HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-12-4, Page 44 THE BRUS ZLIS POST, Dec, 4. 1895. ,,e Nritsse.l.s ` Bs , FRIDAY, DEC. 4, 1885. Z3Cexifryr* . The roads have been terribly bad. A Christmas tree entertainment will be held horn on Christmas eve. The program is being worked np now. Ohne, Burns jr, has sold off hie stuff and intends taking a trip to California nest spring. His father and family have removed to Hamil• ton where they will melds. Charlie's genial smile and affable manner will not soon be forgotten. The stock of W. L. Wells was sold to a Mr. Barber, of Wingham, who will remove it. J. Selwood who will run the post office and perhaps a grocery. Ilenfryn is parting with a couple of bee beat citizens in the re- moval of air. and Mrs. Wells, but what is our loss will be Listowel's gain. We wish them sucees,in their new home., The Bishop of Algoma will spend the winter in Toronto. Five barbers in Ottawa have been fined for shaving customers on Sun. day. The total majority against the Scott Aot in Presoott and Russell was 1,- 804. An unsuccessful attempt was made Friday in Toronto by the brewers and liquor men to blackball W. H. How- land at the Board of Trade meeting. Quebeo Court of Appeal has held that Montreal cannot tax the junk shops under a by-law, though it may license them. Toronto will ask the Dominion Government to recoup $10,000 spent in relieving the families of the North. weal volunteers. A proclamation has been issued fixing the 29th of December for an election in the county of Argenteuil, Quebec, under the Canada Temper- ance Act. W. Bro. Geo. 5. Fryer, who re- cently absconded from Glenooe, has been suspended from membership in Lorne Lodge, No. 282, and he will be Norris Council lfeeitng. i recommended for expulsion from the Masonic Order at the next Grand The council met pursuant to ad- Lodge meeting. joornment, ill the Ccuncil Boom, oo I Milbank station, near Stratford, Nov. 2srd. :Members all present, was entered by burglars the other she Reeve in the chaie. Minutes of night, by a gang who have been last meeting read and passed. Ao- I fioodiug the towns on the Dover counts were ordered to be paid ;—M. north with counterfeit money. Grand C. Roberts, repairing scraper $2.50 ; I Trook Detective J. A. Macarty is on their track. A meeting of manufacturers of ag- ricultural implements was held in Hamilton last week. Representatives were present from Brantford, Toron- to, Ayr, London and other points in Ontario. The business transacted was of a private cuaraater. Thos. Halligan, a young man liv- ing near Bay City, Mich., was con• fidenced out of $115 on a train near Essex Centro ou Tuesday night by two strangers by the three-card monte dodge. The strangers gave him tho slip as the trate was pulling into Es- sex Centre. . The Bentonoe of John Easterbee, who was to have bean hanged on Monday, has been commuted by ad- vice of the Minieter of Justice to im- prisonment for lite in the Kingston Penitentiary, Easterbee helped his brother 10 commit suicide by cutting his throat after the brother had shot himself at Effingham. The missing school teacher of Byron, A. Hadley, has turned up all right, having adopted a seafaring life out of pure love for the same. His people had a letter from him a few days ago, dated Toronto, which told of his infatuation with the life of a sailor, and his intention to adopt that calling for the future. An old half-breed whose house and barn at Batoobe were plundered by Big Bear during the rebellion, reach- ed Kingston Friday, on his way to Bay de Ohaleur, to seek assistance from hie friends. He had tramped the whole journey from on mile north of Batocbe, where he left his wife and family last July. Hon. J. G. Joie, ex•prsmier of the Quebec Legislature, has resigned his seat as a member thereof