HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-11-13, Page 81E BRUS8ILb 1.3083. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. I NIOE weather. SEE notice of dissolution of part- OUTHERN EXTENSION, W Ct. & BR uerehip in this issue Train teavee Brussels Station, north aim Tan Pose and weekly Globe to the oath a s follow s end of 1886 for $2,25, in advance. Going south. 001" "'I" Now iho time to subscribe, Mail . '7S0a.ne, i Mixed 10100 a.m. DO1h win only run on Tuesdays, Thuroda7s, who intends opening up a stook of fur - 2:01, TWI store formerly oecupied by S. npreas 1-100 a.m. Nem . >wee. ,ri. Erpreso 9:0 p.m. D. Swale has been leased by A. Veal The morning train south and the night train sad Saturdays. niture in a short. time. Laird, at Villa Nova, has returned to Brussels as the 'thecae making season A. chiel's amang yo takin1 notes , An faith he'll prenis past t it. THE market scalae were sold last MUDDY MOIL Seturday afternoou to W. H. Mo- Oracken for the sum of $98. Me. Sox weeks frone Friday of teis eek ought to know what they are worth. _ to Christmate _ WILLIAM MOONILY, who wee engaged rn(at Actus %tons, in cheese making by S. The scales brought $89 last year. SALT Water herrings and White fish at THE biscuit works of Moore & Thomson's. Westlake, of Norwich, wore destroyed Saevica was withdrawn in Melville by fire last week; no insurance. This Church last Sunday evening. is the firm that J. J. Denman and Point XXX. White Wine Vinegar. A. W. S. Ilambly are travelling for, Goo & Co. WE notice that W. M. Sinclair bas Mas. THOMAS SHANNON, of BalerSOIM passed his 2nd intermediate examine - Man , is -visiting her parents 10 town. tion in law, standing well to the front Su.r.vice will be held in St. John's in the list of successful students. We Church on Thanksgiving day, at 11 congratulate Mr. Sinclair ou his SOO- SEVER RAL boarders can be aecou- CeSs' OBT. STEVENSON has announced a.m. modeted at W. T. Hunters. See a clearing sale of harness, collars, advt. horse blankets, &c., &o., for 30 days. Smarm, Board met last Friday even. His terms are very liberal and, he mg. ' See advt. of teacher wanted in wants to close out his,stock as he in - this issue. tends removing from Brussels. PEOPLE say there will be a great B. GERRY, very thoughtfully, has deal of powder wasted on Thankgiv- a large street lamp placed on the ing day. corner of John and Mill streets for MRS. ARTHUR HINGSTON and Son the acconamodahou of people going have gone on a visit to Solomon city, to and hone the 'Methodist Ohurch Kansas, to see her parents. these dark nights. A few more lamps A wennixo ie talked of in which a would be a good move. Brussels young num and a young lady Delete forgetthe Thanksgiving tea i from Grey township aro intereeted. the n Methodist church on Thera - J. Become of Palmerston, is sup- day evening. The program, after plying the place of Mr. Creighton supper, will consist of readings, reel - during his absence for his holidays. tations, addresses, a short cantata, BILLHEADS, letterheads, noteheads and other selections of music. Oys- furnishell at city prices. See our tare will be served at the olose of the stock at Tav Pose Publishing House. entertainment. Musie.—letiss Mories desires to intimate Tan winter millinery opening at that she is prepared to receive a number of additional pupils in music. References the Lions, feet Saturday, brought out a large number of ladies who thor- given if desired. THE first bent of the skating rink ()uglily inspected the neat display was raised last Saturday. The weath- made by Mrs. Alexander. The new or has been very bad for outside store is a ooey little place and the Lion anticipates doing a good trade work. 0. R. COOPER has been sworn in as this winter. a County constable. He is applying NE= Monday two extra bias will for the position of Provincial con- be placed on the London, Huron & stable. Bruce and one of them will connect We had. a pleasant call last week with our afternoon mail. This will from D. 1). Wilson, the popular Reeve be hailed with pleasure by the travel - of Seaforth. He reports a good bus- ling public. The Grand frunk de- iness in eggs. serve no credit for this as they should Bev. W. SMYTH will preach 0 be ashamed of themselves for ever special