HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-12-11, Page 88
Are You Listening ?
The Best Place to Buy your Christmas
-�Tpresentss+iit at -
"T, -IFS .a-- OS - "
Ilookstore. We have the Largest Assort.
total! of Toys in Town.
Special Value
In Beautiful Story
ll FamilyaiB Books. Alb ulna, Pur.
If you are g ening up it Christmas Tree
give us it call. Special Discount to Sun-
day Sehoole.
• • See our Christmas and New Year's
Cards, all New and Tasty, and Sold at a
Low Figure.
(live as a call at
The Post Bookstore.
Train leaves Brussels Station, north and
oath asfoilow e:
Going South. GaingNorth.
Mali 1:25 a.m.Mixed 10:Ooa,m,
Express 11:55e.m,l Mail 9:49p.m
Mixed ...... 8:50 ,ut. Expree 0:29 p.m,
The morning train Beath and the night train
north willouly run on Tuesdays, Thursdays,
and Saturdays.
ocat Relus (i.em
A. cblel's among ye takin' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
Sonoma will close in town the
Airman Syrup 60c. per gallon at Thom -
EVERYTHING wears the appearance
of winter.
WOOD wanted. See People's col.
TRUSTEE nomination will take
place on Wednesday, Deo. 80th.
CORDWOOD, atovewood, sawlogs, 3:c,
have been moving lively since the
snow came.
PROMOTION examinations are in
progres in the various departments
of our public school.
Amite wanted to do general house work.
Apply immediately. Mrs. Joon D. Ronald.
THE POST and weekly Globe to the
end of 1886 for $2.25, in advance.
Now is the time to subscribe.
Ouo pork buyers are bricking up
and are fully deteril ined to take the
lead in this department of trade.
ANY quantity of saw loge or lumber tak-
en in exohangefor furniture. Mrs. E. Long.
SEND THE Pose to the absent boy.
It will give him all the home news ;
$1.50 pays for it to the end of next
ANY quantity of saw loge or lumber taken
in exchange for furniture. Mrs. E. Long.
ADVERTISE your farm if you want
to sell. Now ie the time people want
to buy. Call at THE Pose office end
leave copy at once.
Arts quantity of saw loge or lumber taken
in exchange for furniture. Mrs. E. Long.
THE $50 fine, for violating the
Scott Act, last spring was paid over
last week, by the landlord of the
Revere House, $25 of it goes into
the town treasury.
BILLaEAns, letterheads, notebeade,
statements and envelopes furnished
with neatly printed headings cheap-
er than you can buy the blank paper.
Try Tag Pose Publishing House,
Joan HARorEAvEs has a handsome dis-
play of Smits and New Year's cards. If
yon don't see them you miss a treat.
THE giant form of Salem Arm-
strong, who has been millwrighting
at Port Hope and other eastern towns,
is to be seen on our streets, "Zack"
is no baby as far ae size is concerned.
JNo. HAnonuAvne' Whooping Cough Syr.
up is ahead of all remedies for that terrible
cough. Try a bottle, only 25 cents.
Coueoraaoa GRAHAM has been on
the sick list this week. If he would
take our advice we would prescribe, a
preacher and a young lady say about
24 or 80 year:, of age, with a kindly
Tins newest, handsomest, and best Al-
bums ever shown in Brussels, also beautiful
toilet sets, odor cases, dressing cases, &c.
are at "The Drug Store," Jno. Hargreaves
& Co
Fon pure unadulterated cheek
commend us to the merchant of
Wingham who distributed his bilis
in our town inviting our townspeople
to buy their goods from him. This is
something like sending coals to New-
Wools 1 Woon 1 1-1'. C. Rogers is now
prepared to take any quantity of hard or
soft cord wood in trade, from this date, but
none will be taken on book accounts unlos
previonely arranged.
