HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-12-11, Page 5No. 11, 1886.
The ',Deooutber session of the
County Council opened on Tuesday
of last week at 4 p. m., the Warden
in the cllair and a majority of the
council present. After the reading
of the minutes of last soseion, the
Warden addressed the council ex.
plaining the work done in building
the iron bridges ordered at last meet.
ing, also with reference to the amend.
ment to the hawkers' and pedlars act,
which would require a by-law from
the council to bring it in force in the
county An invitation from. the
president of the £Vfeahanice' Institute
inviting the members to avail them-
seivee of the privileges of the library,
was read and accepted. A circular
of inquires from the Ontario Depart.
ment of Agriculture in reference to
the establishment of rumens' Instit-
utes, was read and referred to the
Special Committee. A letter from
the Hamilton Bridge company ask•
ing an allowance in their favor ou
the price of Ball's bridge, on the
ground of a mistake in measurenent,
was read and referred to Road and
Bridge Committee. Aletter from E.
Habu, Londesboro, asking damages
on the ground of interference with his
mill business during the building of
the bridge there was referred to sank
committee. A circular from the
Dominion Department, of Agriculture,
in reference to the Colonial Exhibi.
tion, -vas read and referred to the
Special Comtnittee. A. number of ac-
counts were road and referred to the
finance committee. On motion of
Mi: Johnston, seconded by Mr. It[o•
Minable, the nand grants to the
Model schools of Goderich and Clid•
ton were orated to be paid. Tho
council then adjourned until 10 a. m.
The council resumed at 10 a. m.,
the Warden in the chair, and all the
councillors present. The reports of
the four road and bridge committees
were read and referred to committee,
A circular from the County Coun-
cil of Ontario, in reference to the
goverment aiding in paying passage
money of immigrants to this country,
was read and referred to special com-
mittee. .A. letter from the Provincial
Secretary in reference to the appoint.
meat of a police magistrate was read
and ordered to be filed. A letter
from Mr. Barker, in reference to an
insane indigent person, was read and
referred to the jail and court house
committee. A letter from Mr. Mal.
loch, 1. P. S. with reference to the
entrance examination, was read and
referred to school committee. A.
number of accounts were referred to
finanoe committee, and one tender
for cordwood to jail and court house
committee. On motion of Messrs.
Clegg and Currie, the sum of $20
was refunded to East Wawouash,
and $2 to Osborne, being excess in
the equalization schedule. The coun-
cil then adjourned until 8 p. m.
Thursday to allow the committees to
go to work.
The Warden's explanation of his
reasons for not complying with the
resolution of June session iu regard
to memorializing the Governmen t to
appoint, a Police Magistrate who
would have a salary, not being quite
satisfactory to some members he wee
asked to have the replies received
from members during recess placed
on the table and read, as it was con,
tended that the Warden might have
miuconslruoted the nature of such
rephee by which he felt justified iu
holding back the memorial referred
to until the December meeting. The
Warden refused to place the replies
before the Council as lie considered
them in the nature of privileged nom-
mnnications. This brought up a
motion of censure against the Warden
in order to constrain him to piaoe
the replies before the Commit ht eelf.
vindication, but the motion was not
prnesed. The request of the Scott
Act Association to metnoriahze the
Government to appoint a Police
Magistrate was complied with to the
extent that the Council recommend.
ad their petition to the Government
to appoint a P. M., without salary,
be complied with.
it.ctionehave been instituted
against the G. T. R. on behalf of the
widows of the victims of the Blue
Bonnets (Que.) accident, olatming
damages of $10,000 in each osee.
Judge Simon, et Montreal, con.
damned the Hamilton Powder Gom•
parry to a fine of $500 for failure to
take out a license for their powder
magazine at St. Helen Island.
The withdrawal is announced of
A1d. Detoe.from the candidature for
the mayoralty of Toronto. This
leaves the fight between W. H. now,
lana, Independent Reformer, and
Mayor Manning who comes out on
the .Tory ticket.
In addressing my many friends
and supporters who have favored
me with their patronage in the
past and all who are in need of, or
will require goods that we sell, I
would respectfully call your atten-
tion again at this season of the
year to the many linos that we
keep. I might just say in the out-
set, that 1 do not claim (as is fre-
quently the case with others) to
have the
"Larlest ,.jsso7't712e7bI"
in town, because, how can I tell ?
