The Brussels Post, 1885-12-11, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST,
Dao, 11, 189G,
33y the Author of "Mmeasn T1114VANION,"
' Lors, Leen Bouesi'oun," "Paveme,"
"Mesar BAw'N," 1arc.
a eater levet pnan you ora at ermine.
You think Mine Drnmmoud---'
"I don't think that ; I`m surd 0! it.
When she had. for rho third time done
one the honour to rill me to bo her part.
net, I felt I must run for it. Aud then I
thought 1'd come down hero and ask you
Whet idle meant,"
".Neon if elle did mako up her mind
to harry you," 844.141 Miss Ponsonby, etlr•-
veydng Niru with leisurely contempt,
" she would be hilae too good for you.
" That's just what I thought,' smiles
he equably -- "so I Now. 'Ne ver,' said
I to myself,shall I be the ,'use of
bringing down mfeory upon the head of
this admirable girl. Wore I to be the
meaus of rendering her unhappy, 1
should never forgive myself. No ; even
though the doternlinatiou cost rue mV
life, 1 will ho generous in Ode matter ;
will not mangy her 1' And then, as you
know, I arrived here in a state of mind
bordering upon coma. You remember
couldn't give you so 1011011 Its a decent
answer to a most simple (Iueeeion. You
recollect that? I say, Audrey, couldn't
we find some supper somewhere? 1'ni
right down hungry ; self ,denial o{ tho
sort I have just described and sup•
premed. affection and all that aro very
exhatte tiitg, autl—er—very appetizing."
" Certainly not," said lIissi Ponsonby,
with stern ,decision. " IC 1011 witut sup.
per, go back to Mrs. ]lrumlentel,
`.nt if I we1.0 'I Oin; 1 Do you
think I'd risk tieorgiva's blandishments
main ? 11,,n't bo brutal, ",.:,., POes0nby, save fruits and t1Utl•CTs—over't0 be (=-
whattil you f with r Inau ,ry man• si.lcred a stranger to her, no matter
tvBat bad you for dfuucr?" how antagonistic. she may feel towards
SdoOa beef," coufessesshoreluctmut him now that the waver of time have
lerrolled a littl0 farther on.
Gold roast Worcester
says 110 In d- Just at this moment he is Onhisltueee
cicely, " or. 11, 1 Bance, fresh bread- 1101•0re a small cupheard, searching it
and•hntter. It might "—jovially wy tuckfar
worse! Come along tucking diligently for s„meshing that evidently
his arm b0„-,•u,ti(teek fashion iusn hers is ,lot there. '1'o oven an unobservant
and we'll make a eight of it:” locker-ou it might suggest itself that it
"Come—where ?"dernenls she, mak- isnot the tfrst time he mud she have
ing au ineffectual effort to uutnck her- su1)2111 together i11 this pantry,
self. Evidently " dad's ” old boy is not " you t'ou't tied them there," says
to bo lightly got rill of. Andrey at test, becoming aware, after 111
" lute the pantry, of urse," returns prolonged. patting Of her cloth to take
die, unabashed. out esrbelit creases, that her guest fs still
You have mail, a mistake," Eiayt eprttwliug On the floor in his evening -
Mies Ponsonby, stubbornly resolved not clothes mml with his Head lost in the
to yield an inch. " Into the pantry I dim ree09808 of the cupboard. "We e al-
dort't go. Go back to the Drummonds!" ways keep the forks and spoons in the
'• 1 have told you already why 1 can't. big plass new."
Would you thrust me into the arms of " Do you?" says Vyuer, scrambling to
Georgina? Is this your vaunted afloc- his feet 0000 0,0r0. "SO much the bet -
tion for me?" ter ; au affair like this, with its lower
"Affeation for your" exclaims she, shelves almost on the ground, is very
regardinghim with witheringscorn. trying, awl, besides, it is such rickety'
' Yon ould deliberately fing me into okl thing!"