sermon to young men next taking the trains off. Sunday evening. Service commen• Ox Thursday evening of last week ces at 6.80 o'clock. Frank Bell and Wm. Rutledge, of Wa. Gnome left last Monday for Morris, were dumped into the ditch Toronto where he has taken a sites- nearlYPP o osite the Revere House. tion. A Brussels maiden hums "Ohl A broken shaft on the buggy a little Willie boy come home." water and mud on the horse and aigesneero, Algebra, Geometry, Mensur- passengers was about the extent of ation, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, ole., taught the damage. People should keep in thoroughly by post. Proopeatue on appu. cation to Mr. Alex. Thomson, 15 Belmont the middle of the street. SO., Montreal. Pima eon THE SHORE.—Last week ANDREW CURRIE purchased a pork- three of our townsmen went out er, 9 months old, from John Shand, shooting. Two of them in crossing last week, that weighed 879 pounds. the river had their boat swamped and Mr. Shand pocketed $22.20. they had to "foot" it to shore. One Sea the advt. of H. Dennis this of the hunters lost his gun and had week. He has a fine range of robes, to have the river dragged to recover horse blankets, &c. Oall on him if his "shooter," No damage done, al - you want anything in hie line. though the water was a little too cold Tempi Woon 11—F. O. Rogers is now for bathing. Nov, MOM ----- Sas the edvt. of W. IL Kerrie. 0. D, Werra has removed to Sea - GEORGE kinemet has perchasod the forth whore he has loaned the Diuney cottage, an Flora *eat, from 3, W. hoose, nonrly opposite the Comelier - Yee, , °fat hotel. G, Same is having the store, COMMUSIOUATIO Tbl•IlialgiVing Day by pay - recently vacated by the Lion, painted Mg A. R. Smith your account. Tau newspaper is a powerful auxil- and the partitions change . Nen Senility Rov. 3. L. Kerr hire, of our Public schools, During a preatheem the Presbyterian ohurchee discussion on teaching Beading" at Molesworth and Trowbridge. at a meant meeting of a tefichorte as• Boob:lion, several teachers bore testi- mouy to the feat that the best readers among their pupils belonged, as a rule, to families that took newspap- ers; and that the ohildreu of pereuts who tools no newspapers appeared at a disadvantage whim compared with their more privileged companions. We aim at honorable snocess and in ord- er to attain this we dun you when your ge- ment is due. A. It. Smith. Tins is the season when coal stoves comp into general use and when at- tending accidents from coal gas begin to be placed on record. Parties should be careful to see that their self feeders are properly adjusted before retiring, and the windows slightly lowered to admit fresh air. The bank damper should be turued fax enough to gen- tly lessen the draught but not enough to prevent the gas from escaping. If sufficient precaution is taken there need be no fear of accident from es. Gaping coal gas. Tars le the month for thanksgiv- ings. The wealth of the year has been garnered. The perind of doubt and fear has goae by, and content grows in contemplating the filled barns and cellars and storehouses. There is a fragrant, fruity smell abort certain bins that suggests long, soci- able evenings aroand the fi"e in tho months to oome, while the keen wind whistles unheeded without. Yes, this is the month for the giving of thanks. May Thanksgiving Day be truly a day of thanksgiving, and none the less jolly and merry than sincere, grateful praise has been rendered to the God of the harvest 1 It will make the turkey seem tenderer and the cel- ery crisper, and will fill the heart with love toward God and toward tea». Teel attenton of parents and guard. iaus is directed bo the advt. of the Board of Health in this issue. SI:ND LIP YOST to the absent boy. It will give him all the home news ; $1.50 pays for 11 10 the end of next year. 3. A. 011EIBITTON is away this week enjoying a well earned holiday among frieuds ia Toronto. We wish him to pleasant time. A. B. SMITH has disposed of hie stock of goods at Oranbrook to J. B. Olark, who has been in Mr. Smith's employ for some time. IN the near future we are promesed a fashionable wedding in town. '2o alt the young gentleinen who can afford it, we say 'go and do likewise.' We publish on Wedueeday even• ing this week so as to enjoy a holiday on Thanksgiving day, cons:guently a large amount of district news came to hand too lake for tkis issue. THE Kincardine Standard has been sold to Joseph Laug and the mune ohanged to The Kincardine Review. Mr. Lang will print it all at home and promises to wake things up in Kincardine. TOM Sunday School Papers published by Blackett Robinson, Toronto, are well adapt- ed for Canadian schools. They are three in number, beautifully illustrated, printed well and at low prices. Send for specimen numbers, which are sent free of postage on applioation. 