Conservative party, is taken from the Gerrie Vidette :— Henry Perkins was called to the chair. The chairman announced that the principal speaker, Mr. Cowan of Galt, bad found it impossible to be present. He then introduced T. Hayes to the audience, which gentleman spoke a considerable length of time on tho benefits to be derived from the C. P. R., of the Biel rebellion, he claimed that the half breeds had no grievanc- es. He said it would have been bet- ter if the half-breeds had never been allowed claims as they invariably die - posed of them for next to nothing. He expressed his belief that should the Bleus hoist John A. that the Conservatives would fiat two votes in Ontario for every one they would lose in Quebec. The speaker then dwelt a short time on the local politica. I -Ie discussed the law as to bribery, and pointed out that it was almost im. possible to unseat a :member by it, Mee it must be proven that there bas to be enough corruption to effect the election. T, farrow 11I. P. was then introduo• ed, be spoke on the political situation. Ho contrasted the N. P. with the one sided legislation of the MoKenzie government, proving conclusively from the Blue Rooke that Sir John's Government had during the years 1880 and 84, prohibited the importa tion iuto Canada of American pro ducts to the amount of $12,000,000 and compelling the Ateerieans to pay into the Canadian treasury by chug ing a high protective tariff, the long sum of over $4,000,000 during those four years. He spo'ko at length un Pacific R. R. matters, showing that daring five years that McKenzie was in power he had done almost nothing that the Conservative Government from 1878 until 1885; lied completed that vast undertaking et a Dost of $34,000,000 loss than 11eHenzis's had contemplated. lie also review- ed the Northwest Bebellion, the ex- ecution of Biel, and the Quebec agi• talion, plainly ehuwing that the ]french have no cause for their re• vongo agitation, that at the last see - 'ion the French by a unanimous vote declared that the Meths had no griev. knees. Mr. F. ooneltided his exhaust. ive address by/tasking the large ma - Mime to enppol t the than who had vindicated the majesty of the law. Sir John's Goverument and Mr. Far• row, the vast crowd sang : "God Save the Queen." win •hash. Chief Pettypieco has been appoint ed to collect all unpaid taxon in town Miss Duncan, one of our teachers last year, le attending the Normal Sohool. A, Vanalstine & John McGuire out split and piled one cord of 2 ft. wood in 40 minutes at G. Forgie's bush. The Cougregational Churches of Howick and Turnbdrry have invited Rev. Mr. Totten, formerly of this town. .A. pansy was picked in the garden of Mr. Elliott on New Years day. Since that day the weather has not been very favorable to pansy growing outdoors, however, A. very entbusiastio mooting of the Reformers of the northern portion of East and West Ridings of Huron was held at Wingham last week. The opening address was given by Tltos, Gibson, M:P.P., who said that several burning questions had arisen between the Province of Ontario and the Do- minion, Sir John in his earlier year's of rule had adhered pretty well to the spirit of the Ccnstitutiou, and up to the accession of the Conservatives to power in 1878, it had been respected. Since that time the milker of inter- fering with Provincial Rights had been carried on, and he believed that if the Ottawa Government had givers ons -half the atteution to the North- west which they Led given to harm - sing and insultiu,c Air. Alotvat, there would have been no rebellion. In giving a history of the license 'Re- plete, Mr. Gibson referred to au incl• dent which took place on the third reading of the AleCarthy Act. Mr. Oaimet then moved that certain priv- ileges which had been enjoyed by the municipalities of Quebec should be continued. The motion was carried, only one member voting against ib. Mr. Blake at once moved an amend- ment, allowing the Ontario munici- palities to enjoy the same privileges. Not