the prepared pitfall. Was 1t for this you "It is not a bit more rickety now
kept Chaucer at Home ? I dare say you than it was—then," declareel Mies Pon -
knew, if ho had been there, my danger 4Odthy, in an offeuded tone ; yet there
would not only have been lessened, but is just now a little softness about her
have been Ili! 1 A baronet is dearer to anger that world have been foreign to
their souls than a commoner could ever her iu more' orti1odax'moments.
be. A title counts. Your studded " Nota bit -not, a bit!" aOquie'Oea he
cruelty is mors than I can bear. \\'geld cheer1 11y. "'At you say,Idofy it to be
you have tee marry Georgina.?" more instable now than 1t was then—
" I don't care whom you marry," ex. them ;" retreats he, with a sigh—is it a
claims she with a pa881011ate stamp of real sigh or only part of his ub11a1 idle
careless manner, which is never more
then half earnest? '0 What a very dear
little girl you were," he says, " in that
pleasant far -elf ' then 'I"
" There is one tiling I woclll Ray to
you," sage 11 458 POIisouby, standing very
still and very upright oil the other side
of the Made., • with a salt -cellar in one
hand and a mustard -pot in the . other,
" and I would have you remember' :it for
all your clays; it is this -1 object to
compliments an every shape and forth,
whether they refer to my poet, my pre.
sent, or my Futuro. You will be so good
as never to forgot that."
"I shall be so, good," promises Mr. Vy.
nor, amicably, who, for his part, is armed
with tt loaf of bread, a eavdua.knifs, and
a deeanter ; "1 promise you most faith.
fully never to forget !"
There is a slight depth iu his tote
that causes her to glance at him snopi•
eion817. Just then, as it happens, he
too is looking at her ; her brows eon.
" No, really," be says gaily, " there is
Ito occasion for distrust; 1 mean it. :1
sha'n't forget, ever. That is obeying
you, is it 001? And fortunately my
memory is excellent, Why, it seems to
me now only as yesterday since I, an
overgrown lad, used to carry you for
miles through heather and stubble, and
think myself richly rewarded at the last
if you—what a little tyrant you were 1
—would give me a kiss for my rewar(1 P'
, A11!" says the girl. She lays her
hand. upon the back ofa chair mad gazes
at him with a pale face and with all ea -
pression of concentrated wrath within
her oyes.
' Well,' what if you didltlss me thou?"
persists ho, with a little laugh, raising
his brows. "Yon wore but a wilful
child of nine, and you don't hiss me now,
worse leek"—langhiug again—" so why
look at me like that ? llnt come to sup-
per, I entreat you, with what appetite
we may. Bythe•byo, how 18 it with
you ?"
"I foal as if I hadn't eaten anything
for a week," confesses Audrey --with a
1)11(lden rOvnlsion of fooling, she fleas
l,ersele sniffing back at him. After all,
what is to be gained by encouraging
(disdain, or nursing one's wrath for a
creature so indifferent to one's love or
hatred? And, besides, what Comes of
one's joys and griefs? An cud once at.
tabled, how poor it appears 1 A11 life's
big designs are so many glittering
myths only put faivard to tempt one
to a betrayal of one's sad weakueeses, to
show up the very poverty of One's .so'
galled abrength. She will forget for a
little 11oer all her poverty, her. eeeret.
eor10(1' that is scarce acknowledged
even to iter own heart, that little dread
about " ` dad's" health •--everything, and
take the good the moment gives, ",rust
141(0,4111e --•1f' Mts. D111nin0111 were to
see you now," rho Rays, with a bright
eager light upon her boatatiful floe which
hi very seld0fn seen there, "despising
her ball, h(ir guests, laer--"
1lauehtot, the fair Georgina•• -and
(TO BP, c1O1 TititJPD.
long sham I found they wtreu't worth
it. Lovely night, isu't It?"
"What brought you?" po1elsts Au-
drey ueiliuhiugl7. There is a little
Nash in her sonlble eyes, her nand
tightens on the 00rtein,
'If," answers Mr. Verner plaintively,
•' I 110w stated to you an 1no0nerOvertible
fact, and told you the simple beautiful
truth, and said it wits luy tell toes and
my. two heels, I dare say you would
think m0 rude—oh '?"
