HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-12-25, Page 3Ijob 1 Dna. 25, 1885, mrtn :xoomsns maenmvice e,nnerx.mzeormur'oira+r THE BRUSSELS POST. 7 11. T.. , JCI1.RO.N, Peltical Watchmaker and Jeweller, Satisfaction Guarantee° in all Repairing. -SH )P AT- • - W, Jackson's Stora, - Brussels. HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co. 'Phis Company is Loaning Money till Farm Security lot LOWIIST ItATPs of Interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAWfNOH BANK BRANOf, 8, 4 and 5 per cent. Interest Al- lowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. OIrFxcli.--On corner of Market Square incl North street, Godei'ich. Horace Horton, MA\AOI:B. (9aderich, Aug.5t11,1885 Hurrah for the Beehive. The undersigned desires to return his hearty thanks to his numerous customers for their past support and wishes to an- nounce that for the NEXT 10 DAYS lie will give Great Bargains lu FRESH GROCERIES, SEASONABLE FRUITS, CANDIES, NUTS, And It Host of Articles Idiot cannot bo mentioned horn. I moan Busiooss and a call will oonvince you that during the Holiday Season you will spend your money to good advantage by Calling at the Beehive. SPECLI..L CUTS In Sugars, :Tae, Crockery, Cdassware, ,2e. Wishing you one and all a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year, I am, Yenta truly, W.. I..MeCrac17zem. The Independent. THIE LARC4EST, THE ABLEST THE BEST Religious and Literary iVeekly. The most Influential religious organ in the States. -The Speetntor, Loudon, Eng. Tun Ixnnr1:get)Nr is one of the best pa pers in the world. Its good points 144'01 many and striking. They have only to be stated to bo appreciated ; and for the proof of our claims appeal may be taken to any of the fifty-two issues of the year. Any slum- ber of The Independent will show Haat its contents aro marked by- AltrUlTr, V:\ittSTr AND I\'rOttas'0. Tho great thinkers, tho great story -writ urs, the great Pools, men of the highest re. Imitation in all departments of human knowledge, make top its list of contributors. Religion, philosophy, scienoo, literature, art, travois, discoveries, stories, and all conceivable topics are embraced in the con- tents, and everybody, old or young, learned and unlearned, without r'ogord to sex, sm- ploymeut, or oultdition, will find something ,f apeoial interest in every issue. Omerlinnattowegnes: -It i9 a religious, a literary, an educational, a story, an arb, a scientific, an agricultural, a financial and IL political paper combined. 131tnhnrn, C.1SDolt, EAnS1('0S0S0,-The In. dependent is tied to no denomination ; it is the organ of no clique or party in state or Church. It 1s free, therefore, to discuss all questions, and to speak its mind candidly. 10 is not swerved. by fear or favor. It is a vigorous defender of the Evangelical faith, it preaches practical righteousness, and earnestly supports all moral reforms. All its columns -the advertising as well as the reading -aro free from everything of doubt- ful or objectionable character, No hatter what a poreon's religion, polities, or profes- sion may bo, 1E he desires to !coop up with the times and know what the brightest minds are thinking of, the ablest pens are writing about, and what the world at large is doing -he should read The Independent. TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS Timm months ...... 71 ens year ...... ..,.., s0 00 )rear m0utho 9,100 Two years 0 00 Hix Months. 1 e0 Five years 10 00 Can any one mane it better investment of 52.00 to $8.00 than ono which will pay 52 DIVIDENDS DURING TH'lil YEAR? I4very intelligent family needs a good Newspaper. It is it necessity for parents and children, A good way to make the ac- quaintance of Tho Independent is to send 130 cents far a "TnlAr, TRIP" of it month. 