on account of the attitude of his constituent on the Riel question. He says in a letter, declining to attend a meeting and dis• Crass the situation, that the French Canadians have all the rights reason- able people could desire, but that they refuse to exercise them. R. Piercy, do. $2 ; W. P. Scott gray. el $18.70; Wm. Marshall, do. $1.25; Amen; B"o..., plank $$2.75; W. Pat- terson, gravel and eednr $6.60 ; Jas. Smith, repairing culvert $7; Wm, Laidlaw, drain across rad, $2.50; John Cloahey, gravel $5,25; S. Mc- Curdy, plank and repairing culvert $9 ; Misses Exford, charity $15; Allan Lindsay, culvert $8: W. H. Kerr, Collector's receipts $1.50 ; Jas, Galaspey, gravelling on West bound ary, $97.90: S. Vanncrman, repair - ince culvert on gravel road $1 50 Moved by H. Mooney, seconded by 0. A. Howe that in case a poll is regmr et the forthcoming municipal election the following persons be appointed Deputy Returning Officers, to take the votes at the several polling places hereinafter mentioned viz :-Subdivis- ion No. 1, poll to beheld at Symonds' school house, James Fewcombe, Deputy Returning Officer; Subdivieion No. 2, poll to be held at Button's school house Alex. McOall, Deputy Returning Officer ; Subdivision No. 8, poll to be held at the Town Hall, George Hood, Deputy Returning Officer ; Subdivieion No, 4, poll to be held at the school house in S. 8. No. 7, T. S. Brandon, Deputy Re. turning Officer; Subdivieion No. 5, poll to be held at the eohool house in S. S. No, 0, Arthur Shaw, Deputy Returning Officer. Moved by Wm. Wray, seconded by E. Beeman that Bylaw No. 10 as now read be pass- ed. Carried. Moved by 0. A. Howe, seconded by H. Mooney that this Council do now adjourn to meet again on December 24th. Carried. War. OLARx, Clerk. Cao aditasa News. Archdeacon Farrar will sail for England Friday of this week. Amberstburg flour mills, valued at $18,000, have been destroyed by fire. A new site, near Strachan -avenue, is now proposed for the Toronto Oat• tie Market. The death is announced of Bro, David Marshall, Orange grand master of Manitoba. Savage k Lymann, jewellers, of Montreal, bays called a meeting of their creditors. Over 2.000 citizens will be able to vote at all elections in Brantford, out of 8,000 voters on the roll. The Walkerton Council haspaseed a resolution limiting the proceedings of the Salvation Army to 10 p. m. A baud of Indians are reported to have approaobed the Battleford fort on Friday night and fired several shots. The Canadian schooner Highland Maid has been found in Lake Erie deserted, and is is feared that the crew have beta lost. A boy aged 14 years, named Snyd- er, living near Cobory, Ill., was kill. ad and eaten by hogs on Thursday, while sleeping on a straw stank. It is calculated from this fall's round up that there must be at least 80,000 head of cattle in the Alberta district, N. W. T. The splendid weather wo have had lately has enab• led the cattlemen to finish their beef round up in good season. A passenger from New York to St. Angeles was robbed at Stratford eta• tion of his purse, containing $100 in cash, a chock for $80, and a through ticket to San Francisco. G. T. R. Policeman Al mour captured the thief, who said his name was T. Shaw, of Parkhill. Most of the cash was found on him, but the puree, check and ticket he bad thrown away. The grand jury have returned true bills against le. Vanasse, editor, and J, Loesard, manager of Le Monde, in the matter of the libel ou the Mayor of Montreal. John Rutherford, of Ayr, was very successful at the Chicago Fat Stook Show just closed, He carried off the following prices in sheep : Skop shire, wether, over 2 piste, first prize ; Oxford, wether, over 2 yeare, third prize ; Leicester, wether, over 2 yeare, first and socoud, 1 year and over, second and third, nailer 1 