an Ontario Tory voted for that amendment. Mr. Gibson then gave au account of the Bouudary question, and said that that question was not settled yet, as Sir John still claimed the right to dispose of the timber in the disputed territory. Even sup posing he considered himself guard- ian of the timber, he was bound as a trustee for the people to sell is to the best advantage. But instead of this, they had heard from Mr. ,Cameron the reckless manner in which vale able limits were disposed of. An im- mense tract had been handed over to the C. P. R., and they had removed from it timber to the value of about one milhou dollars. Hud those lands been managed by the Ontario Gov ernment there would probably have been a new distribution of the sur- plus. They recollected how Kirk. laud wanted to deal with the timber. He wanted the Commissioner of Grown Lands to sell the timber lands outright, but NIr. Pardee refused. Mr. Pardee said that no man in Ins position could stand. the pressure which would be brought to bear upon him if he had it in his power to eell the timber lands at fifty cents an acre. How different was Air. Par. due's conduct from that of Sir John Macdonald 1 The people had a great doe! to thank Mr. Mowat for. The late Mr. Bethune told hftn that no one knew the anxiety of mind suffer- ed by Mr.11iowat. For months and mouths bo sat up night after night till after midt.ight ransacking old documents in order to prepare stun• self for the urgament iu the Bound ary case. When the din and awoke of tall t11i• contest had vents/led pen: pie would look back apuu Air, flow- at and 1L'. Hittite es tree patriots who have never hold themselves for gold and who are never deterred by influence or intimidation from stand fug up for right and truth. M. C. Cameron, 1I, .l'., of West Huron was then intrn.lnun,J turd do livered a rousing speech, occupying over an hour, tiuriug which titns he deals with the groes extrete/gam:es of the Dominion Government, Tho moetiug was olossd with cheore for the Queen, Hon. Edward .131alte and the Reform members of Herten Co. Grey. We will not be at all surprised :sup- posing we have a wedding to report next week. J. 3. Oeothers and mother, of Ep. sem, who were visiting the fancily of H. Ball, roturnud house last week. IIow about the to organising of ono or all of our litsr,ty teem: ire, who will be first to moven le the nntttei? Christmas festivities befog ended and the elections over things have settled clown t.i theft emoted etete of (Witless. Everybody would like to see avow enough for eleighiug and especially those who have building material, loge, &o. to haul. The past week will be a mewor- atllo one in the hiatory of rural skirt• ing, merry of the low fields presented one unbroken sliest of ice suds as has been of seldom occurrence of late years. George Crooke is getting out tiro• ber for a new barn, to be erected next snmmer, The new building will be 54x60 feet and will be joined to the old barn, There will be stone stabl- ing under the whole buildiug. Last Wednesday Thos. MoLttuob. lin sold hie heavy draught, imported (tolt, "King of the Isloe," bo 11. Mc- Fadden, of Bruce C•ouuty, for it good figure. "King of the Isles" is 2e ,years old and is said, by competent judges to be the making of one of the best horses in the country. While we don't like to lose No. 1 stook from this county wo feel satisfied it will bo a great gain to Bruce. The horse will be taken to his now home next week. 33.1 tit e1. Mali Ella Cools, of Lakeiel., hR vis iting her bother J. T. Cools, Spence Wilson has been visitin friends Imre far the past two, weeks Lawrence Dobson wile elected !rue• tee this yeei in the plans of John Cober. Miss Cecelia 1icDonald, of Ripley, is visiting her sister 1lrs. Jamas A. Your -g. Aire. S. J. Laird, arriveda few weeks a Several p tee taking up work and are dol to suoceis. Jonathan to his uew hon lie will have oil ee in the village. stn ss band, D W I). Cameron lms- ting along s Gilbert L s• Ratcliff's stockstave timber. lie carry on business Dame Go to be another . be- fore long. es are W u. Mrs. Wm.or the past feta r. day evening. place on Tuesday. n. 