HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-1-1, Page 66
.. '`I'.td~, 13KUSSL+'Lt9 irOBT
JAN. 1, 18!03,
Directory of Churches and Societies,
kni,vri,zn Vumtcm,-Sabbath Services at
11 a.m. and 0:30 pan. Sunday School at
21111 p.m. Rev. Silo. Ross, B. A., pastor.
Knox Cnuo u, -Sabbath Services at 11
a,m. and 0:30 p.m. Sunday Sohool at 0:90
pan. Lev. S. Janes, pastor.
ST. Jo10"5 Ounncu,--Sabbath Services at
11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School M 9:30
axe, .Rev, W. T. Oluffe, incumbent.
Mitraonisr 011911C11, -Sabbath Services at
10:30 a,m. and (3:30 p.m. Sunday School at
2:30 p.m. Rev. 'Wm. Smyth, pastor.
ROMAN CATIIoifo Cn91tCIi.-Sabbath Ser.
vicotbird Sunday in every month at 11 a.m.
Rev. P: S. Shea, priest.
Mecnnsms' INsaixuTo Rending Room and
Library in Holmes' block, will be open
from 6 to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and
Saturdays. Miss J'essio Ross, Librarian.
00n Fmx.now's L onom ovary Thursday
evening in Graham's block,
MASONIC Leman Tuesday at or before full
moon in Vanetone's block.
A. 0. U. W. Loner. meets on 2nd and
last Wednesday eyenings of each month.
F9}t6Tmn'6 Lenon 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month in Smale's hall.
L. 0, I,. 1st Monday in every month in
0,rauge Hall.
Pon 0agao,-Office Hours from 8 a,m,
to 7 p.m.
Clo r, confections-Battous.
A family cry-sis-a girl baby.
In onions there is strength.
It it a difficult job to set a hen or
a good example.
It ie noticed that men of small cal-
ibre are sometimes great bores.
On life's journey, without a desti-
nation, the traveller is sure to get
lost in the woods.
Shiloh's Cure will immedlateii relieve Croup
Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by el,
A. nae damn.
A leading Chicago paper gives its
readers "Points on Stage Robbing."
There is nothing like making a paper
useful to its subscribers.
Why willou coug12 Cum Shiloh's Cuwill
Sive old by0 AM1Deadmor,relief . Frioo lOc., 600., and 01.
.A. society journal informs us that
"when a gentleman and lady are
walking up the street, the lady should
walk inside the gentleman."
A Nasal Ioieotor free with each bottle of
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Pride 50 omits. Sold
by G. A. headmen.
Lady of the house -"Ob ! my
gracious ! You are going to sit down
in my pie dough." Guest -"Oh,
that don't make . any difference I
never eat pies, anyhow."
For lame beak, aide or chest, use Shiloh's
Parout Plaster. Pride 25 cants, Sold by 0. a
A woman 10 Georgia lived forty-
eight days on water and then died.
Water is a pretty thin diet, for a fact,
but we know some sailors who have
lived nearly all their lives on water.
The Rev. Gad. B. Thaye r, of Bourbon, Ind,
sq�ye :.-'Both myself and wife owe oar lIy tAs:
shlloh'e Consumption assra;' gold by G. A,
"How is this, Doctor, you charge
me five francs a visit ?" "It is less
than I charge anybody else." "That
may be so, but then, you forgot that
it was I who introduced tLe small-
pox into the neighborhood."
For Dy9pepsia and Liver Complaint, you
have a printed guarantee on every bottle fo
1 i1oh'o Vitaliser. It never fails to cure. Sold
by G.a.Deadman,
Some one hae estimated that the
time thrown away in this world in
courting the girl you want to merry,
and who le ready to marry you,
would build all the railroads and
bridb es and tunnels and factories and
public buildings.
Are you made miserable by Indigestion, Con
etipation, Dizziness, Lose of Appetite, Yellow
Skin? shi1oh'e Vitalizer is a positive curd.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
Colonel Verger has just been pay
ing a number of bills which his hope-
ful son, who is a student at the Uni•
varsity of Texas, had oontr:toted. "I
had no idea," said the old man to his
sun, 'that studying was so expensive'
"Oh, yes, it costs money," replied
the youth, "and I didn't study very
hard either."
