HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-12-4, Page 108 A 1: 'L"1YO8T DEc, 4,1885, Are You Listening ? The Best Place to Hoy your Christmas presents it 51 uTOEI: t POST" Bookstore. We have the Largest Assort. merit of Toys in Town. Special Value lo Beautiful Family Bibles, Albums, Pur - see, Story Books, &o. if you are getting up a Christmas Tree give 05 a call. Special Discount to Sun. day Schools. See our Christmas and New Year's Garda. all New and Tasty. and Sold at a Law Figure. Give is a call at The Post Bookstore. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. OUTHERN EXT ENSI0N, W G & B .R Train leaves Brussels Station, north and *nth as Eollow5• WHOOPING Gough, 1Yrru so much gospel the people of 1lrnss0b3 should be growing better. J. R. (haus arrived home from. Winnipeg last Saturday night itftor an absence of about a month. Tim POST and weekly Globe to the end of 18811 for 12.25, in advance. Now le the time to subscribe. TEE Farmers' ball. postponed a few weeks ago, will take place, in the Town Brill, on friday evening, the 18th idst. JOHN BOI SREAVOS has a handsome dia. play of Xmas and New Year's cards, If you don't see them you miss a treat. ANOTHER communication from An- other Ratepayer is ornwdod out this issue, Our correspondents Muar boil tbelr Ootll mu nidi tions down. J. BDrsns has a lot of new and second hand Buggies, Waggons, and Democrats, for sale, cheap, to make ronin for a stook of Cotters and sleighs. ON Thursday evening, Dee. 17th, Rev. J. Boss, P. A.., will deliver a lecture on "Character," in Melville church. It is well worth heating. Soo advt. Owing South, tlolaegYorth, ,iso. IIAnoRRtvrq' Whooping Cough Syr. i t rriblo cough. Try a bottle, only 25 cents. GEORGE THOMSON fins removed Lis grceery and bakery to the store re- cently vacated by Jno. Grower. Mr. Thomson greatly improved the ap- pearance of the promises. Tins newest, handsomest, and best Al- bums ever shown in Brussels, also beautiful toilet sots, odor oases, dressing case., &o. An' faith he'll prent it. I are at "The Drug Store," Jno. Hargreaves & Co. Loop out for George Love's advt. next tock. He ii pushing the cele- brated Bell organ, of Guelph, and the Now Raymond sewing machine this winter. A. cum wanted to do general house work. Apply immediately. Mrs. John D. Ronald. THaNIes.--We have had the pleas- ure of a number of calls from sub- scribers to THE Pose, who settled up back subscriptions and renewed for next year. There are a number of others who would greatly oblige us if they did likewise, as we need the Lumley to square up our accounts. Sunday the pastor will conduct both Let us hear from you. A7,,iil 7•9sa,m. Mixed moo a.m. up is ahead of all remedies for tl a to 859 m I xpros 9.-A p.m The morning train !Miir and the night train north will only run on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. ..., ........1._ Express, ..._..11:IQ a.11. ME pres...........A;2A p.m, A chiel's amaug ye talonnotes DECEeB-a. Mad. J. Mulls, of Stratford, is in town. W. A. TATE, 0 former Brusselite, now residing in Toronto, spent Sun- day in town. TuoiuZe's Horse suit Cattle Food, only six Dents per lb. at Geo. Stoker's. EVERY scholar in the Methodist Sabbath school will be presented with a Christmas card this year. THOS. FLMTMER issuer of Marriage Lie encs. THE evening service in Knox church was withdrawn last Sunday. Next services. Saar water herrings and White fish at Thomson's. INsPEOTOR MALLOCE gave the pupils of the public school a holiday last Friday. He was well pleased with the work done in the school. PIPES, cigar holders, ladies' hand stitch. cis, violins and violin strings at Fletcher's. THERE will be no service in Mel. villa Church next Sunday, as the pastor will be out of town assisting at a communion service in Wingham. Ascalon Syrup 500. per gallon at Thom - son's. CURLERS 0ROANXZE: A chibl has Jut intimated his intentions of offer- ing a tuque and beeom for the first competition. He has them here too, so get ready boys. Portz XXX White Wine Vinegar. A %eon & Co. THE snow falling as we go to press gives every indication of making good sleighing. We hope it may, as busi- ness has been very dull lately owing to the bad roads. To RENT.