The Brussels Post, 1885-11-27, Page 88 TJ:.'rl t3.11T,J8$EL13 E: USI . Nov, 27,1885, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. OUTHERN EXTENSION,W Q. & B •R '!rain leaves. Brussels Station, north and antb as follows: twuing South. Going North.. Ball. . 7:95a.m. Mixed 1400a.m. sprees - 11:55 a.m,MaU...............9:51 P.m xsa . :45 an. Exproe 9;97 P.m. The morning train south and tho night train north will only run on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. A chiel's among ye takin' notes An' faith he'll Arent it. Fowl, are becoming yery plentiful. BUY your Christmas presents le good time. ADVERTISE) your strayed cattle The money is well invested. CHRISTMAS comes 4 weeks from Fri- day of this week. Texas Jscz left here this week. He will be missed among the boys and also by bis lady friends. A RARE lot of 10a. yd. Dress Goods at Alexander's. FRAA'x and Jno. White, of Mitchell, are visiting friends in this locality. Tae weather prophet says there'll be a cold step about December 15. Forewarned is forearmed. Scaoon Board meets this (Friday) evening, There was a deadlock last meeting. Tam greatest run on record for Alexaa. der's millinery. LAST Sunday Rev, J. L. Kerr preached to the Presbyterian congre- gations of Molesworth and Trow- bridge, TELL your neighbors about our offer of Tau Pose to the end of 1886 for $1.50. Now is the time to sub- scribe. Now is the time to get your Photos. for absent friends at Xmas time. Bauelaugh is turning out any thing you oan desire, from beautiful cabinets to life size, samples of which can be Been at gallery lately oc- cupied by R. F. Uren, Brussels. THE Band concert and gift enter- tainment will be given about the 16th of next month. A. good program is being prepared. ROBT. ARMSTRONG bas purobased 18 sores of land, with a neat cottage, • near Teeswater, and intends moving there next spring. To Ks 100 rarest Ladies' Hat agrie's Lion. EMIR of the circular bents in the skating rink is made up of 90 pieces of 6 inch lumber, 12 feet long. 65 pounds of nails went to each bent. Oua genial townsman T. Fletcher visited the Queen City last week and spent several days there. Miss Jen- nie Cunningham took charge of the telegraph office in his absence. AN old-time wild -fowl hunter says that the canvas -back duck flies eighty miles an hour, the mallard forty, the redhead ninety, and the blue and green -winged teals one hundred. "Oa I Mary where did you get those nine Photos 0" "Down at Bauslaugh'e, they make the finest work in the country. Those were made when it was raining and they make them just as well when it rains aa when it shines." "Astonishing I don't it." DAVID Bern, who has been here superintending the work of building the skating rink, he gone to his home in Seaforth. His obliging ways gained for him many frionde in Brussels. TaoRhor's Horse and Cattle Food, only six dente per lb. at Geo. Behker's. HARRY DENNIS has purchased the residence, owned by Jno. E. Smith, of Brandon, Man. Tho property is located nearly opposite F. C. Rogers, Turnbery street, and is a very desir- able place. There is a half acre of land. Du'iTusniA and Croup remedy, at Geo. Ba,ker'e. A REPORT was circulated on the streets last Monday that Rich. Lea. tberdale was dead. We are pleased to state that he is worth 40 dead men and we hope to soon see him at work again. JNo. GREwue removed his stock, of Groceries, &e, ]est week and is now coeily settled ie Mrs. Shiel'e now block. This fills up all the vacancies in the block of buildings between King and Mill streets, Peen XXX White Wino Vinegar, A Goon di Co, GRIP'S COMIO ALMANAC.—This pub. lioation, for 1886, is to hand. It is br'ine•ful of amusement, containing -- besides its other attractions—a doub- le -pogo cartoon, "Ancient Nursery Rhymes for Modern Politicians." k or sale by all booksellers ; only 10 ata. To Beim—Maw with seven rootns, and stable. A. Hunter. As complaints are frequently reach- ing the Edueatiou Department that unauthorized text•boolts are used in many of the public eahoole, the De- partment have issued a circular, em- bodying the provisions of the School Act and Regulations of 1885, relating thereto, to which the attention of trustees, teachers and inspectors is._sell theft` grain and pork on our mar- sailed, kat. See legal advt, in this