901301)IEN 'COPIES FREE. No pmpera Are sent to subscribers after the time paid for has expired. Tho Independent's Clubbing List will bo sent free to any person asking for it. Any ono wlebing to subscribe for ono or more papers or magazines, in connection With The Independent, aim save money by or. Bering from env Chub I,ist, Address • THE INDEPENDENT, ]'. 0, Box 2787, NPvw ionic.' HEALTH IS UALTH ! Do,D, 0, WlteT's Nerve pad Drain Treat input, ° guaranteed si o0114o for Hysteria. 0114- 040000, Oenvuleloes, FOR, licryone Neuralgia, Resdaehe, Norvons Prostration omtsud by the use of aloobcl or TOJIW00, Wakotnluoss, gen- ial De,resslon.Sof ten ingof the Brain result- ing In insanity, loud(ttg to misery, decay and death. Premature Old Age. liarr0n0es, Loss of Power In either sox, involuntary Losses and 8porinatorrh,na causedby over-ex601On 0f the Brain, soli-abuoo Ur over Indus(;once. 1Bauh box ountaias one 0mut1)'s trnatumut. Ola box, or six boxes Mr .f 5, sen t by mail prepaid on 1000101 of mice. Ivo 1l(lrtlat,144 Six Boxes To onro any ease, With molt Order 400414040 by WI 11s for Rix lt WO a011d tll011purotlo er cr lvrlt10gu ruoceo to rotund oho money it the treatment does not °Root a ours, Chiaran tone iestttd only by ,Ino. Hargrea roe Jr Co, Brussels. Taos. KiE'rCr'i>;R, Prraetical Watchmaker and Jeweler, Gold YV(idches, Silver Plated Ware, Silver, Watches, Clochs, Gaal Rings, Violins, Etc. I keep a full line ut' goods usually kept 1n a first-class Jewelry store - Call and examine, no trouble to show Goods. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Agent for Ocean Tickets, Amer- ican Express Company and Great Northwestern telegraph Company. THE POST BOOKSTORE. Just received a fresh stool: of Richter and Thie M uth Organs. All the Sehool B )3ks in stock. Orders taken and filled for School Maps, Tablet Lessons and any book desired, on the shortest notice. See our 100 ail 203 page scrib- blers. Santa Claus has unloaded one pack of Christmas Goods and more is. coming. ''Tait and s 1)0 our handsome Christmas Cards. Get to sample of our Note Paper. ;anadian Pacific Railway Time Tablet Teeswater Branch. Riles Ening west. Moll. 1:1pro e 0 Toronto.. Bop 0 Orangeville .. 4 Orangeville Jct 7105 125 285 805 385 44 475 (30# 0.95 130 74 Amaranth t .. Waldemar.. Luther .. .. . Arthur , Kenilworth - 111.r. 111'r. li'omisr .. Pages /'..... . FLUMMOX.. .. Fordwieb .. Conic . .... Wroxele• . Wingham Itoad Teeswater.. Arr 7.20 °:1)1. 9.50 10.05 " 10.15 10.24 . 10.81 " 11.08 " 11.80 " 11.88 a.m. 12.15 p.m. 12.28 12.55 1.08 1,15 " 1.88 " 1.55 p.m. 5.40 p.tn. 7.05 " 7.99 7.82 7.88 7.44 8.10 8.29 8.4(1 9.01 9.10 0.81 11.40 9,40 10,013 10.15 Altlas. Going Bast. xlxproes. 5(0)1 0 115 14 I75 80} 85 . 4145 505 615 04 'rainwater Dep Wingbnm Road Wroxeter .. „ Gorrie .. .... 1 ordwieh flttrriston .. ,. Pages i., ., .. Mt. Forest , .. . Kenilworth .. Arthur ...... Luther . .. Waldemar.... Amaranth t Orangeville Jet 0 g11 ran evt e Toronto , . A r. 5.1514.m. 3.15 p.m,.5.25 2.80 5.47. " , 2.,49 5.58 " 2.50 " 0,09 " 8.00 0.'29 " 8.20 '' (1.85 9.40 " 0.51 3.57 " 7.01) 4,19 " 7.25 4.80 7.58 5.10 " 7.55 5.17 • 1, • 065 I 8.04 1,.2.4 2,70 8,12 5.85 " 74 8.811 5.55 " 129 10.45 man. 8.85 p.m. Ref) esl7n)ent and Dining Rooi77s TIHIO\TO JUNCTION. 10IRINGF15ttt11 All► It %ELF:TON.I tiN0TFON T�:TISTC:f-=OST ozv THROUGH TRAINS •411171V1tn V'» -TORONTO AND: MONTRTAIt.