HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-11-13, Page 44
cI113e+:L>l err% VW,
FRIDAY, NOV. 18, 1886.
' z direct the attention of our
readers to the faet that there is a
Fire limit By-law in force in Brus-
sels and that the law Amer be ob-
served and complied with. It was
unanimously agreed at the time
that the By-law was passed that
it was a 38180 one and in the in-
terests of the town in the way of
preventing the possibility of fire.
If people disregard the provisions
of this law they will have to suffer
the consequence. Everyone in
Brussels is aware of this By-
law being in force, or should bo,
and for the sake of mutual protec-
tion should. do all in the power to
aid in the preservation of proper-
ty, Wo call attentionto this mat-
ter now as the winter season is
coming on and people think of
Out -buildings.
NOV, 18, 1885.
A couple of lacer ago some 11td1ana LIME
e T splendid,
oved, FOR
tor mile
stale eight cows belonging to the in the townehlp of Grey, Morris ,old 11,ii11-
atlttion mon at Langdon, and in USO lop
i 11Y po A,nlnl,gArr Y. Co. Auctioneer,
latter part of last week they cleauGd
out Gleiehon. Batting six hoed, The �2 so lifbki.alt of t ae ono, 5,t orris neat an
Blaeltfeet say the °nee.lid it,, but no ing1011noreps, 70 nor oaoleered, Pren,nbuild-
0[le SaOinB t0 leets the tY011b10 of gat' sold f1a01a1n��0rrF14IlsoeirThe
irbhnrrty will lmrtienlnre
tine; the One opinion on the subject. apply 110 tt. OklO. Altat0Tli0NG,
0, A. Bitumen, a German paean -
ger by the last trip of the steamer G'tARt'i FOR SALE, BEING LOT
Alnico from Ban Francisco to Via• ' et 0, onn,lo,Grurtnwnvhtn,lrnron no„onn-
training10geros, e0 nevus iivaac]s.1Por'fur
irresponsible campaign statement on Smallpox in Montreal appears to be
Iu Alitehell last Saturday night the
members aqui Salvation Army were
pelted with rotten eggs.
A man named Surtuleso died last
week in the Grey Nunnery, Montreal,
aged 100 years and ten days,
Jame8 Innes, 11I.P., and Mrs.
Iuuee, of Guelph, have returned home
from a lengthy visit to Scotland,
The bog cholera in Brant ie being
stamped out. A large number of
herds were almost completely des-
Sixeteou members of "A" Battery
will make claims for oompeueatan for
injuries received On service in the
W. S. Holmes has already shipped
from .fluoknow station over 4,000
barrels of apples to the old county
markets this fall.
John Elliott, of 'Wilton Grove, has
just gathered 520 bushels of Long
Red mangle and sugar beets, from one
quarter aore of land.
A, large number of 50.cent pieces
and forged $2 Dominion bills, issue
1878, payable at Toronto, are in cir-
culation at Chatham.
The Canadian Niagara Falls Park
Commlaeion met Thursday at the
Falls, and finally settled upon the
rear boundary line of the Park.
While Mr. Meinze, of Perry, Ont.,
was chopping wood in a bush Friday
morning, 11e felled a tree on his little
girl, aged about 7 years, killing her
The Dominion Government will
shortly establish a life saving station
at Pigeon Bay, Lake Erle, and it is
rumoured will also discontinue the
light on Point Pelee.
A. deputation of brewers waited on
the Government last week to urge the
passage of an order•in council per.
milting the sale of blue ribbon beer
in Scott Act counties.
The Montreal Lacrosse Olab play-
ed 18 matches during the season, 17
of whioh were won and one lost.
These comprised 87 games, of whioh
66 were won and 21 lost.
An Ottawa telegram say : At the
Ottawa Assize Oourt, Mr. McKenna
sues F, B. MoNameo for $125,000
for breech of contract in connection
with the Esquimault graving dock.
Messrs. McMillan & Cameron, of
London, gave notice of application to
the Dominion Government for a
charter for the Colonial Bank of Can-
ada, with headquarters at Montreal.