issue. PeorLE ere wishing for sleighing. Taos. weereetn teener of Marriage Lie! onset}, BUTCuERINO hogs is in season and pork will soon be plentiful, '"Pinta, oigar holders, ladies' hand satoh, ele, violins and violin strings at Fletchsr'e- MRs. Wet. DoNNELLY and daughter, of Port Huron, are in town this week. ARE 3 ou reading our continued story entitled "Dick's. Sweetheart 2" SALT water herrings and White fieb at Thomson's. J. A. CREIGHTON arrived home last Tuesday after a holiday of about two weeks. W. H. CLOAssY'e smiling face will be seen at the Bee Hive Grocery next week. JAnrse SOMERVILLE, DI. P, for South Bruce, was the guest of Thos. Flotoh • er last Thursday. Tam centre part of the roof of the new rink is to be covered with sheet iron instead of shingles. ElgSmvxn plated were direst from factories and warranted Quadruple Plate, very abeap at Fletcher's. WE are sorry to report that Edward Lowery ie very low with bis old trouble, heart disease. THREE or four lots in Brussels will be sold for taxes next week at the Court House, Godorioh, Tam Poso and weekly Globe to the end of 1886 for $2.25, in advance. Now is the time to subscribe. 1T is said that a lady will be nom• inated again this year as a candidate for a seat at the School Board. Sous of the persons who were run- ning the thieving business have been spotted and will be closely watched. J. Burne has a lot of new and second hand Buggies, Waggons, and Democrats, for sale, cheap, to make room for stock of Cutters and sleighs. Satin THE 1'oeT to the abeent boy, It will give him all the home news ; $1.50 pays for it t(. the end of next year. B. GERRY and wife went to Exeter last Wednesday to attend the mar- riage of Miss Minnie Crocker to J. Salter. THE usual monthly temperance meeting will be held next Tuesday evening in Melville church. A good program is being prepared. Tau $2,000 coming to Mrs. I. Be - barrel, of Grey, whose husband died recently, is in the hands of the A. 0. U. W. here and will be paid over to the widow at ones. JAs. Bursas has on Hand a large stook of first-class cutters, well finished, which he will sell very obeap. A11 new work warranted. GEORGE Tows arrived from Ohioago last Tuesday evening. He was gum• monad home to attend his mother's funeral. Edward Town was also home on the same Rad mission. THE contract of levelling the bot- tom of the skating rink was given to Wee. Vanstone & Sons, and the well digging to Frank Kelly. H. James and Alex. McKay are doing the paint. ing. A au second hand cutters for sale. Call and see them. J. Buyers, STAFF-CAPT. GLovER was in town on Tuesday and took charge of the Army meeting. The behaviour of some of the youngsters did no credit to the boasted civilization of the 19th century. WOOD 1 Woon 1 I—F, C. Etagere is now prepared to take any quantity of hard or soft cord wood in trade, from this date, but none will be taken on book aaoounts unless previously arranged. Oct. 8th,1885. Brussels Salt Works Sze the new advt. of J. G. Skene. He has opened up a fresh, neat and cheap stock of dry goods and grocer- ies and he invites the patronage of the public. As Mr. Skene is well known in this locality be will 120 doubt get his share of public support. Goren and silver watches, jewelry, wed. ding rings, gem rings, ladies' and gent's chains, adored gold setts, a full stook of goods suitable for the holiday trade at T. Fletcher's. Call and examine, No trouble to show goods. Watches, Clocks and Jew- ,alry neatly repaired. Tae Amherstburg Echo commenc- es on its 12th volume this week. It stands among the first country papers in the province and has dote more for Amherstburg than any ten mon ever did. We are glad to see the Echo continues to prosper and we wish it greater success in the future than it has over yet attained. Sltcouen gaowth hickory oottare oan be got at Buyers' Carriage Shop, at the bridge, LARGE S-HIPMHNT 0 F GRAIN.