The Brussels Post, 1885-11-6, Page 8THE BZU$$ELS POST GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. COLDS, JAOK Peen. OUTHERN EXTENSION, W .f3, & B.R 3. R. GEA lS away to Winnipeg, Train Wawa Bruges's Station, north and WHAT Sport is 011 hand for Thanks• push es fellows: giving Day ? Goma south. song \eras,. }Zee, Gzao. LovE was visiting at. Mail ..... ...,- 7:25 a.m. Mixed MOO N•m. sprees.. .. 11:5aa.m. I hall MI pan Harrieton last week. sea.. .. :45 .•n. laxpresa 0:27n.m• Joan FERGUSON and George Hall'• The morning brain south and the Ai gilt tram north will only Nun on Tuesdays, Thursdays, day wero at Teeswator last Sunday.. andsatuidays. Tun river was frozen over for the - - first time this fall ou last Friday TT t lnight. . mat ckv s 'Items. 6Cms. NERT 'Pharsday is Thanksgiving day. It will he generally observed as i. eldel•s amang ye talon notes a holiday. n faith hell prent it 0 ea 8 pupils in our public school are taking up Sed Cluaa Tee/ellen' Amnia Seen, of Dundas, spent work. Our school lieu some plucky Sunday in town. pupils. SALT crater herrings and Whits fish at UYSTEEs are iu full bloom, Adam Thonlsun's. Good intends keeping an oyster parlor TSE Pose to the and of 1886 for and will MVO the bivalves Dither raw $1.50, in advance. or cooked. I'rilE XXX White Wine Vinegar. A. NEXT Sunday is aommnuiou ser• Goon ,t Co, vices in Koox Church. Rev. Mr. PERSONS wanting fifty should read Young, of Clifford, is expeoted to as. Thos. Pepper's advt. slat in the service. Aar. and Charlie Town arrived PERSONS having poultry to dispose Home last Monday from Winnipeg. of will find they sell better if the Davin ARMSTRONG left last Monday pin feathers are picked off and the for Manchester where he has e, situa- skin of the birds not torn. tion. Wont commenced on the site for GEO. TaoMsox is having his prem. the rink last friday and the house on lees, now occupied by Jno, Grewar, the corner of the lot was moved thoroughly renovated. alongside the Army barracks. A. LARGE amount of prize money Taos. AI:rLEY has been laid up for the East Huron Agl. Society was with typhoid fever for the peat two paid out by G. A. Powell this week. weeks but is on the way to oomplete Tan first sleigh of the season was reoovery, now we are pleased to state, seen on our streets last Tuesday fore. THE Halloweve trioks by the small noon. It was tough sleighing though. boys were few and simple. These THANKSGIVING services will be held outlandish tricks aro fast becoming a in Knox, the Methodist and Melville thing of the past. Not any too soon churches next Thursday commencing either. at 11 a.m. ON account of the illness of our ARITHMETIC, Algebra, Geometry, Meneur. old friend, Res. Geo. Brown, of Wrox• ation, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, eta., taught °ter, from apartial stroke ofa o lex p P Y, thotoughly by post. Prospectus 011 appli• 11 cation to Mr. Alex. Thomson, 15 Belmont his pulpit ev. t L e aupplie DBlast of Sunday St., Montreal by ls. TSE BCa1ee will be sold on Saturday ,SERVICE OF SONG.—Next Sunday afternoon of this week at the V=entral evening there will be a service of hotel. They were not offered for sale song in the Methodist Church in - hist Saturday. stead of the regular preaching. The REV. D. L. MCORAIt, of Cobourg, following program will be carried son of John IttoCrae, Morris, preach- out, interspersed with appropriate re- ed in Melville Church last Sunday marks, illustrations, &c. by the pas - evening. His effort was very accept- tor :—Anthem, "Praise waitebh for able. Thee ;" reading a portion of Script- WooD I Woon r t—F. 0. Rogers is now urs ; prayer ; "My Redeemer ;" prepared to take any quantity of hard or "Wouderful words of life ;" "The soft cord wood in trade, from this date, but Gospel bells ;" solo ; "Triumph bye none will be taken on book accounts unless and bye ;" "Are you coming home to previously arranged. Oct- 8th, 1885. Brussels Salt Works night ;" anthem ; 'I'll stand by you;' ENVELOPES, with your business "Ihear Thy welcome voice ;" "Why ward printed on the corner, furnished do you wait ;" solo ; Doxology. The by THE Pon Publishing House selections will be chiefly found in No. cheaper than you can buy the blank 3 Songs and Solos. All are welcome. envelope elsewhere. Try us and see. PEOPLE say taxes are pretty high. -- LAST week Joseph Laird disposed Bu ought to and the wiry Osecure the e Dol of his house and lot, on Flora street,arnof Conn - to Frank Kelly, jr. It looks to us oil, of Stratford, to take the plane of as if Mr. Kelly had some idea of Jumbo. They could be labelled keepingle8elto "The Happy few bachelor's hall is Dearme way tyears he majority ofthe peopleof live though. Brussels will burn coal.