J. B. King, of Oakville, was fined
$50 and $18.20 costs, for violation
of the Scott Aot, at Oakville last week.
This is the first case of contravention,
convicted, outside the hotels in Oak-
A 'Yorkville gentleman is reported
to be on the look•out for two of the
biggest turkeys the country can pro-
duce to send to England, one for Mr.
Gladstone and the other for the Prince
of Wales. •
A large number of the volunteers
of the 65th Battalion are accepting
land grants in preference to scrip.
They propose to settle, and have se-
lected a location in the vicinity of
Bishop McLean, of the Saskatche-
wan diocese, has collected on behalf
of his mission enterprise $518 in To-
ronto and $259 io Hamilton. The
funds will be devoted chiefly in aid of
Emmanuel College.
The total sum received Sunday at
St. Peter's Cathedral, London, by
contributions at the door in the morn-
ing and a silver collection in the ev-
vening was $1,800, all of wench will
be applied to the organ fund.
the organ.
Rev, Mr, Broley will repeat his
lecture on "Enoch" nosh" before long.
Several young men from `i oirnberry
townobip have gone to the Michigan
lumber woods.
The Essex Centre Argus says :-J,
W. Hsndrie, of Dutton, who formerly
carried on a herberillg businese ill
this town, attended the annual con-
vention of the 13aptist denomination
at Guelph two weeks ago, after which
he purposed attending McMaster
Hall, Toronto to prepare himself for
the work of the ministry. While in
Guelph he was examined by the fat-
ulty of the college on points of script-
ure and doctrine, which decided that
it woald be a waste of time for him to
attend college, as they wanted more
men to work. So he is to go to Tees•
water at a salary of $800 per year.
On Wednesday night last an in•
fermi machine, consisting of two
dynamite cartridges, with a clock-
work arrangem ent for exploding the
same, enclosed in a small box, was
placed on the doorstep of John Esson
Reeve of the village of Bayfield.
The apparatus was discovered by a
milkboy, who notified Mr. Eason,
and the arrangement was romovei
just as the hammer was about to
drop on the cartridge. Mr, Esson
knows no reason for this dastardly
attempt to injure him. Certain per.
eons in the village have been heard
to make threats of personal injury
against Mr. Esson, but he had no
idea that a political opponent, or
anyone, would stoop to the perform-
ance of an act of this kind.
Co.na,dia.n N ores.
some important facts before the
electors of Lucknow, and thay are
still worth the serious considera-
tion of the peoplo in every part of
the Dominion. He pointed out
how much more rapidly our bur-
dens were being increased than
our ability to bear them. During
the eighteen years of the union
our population had increased
scarcely 1,000,000 ; Mir annual
expenses had increased $22,000,-
000, and the necessary taxation by
$16,000,000, to which $8,000 may
be added for incidental protection,
The debt at Confederation was
$92,000,000. It is now $800.000,-
000. The population has during
the last eighteen years increased
80 per cent ; the debt has increas-
ed 100 per cent. The expenditure
has been increased 160 per cent.,
and the taxation 150 per cent.
"IT is understood at Ottawa that
George Stephen, the president of the
Canadian Paoific Railway Oompany,•
will be knighted in consideration of
the unprecedented rapidity with which
the road has been constructed."
Knigthood business is getting
a little too common. Years ago
people had to perform something
really worthy of commendation be-
fore special honors or distinction
was conferred upon them, but now-
adays knighthood and other such
titles aro about as common as cheap
jewelry, and are given more from
a point of favoritism than any-
thing else. What did the gentle-
man, mentioned a above,
honor ?do to
deserve any sp pocketed?He
got a good fat contract,
thousands of dollars and conse-
quently did nothing more than
hundreds of men are doing to -day
in pushing the work through to
completion. Then Bir A. Caron
conies in for distinction on account
of his management of the North-
west military operations, and so it
goes until honors are becoming as
cheap as dirt d are
more l
thanonesensibleman. by
It is not often assessment appeals
for increase of taxation are from the
person interested. Ministers are al-
lowed exemption from taxation on
$1,000 income. Bev. Mr, Fuller, of
Brantford, however, did not desire to
take the benefit of the exemption and
appealed to be placed on the assess-
ment roll for $800 income.
