The Brussels Post, 1885-12-25, Page 1-41
NO. 25,
Mere Assertion is Not Argunte
To the Editor of Trul Pos'i',
Doss Sin. -Another Ratepayer either
thoughtlessly or maliciously asaortn what
is positively falee regarding my letter. I
think I made it perfectly clear that while
f thocght just as much of the Scott Act as
over, I did not accept, neither did tempor-
anee people, as a rule, aaoopt it es satis-
factory merely substitute for Prohibition,
but as n step in that direction. He also
takes it for granted, and at once positively
asserts thet I admit all the evils of the
Aut. Let ms say to him that he will load
the readers of TRH POST to take him for an
Anti -Scott Act lawyer, his reakloas reading
of plain English, his taking so much for
granted and his sweeping assertions on.
supported by feats or argnmenta so utrik-
ing}y resemble their tactics, The asser-
tions that "all such prohibitory legistations
aro impracticable,' that "Prohibitionists
aro ignorant of history and human nature,"
that 0011) legislation is irrational, a mem
once to civil liberty, a demoralizer of pub-
lic sentiments, Rc„ 8e., ,2c., ad nausegtunt,
would be the hatter of eomo slight argu-
ment in their behalf, or some higher au-
thority in their support, Your talented
correspondent is no doubt an oracle in his
OWL cammunit,l, lie certainly writes like
ono, and there, no doubt, his every utter-
ance is regarded as gospel, but lie will ex-
cuse us unfortunate indivijuals, who
ignorant of the infallibility of his argn
Roo members present except Council-
� for Graham, who 1s i11.
Minutes of last regular meeting
read and primed.
The following accounts were pre -
rented :-
J. D. Ronald, Fire Department, 622 80
L. McDonald, (street improvements, 28 18
W. Newsome, " 10 82
Geo. Corey. " 6 10
A. Angus, 2 50
II. Dennis, " 1 50
P. Scott, miscellaneous, 5 65
liayoroft Bros., " 4 75
W. H. McCracken " 4 45
W. H. Kerr printing, 8 50
Band grant, 28 Q5
A Carrie, Fire Department 16 00
E. W. Melsot, " „ 8 00
C. Whitting 0 " 1 00
Movecl by P. Scott, seconded by
W. H. Kerr, that the foregoing no-
oonnts be paid except Newsome's and
Corey's and that they receive $1.25
per day, and the accounts to go before
0ouncillor Graham to be certified.
The Clerk reported Town Ball
rents since Sept. 3rcl to be $34, and
$2 fur trader's ncunse. The Reeve
and Clerk reported baying inspected
the Morris assessmout roll relative to
cent the Land Improvement Fund and
found the t°tnl assessment to bo
$885,410.00 and the nsseasment of
throe portion included in Brussels at
that time to be $14,158. They re-
ported that according to this oeeess-
mens Brussels is entitled to $205.14.
TI ie to without alto non-resident as-
Moved by W. F. Vanetono, second-
ed by W. 11. Kerr, that the Clerk
write Morris Ooiuncil making the de•
The Council then adjourned.
if wr• ask for something more convincing
than bare assertions. If he will just pos-
eose his soul in patience he will sec some
of the decapitating, removing and ousting,
prohibition is becoming a footer in polities,
much mom rapidly than some people think
for. Yours, ba.,
Dec, 28rd, 3.880. EQUITY.
A B1T'1'Is'lt P1t1HT.
CnlcOr.A'r1a0 AND enr0000&Cv,
Ln this year of grace there is no 110500r
nompetition than that between oity news-
papers. An example of the bitter fight form
supreacy is afforded by the extraordinary
offer made by The Toronto Newe-the
Democratic daily and weekly published by
Edmund E. Sheppard. He offers his
Weekly, and it is doubtless the most
amusing and inderendont weekly in Can-
ade-for ono year for one dollar, and gives
to each individual subscriber a dollar's
worth of books FREE ae a premium. There
are Ml books to choose from, and with the
list before us we are puzzled to know ]row
it esu bo done, as the prises quoted are the
lowest published rates for the books adver-
tised. In The News nf33ao over a hundred
thousand of these books aro stored, and
twenty-five thousand have already been
The combination offer made by The
Nowa-three months of its Daily (64 per
annum) from the present dale to April let,
1x86 -and nine months of the Weekly, i.e.,
from April 1st to Deoember 81st, '86 for
61.75, and n dollar and soventy-1ve Dents
worth of books es a premium is still more
surprising, and is the finest offer ever made
by a metropolitan publication to rural
readers. The three months of the Daily
will include daily reports of the sessions of
the Local and Dominion parliaments, and
owing to. the French-Canadian crisis the
coning session will he of the most thrilling
interest of any since Confederation. More
than this, farmers will find 11 to their ad-
ennlago 10 take a dai11 paper in the winter
months when the family have plenty of
leisure to read and when the daily cattle
and grain market r sports are of much val-
no In flume having produce to sell.
