HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-12-11, Page 77 Doo, 11, 1885. B.IrVITIMMINSIIIMIGIBTLAYAKINVIME11,1711.20. TAIL° R)IITer. TAILORING OXI1107IYI W. H. Morris has much pleas- ure in intimating to the people of Brussels and surrounding country that ho has resumed tailoring, in Itis old stand, Post (Foo Block, - Britssela, where ho will bo found roady to attend to all work committed to his care in a thoroughly workman- like manner. A good fit guaran- teed. Special attention paid to cutting. Remember the place, :Vost Office Block. W. if. Rorris. The Independent. '111E LARGEST, .4. THE ABLEST, THE BEST Religious and Ltierary Weekly. The most influential religious organ in the Statish-The Speotator, London, Eng. TUE INDIMENDENT is one of the best pa pore in the world. Its good points are many and striking., They have only to be stated to be aopreciated ; and for the proof of our claims appeal me.y bo taken to any of the fifty-t-,vo issues of the year. Any num- ber of The Independent will show that its contents aro marked by- /MI/ATV, VAIIINTV AND INTEMEST. The great thiukers, the groat story -writ- ers, the great poets, men of the highest re- putation in all departments of human knowledge, make up its list of contributors. Religion, philosophy, ecienee, literature, itrt, travels, discoveries, stories, and all conceivable topics are embraced in the con- tents, and everybody, old or young, learned and unlearned, without regard to sex, em- ployment, or condition, will find something of speeial interest in every issue. ODUPRIDENSIVRNESS.--Il 18 0 Taligi01113, 8. Ilterilry, an educational, a story,.s.n art, a scientific, an agrieultural, a financial and a political paper combined. BDEADTII, CANDOR. BARNEBT0888.-T110 dependent is tied to no denomination ; 11 18 the organ of no clique or party in state or Church. 01 18 free, therefore, to dismiss all questions, and to speak its mind candidly. It is not swervecl by fear or favor. It is vigorous defender of the Evangelical faith, it preaches practical righteousness, and earnestly supports all moral reforms. All its columns -the advertising as well as the rending -are free from everything of doubt- ful or objectionable character. No matter what a person's religion, politics, or profes- sion may be, 11 118 desires to keep up with the times and know what the brightest minds are thinking of, the ablest pens are writing about, and what the world at large ie doing -he should rea,1 The Independent. TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS Throe months ......'11 I Ono year 01 00 r01)0 100Uttlii 00 TWO years 1 00 Six months. 1 50 Five yeato , 10 00 Can any one make e. better investment of 52.00 to 53.00 than one which will pay 52 DIVIDENDS DURING TUE YEA.11 ? Every intelligent family needs a good Newspaper. 11 18 a neuessity for parents and. children. A good way to make the ac- quaintance of The Independent is to send 60 cents for a "TotA:. TRIP" of a month. SPECIREN COMB 800091. No papers aro sent to subscribers after the time paid for has expired. The Independent's Clubbing List will be sent free to any person asking for it. Any ono wishing to subsoribe for one or more papers or magazines, in connection with T'he Independent, eau save money by or. during from our Club List, Address THE INDEPENDENT; P. O. Box 2787, -:- NEW Youtt. 