'erred in thePi- ma. The report0. tion with theto Reeveebip is generally conceded that e worked a littlee carried the dg badly over it The following for the next six 1, No, 175, I. John 11. Da ; V. 0. R., John D. W. Milne] �; Treas., Alex. n N. fleury ; J. r; S. 13„ Robot r Dotvdell ; Ol 5 C. R., A. \Vis the first and It month. About thir d to ll, S. B.: y last weep and a of stovewondis village. The e in request in r. 1lagittu 'ver d :hem the Aso e yuuug people e time tripping e tottil the wee] 1. D. \V. Milue d D Cameron Yea with viols . Sister Ferguson ; LadylAcet, Stew. ard, Sister Howatt. 1M,go r*oo. Some of our roads have beau shockingly rough and we aro anxione for good sleighing. `A good many farmers have been Butchering their bogs and disposing of thein on the Bruesels market, There will be a good deal of build. ing done during the coming summer hn tflis township between houses and barns. The nets Council will be sworn in next Monday and will then proceed to manage the municipal machine for the coining year. Next Sunday the annual mission ary eormon will be preached lir Sun shine Methodist church by Rev, S. 5 Cools, of Bluovalo. The llissi,nary meettug will beheld Wednesday oven fug, The Eleputalion will bo Revels. Goa. Turk, of Lncknow, rind Rev. J. S. Gook, DEAs Eor'roit.—'Phoss who desire the sncosss of the Sunshine congre. gation will be haply to learn that their choir has neon re -organized, nobwitbetending the formidable op • tin.;itiou tvi,ich hay Well offered, tiler eo come, 'ut all organist as albs g met- It etere tit !tete been eugaetel. • L' till do nut feel like rejoicutg at Armstrong, daughter of barna from Dakota go. pupils in our school r 3rd clan; teacher's ug nicely, We wish the Howatt has moved into ss. When completed 0 of the finest residouc e. now boast of a batt Milne is teacher and alar, The boys are get- ting orae has purchased Mr of staves and will continue to hero this soar, Gossip says that there ie rodding in our village b '1'lto contracting Parti We will tell the rant agar Young, who was ill f months, died stint Satit The funeral tools Her remains were i burying ground at E of a protest in coasts recent contest for tl all talk, It is tit had Mr.bBlne's friend harder he would have ay, He is not grieving though- wing aro the officers months for Court Ethel, Cl. P.:-0. D. H. 0. 11 vies ; C. 1Z„ Robt. Lithe; le N. Robertson ; 11. S F. S., Jas, A. Younti Peebles ; S. W., Joh 7, \V., George Brewster; Robert Robertson ; J. 13 , W. tap., Henry Wanner ; I Milne. Court nice third Thnrs,lay of cal t1' young men repaired J,giun'a bush one drt 1 rut about twenty cord for :\Irs. Annie of tide e young ladies also were thio owning, null Al r. kindly having offered of his now house, th hall a very enjoyable thio light fantastic to mutt' hell's of uteri E. B. Tompkins an turnlsbotl excellent niu u, bass viol. and cornet 'Fee 11t:Ertto.—The auuunl tea meeting of the Mothndiet church was held on New Year's night anis the anneal was well filled. After a ;;cod tat Jstmu, tilufley wan 04i1o,1 to the (thair. Addresses were delivered i'y Rev. Jas, Rroley, of Seetorlh, Rev. Air. Musgrave, cf,Wit.ttlu•op and Lev, T. Gee, 01 Hayfield. Good music was supplied by the Seaforth choir, The proceeds amounted to $54, to be applied on parsonage debt. GRANGE No. 338.—This body met in their Hall un 1)00, 20th and titter general business the following oflioera were elected:.