81. L. P. 0.-- This society will give an entertainment in Melville ()heath on Christmas eve. A Christ - name cantata will be given followed by a musical and literary program. Further particulars will be given again. CR1ORET.—Next Monday evening a business meeting of the Brussels cricket club will be held at the Queen's hotel, at 8 o'clock, sharp. Immedi- ately afterwards a supper will be served to which all cricketers and friends are invited. Br all arrangement with the publisher of the Rural Canadian we are enabled to dab that valuable farm journal to all prepaid subeeribers to the PBUsSELS POST for the small sum of 32.00, thus effecting a consid- erable saving to the readers. Renew your subscription now and get the Rural Canad- ian free for the balsam of this year. Tam Wingham Times says: —This week there was turned out at S. Niakel's carriage factory a sewing machine wagon for T. Watson, of Brussels, which is as handsome & one as has ever been seen in this neighborhood. The rig ie light but powerfully built, and the finish and painting are elegant, and reflects great credit upon the manufacturer, Peusceike.--Mr. King, representing the McKenzie sewing machine repair shops of London, called at our office last Tuesday. This is, we under- stand the only establishment in Can - BANKING. eeroINTOSH & MoTAGGAliT, BANKERS BRUSSELS TRANSACT A 0111NigliAL BANKING :BUSINESS. Notesethaoddisecninted, futurestulowodou depoito repayablet:c1. demand. PromptattentiongiventecolMtions. .LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING, e '41.1fFA.11.1.) ELLIO , L A W k.A Ulnae, •iraut'. Block, Brussels • Alone y toloan, prepared to take any quantity of hard or OUR old friend David Dobson, of soft cord wood in trade, from this date, but none will be taken on book accounts unless Kansas, was Brussels 10 for a few previously arranged, days last week. He appears to be highly pleased with the west and has Oot. eth, 1885. Brussels Salt Works Tax farmers' dance that was to purchased another farm adjoining have taken place on Thursday night the one he is living on. The country of last week was indefinitely post- agrees splendidly with Ildrs. Dobson poned ou account of the wet weather. and the children we are pleased to BEV. 'W. C. HANNA, B. A., occupied hear and we hope they will be mo- tile pulpit in Melville church last pered in their western home. Sunday morning, His discourse was Axone the forthcoming books of special lietened to with a great deal of inter- interest is the "History of thoPresbyterian Church in the Dominion," by Rev. Profee- est. sor Gregg, D. D.,of Knox College, To on Now that the roads, are getting to, who has beengathering 'nformationf 1: bad people are commencing to drive the work for the pad (loon' years. Fro°M alongside of the roads and are out- the fvel-known ability of the author, the care with which every fact hae been 'ma ting the sod up badly. This should ed, and the interest which naturally. at - be stopped. Moho to the history of a greet dooming, - Gamut von Sae.—A Guitar, nearly new, tion, we have no doubt the publication of with case, lined throughout, "Wiener'e In- this work will prove the literary event of struction Book for Guitar," tuning fork, the year. The publisher is Blacked Rob - dot., all contplete. The above eau be bad inson, 5 Jordan Street, Toronte, who Will for 46 cash, by applying at TWO Poem Pub- be glad to hear of a reliable agent in each fishing House. Now is your time to get a eongrogetion. good instrument for little money. JAS. Joeuts received it magtifieent, le the party who took the valise gold and silver plated, solo B flat from the front of H. Donnie' 11000088 cornet from Henry Distan, of Phila. shop, last Friday