HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-11-27, Page 5Nov 27, 1886;
Meal ton
C. J. Ryan is visiting here just
now. His home ie kit. Paula, Min-
nesota., and he makes a tip=top
Amerloan. He offere hie farm for
sale, near Walton. See ativt, lo
this issue.
There is a report on the wing that
a change is probable in oue of our
business !Amide.
We are informed by Peter McDon-
ald that there was nothing vicious
about his stallion recently killed and
that it was playfulmese more than any-
thing else that caused hie deans. The
beast was not tied but running loose
in a box stall.
eta Deem—Last Sunday morning the
spirit of Robt. Brown took its blight.
His death was not unexpected as he
had been failing for several months
and nothing could be done to help
him, Mr. Brown was widely known
and universally respected. He was
a good farmer and took a great inter.
est in agrtcultnral matters, especially
good stook. By hie death Grey town.
ship has lost a resident whose place
will be hard to fill. The funeral took
place on Tutisdey and was very large-
ly attended. Mrs, Brown and family
have the sympathy of their many
WEDDING: On Wednesday of Met
week Rev. Mr. Burwash, of Belgrave,
performed the marriage ceremony
between James Stewart, of Belgrave,
to Miss Margaret J., second daught-
er of John Oloalcey, of Morris. The
groomsman wee W. Stewart, brother
of the groom and the bridesmaid was
Misr E. L. Monkey, sister of the
bride. The happy couple took the
train for the east. We join with
their many frieude in wishing their
In your last week's paper you pub-
lished a letter concerning the Sunshine
choir which I think it ie my duty to
correct. Your correspondent would
lead the public to believe that we were
in the habit of quarrelling at our
practice, which I gay is a falsehood,
and I challenge your correspondent
to find a more peaceable choir than
Dore has been ever armee I have been
leader. He would also lead your
readers to believe that we went out of
the church to settle the matter, which
I say is another falsehood. We had
some words, I admit, after which the
other young man left the church and,
as I thought, had ,'one home. Some-
time after he left I went out to the
shed to see if my horses were stand-
ing quiet, one of them being a colt,
wheu I got to the ehed the other
young man was there and he chal-
lenged me to fight, but I did not ac-
cept the challenge. I think fighting
should not be engaged in by a Christ-
ian and as long as I have God and
the right on my side, as I have in
this case, 1 will court no man's favor
and I fear no man's frown, for I am
like the old soldier who, when he was
questioned about fear, said, "I fear
not man nor devil nor to fight, but
I'm not ashamed to say, though rath-
er odd, I fear my God." Your oor-
reepondent has also the impudence to
sign himself a well-wisher of the choir,
which I think is only adding hypocrisy
to falsehood, as no well,wisher of a
choir would publish smote stories,
even if they were true. Hoping that
yon will give this explanation a place
in your next paper, I am, Yours,
GiDEON G. Hoop,
late leader of the Sunshine choir.
Plenty of mud.
Wm, Milne is away in Muskoka
visiting his brothers.
John Bolcmier has recovered from
the measles, and is able to be at work
Tho boom of the threshing maitre
has been heard iu the neighborhood
for the past two weeks.
Considerable moving about in our
town to judge by the amount of goods
and chattels changing pisses.
Our Independent Order of Foresters
is malting good progress, iniations
taking place nearly every evening.
Our three stores are doing good
businesses considering the drill times.
Great inducements are held for hut -
J. M. Davis moved into his new
house last Monday, and ,Alex. Peebles,
miller, has moved into the house late-
ly occupied by Mr. Davis.
Toe, Maunders met with an ao•
oident by 'which he may lose the use
of his arm by getting his elbow bad-
ly lacerated in a chaff -cutter.
Wm. Spence, our postmaster, has
added to the comfort of those who gilt
after mail matter, by erecting a neat
porch over the post office door.
Some boys, who make a point of
tearing up shade troop, tearing down
picket fences, doe had better beware,
as such sets of vandalism will not be
submitted to any longer.
