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The Brussels Post, 1885-12-25, Page 8
8 THE BRUSSELS POST DED. 25,1.814.„ We've G©t 'Er'a Christmas&New Year's GOODS AT. TH E POST BOOK STORE. Drums, Trumpets, Horns, Mouth Or. gang, Pianos, Tambourines, Jew's harps, !Craws, Rattles, &o. Dolls, Dishes, Tin Cups, Tops, Watches, Knives, Sets of Furniture, Jaok iu the box, Dogs, Magic Lanterns, Banks, Mechanical toys, flung, Balis, Brooms, Drawing Slates, Mice, Necklaces, &c. Albums, Plush and Leather, Prices range from 10 cents to 55.00. Bibles handsome and excellent value. Boy's Own Annual, Girl's Own, British Workman, Animal World, The Prize, and a lot of other books.. flanl Sleighs strong, good and cheap. Christmas Cards from 1 cent up. Fox Bargains in Toys and all Goods wo keep giro Ps a CALL. 7'he Post Bookstore. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, OUTHERN EXTENSION, W G & B R 'Unlit loaves Brussels Stntiou , north and nth n tfullowa: tieing South. Going North. Mail 755.m. Mixed 10:00a.m E:rypro2a.........11:55 a.m. Mail . 2:40p.m, Arixod... ........ 8:50 m. Expres ......,..0125 p.m, The morning train south and the night train e north will only run on Tuesdays,' y , sad Batuidays fatal. Vide PM, A. obiel's among ye takin' notes An faith he'll preeit it. MERRY Christmas. NEXT Monday will be nomination day. HELLO :—Grand Concert 30tb December watch for it. LAST Monday was the shortest day in the year. LAST Saturday was 0 very stormy day and very little business was done. Mats. J. Y. S. Knts is laid up, we are sorry to say, from a sprained an- kle. ANY quantity of saw logs or lumber tak- en in exchange for furniture. Mrs. E. Long. LVE will be glad to receive short reports of tea -meetings, socials, school examine.tione, surprise parties, &e. TUE POST and weekly Globe to the end of 1886 for $2.25, in advance. Now is the time to subscribe. Mss. D. D. SHRAOG was called away last Monday to Paris to see her brother who is not expected to live. Now is a good time to square np tubae little accounts eo as to com- mence the new year with a clean street. THE Ronald foundry will shut down for a week between Christmas and New Years to allow the boiler to be cleaned. R. STEVENSON, harness maker, and family removed to Glencoe this week, where Mr. Stevenson will engage in business. We wish him suedes. 13ILLur•Ans, letter heads, noteheads, statements and envelopes furnished ' enterprise is when they see 11, or else with neatly printed headinee cheap• it is the fault of the editor." If the or them you can bny the blank paper. I merchants of Brussels don't know ad Try THE POST Publiehill„ House. 1 moll as tate ass who rune the Advance ANNIVERSARY server Ds will be preach we pity them. tl In ;r a 1Ietheliiit church next 1 Wurin YOU Far 600050 AN EV1IN1:G. Rev. W. 1 . Jamieson, of'. OII Thursday evening this week at shape for binding, neatly printed ou Su oil, will pr,ach at 10.80 and the M. L. P. C,—Tea Meeting iu the 1 flue paper. and each number is well 11.80 mid liev. W. Smyth will die- Methodist church on Christmas night. illnetrated with original practical course, nn the Resurrection body, , —Christmas tree in Knox clinch drawings, In addition to it fund of tit 2 80 pan. `next Monday ovomng, for the Sun- information for the farmer, its Home Jon4 A's Xmas train has arrived at Lion I day School —Tuesday evening, 29th Magazine 1)epal:tine/it pleases .all the .\l:.sander's, 1, 10, 15 and 21e. counters are ' inst., political meeting in the interests members cif the family, young and the rage for boys and girls. of the Cnnservatfvo party in the Town old, hu tied 11.1 it It largo amount of AT nineling of tee Conservative Ball.