HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-1-1, Page 3JAN. 1, 1886.
'Twits near the bseak of day,.but still
The meon was shining brightly ;
The west wind as it gamed the flowers
Set each ono swaying lightly.
The sentry slow passed to and fro,
A faithful niglit.wittch keoping,
While in his tents behind him, stretohed
His comrades all were sleeping.
Slow to and ho the sentry paced,
Ilis musket on his shoulder,
But not a thought ot death or 'war
Was with this brave young soldier;
Ah, no his heart was far away,
Where, on a western prairie,
A rose.twined cottage stood. That night
The countersign was "Mary."
'011 ! for one kiss tivin bar l'' he sighed,
When up the lone road glancing,
He spied a slender little form
With faltering steps advancing,
And as it neared him silently,
He gazed at it in wonder ;
Then dropped his musket in his hand,
And challenged, "Who goes yonder ?"
Still on it came. "Not one step more,
Be you 131021 01 child or fairy,
Unless you give the countersiup.
Halt I Who goes there ?" 'Tie Mary,"
A sweet voice eried, and hi his arms
The girl he left behind him
Thal -fainting fell. O'er inany miles
She'd bravely toiled to find him.
"I heard that you were wounded, dear,"
She sobbed, "My heart was breaking,
I could not stay. a moment, bra,
All other ties forsaking,
I travelled, by my grief made strong,
Kind heaven watching o'cr me,
'Until -unhurt and well ?" "Yes, love," -
"At last you stood before me,"
"They told Me that I could not pass
The lines to find my lover.
Before day fairly came ; but I
Pressed on ere night was over,
And es I told my name, I found
The way free 00 our prairie."
"Because, thank God I to -night," he said,
The countersign is Wary.' "
Farm N
When a farmer finds that he can,
not food out the fodder of the farm
without waste, be may conclude that
he hoe yet something to learn, and
he had better spend a clay with some
neighbor who understands how to
melte his cows eat coarse corn fodder
'without waste, and yet give a good
flow of milk and keep in good condi-
Farmers are gradually learning that
if they would keep their animals in a
good, healthy condition, they must
not over.feed them, but give them
only what they will eat up clean.
From observation we are satisfied
that at least ono half of the farm
horses are fed ao muck hay that it in.
jures their health, and keeps them in
poerer condition than if less bay
was fed them.
The farmer should always fry to
superintend the feeding of his stock,
because he is in a position to clo it
better than any one else ; the cattle
and other animals growing up on his
own farm, no a rule, if under hie care,
he will better limey each animal's
particular wants then any one he can
employ ; but if the farmer must de
pend on hired help to feed out his
fodder, he should =the au effort to
employ some one who tithe an inter.
est oe farm stock, and when he sem.
ee the -right man he should try to
keep him. Laborers in other depart
monts of limn work may be changed
with much loos loss than in this.
11 10 really surprising to observe
the great difference M feeding cattle.
An examination of the manure heap
of one farm will show that no fod-
der is wasted, while the examination
of that of an other will show that at
least one half of the coarse fodder is
wasted, though hi quality it is quite
as good as that which is fed out witla
out, waste ; and if the oatt/o be ex. f
MI11110(1 It will as a rule, be found , 113';
that those which aro fed so as to eat
the fodder up Wenn aro in better "
condition than those that wanks their
food; showing that the feeding of oat
11)1 will not only prevent waete, but
also secures a better condition of the
Cealeneatettan New s
A pair of ttpatent wesher" men havo
been committed for trial at Barrie for
irregulatithe in condociting their
S. Shepard, of St. Thom, has
just completed a consignment of 10,
000 barrels of apples for Europe.
The Sheriff was in possession of
Toronto City Hall on Saturday, on
account of an unsatisfied judgment
for injuries received,
A proolarestion is gazetted calling
an election under the Canada Tom
peranee &et in Pontiac, eonnty. The
election day is fixed for the 28th of
A boy named Fred Brown stabbed
another lad named Jaime 1V1cOollum
OD Saturday at Rodney. The knife
struck a rib. McCollum is under the
dootor's care,
The Toronto branch of the Irish
National League decided Wednesday
to send $500 to the Treasurer of the
American League. Over $2,000 have
been subscribed
Mr. Waite, of Grand Rapids, Mich.,
is said to have brought A shit for $5.
0011 for malpractice in setting a
ger against Dr. W. F. Ponward
formerly of St, Thoma,
It is intended to invest the
fund BO thathis family may bo
sured of an income, the children
ucated and each am receive his ah
when he comet' of age.
J. F. Garrnw, of tioderich, and
P. Woods of Stratford, on Satur
presented their 'intents as Quoe
Couneel to Mr. Justice O'Connor
tine in court at Toronto and W
called within the bar.
