HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-1-1, Page 7JAN 1, I880. spealnute gleam at 0 (natant corner, whore t,tantis the florid and somewhat unllerdressod Georgina—" cauuob fail to understand my sentiments," "I do indeed fully understand thorn," says Vyner sympathetically. And been that undisgeisodllirtation with Captain Grovillo 1" continuos Mrs. Drummond, wanting bo her work, and turning up her oyes to the millet; with quite a lamentable dIHplay of pious grief. Now Or never, oleo decider; hurriedly, le the time given her to put au end forever to Audrey's interferonne with herplanof malting Georgina Mre. Vynor. Now or never 1 Slit, braces herself afresh. " Al, bow immodest, how self-oonlident was that wretched girl's Q0Wtnot all this evening I I am euro l most sileerOly pity poor Lady Bouverie !„ ' Anything wrong with her?" milts Vyner, changing his glass from one oye to the other, and regarding Mrs. urine - mud with what 6001114 to her like grow - lug anxiety. " alvorythiug, when elm is c•oropolled to own that girl as her niece. There io nothing in such bad taste as a flirta- tion carried ou before the oyes of the world." " You would recommend ono, then, carried on behind its back ? 011, fin, Mrs. Drummoud,"exclaims Vyner light'• ly---" such sentiments from you 1 Does Miss Drummond sharp thorn 1" " You at least, I think, understand my sweet girl," says the "sweet girl's" mother, with gentle ropronch. " She indeed possesses a soul that lifts her far above all such sad frivolities. To trifle with a human heart is out of her power." " 01, quite!" aotuieeces little Mrs. Dovedale, with enthusiasm. "To en. slave amen, to keep hint chained to her side for an entire evening, es others eau, is a thing she coati not do I" "And so you think Miss Ponsonby is trying to break young Groville'8 heart?" asks Vyner, langhing. ," I have no doubt she is trying to en- trap the infatuated young elan into a marriage," returns Mrs. Druumlond spitefully. "Ile is heir to a baronetcy, and is an excellent mai in every way. Her open encouragement is shameful l" "They have hemp together a good deal, certainly," hesitates Mrs. Dovodale mildly; " but l was standing near them for a loug time, and their conversation was entirely about the play and the cos- tumes," That is really nothing," says Tyner, with a genial.smile. " I ouee knew a fellow who was talking to a girl abouo asparagus, when suddenly he turned and proposed to her. So you see you neve: can tell." " Well, to me it 1s a most melancholy spectacle to see a young woman evince such an ardent desire for adulation," sighs Mrs. Drummond, with marked Christianity. She looks quite sorry for the benighted object of her remarks; thus she lays a thin coating of religious veneer over the raging vindictiveness bee neath. "Now Georgina is so different!' she says. True, true," agrees Vynor eagerly, with a tender glance at the distant fair one. "I could hardly imagine any two people so utterly diesimilar." 1Virs. Dovedale looks at him. " Yes; I have many things for which to bo grateful," says Mrs. Drummond meekly, "My Georgina is so gentle, en retiring ; she claims nothing ; she doors not put herself forward in any way. Her very dearest desires she leaves for time to grant." She dons indeed leave muoh to he desired," says Vyner, with a smile 10 affectionate, so almost filial, as to alley the suspicions that this extraordinary speech has very naturally aroused in the breast of Mrs. Drunnnond. But Mrs. Dovedale's innocent lips widen, and her eyes light up marvel. lously. " What a funny little speech I" she says artlessly; and she makes a mental note of the "funny speech," to bo re. tailed again by-and-by to her friend with kindly comments thereupon. " I and so glad, dear