HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-11-13, Page 5Noy. 18, 1885.
The roade are in a very bad eondl•
tion on account of the reeont heavy
Bev. W. G. Hanna, 13, A., preach-
es in the Presbyterian ebarch hero
next Sunday.
The Walkerton Herald eaye in
speaking of the Fall Assizes:—The
monotony of the wituees lox was
agreeably varied ono day by the evi-
dence of a clergyman. The Rev. Mr,
Baugh, of Ripley, was called to testi-
fy in a case of bigamy. Mr. Baugh
is a gentlemanlylooking man, of
clerical aspect, and highly intelligent
appearance, In all probability he
had never boon in a court before,
and bad no idea how to give legal
evidence. The lawyers bothered and
bewildered him every few minutes
by stopping his description with the
announcement "that's not evidence.
Te11 us what you know, not what you
think." A. legal education destroys
the imagination by trying the mind
down to fade. Theology, on the
contrary, develops the fancy, and al-
lies the understanding with the mus-
ings of poetry. A clergyman is apt
to think hie thoughts aro facto. Mr.
Baugh, in despair, rend the marriage
service for the judge, who appeared
to enjoy it, while Mr. Macdougall re•
marked with a groan, "we've all been
there." The bigr.mist was finally
convicted, and sent to the central
prison for six months.
7;Wm, Hill has gone to Brassele
where he is clerking for W. H. Mo.
The officers of the Uniou Sunday
Sobool in Aldridge's school house
have purchased a new library for the
use of the school.
Rev. W. G. Hanna, B. A., is home
on a visit to his parents before taking
h15 first charge as pastor. He bas
had a long and thorough course of
Robt. King, 1st con., has leased
his farm to a Mr. Palmer, of Simooe
Co.for a term of five years at an an-
nua,l rental of $280. Mr. King will
try the implementbusiness for a while.
At the last meeting of Court Bel -
grave No. 48, 0. 0. F., the following
officers were installed : L. Pearen, 0.
It.; John McCool, V. C. R.; William
Wightman, Chaplain ; A. Taylor, R.
S.; Joshua Pearen, F. S.; John 0.
Campbell, Treasurer ; B. Wilkinson,
S. W.; Wm. Adair, J. W.; A. Brooks,
S. B.; Jae. Tyner, J. B.
Report for October. Senior third—
Mary O'Connor, 810 ; Ella Clark,
765; Alfred Russell, 748 ; Charlotte
Harlem, 645. Junior third—Katy
Halliday, 965 ; Mary Parker, 925.
Second—Melinda Clegg, 897 ; David
Russell, 759 ; Adam Halliday, 718 ;
Maggie Watson, 687. Part second—
Lizzie Watson, 598 ; Geo. Haslem,
Thankegiving service will be held
in Knox Church on Thursday,
Robt, Brown, who hvee near here,
still continuos very ill, as yet there is
no change for the bettor, he rather
growe weaker daily.
James Brown is moving to Oran -
brook into Jacob Krauter'e house,
lately purobaeod from Goo, IIeutber.
We welcome James batik again as he
is the right kind of a citizen to have,
Grey Plowmen's Association will
hold their annual mooting on Friday.
Nov. 20th, at 8 o'clock p.m., at
Dames' hotel, Oranlirook, all are re-
quested to attend as business of im-
portance will have to be transacted.
1. 13. Clark, has bought the stook
of A. It. Smith's store here and will
carry on the business in the old stand,
where ho will keep everything usually
found in a first•clase store. John is
an enterprising young man and will
no doubt merit a largo share of pub -
lie patronage.
Oxon OALL.—Last Tuesday as P.
MoDonald was attending to his young
stallion the animal attaoked him and.
knocked him down. The horse rear-
ed to renew the attack but fell over
backwards striking its bead against
the atone wall of the stable so violent-
ly that the animal died Boon after.
Mr. McDonald was not much injured,
we are glad to state. The horse was
a good one and will be a heavy loss
to its owner.
D. D. Wilson has handled 20,000
barrels of eggs this season. Eaoh
barrel contains 70 dozen.
Seaforth creamery butter, August
make, sold at 204 cents ; September
andT October has been cents.
granted the
The Army
use of the '.Gown Hall on condition
that they cease the drum beating.
