HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-12-11, Page 61`Ya.b: wit KutiL
Duro. 11, tt335:
Dircotory of Gharchcs and Sooictioct
MELv10li Photon, --Sabbath Services at
11 a.m. and 13391) p.n1. Sunday School t
2:30 p.m, Rev. Jim. Rose, 1d, A.. pastor.
l��rx )'Lenon, --Sabbath Service,, at 11
a.m. and (1:a') pan. Sunday School at 2:30
pan. ltev. 8, Jones, Paator.
JOIN'S Car nom—Sabbath Services et
11 ars. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 9:30
am, Bev, \V, T. Clulfe, incumbent.
Mrrroouia' Cuuaorr.—Sabbath Services at
10:30 a.m. and 6:30 pan. Sunday School at
2:30 p.m, Bey, Um. Smyth, pastor.
12or(n8 Cianome Cncacll.—Sabbath Ser-
vice third Sunday in every month at 11 a.m.
Rev, P. J, Shea, priest,
Macnnaroe' ISeTrrurx Reading Room and
dtlbraly in Ilolmes' blook, will be open
from 0 to 8 o'clock p,m, Wednesday? and
;aturdays, Alias Jessie Boss, Librarian.
One F 1{W.ow's Lonoa every Thursday
evening in l;raham's bloelc.
Mesoare Loors Tuesday at or before full
moon in Canetone's block.
A. 0. 7. W. LOnsa moots on 2nd and
last 'Wednesday evenings of each mouth.
PoarssTsu'e Lonoa Sed and last Monday
evenings of each month in Smale's hall.
L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every month in
Orange Hall.
Peer Orrius.—Otlics flours from s a.m.
to 7 pan.
I Cooking utensils, attar being waeh-
ed, should be rinsed is clean water
and lvipod out with a odelau, dry
For Dyepoosta and Liver Complaint, you
have a printed guarantee on every bottle fo
Sb Eluh'e Vitalizer, 11 never fails to care. Solt
I by 11.A.Doadlnaa,
[Vater that has stood in a lead pipe
Iover night is unfit for cookutg n
1 drinking purposes. Let it run for
two or three minutes before being
McGregor & Parka's Carbone; ()erste is M-
I valuable for wounds Boron Salt iahenm'
The beautiful composition kuown
as pariall is said to contest of it mix
turn of plaster of Paris artcl borax..
For lance bank, side er chest, use Shiloh's
Pornut Plaster. Price 03 cants. Sold by G. n-
l'atricic (dreseiug for a party).—
"Be dad now, and I shan't be able to
get on these boots till I've worn them
a time or two."
A Nasal Injector fres with each bottle of
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Prion 30 cents. Sold
by G. A.Deadnlan.
70011 Milliugs wrotc: "I have known
a man who was 5o pious that when
Ile went fishing ou Sunday he always
prayed to the Lord for good luck.
Why will you Dough whew Shiloh's Cure will
give immedists reltol. Price 10o.,50c., and 01.
Bald by Q.A. Deadman.
"That moll's a spouge," said tho
bartender to Meamener. "No, he
(ain't." replied that worthy, a sponge
takes a great deal of water. and he
takes none."
8hiloh's Onto witlimmedlateii relieve Croup
'Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by U
A. Deadman.
1'lle prevalence of smallpox in
Montreal having made the holding
of a carnival there this winter out of
the question, several cities among
thorn Ottawa, are striving to have
the gala event take place within their
The Bev. Geo. H.Thayer, of Bourbon, Ind„
saps:—'Both myself and wife owe our lives to
Shiloh's consumption cure." Sold by G. A,
Dear Mise.—Thio is a very import•
ant epook into your life. The first
thing to, make a good quire is to
giggle a little. Put up your hair in
curl papers every Friday nice ooze to
have it m good shape Sunday morn-
ing. If your daddy is rich you can
buy same More hair. If he io very
rich you can buy some more, build it
high upon your head; then git a high
priced bonnet that runs up very high,
at the high part of it git the milliner
to plant sante high artifishele. This
will help you sing high, as eopprano
is the highest part. When the tune
is given out, don't pay attention to it,
just giggle, giggle a good eel. Whisper
to the girl next you that Em. Jones,
who sits on the 2nd Beet from the
front on the left hand aide, has her
bonnet with the same Dolor exact she
had last year, and put up your book
to your face and giggle. Object to
every tuna unless there is a solow in
it for the sopprano. Coll and have a
good eel before you begin to sing.
