HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-12-4, Page 68
t'Ja.1 8Le. USSMIsb. t• Ote'1
I71to. 4, 1885.
Directory of Churches and Societies.
MIILVILLE Cuuucn,--Sabbath Services at
11 a.m. and 0:311 p.m. Sunday School at
1:30 p.nx. Rev. Jim, Ross, 0. A„ pastor.
:KNox Cachou.—Sabbath Services at 11
rami, and 0:30 p.m. Sunday School at 3:30
pan, Bev. S. Jones, pastor,
Sr. Jone's Outrun. --Sabbath Services at
11 a.m. and 7 pan. Sunday School at 0:30
a.m. Rev, W. T. Cluffe, incumbent.
METHODxa'1' Cncacn,--Sabbath Services at
10:30 a,m, and 0130 pan, Sunday School at
3:30 p.m. Rev. Um. Smyth, pastor.
Rouo10 CATIroLle Cnoncu,—Sabbath Ser-
vice third Sunday in every month at 11 a.m.
Itev. P. J. Shea, priest.
MEcEAN1Os' I\$TITOTE Reading Room and
Library in Holmes' block, will be open
from 13 to a o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and
laturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Librarian.
Oen FELtow's Lopuw every Thursday
evening in Graham's block.
MASONIC Lanes Tuesday at or before full
moon in Vanatone's block.
A. 0. ii, W. LODGE meets on 2m1 and
last Wednesday evenings of each month.
Fonss'i'Eo'a Loves 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month in Smalo's 111011.
L. 0. L. lot Monday in every mouth in
Orange Hall.
POST Orriea.—Oflios Hours from e a,m.
to 7 pan.
".I'11 join you presently," as the
minister remarked to the young coup-
le just as he started for the key to the
01111rch door.
0000, whooping dough and bronchitis im-
mediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. gold by
G. A.D°adman.
A clothier advertises by asking
"What is more handy than 11 pocket
In a shirt?" We unhesitatingly
answer—Two pockets.
TEAT hooking cough oda ho so quickly oared
by Shiloh's Cure. 008 guarantee it. Bold b y 0-
A. Doadmah.
School examiner : What ie the
plural of loan ? Little girl :
Examiner : Very well. What is
the plural of child ? Little girl :
BRrr.ou's Cough and Consumption Cure is
sold by G. A. Doadmau on a guarantee. It
young father—
"Yon'm little, en you'm Brack, en you
ain't ban'some. But. Lor' brass yo,'
chile, no more was 1 w'en I's yore
age 1"
Saxnoa'o Catarrh Remdey—s positive our°
for Catarrh. Diptheria. and Canker Mouth.
Bold by G.A. Deaadmn.
An English paper reports that,
during recent explorations at Nineveh,
a petrified umbrella was found in line
of the temples. Nearby was the petri-
fied man, who was just about to make
off with it.
BLEEPLESenigbta, made miserable by that
terrible cough, Shiloh's Cure is the remedy
101700, Bold by G. A. Deadman.
"Jim" said an honest coal -dealer
to one of his drivers : "Jim, make
that ton of coal two hundred pounds
short. Its for a poor, delicate widow,
and as ehe will have to carry all of
it up two flights of stairs, I don't want
' to overtax her strength."
WILL you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint? Shiloh'sYitalirer is guaranteed
to cure you. Bold by G. A, Deadman.
A. Fleeting ShadowsFriend—
"What on earth are you photograph-
ing the umbrella for, dear boy ?"
Amateur Photographer—"You said
you wanted to borrow it to go home
with, and I'm getting something to
remember it by, that's all." .
(lA0'ARR1 cured, health and sweet breath to
cured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 25
Dente, Nasal injector free. Bold by Goo. A.
Not fairly Game.—Proprietress of
game and "delicatessen" emporium
—"I am very sory Soso rabbits and
gkvir-r-rale find brairie-ehiggens vos
all sold owd ; aber hero is sllplendtd
sausage—I recommend dot," Cue -
tomer—" 'Ifraid that won't do ; my
wife']l never believe I shot it."
BE1Lon'0 Vitalizer is what you need for Com
attention ,loss of appetite, dizziness, and all
symptotos of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 70 Dents
per bottle. gold by 0.A. Deadman.
Sieve-ll-eervice—Malting broad. A
box of gloves—Pugilism. A. match-
box—When the pugilists come out
even. When forth the lover goes to
greet her. the tune he hums is iu
short meet her. A dangerous elevator
—Old ryo. Good for nothing—a
cipher. Why ought Old Boreas never
to want for mouoy ? He so easily
can ' raise the wind."