"You aro always rude," says ,dies
Ponsonby aalndy, "so that goes for
nothing. Still I unlet ask you to answer
my. question. What brought yon here
at that hoar ?"
"1t is impossible to 1.0 snr0. 11 1t I
suppose it is whatever brought net here
at any other bona."
" \Vill yon answer ole or uot ?" de.
mauls she angrily.
"IIow can I? It is so alvfnlly harts
to foldout! if even helium love be not
the growth of bureau will, hot' shall .I
1C11010 what &Orange lance .1101.01 me
abroad to -night to wander amidst Ct1n-
r0erian (darkness and meditate upon--"
"Now time you have dome, and re-
fuse a reason for your coming, I must
only beg you will;. o again," says Audrey
She (drops dui cnrtl1in end turns t' is -
,lawfully towards the door; hitt, when
ate is uu.y halfgivey to it, 11r. Vying
springs to 111)1 feet 11.111 luu•:'i,v alter her.
"Eureka:" ,sx:Tains lie, will, cs, I:rium.
pliant air of one mite has pto.u,1 himself
victorious over some brain -worry. ' I've
found it Whet a 1ortuuate
isn't it it?" looking to her for sympn.thy.
" And just at the Iasi moment too 1
Another hesitation, and I should have
heou—legit; you would have 00(18!"
•• \\'oil," ew7s Audrey severely, staud-
iug a good way back from hint and
gazing at him with unfriendly eyes• --
well ?"
It is plain she is not to be done out of
the desired explanation.
" lav presence hero, Miss Poosouby,"
beg!ns he, with an artless caudonr, "at
this nuseemly boa was Oau40,1, I have
jmst discovered, by au overpotveriu1
elre to see--"
Miss Ponsonby frowns.
" Wait a WO" exclaims he hastily.
"To se,—t see any thug thet waq far
away fr, t1 Mrs. Drummond l There—
you cannot object to that, can you?"
1 Uou't object to anything,' says Au-
drey, just a little wearily.
him has ooree bark to her window
agate, and 1y now let. t.,i113,, Out towerds
the suentud darkness, at though wooing
a tou.11 from the cold night -wind. Far
clown below, in the woods of (irayland.
the nightingales aro sinning their wild
sweet catches, answering each other her little foot—" onlyo away."
from branch to branch. Itis a heavenly „ I can't," eaya Dir.V yner, sinking ill•
harmony that beats upon the heart, and to a chair--" I'm too far gone. The
seeks—as though it ware tho herald of walk home would be too touch for me,
Do 5mu think' dad,' if he knew it, would
seed me hungry Iron) his door 2"
At tine sic struggles wildly with a
rising force within her, mad at last they
both burnt out langlling. It does her
good. 'When the small paroxysm is
over, she sighs heavily, and looks at
1iy•tlle-bye whore is ' dad'" asks
"In bed—two hours aro."
" Sleeping the sleep of the just, no
doubt; if not, no doe ever did it. And
Sir Ohioksy 2"
"In bed too, I trust."
" So do I. For once we are agreed.
And an excellent place it is for him. I
hope his dreams are rose'coloured. I'm
so fond of Changer that I'd always have
hin, in bed, if I couldn't Have him in
heaven. Servants in bed also ?"
" YOB."
" Doyon mean to say"—with a quick
glenc0 at her pale profile—" that you
Wive been lcuepiug a lonely vigil here
for nearly three hours 2"
" I didn't find it lonely. Do you
thiole"—with an angry contraction of
her brows—" Mud I am 0 child or a fool
to be terrified by the mere Ma of being
aloue ?"
"AB, true! I forgot that mind of
yours—tho a01m%i0g strength of it! But
even that, I suppose cauuot keep you
from feeling the pangs of hunger at
times? Do say you could eat some-
thing now, if only to please rue I"
Ill truth the girl is looking very wan
and tired and disheartened, ill spibo of
her efforts ab control.
"1f I am uot, you are," she says OVA.
sively. " Come to the pantry then,
since you won't go back to Dlrs. Drum-
mond. As you ray" ---wistfully—" 1
suppose ' dad' would tot like you to leave
his house hungry."
"1 export' dad' 1s my saving obtuse.