When sent sing a solow shako the
artifishels of your bonnet, and when
you come to a high note brace your.
' self back a little, twist your head a
little to one side and opeu your
mouth the widest on that gide, she(
the eye en the same aide Inst a triphle,
and then put in for dear life. When
the preacher gits under bed -way with
his preaching, write a note onto the
blank leaf of the fourth part of your
note boots, that's what the blank leaf
was made for. Gib somebody to pass
the note to somebody else and you
watch them while they read it, and
them giggle. If anybody talks or naffs
in the congregasbuu and the preacher
takes notes of it, that's a good chance
for you to giggle, and you ought to
giggle a great eel. The preacher dee-
sent say anything to you becaue you
are in the quire. If you had a bow
before you went into the quire, give
him the mitten—you ought to have
somebody better now.
Moths do not eat through paper.
Glass kept wet with camphor die -
solved in sprite of turpentine may bo
gut 'with metallic tools.
Are you made miserable by Indigestion, Con
stipation,Il(zzlne�e, Lost o Appetite, 'renow
Skin 1' 8hilol's Vftelfzer 11 i positive euro.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
India rubber bands slipped over
the body of bottles that are to be peak-
ed in cars for traneportion will pre.
Vent breakage and gave sonsideraiile
in packing material.
Cute, Burne, scald,, and Foatois, as a hosling
and other
clressirtg. no not be recommend-
with oebur uselessDee
preparations, roeommrrtd-
ett to 1e as good. Cae only McGregor parka's
Hargreaves Carbolic Curate. Sold by J, & Co.
In cleaning paint obstinate spots
that will not wash oft anti soap and
water will often yield to a geutlo rub•
bing with a damp cloth dipped in
M1sTI.E'rox ron KISSING PL•llPO5E0.- '
No English lady oonaldere her home
decorations complete, until a little
sprig of M.lsletoe, no matter how small
is hung over oue of the doors on the
inside of Lite house. Upon this day,
if a gentleman discovers a lady stand-
ing un:lt r the Mistletoe, "ho has a
right to kiss her." If this ancient
and honored custom becomes as pop•
ular in America es it has been for
centuries in i:urope, it will bo largely
due to the Emporia (Fla.) Gazette,
which, by the way, is published in
Volusis County, Florida, which is
famous for its Summery "Winters and
Orange Groves ; for this journal has
prepared packages of Mistletoe (a
parasite and a native of Florida, which
it will 01104 to nay address upon re-
ceipt of five 2 cent stamps to cover
postage, d;a. The Gazette has pub•
Behest n "Florida Catechism." that
gives full and accurate information
upuu all subjects of interest to tour -
iris or settlor', which it will moil, to
any applicant, with a sample copy of
its paper, upon receipt of two 2 cent
stamps. __—
There are 29,227 locomotives in
North America.
"Bridesmaids lot out by the clay,"
is the legend on a Parisian signboard,
Adult unmarriedpersons grow more
numerous in France and lens numer-
ous in Germany.
Mushrooms are so plentiful i11 Lon•
don that a good-sized basketful of
them sells for 12 cents.
A Harvard student from Now York
carries $1.5,000 ineuranoe on the
furniture of his rooms.
The eldest daughter of the late
Charles Dickens has written a blo-
-graphy of her father.