1Canadian Paoiho Bailway Time Mk, .11 Teeswater Branch. Milos Gettig EOM, Mail. Expre 0 Toronto.. Dop 7,20 a.m. 0 Orangeville 0.50 " 4 Orangeville 4o1 ,10,05 Amaranth 110.15 '1 10 Waldemar. 0.24 " 14 Luther , . 10.31 28i Arthur .. „ 11,08 .. 80i Kenilworth.,., 11.80 88f1107, Forms:. , . 11,58 a.m. 44 Pages I.. „ 12.16 p.m. 475 liEioiu�oo ....12.28 Ofli Fordwioh , 12,55 " BO Gorrie 1.013 Wroxeter 1,15 " 60 Wingham Road 1.88 " 74 roes water. .Arr 1:56 p.m. 6.40 p.m, 7,05 " 7,22 7.82 7.88 7.44 8.10 849 33.46 9.01 0.10 8.31 0.41) 0.48 10.08 10.15 I I I I I I I t I I Miles fi Wait East, Expreos, Mall 0 Toeswator Dep 5.15 a,ni. 2.15 p„m. 5 Wingham Bead 5,28 4, 2,80 4 Wroxotor . , 5.47 " 2.49 Gerrie .. 5.63 " 2.56 Pordwich 6.02 " 3.06 flarriston 9.25 " 3.29 11S 14 I7213*i 80 665 ± 50* 615 04 66i '70 74 122 Pages „ , . 6.85 ' 8.40 Mt. Forest 0.5.1 4, 3.57 Kenilworth ,. 7.09 " 4,19 AA:that. 7.26 " 4.89 Luther „ 7.58 .. 5.10 Waldemar, .. 7.68 " 5.17 Amaranth f 8.04 5.24 Orangeville Jat 8.19 " 8.36 Orangeville .. 8.86 5,55 Toronto .. Arr, 10,45 a.m. 8.85 p.m. Refreshment and Dining Rooms -AT- TORONTO JUNCTION, ORANGEVILLE ANO CARLETON JUNCTION, 7..1S.TINTCZ-MMOisT 20.41.Z=C=T05 OST THROUGH TRAINS --BDTWILEN- -TORONTO AND MONTREAL. - T. FLETCHER, TICKET AGENT. 1111tiSSELS GET TIIE BEST! The Western 4\ or London, - Ont,. Published alternately in eight and twelve nage form, and beautifully printed by 0170 of the best web -feeding pressen in Americo. Balance of 1885 Free! It is an Ind Wonted fact that the regular air. oulation of Tho Western Advertiser Is the largest in Ontario, with only two Toronto exceptions, being over 25,000, -LARGEST $1 PAPEIZ- In clubs of four and upwards 75u. each. POPTJLAR DEPARTMENTS. Of interest to every member of the family. Note a few :-Pirst-olass Agricultural nenart- meet ; Special Market Department ; Secular and Sacred Mugu ; Intoreatino Stories ; Lad. ies' and Youths' Department; ; Curious and TJeetul Department ; Legal Department ; Tal. inage's Sermons ; and all the news by tele- graph, mail and correspondence. Bus Minns OF VALDADLE PUENI/UAIS For workere and Ono Hundred Special Prizes for the modoucoossful agents. AgentUi Peak - /Igo olid eantro copies on application. The most liberal ndinunnente °mot/erect in Can. rtda to club-gettore. Address- AdVertiSer LONDON, - CANADA. THE POST'S CLUBBING OFFER. TILE Poor 01.01.1110 Neat urn Advertiser will bo mailed to any address trout now to Sway- ary let,1887,on receipt of only 02,'23. Now is the time! No Or 100fi& Grocery Store. J. �. Takes pleasure in intimating to the residents of 13rnssels and rounding Country 'c,liat lie has opened out a Sur - NEW STOOK OF DRY GOODS HD GROOERIES, wbjch be will dispose of • 'ay Cheap 'or Cih or Traae, rtml Compare Prices, no trouble to show goods. THE BRUSSELS FOST. OARDOFTHANKS. 1 desire to return nay thanks to nay numerous customers for their support in the past and to intimate that, owing to ill health, 1 have 108801(1 1*)' blacksmith shop to Mr. D. Ewan for a few years. 