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The Brussels Post, 1885-11-13, Page 6
if Directory of Churches and Sooietim ILaavinr,la eneacu,-•-Sabbath Services at 11 eau, and 6,80 pan. Sunday Sobool at 2:80 p.m. Rev. Jus. Boss, R. A„ pastor. Kling Onuadu.--Sabbath Services at 11 A.M. and 6:30 pan. Sunday School at 2:33 u.m.- Rev. S. Junes. Pastor. Far. 3004'0 Chrncn.--Se abbath Frvioea at 1.1. a.ln. and 7 pan. Sunday Sobool at 9;30 a.m, Rev. W. T. elnffe, incumbent. 31143:8onisT Caaac0, Sabbaih,'1. erriOea et 10:8e a.m. and 13:30 p.m. Sunday School at 2:30p.m. Pastor Rev, Win. Smyth. Yolatx Oarindi0 Cuuacn,-Sabbath Ser- vice third Sunday in every month at 11 a.m. Rev. P. 7. Shea, priest. Ome Fnrrow'e Londl every Thursday evening in Graham'a block. =It&eo111CLope5 Tuesday at Jr bploro f ell moon in Holmes' block. A. O. 1.7, W. Lobes meets on 2nd and lest Wednesday evenings each month. Fo500rin'sL0no5 2nd and lost Monday ?finings °teach mouth in Sma10's hall, L. O.L.lst Monday in every mouth in Orange Ilan, P001 OFFICE.--Ottce Hours from 8 a. m. to7p.m, lti1Ecucrres' 14813551E Reading Room and Library in lloltnes' block, will be open from 0 to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Rosa, Librarian, In this season, when the rot in po- tatoes 1s so prevalent, the white vari• etiee are least affected by the (lisease. As some of these are good quality and good yielders, they will bo Targe• ly planted hereafter, McGregor A Parke's Carbolte Cerate Ie in• �sastIeRheum, Outs, Burn Saldal Spree, as o aig end purifying dressing. Do not bo imposed 5u with other useless preparatione,000ennrrronded to be as good, Use only McGregor & Parke's Cnrbolio Comte, Sold by J. Hargreaves C Co. r'earna Notore. Preparations for winter on the farm must bo neglected no longer. Shileb's Cure will i araedlatei] relieve Croup Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by 0. A, Deadman. General experimental stations in the interest of agriculture are being esteblished in 'Minnesota. aestame beak, side or chest, use Shi1o1'a Porout Plaster. Price 25 cants. Sold by G. a. Deadman. Grape -vines set this fall will pro- duce fruit in three years. Raspber- ries and blackberries will yield re- turns in less than two years. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Oh110 's Catarrh Bemedy. Price 50 conte. Sold by Wool growing may yield little pro- fit for some time to come, but a com- bined product of wool, lambs and mutton cannot fail to pay. Stick to the sheep. Why will you oongh wham Shnob's Cure will Sold immediate G. Arelief. ice 10e,, Ole,, and S1, Mrs. Vie H. Campbell writes :-'A feeling akin to eadnese come o'er me whenever I pass a farmhouse whose shutters are all closed and only from the kitchen comes a feeble gleam of light.' Are you =ado miserable by Indigestion, Con s,tipation,Dizzim:as, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin 0 81ileh'e vitalizer is a positive time, Bold by G. A. Deadman. With thorough tillage and improv ed. means of gathering, cranberries can be produced at a cost that will make them weloome to the taboos of the most lesmble where they ars now rare rieiters. Thalia?. Goo. H. Tbaye r, of Bourbon, Ind., Rays :-'Both myself and wit? owe our live a to Shiloh's Consumption sure.' Sold by G. A, Deadman. It is aaid that there wool be a scarc- ity of pickles this winter, owing to the failure of the pickle cucumber crop. The supply at the east is esti- mated at 80,000,000, only one half, it is said, of the number required for the eastern trade alone. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle fo 8htloh'0 Vitalizer, It never fails to eon). Sold by G.A,Deadman, Producing a crop is a neee6eity where fertility exists. If not a valu- able cop it will be one of 'weeds, whose seeds are siwaye present and ready to geminate when opportunity offers. If left Unplowed the land should be so heavily seeded with clover as to prevent weed growth as much as possible. 