year, first , Lincolns, wether, over 2 years, first and Second, 1 year and under 2 yrs., first and ascend, under 1 year, first; grades and armee, 1 year and under 2, first and second, under 1 year, third ; pure bred, long wool, wether, over 2 years, first (there were eleven entries in this class) ; pure bred, long wool, best wether, over 2 years ; best wether, under 1 year, any class, first. This makes seventeen prizes. Mr. Rutherford has the finest flock of sheep in his part of the country. The trial of Havelock Smith, for the murder of Marshall Piggott, was resumed at St. Thomas on Monday morning. Colin Macdougall, Q. 0., made an eloquent address of three hours' dnration ou behalf of the prisoner, and was followed by 5. Idington, Q. C., who made an eloq- uent and lengthy address on behalf of the Crown. Justice Armour then laid the case before the jury review- ing the evidence in full. The jury retired to consider their verdict at six o'clock, and at 8:15 p. m. sent word to the Judge there was 110 pos- sibility of their coming to all agree• meat. They were then discharged. The Toronto World says :—"The unfavorable weather and the bad con ditiou of the country roads combined with the dullness that usually prevails at this Beason causes business men to feel dispirited and take a gloomy view of the outlook for the immediate fut- ure. It cannot be concealed that business is dull, but November is al- ways a dull mouth, and this year the depression is felt more acutely owing to the absence of seasonable weather. Business men need feel no alarm. The volume of trade yet to be trans• aoted this year wilt equal, if not ex. coed, the corresponding period of Last year. A. week or two of cold weather would brighten up business, and give the farmers a chance to come in with their grain, poultry and produce. There is one encouraging feature that must immediately produce a benefic ial effect, and that is the large Amer- ican demand for barley. It is esti- mated that over $500,000 worth has been forwarded from Ontario Ports during the present month, and our farmers have this money in their possession now, and will be enabled to meet the paper now held by local banks and merchants. The Executive of the Western On- tario Dairymen's Association met at Woodstock on Wednesday for the purpose of adopting measures to se- cure an exhibit of dairy products from Western Ontario at the Intercolonial Exhibition. The Association have decided to hold their annual conven- tion in Woodstock on the 18th, 14th and 15th of January. A Toronto journal says : The ap- ple crop of the past season has turn- ed out to be the largest ever known in the history of Canada. So large indeed has the crop been that one firm alone in this year handled more than double the quantity that has ever been handled by the whole of the fruit inerchants in the city in any previous year. The eight Indians concerned in the Frog Lake massacre were banged at 8:14 last Friday morning, at Battle• ford. Of the eight Indians hanged seven were active participants in the horrible massacre at Frog Lake on April 8rd last. The bloody work was begun by Wandering Spirit, and was carried on under his directions until the white people were almost extlrm- lnated. The names of the Indians Banged at Battleford : Bad Arrow, Miserable Man, Charles Duchenne alias Obarlebois, Dressy Man, Wan- dering Spirit, Iron Body, Man -With- out -blood, Little Bear. Their victims were Quinn, Guoin, John Delaney, Gowanlock, Pritchard, Dill, Willis - craft, Gilchrist, and two priests, Fathers Marchand and Faffard. -" 'HE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. r_TOUSE & LOT FOR SALL, ON t quirt Btrpot, Thnre Veit; "0,1t0401 0 bho Lob{nat eovld be utilised for o Wil lb°sold en roasonnble terms, Apply to-- A. BAWCIN0IIMER !'YHUI1OIIES, PUBLIC BUILD- ..., lugs. and Private ;louses painted and decorated in modern 017130 at Teneo0101e rates, Estimates given. Address - l•1'. CLUOAB, 20-tt poderi'h, • 1OR SALE.