I have not had the privilege of in-
specting their stock or examining
their invoices, which would bo a
necessity in order to make sure I
would be telling the truth. You
will readily see, therefore, how
dangerous such a statement is
when made by another. We have
Large Collection
of goods that have never come be-
fore the eyes of my customers,
much less those pretending toihan-
clle the same line of goods. In many
cases the best we can do is to
merely show you samples of what
we have, as our premises are too
small to make the display we would
like. We have goods for sale that
many might suppose we have nev-
er kept simply because they do not
see them. It is on this account
that we always feel gratified when
asked for goods that we do not
carry, as it proves to us, that our
customers favor us with all the
patronage they can, even beyond
our capabilities to supply. I would
then urge upon my ninny patrons
to ask for such things that they
may require but do not sae, as we
have many lines of goods it is im-
possible for us to keep displayed.
for the children ? Then we have
just the ones to amuse or instruct
and that will be sure to please.
for presons for your friends or
relatives ? Then we have them.
Are you in want of some Xmas
and New Year's Cards ? Then 1
firmly believe that nowhere out-
side the cities can you get either
the assortment or the value that
we can show you. I might just
say that they are EXCEPTIONALLY
good value and very fine. I might
enumerate some of the many
things that would be, both useful
and ornamental for holiday pres-
ents but we would prefer having
you call when we no doubt could
suggest many %things that would
suit you at the holiday season.
Wa would be very much pleased
to have yon come and see us and
favor us with your purchases.
Wishing you a Merry Xmas and a
Happy New Year, I am,
Yours faithfully,
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Bookseller and Fancy
Goods Dealer.
The undersigned, while thanking his numerous
Customers for the Liberal Patroi.age extended to him during the last GI years, begs to an-
nounce a Change in his System of doing Business, namely—The Cash Basis—all goods
to he Bought and Sold for Cash or its Equivalent—for particulars please enquire at my office.
I am enforcing the above system, All Parties indebted will oblige by having their ae-
counts settled at once. lay adopting the Cash Basis I will be enabled to Sell my Goods from
5 to 10 per cent. less than in the old way—hence the saving to the purchaser. Try and see
if T ata not right.
I am Showing To -day the Largest and Most Com-
plete Stock of Goods ever exhibited in Brus-
sels, and never before would a Little
Money Go So Far as at Present, if
you procure your wants from us.
Immense Assortment of New Dress Goods, Silks,
Velvets, Plushes, etc., in all the Newest Fabrics and Fashionable Shades.
New Silk Cloakings, Ottoman Cords, Brocades,
Mattallase, Bective Cloths, Astrachan Cloths, Meltons, ac.
Ladies' Real Astrachan Mantles, Caps, Muffs, &c,,
South Sea Seal Muffs and ,Caps, Persian Lambs, Muffs, Caps and Boas.
Gentlemen s Fur Caps in Newest Styles and Ex-
tra Fine Lot of Real Persian Lamb Sets to hand this week.
Carpets --All Wool, Union, Tapestry, Brussels and
Dutch Carpets. Floor Oil Cloths, Sinolutns, Etc, Splendid Assortment of Lace Curtains anti
other House Furnishing Goods.
New Stock of Imported and Canadian Tweeds,
Coatings, Trouserings and Overcoatings opened up this week. Very Stylish Goods. Cloth-
ing to Order in First -Class Style.
Ready -Made Clothing, Overcoats, Etc.' Men's, Boys'
and Children's Sizes. Never so Cheap as at present.
moorre � s
Do not invest your money until you sea our stock
of these goods. I have opened up this week
an Immense Stock of New Goods that sur-
pass in Quality and Value anything
ever offered here in the Past.
75 Boys' Plush Caps, at
20 Good Persian Lamb Caps, at
Men's All Wool Overcoats,
Heavy Canton Flannel:
Ladies' Mantles at
Men's Heavy Suits from
$5 to 12.00
Remember, Cash and Prompt Paying Customers
will not have to Support the Deadbeats of this Community, if they make their purchase, from
me, and 1 am convinced that one trial will prove the benefit of doing business alder this
New System.
A_ R_ SMITI-3_