'When most farm. ers talk of giving their land a rest they mean a rest themselves from the labor of tilling it. e arson's Vitalizer is what you need for Con. stipation,l08s of appetite, dizziness, and all symptoms 00Dl80epsia, Price 10 and 75 cents Cor bottle. Sold by G. A. Deadman, Moot persona who use Limn beans do not know how excellent they are when dried for winter use. They are as much better than the common bean as they are them used in summer. The seed almost always brings a high Imo 111 spring, and for this use is one of the most profitable crops that a farmer can grow. Tho advantages in raising Lima beans for seed is that they can be grown by farruers so far removed from cities that the cost of growing will be greatly reduced. Tho discovery of the Instantaneous process of taking photographs has been quickly fol. lowed in the medical world by a perfect and instantaneous remedy for all acute ache' and Paine, 80 Neuralgia, Toothache, Rheumatism etc. Thia valuable remedy is called .Fluid Lightning, and le sold at 25 cents a bottle by J, aigreaves & Co, Druggists. The recent Indiana Legislature en- acted that any person knowingly al- lowing Canada thistles to grow and mature upon his land, or land under his charge, shall be fined no less than $11 nor more than $20 ; and for the seeond and each subsequent offence, double the amount of the first fine. Supervieers of the highways of the State who allow thistles to grow on any road in tbelr districts are subject to like penalties ; as are alae road mestere of railway lines who allow the pests to grow about stations or along the right of way under their supervision. This is a wise law and worthy of enactment in other (States, Excessive feeding of new oats will nun swine in horses, mu if they do not induce more dangerous ooli02, Old horses especially ehoultl bo fed ouly ground feed, as whole new oats piles through thele doing little or uo good. Rev, J, G, Fanta, Dutton, ()artifice :-''For sono years my wife has Peon troubled with Dvepopeia, and had tried ono thing aft or an- other re00mmended with but little or no o1 - feet t111 advleed to give hfoOreger'e el eedy Cure a trial. Since taking the first bottle 1 have noticed a deuided improvement, and eon wstli confidence recommend It to be oto of, if not the best medteine extant Mr Dyspepsia, This invaluable medicine for Liver Complaint, Indigestion, lildnoy Complaint, is purely y8g- etablo, Sold at J. Hargreaves de Co'e Urug Store, Trial bottles given free. Some farmers are trying to console themselves with the idea that rotten potatoes left ou the ground will be worth eousidorable as manure. The idea is fallacious. The potato is mainly carbon, and has very little manurial value. The failure of squashes and other vines to fruit is generally due to im- perfect fertilization. It may bo that pinching back will check the growth of vino and thus induce fruit produc- tion, but a more certain way ie to ar- tificially fertilize by transferring pal. len to the female flowers. Many of the great butter cows, those which in the tests that have been made gave about 20 pounds of butter to the week, aro dead. Their deaths have been traced to a derange- ment of the system at the time of their great testa. The cows could be just as wall, and =mob more fairly, compared, if fed on grass alone. The trainers of successful trotters have justly claimed great credit for the performances of their charges. But it ie just as true on the farm ea on the road that what a team can do depeade largely on their driver, A. poor driver will worry out a team on a light load, while a good teamster will do the same work without injury. Apples and other fruits could be gathered and saved, however low the price, since they are at least worth gathering for their feeding value, If left on the ground they are positive- ly injurious, the acid of the fruit poisoning the soil and destroying all vegetation beneath them. A dress- ing of lime will correct this acidity and restore fertility. The juice of a common milk weed will generally cure warts on the hand orface. It is an Inexpensive and pain- less application, and muoh preferable to tutting the eteresences out, which will not always extirpate them. It will probably serve the same purpose on the teats of cows, where warts often come and cause much inconven- ience in milking. A. better catch of timothy seed with wheat will be tad by sowing after the ground has been dragged or rolled. This will break down the ridges between the droll rows and prevent the bulk of the seed from falling, where as soon as It starts it will come in competition with the wheat roots. This plan will also be much better for the grain crop. The