The Brussels Post, 1885-11-6, Page 7Nov, 0, 1886, THE BRUSSELS POST town path that louts tier from 0 111 • -slowly alwaye, but preseetly more slowly 81111, until at last she comes to a (load stop. All this ho notem, leaning still upon the little rustle gate, and watehing her every moveineut with a jealous care, When sho dooe come to a sta(3ds( ill, she looke round, and, after ft 81101.11,..,• tation, comee Intek to hint awl - ,.• agein 110001 V011 W'Abilt his 11..,,e, " I have come baelc," elle soya, .31101. Mg rather eh yly, and very mud, ota ,,f breath from her exertiou, " 1101311)33.3. 1 felt sure you were tel eling lonely lei1110111 019. I know that been use"-elei laughs again here rather tenfusodly, awl le. fusee to let her ()yeti meet his-. be- came" softly-" I felt 30 SW fully lotto. ly wibisni1 VOII I" " Aly Bwo said Kays Diek, " Before 340-tur really,4 whispora sho smoothing the short hair front his temples with uervotta $l3, -say iD 011 over again 1" " I love, love, love you l'' whIspers 1)11(114, 813.11)1(334 her to his heart, with a true lever's 101311 et gikesing tl,o mist, r to her vague 1'3'(3 3,111313. There is see,. thing aloe 11 tit int:fulness within Ms bean 1111 ho holds her in his arum awl looks into hor 13,1303.11111 earnest awl lc (lows 1.11 power of the Pure loi.. for 110r that 1100 reached a pertect gro w th wi thin his heart. As tor her, tremulous teare have risen within hor eyes, luta, though her Email: liegers, i1 is uow graver, more tem dor. "I love you too," she says, in a, low voice, " and shall for ever and over I" Teere131 email ing that is almost 80- 10100 in her glance 08 she withdraws lie,•sel1 from hie (maintop aud 0000 11101.0 moves away. At the center she tuna an 1 waves to him a las6 adieu. :.;,,thing is loft him now but rho pale lar.MT shimmer of hor white gown as it mialms bare and there through the trues lit 11y the early KUM 1001' moon that io id ready sailing trammilly through the pale bine other tip above. With 33.3.1 31.1- 2/108t /Ibsenl anxiety he watches the WII•to robe 03.3,11)003. 13.011 disappear. New it is here -now gone -now is come again, and now iudeed is altogether lom. 1101 all is not lost with it I Hope re. mains, and love, and the memory of her. 1. y I01o. mine own 000)6 1303.113., more dour i Win. owu Now, 010, 1000)11y being liotwoRn the lianas oi A star has come out in the heaveus, one pale tranquil thing, above in the vast dome. To Dolores, his heart's ,Ineen, 1)31 11140128 it as be 1111400 11)8 home- ward way. CHAPTER IX. Slowly, a little reluctantly, Mr. Bee- verie's love makes' ber progress to the house, She tries to believe she is in mini haste to tell her tale, yet welcomee g.adly any delay that kindly nature otters her. Here she stops beside a tlowenbed to pluck a glowing "Anna Boleyn," mid beheads it, like as mom - 1u1 naniesalce, 1)114100 31 mistaken impres- sion thab sho wants it to make hareem more sweet ; and here sho lingers to hearken to the singiug of some sleepy bird, trying oarnostly-oh, cruel (Atha I --to believe it eery of pain. .4,1)11 1300(3 she stoops to lift a tiny beetle crossing the gravelled pathway, and, laying it tenderly upon the scented grass, speeds it kindly homewards. All these delays are so many wily de- vices of hers to lengthen out her road and ward off for a season the impending interview. It had seemed so easy to nay she would toll auntie all about 11; Ina, now that the time for telling draws 110 nigh, it appears to her terribly bard. How is she to begin? What words must 1<110 uso What if her news should bo unfavourably received ? For the first time it occurs to her that auntie is tre- mendously 1a111 Yes, it will indeed bo dillicult to approach her, Oh, if she should laugh at her, and tell her 81)0 15 a Billy baby -too young a child to know what true love means 1 What then 2 "Tho Deluge I" says Miss Lorne to her - At the laurustimis her heartgliad first hogeu to fail hor; now that she is ab the hall door these is not left to her so 10Itch as 0001)000 shred of couritgo. She tumults the stone daps, and, with her mulicriug "Anna Boleyn " clasped to 801Youation in hor little trembling hand, 0031105 3,1)o open door and moved (11.1101(17 the grim old hall. It is half.past six by the big clock - later than she had imagined. But lovers' hours are long. By this time Lallie will bo sitting in the drawing - room 10)13, 111 her ?into, or perhaps Be- listhi-tnost probably indeed the latter. thinning the door with all the outward maiming of a Chew, but 'with'(b quaking heart, 01)0 0)13,53. the room. Yes, auntie 1.3 here with her Belinda, and the fat likye, 8101 the cat, and tea. "You have oome I" ories Miss Ma. turin, starting