HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-10-23, Page 80
OoT. 23, 1885.
GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I E• I; 'ADB is away at Wltlkortou GARkIELU VAN3TGNE, 60D Of 0011U
wools, but s a e
Train leaves Brussels Station, north and
cath ad follows
Gang South Gettig North.
ATall 7-6am. Mixed 11100 a,m,
Express ..1165 a.m. Alan V p,m,
The morning train south and the night train
north will only run on Tuoadays, 'Mondays,
and Saturdays.
ltix ,1.. .. s:15 p.m, Express ...9:27 p.n,
'ort( deters aftems,
this week attending the Bruce Co. oilier Vanstolie, has been very ill with
Assfzee. bronchitis this woo s, i
Sao water herrings and white fish at bettor now.
Thomsen's. ADvnit'rlsE your strayed cattle fn
MRS. JAMES KNoac has returned to TEE Po8T, II'armere are looking up
Invsrmay. She still holds some pro• their stook now, sea many a mile of
perty in Brussels. tramping may he saved by attending
ONE of our local syl,orteman shot a tO this matter iu time.
artrl(dgo in a shade tree, on Mill
A chill's amaug yu taken' notes
c.u' faith he'll preut it,
DIVISION Court on Wednesday of
next week.
25 lbs. grapes for 81,00. A. Goon.
DR. 11CNAr0ETON has the neatest
Glues) in towll.
Finer prize cheese at Thomson's, 10 cents
per lb.
TRE village Couuoil will convene
next Monday evening.
Pre XXX White Wine Vinegar. A.
(loon & Co,
JAMES OLIVER has had his residence
brightened by a coat of paint.
COMMERCIAL travellers are about
as thick as hair on a (log's back.
FRAME URENphotographod the stores
of F. C. Rogers last Friday morning,
y, $. MCCRACKEN only took 120
prizes at the four Fall Shows this
is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. O'Neil,
this week.
TBE amendments to the Hawkers'
and Peddlers' Bill came into force on
the 1st of October.
TEE contemplated foot -bridge over
the river appears to have receii ed a
six months hoist.
POULTRY is commencing to come to
the front and people will feed high
until after New Years.
9 WEEKS from Friday of this week
is Christmas. The slipper cases, &c.
will have to take it now.
A FEN persons from - this locality
attended the Reform demonstration,
at Lucknow, last Friday.
600 TUBS of butter were shipped
from this station last Saturday. It
went to the Old Country.
VANMroNE'S sawmill collapsed last
week during a heavy windstorm.
They are rebuilding it.
J. BARNHILL and bride have reach-
ed their Californian home, among the
orange groves, in safety.
Geo. BME.ER is having his rough-
cast cottage sided and will have a
snug little place when finished.
ABOUT 1600 pounds of grapes were
Unposed of here this fall. They were
gold very cheap too, this year.
I8 it not time that people who can-
not behave themselves at public
gatherings should be taught a lesson?
Two Italians visited Brussels last
week and gave us a day of excellent
musio, such as they usually make.
THE weather during the latter part
of last week and part of this week bas
been very fine. Indian summer pro-
A LOCAL cricket match was played
on the park last Friday afternoon
and cricketing wound up for this
ON Thursday evening of last week
several Brueselitee attended the jubi-
lee of the Salvation Army at Sea -
Woos 1 'Woo 1 l—F. C. Rogers is now
prepared to take any quantity of hard or
soft cord wood in trade, from this date, but
none will be taken on book accounts unless
previously arranged.
Qat. Sth, 1886. Brussels Salt Works
THE Weekly Globe from now to
the end of next year for ONE DOLLAR.
W. R. Derr, agent, Pon Publishing
J. D. WEB8TER, of Doon, made a
short visit with his brother, A. Web.
ster, last Thursday. He is in the
milling business.
LAIRS LIvINGseek, M. P. of South
Waterloo, was in town last week.
He was well satisfied with the flax
crop of this place.
SATURDAY of next week will be the
last of October and ie consequently
Hallow eve. A constable will look
aftre the boys.
FARMERS have come all the way
from Oolborne township with wheat
and sold it oo the Brussels market.
Our market takes bhe cane every
FRED. RENON, collector of Customs
at Brandon, Man., was in town last
week with Mrs. Rosen, and was the
guest of his brother-in-law, E. E.
A LARGE number of applioations
have been received by the Secretary
for the vacancies in our school, 0808 -
ed by the resignation of Miss Adams
and Miss Widdifield.
Ws are glad to hear that Thos,
IIawkshaw, who recently sold his
farm in Grey township, thinks of
coming into Brussels next spring to
become one of our residents. Brus-
sels is the spot for retired farmers
and we are getting quite a few of
, last 1llondn ACTINOLITE cement is a now and
y' very popular llfud of roofing being in -
Tins Lion will move aurone street to Mrs.