Those taking The Daily Toronto News
will ;,et a for page paper dos days out of
the mock and nn eight page paper en Sat.
nrday, The Saturday number contains
the political cartoon and the page of funny
pieturis, juries, stories and sketches, which
are snub 1 )'pular features of iho Weekly,
together with Tannage's sermon, the serial
story' and the column of farm humor from
the farmin' editor, which also appear in
the Weekly. Everybody knows whet the
Weekly is :-11 has a circulation of 25,000
*Met 1E1the only paper in Canada which
doesn't publish advertisements.
The political conduct of The News is
Democratic. Many things appear in its
editorial columns milli which we may not
ague, but its independence of tone, and
fearless discussion of Canada's present and
future must do good by exciting the elec-
tors to tho inquiry : "Whither aro we
drifting 7"
We have a personal letter from Mr.
Sheppard, the publisher of Tho News, be-
fore us, assuring ue that his extraordinary
offers will be carried out to the letter, and
we fool sure that they will. Tho News is
not in tompetition with local papers, and
we (veto the publisher's words, coupled
with our advice to try The News for a year:
-"The man who is too mean to take his
looal paper ie too stingy to be honest, too
small to be respected, and too ignorant to
hope to be honored by his fellow -citizens."
To the Editor o1.T88 Pon.
Digin Sfu,-I mutat the .author. of the
letter, referring to C. 11. Cooper, which is
causing s0 much criticism, but I candidly
endorse every sentiment of it and 1 could
say 0 groat deal more if I wished to come
out. want to make one statement more
and it is this, any men not willing to pay
his honest debts and who cannot mallet
a buineee for himself isnot to bo trusted
with school affairs, Touts, dosdosBrussels, Deo.21ot. W. T. Manna.
'.Clio regular meeting of the village
Connell woe held Inst Monday' even-
ing, in the Council 0hnmber. All
Presbytery of Maitland.
This Presbytery met in Wingbam
on Tuesday, 15th inst. There was a
full attendance of ministers and el-
ders. Mr. Anderson was appointed
Moderator for the next six menthe.
Mr. McRas reported that he had, in
accordance with the instructions of
Presbytery, united Molesworth and
Trowbridge into the pastoral change
Rev. A. Stevenson having accepted
the call from Molesworth and Trow-
bridge, arrangements) were made for
his induction on Deo. 29th, at 2 p.m.
Mr. McRae to preside and address
the people, D. S. Cameron, of Dun•
gannon, to preside, and Mr. Muir to
address the minister. The call from
Ashfield to Rev. K. McDonald, of
Belmont, Presbytery of London, hav-
ing been accepted, the induction was
appointed to take plane on Wednes
day, Jan. 14th, 1886, Mr. Murray to
preside, Mr. Steveneoa to preach,
J. G. Cameron to address the minis-
ter, Masers, Sutherland and McFao-
lano to whir/ as the people in Gaelic
andl;nglioh. D. Cameron having
resigued hie charge of Knox church ;
Lueltnow, to wept a call to Alain -
lanolin island, the clerk was in-
structed t0 cite hie congregation to
apptar in their interests at the
March meeting of Preebytory. 6li'.
McNabb, 00 account of failing health,
tendered his resignation of So. Au
draw's choreh, Lnuknot1, said resits.
notion to bo dispoeed of in March,
The Aged and Infirm Ministers' Fund
and the Augmentation fund wore
0omnlen5011 to the liberality of the
congregations in the bounds. A
committee consisting of Mossre Me
(barrio, Hartley and Roes, with
their oldere, was appoiutod to visit
Walton to enquire into the circum-
stanOos of that congregation, Tho
question of the appointment of an ad-
ditional professor in Knox College
was discussed and the following re-
solutions pnaeed:-Recommend that
instead of appointing a permanent
professor in Homiletics, Pastoral
Theology and Church History, lec-
tureships be established in connect
tion with these departments to be
filled from year to year by appoint-
ment of the General Assembly. A
conference was held in the evening
on Obristain activity ae a means of
grace. The Presbytery adjourned
to meet in Wingbam on March 15,
The Belleville Gas Company, in or-
der to head off the threatened intro.
duction of electric light, has reduced
the price of gas to $2 per 1,000 cubic
feet, and abolished meter rents.