The Toronto World says "thole
eat aggregation of a8908 on earth
the lefomreal city council." T
ought to lift a tremendous weieht
the minds of the oily fathers of Sir
ford if one of the papers of that C
18 to be believed.
The latest sensation agitating Cai
vilia ie the finding of a newly bo
babe in a basket on the road near th
village. It was kept alive by the he
from e nnmber of bottles filled wi
hot water. No clue to the brut
At least teventy.five fugitives fro
United States justice ate Orietm
dinner at Hamilton, including Moth
Mandelbaum, and bank president
cashiers and county treasurers, takin
no account of plain thieves and co
ficlenee men.
If Queen Victoria lives to the 201
of June next, she will begin the
Seth year of her reign. Preparatio
is in progress for a grand comma=
ation ofthe event, Of the long line
English monarchs, only three-Hau
ry 111, Edward III, and George II
-has reigned for so lengthy a period
A deputation from the Legislatio
ammittee of the Toronto Oity Onun
oil waited upon Attorney -Genera
IVIctwat on Thursday with reference t
important amendments desired in th
funicipal Act, including the eleotion
of the Mayor by the Council, and
three years' term for aldermen.
It is tilleged, says a Hamilton dis-
patch, that Thomas Henry forged a
mortgage on the farm of his brother,
near Albion, Peel County, raised $2,-
000 ou 11 (111(1 skipped to the States.
Ou Thursday ho returned to Canada,
was arreeted, and the Police Magis-
trate committed him for trial.
Col. Gibson, for being Captain of
the Wimbledon team of 1881 ; StaffSargt.
Sergt. W. 11I. Goodwin, and private
Mitchell, of the 19111) Battalion, for
being members of the CanadianAeaus
of 1884, which won the Kalapore
Gup, havo received handsome gold
medals from the Dominion Govern
111001.A Montreal dispatch says :-A.
leading firm of British importers hero
iron and steel and hardware from
rtniugham and Sheffield, England.
a been engaged in importing steel
which was entered in customs Nee of
duty as scrap steel. This practice
has gone on for a considerable period
when the customs appradisers die -
covered it was bar steel cut W twelve -
inch pieces and invoiced as (=ape
steel. Tho firm has been called on
by an order from the department in
Ottawa to pay the duty OD all that
was imported by the firm, amounting
to $6,000.
Lewis Wigle, M.P., South Essex,
stated the other day that Pelee Island
boasts of one of the best rural wheels
in Impeder Maxwell's division. In
O email school, section John McLellan
receives $540 a year, has about 50
scholars, a model trustee board, and
a neat frame school home. The yard
is tastily fenced, grounds levell pith
turoe adorn the walls- threshing and
mowing machines by different makers,
sketches from Dickens, comic papers,
oil engraving. illustrations of ancient
war instruments, program of study,
charts, railroads, and pupils' drawing
maps. The teacher's kindness, indus.
try and sweetie are known all over
the country.
fin -
f -
°ARA 010 PARA STOOlf .-To feed the
animals on the farm so as to secure
the best resultwith the least waste,
is one of the most difficult Woke
which the farmer is called upon to
perform. He who dependsupon hired
help to deal out the animal food on a
large farm often itellers great loss be'
cause of the difficulty of securing
help that is intelligent enough to
understand the condition and the
wants of the animals to be fed ; in
fact, 111 18 imposeible, even for theme
who well understands the Wittiness,
to go into a been and properly feed
o stock of cattle that are new to thorn
and do it as it should be done, be-
cause no two animale require to be
fed exactly the same ; therelore the
man who is to feed to the boat ad.
'vantage must first learn the peculiar-
ities of each animal so as to be able
to meet each particular want.
• • •, M1 • .^
The subscriptions reeeived in Mon-
treal for Riot's family amount to
A. great effort ie to he made in
Montreal to complete 81, Peter's
Londoners aro endeavoring to make
arrengements for building a line of
reit way to perinea with the 11.0.11.
Aid. Mooney, of Montreal, basgain.
ed the clay in a long pending suit by
the U. 8. Government as to the valu-
ation of wool.
Application will be made at the
coming Bowdon of the Ontario Legis -
(attire to extend the time four years
from March 10, 1896, fol the com
pletion of the Leamington & Essex
Centre Railway,
The Gore Coffee Tavern scheme at
Hamilton has proven a success.
During the past eleven menthe the
tavern has been patronimed by about
52,000 people, and a dividend of 10
per coot, hes been declared.
The MoOlary lefanuracturing Com-
pany talk of establishing a branch
foundry in Windsor for the manu.
facture of stoves, hardware and ja-
peened mods ; but before doing so
they want the Windsor Connell to
gnitratitee them a bonus. The Coun-
cil will consider the matter.