Mr. Vyner, to find you agree with me in my estimate of Miss Ponsonby," says Mrs. Drum• mond pleasantly, "A fast girl is my abhorrence 1" "Ah, here comes your abhorrence!" exclaims Vyner cheerfully, as Audrey, a lovely creature in her white-and•gold draperies, swoops slowly up to them. Mrs. Drummond starts perceptibly; her colour changes, and sho trios with a violent effort to bring the ghastly sem- blance of a smile to her lips. After all, this objectionable girl is Lady Bou. vorie's niece, and it will not do to offend her hopelessly. She smiles therefore aud puts out her hand, which Audrey manages not to see, acknowledging her 1)x0001100 only Ilya bow as coldly grace. 1ul as it is disdainful. liri. Drummond, discouraged, falls back a little ; but Mrs. Dovedale, who is all smiles and pretty glances, presses forward. "I cannot tell you how you have charmed us all, Miss Ponsonby," she says airily—" lfrs. Drummond especial- ly. You really should have prepared n8 for such perfect work ; you ttnd Captain --Captain---ah, what is it ?—I meau your lover, your "—with childish confusion— " yoer onfusion—"your stage lover, of ammo—were in• finitely superior to all the rust of the actors. flow stupid I am about remem• beriug names 1"—with a smile replete with covert insolence. "It takes me quite a long, long time to learn them," "It takes some people a long, long time to learn anything," replies Audrey, with a pale smile equally indolent, "even 00)0)0011 manners," She half raises her drowsy lids and regards the Bootor's wife as one might a person of very inferior quality indeed, Mrs. Dovedale quaile beneath that glance, and, with an affectation of seek. fog somebody, fades slowly away. Then Audrey turns to Vyner. "And so you spend your tittle," she gayH, W1G11 11. On11te111pt11011R einem 01 Isla white Hilouhlers, " with Ruch people as those 1 You iluti thole 1 041101115 ?" Intensely so—Mrs, Drummond more (18pecially. „1ine w011111, of (01)113)'," says Audruy. enrllulf her hp, "• "tis ,he ..lvdeg you n l!•,1. of (Morino. ti vinery Y" N,,1. 1111 the tier.' '1.11.11 0101 was giving you 0 list n) 103 '1,t• " " They tell one 11, is rash to cert e 11,13 11, w01na11 t010e,' 10111104 1 yrlvr nalmly, " 11'hivh means I gueosed oorreetly. Aid y ou 1Iotnuo,l to her ? You lun.,d such talk 011100//5 ? " "(food, hottest vituperation is fuer. ogling at all times ; and, to do Geer. giva's mother ,justice, she eau 'give 1.l,,+ bastinado with her tongue.' le teat Drs. Nemyes over there? What it charmi05 laugh she lute I Shall we join her " "As yon will "—indifferently 1 then 11er whole face changes. " Ali, yea. Captain Greville ? " Rho says, anli"n:i, and Mottling faintly as she turns 1., (Ire eine, who has jest conte 111/ to her with 1, programme in his hi.nit, "For you." he says, giving i1. to 1 r, "And now for your trusty niessoUgm''H reward—tile first waltz 2 " She mulles 1111 ualuioscenco. "And the second -11111—" "Don't he greedy," interposes she softly. "Lot us all put a fall r,te alter tad Beemel—for the plreeent s1. Metet. I art going now to speak to Mr'l. Wemvsy," " Why, so I think ani T ! " says Ciro. villa, laughing and accompauying her and Vyner as they cross the room to where 11.1re.. Wemyss, Bruno !10110, 1 ant a rather disconsolate Sir Ohi.:.tey are standing. CHAPTER XVII. "What a clay we're 'aving 1 " says 1300no, as they come up. " Audrey, my congratulations—though poor, they are 810)010. But every ono makes allowance fur my intellectual defects." " 1Ire. Drummond was delighted with you," laughs Mrs. Wemyss mischievouo. ly, giving Audrey's hand a surreptitious squeeze. Perhaps she is the ono woulau in tho world whom Audrey's cold manner has never repelled. " 1,h, the,'oy iu the dear old lady's eye when y01;181100088 was assured, and when the Duke Hung you that outrageous bouquet! Her smile was a perfect sunbeam I " So warm that it withered all around!" says Vyner, " By -the -bye, has any one seen the fair Goorgiva ? " asks Bruno. " 1111,1. 