M. S. B. Magian happened with
what might have proved a esrious ac-
cident. Ho fell between two joiets
in hie unfinished house by stepping
on the end of a board that wire 005
supported by the joint. We hope he
will soon be around again.
Wm. Coutts, of Galt, 1100 organiz-
ed a singing class here, He is a
thorough musician, and those who
are desirous of becoming acquainted
with the theory of music have a good
opportunely of doing so. The class
comprises upwards of thirty members
A heart rending scene took plans
at Ethel station a few days ago. A
woman wished to go to her father's
funeral, against the wishes of her
"lord," who to keep her from board-
ing the train, snatched the child from
her arms. To her credit she jumped
on board, sud the train left, the noise
of the engine, smothered by the fran-
tie;cries of the child for its maternal
The Grey Plowman's Association
purpose having a gran! concert about
the end of December,
A number from this vicinity pur
pose going to the Michigan lumber
woods shortly.
The mud is daily gaining more
prominence, H11531011 snow for sleigh-
ing is the great deseratum just now.
Non that Riel has been strung up,
the principal subject of interest in
tide section is the recent controversy
anent the Grey PIowman's Aesoeia-
tion, We don't think it 1vi11 be the
means of raising another rebellion, al-
though the grievences are wide spread,
at least they have spread over more
than a third of an acre. There is
always a feeling of dissatisfaction,
especially when disinterested parties
aro employed to compose letters. Ae
11 generally happens they make a
dupe of the party for whom they are
Boron County Notes.
A Young People's Literary Society
has been formed at Belgrave.
The West Huron Conservatives
held a special meeting at Smith's
Hill, on the 26th inst.
Mr. and Mrs. Yates and allud,, Mies
Sneyd and Miss Emma Atchison, of
Goderich, were poisoned by eating
canned salmon.
The ladies of the Women's Christ-
ian Temperance Union in Clinton
have taken steps to organize a relief
society in connection with the union
for the distribution of local charity.
Rev. Kenneth MoDonald, of Bob
mont, has been called by the Presby-
terian congregation of Ashfield, A
stipend of $1,000 with manse and
ten acres of ground has been granted.
11, Happel, of Zurich, has parches.
ed a fine brick residence within a
mile of New York city, for $7,000, to
which he intends to remove his fam-
ily in the course of two or three years.
At apublic meeting held in Blyth,
it was resolved that the Council of
that village be coked to submit a by-
law granting a loan, nut to exceed
$8,000, for the erection of a woolen
Gabriel Dumont ie reported to
have spent Sunday in Montreal.
Quebec Court of Appeals has de•
coded that the Hamilton Powder Com •
pony must pay license on its powder
F. B, McNamee St 0o. have com-
menced an action against the Gov.
ernment on nceount of the 13ritish
Oolulnbia graving dock 0011trn0t.
Col, Denison, Toronto's Police
11f.agistrate, has varied his sentence on
tramps by making re read "Central
Prison," where they will have work
to do,
Wiarton Echo : The deer on the
peninsula are very plentiful this
year. Dr. Fieher reports on his re-
turn from a hunt at Sky Lake of
seeing five or six inside of an hour,
but the most of thein were out of
range and consequently were safe,
A Mr. Moore, an Englishman who
had married a Chinese wife, by whom
ho has six children, was prevented
from landing with his family at San
Francisco. He then went to Victoria,
13. C., where he was compelled to pay
a tax of $850 for leis wife and the
stereo for eaoh of the children before
he was allowed to land. The money
was peed under protest, and an ap-
peal was taken to the Seoretaryl of
State, who is now considering the
fkuestion whether the money can be
legally collected or not. The child -
ran all speak English fluently. The
ease attracts mush attention, as such
a phase of the anti -Chinese law has
never before arisen for settloneent.
A dispatch from British Columbia
says the weather is beautiful with no
signs of winter,
United States Consul John Devlin,
of Windsor, has appointed Thos, A.
Bourke, a dry goods merchant on
Sandwich street, as deputy consul. ^
Dr. YanBushirk, jail surgeon, has
vaccinated all the inmates of the
Elgin county jail in a000rdanee with
instructions received from the Gov.