Canadian Gazette :--The (meting
of the Brant etatue hae, we hear,
been postponed sine chs, in cense
queue() of en accident to the mould
et Vie Innulry. The statue itself is,
fortunately, uniujured, and the delay
caused will not alter the date of the
contract limit for completing the
bronze work. Pony Wood, the art.
ist, is we understand, now engaged
uric/ two bas-roliefe allowing the
"totems" of the Six !Nations (the bear
and 11011), which were introduced
upon the memorial specially by the
desire of the Iutlittee theinselyee. The
drawings of the pedestals (which will
very shortly be commeuced at the
quarries) have been completed by
ivlessro. Francis & Sons, the archi-
tects of the Hotel Metro!. ole.
- -
Queen Stree Therei a also a ellopon
the Oottxiat could be utilized for a atabM
W71 besold onressonablet mum. A.pply o -
lugs, and Private FLOUSOS painted and
decorated in :nodal% styles at reasonable
rates. Estimates given. Adctreos-
3. 8,
20.11 Goderich.
-Le Beath half of lot 28,con.5,Morris,00ntain-
bag 100 acme. 75 aereeeleured. Frame build-
ings on the premises. Tho property will be
ilvolpaiyatt, bargain. Pm further partiaulare
Will be reaelved by the undersigned, 00.
10 .Ten, lat, 1882, for supplying the Brussels
ashool with 76 cords of 0 foot green wood
beech or 100010,50 be delivered ou or before
A.pr al let, 1880. TORN 8RAW,
2811 Soe'y Board.
VI Tenders will as received by the under-
signed 11(1 30 January 10th for supplying 00 or
80 nerds of 2 foot wood, beech or maple, Wood
to bo delivered before March 1511). For fur -
Ater particulars 0111117 (0 W.A. RARE, POST
PUbli.SOIllg Rouse l3russels.
A true tonic, is highly recommended for all
d (salmis requiring 0001101,1 oftioient twill, ea-
Peolally Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Want of An -
petite, Lose of Strength, Lack. of !liturgy.
It eirriebeathe blood, strengtnerm the muscles
and aim now 11101 'the nervaa. It acts like a
ohartn and baptist whet overyb dy wants. 1118
strictly Vegetable in Combination, and ia not.
aloe ho lia. Far sale by dealers generally.
A dorsigned will dispose of 810 10110 being
lot 11, eon. 10, Gray, containing 100 acres. Tome
Is frame house, frame baro With atone stab-
ling and all necessary outbuilding. 01.1. the
premises, oleo n ..00d bertrinl orchard. The
term iu Arst.class aondit on. Possession
eau bo given on the 1st of Mareh. For further
partfoulare apply to
20.51 TAOS. 220011A , Prop.
ae township, County at Anton, being lot 1.8,
ann. 7, The Non contains 100 amen, 70 soros
eleftred, end is well watated, wall Mooed in in
it erg class state of cultivation, There is a
good brick house, frame barn, stables on the
promises, and au exellent orchard, The
fatm situated one Mile from the village of
BUM and 0 Milea from Bruilsols. For further
particulars apply to
10-4 E. BATEMAN, Prop,
yorr000 of th condor elated , lot 20, con, 7,
Morris, on or about Sept. lab, 0 steers and a
heifer, tieing 2 70015 0111, One stn r IS 51 11
le color mixed with rod,' the other steer 10 a
dark red,with, White spot on forehead and a
little edge frozen off each oar. The heifer 0
01180 000 with white ape t on her side just bo -
fore her hind leg, ou the flank. Any illfOrMS-
Mon leading to their mover, Will be suitably
YONVAltd011. 3037.1111035010,
22-1 Brussels, P. 0,
scriber Offers his excellent farm, being lot
7, Con. 8, Grey, for sale. The farm contain a
100 aores,i35,0 which are cleared. There la n
!rattle house and largo bank barn with straw
1)01100 0,1 the rear. There le an oroh esti, well,
and all the necessary Oonvenieuee a, The
farm is 0,10 111110 east of Athed, where there
are churehea, wheel, stems, railway, tolegrapboto,, end' ft feneed and drained.
Primo .85,200. For further parideulitra address
0311,1570113010 RA7144.11D,
26-8 PropriotOr,
00,11010 01 the estate of the late Basso=
fianattrou Offer for sale that excellent fent ,be -
tog lot 12, con. /2.0reY. There are100 Ratak in
theism 80 of Willett are 010016,1,10 aereepart.
lyal eared audit' acres of good it ardwoorl Utah.
There le a good frame barn, 80x80 toot with
itox,o athWing underneath.- Immedinta po0.
eon mien willbe given. A good portioh of per.