A Brooklyn teacher has been ar-
rested for threatening to kill one of
her pupils whom she caught whisper-
White whales are very numerous
in the Gulf of St. Lawrence this sea-
son, They aro much sought after as
museum curiosities.
It is rumored that the Right Hon.
W. H. Smith, "Ruler of the Queen's
Navee," will be raised to the peerage
after the general election in Eng-
The discovery of the Instantaneous process
of taking photographs has boon quickly fol -
!Owed in the medical world by a perfect and
Instantaneous remedy for all acute echos and
pains, as Neuralgia, Toothache, Rheumatism,
els, This valuable remedy is palled Fluid
Lightning, and is sold at 95 cents a bottle by
J. Batgreaves & Co. Druggists.
The police jury at Sabine parish,
La., at a recant session, limited the
amount of whiskey to be prescribed
by physicians to patients to four
An old regulation at Yale is that a
student shall lift his hat at a distance
of ten rods from the president, eight
from a professor, and five from a
Eighth :Wander of the 'World.
It is demonstrated by history that the Anc-
ientsln many of the arts, notably architecture
far excelled the present age, but 1e reserve d for
the present decade to produce the Rh wonder
of the world, i.e., West's World',, wonder or
Family Lfnimont,whiuh is infallible for Bbeu-
matfsm,Sprains. Outs, Bruises, Soros and all
Mariam requiring external application, Price
BG ciente and 60 Dents per bottle. Sold by John
Hargreaves &Co.
The oldest printer in the Uuited
States is blind, 98 years old, and has
been a "jour" sixty-four years. His
tame is Matchett and he lives in In-
The Berlin Vossieche Zeitung re-
minds its readers that two centuries
ago the population of Berlin was 17,-
400, of whom 5,000 were French,
chiefly Huguenot exiles.
The ,,evenly -five couples constitut-
ing the Duke of Beaufort's peek of
hounds at Badmintod consume about
forty tons of meal, three bons of biss
snits, and 150 horses annually.
We:annroyon (bat after many yoere exper-
luno,, w e and nothing that can eompare to
Weft's Cough Syrup, In the speedy euro of
a*uphs,.odid,,00niuoption, ndlun,bronaSee,
hnaueneu,and allthrortand lung diecaset.
Toho Bsrgr.ave s& Ce„Drugglttb.
It is a remarkable ciieumsbance in
connection with the recent taking of
the COD508 in British Burma)), that
aitheugh the whole population is de -
toted to cock fighting, only ono man
WAS retuned as a took fighter.
The ailtlest game in the world is
the 11011(37 Mountain ram. The an-
imal is more like the chaluois than
any other Creature, In Colorado a
haw hue just goue into tome prohibit
ing the killing of nuns for too y0nrs
bo Conte, l to settle heels on your shoulder blades
Bay, J. (1, value, 1)naten, eortlllna:-"1,01 ILO il listen to th0 following words ol•
roue years my ""las loon troubled "411 W14110111bout 01114 whose chief exper-
Dyspepaio, and had tried ono thing after al=
other r000lumeuderlwith but uttlu or no of. lance fn fanning consists of a fele n6
foot Mil advised to give MoGruger's speedy 1010 )1s •to eeour au old-fashioned
Cure a trial. 8013(1 taking the neat bottle i 1
have noticed a doolded imprsyoulenaa,a0tl can granger 1)100' :
with conAdonco recommend ib to be ono 01, if
not the best modlolue extant for Dyspepsia.
Thistnvaluati)le lnodlein° for Liver Complaint, (111)104 Recipes.