—The heaviest shipment of peas ever made from Bruseele station, by one dealer at a time, is being done by Robert Graham, grain merchant, this week. It consists of over 11,000 bushels (25 car loads.) This largo quantity of peas is for the English market and goes via Boater: t0 Liverpool, This gives farmers it little idea of the largo amount of grain bought on the Brus• eels market. It is needless to remark the prices paid aro right, end seas - faction is ensured to farmers who Cowry Council will meet on Tues. day of next week, LimmEo'roe Maerem visited the var- ious departments of our public sehool this week, SUDDEN Dai2II,—ILaet Monday morning the inhabitants of Brussels were greatly surprised and deeply moved at the sad news of the sudden decease of Mrs. Thomas Town, Site had attended church on Sunday even. ing in the enjoyment of about her usuai health and appeared quote cheerful on her return home. About 10 o'clock she retired and we are sor- ry to say she never arose from her bed. Near 4 o'clock Monday morn. ing Mr. Town was awakened by her heavy breathing and heard a kind of rattle in her throat. He immediate- ly summoned the members of the family but before they got to the bed- side the mother's spirit had fled. Heart disease was pronounced as the cause of her depth and the physician said a blood vessel had probably buret. Some two years ago Sirs. Town was troubled with an aff'eotion of the heart and the dootor prescrib- ed freedom from excitement as the only euro. It seems that last week when the fire occurred in her eon's house she got very much excited and to this cause ]ler sudden dsooase is attributed. Mrs. Town was born in Kent Go., Eng., where she was mar- ried to her now bereft husband. They emigrated to Canada about 21 years ago and settled near Woodstock and afterwards removed to Seaforth from whence they Dame to Brussels 10 yrs. ago. The deceased was the mother of 15 children, 9 of whom are living. she had been an uncommonly healthy woman, hardly ever knowing what sickness was. To say that she en- joyed the respect and esteem of all who knew her is giving but feeble ex- pression to her real worth. By her death a loving wife, an affectionate mother and a good neighbor has pas. sed away. Mr. Town and family have the sympathy of the entire com- munity in this heavy and unexpected bereavement. The funeral on Wed- nesday afternoon was very largely attended. This death cannot fail to impress upon the mind of everyone the truthfulness of the oft quoted statement "In the midst of lifelwe are in death." It is now anuorinoed Chet Parlia- ment will not Lrseemble before the middle of February. Archbishop Lynoi, on !'inlay, celebrated his 20th anniversary of his a000gsion to the opisoopaoy, Linooln County Coilneil has re- solved to establish an Industrial Farm, on which to support the poor of the several munioipalitios. The Irieb National League of Tor- onto ou Wednesday night passed a resolution inviting Peraoll to visit that city when he comes to Ameriea in January. The Rainy Lake Lumber Oompeny published a by-law in the Gazette authorizing the changing of the heed, quarters of the company from Winni• peg to Stratford. While duck hunting at the Flats on Friday morning Charles Weighley a stoney Point farmer, was shot in the breast by the aooidental dig charge of a companion's gun, He will recover. Several farmers living on farms in the county of Essex that were quer- autined in consequence of the preval once of hog cholera have written to Dr. Wilson, V. S., of London, asking that the embargo should be raised, so that they may be enabled to dispose of their fat hogs. Dr, Wilson hag telegraphed to the Government for inotructione. The oldest Government employe in the western part of the Province is Wni. Randall, 68 years old, wh., lives at Sylvan. He bas beenengag ed as mail carrier steadily for 44 years, and although up in years, ap- pears as smart as he did 80 year's ago. No man et any time within hie long period of service has ever charg ed him with dereliction of duty. The Hon. Donald A. Smith, Direct or, and Mr. Van Horne, Vies Prete• dent of the Canadian Pacific, have arrived at Montreal after driving til lest spike in the through lune of rail way to the Pacific coast at Goal Har bor. Both gentlemen speak in ap• proving terms of the smoothness ani solidity of the line. over which th fast through train will oommeno running in May next, The steam boat project between the wester terminus and Japan and Ohina is under consideration, and will be oar• rind out as soon as practioable. Sir John Macdonald left last wee:, for London. His mission is to con far with the Imperial authorities re specking a commission to arrang• with the United