—ONE GOOD GEN• 1. lturpo0o mares, rving ising S years old 15 stegeneral rs 0i a- ing 8 years 01d ; 4 dry cows; 1 dairy cows; 10 lambs; 10 tat yearling wethers and owes; 10 fat owes; 10 heavy tat pigs; 10 light fat pigs; 1 brood sow nu d four young0igs, Apply to URIAN MOFADI)EN 15.01 Lot B, Oon.l2, Grey. STRAYED FROM THE PERM'S - es et the uurloreigned, about July 1011, and white horns turne l out,rspot 0. on foreheadeer ; 1 rad heifer, horns turnedlu, spot on forehead; 1 vollowish brindle. Any information that will load to the recovery of the same will be Lo1ooarded.HYOHHWRGHT. t178, Ethel WRIGHT. T�ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN - 17 deralgnpd will dispose of his farm, being lot 11, con. 10, Gray, eontnlning 100 acres. There is a frame house, frame burp with stone stab- ling and all neeessarY outbntlding• on the orpmfses,ulso a rood bearing oronard. The tarn le in Grit -plass condition. Foss ession can be given on the let of March. For further Particulars apply to THOS. MOORE, Prop. 20•1f tIARM FOR SALE Icl GREY township, county of Huron, being la 18, eon. '7, The farm contntps 100 acres, '70 aore0 cleared and is well watered, wall lanced la I. nava-Mess state of col111411on. There 1s a good br;ak ienao, ir:u,t' barn, stables on th promises, and an exellent orchard. The farm la oitnatal mer mile trent tee village 01 152001 and 0 toles frcul 1111135501e. 100 further particulars apply to 19-4 E. B:ITE\f AN, Prop. QTRAYED FROM.THE PRE - musics ot til °undersigned, lot 20, con. 7, heifo ejron ising 2 r years Sept. id. lOno race x le rd a gray i n color mixed with red; filo other steer is dark red,wtth white spot on forehead and a little edge frozen oft each ear. The 2101 for le a rod ono with white spot on her stile just be - fore her hint leg, on the dank. Auy (uterine. tian le dtnr to their reoovory will be suitably rotvnrdod. ROBT.i'05')0,Brussels,. 0. 22.4 BERKSHIRE BOAR FOR SER. v10E —Tho undersigned wink° e1) athor- ough bred Berkshire boar t or service on lot 27, 4thline,Morrie, about two miles from Brus- eela Huron Lad" was bred by H. Sorbey, Guelph, and was sired by lord Wellington. 8817, brad by SI.To mbs, England; dam, Lady Nelly,0010,got by Priseman, 1407, broil byTombs P • tar- rowod Jan 2r8t1118B9.l s Terms; 81well bed ,rtog 10 paid et tin° of service ,wltb privilege of returning, if necessary 40.6m• JAxE811, Proprietor. -FARM FOR SALE.—THE EX- wanton X- esstore of the estate of the late Saxons. ar.Eatmen offer for sale that excellent farm ,be - fug lot 12, con. 12. Grey. There are 100 nares In the faun 80 otwhioh are cleared, 10 acres part. Iyoleared and 10 acres of good hardwood bust. There is a good frame barn, 80060 feet with atone staling underneath. Immediate poe- session w11lb0 given. A good portion of pnr- chn Be money will be allowed to stand on inter- est. For further particulars apply t o JOHN LECKIE, 107 College etreet. Toronto, or JOHN SLEEhe)?P.O. 15.15 MOTILE.—F. 0. ROGERS BEGS .L to give notice from and after Monday osed ovary event giatt7 O'oleek Saturdays, ex opt- ed. 22.11n CHOICE FARMS o oORrSALEe— A f ew oplon did, ale in the township of Grey, Morris and McKil-' lop. Apply to A.DELGATTY,Co. Auclti tiger, Brussels 0. CAME ON THE PREMISES OF the underei5ned 'lot es. con. 14, Grey, about the mouth of September, 1 lamb. The owner o1 the same is requested to prove pro- yortp,paYoxpouee0 and CHA8ru33 e `t nmeMSOle. 90-4• CAME ON THE PREMISES OF the undersigned, lot 15,500. t, Grey, on or about Nov. 101.1 yearling heifer. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses, and take her away. 00-4x Will. VAR QIIHARSON. T�1ARM YOB SALE, BEING THE JC' south halt ot lot 28,00n.5,Morde,00ntain- ing 100 acres. 