1 caught a passing glimpse of her ; but I was afraid to look again," say's Vyner. " She was with Bob Haverly," puts 1 Sir °hickey, in a moody tone. He wee in a very low state indeed before Audrey arrived with (baptain Greville; lint now he looks murderous. "In default of a butter," says Brnuo, " Poor staggering Bob 1 I hope he was sober." ' 11lope he wasn't," remarks Vyner. " TI slightly indistinct in views and manners, he would not eO entirely rea- lises the misery of the situation." " Ah, true 1 After all, you are a bet. ter friend to him than I am. A discreet intoxication might help him through. A small matter, and really no trouble toh1,u1" " Little things male up the sum of life," says Mrs. Wemyss solemnly, upon which they alllaugh. " There will he a Hower, a kiss, a vacant seat, a tem. porary aberration like our poor Bob's; and there is no knowing what will some of it alt." "'There is no knowing what will come of anything 1 " groans Sir °hickey frorn out of the utmost gloom. This remark- able speech is so obemire as to 0811 for no answer from any man. " What is the matter with him 2 " asks Mrs. Wetoyes, 111 a low voice, hlrn• iugtoVyner. " He has been in quite a desperate state for the last hour. \Vas there ever so miserable a creature ? In isn't toothache, or earache, or neuralgia, because 1 suggested them all, and got three ' Noes' for answer, and not aul- other syllable thrown in even for friend. ship's sake. What can it be 2 " " It is Greville—' the forward youth that would appear.' And what is friend - flip beside jealousy? A paltry shadow! Poor Sir °hickey 1 11 he has pinned hie faith to Miss Pousonby, 1 donbt there is trouble before him. However sorrow may endure for a night, but 'ny cometh yin the morning'—that ie 1.1 fair division, is it not 7 And, after all, one can't be always on the gree at lomat, most of us can't. Few "—with 0 Rn111e—"' /110 as triumphant over there jars and frets as Bruno," "' Ile Hath indeed a1, merry note,' " quotes Mrs. Wemyss, smiling. It is at pleasant smile, warned by a delicate blush, " Ah, there go the fiddles 1" exclaimed (frevillo, turning eagerly to Audrey. "'Then there goes my last chance of hnpinuess," says Vyner, " Now to ap• ie meet my partner with the slniilng Po' o thatl11des the breaking heart, I've been 1.13105 not to see her for the 18,41 ten minutes; but I experienced a con. siderable difficulty iu the effort since 1 discovered her wbereabou ts," " Where is she ? " " Glaring at nee from the oppositewall. Soo Icer? Big bony girl in the gridelin gown," " What on earth (liclyou do it for? " attire 111100, in open amaCameut. " Let in for it, of course. 13nt 1 8110 u"1. forget my debt to her chaporou. Yet, after all, it might be worse ; ft 111i„1it be Georgina." ,Mise Irousonby," says Sir °hickey, coaling awkwardly to the front, "may I have the pleasure of this ? " T 05)1 enoaned for it unfortunately," (TO 13B CONTINUED. 'FITE BRUSSELS POST. 1tisittfttn 3Totkoe. er etnmnTnalle11tthaditorBejaiid]at0he Township of Grey, in the 00unly of Limon yeoman , who died on or shout the 8151 day o1' May, 11.D.1080, and others having 018)508 ht re. epees to his estate, are hereby n06n10d t, send odor before theleth day of $'obruary, A. D. 1888, to the undersigned adminlstra4rlx of the estate and 0(0804s Of 4114 said doeeasod their names and addresses and the full particulars of their 01)11)08 and of the eeour11158 (if any) held by thorn, and also that immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thoreto,haviiig regard only to claims of whiolt the admiuletrutrix has then notice and the ad- miuistretrix will not be liable for any assets co distributed teeny poison of whose claim she Shall not have had notice. Datodat Grey the Stith day of November, 18. 