—House with seven rooms, and ata8le. A. Hunter. SEVERAL Brusselitea will attend the dedicatory services of the handsome brick Methodist church at Lucknow next Sunday. Miss Maggie Camp- bell, of Seaforth, formerly of Brussels, assists the church choir in the mus- leal exercises. DirirruumA and Croup remedy, at Geo. Realtor's. TRE Brussels hand has made an engagement with the Emma Wells Comedy Coy. to play' for a week in the Brussels Town Hall, about the last of February. They aro a good troupe and will draw a crowd. They only charge 10 touts admission with Deserved seats at 15 cents. SRconn gaowth hickory nutters can be got at Buyers' Carriage Shop, at the bridge. ROBERT BURNS, in writing a peens, was always careful to use words that the most uneducated person conld readily understand. Here is one of Robert's choicest stanzas :— "O Tickle yeuks the keckle Soup, An' a unsrcker girs the graitb, For was and and was! the °rowdies loup O'er jouk an' ballan, brow and braith, 'where awe the Goggia hirpled fair, An' blithsome poortith teamed the loaf, There's use a burn° giglet rare But Maws in ilka jinking coof I" THE Great London Ghost Mystery was on the boards at the Town Hall on, Thursday evening of this week. Tile Toronto Globo in epeaking of it says :—The London Ghost Mystery is really all its management announc- es it to be, a moral, refined and high. ly amusing entertainment, we are therefore faithfnl in vouching for its excellence, unlike many performers of the sensational stamp, the London Mystery is free from objectionable features, GIRL wanted, Apply at THE Pose Pub- lishing House. Lass Sunday as James Shurrie, of Morris, and family were driving into town to attend churoh, the back scab of the carriage was jerked loose as the rig went over the crossing at Queen street. The occupants of the seat were pitched out, backwards, and one of the girls was somewhat injured. Now is the time to get your Photos. for absent friends at Xmas time. Bauslangh is turning out any thing you oan desire, from beautiful cabinets to life size, samples of which can be seen at gallery lately oc- cupied by R. F. Urea, Brussels. WHEN J. A. Creighton, our station- master, was coming home from Tor- onto last week he had a little boy, named Russia Martin, a grandson of Arch. Taylor, of Morrie, put into his care at Guelph. The little fellow had strayed away from his father, who fives at Tottenham, and was try- ing to make his way t0 Brussels. Mr. Creighton took charge of the lad and brought him to his grandfather, safe and sound. "oc 1 Mary where did you got those nioe Photos t" "Down at Bauslaugh's, they snake the finest work in the oountry. Those wore made when it was raining and they make them just as well when it rains as when it shines." "Astonishing ! don't it." THE Band Concert will be field a week from next Wednesday evening, Dee. 10th. In addition to the exoel- lent program of vocal and instrument- al music there is a gift enterprise in connection with it. The following is a partial list of what may be drawn : —Silver watch, centre table, sot of glassware, toilet set, handsome butter knife, bag of flour, cord of wood, -gold breastpin, suit of clothes, fruit cake, patent cleaner, extreme remover, gent's walking cane, 2 illustrated books, 25 ten cent cigars, au elegant lamp and other articles. Tho pro• ceede of the entertainment will be ap- plied on the purchase of new instru- ments to become the property of the , town. TEMPERANCE.—The usual monthly temperance meeting was held in Melville church on Tuesday evening. The night was very dark yet a good. ly number attended. The program was a very interesting one and con. sisted of musical selections from D. Stewart and daughter, and Misses Lizzie and Katie Wilson assisted by Robb ; Wilson, recitation "The last hymn," by Mies Joan Ross ; reading, "The prostrate form," by Miss Rich. ardson, short addresses by S. Fear and J. D. Ronald. Eaoh person taking part performed their part very well and people often pay 25 cents and do not hear as good a program. Rev. Mr, Ross occupied the chair, The next meeting will be held on the 1st Tuesday in January in the Methodist church. -- Swint talk of another grocery in Brussels. '1110 more the merrier. SILVER plated warn direct from factories and warranted Quadruple Plato, very cheap tat Fletcher's. Satin Tin POST 10 the abeent boy, It will give him all the home news ; $1,50 pays for it to the end of next year, B'ILLNaAns, letterheads, noteheads, statements and envelopes furnished with neatly printed headings cheap,. or than you can buy the