HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-12-25, Page 26
WM: 8.8.176$1311,4 POST
line, 26,
Dirootory of qhorohes ood Sooiatios,
M01.VTI.Ui CIMitifir.—Sa blot th Services id
1.1 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday School at
2:00 p,m. 11ev. Jun. Ross, B. pastor.
KNox enuacu.—Sabbath Services at 11
0.10. and 1:30 p,m, Sunday Sehool id 2:30
p.m. Rev. 0, jones, pastor.
01, JOMN'S Oncacii.--Sabbath Services at
11 aan, and 7 path Sunday School at 111130
0.01, Rev, W. T. ClulTe, incumbent.
METIMPIST enracit.—Sabbath Services at
10:80 a.m. and 0:311 p.m. Sunday School at
3:80 p.m, Bev. \lin. Smyth, pastor,
li051.1X CATnoLte —Sobbatil Ser.
vicethird Snnda in every mouth at 11. am],
Rev. P. J. Shea, priest.
MiouLtsics' Iserixirrn Reading Room and
Library in Hohnos' block, will be open
from 8to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and
.4aturditys. Miss Jeesie Boss, Librarian.
ODD ifkm.ow'S Londe every Thursday
evening in Graham's block.
3331sone Tanana Tuesday at or before full
moon in Vanstone's block.
A. O. 1.T. W. Longa meets on 2nd and
lost Wednesday evenings of each mouth.
POSPwrgit's Leong 'in0 and last Monday
evenings of each mouth in Smale's hall.
L. O. L, 1st Monday in every month in
Orange Hall.
Peer 0gglO0.-0111.ce Hours from 8 a,m.
to 7 pan.
Flare -in
'Winter is a hard tune for stutik,
at is then entirely dependant un ra
tions fed oat, being unable to forage
fur itself. One of the reasons why
Whiter feeding is not more generally
profitable is that stook gets too little
variety. The more general use of
mill feed will add greatly to the
thrift of the anima: as well as increase
the value of the manure.
Onare, whooping cough and brouchitia im-
inediatoly rellevedby Shiloh's Cure. Sold by
U. A. D °adman.
Earth should be graded around
houses so as not to allow more than
two feet of unite wall to appear above
ground. If this portion is made
actinic, even by the use of boards on
the outside with an air space between
them and the wall, there AVM be no
need of the unsightly heaps of man-
ure commonly used around cellars b
exclude the Cold.
Tull, hacking oough oan bati so quickly amid
by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by G.
A. Headman.
Moot of the farming that can be
done in Winter is in the barnyard.
Before cold weather it should be
covered two or more feet deep with
straw, which will be trampled down
while the ground is soft and. will help
to save the droppings of stock from
waste. Successive layers of straw
may be added at hmee, especially if
there is stook enough to tnalie a due
proportion of manure.
mon' Cough and Consumption Curs is
old by G. A. Deadman on o guarantee. It
three consumption.
There is so little manurial value in
buckwheat straw, and when rotted it
makes so small a Leap of not over -
rich mould, that it is hardly worth
taking into the barnyard. If it is
carried oui with the manure the
damage from scattering buckwheat
appearing in subsequent grain crops
will more than offset its manurial
value. It can be profitably used to
put around sheds to exclude cold
Simmon'e Catarrh Remdey—e. positive e are
for Gatorrh. Diptheria. and Canker Mouth
Sold by G.A. Deaadmn.
Wolves in Montana are every year
becoming more numerous and are
destroying large numbers of lambs
and sheep. The breeder are organiz-
ing to exterminate the wolves, but
owing to the nature of the country it
will not bo easy to do this. It is be-
lieved that for a time eheep breeding
must be diverted to regions whose
inountain fastnesses do not furnish a
harbor for the shepheard's worst en-
SLEEPIdnis nights, made miserable by that
tsrrtble cough, Shiloh's Curo is the remedy
102 you. Sold by G. A • Headman,
11 is not good nelloy to sort over
Apples very frequentln in Winter, es-
pecially if they are put in close bar-
rels. The more they are handled
and the greater the amount of oxygen
they are exposed to the more rapidly
decay progresses, .An entirely sound
apple is not easily injured by contact
with one that is rotting. But if it
bas a bruise anywhere it will soon
become a spec of rot and epeedily de-
stroy the apple.