—Skating THIS week we lose another of our will soon be here.—There has been a citizens in the person of Steven good deal of moving this year on the Drewe. He goes to London to take front street. --It is a hard matter to a position in the wholesale house of get a hired girl. --You ought to have Messrs. Hobbs, Osborne & Hobbs. "me" on the Council Board I'd show This will make three brothers in the you how to run business.—Some same eetabliehment. We wish him youths will be "waltzed" before a success. Mrs, Drewe will remain in magistrate if they continue their town for a month or so. funny business in some of our church- GcIrAa 700 SAL°.—A Guitar, nearly new, es.—The gathering of boyo in front of with case, lined throughout, "Wiener's In. stores every evening is becoming an strnotion Book for Guitar," tuning fork, intolerable nuisance.—The Salvation &a., all complete. The above can be had Arm for 56 cash, by applying at Tan POST Pub- Y ie not making much headway fishing House. Now is your time to get a in Brussels.—Potatoes are goingto good instrument for little money. reach a high figure before spring.— BIBLE SOCIETY.—The annual meet- Brussels grain market can't be beaten, in of the Brussels Branch of the —The race course would make a Upper Canada Bible Society will be "boss" show ground and Caledonian held in St. John's Church, on Tues. park. day evening next, commencing at 8 BREEzEs.—"Gad 1 tills year's Coun- o'clock. The Rev. Burson, of St. cil did not do as well as when I was Uatherines, agent for the Society, will Reeve," F. 0. R.—"Sonsehow 1 think be present and address the meeting. I should have got that cruet given at A large audience is expected as the Wingham for the person who won subject to be dwelt upon during the the most prizes at the Fall Show," evening should be 000 of interest to W. n. Mo.—Don't you forget it, I am everyone. taking stook of all that is going on," fat C. P. R.—The new all -rail Geo. B.—"I intend keeping my eye Canddian route to Winnipeg and the on the School Board," 0. R. 0.— Rocky Mountains, via north shore of "I'm trying to give the people the ,Lake Superior, opened for passenger worth of their money this year," J. traffic on Nov. 2nd. Oars are run D. R,—"The Scott Act is a "good" through to Winnipeg without change. thing," T. O'N.--"If it keeps getting Trains leave Toronto at 9:25 a.m. much colder I'll have to get married," 60 house will be occupied in the trip. G. E.—"I'll never help the "long" Dining halls are located along the Dr. in another election contest,"—T. line and dining cars will be ran oh H.—"We will certainly have to eer• the train between Carleton Junction ends Mr. Burt, we will go to his and Port Arthur, The route prom- quarters," The girls.—"What will we ises to become a very popular one. do when we vaccinate everybody 2 Lan Monday about 5 °'cloak, the Drs.—"The patridges are as thick the fire alarm was rung and the cry se the oyear bstrun bthem 5011 the of fire was raised, The engine and hose carts were out in short order "1f anybody can run the machine and rattled down toward the river,at better let them say so," J. H. Y,— a2:14 pace, but the fire was happily "My new den is graun', mon, and I nothing more than a burning chim- anroar louderthane wran ite J. A.