A grain elevator at the Great West-
ern Railway depot at Norwich collaps-
ed on Saturday morning, and is now
a total wreak. About 15,000 bushels
of grain were stored in the building,
not Leif its capacity. The .founda-
tion had become unsound. The loss
will be heavy. Rose & Scott, of Til•
sonburg, are the losers of the grain.
The building was owned by Wm.
Merrill, of Norwich.
Talk about big stories of a big yield.
Here is one that completely discounts
and lays in the shade all that has yet
been told or dreamed of. James
Hammill, of Oustic, Ermines, plant•
ed one pound of a new variety of p0•
tato seed last spring. He cut each
eye in the potatoes separately and
planted one in each hill. An extens-
ive plot for such a small amount of
seed was therefore covered. The
yield was enormous. From the one
pound planted, Hammill dug up ex-
actly 141 pounds. This was certain-
ly a marvellous yield, and all potato
growers are invited to beat it.
toric, .S. O„ died at a hospital et
letter place Wednesday, having1
ally sto,rved himself. He was insane,
and ie believed escaped from some
lunatic asylum.
The Loudon Free Press says: -
George Stlnsou, of Bathurst street,
is said to have made thirty-seven
floor barrels between 8 and 12 o'aloeli
Friday, and he expreseee his willing•
floss to make a ton hour match, to
make flour or apple barrels, with any
cooper in Oanade, for $75 or $100 a
A epecial meeting of the finance
committee of the Stratford Oouoail
was held Thursday night to receive
tendora for the new city 5 per cent,
debentures. The issue was $29,000.
Twenty tenders were received, only
three of which wore under 100, the
highest was 108, with several here.
ly a fraction below.
About 150 of the journeymen of
John McPherson & Oo., wholesale
boot and shoe manufaoturers, Haw•
ilton, wont out on strike Monday
morning. They objected to the om-
ploylneut of two non-union men who
cane from Montreal a few days ago
and were given work• The non-un-
ion men w08e given union pay, and
were desirous of becoming members
of the union. At 2 o'clock in the
afternoon the strikers all retnrnod to
wont on Mr. McPherson discharging
the non-union men.
The other night an unknown mss
•cut a window pane from the bed -room
window of an old lady, 65 years of
age, by the name of Ferris, who re-
sides alone in Brantford Township,
Mrs. Ferris was awakened by feeling
the grasp of the man upon her arm.
Beside the bed was a stand upon
which lay a number of household
articles. Mrs. Ferris quickly reach•
ed to the stand. and seizing a spoon
or some similar article, presented it
and threatened to shoot the intruder
if he did not make himself scarce.
The frightened man made a bolt for
the window, andjust as be was making
hie hurried exit, Mrs. Ferris reach-
ed beneath the bed clothing, and
seizing a Retiree, which she used as
a heating iron, hurled it at him,
striking him fairly between the shoul-
ders, and causing him to give utter -
once to some very un•Sunday School
expressions. Mrs. Ferris deserves
great credit for her pluck and pros
encu of mind. After so warm a re-
ception it would be impossible to draw
that burglar within a mile of her res-
idence with a yoke of oxen.
j In,ron County IN otos.
The Parkhill Gazette is now in the
bands of J. G. Green, formerly of the
Gerrie Enterprise.
Thos. Wallace, of West W awanosb,
has purchased a thoro'-bred short
horn Durham bullindeeonthe L. H.
The morning p
& B. road struck a steer just We
side of Floneali yesterday and passed
over the animal, which lay with its
neck on one rail and its hindquarters
on the other. The jar to the loco•
motive was pretty severe, but it held
the rails, end no one in the pas-
senger cars felt the shake.
Some hotel keepers in Wingham
were recently summoned on a charge
of selling liquor in defiance of the
Scott Act. They were not all eon-
victed. The other ght a mob went
laround and smashed the windows in
a number of the hotels, whose own.
ere have been summoned for the
purpose, as one of the r
ahsbegexs ree-
sed it, of making
peat the law."