—At the Tclgmanu entertain profitable and entertliuing reading, Association of Brunets, hold on Tues meat, under the auspices of the Tllis month sample copies aro sent day evening, the following ticket !Vag cricket Club, On \ ofloosday evening, free to applicants. Address Panner's brought out as candidates for Lonnie. the 80th inst. The celebrated basso, Advocate, Loudon, Ont, ipf:l boa rs :—For Reeve, Jas. Young. Chas. Kelly, is with them.—let and A. DEPUTATION, consisting of six gentlemen, waited on the Chairman of the School Board, last Saturday evening t0 ascertain how 1t was that two trustees wore retiring instead of four, He said the Board had come to the conclusion that the new law d115 not effeot trustees now holding office and they consequently only gave notice for the election of two trustees. The deputation thought 4 or at least 8, should retire this year. Tho law on the question :—Sec. 5, of the New School Act, soya :—"The orm for which each school trustee bolds office, at the time this Act takes effect, shall continue as if such term had been created by virtue of an elec- tion under this Act, The new law, which took effect last July, says the term of office for oaeh trustee is two years, In reply toe, question as to how many trustees should retire title year the Minister of Education writes "the new Board will consist of three nowly elected trustees, together with the two who are serving a 2nd year and ono trustee elected for a Brd year." Cn enzei.eox. twit legal advt. in this isene, OARS are very seitree 0n the W. G. & 13. r,Lllroed, Arty quantity of saw logs or lumber taken in exchange for furniture. Ivirs. I.1, Long, A LITTLE tough on tlo shareholders w1 the skating rink. G. A. Bon has been in Toronto for the past few weeks, PEeioY WHITE, of Port Elgin, was in town LIM; week. SEE press notice of the Teigmann family on page 8 of this is issue. axe quantity of saw logs or lumber taken in exohango for furniture. Mrs, 11. Long. Miss Ameia McGEoner, of Ayr, is visiting friends in town. MRS. T. G. HoLMEs and Stella are away at New York visiting among old friends, Farm's, peels, and spices, fresh and puro Adam Good & Co. Mles NIGHTINGALE, Of Mt. Forest, is visiting her brother, W. Nightingale, of this town. AFTER 1llouday of next week James I)rswe will close Ins store at 7 o'clock each evening, Saturdays excepted. HARRY PATTER"i'N, son of the Bev. E Patterson, of St. James Church, S'ratf"rd, was visiting E. B. Burt on Sunday 1061. SERviel will be held in St. John's church on Christmas eve, comtnone- ing at 7 o'clock. and on Christmas day at 11 a.m. CoNv oDial]AI FOR PARENTS.— If every parent in Brussels attended school examinations as regularly as you how Many visitors would be present ? 13050 Oysters, choice and ohoap at Thom - son's, one door north of Haycroft Brae, Aliveoxen your farm if you want to sell. Now is the time people want to buy. Call at Tun POET eines end Leave copy at Once. IT is to be hoped that every rate payer will attend tlo nomination next Monday and hear what the r,'spective candidates have to any. You can judge better when the candidates meet Oran winter, we pate, Our etoree wear 0 holiday appear. alum. Tlllt Publio School will open iu town on the 7th of January. SOlux talk of organizing a sootety of Chosen Friends ul Brussels. Tun minutss of Grey Conncil may be read to another coluwu. r TRUSTEE nomination next Wearies - day, at the Council Chamber, Amiga Syrup 60o, per gallon at Thom. son's. Muss W1nnorioup and Miss Adauls left for their respective homes this week. SEE Tax Collector 't'own's notion in this issue, then go and pay yew taxes. Dos" forgot Kelly's Concert on Wednos- doy evening. St. Jomo's Church Sunday School