An Ingersoll lady followed her
recreant husband to Aylmer, and as he
refused to part with his now love, se.
cured a legal separation and half the
goods and ehattels.
Eight Indians will be executed at
Regina next Friday ; Simmons will
be executed at London on the same
day, and E.tsterbee will be executed
at Welland on the following lliouday.
The constitutionality of the Do.
minion Liquor License, known a9 the
McCarthy Act, was argued before the
Privy (toenail on Wednesday the 1115.
The judgment has not been rendered
8s yet.
Mr. Norquay, premier of Manitoba,
]las been presented with a confedera-
tion medal in recognition of his'valu-
able services to Canada, If a medal
bad been presented to Norquay in re-
cognition of his services in behalf of
Norquay It would have been more
.A. special train with navel supplies
through from Montreal to Pun
Moody, arrived at its destination ou
Saturday morning, tete time being
fifteen days from Liverpool. If it
pushes business in this way the C.P.R.
will most with plenty of eucourage•
meut and freights.
Toronto News says :—An Incliner
war in the Northwest the coming
,linter, which would agaiu call our
volunteers to the west, would fill the
sordid souls of the telegraph compan
les with glee. '1'hey made almost as
ranch out of the last war as the con-
tractore for supplies.
W. H. Jackson, Blel's escretary,
has escaped from the asylum of Sel-
kirk, Jackson was found to he in-
sane upon his trial, and wax commit-
ted to an asylum. There seems to
have been no doubt of Jackson's in-
sanity, and it is strange indeed that
a man so obviously mad should have
been retained as secretary if his chief
had not been like himself, When the
excitement passes away, and the
public mind is quieted, in ottr opinion
there will be a few who will donbt
that both the chief and his secretary
were alike insane.
.A. boy named Thomas Lacey, liv-
iving about ten miles from Windsor up
on the lake shore, cut one of the fin -
gore of his right hand slightly with a
knife about two weeks ago. The out
was lust sufficient to draw blood and
no attention was paid to it. A few
days later symptoms of blood poison-
ing appeared. The hand began to
swell, and a physician who has been
attending him said that the boys'
arm was swollen to twice its natural
size, and there was hardly a chance
for his recovery. The doctor inform-
ed the boy's parents several days ago
that the arm would have to be ample
toted but thev refused to have the
operation performed.
V the nuderslgned, I of 15, eon. 6, Grey, on or
about Noy. 109, 1 yearling heifer, The owner
ie requested to prove property, pay expeneos,
and take her away,
the undorel nod 'int 25. 000. 14, Grey,
about the mouth of September, 1 Iamb. The
owner of the same is tormented to prove pro-
p arty, nay expenoee and tails tt away.
10.4• 01141 .8. WILLIAMSON.
'�/ureteret nod, lot 11, 000.6, Grey, about the
are spo9ted sand steers,
10 brindled.a'Tof he own r
eau have them by proving property nod pay-
ing expeness,
00.4' 11O0T.MoREB,
A of the undersigned, Si lot 16, eon, 6, Arm -
rig, on or about June, a two year old steer, red
in color with white spots. The °tenor is re-
quested to prove property, pay expenses and
take him away,
A trite tonic, is highly recommended for all
di0oases requiring a certain otaQfout tonin, as.
1(5ciaily lu,ilgestiou, Dyspepsia, Want of Ap-
petite, Lose of Strength, Lath of Energy. d:o.
iteuriehes the blood, strsngthenn the musolea,
and gives now lite to the nerves. It acts like a
charm and is just what eVerybndy want,. It is
strictly Vegetable in Combination, and is non-
alcoholic:. For sale by dealers generally.
being lot 92, oon.14, Moe(illop township,
Huron Co., and containing 102 acme,'Me farm
iu The place to conveniently9altantoduto Meadow.
etore0, ndlle, ohurohop ho, and will be sold on
rea0onablo farms. For further pnrtioulars
apply to 0. J. RYAN, proprietor,
or to Walton P. 0.
01.4' CAPT. BTRETTOi4, Brussels.