wmr, von suffer with Dyspepsia and Livor
domplaint? fthilob'a Vitalizer is guaranteed
bo ouro you. Sold by G. A. Deaden
Eighth Wonder of the World,
ts demonstrated by history that the Ane-
lente in many of the arts, notably arehiteettire
far orcelled the pr000nt age, but is reserve d fox
the present decade to products, the 8th wonder
of the world, 1.0,. West's World'a wonder or
Faintly Linixnent,whialt is infallible for Rhea..
meth= .Spraine. Cute, Braless, !Berea and all
diaeitees requiting oxterriel application . Price
%Mats and OD carat' per bottle. Sohn)), John
Hargreaves 000.
strong•conslitutioned sow which
is a good milker and will drop eight
or ten pigs at a litter is fte profitable
stock as a farrnor can keep. One
earth will bring in 11101'6 money than
an ordinary breeding mare with colts
worth but $45 or $50 when weaned,
The pigs will cost less to keep to bring
that money, and there will be less
chance for loss by disease or accident.
Thrifty fanners will, however, ratio
both cella and pigs.
Duelts are snob heavy rootlet% that by twenty feet, and itbnut twenty five
is no profit in keeping them when the hone are kept in eiteb division. A
bulk of what they eat Intuit be furnish. yard is made in frons of each evert-
ed in grain. It is for this reason moot. 101-. H. behoves that if ema
that it is only advisable to keep them fined poultry have their wants at -
near penile or brooks, whore they tended to they will do as well Re if
can procure o ling part of their food allowed free range. Ile bases tins
without expense. The duck will belief upon eoveral acted. teats, In
thrive just as well with only n tub of botching time lie acts 200 Ilene on
water to bathe in and drink, but in one (lay, and pate 500 ogge in au
snob a ease they will need lin im- enbator winds io due to hatch ou the
010000 amount of food, \Odell with seine day, tho adelteas from which
more ample water facilities will not will bo distributed among the 200
be required. bens. His eales o ifow and eggs for
flewattrot cured, health and moot breath oo- hatching at fancy prices are large,
curse, by Settee:a estarrla Remedy. Price 21S
cents, Nasal injector free . Bold by Geo. A. about 00 per eenb. being profit. He
Goodman. also has a standing order far sixty or
It has beets suggested that the ninety dozen of eggs daily, for which
growing of liceriee might be made ho gets the highest market price.
profitable iu 801110 parts of this coun• Mr. Hawkins began, at the age of 21,
t It succeeds ou river bottoms with 100 bons, and by careful man -
near Smyrna, where it grows tvild, agement and. economy Ins busiuesa
It is a dangerous weed when once has Gala -Ted so that, at the age of 20
planted, as the ground can be dug he has a very handsome income. The
many times without destroying it. It poultry manure is quite au item ; he
is not safe to plant lioorice on land sold Inet year 500 barrele, at $1.50
ever intended to produce any other per barrel,
crap, and probably the higher rates
of wages here would make it a crop 1VARIETIES,
of very doubtful profit.
31 ill rego e; Speedy Care, strated it husband to 1110 wife who was
It is popularly inimIttod everywhere that
"Don't be a fool, my dear," semen
MK; regor's Speedy Cure la the safest, most letting her jaw swing loose in the
reliable and by far tho cheapest remedy tor
Oonetipation, liver Complaint, Indlgeetion,
Impure Blood, Loss of appetite, and similar0oub1oo, troubloa. It to uot memory to take a great
quantity before any result la produced. A
few deem willdeeconvu m
inoe yoof ita erits. Tri.
at bottle given t Hergreave s' drug store.
Hold your land autl your purse in
your own hands while you live. You
can divide with John and Maly, if
you wish, but keep plenty for your
self. Das yours, you earned it, and
we are all familiar with the sad
spectacle of the old mail or woman
who has "made over tho property to
the children," sitting 10 1411 unwel-
come chimney corner, and looked on
as a burden, where he or she should
be it ruler. '
S monition .
An unparalleled sensation is being created
all over Ontario by the wonderful and uneq-
ualled manner In which Nenralgi a, Toothache ,
lihouoiatiam, Backache, Headache, la remov-
ed b7 but ono application of Fluid. Lightning.
No °Menthe, disgusting Musa need be taken
for days. It is en inetent cure. Try a 25c.
bottle from J. Hargreavoa 0 Co., druggist.