Christmas true will be held next Tao - day evening. SRND THE ros'r to the absent boy. It will give him all the home news ; $1.50 pays for it to t.bs end of next year. DIVISION Court, last Wednesday, was largely attended and the business of the conn had to be carried on after supper to dieposo of tbo cusod. SPECIAL discounts on all Christmas goods, New Year's Dards, autograph and photograph albums, &c. until after New Years. Try "The Post" Bookstore and see if it is not so. Tins. WA'rsoa has fitted up the noatest little ssiviug machine room yon ever saw, at his shop at the bridge. There Is a largo show win• dow in the front, the place is neatly painted, the floor carpeted and every- thing in apple pie order. The mit- cline handled in this cosy place is the New Homo. Mr. Watson is a ptslliug agent. His brother Reuben dues a good them of the selling. Woos 1 Woon 1 I—F. 0, Rogers is now prepared to take any quantity of hard or soft cord wood in trade, from this date, but none will be taken on book accounts unless previously arranged. face to face. Oot. 8th, 1886. Brussels Salt Works. PARTIES wishing to hang presents Reee,wAYFAEEs.—TheGraud Trunk on the St. Johns Church Sunday Railway Company has announced School Xmas tree for friends can do through oiroulars that during the so by leaving the same with E. B. Christmas and New Year holidays Burt on or before Monday 28th. they will give special rates along all MALCOLM McGlone, an old Brus- the lines. During the Christmas sea- selite, he fn town this week. He has son, tickets will be issued at all sta. been in the 'vest for years. He has Hous for one and ono -third fare, on some idea of becoming a resident of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Brussels again. the 28rd, 24th and 25th Lasts., the Miss Kim is prepared to take a limited return journey to be commenced not number of pupils in Kensington and satin later than January 4th, 1886. Tick. painting. Terms :-12 for each, or 98 for ets will be iasued at a single first class both if taken together, fare for Friday, the 2'Sbh;'good to re - both faLAND, of Hallett, father of turn an the following day. During Chas. Holland, died last Friday at the New Year's holidays tickets will the advanced age of 77 years. Be be issued for Wednesday, Thursday leaves an aged widow and 7 children or Friday, the 80th and 31st insts.. to mourn his decease. The inter- and January 1st, 1886, at one and ment was made in the Clinton came- one•third fare. On New Year's day, tart'. tickets will be issued for a single fare, Oanniks by the barrel and nuts] by the good to return on that or the follow sack. Adam Good & Uo. ing day. THE Wingham Advance says :—''A ATTAINED ITS MAJORITY.—To our mast t of Wingham nae in Brue. readers who see in agriculture an art soltss last week distributing hand bine to file people of that village. The to be followed by the light of intelli- Poem terms this enterprise on the part geucs rather than spot -dation, wecommend for their approval the Far• of ottr merchant, "pure unadulterated war's Advocato and Home magazine down there that they don't know what cheek," The merchants are so dull This journal has been established 20 years, is edited and owned by it pro tical farmer of 50 years' experience, and as en educator of the farmers in chatters pretaiuiilg to agrioniturs, stoat, dairy, apiary, &e., &c., ecru• blued, the Farmer's Advocate stands without a peer. It is got up in neat fou' Uouuuillors, W. F. 1, austnue. -Inc, Drewe, Geo. B]niter, and John Wynn. ON Monday last the scholars in MIPs Kelly's 8, G. clams, accompanied, by E. B. Burt, as superintendent, waited upon Miss Kelly and present- ed her with a silver butter dish, as a s,light token of the regard and esteem in which they hold her and in appro. iation of her, services on their behalf. After spending a pleasant evening they were entertained at supper by Miss Kelly. We never made such preparations for Xmas before. Adam Good & Co. A Goon Movu.