The Globe says that :-The torn,]
Tory organ Bays that du i gglast year
the United
we sent 11,500,000 egg
States and received in return $2,000,-
000. At this rate our eggs brought
almost six cents each, or seventy
cents a dozen. There is something
wrong in this calculation. We can-
not beliethat
ure.Mr.rFarro , oeggs f
such fig special guardian of the
Huron, the
M. St. Pierre, a Montreal lawyer,
endeavors to show that email -pox le
a disease indigenous to Montreal, AB
much so as cholera is to India.. Fie
endeavors to establish this fact by
showing that small -pox existed
amongst the Indians during the early
settlement of the country, and that
when Jacques Cartier first sailed up
the St. Lawrence and landed where
Montreal is now, he found the pesti-
lence raging amongst the Indians
This may be so, but M. St. Pierre en
tiroly overlooks the fact that the Gulf
of St. Lawrence was frequently visit-
ed by traders before the days of Jac-
ques Cartier ; that in the time of
Henry VIII. and of Francis I. vessels
found their way upon the northern
short of Nova Scotia and of the St.
Lawrence, and that it is not at all
improbable that smallpox may have
been introduced amongst the Indians,
and had spread westward long before
the days of Jacques Cartier.
is situated 1 t tulles fr'
tiler pnrtlanhtrs apply to
11011T. McliAUGIIT0Prop;
(, of the undersigned lot 14, sou, 19, Grey,
about thot st of Au5u01, nee yearmid heifer,
red and white In color. The owner can Lave
enure by proving Property nod
16-45 Oranbrook, 00,
1....7of the uudoretgnee. lot 65, eon. 10, Grey, a
rod hite
ellyCmson my premises about Sept,
The owner is requested to Prove prop-
e 15- pay expenses arid J take IIWBher TE11, Prop,
A true tonic, to 1115111), recommended for all
diseases requiring a eortain o00oloennttgo oh, es,
p sourly Indigestion, Dyspepsia,
Petite. Lone of Strength, Leek of Energy. Rc,
It enricliostho blood, strengthens the mmol es.
and gives now life to the nerves. It acts like s
charm and isjust what avorybedy wants. It in
strictly -Vegetable ble In Omubt nation, mod tenon -
alcoholic. For sale by dealers generally.
tie driving Imre°, 0 years old; 2 general
purpose mares, rising Si years of lei steers gr10-
log 9 yoara old ; 4 dry owls; Y
; 10
lambs; 10 fat yearling withers and. owes; 10 fat
owes ; 10 honvv fat pigs 1 10 light fat pigs l 1
brood now and four Y017RIAII MOPAPDT)TN"
18•tf Lot 3, oon.12, Grey,
es of the undersigned, about July 1503,
threehsad of eattle 2 v+tr, el d. 1 steer red
and white, hunt tar no t nut, slot tut f orahead;
1 ran heifer, borne turnedvn,is000t on forehead;
1 yellowish brindla. An,
will lend to the recovery of the same
Fa1110 will be
suit t 31y rewarded.
Lot 17, con 8, Grey, Ethel P, 0, 16.4x.
lr tho00.11i riethhootJuly olgt, 811 hlead
lot 10• o vis: --1 white heifer, a rod
Twirling cattle,
heifers, 1red and
white mark on toro-
hoad,t tea M1ud whtto steer with white streak
down back, and l rad hull. Any person giving
nick information me will lend to silo 000overy
of the same will bo suitably rewarded.
10.10 13013T, ILOOMGIBLD, Dluovale.
from the premises of the undersigned, lot
22, con. 8, ilorris• on or oboe July 15111, 8 head
of cattle, described as follows 0 steers, three
years old, one rad and white, and the other 14
red ; 9 abet r0 and 1 holier, 0 years old,1 steer Is
rod. 1 a rod maley, l a lino buck, rind the heifer
is gray iu color ; 1 yoarl"Sg stout.. lino beaked,
and 1 grayish colored heifer. A reward of 010
1s offered for .deform ttilu 111740 wlU lead
tho1r recovery, Walton.
v100,-Thoundersignedwillkoep a thor-
ough brad Berkshire boar for servlo miles _ce on lot 77,
rem 13 rue -
osis ',Hurn L,about ad"" Ives7Vbred by II Corbel',
sole "Huron d
Guelph, and y ,T embed by Lor Wallington.