- rr. rl,ILETCUER, 'f1tICST .t GEE T. IIItll843 NSA CARD OF THANKS. I desire to return my t1Ja111(9 to Illy numerous customers for their support in the past and to intimate that, owing to all health, I have leased my blacksmith slop to 1[r. 1), 11,1wtui for a few years. I have a lumber wagon, bob- sleighs and other articles that :1 will sell at a bargain to get riff of diem. Two or three gentlemen board- ers can be ,accommodated. W. T. Hunter. THE BEST V.7 MSLZ. W. LOIC. b.Loz rlo,, Er(141.010(11110)Hones, - MITCIIICr.A, Osr Manufacturer of three 'filterent kinds of Windmilie. Tito elmplest,etrougest and m044 satisfactory Windmill', yet made For trump- ing water, sawing wood, chopping grain or driving any light maohinery they have no equal. My OEL01313ATEn PUMPS have 00- ourod a world -Wide reputation. I guarantee thorn as being superior to many now in the market, and equal to any aver made. They wiilturow water 900 feet,or force it a mile nn the level. Farmers and etoc kat en arp re. climatal tosend for particelarsbefore buylnc either a 'Windmill ora Pump, as 1 claim that minearo the best in tho market. Addresf IIt 5(001810, Mltohell. Out Sign ofthe Scotch Collar. • -00- Here we are with a Splendid Stock off ROPES, B�fj� TL.//t3ELLS, HORSE .l.A7s2E I'S, c3 -c• Our harness fills the bill every time. C''a11 and see our stock and leave your order: -00--- A large assortment of Trunks, Valises & Satchels to choose from. -00-- Repairing promptly attended to.r --00- Call in and see our goods.ri'tll'e don't charge anything for looking. 11. DENNIS. NEW GOODS AT THF 'Gulden Padlock' The Mammoth Hardware Store. STAN R PLMOMSCALDS, 900, 7.200, and 2000 Pounds. Family Scales IF of .Batter, Groceries, Etc., ]';tc. 1.4 T 1-1. E Ta The undersigned having complete the change from the st0114' tithe Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, MIS 11(1u• 0)0 Mill ill First -Class Running Order, and will he glad to see all his Old Customers and as litany 110Wi 0108 as possible. Chopping done. Flour and Feed ./117crays an, Land. HIGIl.A:ST'1'BlCE PAU) FOR ANY QUANTITY OF (IOOJ, WHEAT WM• M=Z1.NE. NATIONAL ROLLER MILLS. Wra. V1amstone &dens, .:- Izap 1.6tca �,.. 1Gu hnvu much pleasure in anu011310ing to the public {lint 41.1 iy (11 Roller Mill is in Complete Running Order and is giving (l)c 1irr,1 i nt- isfactiml. SHORTS, MEAL, BRAN & CHOP CONS -M.111 (1 1 1 1 1 , \Ce luso ma1(0' the following ]3i'nnd4' (1f 1.11 : Patent, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Fric e r Snow Storm Gristing Attended to with promptness. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER CUT 10 ORDER. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR ALL 'BINDS OF GRAIN. EAST SIU RUN CARRIAGE WADERS! JAM -IIS B U YE B S .OIANPFAC) l:1;} 414(1)1- BU(lGlEkil, CABBIAGES. ll1:l/OC1: WAGONS, EXPIIESSWA0ONS, Rc.. ' (., all made of the: Best Ma tori til and finish( d in ft \vorloman-]il 1 lr 101 1 1, Repairingand PaintingPrompth Atterccc tc. Parties intending to buy shoulc c111 I f ;( it purchasing. Rr:PFR'.rcEs,-Mnrs(len Smith, B. Laing, Jain es Cull u014 11 i1 i; In McKelvey, Grey township; Wm. Cameron, Wm. Little. 0(o. ]31(111)1' , and David Breckenridge. \Iorrlstownship ; Thos. .Ic:'0 r 11 1'1111:.01 Blashill,Brussel s; Rev. E. r\, Fear, 10irlcton,and '1.Wright , Trl, - berry township. 13,EMEM13EI THE STAND -SOUTH OF IB]11)fOl!:, JAMES E3 "Y" a.1 TR.c Cross -Cut Saws: -MALT' tair , 11; "NEW IMPROVED 'RACER,"LANCE," &c'., Ro., fie. _----0--- The `Electric'buck saw. CHOPPING AXES, S1?LEN D:11) a.SSORTM1 N9'. Cattle Chains AND ALL 'I'FIE I3]3lS'J' THAT MONEY CAN BUY AT LOW PRICES. Sale of Furniture. 000' Having on hand some Furniture which 311). Malcolan did mot tak(. when ho bought ale out and having ,lust bought a Large Stock or Fur- niture from the Largest Manufactures In the Dominion for Si'*',' ('Asn, I have decided to sell Furniture for 2 or 13 weeks et Auction ''rices ((1111 Hien make A. GREAT AUCTION. SA LE 031(1 c'10ll1 0115 5110 Wv11010 101. NOW is 1110 Limp l0 8eei)re Bargain;•, Remember the place, Next Door to Ben Ger7•y's, Garlick's Old Stand. (lid 1.00,0.1,08 and Sofas Covered and Re -Stuffed. A. V ="1.,w