Oot. 801, 1085. Brunets Salt Works
READ the new advt. of George
Thomson. He bas not been a res-
ident of Brussels very long but has
worked up an excellent trade by his
attention to business, by keeping his
stock in a tasty style and by giving
good value for the money invested.
Give him a call at his new stand.
]?Eo. 11,1.8ll .
THE Directors of the !skating rink
have paid the oum ai $800, on ac-
count, to the contractors,
TRE Presbytery of 1tIaitland will
meet for the transaction of business
at Wingham on Tuesday of nextweelf.
(lhoitoE Lovas can supply you with
an organ, sewing machine or almost
anything else you want. See hie
Toni big snow storm of Saturday
night and Sunday militated again
the attendance at the varione church.
Reeve Yongo arrived home from
Goderiob last Saturday, where he
had been attending the County Coun•
DON'T forget the lecture on "Wo
are all sculptors," iu Melville church,
on Thursday evening of next Week.
Seo advt. in this issue,
SEE advt. of nomination and oleo -
tion. The nomination will take place
on Monday, December 28th, and the
eleotion on the Monday following.
NEXT Sunday marning Rev. Dr.
Burwaeh, one of the Professors of
Victoria University, will oocupy the
pulpit of Ulu Methodist church. A
doh treat is expected.
NOTICE,—All persons indebted to the uu•
dersigned are requested to call and settle
accounts on or before January 1st, 1686455
I intend going to Kansas shortly after that
date, Prompt attention by those interested
will oblige Sohn Nott, V. S.
Are you vaccinated ? If not you
had better do so before you start for
any point out of Canada or you will
have to peel off your coat in the cars
and have it done there.
QUITE a rearrangement of railway
fares commenced last Monday. Fare
to Toronto reduced 106., Hamilton
80c., Listowel raised 5o„ Tiarrieton
10o. All the fares in this locality
are the same,
Tun f.,ondon Ghost Show which
exhibited in the Town Hall, on Thurs
day evening of last week, was as big
a fraud as ever struck Brussels.
Their jokes were as old as the hills
and the rest of the performance was
anything but elevating. The audience
was too large for such au entortam-
THE Canadian Pacific Railway is
breaking the record every day. Now
the North Shore Railway has been
traneferred to them, their time bill
hae been arranged that through con-
nections to Quebec and Pointe in the
Lower Provinces can be made from
Ottawa, Toronto, Detroit, and all
points west, via St. Martin Junction,
12 miles North of Montreal, thus
avoiding tedious waiting at connect
ing points and enabling passengers
to reach their destinations in ae short
a time rs possible. We kave no
hesitation in saying that for comfort,
excellence of road, and the politeness
and attention of their servants, the
Canadian Pacific Railway stands pre-
eminent as the Model Road of Can.
adv, and although one may feel in.
dined to smile at their streamers
advertising the road, a trip will con-
vince any unprejudiced mind that
the road, equipment, scenery and
punctuality are superlative in every
sense of the word
Mies ltttocllt SHAW was house from
Mourfield for Sunday,
Two wicks from Friday of this
week will be Christmas,
FOURTH Division Court will be held
on Wednesday, 28rd mat.
MRs. Dln'ioN and Mise Dutton, of
!Stratford, aro visiting at G. A. Dead -
Tag reeitleneo of Harry Town, that
was recently damaged by fire, hae
been repaired.
Mas, 'NO. LANDeunouOH and Mrs.
Korringtou, of Ridgetown, are visit.
ing at R. Leatberdale'e.
GEORGE HARTwIca, formerly of
Brussels, as employed in a whole•
sale house in Saginaw city.
Mrse Fires hae been on the sick
list for the peat week but is improv-
ing nicely now, we are pleaded to
QUITE a rush of business at the
railway station. The freight charges
to one station alone amounted to
over $1,500.