A. 0. Reid, of Lateen, ban been
training at Porest for the past two
weeks for a hurdle race, 200 garde,
to take place at St. Louis early in
January, with an unknown, for $250
4 side,
flrey lonnefl Meeting.
The municipal Council of the
ship of Grey meet at Dames'
Cranbrook, December 15111, pur
to adjournment. Members all
out, Reeve in the chair. Minta
last meeting rend and 000fi
Moved by Wm. Elliot, seconde
Walter Oliver tbat the Clerk b
etraeted to ask an explanation
the Engineer, re -Award No. 8, of
under the provisions of the Di
and Watercourses Act 1883, Ca
-Wm, King, applied for gray
to bo done on side road between
25 and 26, cons. 12 and 13. 181
by Wzn. Milne, seconded by Ed
Bryaus, that Messrs. Elliot mod 0
be instructed to expend the cut
$40 on said road, if found neces
Carried. A. letter was read from
Treneurer, suggesting to toe Col
the propriety of procuring 0 safe
ilio custody of the books and o
valuable documents deposited
hien minimabelonging to the
laid over for further ooneiderat
Moved by Walter Oliver, socon
by Ww. Milne that the following ea -
coolants be paid, viz :-Jo11n' Caber,
gravel, $3,40 ; Thos. Saunders, cut-
ting brush side lino lots 25 and 26,
con, 10, $4 ; Robt. W. Livingston,
lumber for culverts, side road 0 con.
15, $1.50; Wm. Stevenson, statute
labor 1884, $8 ; Solomon Shannon,
Grey share cutting hill and culverts
boundary Grey and McKillop, $86.-
72 ; John Grant, statute labor 1884,
$8; John Gill, plane and repairing
bridge lot 31, con. 8, $1.50: George
Welsh, gravel, $13.65 ; John Aineley,
Ian for bridge at lots 5 end 6, con. 2,
18 ; John K, Balser, two dogs wrong-
nlly asaesseti against Methodist Par.
ouage, Henfryn, $3 ; Peter McDon-
1d, planking face of abutment to
ridge lots 5 and 6, oou. 2, $18 ; P.
uDonald, balance of contract for
ridge lots 5 and 6, eon. 2, $19 83 ;
as. M. Martin, gravel, $11.92tract=tractBros., clothes for ,l'ohn
insman, an idiot, $5.41; Lewis
olton, expenses Ditches and Water-
ourees Act, 1883, $72; Alex. Rob-
ison, plank, for bridge on boundary
rey and Howlok, lot 27, $2.50;
miry Buttery, repairing culvert, lot
, con. 12, $3.50; Philip Botz,
atute labor 1884, $4 ; Hugh Lam
t, ditoh and culvert, lot 8, cons, 7
d 8, $7; John N[oTaggart, ditch,
6 23, con. 16, $3.50 ; Geo. Shiels,
tohing lot 20, con. '15, $8.76 ; T.
leis, gravelling, lots 15 and 16,
n. 18, $9 ; Thos. Downey, lumber
oulverts, $9.03 Jas. Ferguson,
vel, $4; Dougall McTaggart,
'vert and ditching side road lots
and 21, con, 10, $21 ; D. W.
ngorland, grading on boundary
oy and Elam, and gravolliug be-
en lots 25 and 26, owl. 12, $34 61;
os. Strachan, attending to Council
mesa, $63 ; Wm, Hiroo, atter-0113atter-0113Council baeineee, $41 ; Walter
ver, attending to ColmanColmanbunnies,s,
40; E. Bryaus, intending to C
buslsa, $42; Wm. Elliot, at -
ding to Couuoil bueiueoe, 1138 ;
. Spence, salary as clerk, $130 ;
McNair, ache' i1 Treasutr'ur, ;i70;
. Spence, postage and stahouery,
year, $$21.88 ; Wm. Spee, tax-
on Ditches nu,1 Watercourses
1883, and Beard of health, $80 ;
. Spume, seloo1 iug jurors, $4 ;
s. Strachan, 1o14oudiug to Board
0111111, $;1; Thee. Stractrau, sel-
ug jurors, $4; A. Reymann,
of 1lealth, $4 ; Geo. Brown,
rd of Health, $2; John MoNau',
rd of Health, $2. Couucil then
mood, \Vtr. SEE0cat, Clerk.
lfuiglits 01' the Cleaver.
pros -
toe of
11 by
e in -
n of
of P.