Robt. Govenlook presented the ed-
itor of the Sun with a ripe strawberry,
picked on Oct. 21st. It measured 14
x 24 inches.
A man named Dale, of Harpurhey,
has been sent to Goderich to answer
to the charge of wilfully deetroying
the eye of Mr. Miller.
The people of this locality are a
unit on the granting of a bonus or
loan to Kyle & Mustard to aid them
in rebuilding their mills.
The VanEgmend fire} received the
silver medal awarded them by the
Directors of the Industrial Exhibition
for their display of woolen goods.
Win. McKay, of this town rode
from Seaforth to near London and
back, a f 75
bicycle. dl He left stanee oSeafor hmiles,
t11 80
a.m., and be reached Lunn at 2:80
and got hack to Seaforth after having
completed his '75 miles a little after
Mx in the evening, having thus made
the entire distance in about seven
LOUTS or at the rate of ten miles an
hour, including stoppages.
Last Sunday night about 8 o'clock
while intoxicated Wm. Carey, a Clin-
ton rough, stabbed in the arm John
Thomson, who was endeavoring to
release a horse from the baggy Carey
wrecked. Andy O'Donnell, Carey's
companion, etruoli Thomson on the
bead with a whip handle, felling him
to the ground. On Monday, in the
Police Court, OereyrWas sent to Gode-
rials to await is trutl, and O'Donnell
wag fined $1 and °cote. -
The town is to be lighted by gas at
$18 per post.
The Poultry Association will hold
an exhibition next January.
Dr. Draper, eon of Geo. Draper,
of this town, has commenced practice
at Linwood.
The skating rink stake the curlers
$150 for the use of the ice for curling
this winter.
The season's business of the cheese
market was wound up last week by an
oyster supper.
Uur Foresters Court is doing well
for a youngster 6 months old, having
60 members and a surplus of $206.
Customs report for October at this
place were :—Imports, $5,648 ; ex-
ports, $12,468; duties collected,
Jas. McMullen, M.P. for North
Wellington, is engaged to give an ad-
dress to the Reform Association some
day soon.
Wing ham.
The Scott Act cases did not amount
to much.
8. Ostrander, of Tilsonburg, intends
opening a boot and shoe store in town.
The 0. 0. F. boasts of a member-
ship of 120, and $2,000 in the treas-
Another salt "hole" will probably
be sunk on the banks of the Maitland
Mrs. Gregory and family who were
in Manitoba this Bummer have return-
ed to Wingham.
The tax collector is receiving the
where -with -all to run the affairs of
the corporation.
It is said that Thos. Holmes is the
nominee of the Anti -Scott party fur
the Police Magistracy.
The Times fancies Wm. Olegg is
the coming candidate of the East
Huron Conservatives for the Domin-
ion House.
home mean sneaks went around
town Last week and smashed a lot of
windows. A reward of $100 is offer-
ed for their apprehension.
The Wingham Times gives our-
renoy to the rumor—and no doubt
the wish is father to the thought—
that Thomas Farrow, M. P., will
not again contest East Huron.
Our salt well is a. fizzle and the
town is $1,500 out of pocket. A good
many people think the salt pushers
would only have one wish if salt was
found, that is that they had their
money back again. There is no
money in salt.
Toto➢ .
Talk of a new hall in the village.
"Col." Roddick, of Brussole, has
added considerably to the looks of
our town.
Our several merchants have con,
eluded to close their places of business
on Thanksgiving day.
William Tompkins and wife receiv-
ed quite e surprise on Tuesday even-
ing last. It being tiro 65th anniver-
sary of their wedding day, sons,
daughters and sons•in-law, filled the
house, where after a few hours spent
in social enjoyment the table was
spread with things in perfect bar -
molly with the ' promptinge of the
gastrin nerve. After full justice had
been done, to the good thiuge of life
the friends separated after staging the
Doxology and wishing the aged couple
many happy returne of the day.
The root crop is being housed at a
2;40 gait thio week..
Our threshers are still all very buoy,
and will be for some time.
Isoaa Dobson, eon of Charism Deb•
eon, has gone bo Kansas to live with
Iris nolo David.