In the genus Boa, the horn proper
is it hollow appendage of the Skill ,
Said in the young calf this is merely
the matrix of the future horn. At
the age of 10 to 15 days, this matrix
is but a small, movable prominence,
which may be removed by one sweep
of a strong pocketkuife. This opera-
tion causes but little pain, and sore-
ness for only a day or 80. The calf —I understand your ware is dead,
is not injured or stunted, a elh
t 8 silso. Mr. Cornetalla—Yes she died
breeze. "I won't, Mr. Jenkins, I
won't," she answered; -people would.
n't know 115 apart if I did," He wont
right down town.
Tito decided beneficial oiled of Rohinson'a
Phosphorised lemulaion In the treatment of
emale weakness, nod nervoua prostration,
bee given it a wide -spread reputation, and in
case the story is the ole ; "My health
is so improved since usiug it; ' am like a
now woman," that we do not hesitate to ra.
eommend it to overyono in need of a health
The Force of Ifabit.—"Don't snow
me acy more of your impudence !"
exclaimed the irate shopper lo the
salesman ; "don't let me see your face
again when I come in here !" Yea.
m," he replied, with an ingratiating
bow ; is there anything else you would
like to look at, mem'?"
One of the brethren who has habit
of moaning out "fah, Teas" at regul-
ar intervals during the service woe
rather brokezi up on Sunday night.
He had just wakened up when the
preacher asked the solemn question,
"Brother, do you intend to spend
eternity in hell?" "Oh, sae -0," sings
out the devoted brother. Of course
no remarks were passed.
Grocer (to fartner)—I hoar that
you have met with a rad loss, Mr.
Oornstalk—Yes, six of my finest hogs
died taut week with cholera. Grocer
wound heals more quickly titan those
caused by castrating. It is probable
that this plan will be quite as pein-
lees as the more common process of
searing the young horn with a , hot
iron. In either case, there is apt to
be a small bunch of horn at the side
of the head. Where this practice is
oontioued for several generations,
the born uften entirely disappears,
and in ninny instances, polled calves
are produeed. But do not attempt
the process with grown cattle.
Don't Ile Deceived.
Beware 00 001 druggist who will try to in-
duce you to take anything in place of Mc-
Gregor & Parko'a Carbolic °mate. It 1a a
marvel of heeling for Sores. Cuts, Burns. eta.
No family should be without it. It has no eq -
u al. Gat McGregor & Parke's, and have no
other. Only flee .per box al J. Hargreaves &
The Syrian bees have ecnne good
qualities, and but for their spiteful.
nese, and tenderness during cold
weather, would prove a good variety.
Like the Cyprian crosses the Syrian
ones crossed with Cartnolan drones
have proved themselves good honey
gatherers, ana, as is usually the 0000
Willi crosses partaking of tho nature
of the male, they are therefore very
docile. The pure Syrians, I observe,
are capital sealers of their honey ;
they do not, like some varieties, have
much loose honey in their hive.
These good features palliate their
stinging propensities, which, I am in-
clined to think, clincittio influences
will lesen. While manipulating soy
eral hives of pure Syrians lately I
was savagely attacked by them, but
having my knife in hand I out a piece
of their honey comb. Their propen-
sity for honey being so greet they at
once ceased the attack and flew at
the hones, when I was allowed to
have my will while they had %SIM
I have more to say about these Syr-
ans, but stall wait till I have more
Wet feet invariably produce a cough, width
if allowed to stand, weakens the lunge, and it
time brings on consumption. Hy having a lit-
tle of West's Cough Syrup in the 'mute you
cum Mire your cough like ram*, It is infalli-
ble for a11 throat end lung dithatds, hoarse-
ness, whooping cough, influenza, coughs and
colds. Bad by J. Hergreavesek CO. Drogglats
Price 25 cants ,a0 sante, and al per bottle.
There is a poultry farm of 8,000
Plymouth Rocks at Lancaster, Mass.
Mr. Hawkins,
its owner, calculates
to have about8,000 fowls every fall,
and carries over 2,500 laying hens
through the winter. His farm con•
tains tweutsefive acres, and hie pout.
try buildings occupy an acre and to
half. These comprise six or seven
sheds 200 feet in length. Each shed
is divided into apartments of twelve
week afore last. Misfortunes they
say, never come single. I could have
got fifty dollars apiece for them hogs.