night, will return delphia, this week. It is beautifully it at once, nothing more will be done engraved and has all the modern im- about it. provements, such pif double water key, Tax longest word used iu Eliot's extra mouthpiece, &o. The case for Indian Bible is Weetapperittukgurr- the cornet is also silver plated. We unnookrothtunkguok, It is found will expeot Jimmie to give us better in St. Mark's Gospel, 1.40, and music than ever, The new instru- means "kneelitig down to Hirai° meat was invoiced at $90 and Mr. Tait servile of song in the Meth- Jones had to make a deposit Of odist church, last Sunday evening, $25 before it was ehipped. H. J. was an interesting one. The church Whitely, who is a member of the was pecked. In addition to the an- Bandmasters' Union, of the 'Untied theme and SPerea songs, the solos States, obtained a certificate whereby "Abide with me," and "Flee as & the purchaser obtained a dieeount of bird," were given by Miss Kerr, and over $25, the balance $87.50, hong 11., a Kerr, reepeotigely, --.•••••—• C anadiali Now -s. 111 E. WADE,13AB,BISTElle, &c. • Ulnae formerly oeettpied oy A. J. Pio Leekle'a Block. Money be I end .B NATB. .DIOKSON, • (late with darrow Proudfuot .Gode - rich) Solleitor, Conveyancer, des. °Mee in 3 -rants Block:Brussels, gooey to Loan. A LEX.. .FILINTEli, 0.L.Eitli OF tee Punrth Davialon Court Co -Huron Conveyancer ,Notary Publie,L.tnd,Luan and insurance Agent,Funcl iuyeamitiond to Loan Collection e made. Graham'e Bloat Brussel Kingston had three incendiary fires on Friday night. Eleven of Frog Lake murderers have been sentenced to death. , The roller skating fever in Hamil- ton is raging at its highest just now. The Hon. D. A.. Smith drove the last spike M the 0. P. R. on Satnr- day. An attempt was lately made to burglarize the Lucknow Oddfellows' lodge. A. movement is on foot in Toronto for the settlement of the Nipissing distriet. Over $86,000 was received on Sat- urday by Toronto from a sale of building lots. On Tuesday a meeting will be held in Montreal iu the interests of linper• ial Federation. Dr. Graudbois, M. P. for Temis- cometa, is reported to be down with emall.pox. ado. where an old or useless machme, The General Freight Agents of the of any kind, can be made over as 1 Dominion will meet in Kingston on November. 10th. Sir Leon ary Tilley's appointment as Lieut -Governor of New Brunswick has been gazette& T. D. Phillip, of St. Louis, Mich., has bean appointed U. S. Custom Officer at Stratford. Riel is said to look thin and care- worn, but is very dignified and gentle- manly in his bearing. Toronto music teachers met on Saturday and resolved on the forma- tion of an association. Small -pox is reported to have been stamped out in Berlin at the small expenditure of $78.87. good as new at a moderate charge. As Oslo. Xing comes with the most satisfactory credentials, both OS re- spects himself and the character of the house he represents, we bespeak for him the entire confidence of those with whom he may have dealings. BIBLE SOSIETY.--Last Tuesday evening the annual meeting of the Brussels Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society was held in St. John's ()hutch. The incumbent, Rev. W. T. Muff, conducted the preliminary exercises after which the President, Thos. Strachan, gave a short address. The annual report was read by the See-Treas. and on motion of Alex. Stewart, seconded by 0. R. Cooper, was received and adopted. There was over $150 collected last year. Bev. Mr. Burson, Presbyterian min- ister, of St. Oatherines, the agent of the Society, was then introduced. He delivered a practical address on the work done by the Bible Societies. A hearty vote of thanks was paused to the rev. gentleman, and another to the collectors of last year for their efficient services. Tho following offi- cers were re -Gloated on motion of Bev. W. Smyth, seconded by Rev. 3. Ross, B. A. :—President, Thomas Strachati ; Vice -Presidents, the resi- dent ministers ; Sere-Trease W. H. Kerr ; Depositor, G. A, Deadman ; Committee of manegeinent, Roderick Ross, Jas. Buyers, J. Hargreaves and Alex. Strata:tan. The choir of the church sang a number of hymns, Miss L. O'Connor presiding ab the organ. A collection amounting to over $5 was taken. The attendance was not as large as it should have been. A meeting ef the Board ef Management will be held in THE POST Publishing House on Friday of next pead on the arrival of the cornet here. week, at 2 o dock p.m, MEDICAL CARDS. e)-A. .eloNAAJGHTON, M. D. 0. • 3.1„ 10. 