Chita() money win be allowed to stand on inter-
mit. For further partieul Ms apply to
,Tonrt mom,
lee o °liege street. Toronto
01 ;olruf enneuttoie,
1145 Ethel P00
OLIOICE FAa few spiondlit, improved, farms for sale
RMS' Fal8A
l, LE,-
la the township of Ore'', Morris and Meta-
iep. Apply to A.Deteseeveeilo.A.ucttopear,
fitudiolF11? 0, 1541
Valuable Real Estate
in the TownsItiftflowick, Comity
of Huron.
Under and by virtue Of a power of sale in
that behalf emit:tined-In a certain Indenture of
Mortgage, bearing data the glint day of Jana-
ary, A D.1882, and made by Aun Steak and
her husband, Cotradlitok, to A dward rnetee•
or and by the said Edward Flotaher medalled
to Walter Bowl Macdonald by assignment,
11,0 55(8 day of September, A. D. 1985,
(which said Mortgage and assignment emit be
produced et the time of sale) there will be
sold by Publie Auation at the Trivin Holum fa
the Town of Palraerston,011 Friday, 5110 8111
day or January. A. P. 1886. 03 tW01,10
0010.k, neonbY.Le-ds gnat, Auotioneer, that
panel o r tract of land had premises situ-
ate, lying and being in the Township of Row.
lak, m the County of Duran, and Provtnoa of
Ontario, being composed of the north twenty
aeres of lot number twenty-one le the sixteen.
th concesaion of the lipid Township of Row-
The Property is to be put up et an upset
P1'108 01 Three riundrod Dollars, ono half nt
the purchase money is to bo paid at the time
of Bale and the oalsnao is to be paid within
two weeks thereafter, when a conveyance will
be given to the purchaser,
Farther torrne and conditions of sale shall be
nude known by the auctimmer at the time or
sale 01 ,11 az y Nine orior to sale by M4113,114: to
the undersigned.
Ram') ton, Vendor and Solicitor,
88 jetfoil 5 treat South. (0 (101005,
034 November 28E11,1883.
The People's Shoemaker,
desires the public to remem-
ber that he has removed ta the
store, lately vacated by J-ames
Dron, where be will be pleas-
ed to see all his old custom-
ers and RS Many new ones
as want good work
at living prices,
A i\..T"vc2-
Constitutional Corset Works.a,i,
- -0
The Subscriber bogs to inform the ladies of Brussels and vicinilp that he
has commenced the manufacture of the above 0018111 111 the shop lately oc,
eupied by John Shand. The Manufacturing Department will be under the
personal attention of ilfes. D. A. Beaten, whose experience as a Corset Cut.
ter, during the past 8 years in Canada and the Statee, ie a guarantee that
she is an artist in her profeseion. Ladies come and leave your measure for
a pair of our ',Constitutional" Corsets if you wish to enjoy Comfort and
Health. Children's Waists made to order.
As our shop is larger than we require for manufacturing purposes 13,0
have added a select stock of
Fancy Goods, Plzcskes, Berlin and other wools,
• Gloves, Hosiery, and all Goods szcitable for
fancy work. Work in wirasene and
liensington pain,tinsf suitable for Xmas
presents in large variety. Lessons in above
Work also given.
A visit to our ehop cordially extended to every lady and we have no heel.
talion in saying that when you see goods and hear our prices you will say
we have the cheapest goods in Brussels.
Ladies Hand Satchels at prices that knock all others iu the Shade.
If you cannot remember all this advertisement just keep in mind these
-three little words-
-WM SEff....1T-,
Constitutional Corset Works.
GEO, THOMSON begs to an-
nounce that he has removed to his own premises, lately occupied by
John Grewar, and would tender his sincere thanks to- his Numerous
Customers for their past support and would solicit a continuance of
the same. We have opened out one of the Finest Stocks of Groceries,
Crockery, Glassware, &c. ever shown in the town of Brussels, at pric-
es which cannot be surpassed by any other one in the Trade.
Our Grocery Department
Contains everything kept in a First -Class Store including all the very
Choicest Fruits of the Season. New Season's Lemons 25c. per dozen.
Our Teas and Coffees
Have gained a Wide Reputation and need no further comment.
Crockery and Glassware.
All the novelties of the Christmas Trado,-China Tea sets, Ironstone
Tea Sots, White and Colored Bedroom Sots, Glassware Sots, also all
the sundries in connection with this department.
Bakery Department.
First -Class .Bread, Cakes, Pastry,. Short Bread, Fruit Cake, and Ange
Cake always on hand. Wedding Cakes ft Specialty,
Agent for Fleischmann & Coy's Compressed
Please note the address -One Door north IT/vomit Bros.