RonT. WILSON and wife, of Wilson
dC Pelton, pump makers, have moved
to town from Oxford County and
purpoee residing here. We give them
a cordial welcome,
Dn. A. McK.iu.vav is :twiny in
California on a trip for bis health,
We hope his visit to the sunny eolith
will prove beneficial and that he will
come back perfectly restored.
Sean ill your Weekly Globe sub-
scriptions if you want to get the
Christmas number, Your name
must be to Toronto before the 1611
of December. hurry op, come a
JNo. SHAND hag purchased; the
store, be lately moved into, from
Robt. Nott, of Abilene, Kansas. The
figure paid was $725. This looks as
1f lfr. Shand had decided to become
a permanent resident.
JNo, NOTT, V. S-,lntend8 tatting a
trip to Kangas in the early part of
the next year with a view of benefit-
ing his health and having a rest, F.
W. O'Brine, V. S., of Beaverton, will
take Mr. Nott's plane during his ab•
REV. J. EDMUNDS, of Seaforth, will
preach missionary sermons in St.
John's church, Brussels, next Sun-
day morning and evening. The rev.
gentleman will also preach in St.
George's church, Walton, et 2:80 p.
m. The offertory will be in aid of
the Domestic Mission Fund of the
J. A. CREIGHTON has been appoint-
ed agent of the Accident Insurance
Co. of North A.merioa. Parties
travelling can get an insurance ticket
with their railway ticket costing but
25e. per day or $4.40 for a month's
travel. Ineuranoe guarantees polios
holder $8 per week if injured, or $8,
000 at death, or if death occurs 9
months after the accident.
SKAT1,lg on the mill dam,
ltliseys ANNIE AND l4f1NNl11 LUCAS, of
Mlcldlomiss, aro visiting at 1:). A.
SEE the Lion's window. John A. is there
to be soon off for and returning with Christ -
mite goods for the Lion,
Ste. Jo11N's ()Ural Sunday School
will have a Christmas tree entertain-
ment in the Towu hall on the evening
of Chriotlnae day.
IT 1e reported that Jae, Laird bee
purchased the brick block, known as
Ament's block, from J. G, Amens, of
Seaforth. Tho prion paid is stated
to be $8,000.
A veer handsome and brightly Il-
luminated copy of "Canada's Christ•
mag," got up by the Grip Publish-
ing Co., Toronto, is too hand, It is
well worth having and will meet
with a large and ready sale.
THE Annual mooting of the Con.
sertive Association of East Huron for
the election, of officers was held, at
Brussels, on 011 inst., when the fol.
Lowing officers were eleoted:—Presi-
dent, Jos. Leech, Bluovale ; Viet/ -
Pres., Jos. Carter, Blyth • Sec, -Trus.
0. A. Leech, Binevale. The Presi•
dents for the ditlierent municipalities
were Morris, J. Perdue, J. Mooney,
J. Newsome ; Winghaln, E. L.
Dickerson, W. Ellison, R. Tennant ;
Tarnburry, E. Gaut, A. Musgrove,
W. King ; Wroxeter, A. Patton, W,
Herron, W. Bishop ; Howick, H. Per.
kine, T. K. Boddy, J. Johnston; Grey
13. Bowan, W. Radcliff, J. Baker ;
Brussels, B. Gerry, T. Watson ; Blyth
J. Emigh; McKillop, J. 0 Morrison,
A. Morrison, J. Scarlett ; Hullett, W.
E. Colwell, T. E. Hays, 1'. Kelly.
After the transaction of some private
business the meeting adjourned to
meet at the call of the President.
STATIsT101113 Run MAD,—The Grand
Trunk Railway Company require all
agents to macre a return, monthly
giving the following information:—
Agent and all his staff, name, his
age, his pay, where born, when em,
ployed on the road, previous employ
meet, if they understood the rules of
the Company, has he a rule book?
How many semaphores ? Hom many
switches ? When lit, wneu put out ?
If in good order ? How many water
pails filled with water in case of fire ?