You 110v0 410 bowels of mercy. Never
mind; I forgive you. By.the-way, lvliy
did't Sir Ohickey turn up at the Drum.
mends' to -night?"
" Because I declined to go."
" Well done himself I Now who Rays
men are deceivers ever—constant to
out love never'? William Shakespeare,
I despise you! ' Your supposed know.
ledge of human nature is a big swindle 1
Bet stay —I forgot l He never knew
our Cbioksy—that perhaps accounts for
it. I Bey, Audrey, you've got a new lock
to rho pantry since I• was here I :Chu
lumen e1 a. intone= since, wieuM
had been half vexatloae. Bhe is one of
those people evhose laughter 18 infre-
4uent,.,anll therefore her mirth, when
beanie 18 more infectious than that of
Dear me 1" exclaims Mr. 'Vyner,
with oilcan, gazing at her with 0xag-
g{,ert-00d amtmement. " .Aro you ill ?
has anytiline hurt you?"
"No; still my laughter has done me
good; it has opened my boob, To
prove 1t, I will confess that, if you un-
iasten the deer of the Rafe over th0r0,
you will find not only tho beef I spoke of,
but a chicken."
"Yo gods," crio', 111r. \'ylor, " why
don't yo conte down from Olympus 9"
Ire opens the door of the sa'.e. " And
a very nice plump ohiolptu too 1" be ro-
marlts admiringly. " Atter all, P421 1111•
ther glad the gods have not responded
to 117 call. It will be just enough for
you and nee "
1111438 P01180011', with the most esbou-
lehing rapidity, hits covered the small
table near hor with le whit) cloth. Not
the very faintest feis11101011 of "utsr"ire
honte is discernible in her movements --
not even the Iluowledge that lit Mr. l'y-
nor'e own home serrates io livery pa -
fain for him all such services as therm
has the power to render her ktWItVitttd or
self-enn;431one, Anthony \'y'ler tvas for
too many years 000 of "t111 boys'—
thon1h (lnriug his time she was but a
tall slender impetuous child, only hall
conscious of rho existeue0 of auythiug
RUSSELS PUMP WORKS. I r�Yr 717 fGLU`EL�PYH Yi p1Yt, lI]�f17'
(lUi'll,I'll, _- 05'I',
Take 111.11011 pleasure in ttn11o11no-
ing to the people of Brussels awl
surrounding country that having
Purchased the Business of Mr. (3.
Eike, old Mill Street, opposite Mr.
P. Scott's Blacksmith Shen, they
will keep a Good Supply of
And are prepared to fill all orders
at Reasonable Prices. Repairing
neatly and promptly clone.
Please call and examine our
stock before purchasing elsewhere,
peace—to enter there. Bet sometimes
pulses throb too madly and said hearts
are too full to admit any new-0oraer.
whatever name he bear.
"Yes, I was
saturated with Mrs.
Drummond. I tbourht Pd leave whilst
yet there was tine,'' goes on Dir. Verner,
after a brief glance at her. He too is
leaning outside the window beside her,
being no doubt as smitten with the
beauty of the night as she fs. " I felt,
if 1 stayed a second later', that 1ny
Hour world be come. Aud, as amother'
ill-1aw•now, do you think she would be
"I never think of her," says Andrey,
her head turned away from him as she
gazee into the cool misty mysteries of
the summer night.
"I would that I were you 1" says lir.
4 y ler. " She preys upon my brain,
a elmegll " — with a sudd011 brilliaut
cheep of tone and a benignity of omen•
mance—.e—" it must he acknowledged
that our dear friend is a very street
creetnr0—such an affectionate disposi-
tion, such a diem of 80)11-1111 ?
" Did anything else flow to -night?"
asks hiss Ponsonby, turning upon hila
soddenly, with a suspicion of wrath in
her dark eyes. " Have you had too
(1111011 of their execrable champagne?
The idea would sltggest itself. What
eceeslnns your high spirits ? What hat,
iednee1 you to leave your partners to
conic here'?"