— ney at the American hotel. By the "Peoplegrumble the way it would be a good idea for part paper and they growl when I don't," of the crowd to help get the engine F. S. S."Where will you get a and carte to a fire instead of stand- band to play better than cure for e tmg ent wondering y d. The road why atllttle mud- place the maize of going to have daleyy of a ay, though, on Monday and you toboggganweli de tthisswinter,"G. s b n. 0 could hardly expect the nice pee• —"Ti where a wena, too." ii R,, lit pie io muddy their boots.G. .,—roma mA Nov, 6,1.886. Ram) card of thanker of W. T. Hunter. Jona go and hear hint roar. LAST Saturday the Lion moved to his new quarters. 3, W. MOBAIN, of Attwood, was visiting in town this week. Jas.Aitious is off ou a visiting tour to the township of ii remont, 'l'nnaenAY of last week was the first real touch of winter wo have hod this year, Se vEisAL communications and other interesting items aro crowded out this week. Miss Fannie DoLLAee and ;brother, of Palmerston, wero visiting with James Buyers this week. EDWARD BRUCE, oldest sou of Alex. Brno°, of this place, has been appoint- ed seoond roaster in the Ottawa Mod- el School at a salary of $800. Wo are glad to hear of his success. Tae pressure of cheap goods in the Lion's new den tinkles everybody. ON account of nexa Thursday be- ing Thanksgiving day we will publish on Wednesday evening, so as to enjoy the holiday. Oar correspondents and advertisers will please bear it in mind. JNo. WYNN, who is well known as a manufacturer of good waggons, buggies and cutters, has received an order for a top baggy, and a tatter for a gentleman in England. They are to be shipped about the ist of of January. How is that for high ? LADIES all come and see me Saturday.— Mrs.Alexander. CADET TnorT is in town this week. A, G. Dmoetaarr, of Paris, is visiting & in town. yypp cIN7•'OSII 1Io'1'AGGART, Tues, PIERCE'° two sons aro home li'!L on a visit, BANKERS• BRUSSEL51 TuuaenAY of this week was Guy Fawkes' day. TRANSACT A GNNBRAL BANKING Blra,intane, letterheads, notehoade )11rSINI$SS, furnished et city prices, bee our stook at Tay POST Publishing Howie. Notosofhand liseouated. 'PNis woolt .1. J, Gilpin is laid aside by a badly swollen hand and arm, demand,[aatulowe5on depI sits rs1 ayat1e;; el! It started from a small bruise ou his hand, Pro,nptatteutioaglvonspeolleotions. -6 W. H. 11lonrlrs has coma hock to CONVEYANCING. 1, l� p� gf Brussole and re—opened his tailor ship LEGAL. AND CONVE ANCBIVYA. in the post -office block. Watch for advt. next woek. C�IF1�ARD 11 L L I U 1', L A W Tut Howe woolen mill ie; shat '.-A 0glee, 3rnnt'e Dleek, Brussels, 9foney dolvu to allow steam pipes to be put tea°au, in the various departments for heat- ing hi. WADE, BARRISTER, &o. purposes. �. °moo formerly ooneei ed oy A. J. Mo Wit aro sorry to hear of the illness 0o11,Ese..iu Leckie'slilock, ti°noytolend, of Cept, Stratton, Ho ran a pitch - B. DICKSON, fork into his foot and it caused him • (late with Garrow.tProe dfoot.Gode- to become delarious rich) Solicitor, Conveyeuoer, &o. Ofhoe 15 Tars week afire was uippedirn the Grant's Block, Brussels, Aloaey to Loaa.g dad at Geo. 'Puomsous, It had ,t LEX. HUNTER, CLERK. Ol caught whore a pipe goes through .3.. the Fourti, D,vieicn Court CO. Burda the floor and when noticed tha,oar )et Uonvoyanaer,Notary Pnblio,Ltnd,Luaei and 1 fusuranse AGent,Funda inyeatedand to Loan was burning. Oolleotloas made. Office, Graham's Elosk Brussel On1119TY[AS entertainments ars al- ready cropping up astir as aunouuee' MEDICAL CARDS. ments are oancorned. The Motha• dist Church is arranging for the an' A. lIa\rAU(IFJTON, M. D. C. mutt tea meeting 011 that day. r�•:,,,0, R, 0. P.,Edinburgh . Physician, We. have pleasure in stating that Surgeon audAcoouchear, Office intlrs.Shiers A. J. Shiel took no less than 0 prises haeme, curuhury Strout, at the annual distribution of prizes g• A. HUTOHINSOiQ, M. ll. oxen er. at the Upper Canada Gallego; Tor- ti L. k. C. P. Edinburgh. THANKS, Sometimes ae aro pre- onto, last week. We congratulate gaeremovodto hierpeldonca ou eifflatroe0 eented with a few apples and other our young friend on his success. the house lormorlyo°aupiod by Dr. Graham, delicacies but the genial, large smiled A. BAusn.oew has moved his fam• auSoffice, at Hiatunve night, D Hug tore,u retains an Dan. Robertson, of