An Orthodox View of ib.—Ortho-
dox old lady—"I heir a power of
talk nowadays about cremation."
Granddaughter—"Oh yea grandma,
it's becoming quite popular." 0. 0.
L.—"Is it auythisg like vaccination?'
Granddaughter -„Oh, dear, no, grand-
ma! Cremation is burning people up.'
0. 0. L.—"I don't tnink they need
he in any hurry about that—it'll come
soon enough for most of them."
"I say, Patsy, ye can't weigh yer
load o' turf on these „scales." Why
can't 0i, Larry ? Phat's the matter
wed the scales ?" " Don't yez see,
yez hvae more than a ton on there,
an' the scales only weigh half a ton."
"Well, boded, Pll tell yo—ye must
dhrivo the front wheels on and weigh
the otter half ton." "Throe for yez
mo b'y. What e. foino thing it is to
have a masther brain.
ettuttalinat News.
Galt is to have the electric light.
Small pox are dying out in Mont-
17 business failures in Canada last
There is no truth in the report of
hog cholera in Lambton.
Wm. H. Vanderbilt left each of his
eight children $10,000,000.
There are 129 students in attend-
ance at Albert College.
Complaints aro made that the al.
lova Assomated Press despatches
from Eastern Quebec are crooked to
suit polikoal purposes by interoolon.
ial officials,
Archbiehop Tache says that under
Government management Creee and
Blaokfoet, hereditary have learned
to regard the white man alt a com-
mon oneray.
A Winnipeg dispatch says on Fri-
day evening, about ten o'clock, a
Mall named Cooper, of McGregor,
Manitoba, shot his wife and then
killed himself.
Thos. P. O'Connor, M.P.-elect, and
Parnell's trusted lieutenant, thinks
that the Parnellites could easily raise
£1,000,000 in America to marry out
the Nationaliats' measures.
The Scott Act Association of
Guelph has carried its workings in.
to municipal polities with the evi-
dent intention of bringing the local
politicians to time on the subject of
.A. farmer named A.. fillbaru, liv
ing north of Parkhill, undertook to
remove a ringbone from, to horee own.
ea by James Ryan, town•line,
GllIivrooy and West Williams, tionn
time since. But instead of remota
ing the ringbone the horse WV) 10 -
lured to small an extent that it is
worthless. One day lately the salter.
inary farmer wile called upon to pay
Mr. Ryan the value of the 110150, and
the ease will, nu doubt, be a valuable
lemma to hina,
A few days ago Dr. Ohartrand,
one of the professors of the Victoria
Medical Scheele, Montreal, noticed a
student who was causing a diaturb-
once during the lecture and ordered
him out. A good number of his
eempanione followed him. A.11 re-
turned. to the Professor's lecture the
next day, when ho remarked that
those who bad thought proper to go
away the previous day might as 0011
have kept away altogether. One of
1118 students then made remarks not
flattering to the Professor, and woe
again ordereci oat. Monday morning
four of the stailents, who took a more
prominent part in Elie matter, re-
ceived official notices of their dismis-
sal from the echool. Upou being in.
famed of this, the whole of the stud-
ents, inimbeting abont 000, left the
school in it body and declared that
they would not ietarn nuid their
friends were reinstated.
A few days ago a car laden with
American oil, and bearing be cus-
toms seal, became damaged 1111C1 was
Sitio tracked at Windham. As the
resalt of the damage to the ear, the
oil leaked out and was running to
waste. The leakage was observed
by two farnaers, who determined 1-.'
eecure their winter's supply of kero-
sene. The nil would run to waste if
left !ileac, and if they secured it the
loss to the company would be no
more. Of two evils, they determin-
ed to choose the least, and providing
themselves with vessels, placed them
under the oar, emptying them as fast
as filled. As a result one of tuetn
secured three barrels. or 117 gallons,
and the other a barrel of 40 galleua,
Just then Deputy Collector King, of
Her Majesty's Customs, was advised
of the fact and on Saturday made a
journey to Windham and interviewed
ed the parties. At first they were in.
cliguant at being threatened with
prosoontion, but upon perusing the
Act they were glad to pay for the oil
at 90 cents per gallon (which is con-
siderably more thau the wholesale
price), one of them contributing $86
and the other $12.
A. case of an unusintl nature and of
great interest to alleluia in small
municipalities, was tried at the Quar-
ter Sessions Qourt at Welland. S.