75 aoree cleared. Frame build. Mee onthe promises. The property will bo sold at a bargain. For furtheGE O.AI1M5TRON(} apply 118 tt. ��ARM FOR SALT BEING LOT 8, eon. 19, Grey t0wnship, Huron 00.,eon- sug sures,P leered. is situated l}mle acres Brussels. For tu thor particulars aI4pOBT• MCNAIIGHTON 14.8 Prop CtTRAYED ON THE PREMISES i7 of the undersigned, 61 lot 10, ooh. 0, Mor- rie, on or about June, a two year old steer, red usekite qetd c,roveproperty, pay expenses anots. 'rho ownor is d take him away. 4in JAB. 00000DIIGH. CAME ON THE FARM OF TAE Undersigned. lot 11, oon.5, GrOy, about tbo mouth of July.5steers, 9 ye0r0 010,2 of Thom can have theend one m by Proving brindled,The owner ay ing expeneee. 20.4+ ROBT.MdIIEE, DIPSIBOICUM A true tonic, is highly recommended for all diseases requiring a certain efficient Sonia, es- pecially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Want of .91 - petite, hoes of Strength. Look of Energy. 04. It eurithe0the blood, Strengthens the muso100, and gives new life to the nerves. St eats like a charm and is prat everybody wants, It strictly Vegetable in Combination, and fallen- aloohol(o. For Salo by dealers genera117. XTALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, Huron dog., and containing 102 soros ,t Tho farm is in good condition, 75 horns being in meadow. The plane is conveniently Situated 10 eoho01, stores, malls ohurobes, 00further0(10111 bo cold on reeeonable trema. For7c, rs aply to 0.J. RYAN, proprietor, or to Waton,P.0, 20.40 CAPT. STRETTON, Sruss5li Estate Notice. Pursuant to the Aot 40, Vio. Cap. 0, Ontario, the Creditors of Benjamin Tindall, tete of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron. yeoman ,who died on or about the 8101 day of May, 4,13 .1880, and others having claims in re epest to his estate, aro hereby notified to scud enorbefore the 15th day of, February, A, D. 1186, to the undersigned adun0i0tratrll of the estate and °hoots of the said deceased their names and addressee and the full particulars of their claims and of the ssourlties (if any) bold by them, and also that immediately after the said date the ae5etdot the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled tboroto,having regard only to olatms at which the administratriz hoe than notice and the ad- minietratrix will not be !labla for any assets 0o distributed istrid to to 03 notice. Isonof whose claim shy shall but Dated at Grey the 29th day of November, 18- 85. MARY JANE TINDALL, Ethel, 20,4 Adminietratriz. THE CRANBROOK HERD OF BERKSHIRES. 'BARNUM" & i'RARRnNGTON" THE rrusz PRIZE BERx0Hin1 BOase. The above mentioned pure bred Berkshire Boerewill bekept tor the 006900 at TU01013 Hotel, Oranbr0ok,0at. Barnum was furrowed aveeday0 ., Npold reooFn,,Lepo,trominor5 sire and dam direct trona the herd of the eel°: brated breeder ,R. Swhnewick, Eng. and le ono of the afloat Berkshires ever brought to this country. Barrington wet farrowed Noy. 7112, 1885, Brod by Simmons it Adria of Delaware. Middlesex Co. Ho is from imported stook on both eider with registered pedigree and is a grand animal throughout. 4100 the pure bred Suffolk boar, "YoungOltamui0n," bred by Jns. main, Halton Co. Ho is a pure typo of Suffolk stondin0 on vary short legs with great length of body, immense shoulders and well turned hams. Have exhibited my herd at 5 fairs this fall carrying oft e5 First Px1Ses. Terme strict- ly oaob. One dollar at the timeof service with the privilege 0t2'011=ibg if neeeseary. JACOB 0, TUCK 10-tf Oraubrook, Out, �ERVANT 011111 WANT1�17 TO 1. do nunornl bonen 0001, np}tl y at out n to 14.118, 1G 0• L01YI1RY, 1\[0R1'GAGE $A.LE O1+ Valuable Real Estate i)r the To700JhiJ) of Novick, Coffftty of 1-14ro t.. afrtnern(Help that oonai nod o otln8lenre 00 Mortgage, bearing ditto the 23rd da of /mis- ery, 1), 1&92, and made by Ann Stook and her husband, ()oared 8 took, to Edward Fletch- er, one by the said 16dward Fletcher eeelgnod to Walter Rose 15080douald by assignment, dated the 26111 day of September, A. 1). 