into life, and letting both Betinde and the Skye slide from her with a 1i1t10 thud to the llooe-troa0 ment the Skye resents with numerous 812114105 and a, eucceasion of spasmodic Maks that threaten to choke him every moment and bring him to an untimely grave. , "How long you have boon! Not long really, 1 stippom; but I am always fussy, you soe, and of course 11111138 you. Foolish old women like me 8510 81110 to be broublesoMe. Come ovot here, dar- liug, and have your tea." I thought you would have finished your tea by this thno." " so X ebould it you had been with ino lea X put it off as long as I could, waiting for you ; then grow greedy "--with a soft laugh. "Ah, why did you wait ?" mays Do - 1' draws nearer, and, v.0011110 down o, e Miter Maattrie, . ber arms rennet nor waist, "2. nave eekiea to You, Lallle," siva, 1 moreoful accents, 01 should not left you 3.101)0 (01' each a long, long ti " Nominee), my kitten) 11)3.3341 as happy 0,5 poeeible. Conceited el 1)o you then think 1(30(12(03, live W11 yen ?" " do--ieettuse 114)2033' oould not without you 1" lit hos twumer then witaltwa but teeeler rush of fee to drawl; her tututie'e face down 63> hor alal folds her iu 11, warm nal» There is eomething NO ferveut lu 1411,5 the gill liesto.vs upon /101 that ,1110,t111:10 is slightly but unnonscio awakeued by it to WS inevitable en, 0( 3,1110 Site puts /entree 1 from her, and gazes at her earnotal " How Sweet you aro looking 1" Say8 10011 17--" but a little pale, 08 1303311113 to um, Did your walk fati you e" "(11), no I" " Yon enjoyed ?" " Very, very much," says Dole with tut thinking force. Then elle ems crhnsou beneath her annt's s(1rub) and, rising to her feet, goes over to wiudow, where her features at least beyond observatiou. Sinking into the cushiouocl 0131.131 ioned neat, she: turns hor face eastiv 3.011 34311108 dreamily noon. the fast.da ouiug landscape outside. Slowly elnales of gentle night are closeout:1i spreading a flimsy pall over earth a, soa, through which the trembling 100 1,0101118 80011 will make away. Mingled with 1110 5011 calm twiligh a tinge of welaucholy-a, birth of NOT - row, plaintive, vague, 8hrtiloWy, hub felt. It mingles with the air awl MN ail the dusky minima of the rose-ganlon. There comes a moan from the 00001), met from the village -far, far away- tho »Mown tolling of a passing bell. Ailes Maturin has taken up her knit- ting. Tho girl, with bent heacl (101 fel white -robed figure, is 1)00(104 11 g the ssmieties of 'hound death. A 110)1. (ate frouratice of dying flowers conics from tl e pleesannce without. With a little sigh, Dolores raises her shelties iegure into a more upright posi- tien, Lk prepares herself for rho mo- menth t at shall make a third person a participator in her sweet secret. " 113111)43 I" mho says very slowly, and ;noises 8110 (103.3330 1)0111301)' well 151(1,111 1110 shelter of the lace curtains and 3.4311111guiltily for some encourage.ineu1 to proceed. " Well, darling 2" aslcs Miss Maturin placidly, picking up a dropped stitch. " Were -were you ever in love, Lei- ne ?" Alias Itatorin laughs, with a certain Remo of amusement. As yet the truth ie far from her. "No, my doar-never," she says, so promptly as to preclude all possibility ot doubt. Dolores seemed disappointed. " I thought perhaps -you have such ft sweet. sad expression that -that---', "I had been disappointed in love, and was still pining for the refractory one 2" implies Miss Matt -tin gaily. " No, no ; never loved any inau, never felt that !Mould like to love any man. I sine oso this confession will 003.146 000 su fie/ orribly in your esteem ; but the fact is, had only two offers in all my life, 110 1)3.11 0033 range of choice was nob un. Mated." " But those two 2" says Dolores, wile, eing love herself,fools of course stn. earted and inclined to the belief 1113.411e of the two discarded ones must sure - y have been worth Y of favour. "As for there," says Miss 313.1121-11),Hilt quite yonthinl vivacity, " why, omemher them as though it were out., 08)3013313.7 I" " What -both of them 2" asks Dolores uriously. "Yos, both," says 'Miss Maturin, with set:awful enjo'ynteut in her recoil/is.. 011. "IleaveuR, what a snuffy old matt 1B &St wAs I He might have been 1117 '011(113.1)1113. then-uny father even 00)0.U 101(141 a tooth in his Venerable head, d gold.headed stick was the only dui leg he possessed." And the other ?" asks Dolores ; Ina ere is only faint hope In 11011 1(111(4. rl there been any sweet sad recol lee. in her past, auntie meld not hal e sibly answered her in that jubilant hion. The other I Oh, dear mo," 3.337,1 Maturin, laying her knitting doe n 1(110 11)012 her knees, and knitting her WS