Indigestion, Nhinep Complaint, ie purely _
vegetable. Sold at J. Hargreaves & Co's. Ding -
Store. Trial bottles given free. ]30Olve 13nems.—'.lrbroo supe of corn
The Captain of a Boston sloop Lute meal, two cups of rya meal, one table -
been fined $20 by the Custom Rouse spoonful of salt, two heapitg table -
authorities of Newport for fleeing her spoonfuls of Mol10s08, mix with wat-
name on the 'tent painted in Wliite er or milk soft enough t0 pour in 0
letters 00 a red background instead pan : balco slowly throe house or
of white letters on a black back- stolon two hours and bake ono.
ground. ]3ueesetir.a Murlrlrs.—These have
Methodist conferences in Wisconsin but to be tried to become la standing
have declared their belies' that Christ- breakfast dish. Seat hard two eggs
fa0 man ought not to raise or sell to- into a quart, aucl stir In flour to make
baoco. Thirty thousand scree of the a thick batter—about a quart when
plant were under cultivation in the is is mixed—and Testily, It toasp0cn-
State this year, and ultich comment fel of salt and the same of soda. Bake
has been roused. in a bot oven ie well -greased tins.
Mrs. Mancroft, the actress, known
Muffin of all kinds should be cut
its 11.Ia1ia Wilton in the records of the around the edge, (hon pulled upon
stage, has been received: into the Iso• with the fingers.
man Catholic Church, and has joined Show Gaxrl.—Half 11 cup full of
the corps of devout practical follow- grflunalcatod sugar, one tablospnonfnl
ors of that faith, to which Miss Vary of butter, two eggs, 0110 ettpfnl of
Anderson and Latta also belong. flour, and n teasnoouful of baking
Bubinson's Phaapborizod }emulsion by its powder nod two inblespoon{cis - of
stimulating action upon 110 organs of clines wrest it. Bake iu li square p0)1
thou andassimulaaicn, and. by its powerfully
alterative tonic and nutritive proportl es, our- and cut into little 82001es when 0001.
ides the blood from oil taint, and increases ire For the 000w, talcs ono cup full of
solidponstituents. Always oak for use n'e
Pim aphorize d Emulsion, andobe oursrs you get stewed and sifted sour apples, one
it. cupful of white sugar, and the white
111asoaohusetts will be interested to of one egg, Boat all thoroughly to -
learn that on 00 original mall of the gether, and spread between your
world, by wlaah Alexander VI, divid• squares of cake,
cal the discoveries between Spain and l+'ISR PuDnncr.,—'.Cake a wo11•Cleau•
Portugal, and which 1s now in the eci fish, and after boiling pick it free
possession of the Vatican, all the from the bones, which last put over
Present Uuited Staten forms a blank the fire, with a little of the water
space marked "'Pere de Beanies,” or, that the fish (vas boiled iu, and lot
The Land of Codfisl.. , them stew gently. In the mean-
Aeoording to Humboldt, the oldest time put the flesh of the fish on a
town in the world is Yakutsk, 5,000 mortar, and pound fico. Then mix
inhabitants, in Eastern Siberia. It it with the water from the bones and
is not only the oldest, but the coldest, sufficient milk or cream. Season
The ground is always frozen to a with white pepper, salt, and a grate
depth of 300 feet, except in midsum- of nutmeg. After standing a short
mer, when it thaws three feet at the time, this will become a white jelly,
surface. The river Lelia remains and served with a rich white sauce.
frozen fol nine months in the year. PICKLED Appals'—Choose green,
A colony of lepers is located at hard fruit; if perfectly dry wiudflals
Tracadie, New Brunswick, 111 Glou• answer very well. Peel, core and
nester county, on the shores of the quarter; if large divide again. Have
Gulf of St. Lawrence. There is all* ready some vinegar in which ginger,
other small settlemeutof lepers in the allspice and a blade of new have
British provinces which is almost en- been well boiled. Lay your apples
tirely unknown. It is situated in the a few at a time into your jar and
western part of Cape Breton, near pour on vinegar sufficient to well
Lake Ainslie. the members being not- cover, then more layers and vinegar,
ives of the Highlands of Scotland. dividing your loose spice and scatter•
ing it amongst the apples, When
your vessel is full cover down close,
and iu three months you will have
a splendid pickle. Some put the
vinegar on cold and do not peel the
fruit, but I prefer boiling vinegar and
the rinds removed. The fruit must
be perfeotly dry and also kept in a dry
place after pickling.