Don't no Dceeive.i,
Beware of any druggist who w111 try to in -
duos you to bike anything in place of Mc-
Gregor & Parke's Carbolic Oorate, I0 is n
marvel of healing for Soroe, Cuts, Burns. ore.
No fancily should be without it, It has 00 aq-
ua), Got McGrogcr & Parko'o, and have no
ether. Only no .ver box at T. Hargreaves &
Co 0,
At a dinner party the other night
in the Twelfth Ward Hostess (to
fashionable guest) -"What will you
heve, Mr. Brown, a piece of the wing,
log, or breast ?" Guest -"Thunk
you. I always taire the breast,"
Hostess' Precocious Child -“Isn't he
weaned yet, momma." Explosion
and old swear act by fashionable
"Mother," said a young wife,
"would you mind cooking dinner to-
day ? It would please John, I know.
He complains so moth of tho new
girl that I shall discharge her the
moment I can get another. "Cer-
tainly," replied the old lady, cordially.
At dinner John said to hie wife :
"Mary, that new gill seems to he
gettin' worse and worse."
Heroic Rescue: --A fat party in a
seal skin sack crossed the path of a
large gander. The animal stuck out
its tongue and hissed violently, when
he woman shrieked to a small limy
near by: "Oh bobby. drive off the
furious beast Or it will eat me up 1"
The boy chased the gander away, and
the owner of the sealskin seek gave
him ten onto, with the remark
You sawed my life. I shall never for-
get you 1"
moth Wonder or the 10'or1d.
It is demonstrated by history that the Attc-
tontsio many of the arta, notably nrchit1pbure
tar oxualled the present age, but t0 reserved for
the moment decade to produee:the SW wonder
of the world, i.e., Waat'e Warta's vender or
Fatally Liniment, s'hleh Is infallible for Rhou-
matlem, Sprains. Outs, Holism, Sores and an
dlsoaeea requiring oxternalappliestlou, Price
20 cents 16,11 50 emits per bottle, Sold by John
Hargreaves & Co.
Just the Ordinary Taffy. -"Well,
We are penniless, or mighty near it,"
ho avid *le he reached home and threw
the evening paper to his wife," "Wb
--what is it ?" "The Mechanics'
Bank has busted, and we had $4,000
on deposit there." "But, Richard,"
she said, after glancing at the article,
"the President says he hopes to pay
all depositors in full." "And didn't
I say the same to my creditors when
I failed in the grocery business, and
did a single one receive five cents on
the dollar ?" he howled.
A sensation.
An unparalleled sensation is being created
all over Ontario by the wonderful nud uneq-
ualled=minor in which Neuralgia, Toothache,
Rheumatism, Baokache, Headache, is romov.
d by but one application of Fluid Lightning.
No offensive, disgusting drugs need be taken
for days. It is 160 masons muse. Try a 25o.
bottle from J. Hargreaves & 00„ druggist.
Mugwump was coming up Miohi•
gen street with a Chicago friend, and
they stepped a moment to watch the
men laying the new stone pavement.
Said the Chicago man : "That'e the
kind for wear. We've tried every.
thing in Chicago -pine blocks tarred,
round cedar blocks, broke stone, and
al! others, and the only thing that
stood the immeuse traffic on our bua-
ineee stroete is thio kind." "Did
you ever try good intentions ?" said
Mugwump, "Good intentions I What
in the world do you mean 7" asked
the Chicago man. Dlugwump-"Why
it is said that 'hell is paved with good
intentions,' and if they answer there,
they ought to wear nearly as well 1n
Things to Do and to Know.
Hand-picked beans sell best.
Pullets for layers, liens for breed-
Feed pumpkins to the cows grad-
ually and they will not hurt the milk.
It is a finable offense to Iet a Can-
ada thistle grow in Indiana.
Animals that die of disease should
be immediately and completely burn-
Chicago and St. Louie are said to
be the plague centres of pleuropneu-
Cabbages, roots, etc., are well pack-
ed for winter in boxes and barrels of
damp sawdust.
Mrs. Mary Maoumber, of Jones-
ville, Mich., raised a chrysanthemum.
that had 400 blossoms.
The annual yield of hones in the
United Status is estimated at 120,000,
000 pounds, from 3,000,000 colonies
of bees.
If you have not an ice house, build
one this year, according to the plans
given in this column some time ago.