0855, (whtoh Dail Mortgage and ae'ignment shall he produced at the time o1 sale) there will be sold h y Public Auction at the Irwin House. In the Town of Palmoretpu, on Friday, t iso 850 day of Jnnnary, A. D. 9886. at twelve o'clock, noon ,by Lewis Knox, Auottolieor, that said parcel o r tract o1 land end promisee situ- ate, lying and being In the Township of How - Ontario trba pr comp acid of, the orth twentfy fierce of lob nnmbor twenty -ono' 1n the etzteen- th concession of the said Township of How- l0k. The property Is to by put up at au upset, ;trice of Three Hundred Dollars, ono half of the purrhnse money is to be pard et the time of sale and the ealsuae 1s to be paid within two weeks thereafter, when aoonveyaneo will be given to the purchaser. Pilo tiler terms and conditions of Dale Buten be mode known by the auctioneer ab the time of sale or at ar, y time Prior to sale by applying 10 the undersigned, WALTER R. MAODONALD, Ilnmiltou. Vendor and Solicitor, 95 Jamoa Street South, in 700001, 285 November 28111,18M IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF HARM s OCE. 31r. A. Reymann, Auctioneer, has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by Public, Auction, on ILOT 21, CONCESSION. 10, Gears, —ON— Thursday, Dee. 10,185, AT 12 0'00001C, NOON, SHARP. The following valuable property, viz :-1 good brood mare, rising 5 years old. 1 Filly, rising 2 years old, sired by L. Mc- Noi!'s heavy draught stalhon "Clansman;" 1 Gelding, rising 2 years old, sired by L. McNeil's Canadian heavy draught stallion "Clansman ;" 1 horse Colt, sired by John McMillan's imported Clydesdale stallion "Puzzler," front Hullett ; 1 mare Colt, sired by John McMillan's imported Clydes- dale stallion "Puzzler," from Hullett ; 1 yoke of young working Oxen ; 5 Steers, ris- ing 3 years old ; 3 Heifers, rising 3 years old ; 1 farrow Cow; 2 Stere, rising 2 years old ; 1 Heifer, rising 2 years old ; 2 Calves; 1 short horn Bull, 12 months old, 01111 reg- istered pedigree ; 13 good Leicester Ewes ; 1 good shearling Bern (Leicester) ; 2 good fat Pigs, ready to kill ; 2 fall Pigs. The sale will be without reserve. TEnvs,-•-All Boma at and maw 85 cash ; over that amount 10 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. 7 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. Fat pigs will be cash. A. RAYist&NN, - AUCTIONEER. R. 111oLAOHLAN m J. SLEMO,ION, PROPRIETORS. Rev, J. Ross, B.A.. will deliver a lecture in MELVILLE CHURCH, On Thursday, December 17, Commencing at S o'clock p.m. SUBJECT.—"We are all Sculpt- ors." In this lecture Character will be discussed and numerous il- lustrations given from the lives of such men as Channing, Wesley, Livingston, Burns, Byron, H. Mil- ler, Chinese Gordon, Cyrus W. Field, &c. Selections of Music will be giv- en during the evening by the choir and others. Contributions will be taken np in aid of the Base- ment Fund. Bev. S. Jones will occupy the chair. ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. CLIZAL Sale of Fuer a itu,re 000 Having 011 hand Some Furniture which Mr. Malcolmdid not take when he bought me out and having just bought a Largs Stock of Fur- niture from the Largest Manufactures in the Dominion for SpoT CASH. I have decided to sell Furniture for 2 or 8 weelis1 at Auction Prices and, then make A -GREAT AUCTION SALE and clear out the whole lot. Now i9 the time to secure Bargains. Remember the place, Next Door to Ben Gerry's, Garlick's Old Stand. Old Lounges cud Sofas Covered and lie -Stuffed, Am. VirCA,Le. elesa