VIENNA BREAD.—Sift in a pan four
lbs. of flour, move it from the centre
to the sides, and pour on one quart
of milk and water, and stir into it
sufficient flour to form a thin batter ;
then add a pint of milk in which is
dissolved an ounce of salt, and one
and three •forth ounces of yeast. Cov-
er the pan with a cloth and set for
three-quarters of an !hour in a place
free from draughts. Then stir in
the rest of the flour until the dough
leave the surface of the pan, and let
it stand two and one-half hours :
divide the mass into one•pound
pieces, to be ant into twelve parts
each. Make them into square pieces
a little more than three inches thick,
and turn the corner toward the centre,
turn over ou the moulding• board, let
rise thirty minutes, than bake in a
hub Oven over tell minutes.
Sarnia is (about to organize a phils
harmonic Hamby.
The waterworks by law has been
withdrewu by the St. Thomas City
There is talk of a lady candidate
for the reevsship at the next 101101-
oipal election 10 Fergus.
A Halifax dispatch says :—About
$25,000 worth of gold was brought
from three of our gold mines to town,
the result of last month's work.
Easterbee and his family were rath•
er disappointed at the commutation
of his sentence. His mother had
sold his body to a medical student.
The annual session of the Federa-
tion of Organized Trades and Labor
Unions of the United States and Can-
ada will be held in Washington this
year, it began Tuesday. One of the
most important subjects to be oonsid-
ed is the eight-hour law.
J. 1i. McColl, Canada's famous
champion heavy weight athlete, hoe
gone to New York to make a match
with D. Qneckenberuar, the Iritlh
champion, for an all round and
wrestling contest,
of a farther 011150 f, we propoeo giv-
ing the granger soma fresh advice
and a brand new hint, The hint
should bo noted ttpou promptly, it
iu--pay for your subscription to this
paper, after which you sill bo able
Advice to Farmers.
Put bustles on your bene if you
desire them to lay more eggs,
Never milk a cow with a clothes-
pin ; it is better to uee thongs.
The leather however, will in many
casae, improve the flavour of the
It never pays to (rade a sorrel
mule for a bay window, nor a horse -
blanket for a nightmare.
Do not put a lock on your cellar
door, if you do not wish your little
boy to run the keyhole in his trous-
Always have a steel trap lying
around your premises ; it will relieve
you of a painful Dorn very unexpect-
Pile the saddle ou the bank porch.
If its skirts don't roll up like tea
leaves it's a sign that your wife don't
Never turn your saw buck in the
pasture with your other sheep if you
don't want your Iambs to waddle
when the walk.
Never hang your harness where
your cows can eat them, as the har•
naes•buokles are liable to hurt your
baud while milking,
If the areelf washes away a few
sections of your fence, you will find
it cheaper and equally as good to buy
another dog and let the rails go.
Don't put your oorn•plauter in the
dry, but give a mortgage for a new
one in the spring, and let your wife
use the old one for a coffee mill,
The above advice and more that
is oomtng is worth to the farmer
double the price of subscription. Now
is the time to subscribe.—Newman
If you haven't any butler to sell,
bring some hay in your waggon for
the town cows to eat. This isthe
only way to prevent them from eat-
ing your spring seat andupsetting
your jug.
Lean the harrow up against the
front gate, if yeti have a daughter
hankering after a beau. A dude; will
be sure to fall on the harrow' in 'the
dark and then tell all the other dudes
that your dog has teeth a foot long.