Is traffic increasing or decreasing and
are we subject to any opposition by
rail Or water ? Are merchants and
others satisfied as to rates, tic. ?
Have you had any complaints ? Is
there any new traffic likely to be ob-
tained and what kind ? Is the ac.
commodation at the station sufficient?
Have you any suggestions to make
in regard to any matter connected
with your station ? This rigmarole,
which has to be gone over monthly,
puts. one in mind of the ancient
soboelmaster putting the boys over
their catechism once a week, One
would think ouoe a year would do
for all purpose of railway business
but the officials appear to think differ-
HOW MO. GOT LEFT.—The daily
Winnipeg iltanitoban furnishes us
with the following item concerning a
former resident of Brussels :—Last
evening a respectable -looking young
man arrived from the mountains, and
registered at the Queen's hotel, After
partaking of dinner he entered into
conversation with Mr. McIntosh, the
genial young man at the news stand,
who soon became very friendly, and,
who later on took the Rocky Moun•
tam ranger up to the reetaturr.n
Francaie, where a very pleasant even-
ing was spent. Mr. McIntosh was
much struck with the beauty of a
diamond brost pin worn by his new
friend, who casually remarked that
es his usual monthly remittanoe hal
not yet arrived from England, and
being low in funds, he wished to know
of some one who would advance a
small sum, on the article in queetion,
Tom at once said be would only bo
too happy to oblige a friend, and
banded over ten dollars in exchange,
receiving the diamond pin. They
then returned to the Queen's and
an expert on precious stones hap -
ening to Dome along asked his opin-
ion. The expert at once pronounced
it a fraud, McIntosh went in search
of the sharper, whom he discovered
making across Portage avenue, in the
direction of Main street. A pursuit
was at once made, Tom shouting
"stop thief." A. policeman made
after the man from the west at a
2:40 pace. At the corner of Graham
street about twenty men and boys
had joined in the pursuit, and amongst
them Sergeant English. The man
who hailed from the west proved too
fleet, however, and was lastseen
making south past Mulvey's brewery,
at which point the chase was aband-
oned. The police have a clew, and
thesharper will likely soon be brought
to justice.
Noteso lb an d i leaoantad.i,,
Interesttl towed() n 10posite repayable on
Pronip ttttentt0ngivens000lleohiona. -e
1 Ib'FA!U) E L L I O '1',. L AW
crave, kraut' [flock, erueeels, Money
to to an.
BRUSSELS BAND.—At the annual
meeting of the Brussels band, held
last Friday evening, the following
officers were elected for the ensuing
year;—Pree,, W. F. Kelly ; Vioe-
Pres., Wm. Grewar,; Treas., T. Ain -
lay ; Seo. E. S. Cooper ; Working
Com. D. Wilson, J. Anderson, anti
S. Cronkhite ; Property Com. Wm.
Grewar, J. Jones and W. Smith ;
Auditors, George Hayeroft and John
Anderson. The band has a surplus
of over $12 after all debts are paid
and it is in a very prosperous condi,
tion. They have never given better
satisfaction to the townspeople than
during the past year.
lished monthly by the Fruit Growers'
Association of Ontario, and now en.
tering on her ninth year, is the only
hortiucltural publication conducted
with special reference to the peculi-
arities of our Canadian climate. It
numbers among its contributors our
ablest horticulturists, The subserip
tion is only one dollar a year, which
entitles the subscriber to a copy of
the Annual Report of the Fruit
Growers' Aseooiation for the year
1885 containing the discussions at
the three meetings held during the
year caroftllly reported by a short
hand writer, and in addition, which-
ever of the following articles the sub-
scriber may designate namely (1)
three plants of the Ontario Straw•
berry, or (2) a yearling tree of the
Russian Yellow Transparent Apple,
or (8) a plant of the Lucretia Dew-
berry, or (4) a yearling vine of the
Early Victor Grape, or (5) two plants
of the Marlboro' Raspberry, or (6) a
package containing three papers of
seeds, vis : Gypsophila panicnlata,
Agvilegia ccerulea and Delphinium,
mixed colors, A sample copy will be
sent to any person on application,
If you take any interest in the cul.