—W. M., J. Mei/Allem ; W. 0., J'. Lawson ; W. L., M. Mor- rison ; NV. S., Jae, Simpson ; W. A. S., D, McLatichlitt ; W. 0., A. ,11or• them ; W. T., A. Gardner ; \V. S., R. H. Purgation ; \V. G., Jas. .Mur- ray ; Delegate to Division Grauge, ll, 1lorris In ; Carse, Sister 11e0elltttu Pumila, Sister Gardner ; Flora, each prnaperity it must be this they have ftrgotteti the command of holy ' writ viz:—"To rejoice with 'hoes who rejoice." Hoping ti,nrefere dust novo will weep while it is their ex- alted privilege to he joyous. I reieniu, As 0esent'1at, Y3enlryaa. Another incident is coming befpre the oyes of tate publio in the shape of two Human forme attiring them- selves in coetumes that are not Very becoming. if a child or older person world helmet' to meet thews After cleric 1wonid venture to say they would be frightened out of at Janet one year's growth, Their pxaotioo is to parade the sheets after night- fall and even this itself would not be eo bad 1f they bed any regard for the Sabbath. Young men take warning ere it is too late. It is eurprieiug how' bard hearted some pe ran es in this 'world. ire. '],two certain parties lir this village began disputing about the strength of their respective horses au,l a paltry bet of $11.00 was made, on Monday last, to test their strength. The sporting ground was chosen and, it is said by an eye witness, that they gr°ut lye the an>uselnent ( I ) of abesiug eu,l uvol'- poweriug theirhirse, f,r n;,.t.tras of ono hour. The geecrnl el,iuuel it that it would he mar„ Luulu0 frr ono of the pante, wn,cc•rued 1,. tatty his now much Manuel ;ultuuti to clic nearest wood and there moi leis long . ant tieefnl life. :=nun cc:millet is uit nidi di+graceful but uuhuwall and on tilt e., be dealt wits! 1, the frill puwtay of dile lute. a..i its' room. The new Council will meet for the first time, es per Statute, ::u Mon day of next week. Tho township treasurer. A.. McNair, has receival the balk of the taxes col - looted this year. T. 13. Clark is disposing of hi, stock of Dry Goods, Groceries &c„ by auction sale. A.. Reymann wields the auctioner's hammer. The members of the singing class who ate in arrears will please Band in the thing needful so that the Tree - surer may audit kis cash book. The excitement consequent upon the mnnicipnl elccnon lets subsided, with the exceptiou of a rumor that the Reevesbip election is to be pro. tested. James Slemmon's eldest child had a fit on Sunday last, supposed to be the effect of an injury which the child received the previous day by a fall from a chair. Ada Dilling, who had her eye in- jured by a needle some time ago, is recovering her usual good eight, although it was feared for a long time that elle would never 000 oat of the injured eye. Two pupils of our school, Ellis Habkirk and Juo, Wilson, auca'safully pessea the rec.) t en:rauca oxamiu- atien to the High Sounol. Of all the candidates win wrote at Sea - forth, Exeter and e3oderich only two scored higher than Wilson won is only twelve years of age. He has au extraordinary wathemitticel talent and in mental arithmetic 11'0 venture to saw that he' leas no peer in Huron of les age. Airs. Alex, Fraser, who carne herd it few days ago, was taken suddenly ill of typhoid fever. She wee at Air. Biro's when she took sick and hay• ing become delirious she arc's from her bed in her night arose and Made her way to Ad. liel'i;ay's, who lives where Mrs. Finarer formerly lived. Her mother way sant for who is now atteudiu;r leer. It is said that isles. Fraser is in 1udtgout clronmatanees. If this Ie Mitt wo treat that she will unt suffer want. in the midst of pleuty. To the Ldttor et Tun POET. Stn,—Plettee allow me space 105 a word or two in reference to the Grey Young ttion'e Liberal Club organized stere last fail. Judgingfrom present appearances the Ch>b is a faiure, and 1 wish to state, in justice to myself and two or three other members, that this result is owing to tate atter indiff- erence to the interests of the organisation on the part of the majority of its officers, of whom not more than three have attend- ed tits meetings regularly. ,is is usually the case the greatest dolinquonta have b,:en tl>osa who made the greatest "spread" at first. Two of these were twice chosen to debate bit on both occasions failed to eith- or conte or apologize for their absence. Thinking the bad condition of the roads soma excuse for uon.attendance (although 1 'walked seven miles to attend,) 1 aew these gentlemen