Brussels is never behind iu a dis-
play of Christmas meats and this
season our butchers have outdone all
past attempts,. Andrew Carrie lies
as fine a display as can bo seen at
any city butcher stall. It consisted
of 5 head of cattle, consisting of 2,
bwo year old, heifers,, that weighed a
ton ; 1 cow, five years old, weighed
1,880 pounds ; 1 cow, weighed 1,800;
1, two year old heifer, weighed 1,280
pounds. The animals ware fed by A.
Currie, Moses 13ros., of Morris, and
Dir. Perrie, Grey. The beef was
prime and was dressed in good shape
and ornamented with flowers and
evergreens. The were also 9 pigs
weighing from 25 to 500 pounds,
Tho 500 pounder and ono that weigh-
ed 460 were dandies. 1 lambs, 0310
of which weighed 100 pentode of
dreseed mutton, the other throe aver-
aging 75 pounds, turkeys, gee60,
ducks, and rabbits, blr. Currie had
the display photographed on Thurs-
day. One thing is certain the enter-
prising proprietor spared 130 pains to
outdo all former exhibitions of this
kind and be succeeded without doubt
Wm, Blasbill had his stall nicely
decorated lent) evergreens, flowers and
banners. His display of menta con-
sisted of 2, two year old heifers, fed
by A. Ilielop, of Grey, live weight,
22 cwt. ; 2, two year old heifers, fed
by Damian McLauchlan, of Grey,
weight 1,900 ; a two year old heifer,
feel by A K. Robertson, of Morris ; 2
lambs. fed by Wan. Bawtmnhimer,
Grey, ono of them weighed 75 pounds;
2 hogs fed by Wm. Blaahill; poultry,
sausages, tee. I11r. Blashill's display
looked very well and he is deter/23108d
that somebody will have to good din
nor of roast bcof. As we have often
said before our residents oro well sup-
plied with the choicest moat that can
be obtained and we hope our butchers
will roup a handsome beuelit for all
the trouble and expense they have
gone to in arranging their meats.
Pertly County- Notes.
"y'",'M. P. Goodwin 1s a candidate for
the mayorality in Stratford.
The Poultry Show will be held in
Stratford from Tan, 20th to 29th.
The inspector -general of the regis-
tration of births, marriage's and deaths
wits in Stratford looking after doling
The hearing of the ease, of St.
Marys os. Sully, an action to enforce
the bre limits by-ittw, has been post-
poned till spring.
W. F. Cook, blaoicemith, of Strat-
ford, on attempting to get on a mov-
ing train the tithe other day, Blipped
and fell, one of his feet going under
the wheels. The foot was so badly 1
crushed that it had to bo amputated
at the ankle joint.
On Wednesday of last week Robt. r
Rutherford, formerly of Stretford, but a
lately of Simcoo, went down to the A
station to leave the town, but feeling t
unwell he thought he would postpone h
his trip and returned to his house. G
He had hardly emoted himself in a
chair when be expired from heart dis- p
ease. fo
5i urou County .Notes. d
The Journal estimates the value of
new buildings erected in Berlin dor.
lug the past year at $125,455.
The Poultry Association will hold
tiloir annual exhibition at Guelph
from the 12111 to the 151(1 of January,
Of twenty deaths tram small pox
mit hfontreallast week, eighteen were
French Canadians, two other Cathol-
ics and no Protestants.
The Qooboo Legislature will, it is
Understood, meet in January, so se
to secure a general election at the
same tame as for the Dominion.
It is reported in Ottawa that Lieu-
tenant -Governor . Mamma is to be
r talion beck into thin U tiniuiu0 Cabin-
et, and Minister Caron is to moo:tied
Some of the rowdies connected with
the disturbances at the Biel meetings
in Quebec have been arrested, and
their conduct will bejudicially in-
Judge McDougall, has decided that
superannuated minietera and ruiu}s-
tars doing such work ae 108013111g in
co logos may have the usual minis•
1 aerial exemptions.
;Tho Allan Steamship Company de-
mand that the Geiernment shell re-
fund to them all duties paid on Amer -
icon cool taken on board their stenm-
ehips at 2,i001real or other Cautulian
Mark Checkiy stood before Harry
Gilmore at Toronto 1lnnday night
for six rounds, thereby winning $25
offered by the latter to any man who
could do so. Checkley was 001 bad-
ly punished, Dither.
A former Kingstonian hoe struck a
bouanaa in California. Three pears
ago be bought 590 acres of rocky land
at Riverside for ono dollar an sore,
and has recently sold is for $78,000,
t8 value consisting an an abundant
water supply.