Porter, Clerlc of the village of Ii'ort
Erie, was indicted for neglect of duty
at the Instance of Charles Trebel, a
Customs officer of that place. The
Municipal Act provides that for four-
teen days after the roturo of the A.s•
easement Roll at 'hell be open to in.
spection at the Clerk's offioe. In this
case Treble called. at Porter's house
on the fourteenth day of May ((he
last day allowed by law), to inspect
the roll. Porter was absent and
his wife refused Treble access to the
'roll. The defence showed that Port-
er's salary was only $60 a year and,
that for that amount a clerk could
not afford to stay at home the whole
time to attend to municipal duties,
also that Treble might have called
again during the eveniug. The jury,
however, decidedthat "reasonable
office hours" metith in the day time,
and returned a verdict of "guilty."
The Judge, considered that nothing
wilful ha(1 been shown on the part
of the Clerk, inflicted a meal fine of
Valuable Real Estate
in the Township of 1-lowith, County
of linron.
tinder and by virtue of a, power of sale iu
that behalf contained In a oertainiudentfire of
Morbgege,bearing date the 2Brd day of Joe.
arY, A 011881, and road° by Ann Stook and
her husband, Conrad took, to Hayford Fletch•
or. and by the said Edward Pletther assigned
to Walter Roos Maodoneld by assignment,
dated tho 20th day of September, A. D. 1886,
(Whilst' (mid Mortgage and meigument ahall be
produoed at the time of eale) there will be
sold b y Public Anotion at the Irwin Homo. in
the Town of Paluaerston, on PaldaYs She fteli
day of January, A. ID • 1884. at twelve
o'olook, noon , by Lewis Knott, Auetione et, that
parcel o r traot of ]and
end promitios situ-
ate, lying and being In the Township of How.
lok, in the County of Huron, and Province of
Ontario, being composed of the north tweety
aoreg of lot number twenty-one in the sixteen-
th conoession of the sold ToWilellip Of ROW'
ta'Vklie property is 00 010 put up et itn Mont
Price of Throe Hundred Doling, one halt of
the, purehasomoney is to he paid et tho time
of sale and the Matinee is to be paid
two weeks thereafter, when a oonveyenee will
be given to the nurolutser,
Further tonna and conditions of gale shall he
Made Woman by the auctioneer at the time el
11610 or at as 7, Mine prior to sale by applying to
the undersgned.
WALTER 330. atacnnatatn,
Heniilton. Vendor Mid Selleitor,
99 Jame Street South, in parent).
28.5 Noventher 28111,188.1.
friE PEOPLE'S COLL1111114.
ci1i0I01,1 FARMS FOR
as.. f ow aplondid, linprovoil, farms for maleinthebe,ynel, in the bewnahlp or (troy, Morrie mill Mail.
10p, Apply to 1.-0 gi.(1.1 010, Oo. Ancti011011r,
Brussels I, C. 15-tf
Wilboa 0.1 (*0rommable berms • Apply to
A, BA WPSITH 11111411
CifitIB,0 1 (MS, PUBLIO f.a) •
...) Ingo. and Private Ronne,' pointed and
docornkod in modern Myles at reasonable
rates. leatlinates given. Addrotoi--
11, ()LUCAS,
10.10 (loderich.
1:11A11:11 s'OR SALE, BEING THE
so ith half of lot 28,Oon.5,111orris,00ntain•
ing10000005. 75 acres oleo roil Prattle build.
logy on the promisee. The property will bo'
NOW at a 0,035,00. Por (0301103 partioulers
apply 1-, ano. ARMSTRONG .
yt)),1—u..TdoENDEd RS
til Jan, lat, IBM, for supply0ing 11wIlibo 3000100,1 ;081glii?tiesUo01,.:
eiool vita 75 cords of 2 too. green woo d
beooli or maple, to bo delivered on or borers
April let, 18811. J01171 SHAW,
131f Soe'y Hoard,
Tandem s111 se ranelve,1 by the under•
signed up to JO molly 15th, for so on tying 00 or
80 cords of 2 foot wood, Immix or maple. Wood
to bo dellyered before Unroll 15th. tem fur.
titer particulars it uply to W.11, lf lt POeIT
House Brussels.