Naily,r010 got Tombs, Eng1407 , bre land; dam, 0 15
7o01010 ,16,8rn0d 1This well bred pig waslfar-
r ornbe,Eug51,
rowed Jnt,or vice ,with
Terms: privilege of
r to paid
at ecessasorviso, Wit Janus M. 7l1samvnin8,
if 49 00asary Proprietor.
The Amhersburg Fire :Department
have lurohased a handsome silver
tea set, whioh will be presented to
Fireman Michael Brien, of Windsor,
on the 12th inst. for his bravery in
saving the life of Mies Briebois, of
Amberstburg, on the 18th ult.
The Executive of the Dufferin
County Scott Aot Association have
forwarded to the Hon. 0. Mowat,
Attorney -General, a cordial vote of
thanks for acceding to their request
by appointing a police magistrate for
the county.
There are 580 students now in at-
tendance at McGill University, Mon-
treal. This number, notwithstanding
the prevalent epidemic, is slightly in
excuse of last year. There are 48
women in attendance on classes in
faculty of arts.
The 66 acre farm on the river road
purchased by a company fox cemetery
purposes at St, Marys was offered
for sale by auction on Saturday last
on the market square. It was
knocked down to Jas. Clarke, the
highest bidder, for $8,525.
Galt Reporter : Owing to the de-
lay in seeding this year, it was fear-
ed many that the fall wheat would
make but a poor show when the snow
fell. These fears have not been re-
alized, however, the fine open season
having brought it on wonderfully, It
could not look better than it doea.
Robert Duffield, of Dorchester town-
ship, exhibited at this office a maple
of walnuts grown upon a tree whioh
he raised from seed. While walking
about the grounds of the Centennial
Exposition in Philadelphia in 1875,
Mr, D. pinked up a couple of walnuts
from the ground and brought them
home. He planted one the same fall
and it is now five inches in diameter
at the butt and about 16 feet high.
The nuts shown were from this tree.
Mr. Duffield's object ie not 8o muoh
to show what care and attention can
bring about, as to impress upon the
farmers, now that walnut timber ie so
scarce in Western Ontario, the desir-
ability of fostering the planting of
walnut trees, which form . the very
best shade in summer, and provide
for a constant demand for this kind
of lumber, to say nothing of the local
consumption of the nuts. The matter
is well worth the attention of farm -
egg industry, must have imposed an ere. 'London Free Press.
■ a,ot 8004110v for sale can be delivered any
time. 18-4 Apply to Toho, conn. 9 ,Soy.
LJnotes of the late W. G. litngetou'e sale are
due on November 17th, and aro in myhands
for ooliectiou. Prompt payment is requested
Queen Street. S&L 0 There i SALE,
the Lot that could bo utilised fora stable,
Wtilbe sold onreaeonablo. BAAWTIR Gam
of 01ho undersigned lot,10, con. 5, Morris,
on or about July 15111, a two year old rod and
white steer. she owner and is lues blur uested to inrove
prelBd1Y,P Y SAML,L0V11, Prop,
3 Drought Colts. One is rising 4 years old,
and wasstredby the well-known stallion 'Wel-
Uh0lenleejerThey nftyyyboMotnonLoi
10, Oo . JN0. LOWE,
10, 11 4 fi, Gro9� Prop.
, Oou my o! Hux , g corse
L' eontore or the estate of the late 1x110 ct
SLfl11a50N offer for aide that000 e0Ont fain, be-
ing lot 12, con. 11, Grey. There aro 100 mores in
the farm 80 of whioh are «leered, 10 acres part-
ly cleared 0,11(3. 10 acres of good hardwood bush.