farmer who sells fruit, even at low prices, bill be surprised to find how much more he receives from an equal area in any kind of fruit than in ordinary grain crops. It takes a pretty large area to produce,,,$20 worth of wheat at present prices, but this amount is easily realized from a few choice vines or trees in full bear- ing, and with less expense for culti• vating and harvesting. A. few drops of ammonia In Hard water will not only soften it but will remove dirt better than soap. It is always a good article to use when bathing the person, and the water in whiob it is diluted makes au excel. lent stimulant to house and other plants. It is the slight trace of am- monia absorbed by summer rains which makes these showers 80 help- ful to all kinds of vegetables, Fawners who have been in the habit of drawing potato vines to their barnyards to bo worked up in man- ure had better omit the practice this year, especially in places where the potato rot has been prevalent, The rot is undoubtedly produced by a fungus growth which originates in the leaf, and carrying this to the manure heap is the most certain mode of spreading it over the farm. The apple crop is very unevenly distributed this year. In some plac- es trees will be loaded, whole fifty miles away there may be absolute scarcity. It is probable that all our good fruit will be wanted at paying prices either now or later in the sea- son, In places where there is a sup- erabundance farmers ehoeld take BRUSSRIL$$ r' OSI Nov. 18,1833, care not to aell the cullinga far leas than their feeding value, which is at least lou ciente per bushel. Fashion Nem There is no more stylisht tador- made wellcing suites for 'winter than diose of Black cloth trimmed with American fur. Yarquet floors and weed earpete are now recommended, on the ground of health and cleaulinese, both for "parlor floors" and bedrooms. Cloth top patent leather shoes, of the lciud heretofoe monopolized by gentleman, aro now worn by the salve young girls who wear high collars, Stanley soar& and noon's hate, Among the new cotillion figaro promises is one copied from the fan performance in "The Mikado." The coming leader is 6otafideut it will prove most giddy and gratifying 80100855,a Braes parlor lamps witb engraved glass globes aro seemingly destined to supersede all others in fashionable favor. Oa 1, plush top walnut mad° for the purpose. Antique jewelry continuos morn or less fashionable, and bracelets of old Roman mins are regarded with aspect, ial favor. Tile, "old Boman wine" are made in quantities t0 shit 1n Con- necticut. Blue and white India china, that was the treasure of our groat•grand' mothers, has been revived in all its glory. The new importations are greatly to be admired by all "crock - tory enthusiasts." Coughs and oolde that w0 so frequently neg- lect, and which so often prove the Reeds sown for a harvest of oousulnpnon, 'Mould have im• mediate and thorough treatment. A tMespoon- Sul of Robinson's Phosphorized F,mnleion talc. en when the cough is troublesome, will relu,ve the patient, and persevered In, will effect n euro in the most ohs tinat o omens. Included in imported Parisian per- fumes ie one called "essence of orange flower." It is very delicate and pleasant, and could bo sprinkled over a lot of wedding guests with the moot pleasant propriety. Rlsteric Pets. Semiramis had a pet vulture, Virgil was found of feeding a but- terfly. Nero loved a starling as well as a fiddle. Frederick the Great was n •great dog fancier. Commodus found congenial fellow- ship with an ape. Heliogabalue conversed familiarly with a sparrow. Mohammed's dove is one of the most famous of pets. The Emperor Dominican occupied his leisure in catching flies. Cardinal Richelieu amused himself with his collection of can. Cowper was at no time so happy as when feeding his tame bares. Cardinal Mazarin employed his leisure in playing with an ape. Alfieri was proud of his horses, and took great delight in fondling and carressing them. Charles I, of England, was very found of spaniels, and the breed of his dogs is still famous en this coun- try. Tiberius, Boman emperor, made an intimate companion of a serpent, which he trained to take food out of his hand. Goethe rarely passed a day with- out bringing out from the chimney corner a live snake which he kept there and