A true tonic,10 oighly recommended f or all
dIseasoa requiring a oertain odisient eonia, et •
Pecially Indignation, Dyspepsia, Want of Ai,
nulte, Loan of Strength. Lack of ilnergY•
t euriolie the blood, strongt nous tile militate/1
Alla gives 1101? life 1,10,0 nerves, It acts like a
Icharm mad Millet what overyb ay wants. It is
strictly Vega table Ill dombinatiou, and le non-
alooholio. For sale by dealers generally.
.P.A.1.11‘1 FOR 8 ALE.— LIN -
.sa dersignod will dispose of his farm being
lot 11, oon. 10, Gro y, con taining100 acren .
is s Gm
ae lions°, tramp bare with atone Mai
ling and all necessary outbuildings on the
premises, also a food bearing orcluml.
roma 10 iu fir4t.c11188 COMIlt1011. I'09108Ui011
3100 be given on the 101 of Meech, For further
portleulurs apply to
2042 1)0108. 0001(11, Prop.
township, Co linty of Huron, bang lot Pi,
eon. 7, The f Aril/ C01140.1LIS 100 acres, 70 cores
cleared, and is well watered, well lenient is In
nrsOcloes state of cal tivetion. There la a
good brlok home, frame barn, ambles ou the
promisee, and an exeliont swollen!. The
farm is situated ono mile Hann the village of
Ethel and (3 miles from Brussels. Vor farther
particulars apply to
18-1 11, 13.1.TE0A3(, Prop.
LI miens 000h e underaigned, lot 20, con, 7,
Morris, On or about Sopt.151, 2 steers and 11
holier, rising 2 years old. One o1c,0 r 0 gr y
1,, oolor mixed with red; the other steer is a
dark red,with 000140epot ou forehead and a
little edge frozen oft each our. The Leifer is
rod one with white spot on her aide just be-
fore bet hind log, ou the flank. Any informa-
tion leadingto their r000very will bo aultably
rewarded. rkrolfriON,
21.4 Brussels, P. O.
."... embers 01 103 estate of Ululate &LIMN.
SLEVSION afor for Rale that excellent farm ,be-
iug lot .1.8, con.10. Grey. Thom era 100 acres to
the lam se cdwhiea are cleared, 1010300 part-
lyoleared and 10 norm of good hardwood Mth.
There is0. good trams barn, 400130 foot with
stone °tabling underneath. Immediate pos-
session willbo given. A good portion of pur-
chase money wIllbeallowod to Mend on inter.
oet. Fm further particulars apply to
197 0 °Hoge street. Toronto,
or JOHN 5111111111055,
184f 0.0,
The nomination of a Rooye and four Coup'cilloe, for tho Village of Bruaaels for 1.890, will
bo held in the Town Hail, on
Mond.ey, December 28th, 1885,
at Twelve o'clock, noon, and the Mention on
Monday, yanuary 4.th, 1886,
For Polling Division Ho.1, °Mao of George
Love, A. Veal, Deputy Returning 00Icer ; and
or Polling Division No, 2, Gonne] Room, W.
Aldridge, Deputy Returning Officer, Poll to
bo open between the hours of 9 and 5 p.
101, F. S. SOOTT,
Brussels, Dec. 5. Returning Officer,
Estate Notice.
Puranaut to the Act 40, Tim Cap. 0, Ontario,
the Creditors of de Meanie Tindall, late of the
Township of Grey, in the County of Haien,
yeomen, who died on OrOboul the Slat day of
&fey, A.D.1885, and others having Maims in re-
apeot to his estate, aro hereby notified 1, sand
num before 0)18 10111 day of February, D.
1880, to the annotate:led administratrix of the
estate end effects of tho said decoaeed, their
namesand addressee and the full partionlars
of their claims and of the neourities (if any)
held by them, and also that inunediately after
the said date the ausets of the said deceased
will bo dietributed among the parties entitled
thereto,having regard only to claims of which
the adruirdstratrix has than nett co and the ad-
ministralrix will not bo liable foraey assets so
distributed teeny pm son of whose 0101m the
shall not have had notice.
Datedat Groy the 24111 day of November, 18-
iNtAltY LINE T/NDALL, Dthel,
23 4 Administretrix,
The People's Shoemaker,
desires the public to remem-
ber that he has removed to the
store, lately vacated by James
DrOn, where he will bo pleas-
ed to see all his old bustora-
ers and as many now ones
as want good work
at living prices,