Then puck it full.
Every country neighborhood should
have its weekly literary and debating 1
society in the schoolhouse, and all
but babies should attend and take
The decided beneficial affect of Robinson's
Phosphorised Emulsion in the treatment of
female weakness, and nervous prostration
has given it a wide -spread reputation, and bi
every case the story is the same : "My health
is so improvad Mime using it;" "I stn Biro a
now woman,"that we do not hesitate to re-
commend it to everyone in need of a health
An Englishman has invented an
atmospherical railway milk eau. It
is filled to the brim and then hermet.
ioalty sealed. It can bo rolled upon
the ground in England, without
breaking, but it would not last .long
in America.
Pearls of Truth.
Help others and you relieve your.
self. Go out and drive away the
cloud from a distressed friend's brow,
and you will return with a lighter
Love is the most terrible and also
the meet generous of the passions ;
it is the only one that in -chides in its
dreams the happiness of some one
McGregor's Speedy Sure,
MoGregor'ouSpeedy Curet ie tliorea1oot,, moot
reliable and by far the a heapoet remedy for
Constipation, Liver Complaint, Indigestion,
Impure Blood ,Loss of appetite, and similar
gttroubles. It is not necessary to take a groat
before convince yo t of itermerite Tri
al bottle given 'atRergreavos' drug store.
Words of praise are almost as nec-
essary to warm a child into a genial
life. as acts of kindness and affection.
Judicious praise is to children what
the sun is to flowers.
Politeness is a tort Of guard which
covers the rough edges of our char -
actor and prevents their wounding
others, Wo should never 'throw it
off even in our conflicts with coarse
There appears to exist it groate
desire to live long then to live well
Measure a man's desires, he oanno
live long enough ; measure by hi
good deeds, and he has not lived
long ouough ; immure by lies evi
doeds, and be has lived too long.
The most difficult province it
friendship is the letting a luau se
his faults and errors, which should
if possible, be so contrived that be
may perceive our advice Is given
him not so much to please ourselves
an for his own advantage. The re
proachee, therefore, of a friend should
always be strictly just, and not too
He that does not fill a plane r.
home cannot abroad. He goes there
only to Bide his insignificance in a
larger crowd. You do not think you
will find anything there which you
have not seen at home 7 The stuff
of all countries is the same. What
is true anywhere is true everywhere.
Anil, let a man go where he will, he
can find only so mach beauty or
worth as he carries.
So long as dress does not violate
the principles of beauty or the laws
of health, so long as it is made cam -
formable to position, use, and cuoum-
stances, so long it is to be 00000r -
aged, not only as a source of enjoy-
ment, but as the fulfilment of a sor•
ions duty -for the love of dress,
which in to the body what language
is to thought, is as true an instinct
as is the love of what is beautiful mid
110 trait of character is more valu-
able in a female than the possession
of a sweet temper. Hoole eau never
be made happy without it. It is like
the flowers that spring up in our
pathway, reviving and cheering us.
Let a man go home at night, wearied
and worn by the toils of the day,
and how soothing is a word 'dictated
by a good diepositi In ? It is sun
shine falling ou his heart. He is
happy, and the cares of life are for.
Da. D. C. waer's Nurvo mod ((Pala Trent
02000,0. gunraulead 01 odds for lOvtlaria, 1)10»
uu000, he, Ne olono, Fite, Norrouo Nouratgle,
Hoodaohu, Nervone Prostration oausod by the
n0000 redact or Toiaoee. Wokatulnase, ilon-
bigin1iireoslou,eottoutugot tiro main ruoulb
death ineaumature fag 10 misery, decay and
(180012. Premature 001 Ago, Barronees, Loeser
Power in either sex, involuntary Losses and
Spormotorrbce, caused uy over.oxertion of 0120
Bratu, sell -abuse or over indulgence. Leob
E box oontaino ono soothe broabmo nf, 01s. box,
or six boxes for 05, sant by mail prepaid 0n
motet of price.
We Gulu•antee Six Boxes
To ours any ease. With each order roorived
by as for six bores, lwmumpnnied with S5, we
will amid the purebnoor our written guarantee
to refund the money if the troattneut does uo0
effect a sura. t}earanto5o iseu'id only by Jim.