We notice that the agricultural
papers are dolling out advice and
Write to Cannes; land, being something
Urine your 1801,, horses to D,$)ol Ewan,' he
LrAslt1r W. T. 11UNTI:R'S 5•rexn,
i)rlleaela, [laving 1,rsutlse,L for years and
risuu t•+ t1e 0igun(l posi11on in the loading
he0e. 0)10511,5 nH1.141oilcan 1 of Ilrchaoi, I,din-
lubllrlal,Suutlaed. Also hnYI up 1/00801 wl Eh
honors through too ltsyal Vete:dears Shnolug
Seined. of 1, e, Smith Lon Ion, England,
whore Itun'ire,ls of ort onto' horses passed
our hands dally I ,,ansafoly sfuaralteo to em
oontrao tad foot nr mtnrlurlul 11,,rs„a. Now
wark+uul r,lpairing of all kinds done en roar
eonable terms, and workmanship that will
please. Hr glYlna 100 a esu \feel satisfied 1
would secure yourundo,
11, [.WAN,
17-1f rtuuter's CLQ 8nan
Ne v IOAl1Y
Dn. E. C. Wae'r's Nerve and Drain Treat-
ment, a guaranteed eii�eaile for Hysteria.ilia
mess, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia,
Hoadaehu, Norvons Prostration caused by the
use of alcohol or Tonicso, Waicefnlnoss, 'Ves-
tal Depression ,Sof toning of the Brain result-
ing in teoaulty, loading to misery, decay and
death. Premuturs 0141 Ago, Marron coo, Lorelei
Po win' In either sox, rnvulu,ltary Lesson and
Bpernoborduea caused 447 ov,r.0x e•tiou of the
Brain, soli -abuse or over indulgence. Bach
box ooatahta m110 m0nth's treatment. EI a box,
ac six1101 loxes far 83, seat by atoll prepaid ou
of ,,r(oe,
bYu fln;u anlla+ Slx Boxes
'Po mire any oast.. with emit order received
by uv tor six 1, nos, 150.1 mean Ind ,0tL l 311, v1
will sand tho purchaser err written guar ute0
to refund the money if the treatment does not
effect a aw•t:. .l uaru, tons lssund only by Ino.
llaagraa 7024 k Co, brussels.
0'._ KSTO R E.
Just received a fresh stock of
Richter and '.['hie. Mount Organs.
All the School Books in stook.
Orders taken and filled for
Schoolliaps, Tablet Lessons and
any book desired, on the shortest
Seo our 100 and 200 page scrib-
Santa Claus has unloaded one
pack of Christmas Goods and more
is coming.
Wait and see our handsome
Christmas Cards.
Get a sample of our Note Paper.
Practical Watohnlakor and dawoler,
Gold Watches, Silver
Plated Ware, Silver,
Watches, Clocks, Gold
Rings, Violins, Etc.
I keep a full line of goods usually
kept in a first-class Jewelry store
Call and examine, no trouble to
show Goods.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Agent for Ocean Tickets, Amer-
ican Express Company and Great
Northwestern telegraph Company.
Sworn circulation Daily and Weekly
Free Press.
Established 41 years.
Largest Eight -Page Metropolitan Weekly
Published in the Dominion.
Free Press - London.
The Agricultural Department 15 a noted
feature of the "Free Press” being always
up to the limes, and conducted by persons
practically skilled in Farm Wont,
By Telegraph, Telephone, Mail and Corte
epoudenes up to the [tour of Publica-
tion. Special Market Department,
Agricultural Department, cap.
ital story always running,
Ingenious Puzzle Column and
Humorous Reading. Just the thing
for the family. Every member of the
household eagerly looks for it each week
In clubs of four and upwards, 75 as. maths
Balance of 1885 Emla.
Afore money can be made by agents fa
canvassing for the 'Free Pres' than at any
A 011150 employment.
!21000 in Prcmiams The Most Liberal
Induoeniento ever offered in Csnada to par'
ties gettingoluba '
nit far the W(MoltIT6n away I> Alm
ly Free Presse. Send for a copy of our pro.
mium list, and see the inducements ive are
offering. Sample dopy free on application,
LOIMAN1. 041401