TE000 nm005 us who are suffering with
Bronchitis, or weakness of the throat or lunge,
should not delay, but tako Robinson's Phos-
phorized Emnlefon regularly, according to the
advice of their phaioian,or the directions on
the bottle. A lways ask for Robinson's Phos.
pborizodEmulsion, and be euro you got It.
The dieoovery of the lnstantaneon a RI0081111
Ottaking photographs has been quickly fol-
lowed in the modioal world by a perfect and
inetantonooua remedy for chi sou is aoliss and
pains, as Neuralgia, Toothache, Rheumatism,
eta. This valuable remedy ie palled Fluid
Lightning, and is sold at 25 conte a bottle by
J. Hargroaved es Co, Druggists,
McGregor to Parke's Catbolioy0orato is iu-
valuable for Wounds, Berea,. Balt ltbefim,
atria, Barns, Boalde and Pesters a healing
sad purifying dreosing. Do not be imposed on
with other useless preparation,( reoommend-
cd to be as good. Ustonly,MeGregor d, Parke'o
Carbolic Coyote. Sold by 3, Hargreaves do Oo.
A strong proof of Affection,—riret
dude—"You think that she loves you
then ?" seconddude--"I'm—posit-
ive of it, my dealt boy." First dude
What makes yon positive 2" Second
dude—"She has named be poodle
after nee, my dealt boy, and if that
isn't:a strong proof of a young lady's
affection then I'm no judge of the
deah oweeehahs, that's all,"
College Studeute sometimes raise
cane---whon they rush for it.
"limo will tell," de an old saying.
So will a woman.
Itis w Main husbaud who leas club.
bud his wife "Crystal," because elle
le always "on the watch."
the watch."
What ie the difference between a
woman's sphere and a woman's fear?
One's a house, t110 other's a moose.
Thorn ie almost as much windRup
to a Waterbury welch as there is to
an insolvent savings bank.
1 We fear the Montreal courts will
fold that the matter of compulsory
vaccination ]e ultra virus.
When the street lamps went out re-
cently iu the English metropolis all
England stood agaased.
Bev. J. 0. Vallis, Dutton, oortifleo :—"For
same years my wile has boon troubled with
Dyseepela, and had tried one thing after an-
other recommended with but little or no of -
foot till advised to give Mo0ro or'e Speedy
Qum a trial. 011130 taking the first bottle 1
have noticed a deckled imereyemonte, and can
with conadenoo recommend It to bo one of, if
not the beat modloluo 0a10410 for Dyspepsia.
Indigestion, Kidney ComplainLiver
C15 Complaint,
vegetable, Sold ata. Hargreaves i Co's. Doig
Stern. 1dal bottles given free.
A thoughtless boy with a shining
pail went singing gaily down the dale,
to where it s10(1 eyed cow with a brie-
died tall, on the clover sweet did her-
self regale. A bumble bee did gaily
sail over the soft and shadowed vale,
to where the boy with the shining
pail was milking the cow with the
brindle tall. Tho bee lit down on
the cow's right ear, her heels flew up
through the atmosphere—land up
through the leaves of a big oak tree,
the boy sailed into eternity.
Eighth Wender or the World.
It is demonstrated by history that tho Anc-
ients In many of the arts, notably arch(teoturo
far expelled the present ago, but is reserved for
cue present decade to produos the gnu wonder
of the world, I.e., West's worIu's wonder or
Family Liniment, which is infallible for Rheu-
matism , Sprains. Cuts, Brulsee, Sores and all
di00000a requiring external application, Price
25 cents cud 50 oents per bottle. Sold by John
Hargreaves d; Co.
HEAP WBIs)rEY.—Returns from the
Customhouse at Kootenay show that
during the two months, from 15th
Sept. to 15th Nov., 8,780 gallons of
whiskey was brought into that district,
the value of which 1s $11,157. Now,
on referring to the list of voters for
Kootenay we find they number just
80, and of these probably there are
not more than 15 who are really en-
titled to vote. It would seem, there-
fore, that the whiskey consumed eaoh
year in Kootenay amounts to 22,380
gallons, worth $66,942, which would
be 1,492 gals. for each voter. It is
stated that during the same period
two mule loads of flour were brought
into Kootenay 'district, but we aro
puzzled to know what they wanted
with so much flour.
much pleasure we announce to our roe dere
that /no. Hargreaves dr Uo., our wlde-awake
druggists, have scoured the agency of the 0ole-
brated West's Cough syrup. This is a com-
pound that has stood the teat of a quarter of a
century, midis an unfailing and certain oure
for all thr oat and lung troubles. 18 will relieve
a cough ilio magic, and the propriotora have
thousands of the most flattering testimonials
from eufferoro that bare been cured of that
dread disease, consumption ,111 its oarlyy etagoe
bronchitis, asthma, deo. Price, 25 omits, and 81
per bottle.