carressed. Henry III, of France, was so found of spaniels that he used to carry a litter of them in a basket suspended around his neok when giving his aud- iences. Louis YI, when ill in Plessis-le- Tour8, only found pleasure in an ex- hibitiou of dancing rigs, oddly dress- ed up, which were trained for his eu• tortarnment. Honorius, Roman ompe'or, was so grieved at the loss of a favorite Igen name Rome that he would willingly have given Rome itself to bring it bank, but Alaric bad taken Rome. The Marquis do Montoepau amused himself with mice when occupying the gilded apartments of Versailles. The mica were white, and had beou brought to him all the way from Si. berla, Latude, in the bastile, made oom- paniond of six and twenty rats who inhabited his Doll. He gave each of them a name, and they learned to come at his call, He fed them, played with them, and they thus greatly re- lieved the ennui of his captivity. Tho painter Razz formed it friend- ship with all sorts of animals, and he filled his house with squirrels, mon- keys, Angora eats, dwarfs, x8008, he. goats and Elba ponies. Besides these he had an enormous raven, who gray ely strode about among the other an. imala as if ho wen the exhibitor of this Noah's aelf. When any one knocked at the floor the raven celled "Come in!" in a loud Telse. There is a great deal of Balkan among the warhorses iu the Beast, "What is laughter ?" alike a phil• oeopher, It is the sound you hear when your hat blows off. "flow can that Mrs. Tones wear each loud colors ?" "Why don't you know ? She's as deaf no a post." A Country riddle : "i saw a tree with apples on it ; I pinked no apples off it, and I left no apples on it." One striking differouco between au old toper and au old sow is that two borne will last the old cow a lifetime. "Ambulator" writes to ask if wo can tall him how to take the purl out of heir. Have you over tried gutting married ? "Called Back" ie the head lino pub over an accouuG of the Cloteutiou at Hartford of a oaeilier who was ou his way to Canada. Every man is fond of striking the nail on the heart ; but when it hap - t ens to below linger -nail, bis enthus- iasm becomes wild and incoherent. "Kiss the baby while youcau," ad- monishes a poet. We can kiss her jug its well fifteen or twenty years from now -if sole's that kind of a baby. It 19 said that if insanity is lateut in ''a person, it ivi11 almost develop itself at salt, Nearly everything in a person usually develops itself at sea. An anxious enquirer asks : "Where would you advise me to go to learn how to play the piano ?" To the woods, dear -to the deep, dark, damp, dank, daugerous woods. "le land high in Vermont!" asked a spectator of an old Green Mountain farmer. "You just bet it 19," was the reply ; "if the trees wasn't so grunted the clouds could not got by at all," 'Oh 1 timeline, coma quick l The baby's tumbled down into the cistern; we's bin a $shim' for him for half au hour wid an umbereller handle au' a chunk o' sponge cake an' we coni even get a nibble." Tho price of a giraffe is $20,000. Boardinghouse people who had an idea that bash contained e. little of everything can now eat that com- pound with the assurance that giraffe is not ono of the component parts. Japanese etiquette requires visitors to remain at the places they are visit- ing until they are told to leave. A. good many visiting acquaintances in this country seem to be trying to make that the custom here. A man never begins to find out how little he knows of domestic mat. ters until his wife sake him to keep his eye upon the baby, and see that a pan of melted butter is kept stirred while she goes into the at5tc to look through her rag bag. "What are the things that touch us most as we look back through the years ?" asked a female lecturer im- pressively. There was a moment's awful pause, and then a small boy in the audience answered, 'Our clothes.' A Grand Success. -Farmer's wife (to husband just returned from the ocuntry fair) -Was the fair a emcees John ? Husband -Ye kin bet it was ; over two thousand exhibits. Wile -- You don't tell me I Husband -Yes, siree, over two thousand, and fifteen hundred of 'em was in punkine alone. I never gee rich a eight. "Why do you have your choir be- hind the congregation?" a stranger asked a member of one of our fashion- able churches. "Well I know it's a fashion now to have it in front, and we used to have ours there. But you see that little tenor's new spring suit was so loud that nobody could hear the organ. We like the change very much and the music really seems to be better. Augustus Would Know. -"I see by the papere that automatic couplers are generallyintroduoetl," romarkedAmy to the High School girl, last night. "Yes, I noticed that myself," replied Mildred ?" 