tivation of any kind of fruit or of
vegetablee or flowers and wish to
have the experionee of our best cul-
tivators and to keep abreast of the
times in these matters take the Can-
adian Horticulturist. Subscriptions
may be sent direct to the editor. D,
W. BEAMS, St. Catherines,
'4. oino�o erlyotco pude Al, 0, 0
Coll,Esq,du Lockle'efloek. mane) totevd.
• (late with Darrow&Preudfo0t,Godo
rich) Solloi tor, Conveyancer, doe. O9foe iv
,}rant'e Block ,Synesel s. Money to Loan.
La. the N earth Division Court Co, Huron
Uonvoyan0or,Nutary Publio,Ltnd,Loan and
insurance Agent,Puods luyestod and to Lo 00
Colloutione in ado, OMcu. tlroltam'e Block
T" A. II0NAUGIIT'ON, 141. D., C.
til o 11,L, 11. U. 1'.,L1lnburgh .Physician,
Curgoo nandAccoacbeur, Of/tooth Mra.Sbiol't
bionic, 1'urubury Street.
FEnuLND.—In Morrie, on Dec. 7th,lithe wife
of Mr. J. Ferrand of a son.
Fox.—Iii Grey, on the Oth inst., the wife of
Mr. Wm. Fox of a daughter.
KNox.—In Morrie, on Dee. 8th, the wife of
Mr. Wm. Knox of a daughter.
BowctL —In Brussels, on Deo. 6th, the wife
of Mr. G. A. Powell, merchant, of a
MOFARLANE.—In Brussels, on the 9th inst.,
the wife of Mr. John McFarlane of a
Horannixf.--In Grey, on Dec. gm, Fie
wife of Mr. J. H•ollingor, of a daught-
Scorn.—In Morris, on Deo. 10th, the wife
of Mr. Win. Scott, of a son,
e .
Misnlxttous—Misnramovs.—In Morris, on
rte Oth inst., by. Bev. J. S. Fisher, Mr.
Richard Miekimmons to Alias Martha
Miskimmons, both of Morris.
InwI1I—Pnlneo0 —At the residence of the
bride's father, on Deo. 8th, by Bev. J.
F. Parke, $'Lyth, Mr. Richard 2nd son
of Mr. B. Irwin, of Blyth, to bliss Mar-
garet E. Pearson, 2nd daughter of Mr.
John Blaakbrough. of East Wawanosb.
TUESDAY, Doc. 15TH.—Farm containing
102 acres, on lot 82, con. 14, MoKillop, to
commena0 at 2 o'clook p.m. A. Dolgatty,
suet. 0. J. Ryan, prop,
TUMMY. Dna. 15Ta.—Farm stock and
implements, on lot 85, eon. 9, Grey, com-
kt Stratton, sharp. Jae. Maker,
prop., ap .
L . n, C. P. 001050rgh.
Haerotnovod to h,srosidence ou At,1lStree,
the house formerlyoouupiod by Dr. Graham
and ,,illou ;Moro at eight. tie still resales an
office at 1largreaves' D rug Store.
(1 L. BALL, L. D. S., HONOR
A_A • Granuateand Member of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons. 'Porcnto Thu
various ooesthetios given, also 0 now local
twtasthetic for the gums only. An oserattous
otrelnily performed sed guaranteed, Prioos
moderate. 011100 over Powell's store Hour,
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
of Thorough Base, Vocal, and Inetrn
mental Music on Piano, Organ and Guitar.
Reference—Ladies of Lorotte,Guelpit.