instead, "when I 1111011 of that I ng tuna, I always wonder why 1tW113 W11.8 Mk/Wad to go (theta alone 33311))- 13. keeper. It couldn't have 1,311'))ub of feuds, as he was immouscily rieli 311115 a millionaire, poor seal 1" What WW1 the matter with him?" s Dolores, discarding the peotootion Inc 1)340 curtains in her anxiety to 11 the true and unvarnished tale of Bad wooer. "Was bo-" Yos, he '133(15," sap( Miss Matnrin enably-" quite mad 1 was about very worst lunatic amp one 03301' 013.340 of an asylum. If he had been just shade nearer perfection in his own of bueiness, he woelcl have ind 13) ate acquaintance with 001(1137oh; lint no such luck was m)t); 1)0 (tined a, harmles5. imbecile jest to tent me." ith an injured shako of her hand. o head, MIAs Mianrin resumes her king, be girl'a gaze still wanders dreamily awls. What au evening 11 15 1" Sim says at in a low voice full of intenseet ad - tion. " See how those pale 01031118dropped, as it were, into the very 1 of the ocean! What a perfect ling I Whitt a clear calm light I at that opalescent bar over there I" fair evening indeed !" says 112188 sin, gazing with &deep satisfaction the far.off horision. "A most ex- y te mingling 1 A very ' bridal of the j boon n havo 1110," boon did I hout live 31134 110 e, 'ace, 0.11(3 0141 ling 011114 7. tale it guo 1103, 313.14313.14r bIlo are 011. ant For Butter, Groceries, Etc., Etc. 1114- tlitgl tut 00- 6 is Cross -Cut Saws:- "NEW IMPROVED CHAMPION, "RACER," "LANCE,"- cte., &c. NW GOODS AT HE rob Pallocr The Mammoth Hardware Store, STAN ARD PLATFORM 80ALES., 900, 1200, and 2000 Pounds. Family Scales 1 1 b 01 w 33 cli ti tl an US Ha tio pts o fes Ali to 1,110ro o. !to o0311wa mac 0) 3, hen this 31341'31341'the out one line the Hat rem torn AOM stoc o0t)14last, Mira have boar ming Loolc u A. Mate at t Tale' 001‘TINUBD. earth tee. - The Post Bookstore. avit 1:03 The `Electric' buck saw. CHOPPING AXES, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. -0-- Cattle Chains AND ALL THE BEST THAT? MONEY CAN BUY AT . LOW PRICES. Digarzwn. Cronological Table. Christopher Columbus discovered America, 1492, and Customers dis- covered that The post ookstore was the place to get School Books, Slates, Copy Books, Scribbling Books, &c., &c. H. 'W. Shaw, better known as Josh Billings, died of apoplexy, on Oct. 14th, 1885, The People of Brussels, Grey and Morris found that dead stock was not kept zit Tnn Posr Book Store but the; Latest Novelties in Note Paper and Envelopesrand all kinds of wxiting materal. King John signed the Magna Chula, at Runnymede, in 1215, and Ivo ordered 113 large stook of XMAS GOODS in the shape of cards, dolls, books,, toys, albums, rubber balls, &a. for the holiday trade early in October of 1885. The second Eiel Rebellion took place in 1885, and Tire Posm Book Store can give you! Real Bargains in all lines kept, so don't'be afraid to call. ou Know the Place. In/ FiliTITHE ST ; E The undersigned having purchased the Stock and Track of Mr. A. Veal, and added thereto, is prepared to furnish anything in the PT_Tifl\TITT.TIZM UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. Economy in Funerals. Having added to the Furniture Business the Undertaking 1 ant pre- pared to Furnish Funerals on short notice. F1RST-CLASS HEARSE in connection. ERE° 0 110 A Specialty-. Having a Practical Knowledge of every branch of the Trade and having worked inseam of the largest factcrics in the Dominion of Canada the Public may always rely en getting SATISFACTORY I hope by strict attention to business to merit a share of the Public Patronage. nOBEnT MALCOLM, WILSON'S NEW BLOM BEZTISSI.JS. NATIONAL ROLLER Wm, Vanztone Sou, -:“ Pcxpietoa. We have much pleasure in annomming to the public that our Ncm• Roller 111111 is in Complete Running Order and ii giving t1; e Best Satis- faction.. SHORTS, MEAL, BRAN & CHOP CONSTANTLY C Wo also make the following Brands of Plow' : Patent, Jers-ey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Storm: Gristing Attended to with Promptness. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER CUT TO ODDER. MA.S07 PITTIZO.1\T CARRIAGE WORKS ! JAMES BUYERS BUGGIE WAGONS, *-IVANUPACITIIIIER CARRIAGES, . D.E 0 CRA EXPRESS, WAGONS, &c., Sze., all made of the Best Material and finished in a workman -like manner Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to, Parties intending to buy should call before Smith , B. Laing, frames Cutt and 'William and David Brookonridgo, Morris township ; Thos. Town and William :c1U;e1C;Bey:, ScEl1:143-11e.-ygt.Mowaililasciheillp ; Wm. CaniKeix:4111,011,11,7nat.n71:0;:go.h. Blashill, Brussels ; Rev. E. A. Fear, 1,81;jii,,PA.:03E,11 THE STAND -SOUTH OF BRIDOE. berry to; JA_MMS