An old lady read a paragraph in
some one of the papers, the other
day, describing how a grindstone
burst in a sawmill, and killed four
men. She happened to remember
that there was a small grindstone
down in her cellar, leaning against
the wall. So she went out and got
an accident insurance policy, and
then, summoning her servant, and
holding a pie•board in front of her
face, so that, if the thing exploded,
her face would not be injured, bad
the stone taken Tato the road, where
twenty-four pails of water were thrown
over it, and a stick was stuck in the
hole, hearing a placard marked
"Dangerous." She says it is a mercy
the whole house was not blown to
pieces by the thing before this.
.E'aroln1 Notes.
Calves aro the must negleoted of
farm animals, says an exchange.
There are now in the United States
85 per cent. more cattle than in 1879,
The Cheviot breed of sheep ' has
been introduced on the mountain
ranges of California, at is said with
satisfactory results,
Recent investigations go to show
that mercury is liseloss as a remedy
for phlloxera which is so fatal to the
grape crop.
Ventilate the cellar by opening the
windows only at night and early
morning in summer and during the
middle of the day in winter.
The farmer is in need of a higher
education, a disciplined mind and a
larger amount of information, as a
means of self-protection.
The Short -horn is the favorite breed
for dairy purposes in New Zealand,
where the cows yield, under favor-
able circumstances, three to four
gallons of milk a day.
AUTUMNAL NOTES.—The agricultur•
al year is about closed. The first
freezes suggest the rapidly approach-
ing winter, and the usual precaution-
ary rnelteuros are now the order of
the day with the farmer,
The Eaoteru cranberry nlaretiee
aro puttiug looney iuto the purees of
the owners, The crop is largo mud
securing $2 per bushel, The apple
crop of New England is unusually
Wo aro noarinr time when till•
ber will be scene, and the people will
awaken to the enormity of the sin of
doetroyiug many groves now consul -
erect 118010ss,
Glanders is reported to have brok-
en out in a malignant form Amen(;
the street railway melee of Now
Orleans. Some 40 or 50 head have
been allot, invalvioig a ser10110 loss to
the railway companlos.
Reports from dairy fltobories in
Australia show that their operations
are being carried on with encouraging
success. Eight cents per gallon is
paid for 101110 during the spring, rail•
ed to tell cents ill summer w11011 gr'a8e
become: scarce.
The apple crop in England is favor-
able years ie a large one, yet there is
a good demand for certain varieties
of the American apple. Tho Newton
pippin is a favorite, and sound red
apples of good flavour always find it
ready market there.
To the properly constituted farmer
thorn is a peculiar satisfaction in this
closing season of the year. What-
ever may have been the general re-
sult of the year's operations, its wor-
ries and vicissitudes are now pretty
much over. The shortening days,
and consequent decreasing of labor
hours, render his hard working lot
more tolerable, and the near prospect
of a winter of comparative leisure
cannot but briug pleasurable sensa-
tions to the mind of anyone but a
mere plodder.
Autumn is said to be "the saddest
season of the year," lint to the writer
it Las a charm that is found in no
other season. The calm, hazy days
of our beautiful Indian summers
seem to lend peace and placidity to
the mind without in the least, detraot-
ing from the vigor and energy of the
physical man, Even the dumb ani-
mals upon the farin seem to be filled
with quiet enjoyment. They may or
may not unedrstand the signifiance
of "the sere and yellow leaf," but
they certainly do enjoy rambling over
the woodland, or stretching lazily
among all this "fading glory" that
carpets the ground at this season.
Of all men the farmer must he ever
provident. He cannot long rest in
idle enjoyment without a reactionary
effect on the near future. The old
adage of "make hay when the sun
shines," indicates the policy which
he must pursue at all times and sea-
aons,if he would provide for the com-
fort and welfare of those that are
placed under his care and protection.