—We are glad to learn that J. D. Ronald has inaugur- nted a Mechani:al Class, one evening each week, for the training of all the young mon at his works in Mochanio- nl drawing, and incarnation generally on the steam engine, uhlilor the management of his foreman, D. D, Silritgg. This is a very desirable undertaking and will be of great use to the young mon in aiding thein to becorec more parfeot mechanics. 2nd at the Odd Follow's entertain- ment when H. D. Cope, the celebrat. act dramatic reader, will appear. House to rent. Apply at THE PST Publishing Ilouse, THE Boston Post in speaking of Homer D. Cope who is to be in the Town Hall on the 1st and 2nd of January, says: --Homer D. Cope, of New York, gave the third of the Somerset Course of entertainments in Tremont Temple on Wednesday evening. He gave from memory, personating every character, the en • tire drama of "Damon and Pythias," and succeeded in imparting to each role a true idea of its character. He possesses a very flexible voice, which he moderatos with ease, and he note the various oharacters—the loving wife, the impetuous Damon, the pat- riotic Pythias, and the tyrannical King—with equal moo and merit. Mr. Cope also recited Mark Twain's humorous 51201010, "Uncle Daniai's Apparition," ono of bion moat occur - ate portraits of it certain please of 1iinman character over drawn. YOUR voto and influence is now in order, Tno report of the Division Court will be givon nexb week. Hiss BuerT, of Harriston, will spend her Christmas vacation in Brussels. T. MoClurz 04p»v, wife and child- ren, of Gnderich, are visiting; old friends in town. ANOTHER CON urt1Rua.—Who is in. troduoing "straight" polities into Municipal elections this year ? Some clothes line sneaks have been helping themselves to various articles of c,otlling lately. If caught they will be made stiffer. 3. W. SHAw', Principal of Blyth public sohooi, is horno for his Christ- mas • toation. I. W, id a general favorite with the boys, and ginba boo. A MEETING of Reformers held on 'Wednesday evening, brought out the following ticket for municipal honors' —Dr. Hutchinson for Reeve, P. Scott, R. Graham, W. H. Kerr and Adam Good for Couneillers. AT the annual meeting of the Liberal Conservative Association of 13raeselo. held last Tuesday evening, the following uliicard were elected :— B. Gerry, Pres, ; F. C. Rogers, Vico- Pres, ; 1t. \V. Tuck, Sec•Treas. Ton lecture by Prev, J. Boss, 13.A., on "We are all sculptors," M Melville church, on Thursday evening of last veep, was largely attended. The lecture was it treat and we hope to get the censont of the rev. gentleman to allow us the use of the manuscript so that' we may publish it in full. Tun Listowel Standard says ;- John Dromgole, who is probably the best known coiunoreial traveller iu Cubitrle, certainly in the west, was in town on Wednesday, making leis last trip. Ho leaves the road t.] assume the management of the buein440 of W. J. Reid Si Co., Loudon, the firm for whom he has been travelling for almost a score of years. While Mr. Dromgole is to be congratulated upon Ins promotion, his host of frionde a+ well as oudtomers of the house will very much regret leaving to ba denied the pleasure of meeting thio thorough genial Irishman ou his accustomed trips. MARRIED. CALRIca—AOHEsoN.—In Goderioll township, on the 23rd inet., by Rev, W. Birks, MIs. D. B. Oalbiok, of New Westminster, 13. 