blank paper, Try Tun Pos' Publishing house. JAS. BOYE11s has on Hand is large stook of first-class cutters, well fiuielled, which he will sell very cheap. All new work warranted. AT the School Board meeting lret. Friday oventng Miss Richardson was re-engaged as teacher in our Publio School for 1880. The staff will con- sist of Jno. Shaw, Prtnoipal, \iiee Sayers, Miss Hambly, Miss Richard- son and Miss Ross. A Dzw second hand °utters for sale. Call and see them. J. Buyers, G. A. PowELL has set an example worthy of copying from in plaoing a handeomo street lamp opposite the Garfield House, On these dark nighte it lends its friendly light and dispels the darkness in that neighborhood. Who will be the next to do the same thing ? THE rush for the Lion's bats, caps, burn- etts,flanuels and 10o, dress goods is un- abated. A. G. DEAnorAN, of Delaware town- ship, father to G. A.. Deadman, is great on the fruit business. He has about 20 acres in orchard ttnd this year has 2,500 bushels of apples. On a little over a quarter acre of laud he grew 125 bushels of strawberries. SPA0101.Is Lodge rooms, tapestry an& tinsel, carved work, and fine twined linen are all very nice ; Gold sashes, pomp and tomfoolery show at funerals is very becoming play for dudes, but commend me to the A. 0. U. W. that pays the $2,000 cash, at a rate of about $15 yearly. advt. Goan and silver watches, jewelry, wed- ding rings, gem rings, ladies' and gent's chains, colored gold setts, a full stook of goods suitable for the holiday trade at T. Fletcher's. Call and examine. No trouble to show goods. Watches, Clocks and Jew- elry neatly repaired. THE Brussels flax mill will be brought prominently before the world by a large exhibit at the World's Exposi- tion at London next year. Samples of threshed, unthreshod, rotted, by water and dew, and also dressed fax will be sent. The flax turned out at our mill is hard to beat and we expect Bruseels,will stand No. 1 in a contest. Woon ! Woon l I—F. C. Rogers ie now prepared to take any quantity of hard or soft cord wood. in trade, from this date, but none will be taken on book accounts unless previously arranged. Oat. 8111,1885. Brussels Salt Works THE "M. L. P. 0." takes; pleasure in announcing their intention of hold- ing a literary entertainment in the Town Hall on Christmas eve. They have for their object the mission field and the replenishing of the Mel- ville Ohuroh library. The society is composed of ladies. A full program will bo issued in due time and as it is conducted entirely by home talent, we hope it will be encouraged by a full house. Oui little friend Allio Qormaok is BANKING. laid up with a bad "dose" of whoop. ing cough, VroINTOBH +C NXoTAGG'ART, Lem—Ladies muff, the Pinder will please I.V.A. leave same at the Lion store, AnvEO'rleE your farm if you want to sell. Now is the time, people want to buy. Gall at Tuft Pose office end leave copy at once. TEE electionsin the Old Country are evoiting a great dual of interest the balance, of power appears to ret with the Parnellitee. ON Monday afternoon Geo. Habit met with an aooideut in the flax mill while eoutaliing flax by which his loft hand was badly lacerated, Ile will bo laid all for some time. A. M. Kar has gond to Glencoe whore he takes charge of the post Now that the season is approach• ing when cattle must be cared for, farmer's would do well to remember the provisions regarding estrays. The law requires that every person who takes in a stray animal must notify the township clerk of his mun- icipality of the fact, in addition to ad- vertising it, giving as minute a de- scription of the animal as possible. The clerk is required to keep a list of such animals. Persons failing to comply with these provisions of the law snake themselves subject to a heavy penalty, and, besides, cannot collect expenses for keeping, etc. A, 0. U. W.—Geo. Love, Master, J. A. Creighton, Recorder, and Jno. Alexander, Financier, were appointed by the above named Lodge to wait on Mrs. Beharriell, which was done, by appointment at the Lion Store. A check for $2,000 was placed in the widow's hands, whioh, on being pre- sented at the bank, Mr. McIntosh im- mediately cashed, without discount. Mrs. Beharriell, in the following words, warmly thanked the deputa- tion, she having filly and substant- ially realized the meaning of the 'moi- ety's paternal motto, Charity, nope, and Protection. . ' To the 4. 