While we are upon this topic we
must not forget that duty, as well as
policy, demands adequate provision
for our dumb servants during the win-
ter months that are now so near at
hand. The farmer (save the mark 1)
who does not this, seldom prospers.
The lack of prosperity may not be
altogether the manifestation of a
"Frowning Providence." It is but
the natural result of a line of action
of which the abuse and neglect of
animals is one glaring example. Tho
man who would ill-treat or neglect
animals would certainly be negligent
and careless in other matters per-
taining to his business. The results
of neglect are often, yet usually, so
damaging and injurious that neglect
even in a general way, might well be
termed criminal. The individual
who cruelly and unneoessmrily beats
his team is treated by la'v as a crim-
inal, and ho felly merits snob treat-
ment ; but the ono who, through uu
necessary neglect, fails to provide
comfortable shelter and plenty of
wholesome food for the animals in
his keeping ie overlooked, though the
results may be more seriously damag-
ing from a humane point of view.
In the matter of dollars and cents
It certainly pays to conduce to the
comfort of all farm animals. No
animal can thrive while subjected to
bodily discomfort. Economy as well
as humanity demands through pro•
vision for the comfort of all farm ani•
male. "There is no time like pro -
sent time," runs the old. adage. Now
is the time to get all the buildings
up In shape for winter. Many a cold
comfortless stable might be made
warm and cozy for winter with a few
hours' labor and very little material.
A eingle thiolcness of boards, even if
storm -proof and tolerably tight, is
not sufficient protection against cold
weather. Boarded upon the inside
of the posts and filled in between with
straw, the stable may be made very
comfortable indeed at email expense.
Odds and endo of lumber, that may
be found about most premises, will
answer as well as anything else for
ibis inside sheeting, and the stacks
of straw going to waste outside aro at
the farmer's disposal. A. great say,
hag In feed is effected in this way.
Not ouly should the horse and cow
stables be considered, but the pig
pous, poultry houses, sheep pons, and
all other buildings in which stook ie
sheltered should receive like attention
from the owner.
`the farmer's family often goes with.
out milk in winter simply because
4110 cows dry up (01' want of comfort.
able quarters. Nature's first pro-
vieiou is manifested in the instinct
with which all animals seek to lay up
a store of vitality to withstand the
cold weather of winter. The cow is
fully endowed with this instinct of
self-preservation. She will first look
out for hereolf, If furnished with
proper conditions she will do more.
If man would realize further ho must
furnish these conditions.
Nor aro hens so ungrateful as many
seem to suppose. If they simply ex-
ist as wild fowls of the forest do, they
will yield nothiug for the maintenance
of the owner until the natural season
of their productiveness returns ; but
artificially aided with warm quart-
ers and a suitable variety of good
food, they will yield a profitable re-
turn even in the dead of winter.
It is the province of the farmer to
developo and turn to his use all those
things that are plaeo:l in foie hands,
Lot us boar this In mind while we
mance our errangementy for tilu win-
American cheese 11as been for the
last two mouths nearly 20 per cent.
lower then hast year for the corres-
ponding time. Soros dealers attri-
hato this to the general shrinkage 111
the value of other products, others
consider it merely the natural out-
come of over production, while many
assert that the true reason exists in
the superiority of the Canaditun pro-
duct, which undoubtedly buds high-
est favor in the English market.
Don't make all the small, unsshtble
apples iuto cider ; just store a liberal
supply away where they will not freeze
and feed them to your hens next win-
ter. Boiled apples mixed with bran
and efforts enough to make a stiff
dough, seasoned with salt and pepper,
make a capital breakfast for laying
hens; apples are cheap food too.
.11. L. J✓1 CKROJV,
Pratioa1 Watchmaker and Jeweller,
Satisfaction Guaranteea in all
--SHIP AT --
W. J. JA01050 X'8 STOICZ 111111158 ELS,
Loan & Investment Co.
This Company is Loaning Money
on Farm Security at LOWEBT RATES
of Interest.
3, 4 and 5 per cent. Interest Al
lowed on Deposits, according to
amount and time left.
Olrioi.--On corner of Market
Square aucl North street, Goderioh.
Horace Horton,
Godsrieh, Aug. 5011, 1885.