80, MARY JANE TINDALL, Ethel, 28.4 Admlatetratrix, THE BEST,' WII DMILL. W. lip. /viol -iris, li eemaroulnom Woass, - M'l'curara, Osr Manufaeturor of throe different kinds of Wludmille. Thoolniplest,etrongeetand moat satisfactory Windmills yet made .I'or pump- ing watery sawing wood, chopping grain or driving any light machinery they have no equal. My OELEn)IATIOD PUMPS have se. oared o world-wide reputation. I guarantee them se being superior to many now In the markot,ond equal00 any over made. They winturow watere00foet,or force it 0,131110 en the level. Farmers and stockmen are ro• quested to send forpartioulare before buyla8 either a Windmill or a Pump, as l claim that mine are the best in the market. Arldrose W' M MORRIS, Mito1°11, Ont Sign ofthe Scotch Collar. —00— ('Ilere we are with a Splendid Stock of; R OBRS, BELLS, H01?,,SE BLr,J,XICETS, Bre• —00— Our harness fills the hill every time. Call and see our stock and leave your order. —00— a large assortment of Trunks, Valises & Satchels to choose from. —00— Repairing promptly attended to. —oo— Call in and see our goods. We don't charge anything for looking. 8 D.EJV'XIS. NEW GOODS AT TEE `Gultleu Pa1ocK' The Mammoth Hardware Store. —0— STAN A 'D PL9.TICRTI SCALES., 900, 1200, and 2000 Pounds: --0— Family ticalos For Butter, Groceries, Etc., Etc. —a -- Cross-Cut Saves:-- "NEW IMPROVED CHAIMTPION, "RACER," "LANCE," &c. •_----0-- The'Elebtric'buck saw, – —0 --- CHOPPING AXES, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. Cattle Chains AND ALL THE BEST THAI' MONEY CAN BUY AT LOW PRICES, J. 12R= 7 7 ' "�lnav yyE T ,-1 E L ' GUIS_. ,aL l 'A ....F1 J! O "7.tri 1�{f X -. �.i a }fes. �. The undersigned having complete the change from the stone: to thf Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill in First-C1assLRunning Order, and will bo glad to see all his Old Customers and as many new 01305 as possible. Chopping done. . F1our and Feed Always on nand., IIIGHESTPRICE PAID FOR ANY QUANTITY OF 0001.1 WIIEAT . VV—M. MIL INT . A fl NAL ROLLER MILLS. Wm. Vanstone & Somas ZropristoIo. We have much pleasure in announcing to the public that cul N (NI Roller Mill is in Complete Running Order and is giving the Best o;nt- isfaction. SNORTS, MEAL, SCAN & CHOP CONSIE;MUU E,! E E 11 ! E.. We also make the following Brands of Moro : Patent, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride ar.c' Snow Storm Gristing Attended to with procnptne.€f ALL BINDS OF LUMBER CUT TO ORDER. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. BAST HU 172,01\T CARRIAGE WORKS! JAMES BUYERS —MANUI'AOTUTIEn OS— BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, DEMOCRAT; WAGONS, EXPRESS WAGONS, tic., &c., all made of the Best Material and finished in aworkman-pili (mans i 1 Repairing and Painting Promptly Attendee' to. Parties intending to buyrrshoulc cell kc'c t purchasing. RErEnnlwlos,—Marsden Smith, B. Laing, James Cut ane 1{ 1111: l,, McKelvey, Grey township; Wm. Cameron, Wm. Little, Geo. Blcw'aa' and David Breckenridge, Morris township ; Thos. Taw 1) sr 1' 1T Alis .n Blashill,Brussels ; Rev. E. A. Fear, Kirkton, and T. Wright, Tun, - berry township. REMEMBER THE STAND—SOUTH OF BRhIJ0J.;. JAMES BUY --;R s im Dry Goods & Grocer Sthre. 1/ J. Takes pleasure in intinuttmg to the residents of Brnssels and Sur- rounding Country that he has opened out a NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, which he will dispose of Vim. Cheap For Cash or Trade, Call and Compare Prices, no trouble to show goods. J•. G. S E] 4 "THE RED STORE."