Two of our plowman went to the
Gadorioh and Stanley union plowing
match last weolf and each gained n
prize. PI. White took 8rd in the first
class and W. Bird 3rd in the eeooud
The Tilsonburg Observer in epealc-
ing of the completion of is large roller
mill, for E. D. Tilson, save :—"Tile
mill started on Saturday, Oot. 10111,
and flour was eold 8 hours after the
water was turned on, and there has
been no serious hitch since, This re'
fleets great credit on Jas. Smith, of
Goldie 8i MoOu]loch's works, in Galt,
under whose superintendence all the
mill-wright work was done." The
person referred to is our old friend
Smith, formerly of this township.
Mr. Smith is now engaged at Sing-
hampton, near Collingwood, fitting up
a mill.
Me. EDITOR,—With your permission I
desire to offer a few statements regarding
the Grey Plowmans' Aseooiation, and mare
particularly that spongy lump of moral
pollution rolled out to the light of day by
11. White, in your lust issue. Now, it seems
ELM if his article was written for no other
purpose than to vent his spleen on two of
the Directors of whom he appears to enter-
tain an intense hatred, and would like to
make it appear are sadly lacking in princi-
ple. I may say here that this is the same
ma4 who, when Secretary of the Associa-
tion some three years ago, would not and
has not yet handed over the books to his
successor, or to the Auditors, thereby caus-
ing inconvenience to the Association, and
further this is be who last year went home
with his plow on the morning of our match
for the reason, it is generally supposed,
that the plowman who beat him at one of
our previous matches was on the ground
with his plow. Further—this is the man
who this year at the residence of Mr. En-
nis would not pay over to the Treasurer
monies he had colleoted in aid of the Asso-
ciation go that the prizes could be paid out,
and yet be has the cheek to pall members
of the Association "duffers." Now, Sir, I
will not attempt to answer all in his art.
solo, most of which is nothing more than
a boy's twaddle—a very young boy at that.
The statement that a horse was lead in an-
other class is false, and with regard to as -
slating 'a young plowman,' as he terms it,
I may say that boys were allowed assist-
ance. There is no getting over the fact
that leading a horse ahead of the one draw-
ing the plow is virtually driving the team.
He says "I have seen that same leading
the horse over and over again at many a
match," yes, but he does not say that such
plowmen forfeited their right to a prize,
unless otherwise provided for in the rules.
"What does the AEeociatiou intend doing
with the medal?" he asks. Well, if he bad
been at the meeting, instead of being in an
adjoining room, he would know all about
that as it ie no secret. I will say nothing
further on the matter at present, only that
the affairs of the Association have always
been managed efficiently and well, without
fear or favor to anyone since its organiza-
tion, and with the exception of this one
man who it appears is subject to spells of
that fell disease, called ohronie grumbling,
the best of harmony has always prevailed
among its members. Yours,
Grey, Nov, 10th, 1885. A Dmacroe,
Note.—This wordy war has gone about
far enough, we think, and no good can re-
sult from it. Bury the hatchet and sing
the old nursery rhyme "Let doge delight to
bark and bite, &c: EDrron POET.
An offer by 'Thomas Bain, M.P.,
of Dundee, for $11,722 worth of St.
Thomas sewer debentures, at $1.134,
has beeu accepted. Tho debentures
draw 6 per cent, interest and run for
20 ;ears
Au old resident is responsible for
the following reminisconoe, says the
St. Thomas Times :—A good many
years ago people were startled by a
report respecting a young man in the
western part of what was then called
Upper Canada. He went out to the
woods one morning to fell timber.
During the day he felled a tree which
lodged. He attempted to fell anoth-
er on the first one to bring it down
but did not succeed, He went up one
of the leaning trees to attempt to die.
lodge them, when buddenly the up-
per tree fell and caught tho young
man's foot between the two, at the
same time throwing him over back-
wards 80 that his shoulders just
touched the snow. He was alone far
in the woode and his voioo could not
reauh Lie friends, and it being a cold
day he must soon perish. But be
was a mall of strong will and equal
to the occasion, He took his kuife
from his pocket and out the flesh
around the bone of the imprisoned
leg. As be came to the artery he
held it until the cold congealed the
blood and then proceeded. If he
felt bis.strength beginning to fail he
bathed his fano with snow. When ho
bad the bone bare ire reached his axe,
and with 0118 blow severed it and Wits
free. He crawled out of tLe woods
across a field to the road where a
passing team took him home. That
young man was afterwards a member
of our Dominion Parliament, a Oab•
inet Minister, and is now known as
Mr. Justice O'Councr, a strung per-
sonal friend of Rev, Fatlier Flannery,
of this city.