9r tcaragar
.—r.—rel ��� anac
from now till 1st of January 1887,
By an arrangement wish the Publisher of
the Rural Canadian, now in its ninth year of
publication, Wo aro enabled to offer both pa.
ora for 01.00. Tho regular unite o1 the two is
Tho Rural Canadian la s monthly illustrated
lowing are tho loadne fOr the ing Dop,51S enSS :—rarro
,and ield' Horses and catt'1o; The Dairy
Sheep and Swine ; Garden mel Orchard; Bees
and Roney; Poultry aud Pete; Horne Ulrelot
The Grange Record' RurSl Notes ; Hontohollt
Tho sm 010 given 't01 cmonth to mohtO to
worth oral the
Bobnyppooe oi .ndepndebtetyuth
aural "The agri,yklturai authority Of the Do.
minion." g _
papersf the hind published on the et the
Subscribe Now
and get bulanee of the year FUR.
iftllrtne your lame horses 0' Denial Ewan, ha
llruasnls. flaring pi'aettaad for Veers and
risen to the loll, nest position 111 the heading
110100 Miming establishment of Crisham, l.,liri.
iubnrgh, Scotland. A1', , Suring passed with
honors through the Royal Veterinary Shooing
Hnhool. of 1. H, 101)Pli, Lon loft, England.,
whom hnmired: of orl,mlod Morsel limited
our nennla ,gaily 1 os,, o' to1yy W1011111600 00 011111
oontraated foot or lntortoring Loran a. Now
work and rnnnlrgiu of all kimja do0A on ran.
amiable terms, ,mid ,0,rknlannhi, that will
please, lav gl rime 0110 a call 1feel satisfied I
woubl sere re your l)raol.
17-0f Hunter's ma Stan
Du, E. O. Waer's Nerve awl Brain Treat-
ment, a guaranteed sl eerie for Hysteria. Out -.
mess, Convulsions, lits, Norroua Neuralgia,
tloalselw, Nervous Prostration caused by the
use of alcohol or Toaacc0, Wokotolooas, 11ou-
tntDol1n•oosiot,snft0uiugot the Brain result-
ingininsanity,loading to misery, ,foody and
death. Premature Cid Ago, Ilarronoss, Loss of
Power in eithor sox, proelantary Loosoo and
8permotornccee 'reused uy over-exertion of the
Brain, sell -abuse or ever idnleeueo. Each
box mantel no ono month's treatment. el a box,
or six hoses for 50, sant by mall prepaid on
receipt of Dr)co.
ave (i uarauleo Six Boxes
To euro any case, \vit:, each order received
by 01 for six bares, accompanied with 01, ITS
will solid the pnrobaser our written guarantee
to refund the mouoy it the treatment ,1000 not
effect 0 0010. ,lautro.utono hesuo,l only by Silo.
Hargrea fee 5 Co, Brussels.
yTHE/ POST {ry}a
`DA O FI 4 S Y WO' R lam, .
Just received a fresh stock of
Richter and Thio Mouth Organs.
All the School Books in stock.
Orders taken and filled for
School (taps, Tablet Lessons and
any book desired, on the shortest
See our 100 and 200 page seribr
Santa Claus has unloaded one
pack of Christmas Goods and more
is Coming.
Wait and see 0011 1lauclsamr
Christmas Cards.
Geta sample of our Note Paper.
Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Gold Watches, Silver
Plated Ware, Silver,
Watches, Clocks, Gold
Rings, Violins, Etc.
I keep a full line of goods usually
kept in a first-class Jewelry store
Call and examine, no trouble to
show Goods.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Agent for Ocean Tickets, Amer-
ican Express Company and Great
Northwestern telegraph Company.
Sworn circulation Daily and Weekly
Free Press,
. Batablishod dl years.
Largest Hight -Page Metropolitan lVeokJy
Published in the Dominion.
Free Press o London.
The Agricultural Department is a noted
feature of the "Free Press" being always
up to the times, and conducted by persons
praotically ekhlod in Farm Work.
By Telegraph, Telephone, Mail and Cerro
epondonee up to the hour of Publioa-
tien, Special Market Department,
Agricultural Department, cap-
ital story always running.
Ingenious Puzzle 001tlnln and
Humorous Reading. Just the thing
for the family. Every member of the
household eagerly looks for it each week
In club. of four and upwards, 7o its, each
Balance of 1885 Fast.
More money can be made by agents in
canvassing ter the 'Free Pres' than at any
11Z1000 in ?remittal: other
foe ie vero,
Inducements ever offered in Canada to par-
ties orttin Vhelt Gi90n away to Algent:a
np for tlio'tVtele-
ly Free Press. Send for a copy Of Our pro.
raium list, and see the inducements we aro
offering. Semple copy free on application.
LoBooe, CANo,os,