0. 11. W ., No. 138, Brr4s- sels, Herewith accept my warmest thanks for the great kindness shown. me at the funeral of my husband, and also in the prompt payment to me of two thousand dollars ($2000) amount in full of my late husband's benefi- ciary, Again thanking you, I re main Respectfully yours, MARY BEwowaisuL. office and express offs)°. A. M. is well posted on the post office work. Robs. Clennahan, Mrs. Gormacll's brother-in-law, is the postmaster. Less week Scott Bros, of Seafortlu, puts beautiful Dunham upright piano into the vesidebce of Thos. Fleotclaer, The instrument has all the latest improvements and cannot fail to give satisfaction. The Sale was made by Jas. Dun, who is the local agent. HANn in the birth notices. People "bully -rag" us because they don't op polar in THE Pose auil unless ilio medical men act as special reporters we don't see what we eau do. We are a Councillor and can't take time to add tbie last department to our other duties. WE suppose you road A. R. Smith's advt. in this issue. If not you want to get the paper end see what he has to say, as it may be money in your pocket. A. R. has a ]arge stook, part of it mentioned in advt., rind is doing e good trade. In the millinery de- partment he is taking a leading part and advises the public to call and see fur themselves. THE corn -husk prophet, the musk- rat prophet, the clown -on -the -duck's - back prophet, the goose -bone prophet, the burdock.on•the- cow's -tail prophet, the wild-goose prophet, the guessing prophet, and the prophet of all evil report and good report, and other prophets, all agree upon having a mild winter. WE are always pleased to haveitems of news from all outlying districts. If anything of interest happens in your neighborhood, write it down on a postal card and send it to us. Give all the particulars you oan and let us have the news as soon as poss- ible. Items that will outline the ex- tent of building operations, the gen- eral trade, accidents, social events, farm sales, etc., will be particularly acceptable. A. Lnur.—It having been circulat- ed in London that J. H. Drewe, of that city, but at present visiting his parents in Brussels, was to be the hangman in the execution of Ben Simmons at London last Friday, Mr. Drewe writes to the Free Press from Brussels on the fatal day contradict- ing the unpleasant rumor. People are a little too ready at picking up and circulating reports before they ascertain whether they are true or false. BORN. Hown,—I0 Brussels, on Monday, Novr. 80th, the wife of Mr. Geo. Howe of a son. BANKERS BRUSSELS TRANSACT A GTBNIIRA3 BANKING BUSINESS. NotoeothaudMacon.ted, fsterGetatlawail0n loensita repayabloi;(1. domaud, Pronto attentionglvent000lleetioue, -8 LEGAL AND CONVE YA6CWDG. (1 IFFARD E L L IO T. L A W '..A Office, Iraut' •.lock, Brussels, Monoy taloa.. fp, E. WADI+',BARRISTER &ca d1 011taofor+neriyoaoupled oy A. 0ol1,Esa.du Leakle'slltook. Meaoytolend. bjsT B. DICKSON, (lobo with (Yarrow dr P,G rOudioOtOda- Grant's131ook,nrue ei5 000neytoLoan° in -A LEX. HUNTER, CLERK OF 1 the fourth .nrvisiou Court Co. Huron C surailes or,Na ui ry dainyu rod and to Loan Ltnd,Loan and Culleetl aAq ant,' polleoElpna made. Offioo, Gxaham't Bloat Bruseo1 MARRIED. BTALTR11—C110cXER.—III Exeter, at the resi- dence of the bride's father, by Rev. Mr. Pascoe, on Nov. 25th, Mr, Andrew J. Skater, of Oshawa, to Miss Minnie, only daughter of Mr. John Crocker. JAIIIESON^F000050N,—A1 Grey, on the 2nd inst., at the residence of the bride's' parents, by Rev. W. Smyth, of brus- sels, Mr. George Jamieson to Miss Elizabeth Ann Ferguson, both of Grey. Heaas—Ross.—In Elma, on Nov. 25th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. R. Paul, 161'. James Henry, of Elmo, to Miss Flora Ross, of Grey. BOTHwBLL_HiGOINsow.—In Oranbrook, on Deo. 2nd, at the residence of Mr. Dan- iel Zimmer, by the Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. John Bothwell to Miss Rosetta Hig- ginson, both ofCranbrook. ACUTLON SALES. Tuunstme, Duo. 10e . 12 0 ni stook,, on lot 21, eon, 10, Grey, A. Reymann, suet. R. McLachlan & . Sleminon, proprietors. TDEsuAT, Doc. lSno.—Farm containing 182 acres, on lot 82, con. 14, Meliillop, to commence at 2 o'clock p.m. A. Delgatty, suet. C. 1. Ryan, prop. Bruetivelrt Market. Oornleor2D OAnerULLY EVERT Weso. White Fall Wheat...... •81 82 Red Winter Spring Wheat Spring wheat (new) Barley Oats • Peas Butter, tube and rolls .. Ego per dozen • • Flour per barrel 1 Potatoes.. ........ • ' Hay per ton ' Hideo per ib..... ..," Dressed Hoge . • • •sole Sheep ekiaealk er , aohk� Groy,Dec, let, 188g. t wool MEDICAL CARDS.�� A.. iu1oNAUCYI'{TON, lf, D. C. • M „L, R,O. Y„Edbiburgh • Physlelsm, SurgoonandAceoucheur, Ofneein Mrs Shiel' bloats, lurnbury Stroet.l 82 /4 50 ' 75 65 r'47 28 66 67 18 16 16 do 5 00 00 25 00 800.9000h 6 00 , 00 .5 O 60 1 00 17 18 if A, HUTCHINSON, M. D. tl a. R. C. C. fidln.bnrgb. Hasromovod to hrereeidenee on Milistree the irons° formerly occupied by Dr. Graham' and ,villbe there at night. Qo still retains an office at Hargreave5'Dru g Store, DENTAL. (-1 L. BALL, L. D. ., HONOR • Graduate and Member of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Toronto. The various an eothotios glvon, also a new local anoistheytiofor the game only. All operations ,woo Isbalel'001000 performed rPdowellts store Prices 8 a.m. to s p.m. BUSINESS CARDS. MISS O'CONNOR, TEAOHER of Thorough Bass, vocal, and Lustre. meatal Musio on Piano, Organ and Guitar,', noferenco—Ladies of Lorette,Guelph.t Residence—No.3 ,(stall) BrickTerraeo.5 $Brnesols,Ont, H.MoORAOKEN, rr• aeuornarriage Lb:mimes. Office at 111 grooi sry,T•rnberrystreel. a 2 -?g TURN NOTT, VETERINARY e Surgeon.Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Toronto. Reeidenee.thebouse lately rumple db:Ogre .J.Parker Mainstroot,Drur- sale' AMoNAIR,ISSU ER OF MAR - A.. rialto Licenses appointment of Lieutenant-Governor,0ommis0l0I0r aro., Q 15 .Convey neerand AgontFiro ioaeeanoe0oi Offiaeatt.he0raabrook Po 'Witco' ROBT. CUNNINGHAM,r. Insurance Agent, GUELPH, ONTARIO T• M. O'OONNOR, FIRE, LIFE, 1 • Accident and Loan Insurance Agent for Boma of the best and most reliable Companies in the Dominion. Office. brink terrace, Turn - beery St.,near the Station, 8 months. MISS DARTER, DRESSMAKER and milliner, wishes to inform the pub- lic that elle has returned from Toronto, after learning Prof. Moody's new system of cutting and will teach it in all its branches to any lady desirous of soouriag the best of systems for dross and mantle cutting. For further in- formatiou apply to Miee Garter, Label, or to Mr, Tames Carter,872 Young street, Toronto, Head Office for Canada. 1a -rix M. BLASHILL, Butcher, thanking his many onstomersfor their Iiber alsupportf orthepasteix years wishoe to'Inform them that be- ing b,rnedoutofthe Old stand has fated up a shop iu Smale's Block In dist-class style where he hopes to sea all aha old customers and as many nowonoeas son et to give him call. r keep nothing but nrst-class moats , all kinds of PoultryandSausageMoat Delivered to all Imhof the Town Free. Dash paid for Fat Stock. THOMAS GOODWILL, ROOFER, Pont Office Block, Brussels, Agent for Joseph James dr Go „Montreal and Toronto, Aotmolite Cement Rooliug—for Hur- on and Bruce Oountiee. Gravel, -Pin, Iron and other roofs repaired and satistaotion guaranteed. Ilstimatee given, -Tar Al Felt at wholesale, IN TRE HIGH OOURT 01'JUSTIOB, CFIANCRRY DIVISION. In the matter of JAMAS PURVIB, deceased, —AND— DAVID PURVIS, an infant, ander the age ed twenty -ono years. Pursuant to an order of Jame-'J..Cartwrigbt Require, official 11010r00, m5dle.in tbo matter of the estate of the said/James Purvis, deceas- ed. the creditors of t, oats James Purvle, tab of the township o6x' Morrie, In the County of Huron, yeorn40n, who died 10 or about the month nef September, one thousand eight bunr'.iiud and nighty three, are on or before the 511,0 day of Ueoember, one thousand eight hundred end eighty ave, to sand by Poet, pre- paid, to Edward Ellis Wade, Esquire of the village of Brussel), in the County of iinron, Solicitor for the infant Petitioner herein, their ehristian and surnames, mailroom and description of the fon particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of their ssonritios,if auy,hold by them, or indolent -1 thereof they will be peremptorily 1y oxoluded from the benefit of the said order. Every orediter holding any seouaity le to pro - dues the same before meat my Chambers at the City of Terence, in the County of York, on thestth day of December, one thoueond eight hundred and eighty live' at the hour of 10 o'olook,in the forenoon, being the ,time no. pointed foradjudioation en the claims. Dated this 24th day of ILovembor,A. D.1881, JAMES S. CARTwRtIGHT, 21.411i Reglrtrar Q, B O. �.t