Shiel's block, Thursday first special, cuts
given in Dry Gouda and Millinery.
MRs, J. M. REED and sou, of Win-
field, Kansas, aro visiting at Dr. Mc-
Naughton's this week. Mrs. Reed is
a sister to Mrs. McNaughton.
.A. noreu-Shapes from Cranbrook says
whenever he sees a good pair of boots and
asks where they Dame from the anawor is
always from Shand's,
GEORGE HOGGARTH, of Kincardine,
is operator and baggage man at our
depot now. Ed. Creighton ie reliev-
ing in the neighborhood of `1•ilson-
26 CENTS secures you TIM POST for
the balance of 1885. Surely you
will not do without the local news
when you can got it for 21, months
for 25ots.
in the Brussels Public School, has
been engaged for one of the depart-
ments iu the Wingham School for
next year.
SvnscsirrroNs to the Weekly Globe
aro commencing to come in. One
dollar page from now to the cud of
1886. W. II. Kerr, agent, Pon
Publishing House.
REV. CANON Bear and wife, of Bur•
ltngton, was in town this week visit-
ing with W. H. Moss and family.
The rev. gentleman preached in St.
John's churohlaot Sunday.
Rev. H. Glens, known to a number
of our readers in Brussels, died at
Toronto, last Monday, after a pro-
tracted illness. The interment was
made at Clinton on Wednesday.
A FARMER'S team, from Morris, ran
away from Town's Lune works last
Friday. The tongue and whillietrees
were smashed, and a shade tree and
part of Thos. Pierce's fence suffered
in the wind up.
ALBERT RIVERS went to Teeswater
last week. It is said after he gete
Direly settled in that place he intends
coming back bo Brussels for a house-
keeper, but you can't believe half you
hear, you know.
Magician entire colt to Richard Wil-
liams, last Monday, for the handsome
figure of $175. 'There is every indi-
cation that there es going t'o'ne a good
deal of go in the animal,
J. R. GRANT intends taking a trip
to Winnipeg and A. M. Kay has
come home from Sarnia to take
charge of the postoffice during his
absence. For a young man A. M. has
quite an experience in this kind of
Emu. GEORGE, a poor squaw, who
is well known in town and whose
home is In Saugeen, is sick and in
want. Anything that could be done
for her in the shape of clothing, pro-
visions or money would be gladly for.
warded to her. She is a deserving
BY referring to Mies Carter's card
in this issue you will see that she is
prepared to give rnetruotions in
Moody's new and perfect system for
dress and mantle cutting. Miss Oar.
ter makes her home in Ethel hut will
attend to the wants of the Brussels
ladies, any time.
HYMENEAL.—On Wednesday after-
noon of last week the holy bonds of
matrimony were solemnized between
J. R. Myers and Mise Lizzie Lawson,
by Rev. G. H. Oornisb, all of Strat-
ford. The bride was waited on by
Miss Carrie Pitcher, and Mr. Dens-
more supported the groom. The
bride was neatly attired in °ardinel
sills, with white flowers and gloves,
The bridesmaid wore a becoming white
dress. Many beautiful presents were
made to the bride. The happy couple
left on the afternoon train for Lock-
port, N 'Y., where they will spend
part of their honeymoon, Mr. Myers
is a brother to Mrs. G. A. Powell of
this place.
GRssoE MEETING.—Last Tuesday
Huron Division Grange, No. 27, mot
at Brussels, George Fortune, W. Itt.,
in the chair. Short addresses were
made by M. Morrison, Geo. Hood, R,
Currie, N. Coming, 1V. Michie, Jae.
McCallum, J. Elston, T. Moore, 3.
Southcombe and others. It was
moved and resolved that the Provin-
cial Legislature be petitioned by the
Provincial Grange asking that the
School Law be amended so that in
rural school sections the trustees shall
have power to make the summer va-
cation any length, not exceeding six
weeks, and that teachers be paid their
salary annually instead of quarterly.
After transacting other business the
Grange adjourned to meet at Wing -
ham on the third Tuesday in Jan -
trodueed into this part of the eountry
by Thos. Goodwill. A sample of the
roofing may bo seen sit hie place of
business, postuflioe block, where all
questions coneerniug this now roofing
as to cost, wear, &c. will be answered.
People who have used ib aro loud in
its praise.
LAST Monday forenoon Miss Ellen
Mauler was slightly injured by being
rim over by the wheel of a buggy.
She was alightiug from the rig on the
sidewalk near the American hotel, the
horse backed up and she fell between
the wheels. Tho young lady was
picked up from between the hind feet
of the horse by II. Dennis, and the
wonder was that she was not serious
ly hurt.