•' Haven't 1 told you ?" returns .lir,
\''mer reproachfully, " It was pure
lrigllt that drove me from the palatf'1.'
hails of the people beyond. How their
lime., shine throeit 1 the density t11(1.1
parr, ns I Why. they put the very stare
to theme: 11,11,'s the good of be•
lug s. ,11rr%11I if you can't outshine yon)
neighbours—eh 2 Yes, it was a nigh,
1111 r, xi"tp111 that bade me beat a hasty
retreat. 'rney were all getting too fon,
of me—too sugary, )3y-the•byo, per.
haps it is the old fellow's—the grand.
father's—molasses that rushes them all
s0 sweet 1"
' What an opinion you have of your-
self 1" says Audrey, with a curling lip
"Do you indeed think that all the world
is e0 0421110419 to matey you 11"
0h, not all the world!" Ile looks
ab her fixedly, and she returns the look.
" I have the very best reasons for know -
int+ that all the worid18 not so favourably
(lispoeed towards me," he say's present-
ly. "Now you, for besta0110 "—she
n10vea. away nnpatiOntly, and a faint
expression that is either amusement or
lmcertaiuty or annoyance crosses hie
fade—" you would mot, I Know, deign to
look at mo wets I to lay my allegiance
at your feet I"
" That is a good thing rot you to
know," ravine she' coldly, " Perhaps,
1f you came to the same knowledge
abort many other' women of your a0•
eifitanne. '('04) 19,414)1, loud volirself on
L :nor to span Oufarm l,roperts at
Hoot. ltlt,
Saab dop erttnenf
Iain owing, of ti enoaLAlat, 'ro lluparl a prac
tioal tratnhtg for tho alllelmltconduot of Ut1ah'
Ilona afrairala Elia 'whore and work 01 t110 !nett'
tption. Ito graduates aro already 1(01(11043 110'
aeon mile p0slttonfu the OOmnloroial contrail
01 thoDontinton, 1;npr,letle Young Wren alas
women aro thoroughlyproparod for position'
as 1ook•koelors, short.hend writers, Oorm-
apon,Tema, or 9)0logrllph Oporatat'a. Simi:
roastvadntneytirnp, VDT 00001„0 and
112.081jvtng toll M; r[Ac001101IOX Friusipat
W. 33. DiC&SUN,
Brussels, Ont.
Money to Loan.
Any amount of Money to Loal, ou
Farm or Village property at
Straight Loans with privilege of re-
paying when required. Apply to
Div. Court Clerk, 1.3russels.
of Pr rate Funds have just been placed in
my hands for Investment
Borrowers can have their loans complete
e three does if title is satisfactory.
Apply to E. E. WADE.
last one—at least, the 0110.1 know—Asa°.
to wobble—sol Remember? B •the•
bye, I'm not a hit surprised, you know,
that Sir ()hickey is so head over ears in
love with you!'
"No? Neither am I," says Miss Pon-
sonby indifferently.
" hood girl," murrains Dir. Vyner.
\vherenpon Audreyy, stirred by some
secret emotion, brake into a low gay
laugh --a latish very different frons' the,
The Famous ROYAL
'.Phe undersigned still keeps on
hand the
Genuine Bell Organ
Of Guelph
New Raymond
Sewing Iachine.
The Famous ROYA.
He also keeps the
In the World,
Large and Small,
At prices to suit Purehasar.
WRINGERS, or Anything
you want, except looney.
Brussels, Dec. 10.
Cook Stoves,
Parlor Stoves,
Box Stoves.
Stove Stands,
Stove Piping.
I bog to inform the fanning com-
munity that 1 ant 1101\' prepared to.
take in
Carding, SSinani11 ,
' And Till eaving,
at my New Brick Woolen 14Iill,
and promise to give Satisfaction
to those favoring us with their
trade. I have on hand and will
keep constantly in stock a full as-
sortment of
At Coal House or delivered 118 re-
quired. Call or soad you orders.
Intttted. Goods, Dress Gaud•.,
Cotton Siftings, Gime Cottons, &(
Also line Canadian Tweeds,
for Suits which loo will got mad('
up on short notice) and a hood fit
warranted every ti111e.
Highest Market Price
at my New Mills before . rains
Geo. Howe.