States oonoernung the fisheries of Canada, and the terms upon which our fisheries may be en joyed by United States fishermen It isunderstood that the larger quss tion of reciprocity ie included in the subjects whioh Sir John will discuss Sir John will also confer with th• authorities respecting the transit o British mails to eastern Asia and other points via the Canadian Pacific railway. Several other questions of importance are also included in the mission of the Premier. The glove contest in Windsor nkat• ing rink Saturday night was short and sweet. It was between Jim Felt, who is called champion heavy weight of Canada, and a big railroad man named "Dusty" Gibbons. "Dusty" was much superior to Fell in size and weight, but he didn't know how to put up his hands. He made a vi- olous onelaught, bat Fell sent him to the floor with a right hander in the neighborhood of the left ear. "Dna- ty" staggered to his feet only to be floored again. This time he failed to come to time in ten seconds, and the match was awarded to Fell ; time one minute and forty seconds. Jack Lawrence, the Californian light weight, acted as referee. waaeln Canadian N ewe. Petrolia has a tobogganing and snowshoe club. The Mount Forest bad boy amuses himself by vacoinating every village dog that comes within his reach. Apples are plentiful in Ridgetown neighborhood this season,17,000 bar. rels having been shipped at that sta- tion. Laetings and mohair imported for covering buttons, and crumble steel in sheets from 211- to 18 inches, have been placed on the free list. A friendly game of checkers was played at Aylmer last week between Mr. McIntyre, of St. Mary's, and Messrs G. W. Goodfellow and J. Hutchinson, of the village. Mr. Mc- Intyre won. A bylaw of the town of 'l'ilsonburg, granting a bonus to aid Mr. Tilson in parrying on manufaoturies in that town, was quashed by Chief Justice Wilson Wednesday morning at Oe - geode Hall, Toronto. The costa paid by W. &Iaoready , charged with assaulting School Teach. er Mills at Orwell, amounted to $80.- 20, as follows :—Constable, $8.80 ; County Crown Attorney, $16.90 ; Sheriff, $8 ; witnesses, $2. After waiting three months for his pay, the caterer for the banquet ten- dered by the citizens of Ottawa to the returned volunteers hes had writs leaned against the members of the committee to compel payment of the amount still due. The following executions will take place this month and the next :—On the 27th inst,, at Battlsford, eight Indians who are charged with mur. der committed during the rebellion in the Northwest. On the 28th inst,, Benj. Simmons will be hanged n London for the murder of his mis- tress. On the 30th inst., at Welland John Easterbee will suffer the extreme penalty for the murder of his brothe, and his brother's wife. On Doe. 28 Ferdinand Soragtis will be hanged at Cornwall for the murder of Sarno Petto in July last, At a special meeting of the Toronto County Court Tuesday, in the non jury Dasa of O'Keefe vs. Jeffrey ,k Ryan, the evidence showed that while the association had expended between $20,000 and $80,000 in opposing the Scott Act and other prohibitory measuros, the lsoturor, E. King Dodds, swallowed up $6,000 of the funds, at the rate of $100 every night le raised his voice in condemnation of temperance principles and orated on the injustice of prohibition. For open air lecture's he received the handsome sum of $150 a piece, -' MARRIED. BBNNarr—Craar0E11,—In Brussels,on Nov ember 121h, by Bev. S. Jones, Mr, Joseph Bennett, to Miss Mary Jane Campbell, both of Grey, PATmnsos—Ma2dAus.—On the 18th inst by Bev. T. J. Sabine, at the Methodist parsonage, Wilton, Mr. Geo. Paterson, to Mies Annie Margaret McMann, all of Ma iillop. DIED• BRowt In Grey, on the 22nd inst., Robert Brown, aged 51 years, 0 months, and 17 days. Tows.—In Brussels, on Monday, Nov. 28, Harriet, wife of Thomas Town, aged 60 years. Srnelselee Market. OouieeOTRD OdENVULLY Bvna81WEER 82 White Fall Wheat,... •• 81 88 2 Rod Winter 81 84 50 75 50 65 27 28 60 57 18 15 Spring Wheat Springwhoat (new) Barley Gate Pena Butter, tubs and colla Bgga per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes Ray per ton ............. Hides por Ib Dressed Hogs Salt por bbl., wholesale .: Sheep skins moll Wool .• ,..•.•.