1 have a lumber wagon, bob- sleighs and other articles that I will sell at a bargain to got rid of them. Two or throe gentlemen board- ers can be accommodated. W. T. Hunter. TUE BEST WI]fD MIL,1_, W. M. 31oP8ls, Exoxn,oioi, 010010 Wonits, 11vrettra.L, .010s, Manufacturer of throe different kinds of Wiuclinins. The simploot,strongest and most oatlofaotory Windmills yet made .For mann- Ing water, Bowing wood, chopping grain or driving any light machinery they have 730 011110.1, My CELEBRATED PUMPS have !W- owed a world-wide reputation. I guarantee them as being superior to man y now in the market, and 800101 00 any ever mane. They will throw water 800feet, or force it a 11)110 011 the level. Parra ero and stockmen aro re. quested to Bond for Par Manlove before blAYIDA either a 'Windmill or a Pump, sof claim that mina aro the hest in the market. Address Vi• M MORRIS, Mitchell, Out Sign ofthe Scotch. Collar. -oo- Here we are with a Splendid Stock of ROBES, 13ELLS, HORSE BLINICETS, -00- ... Our harness fills the bill every time. Call and sec our stock and leave your .order. -.00- A large assortment of Trunks, Valises & Satchels to choose from. -00- Repairing promptly attended to. -00- Call in and see our goo3s. We don't charge anything for looking. H. DEN'XIS. NEW. GOODS AT THE `Gollicll Palloct' The Mammoth Hardware Store. STANDARD PLATFORI SCALES., 900, 1200, and 2000 Pounds. Family Scales For Butter, Groceries, Etc., Etc. -11 Cross -Cut Saws: --1 "NEW IMPROVED CHAMPION, RACER," "LANCE," &e,, &e., &c. -0- _ The 'Electric'buck saw. _ HOPPING AXES, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. Cattle Chains I AN]) ALL THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY AT t.T. SICM1•7-3, I row PRICES. "THE RED STORE." biettaw 7 ETHEL GMASIV5iIrLOAMEt, IMELLS.. The undersigned having completed the change froth the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding Alas now the AIM in First -Class Running Order, and will be glad to see all his Old Customers and as many new ones as possible, Chopping done, Flour and Feed Alwa7e on HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ANY QUANTITY OF GOOD WHEAT NATRDNAL ROLLER MILLS. Wm. Vanatone & Sons, Exoprietor,., We have much pleasure in announcing to the public that our N em Roller Mill 10 111 Complete Running Order and i giving the 13est Sat • isfaction. SHORTS, MEAL, BRAN & CHOP CONSTANTLY Et PIM We also make the following Brands of Flour : Patent, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Storm. Gristing Attended to with promptness. ALL KINDS OF LT:11113ER CUT TO °TIDED. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOB, ALL RINDS OF GRAIN. MAST 1-IT_TIZON CARRIAGE WORKS! JAMES BUYERS -MANUFACTURER OF- BUGGIE CARRIAGES, DEMOCRAT F , WAG ON S, EXPRESS 'WAG ON 8, • &p., all made of the Best Material and finished in a workman -EL t 018111 (0. Repairing and Painting Promptly Attend€( , Parties intending to buy shouic call telc rc purchasing. B.EgnitlawDs.--Maraden Smith. 13. Laing, James Coil and McKelvey, Grey township; Wm. Cameron, Wm. Little, Geo. ifrewar , and David Breckenridge, Morris township ; Thos. Town rind William Blashill, Brussels ; Rev. 13. A. Fear, Kirkt on and T. NVrigh t berry township. REMEMBER THE STAND -SOUTH OF BRIDUE., %.T.AMalS TR TT -Y" S grannillor CYLARfia:A- :ATIM Sale of Fu 1' 4, 2 re. Having on 11110(1 some Furniture which Mr. Malcolm did not take when he bought me out and having just bought a Large Stock of Fur- nithro from the Largest Manufactures in the Dominion for SPor CASH I have decided to sell Furniture for 2 or 3 weeks la AIN'ti011 and then make A GREAT AUC.1.1.0N SALE and clear ont the whole tot. Now is the time to seenre Bargauts. Remember the place; Next Door to Bert Geery's, Garliok's Old Stand. Old Lounges and Sofas Covered and Re-Stuffe'd,