0., to Miss Mary E., eldest daught- er of Mar. Robt. Aobeson. DIED. Dian.—In Grey, on Saturday, Deo. 19111, 1886, Christina, wife of the late Dun- can McDougall, aged 55 yrs., 7 mos. AUCrlolr` SALES. • TOEsDAY, Dao. 29th.—Farmsteek, Impli- mehbs, &c., on lot 12, Con, 12, Grey, oom- menoing at 12 o'clock, Bird Bros., props., A. Reymann auctioneer. Brussels 3'Xarkett. Coansoron CAREFULLY 17wEar WEER. White Fall Wheat........ 75 BO Red Wintar 76 SO Spring Wheat 55 Barley 60 Oats 2S Peas 51 Bettor, tubs and rolls 111 Eggs per dozen.. 10 Flour per barrel 5 00 Potatoes 26 Hay per ton 8 00 Hides per lb 11 Dressed Hogs 4 75 Solt per bill„ wholesale . -60 Sheep skins, each 50 Wvoi 17 75 60 29 56 14 00 00 30 0 OO tib 5 10 SO 1 00 1S rel&R\I FOR SALE,—TEE SUB - scriber odors his excellent Farm, beinglot 7, o m, 8, Grey, for lain, Tho faint aoutmins 100 acres,25 of which arc cleared, There is a from° house and largo bank barn with straw house le tlo 0000. Chord is MO oral nal, well, and all the 0005800') conveniences, Tito farm is ono utile east of Ulthol, whore there are ,bumhas, 0°11°01, stores, railwrty, tele- graph, (tc„,tuft is well fonoed cud dr:•.inod, Prior '90,40). For further particulars address cHRISTOPEE It 1tbYNA1tD, 25.8 Proprietor. AUCTION SALE OF A VERY tit the l'otcnrhip of Grey, County of )I,o'on. Pursuant to the order for Bale, boating date the ninth day of flay A,1),1855, and mato by loath F. Tomo EsOntrs, Judge of the County Courtoorfmatter ofnHenryivs Harem in there will be offered for Bale, wish tlo ap- probation p- pr nay of Huron, the ien Representative of the THURSDAY, JAN. 711,, 1886, et the boar of 12 o'olook neon, at the Queen's Hotel. in tlo Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, tote Numbers Twenty•sevon and Twenty- eight, in the Seventh Concession, of the 'Township of grey, in Sus Ooanty of Buren, containing byadmoaeuroment Two ittlndred Aorso of land , Moro or less. The property is well situated about one mild from the Vlllaee of Ethel mid about eight miles from the Vil- lage of Bru0sols. The property is well fended and well watered, about 00 autos cleared and in good state of cultivation, the balance tim- bered with hardwood, hooch and maple. The buildings &insist of a frame barn, 40x60, and wells suited to the raising 05 Wheat thaluwhaole forming desirable farm and residcneo. Twins or 8AL]t,—Ton per gent. of the pur- ohaso money at the thno of pale, balance in thirty days withmltinterost. h'Or further per Coulon apply to Messrs, Cartel,/ & l'roudfoob, Earritter•s, elotleriob l Masers. Cameron, 1I011 & Cameron, Harris. tern, gotlorioh; lames Strctlou, Auotionser or to lb. lb, WADE, '1olidol's solicitor., ISAA(: 5, 'POl18 lies Reareeonlallvs RANKING. \r9'IINTOSII & \IcTA(iGARrI', �1ANKERS SRUSSEL.S TRANSACT A GENERAL BANIi1N(' litISINliS$. Note so DI difsoonllted, .,. Interest lllo wodon deposits repayable i t demand, Prompts,ttentiOrgivor,s000llec0laus• -6 LEGAL AND CIINVEYANCING. 1IFFA1U) L VI Clnae,draut t LLIO'J, LA\V Uluek, Urueeols. M i s)' 1Ol0an. L. WADE, BAli131.8'1'if1l, (to to OdlaofurniarlyoauuplsOu)A,4. 811 0OLl,tdse.,iu Leukio'elilo Ok, MOnt)801 and. t'IT 13, DlUlt8UN, V • (late with ,farrow t Proudfeet diose rioh) do lloito t, Conveyancer, dra. anion in t}rant'tilesk,1JrUsesle. Money t0 Loan. i® LEX. J1Ui1'1'llt, CLLI'IA Ul' ,.C1 the p'ourth Uivisioi. Court 00 .Herob. ' donveyanoor,Nutaty Put llc,L tnd,Lunn an0 Lesuranoo Agent,b'unust1Yustedand to Loan Uullsefiout /nude. Ummioo, Grabam'aSleek Breath l • MEDICAL CALLUS. I A..tLt: NAUU1110N, A1. .U., C. Physician , ..S 0t,0Unan,1A00011UUUUr, 11th eels Alta ,00101' Meal/ „rur'tbury Strout. i ..LI.U.120I-1INSON, el. 1). ti, P. Ed inbnrgh. UaarolnUtod 50 luerosioenc a 0n elillSti'U e. t bo houseforuterlyee00i10u ny Dr. 1lrahan:' and ,villa a;0000 0.1 nlge*. 