V140—Thenudereignod willkeep athor-
ough bred Berkshire hoer for service en lot 27,
4th line,MCrris about two miles from Aria.Sala "'piton 5911" woe bred by H. Sorbet',
Guelph, and was•atrod by Lord Wellington.
5817, brad by El.'Vombs, England; dam, Lady.
Na11y,0610,gotby Prisotuan, 1407, brad by E.
Tombs ,England. This wollbrodpig waifat.
rowodJan.2801,1882, Tering: 81, to be paid
shine of iervlce,wfth prtvileeo of returning,
lfnonoseary JAMES M, MA1xTIN,
45.6n14 'Proprleter.
Ler goodllav for sale Mut be deli Vera dAny
-1,110,9.4 Apply to THOS, PEPPER.loth, con. 9 Grey,
Splendid, l,nproyed, farms far sale
in the township of Grey, 0forris awl ticitli-
lop. ApppytoA,DELGAPTr,oe.Auctioneer,
lyir-uu,,,is pi 0. 10-kf
Qtt.oulto hose in also s. Pthe Lot haodbutilised for o stable
Wallin sold onroae000bietonne. Apply to—
1 Inge, and Private nougat painted and
decorated in 10011550 styles at reaeouable
rates. lestlmates given. Address—
ee-0 E. ()LUCAS,
on orahoutJrtlyy1501, stwoyearoldredoand
whlto steer. The owner is requested to prove
pro18O4ry,pay expou0os, 8ei11L LOVE, Prop,
s0, th half oflot 28,0nn.8,Morrie,contain-
ing 100 acro B. 75 aoree cleared. Frame build-
ings outhe promises. The property will be
sold et a bargain. Per further Particulars
18 tf,
1 1AR 1I
0, eon,10, Grey township, Huron Co„ con-
taining 100 acres, et. arras leered. The farm
is situated 11 miles from Brunch/. For fur-
ther purtieulars artily to
14.8 Prop
1N County of (iuron, will moot in the
Court Room, in the Town of Goderich, on
Oo. Clerk
early opportunity of returning my sin-
cere thanks to the Fire Brigade and resi-
dents generally who rendered such veinable
service at the fire on my premises last Wed-
nesday afternoon. Brussels Fire Brigade
is a credit to the town, TROS. TOWN.
tle driving horse, 0 years old; 2 general
purpose snares, rising 8 years 01d: 6 steers ,rls-
ing 0 years old ;I dry sows; 4 dairy cows; 10
Iambs; 10 fat yearling wether¢ and ewes; 10 fat
owes; 10 heavy fat pigs ; 10 tight fat pigs; 1
brood BOW and four young
19.4f Lot 9, Oon.12, Grey.
00 00 the undersigned, about July 15th.
three head of cattle 2 years old. 1 'leer red
and waits, horns -Vaned out,,pot on forehead;
1 rot -111,10W, morns Omen din, spot on forehead;
1 vellowi,h brindle. Any Information that
win lead to the recovery of the same will be
suitably rewarded. HUGH li. WRIGHT.
Lot 17, son 8, Grey, EMao1 P.O. 16.4x.
dersignd will dispose of h10 farm, being
lot 11, cam. 10, Gro y, containing 100 acres. Tu ere
fait frame hon se, Irani ebare with stone stab-
ling and all necessary outbuildings on the
premises, also a Good bearing orchard. The
farm is in first.slass condition, Posy mesion
ran be given on the 1st of March, For further
particulars apply to
204f TH08. MOORS , Prop.
from the enmities of the undersigned, lot
22, con. 8, Morris, on or about July 15th 8 heart
of cattle, described as follows i-2 steers, three
years old, one red and white, and the other is
reed ; 8 steers and 1 heifer, 2 years 010,1 steer is
red, 1 a rod milky, 1 n line bank, and the heifer
is gray in color ; I yearling steer, lino beaked,
and 1 grayish oolored heifer. A reward of 810
is offered for Information that will lead to
tholrreooverv. J170. OLENNAN,
18.4 Ialtou.
98- township, Con my of Huron, being lot 18,
con. 7, The firm 00588100 100 nares. 70 sorts
cleared, and is well watered, well ienoed Is in
a first ohms state of 0111tivatlo,l. Thera is a
good brick honed, frame barn, stalr10, 011 the
promisee, and an exellent orchard. The
farm is situated one mild from the village of
Ethel and 0 miles from Brussels. For further
intrtioulars apply to
104 E, BATE,1Li N, Prop.
TDB 531051' PRISE BERxeuIRE Rains.