Grey' msashed all ily to town and has taken full charge of the photograph eller of Frani[ previous records by bringing us aP g p gallery __ DENTAL.. a whole barrel of winter apples last Uren. Ho is a thoroughly comp°• week. We will get Dan. a wife or tent operator and promises the best L. BALL, L. D. k., HONOR satisfaction. We extend him the • Graduate and Member of the Royal die trying as sure as our name igHerr. Now,young ladies hand in kindly greeting of the peopis- of varColleious of pthotiaegi Dental eeoie. Toronto, 1 tai annietb°tto for the some only, All operntiouf Brussels. °Irefully performed curl Guaranteed. Prions your names. -- - moderato. Office over Powell's store Hour, THANKSGIVING TEA.—The Ladies' The new lighthouse on Oolcheeter ea.m.to Span. purposed Society holding the 'Methodist ug tea Reef was lighted Tuesday night for BUSINESS CARDS. a Thanksgiving tea the first time. It is a fixed white in the basement of the church on Tee droptrio light, placed at an elevation ISS O'CONNUli, 'PL+'ACHER Thursday evening of next week. T66 of Thorough Base vocal and lustre. will be served from 5.80 to 7.30. An of 65 feet. From this point, five miles distant, it shows with exceed• mental music on piano, Organ aui1 Guitar.; interesting program, consisting of ingly great brilliance. The light- ileeldeuoe No s ieooutl°> sri�i Torr o'�, readings, recitations, addresses, and house is s magnificent etrudture. as-sm, Brussels,ont• m+fele, is in course of preparation • A frame tower is built on a stone �AT.II. McCRACKEN, ,Ont - See programs. foundation, and reflects great credit W� LAST Saturday Frank 'Oren, photo on the builder, J. E. Aekwith, IeeuorMarringe Lloonsoo. Office at his groo, Oathergrapher took his departure for St. A mounted sword contest was •ry,T•rabetry street, 19-99 the gallery Ines, where he has purchased fought at San Francisco, Sunday be- TOHN NOTT, VETERINARY the gallery of J. W. Foster. Mr. twean Duncan 0. Rose, athlete, and u surgeon Graduate o2 Ontario Veterinary Uren has been iL Brussels for the , College Toronto. Raeldence,tbohouse lately past 10 years and has given the beet Captain E. N. Jenniuga, formerly of ocauptedbp Mre.J,l'arkor Mainatree t,Dru.. the Eighth Irish Hussars, at present seas, of satisfaction to the people of this instructor of swordsmanship in a MoNAIR,ISSUER OF MAR- looaljty. The people of St. Oatheri local club, On the twentieth attack doge Licenses. by appointment of es and surrounding country will find Jennings dislocated Bose' elbow with Lieutenant-Governor Oouveyenoei na ae ntFire Inserane°Obi Lim an artist worthy of their patron- a terrific blow. Rose continued the OmIl°eesthoOranbrook PostOfIloe' age and a trial of his handiwork will fight left handed, but Jenntngs was ROBT. convince them that he is able to hold declared the victor by one point at CUNNINGHAM, his own with the best photographers the end of throe more rounds. Insurance A gent, in the neuntry. We wish him su°aesa 854 deaths from smallpox were re- in his new home. ported in the city of Montreal and GUELPH, ONTARIO Moexe is Mies Morrie desires to intimate suburbs last week, and 323 the week that she is prepared to receive a number of revioue amounting to 687 deaths M. O'OONNOR, FIRE LIFE additional pupils in music. =References p , • Aootdsnt and Loan Iaseranne Agent for given if desired. from smallpox in a fortnight. On soma of the best and most reliable Oompanien TanovGE the inclemency of the Saturday 60 new oases were reported in theDominion. Office. brick terrace, Turp- in the city, eo that it will be seen beery Bt.,neae the Station. S menthe. weather on Thursday, of last week, that there is as yet no abatement in MISS CAR'T'ER, DRESSMAKER Rev, Mr. McUoeh, of Wingham, the virulence of the disease. Iguor• 1. -Land milliner, wishes to inform the pub. any failed to put in an appearance at the Bother ube haarody'eod from Toronto, after Temperance meeting in the Episco• anoe and obstinacy seem to oomplete• and wilgi teaohii in all its branches to to patten church. The incumbent gave ly paralyze the local authorities. lady desirous of eoeuring