0. P., Edinburgh . Physicia nizoi.1:1.1.abtroyclosuborLogr, ,Ofd Go 33To J A. HU 20.HINS014, M. D. eer • L. ft. 0. P.33daillorgh. the house formerly °coupled by Dr. Graham, and will be the r e at night. Ile still retains an °Mao at Hargroayee'Drug Store. DENTAL. [1 L. BALL, L. D. E., IIONU1 l_A • Graduate and Member of the Royal College of Dental Burglar., 0000uto, The Tortola aneestlatios givou, also a now local anstathetle for the gums ouly. All operations carefully performed bud quarautood. Prions modorato. 011100 over Powoll's store Hour, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. BUSINESS CARDS. ----------------- Mio6f6Tlio°rOierPhNliNits? 114oaT1 0A.00.te r mental Musa on Haw", Organ and Guitar.; lieference-Ladies of Lore me, GuelPh4 gosidenco-No.2,(south) 13rickT unto e, 44-8 Brussels , Ont 31. MoORA.OKEN, • IssuerMarriago Licenses, Odle° at his groea ory,T•Tnboory 19-21 TOJEIN NOTT, VETERINARY U Burgeon ,Graduato of Ontario Veterinary College T oronto . Residenee, 011 8510080 lately oactiptedb y Mrs .J.Parker Mainstreet ,B rur- sal a BORN. Wimszon,—In Dthol, on Nov. 2nd, the wife of ltIr. Joseph Whelpton, of a soia. A HoNAIR ,ISSUBB OF MAR• £3...• !lege Matinees, by appointment Of trientenant-Governor ,0 o mtnission or dos., Q B.0ouveyane era nd Agantrire lnsursscsOo Office attRoOranbrook Po stO Moe ACUTION SALES. TOMMY, Nov. 17b11.—Farm stock, /rapid- nients, eta., on lot 80, eon. 4, Morrie, sem- nonoing at 1 °Nitwit. Arch. Taylor, prop„ °apt, StrettOn, TTIBODLT, Nov. 24rn.-3 Farms, Farm stook, FUrnitare, 0o.. On lot 11, con. 6, Morris, Saughine, to oommence at 10 01 - cloak, eharp. Igoe Rogerson, prop., G. Kirkby & C. Hamilton, ands. ROBT. CUNNINGHAM4:: Insurance Agent, GUELPH, ONTARIO T M. O'CONNOR, FIRE, LIFE te • Accident and Loan Insurance Agent for some of the best aud moat reliable Companies lo tho Dominion. Office. brisk terrace, Turn - beery St., near the Station, 3 months. Bru.sools 4tilarket• 00naterza OAMIVULLI Evens Weer, White Fall 'Wheat... • .. 88 84 83 85 83 se 50 7 45 55 27 28 56 57 3.3 Red Wintor Spring Wheat Spring wheat (new) Berley Oats Poe Matter, tube and !elle Rae per dozen Flour per barrel Pettifog May per ten Hides per lb Dressed zoo .. Salt per bbl., wholosele •,.. Sheep skins, oath • ... Wool .......... .; ATISS CURTER, DRESSMAKER AN...Land milliner, wishes to inform the pub- lic that oho has returned from Toronto, after learning Prof. Moody's new system of cutting and Will teach it in all its branches to any lady desirous of scouring the best of systems for dross and mantle cutting. For further in- formation apply to Miss Outer, Ethel, or to SIT. Samoa Oartor,373 Young street, Toronto, Head Moo for Oana,ths, 16 -ix it 10 00 5 00 00 2101 00 -700 900 6 6/ 5 50 600 00 80 50 100 18 18 31. BLASHILL, Butcher, thanking his manyou5tomors1 or their liber- al supportfor the past six years wishes to inform th ern that be- ing burnodout of the old stand has fitted up a shop in Sznale's Block in Itrat.alass style where he hopes 00 500 lig the Old allot= era and as many new ones as see fit to give him a call. I koop nothingbutfirst-elass meats, all kinds of PoultryandElausage Meat. Delivered to all parts of the Town Pre°, Cash paid for Vat Stock. THOMAS GOODWILL, ROOFER, Pont Office Blook, • Brnssols. Agent for jesoph Santos 0 Oo Mon treal and Toronto, Aottnolite °omelet goofing -for Bar- on and Brim Counties, Gravel, Tin, Iron and other roofs repaired and satiefaetion guaranteed. Estimates given. Tar 0 Pelt at wholesale. 11. E. J.4CEROX, Pratioal Watolunakar and lowaller, Satisfaction Guaranteea in all Repairing. --SH3P AT -- W. J. JACKSON'S sTounnitusacas CARD OF THANKS. I desire to return my thanks to my numerous customers for their support in the past and to intimate that, owing to ill health, I have leased my blacksmith shop to Mr. D. Ewan fOT a few years. I have a lumber wagon, bob - 'sleighs and other articles that I will soli at a bargain to get rid of them. Two or three gentlemen board. ors Call bo accommodated. W. T. Hunter.