There is a good frame barn'Immediate 80x00 foot with
atone stabling underneath.
portion of Por-
sessionwill be siren, Ag
obnea money willbe allowed to stead on inter-
est. Per further partioularsnNply to
197 Oollege otrsot. Toronto,
15.01[ F,thol P,0
5_ terms -Lot 14, on the 9th Con., and Lot15
on the 7th Con. of Morrie, oontaiuing 100 acres
each, about 00 soros cleared, frau from stems
on one farm, and about 00 acres Moored on the
other. The cleared land is in a good state of
cultivation, rind well teneed. Good Immo barn
and stables, and log house on one, and on the
other slog house andlog barn. There is a goad
bearing orchard on Lot 14. A never failing
spring crock rune through both plums. The
soil is first-class, there being no better ferns in
the township, These places aro admirably
for grain glowing or grazing,
five mi es of the flourishing town of Brussels.
The places will be sold together or separately,
and can be bought cheap and on easy terms,
Apply 013 the premises or address the proprl-
otoi8Sua shine P.O. G1t0, B oprri tnmr
p on both lot 18,
eon. 7, The farm contains 100 agree, 78
cleared, and is Well watered well fenced is in
Bpo,1 rick house, frame barn, stables There
premises and an el:ellent oreyard. The
farm le situated one mile from the village of
Elder and 0 miles om Brussels. Por farther
partioulare apply
19.4 16, BATSMAN, Prop.
The attention of all persons is called to Sec -
"tions 7, 8 and 0 of Ohap• 101 Bovised Statutes
of Ontario which. reg11iree all persons over 8
hoe gameshouldshould be oomptiedwith rat onoo nd
Am save any further compulsory measured
bolus taken,
Secy. Board of Health,
Bring your lame horses to Daniel Ewan, he
Dru08ols, Saving practised for years aid
risen to the highest position in the loading
horn shooing eetablia moat of Graham, Odin-
inburgh Scotland, Also having passed with
honors through the Boyd Veterinary Shoeing
School. of I, S. Smith, London, Haglund,
whore hundreds of oriented horses passed
our Hands daily I one safety guarantee to cul e
x000108 ted feet or interfering horses, Now
Boilable terms, and of
workmanbliipo then row -
Mould 13y porntrade. call r fool satisfied 1
D, n WAN,
17•hf 8Un01er's Old Stand,
Notice le hereby given that the partnerehiP
heretofore existing between the undersigned
as Merchant Tailors has thin day been dis-
solved bymutual consent. All a000ants must
be ratite D, A. Smola, of Dread10, by whom
all liabilities of the late firm will bo settled,
J, II.GOriMIN8,I Witnesses. Ti. P. BMALE.
Dated this flat day of Ont., 1885.
amounts must be paid to mo, on or be -
ConrDtforoollooiiof. they Will D A 53431181
Tan 1`)0.51 P0Izu Biti1B0ninn 004011.
The above mentioned Pure bred Berkshire
Boars will bo kotlt for the Beason at TUCK'S
8oto1,Oranbrook Ont. Barnum was farrowed
Marc)) 11611,1885, bred by W, H• Mo1ioh, Elm
Groove lfarni,Leeds (10.: Ont., from Imported
Biro and darn direct trent the herd of the cele-
brated breeder,R. Swauswiok. Dug, and is one
of the finest 13001r61r00 ever broltgtlt to this
country, Earringtbn was farrowed Nov. 7611,
1880. Brod. by Simmons k Patric, of Doloware,
Middle00000. Ito le from imported stook on
both eider' with registered pedigree nd ie a
NcOolk boar, "YoungOhnmP hn,'bbre S bybred
Mein, Halton Co. Re ie a pure type Of Suffolk
pteridine oh very short lege with great length
ofbody, immense 02011111ms end well turned
hams. 'Have exhibited my herd at 5 fairs this
fall «arrying of 08 First prison, Terms strict-
ly gash. Ono dollar at the Minot Bowies with
the privilege ofroturningg 1t 000000arv,
JACOB 0. P3'1110
1941 Oranbroek, bet.