The above mentioned pure bred Berkshire
Boars will be kept for the season at 'PUCE'S
Hotel, Oraubrook Ont. Barnum was furrowed
Marsh 11th, 18.21, bred by W. H, McNish, Earn
Groove Parra,LeOde 00.,009., from imparted
sire and dam sir oat irom the herd of the cele-
brated broetler,lt.8wenewiek, Eng. and is one
of tae fluent Berkshires ever brought to this
country. Barrington was farrowed Nov. 701,
1889. Bred by Simmons 18 Fairto,01 Delewor e.
Middlesex Co. Ile is from imported stock on
both sides with registered pedigree mud is a
grand animal throughout. A10o the pure bled
Suffolk boar, "Young Champion," bred by Jos.
Main, Holton Co. He is a pure type of Suffolk
slandiue on very short logs with great length
of belly. trnmenee shoulders and well turned
]18000. Have exhibited my herd at 5 fabs this
fall earrynlg off 25 First Prises. Terms strict-
ly 00.05. One dollar at the timeof serv; co with
the privilege ofreturoiug if ne0o00ary,
1551013 0. TIME
10.91 Oranbrook, Ont.
li,gor Nters offer for 111110 that ere ellen tfarmbof the estate of tile late ISAAi e -
tog lot 12, con. 12. Grey, There aro 100 wee ir,
the farm 80 of which are cleared, l0 wet part-
ly oleered and 10 acres of good h arrlwood in; sh.
There to a good frame barn, 509353) feet with
,tone stabling
underneath, Immediate pot.
obese mnnlny w111 be ellowod to portion
(on of
eat, For furtherpartimrinrea swim,
JOHN L1501L11jyto
197 College street. Toren in
or 101IN(LE Il4O V,
154fEthel P,0
In the matter of JAMES PURVIS, deceased,
DAVID PUItVIS, an infant, under the age of
twenty-one years,
Pursuant to an order of .ranee 8, Cartwright
Esquire, official Referee, made in th0 matter
of the estate 0t the said Jame, Purvis, doeeas-
of the the
township of Morrie, in nthe County of
Nunn. yeoman, who died In or about the
month of So•,tombor, one thousand eight
hundred and eighty throe• aro on Or before the
20th day of December, ono thousand eight
hundred and eighty eve. to send by poet, pre-
villag000t Brussels tus thee County uofeHurone
Solicitor for the infant Pot19i0uer herein,
their chrietian and ,nrnemes addressee and
description of the full particulars of their
claims, a statement of their accounts and the
nater¢ of their securities, if any, held by them•
or in default thereof they will he peremptorily
lytexcluded froro the benefit of the said order.
Every creditor holding any srounity 1s to pro-
duce the tame before me at my Chambers at
the City of Toronto, in the County of York, on
the 20811 day of December, ono thousand eight
hundred and eighty ova, at the hour of 10
o'olook in the forenoon, being the time ap-
peinted for adjudication on the claims.
Dated this 24th day of Nm'omber, A. D. hal.
21.41u Registrar Q. B. 0
The Independents
.Religious and I.tterar7J Weekly.
The most influential religious organ in
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Tito INDEPENDENT is one of the bo -t pa
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Three months ...... 75 I One year 38 05
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Now Dry Goods
g1py SmR
J. G. SK Tom;'
Takes pleasure in intimating to the residents of Brussels and Sur-
rounding Country cleat he has opened out a
which be will dispose of
Very Cheap For Cash or Trade.
CaII and Compare Prices; no trouble to show goods.