and obtained an explicit promise. from each that ho irons l be present at the next meeting and take part ie the de. bate. Neither ettiile and It was decided by the members then present that it would be useless to nail another meeting. Such a condition of things is n disgrace to the Lib. oral party and the conduct of those to whom I have referred is to direct} insult to the gentlemen who interested themselves in or. ganizing the Club. Men on whose word nett the slightest dependence cart bo planed and who make prolumes without the least intention of fuifilling them should not aspire to offices of trust and boner. So I think; and it is more than likely that the electors of Grey are of the eanie opinion. Jan. bird, 18511. W. livtnnr. Cattliltli.tet Newt«. 'Pito appointment is gaunt..,! nr Ot- tawa of Capt. 1I. 5tre;ttlielrl as s, ere. piers' and military Feeretary to Ifie Excellency the t,uveruor General. Allen Clegheru, firantford, its re• ceived a letter free] 1.'orey \'l 04, 111.0 sculptor, wherein tier. \Vo,1 Ii meet to he able to have the 13tete 1 Nun emote.. unveiled about Athen et is , of the, year Bueiuess seeme to be improving rapidly in other pails of Canada, as well as in Winnipeg. A Lend uu, One, despatch spoon, gleefully r.f the a'n,iunt of buallie,s done its that city duriug the ante -holiday season, it he- ing Terser than fur a number of lite years. Itis believed that the degree Rion is fast passiug away. On Saturday last the will of tie late Edward Gurney, of E. k 0. Gur- ney, stove founders, Hantilbo,r, was enteren for probate here The per- sonal pruperty is proved at $450,000 the greater part of which is its hank and other stocks. stirs. Gurney and the son, Edward, or Tai'onin; are the, executors. The estate 1, ' divided among the widow and the children. On Saturday last two firs:reels go- iug et fall speed to two fires in oppos- ite directions cart° iuto collision in a narrow street in Montreal. A. youth of 10 years, who taus stalidiug onthe sidewalk at the spot, was crushed regains: it stone walk and itiet'ustly kdluu ; \Vtiliam McCullough and George (Jaime, firemen, were seri- ously injured, awl Iwo other firemen received severe wounds. About the cud of this month Uap- tain Kato will bogi'ii operations in the Glendower iron mines, and au American company will cum ii, tin,. work in the llcNicoll, Lalonde, Le- vant. Gildeesieevo and Culltsett mince; about the 10th, eugeging a largo number of men and snaking a boom , u that district. Kingston will be greatly benefited, ao all the supplies will be purchased there, Toe mines will be worked to their fullest celiac .y. The Court of Appeal Tuesday game udgmsnt in the application for it re ouut of the votes cast in the Scott A.ut eoutest in St. Thomas. The Court Bell that although the .tat made provision for ,t uumber of cot, 'opt acts, atilt, following lh,, tlecieion 31 the Supremo Court in Gicitputan Rand, tit, provielo„ has i,,•eu made .or strilrim; off the name of ;t .lorrupt ,ter. Thu Court p,iuted out etroleg- y the noceseily or retnudiai legieht- iou epee tide puiuL but deelarud bat in the preseu1',sat,' of '113 iitw hu ('0014 bit,l no potter to order it cinnt, a!ld di,:uissstl applic:ia.,u 1,1 •10 Howard, of (darling glue 011 •, ween el it'll if it meal true that u hal ec.tlpe ,! the deeds foe after the ght iii, lint -melt, said it twee not sex. d Vieth he cid , wa, u.1 cut off? aR is ropily the ecelp lock of Young Vhiteoap, son of 01,1 Whitecap, Lief of a band of renegade Sioux: ho years ago were driven out of lliunesota for being engaged io to assaoro. iloward says other of - odes also helped themselves to hairy. onvouirs from the heads of dead ndians,.but no scalping was done 'or ets of brutality perpetrated. Young Whitecap was found with nine bona. et holes in his body, every onto made y the Gatling gun that Howard. worked. sThe scalp -look referred to now exhibited as a trophy in the oom of the machine platoon of the tate militia, at New Haven, Conti. Bich Lieut. Howard 00101 tan