•..,., 16 5 00 25 8 00 6 5 50 60 50 17 00 00 00 e 00 61 600 80 1 08 18 RANKING. .fl e NTOtil1 & .iluTAGGART, BANKERS BRUSSELS';#i TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKINf1 11178676 0813. Boteeofhand.11saounteCtr tnterostsllowodou deposits repayable;;ou demand. erompttttentl0nglveniaooliocilous. -8 LEGAL AND CJNVEY ANC ING. [1IFFARD E L L I O T. L A W ''.—A ()Mao, lrant'a Block, Brussels. Mons toloan, E. WADE, BARRISTER, &ce Otlhoeformorlyoccupled ay A. 7. M 1 O011,10oq.,ln Leckie's Block, Money to l end. B. DICKSON, . (late with Gerrow& Proudfoot.0 oda• rich/ Solfoitor, Oouvoyanoer, &e, OMee in 3rant'e Block,Oressela. Manny 10 Loan. A LEX. HUNTER, CLERK OF tele the ronrth Division Court Co. Huron lonvoyancer,Nutary Pnbhie,Land,Loall sad Insurance Agent,Fnnd s inyeetedand to Loan Colleotlons made, OMoe, Graham's Block aruasol MEDICAL CARDS. r A. McNAUGHTON, M. D. 0. be • 7L, L, 0.0. P., It dinburgh. Phyelolen, inrgeouandAaeoueboar, Onleein Mre.Shlel' blest, •Ournbury etreet1 r • A. HUTOHINSON, M. D. L. It. L'. I'. Edinburgh. Hasromovod tohusresidenco on Ma11atree the hoes°formorlyocouled by Dr. Graham lid ,villbo there at night. He still retains en ,aloe et Hargroayee'Drug Store. DENTAL. 1-1 , 4. BALL, L. D. a., HONOR '..-• Graduate and Member of the Royal :ollcgo of Dental Surgeons. Toronto, The .arious anmothotias given, also a new local iniuethetle for the gums only. All operations ,Irefully performed add guaranteed. Prices moderate. Office overrowell'e store Hour, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, BUSINESS CARDS. / ISS O'CONNOR, TEAOEIER of 'thorough Base, Vocal, and lustre [metal Music on Plano, Organ and Guitar.; inference—Ladles of Lora tte, Guo 1ph.l Reokleuoo—No.2,(eouth) BrlekTorruee,l} 44.8 m. Brussels, Ont, 7CT•H, MoORAOKEN, suer Marriage Lloenses. Office at hi groo; .,ry,T.rabezry street, t-25 rOHN NOTT, VETERINARY Surgeon.Gradoata of Ontario Veterinary 'allege Toronto. Residence , the house lately .00upiodbv Mre.J. Parker Mainetreet tads AMoNAIR,ISSUER OF MAR- riage L1o,nsos.by aupointment of dsutenant-Governor,Oommfenioaer &e„Q t..1oui'eyaneerand Agentpire InenranceOoi 7tfieeatthe0eanbrook PostOm.oe' ROBT. CUNNINGHAM,n Insurance Agent, GUELPH' ONTARIO r M. O' CONNOR, FIRE, LIFE, '5 • Accident and Loan Insurance Agent for come of the bast and most reliable Companies in the Dominion. Otfiee. brick terrace, Turn. beery St.,near the Station. 8 menthe. A/rISS CARTER, DRESSMAKER itland milliner, wishes to inform the pub- lic that she has returned from Toronto, after Learning Prot. Moody's new system of =Wag Afid will teach it iu all its branches to any lady desirous of scouring the beat of systems Loa dross and mantle Gutting. For further in- formation apply to Miss Garter, Ethel, or to Kr. James Oarter,e72 Young street, Toronto, Head Oaioo for °anode. 18.4x M. BLAS HILL, Hotelier , thanking hle manyoustomere for thele liber elaupportfor tbo past six years wishes to informthom that be- ing burned out of the oldstand has fitted uP o shop in emale's Block in aret.olaae style where he hopes to see all the old customers and aemany new oneses Rao at to give him a call. I keep nothingbutdret-class meats, all Rinds of Poultry ands auoagaMoat Deliver.d to all parts of the Townlrroa. Oath paid for Pat Stock. pHOIIAS GOODWILL, ROOFER, Pont Office Bleak, - Brussels, Agent for Joseph James & Co •,Montreal and Toronto, Aotxnolite Cement Roofing—for Hur- on and Brune Oouatiao. Gravel, 'Pin, Iron and Other roofs repaired and satiefaotion guarantpod. Ea Wastes given. Tar, w, Feet at wholesale. R. L. Jil CE. OJV, Pratical Watchnakcr and lowlier, Satisfaction Guaranteed in all Repairing. --SH J Ra AT -- W. J. JACKSON'S WOREISSU89Bi,$ NEW BLACKSMITH, glaring your limo hams to Daniel Ewan, he has LEASED W. T. HUNTER'S STAND, Brussels. Having nrectfoed for years and risen to the highest position in the leading horse intoningestablishment of Graham, Edin- inburgh Scoand. Also laving passed with honors through the Royal veterinary shoeing eohool. of I. 8, Smlilt, London, England, o r lianas dolly 0 ofiSafelyyo ua home to dare oontraotod feet or interfering horses. Now work and repairing of all kinds rlono on roe, Seeable terms, and workmanebip that will please, by giving men call feel satisfied T would secure your trade. b, EWAN, 17-1! IXunter'e Old Stain