Bergson. see A: Co, B runeels,
Women always show by their ac-
tions that they enjoy going to church;
men are less demonstrative.
When a woman becomes flurried
she feels for a fan ; when a man be-
comes flurried he feels for a cigar.
Women jump at conclusions and
generally hit; men reason things out
logically and generally mise It.
Some women can't pass a millinery
store without looking in ; some men
can't pass a saloon without going iu.
A woman never sees a baby with-
out wanting to run to it ; a man nev-
er sees a baby without wanting to
run from it.
Women love admiration, approba-
tion, self -immolation on the part of
others ; aro often weak, vain and
frivolous, Ditto men.
A woman always carries her purse
in her hand so that other women will
see it ; a man carries his in hie in.
side pocket so that his wife won't see
A woman can sit in a theatre for
three home without getting all
cramed up, catching the toothache or
becoming faint for want of fresh air ;
a man can't.
A woman, from her sox and char
actor, Lav a claim to many things
beside her shelter, food and clothing
Sh'e is not loss a woman for , being
wedded ; and the man who is fit •to
bo trusted with a good wife recollects
all which this implies, and sho.vs
himself at all times chivalrous, sweet
spoken, considerate and deferential.
Housewife's limp Beek.
If the even is too hot when baking
place a small clish of cold water in it.
When sponge cake bootlace dry it
is nice to oat iu thin slices and toast.
To remove mildew, soak in butter•
milk and spread on the grana, in the
To prevent mustard plaster from
blistering, mix it with the white of
Never put Halt into soup when
enokiug till 11 has been thoroughly
skimmed, as salt prevents the elctm
from rising,
When the burners of lamps become
ologed with char, put them in a strong
soap suds and boil a while to clean
Boiled starch can bo much improv.
od by the addition of n little sperm
or °little salt, or both, or aliltl e di3.
solved gum arabic.
To brighten the inside of a coffee
or tea pot, fill with water, add a
email piece of soap, and let it boil
about forty-five minutes.
If matting, counterpanes, or bed-
spreads have oil spots on them, wet
with alcohol, rub ►i itb hard soap, and
then rinse with clear, cold water.
It 1s said that canted berries re.
fain their flavor, and keep bettor,
when a buttered cloth is laid over tho
top of the'jar before screwing down
the cover,
Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Gold Watches, Silver
Plated Ware, Silver,
atcites, Clocks, Golk
Risings, Violins, Etc.
I keep a full line of goods usually
kept in tt first-class Jewelry store
Call and examine, no trouble to
show Goods.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Agent for Ocean Tickets, Amer-
ican Express Company and Great
Northwestern telegraph Company,
Just received a fresh stock of
Richter and This Mouth Organs.
All the School Books in stock.
Orders taken and filled for
School Maps, Tablet Lessons and
any book desired, on the shortest
notice. •
Seo our 100 and 200 page scrib-
• Santa Claus has unloaded one
pack of Christmas Goods and mora
is coming.
Wait and s ee our handsome
Christmas Cards.
Get a sample of our Note Paper.
Canadian Pacific lllailway Time Table,
Teeswater Branch.
Miles. Going west. MMI. I:apt t i
o Toronto. • Dap 7.20 a.m,
0 Oran00ville .e 0:50 "
4 Orangay111a Jct 10.05 "
74 Ama,O,nthi' ,. 0.15
0 Waldemar..
194 Lni,her.. .,
28, A,tbur .
Ill's. 1701010010 . .
••.. •• ,
IinlatlsroN., •
rordwich .. :
Gerrie .. .. . •
Wingham Road
Tcaewvater. , Arr
0.24 "
111.31 "
11.08 "
11.80 '
11,58 a.m.
12.15 p.m.
12.28 '
12.55 "
1.08 "
1,15 "
1.38 "
1.55 p. m.
5.40 p.m.
7.22 "
7.82 '
ruing *Mat. 81
TooeivabOr Dep 5.15 a.m. 2,18 p.nl.
Wi'ugbam 1.17.6.
oad 5.28 " 2.80 "'
Wroxeter . , .. 5.47 " 2.49 r.<
(aorrio . .... 5.58 ' 2.56 '
I`ordwich 0.02 8.00 "
Ffarrieton ., •. 4.25 " 3.40 '
Pages #.... .