the beet of systems a abort, practical address on tbesub- They are, however, paying the last formation same°ap lytr dress sod Missr,372 o g etzo b m orutting. For further lett of Temperance, after which the Penalty for opposing the teazle- 18-4E,pledge cards, in which the signer ings of Helenas. It is to be hoped Head for Canada. promisee to abstain from all intoxi- that the rest of the population of emits, were distributed and a number Quebec generally will not refuse to ,- Jug , W M. B L A.5 H I L L, refit bythe experience of Mon- a 1 Dutcher, thanking hfs of signatures reoeived. The organize- P many ouetobe ratorth°ir 11ber- treat, '1,0,0" -"..041._. aleupportf or the ppaetsia years tion meeting will be held this (Fri- wishes 10lufornythem that be- emits, burned out of the old stand has fitted up s day) night. BORN. a shop in 5ma1n'5 Block in drat -class style TE112PERAN0E Meiirxso.—The usual WATeo11.—In Wingham, on October 25th., and whore eme hopes ton°e alt I fit CO giVehe oid thimer0. monthly temperance meeting woe thewife of Mr. Jae. Watson of adauglt$ call. I keep nothing butarat-class menta, all held in Knox Church last Tuesday err kinds of Poultry and smenage Meat. Delivered to all parts of the Town Free. Cash paid for evening, Rev- J. Roes, B. A. in the MARRIED. pat stook. chair. After a short address by the OVAB—L0000.—At Winnipeg, on Thursday, chairman, a good reading was given Oct. 8th, by the Rev. D. Gordon, Mr. by G. L. Ball, followed by a very , A. Ovees, of So ris Souris, Plum Creek, an. practical address "On the advantage Mr. JamesLogia, oeIest daughter, ao, of of prohibition from a business stand- formerly of Brussels. point," from A. Good. Miss Katie Wilson and Miss Rachel Alexander kCUTI[ON SALES. gave a selection of music in a very Paid, Nov. °Tn.—Stook, at lot 82, con, pleasing manner. The attendance MaNauyht�irolUOt Dol1o'olok. Benrq was not very largo btllo nwev r was TCBBDAY,NOV. l7th.—Farm stook, Imple- darkrnee and adisagreeable, vary however, the meats, oto„ on lot 80, eon. 4, Morris, Dem- meeting was a very interesting one. meneing at 1 o'clock. Arch. Taylor, prop„ ,SILVER MEDAL: F. 0. Rogers Lae Capt. IDAY,N,.loth iiatisfaetion Guarantees in all received the silver medal awarded TDHnoflt NGV• 10th.—i arm, farm stock, him by the Provincial Show, at Lon- don, this year, for the best dairy salt. Fox,rapuple 1 olgatty, a Repairing. The medal is about the size of a trade --SHOP AT -- dollar. On the one side are the words 1rru+sagels Market. —Dominion of Canada, ,13Bt. CARD OF THANKS. F. 0. Rogers, Brussels, Dairy Salt. 11iBe im0 0D Oa1 6rnLLY 1SvooT WEEK. 4 . There is also the representation of an Rod Winter 88 85 Whiangel blowing a trumpet, and Derry Spring Wheat 84 7G Ing a orown of laurel and a wand. Spring wheat (new) 60 55 (Thi signifies that when Mr. Rogers BarleyO is through with the salt business he Oeteeat 5G b7 will be an angel and blow his own getter, tabs and roll, ••:., 15 0000 horn, we suppose.) On the other Eggs per down aide of the medal is the coat of arms, Flour per barrel G 00 0U h lumber wagon, bob a beaver and two sprays of maple Pot.toee • • • • • " """"" q 00 9 loaves. It hut very handsome aril- els per ton 6 001 bob- sleighs that I Hides per ib 0 ole and is justly prized by its owner. brewed Hoge fi GO 6 00 By the way, the Brussels salt works Salt per bbl., wholesale . • r0 1 80 the ars hard to beat and this medal says Sheep of eking, 17 18 W. T. Hunter, 90. UANKING. (T1HOMAS GOODWILL, ROOFER, .1L Pout Offoo Bleak, • Druesole, Agent for Joseph James & Co„ Mon troal and Toronto, Aotinolito Cement Roofing—for Hur- on and Brno° bounties. Gravel, Tin, Iron and other roofs repaired and eatiefaotlsn guaranteed. Estimates given. Tar A Felt at wholesale. E. L. J.g CKRON, Pratioal Watchmaker and xewelleri W. J. JACKSON'S 5TonannuB5 ,y --0-- I desire to return my thank to my numerous customers for their support in the past and to intimate that, owing to ill health, I have leased my blacksmith shop to Mr. . D. Ewan fora few years. have a lumb er slei hs and other articles will soil at a bargain to got rid of m.