Just received a fresh stuck of
Richter and 'Thio Mouth Organs.
All the School Books in stock.
Orders taken and filled for
School Maps, Tablet Lessons and
any book desired, on the shortest
Seo our 100 and 200 page scrib-
Santa Claus has unloaded one
pack of Christmas Goods and more
18 coming.
Wait and see our handsome
Christmas Cards.
Geta sample of our Note Paper.
The Western
UR1VeJ �
its 1
London, - Ont..
Published alternately to olgbt and twelve
sage loran, and beautifully printed by One Of
the best web -feeding presses is America.
Balance of' 1885 Free!
Itis an undisputed fast that the regular cir-
culation of The Western Advertiser le the
largest in Ontario, with only two Toronto
exceptions, being over 05000.
In clubs of four and upwards 71c. each,
0f interest to evory member of the family.
Note a 10w :—First -Glass Agricultural Depart-
ment ; Special Market Department ; Saoulst
and Sacred Musfe; Interosti4n Stories; Lae.
los' and Youths' Departments; Ouriuus and
Useful Department ; Legal Department ; Tal-
mago's Sermons ; and all the news by tele-
graph, mall and corresponds nee,
For workers, and One Hundred Special Prises
for the most suede eeful agents. Agent's Peek -
age and sample cosies on application. The
most liberal inducements over offered in Can-
ada to club -getters. Address—
Advertiser Printing Co.,
Tits POST and The Western Advertiser will
be mailed to any address from now to Tnnn-
ary 10,1887, on receipt of only 85.25. Now Is
tun time 1
ancusummemotagammaxm 4.4".°T.
i :)XllLO1I�J:
W. 1-l. Morris has much pleas-
ure in intimating to the people of
Brussels. and surrounding country
that he has resumed tailoring, in
his old stand,
Post Office Block, Brussels,
where he will be found ready to
attend to all work committed to
his care iu a thoroughly workman-
like manner. A. good fit guaran-
teed. Special attention paid to
cutting. Remember the place,
Post Office Block.
W. 11. Norris.
ural ai.adian
from now till lat of January 1887,
FOR T118 SMALL AIN OF $1.00.
By an arrangement with the uubllsber of
the Mural O anadian, now in its ninth year of
publication. we are enabled to offer both pa-
llors for 39.0'. The regular Price of the two is
The Rural Canadian is a monthly illustrated
magazine for the Farm and Home. The fol-
lowing are the leading Departments :—Farm
and Field; Horses and Cattle; The Dairy;
Sleep and Swine ; Garden end Orchard; iloee
and Honey; Poultry and Pets ; Home Circle -
The Grange Record ; ]lural Notes ; Household
Hints; Young Canada; Scientific and useful;
The music given from month to month is
worth the pride of soysral years subscription.
The ilobaaygeou Independent styles the
Plural "The agricultural authority of the Do.
The Cobourg World says :—"One of the beat
papers of the kind published on the continent.
Subscribe Now
and get balance of the year FREE.
On account of the Terrible Scourge (small -pox) in Montreal, \Vs
have not bought a dollar's worth of Goods from there this season, and
our customers and friends can rest assured that when buying from the
01cl Reliable New Garfield House, there will be no Goods shown from
that City, and we trust that our little town will never see a case of
Small -pox.
Our Millinery a Grand Success.
Universal Admiration and Appreciation. Flattering Tributes of Praise
from hundreds of Ladies. Tho Display pronounced the Fin-
est in the 'West. Arcades of Velvets, Silks and Sat-
ins, Forests of Birds, Flowers and Feathers,
Draperies of Beautiful Velvets,
Silks and Satins.
MISS PRETTY pronounced the leading MODISTE of the day.
We are pleased to announce that our Fall Imports for the various
department are now complete and that We are prepared to show the
leading and desirable styles of New Goods that will be'ivorn this sea-
son, at prices that cannot fail to effect a ready clearance. Inspection
and comparison invited at the. City Millinery House.
aw POLL.
Agent for Harper's glove -fitting Bazaar Patterns.