Residence-1.To.2,(south) BriokTerrace,
44 -Bin. Eruseols,0nt
sanorirarriage Otoeuses. Office at hi groe
ery,T^rnberry street, 9.25
11.7 Burgeon ,Gradurtto of Ontario Votorinar
College Toronto ,Residence ,the house l stay
000npiedbyMre. .J.Parker Mainetreet,Br or-
s all a
ries.) Linens°,.by appointment of
Lieutenant -Governor, 0ommieefonei &c„ tt
0 tee eattlo c0 calibrelc Po etO fee°
Brutsteel01 Market.
Oonnsorsn OASITULLY Ev'gne WEEK.82
White Fall Wheat .... •• 80 88
Rod Winter 82 84
Spring Wheat 82 80
Spring wheat (new) 60 55
Barley 28 20
Oats 55 . 57
Peas 18 15
Butter, tubs and rolls
Eggs per dozen.......... 5 1100 00
Flour per barrel 25 80
Potat ertl 8 00 9 00
MO per tea ti es
DrawledH b,..• 4 fib 500
Drawled Hoge
Salt per bbl., whol051le .,. •. 50 1 80
sheep 5krne
wool .......cacti17 10
insurance Agent,
to • Aooident and Loan Ineuranoe Agent for
eomo of the hest and moot reliable Companies
in the Domini on. Otfioe. brick terrane, Turn -
beery St.,noarihe Station. s menthe.
t..y,'.. '. wlehee to inform them the! bo
ingburnedont of the old stand hae fitted up
a shop in Smale's Block in first-class style
where be hopes to sec all .the old oust=m ere
and an maty naw onesas 000 fit to give 111113 a
ann. I keep nothing btu t first-class moats , all
kinds of Pouitry and 9 avaagoMeai Del iyersd
to all parks 01 the Town Free. Cash paid for
Pat Stock.
Butcher, thanking his
manyouetomere for their labor
alsupporttorthopastsix yoarei
L Pont Office Block, - Brussels.
Agent for Joseph James & 00 :Montreal and
Torontn, Aottnolito Convent Roofing—for Hur-
on and Bruce Counties.
Gravel, Pin, Iron and other roofs repaired
and satisfaction guaranteed.
Estimates given. Tar ,2 Felt at wholesale,
A true hullo, is highly recommended for all
diseases requiring n certain ealelent totilt, es -
sealant, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Want of Ap.
petite, Loon of Strength, Lack of ltnorgy, rte,
It enriches the blood, strengthens rho muscles,
and gives new lite to the nerves. it sots like a
charm andis lust what everybody wants, It is
atrictlyVogotablo in (iambi cation, and 'anon -
alcoholic. Pox solo by dealers generally.
In the matter 00 111nE8 PU101I8, deooaeed'
DAVID PURVIS, anhitaut, under the ago et
twentyone years,
Pursuant to an order of James S. Cartwright
Esquire, ()Metal Referee, made in the matter
of the cerate of the said James Purvis, deceas-
ed. the creditors of the said Jamas Purvte,lste
of the township of Morrie, in the County or
Huron, yeoman, who died in or about the
month of 8eatembor, one thousand night
hundred and eighty three, aro on or before the
0001 clay of December, ono thousand eight
hundred and eighty flVo, to send by post, pre-
paid, to Edward Ellie Wado, Esgatre,,..ppf the.
village of Brussels, in the County of Heron,.
Senator for the infant Petitioner herein,
their ehrietian and surnames, addresses and
description of the full particulars of their
claims, a statement of their Recounts and the
nature Of their securities, if any,hold by them,
or in default thereof they will bperemptorily
1y excluded from the benefit of the said order,
Every oreditor holding any secuaity is to pro-
duce the Baine before me at my Chambers at
the city of Toronto, in the County of York, on
the 5501 day of Deeembor,ono thousand eight
hundred and eighty five at the hour of 10
o'oloakhi the forenoon, being the time ap-
pointed for adjudication on the claims.
Dated thin 04th day of November,A. 04805,
21 -tin Regtetrar Q, B 0.