115 still retain e nu odlouat riargreav ce'Drug titers. DENTAL. r L.13ALL, L. D. i., LLONUIx 1.1 • Graduate and Member of tiro Royal Uolloge of Dental Surgeons. 'Toronto The various a, sotheties givon, also a now local au,osthetiofor the gumsonly, All operations olrefully perfor.uu.1 sad ,uarauteod. Prices moderate. U,n au o ver Poweil's ,tors Hour, 6 a.u1, to 5 p.m. BUSINESS DARDS. ISS O'CONNOR, TEACEUER 11:.i.. of Thorough Buss, Vocal, and sustrur mental Music on Piano,Orgnn and Guitar.; Reference—Ladies of Lorotte,Guolpk,t Residence—No,2,(soutb) nrickTerrala, 44-8m. Brussels ,Ont H.MoORACKEN, ssuorMarriage Licenses. Oita° at hi grog ery,T.rnborrys treat, 2-22 TOHN NOTT, VETERINARY PJ Burgeon ,Graduate of Ontario Votetinar College T pronto .Resldense ,tho house) atoly OcanpiedbyZlrs ,J.tarker Mainstrset ,7iru,. deg .A MaNAIR,ISSUER OF MAB - rlago Licenses .b appointment of L Leutonant•Oovarner, Commisaionoa a0o„ Q B.00nveyancmend Agentrire LnsnranoeOo offioeatttoOrahbrook PoetOftiao ROBT. CUNNINGHAM:, Insurance Agent, GUELPH , ONTAETOta ir• M. O'CONNOR, FIRE, LIFE, • Accident and Loan Insurnnne Agent for some of the best and most reliable Companies in tile Dominion, 0llice. brick terrane, Turn - hoary St.,uour the Station, a mouths, tAT141. BLAS HILL, Dutcher, thanking hie nnuyyustomat•e for their I iter 1l supportfortho pasteix years wishes tomform them the t be ing ht tiled •,tit of the old stand has fitted ul' a shop in emalo'e:3 took in grab -class style whnr( he hopeatoaoo '11 tits old onetothors and moat any new mesas see fit to giro him 0 omit. Ikanp nothing bu tarot-eltse moats, a,ld %Inds of Poultry and iausogedoat Delivered to all parts n fine Town Free. Oman paid for Fat Steak, THOMAS (IOODWILL, ROOFER, Pod ':nee Meek, - Droseels, Agent for Joseph TaM—cs & Co .,lion treat and Toronto, Artt:'nlito Cement ]Loafing—for fAur- aeaud Druce Counties. Gravel, Phi, Iron Dud other roofs raps irod end aatisfeeth.n guaranteed lletnnabos lrvmi. Tar 4Felt at wholesale, TTI 1' AXES, MR . . TOWN, '1A COL• teeter, wit' be in the Town fall no Bat. nrda 2511 suet„ t 1 receive taxa,, :111 inter- ostcdecould. 4,ro� 1 them sol v.,o actnr•,Lu gly. l'r t Revd it lents pfree a, null w& 41,4 "I -'JC.' wail marl you fabs a royal, that w ll putyou box of goods thou will put you a the way QUoO Omaking &erorelon moues so one o,tall a es can rive fn home mi Both taros of e all egos can live he tit memo and work in spars time, 50 ell the time. Capitol not B00SeWe will start you. Immense pay sure for those who start at enol. STINSON' &tlo„ Portland, Mains, QTRAYED FROM THE PREM= ices of the undersigned, lot 27, eon. 7. Croy, on or about Sone 1st, two hand of cattle 2 years old. One is a dark rod boifer, with horns burned in, the other a rod and white soothed steer. Both animals were well bred, Any in. formation leading to their recovery will be thankfully received. 0108, A, t1L,'Nlt7, 24.41 Ethel ,P. 0. NEW BLACKStMITH % tiring your late o horses to Daniel ]2wan„1vae has Lltd l/1) W. T. HUNTER'S STAND, Uruseolg. Raving preatrsod for years and !leen to the highest position hl the leaning horse shoeing establishment of Graham, edit. lnburglr, Scotland, Also baying passed with honors throegh the Royal Veterinary Shooing Sahooh of I, s, Smith, London, England,whore hundreds of oriented horses passad oar bands daily I eau safely gnartnleo to cure contrasted feet or interfering horses...Yow work and repairing et all kinds done on tea, seeable terms, and workmanship that will plead”. 101 giving mo so nail I ltel 0011400,1 1 would secure your trade. 11, 1•i WAN. 17.65 roofer's Cid Stan