'What are they, Mildred?' "I am not positive," was the reply, "but I infer that they ate a sort of attachment to the new marriage li- oeneo law, but 3'11 ask Augustus when he oalle to -night." 18 PURL2'121 ILi1 If VI III' FRIDAY ,11-0flNIn`l1, le time fm' the Early Mails, at Whew fast Swum Puhlislllnl. Ileums nitus1 las, • TERMS, -'Chu eubsortption m1.0 of Tau PONT Is 01.00 par aunntn in advance, 1111 sub. 5011511055 muni be 110.10 at the time of sub. scribing, if not so paid 31.00 will be charged. No payor discontinued until all arrears are paid up. ADVr'_RTISINQ RATES. -Tho 2,1104ing rates wdl 1,n envoi to 15000 who advertise by the roar: A Kingston despatch says:-Be- garding the ravages of scarlet fever, it is stated that from September let to October 29th 141 cages had been reported -91 cases in September and 90 in October. These oases were scattered over 84 faMilies. During the two months 18 deaths caused by the fever had occurred, 8 in Septem- ber and 5 in October, At a public meeting at . $amnion Tuesday to consider the advisability of changing the minims of Burlington Bay, Beach and Canal to Hamilton Bay, Beach and Canal, a resolution was passed stating that the ehango was desirable, and asking the City Council, :Board of Trade, Central Labor Union and other associations to take the matter into their onside oration, 1 Peer, 6 months, 0 months Cue cohun u.,.... SOD 01)..... .73) 0o $90 00 Half " 05 011 en 00 19 00 uartor" 00 011 la 00 6 00 N�.ighth " ld 0 .. . .. a 00 0 0 High t cents per 11 eo far arse 10a:'rt ion, and throe Dents Por line for malt subsequent in- sertion. All advsrtinem0u is measured a9 Non. pareil-19 linos to the Mob. 11051neee oard9 of eight linos and under, 03 per annum. Advertisements without spesiae directions will be inserted until forbid, slid charged ac- oo1'tinIly, Irretruotlone to utuingo or discontinue au advertisement leu et be left at the mounting room of 'rein 1'n,n'', not later than Monday noon of each amok. This is rmpurnttra, Advertisements under the bond of Strayed, Stole o, Lost or Found, Wants, Uarm0 or stook for Sale or Wanted, &a., not 0010001ie.! seven lines, tvlllb0 given tune ln;ortioua (:11.1,00. W. 10 . =Emma e7 Atter ane 2'repri©tor T[IP BEST WSN D HILI . NV. A2. NCorris, Excez,sfoxTaw; Weems, . 11flrCrinr.r., Oxri Manufacturer of three dl Rerent kiada of Windmills, Windmills yet made u• For nnost mp ing water, sawing wood, °hopping grate or driving any light machinery they have no equal. M'y CFILEn13ATLD PUMPS have se- <luredaworld-wide reputation. I guarantee them as being superior to many now in the market, and equal to any aver made, They will throw water notoet, or force 1 t n mile on the 10801. Farmers and stockmen are re- quested tosend fox par Maulers before buying either a Windmill or n Pump, fie I claim that mine aro the boaW•t It iMORRIS t1Vlitehell Address Sign ofthe Scotch Collar. -00- Hero we are with a Splendid. Stook of ROBES, SELLS, HOB,,1S`E BLI.NEETS, &O. -00- Our harness fills the hill every time. Call and see our stools and leave your order. -oo- A large assortment of Trunks, 'Valises & Satchels to choose from. -00- Repairing promptly attended to. -00- Call i11 and see our goods. We don't charge anything for looking. H. DENMIS.. ECK'S UN MILWAUKEE, WIT;., GEO. W. PECK, Editor & Proprietor. TRE FUNNIEST PAPER IN AMERICA. What Vaccination is to Small- pox, Peck's Sun is to the blues. Pxox's SUN is one of the most widely react and popular papers iu the country to -day, and stanclw without a peer in its specialty. She originator of the Celebrated _MD BOY RAPERS; Specimen Copies Freie to any address. Bear in mind that by sending a Postal Card to this office, a sample copy 0f Pock's Sun will bo mailed yoti Free, Don't neglect to send at once, and tell your neighbors too. $] WORTH OF FUN FOB 10, Address GEORGE E Le LORD, Business Mange()', MILWAUKEE, - WISCONSIN