Mt. Forest.... (3.01 " 8.57
Kenilworth .. 7.00 " 4,19
Arthur ...... 7.26 " 4.59
Lather ...... 7.53 ,. 5.10
Waldemar.... 7.58 " 5.17
Amaranth i .. 8.04 ., 5.24
Orangeville Jct 8,12 " 5.85 "
Orangeville .. 8.85 '' 5.55 "
Toronto .. Arr, 10,45 a.m. 8,85 p.m.
Refreshment and Dining Rooms
m'e-TM11 >:-Sf101.1- 861A€3SCn2ITS 020'
T10I:R7' A/11EN7', t7pt*lb1E s
.11. L. Jt<l. CE' YOJY,
Pratical Watchmaker and Jeweller
Satisfaction Guarantee° in all
-SH )P AT -
W. Jackson's Store, - 1310edele.
Loan &Investment Co.
This Company is Loaning Money
on Farm Security at LOWI0$T oueoca
of Interest.
8, 4 and 5 per cent. Interest Al-
lowed on Deposits, according to
amount and time left.
Ovnom.--On earner of Market
Square and North street, Godorich.
Horace Horton,
Hurrah for the Beehive,
The undersigned desires to return his
hearty thanks to his numerone customers
for their past support and wishes to an•
nounee that for the
ho will give Great Bargains in
Anda Host of Articles that cannot be
mentioned here.
1 mean Business and a call will convince
you that during the Holiday Season yon
will spend your money to good advantage
by Calling at the Beehive.
In Sugars, Tons, Crockery, Glassware, &c.
Wishing you one and all a Merry Xmas
and n 13appy New Year, I am,
Yours truly,
W. H. McCracken,.
The Independent.
Religious and Leterary Weekly.
Tho most influential religious organ fh
the States, -The Spectator, Loudon, Eng,
Tam INomrmNDoNT is ono of the beet pa;
pore in the world. Its good points are
many and striking. They have only to be
stated to be anproeiatsd ; and for the proof
of our claims appeal may bo token to auy of
the fifty-two issues of the year. Any num-
ber of The Indopendmn will show that its
oont010t8 are marled by -
2 .1.11111r7 Aril) I10Tm1lL91..
The groat thinkers, the great etnryivrit
era, the great poets, men of the Highest re-
putation in all departments of human
knowledge, snake up its list of contributors.
Iseligion, philosophy, science, literature,
art, travels, discoveries, stories, and all
conceivable topics are embraced in the con-
tents, and everybody, old or young, loomed
and unlearned, without regard to sox, em-
ployment, or condition, will find something
of special interest in Ovary (8000.
Oonenni 0Nelva ince.--It is n religious, a
literary, an edecational, a story, an art, a
scientific, an agricultural, a financial and a
political paper combined.
B,uwn'u, OANnoa, E4nxaerNmss.-x110 In.
dependent is tied to no denomination ; itis
the organ of no clique or party in state or
Chureb. It is free, therefore, to discuss all
Lineations, and to speak its mind candidly,
It ie not swerved by fear or favor. It is a
vigorous defender of tho Evangelical faith,
it preaches practical righteousness, and
earnestly supports all moral reforms. All
its columns -the advertising /IS w011 as the
reading -are freo from everything of doubt-
ful or objeetionablo character. No matter
What a person's religion, politics, or profes-
sion may bo, if he desires to keep up with
the times and know what the brightest
minds are thinking of, the ablest pons are
writing about, and what the world at large
is doing -he should rend The Indopondent.
Three months 75 Ono year ,.,...,.,,,,$0 00
Pour months 01 00 Two years 5 Q0
Six months, ,,,,,...,.1 50 Vivo years 10 00
Can any one make a bettor investment
of #2.00 to 98.00 than one which will pay
Evory intelligent family needs a good
Newspaper, It is a neoessity for parents
and children, A good way to make the ac-
quaintanoo of The Independent is to send
80 cents for a "Tian Tnrr" of a month,
SPECIMEN 0011'IE9 wan:.
Nn papers aro sent to subscribers after
the time paid for has expired,
The Independent's Clubbing List will be
Eat free to any person asking for it, Any
one wishing to subscribe for ono or more
papers or magazines, in connection with
The Independent, can save money by or-
dering from :our Club List.' Address
P. 0. Box 2787, Nr►Y Your,