The Knights of Labor in 6Iont-
eal are talking of putting forward
andidates for the municipal elections.
member of the organization slates
hat a move will soon be made to
ave the old rates of wages on the
and Trunk re established.
Some malicious wretch recently
Dated handbills at Godericb, Strat-
rd and London, offering great in-
ucemente for 500 men to go to the
tuber woods of the Saginaw Valley.
he fact is that there are already
early ten idle men there to every
a employed.
Attorney•Oe aerel 11lolvat 101510e.1
cable dispatch to the effect that tie
oision of the Privy ()outlet] in the
°minion License Act appeal case
s rendered upholding the Provinces
every point, and eastalning the
ht of all the provinces of the C ti-
e!-ation to exclusively control the
ue of liccne08. a ,y.
Society circles in Ottawa are .114 -
ed over an elopement wutudtll.
a wife of a well known civil ',tiro•
t is alleged to have fled frr'n her
D °u Saturday with a piing lov-
P. Adamson, Oounty clerk, has T
been laid up with congestion of the n
liver. on
It is said a person 15 working up
oases for neglecting to reglator births n
and deaths. de
A Gorrie ghost turned' out to bo an D
industrious Dntdhinnn, who saws his wa
wood after dark. on
The Godorich band have been giv (ed
hog the people of that town ,,The
Charcoal Burner," ie9
Blyth is to have a Division O,iurt.
The Wolters', Blyth, appeal re Scott tat
Act 58881101 sustained. Th
The other they Harry, son of Dr, an
Browning, of .Exeter, while de98011t1- 11010
tog a pair of dark stairs, tuisted his
footing and fell to the bottom, rlosln-
1 eating his collar borne.
In the option! of Taylor to the Di-
vision Court, Tol'outo, for an order to
increase the phtintil's verdict la the
case of Taylor vs. 1[0Cullagh, tried
at the last IIuron Assizes, the court
refused to iucroase the amount of the
The ease of Perdu vs, Clark came
up at Osgood() Hall, Toronto, on Sat-
urday, on motion of plaintiff'e counsel
to transfer the action from the Ohanc-
m'y to the Queen's Benob Division
and to strike out the defence. The
motion was refused. The defendant,
Clark, is charged with publishing a
libel in a Clinton paper on the plain-
tiff, who was living with defendant's
sister and his bruthor•in-law, Tho
affair has arisen out of the death of
Sirs. Truett,
Canadian. NC eyrie.
Montrealer, are impatiently await.
ing the formation of the ice bridge,
A Montreal judge holds that a
druggist is responsible for his clerk's
mistake in compounding a prescrip•
Tho Canadian Government has for-
warded 150 vaccine points to the
Hudson Bay Company at Seven Is-
An lndtan impostor has been or,
rested at Sarnia on a drunkenness
charge, who has been pretending that
110 t988 commissioned by the
United States Government to Bottle
Canadian 1051ans in the "United
er. Tide husha0l followed in pnr-
font, mad overtaking the trnauts at
Prescott brought his wife home again.
Notice is given in the Ontario Ga-
zette that nn application will be '011(10
to the Leglslnture of the Province of
Ontario tot the next session for an Act
erecting the townships Wallace, Elmo.
and Moeriugtnn, in the county of
Porth; I-lowick and Groy county of
Huron ; and 1fitryborough, county of
Wollingtou, with the villages of Mil.
verton, Brussole, Wroxeter, and Gur-
ria, and the towns of Palmerston and
Listowel, into a Provisional county,
to bo called the county of lefaitlant,
with Listowel as the county town.
The type -setting contest between
Joseph McCann, of iho New York
Herald, and W. 0. Barnes, of the
World, who is a dative of Oxford, for
the championship of Now York city
and State took place on Tuesday of
last week 1`n the presence of a large
number of printers. Both men ap-
peared to be in good contrition. Bar.
nes finished his first 1,000 ems in 29
minutes and 30 secs.; McCann coin -
plated his first 1,000 two minutes
later. Prize, $1,000, , At three o'•
oloolr, according to the rules the men
stopped work. ' NtaCaun had set up
8,062,1, ems, and Barnes, of the
World, 7,1)51. Then enols man was
obliged to correct hie own proofs,
When the corrections bad been made
and the number of lines deducted
which email had lost throngh mos.
takes, it was found that 111cOatln had
7,6821 ems to his credit and Barnes
had 6,876. McCann was declared
the winner,