Toon A' TUMBLE.—Last Saturday a
young man from Goderioh, named
Blank, who was painting for Clucas,
got slightly under the influence of
"Spruce" and after performing var-
ious didoes was taken by his compnn•
iou to the American hotel and locked
in a bedroom on the 8rd flat. One
of the young fellows who had helped
to get him upstairs went to the side
of the building to see if he could see
him (Black) et the window, when, to
his surprise, he found the young man
lying on the ground on the roadway
leading into the hotel yard. He was
carried into the house and medical
aid summoned, when it was found
very tittle damage was done. Ono of
his legs was injured and hie whole
frame more or less jarred. He went
to Goderich on Monday. When it is
considered that he fell 35 feet the
wonder is that he was not killed.
This makes the 2nd or 3rd feat of
this kind from the 3rd story of the
American, the next performer will
have to go one higher to take the
NEW RINK.—Last Monday evening
a meeting of those interested in the
erection of a skating and curling rink
was held in the Council chamber.
The report of the committee, ap.
pointed at the last meeting, in refer-
ence to plans and specifications, site,
tenders, &c. was given by Jas, Drewe
and E. B. Burt. Wm. Vanstene &
Sone have taken the contract for the
building, whieh is to be 74x160 feet,
built on John and Market streets, and
is to be finished in 6 weeks. Messrs.
Vanstones contract is $1,500, $600
of which the contractors take in
stock. It was unanimously carried
that application be made for a charter
for the company. R. Graham was
elected Chairman of the Provisional
Board of Directors ;.E. B. Burt, Seo
Treas. ; and J. Drewe, F. S. Scott
and E. E. Wade, Directors. It was
resolved to call in 60 per oent. of the
shares at once and provide for the
balance when the contract is Dom.
plated. The probabilities are that
the rink will be pushed right along
and that it will be a neat and com-
modions building. It is expected that
a large number of our residents who
have not as yet taken shares will do
so now that arrangements are on foot
for carrying the scheme to a sucoess-
fnl completion. The curlers will oc-
cupy the right and left wings of the
building leaving the main building
for graters.
JOAN ()Quemoy hag pursliesed the
House and lot on Anti Arcot, former•
ly owned by Mrs, IltoDonald, The
price paid was $600,
THE Methodist binn lay School in-
tend seating the basement of the
church with 160 or 200 chairs. This
will greatly add to the comfort and
oonvonieuoo of the building.
SEND along the news from all parte
of yon, townehip Never mind if you
can't arrange it very well. if you
give us the facts we will arrange the
matter afterwards, Soo what you
can do to help ua.
LAST Monday forenoon a lively
fusels was in progress, on the bridge,
betweee two of our reeidents, After
a few blows had boon struck and a
linger bitten they were separated. A
more private battlefield should be
HAND us in the name and rosidonce
of your visiting frieuds, oe the place
where you are, or have been, visiting.
It is not much trouble for you, and
manes THE Pose a more readable
street than over. Now, don't have
to be told about this spin.
LAST Sunday evening Rev. 3. Roes,
B.A., delivered a stirriug eormon, or
address, to his congregation, in Mel•
i'illo Oburch, from the text "Abstain
from all appearance of evil." The
principal subject dealt with was the
Scott Aot and its onforcomont.
WE have been asked a number of
times why we did not write rip an ao-
oouut of our trip to Vermont. The
reason is this :—A note book in which
ws put down objects worthy of note in
hysroglyphics, has been mislaid and
when it turns up we will give our
readers a short account of one of the
moat beautiful parts of the country
the gun ever shone upon.
PECK'S Sues, published at Milwauk-
ee, Wisconsin, is the most:humorous
paper in America to day. Geo. W.
Peek, its editor andproprietor, elands
without an equal as a humorist. He
believes iu making people happy, and
no cue can bo otherwise who reads
his most excellent paper. Our read-
ers are invited to read the prospectus
of Peck's Sun, in another column.
Sample copies mtuled free to any ad-
THE YEAR 1886. ---Some one has un-
earthed an old prophecy for the year
1886, of a decidedly uncomfortable
nature. It appears that in the church
of Oberemmel, near the oity of Tray -
ori, in Germany, there is a stone tab.
let some centuries old, on which is
cut a prophetic verse, which iu prose
may be rendered : "When Mark shall
bring us Easter, and Anthony ging
praises at Pentecost, and John shall
swing the °sneer at corpus Domini,
then shall the whole earth resound
with weepings and wailings." Now,
it so happens that in the year 1886
Easter falls on St. Mark's Day, Pen-
tecost, on that of St. Anthony of
Padua, and the Corpus Domini oomes
on St. John the Baptist's Day, June
24. Here then, are the first condi-
hone of the prophecy fulfilled, so that
now believers in prophecies and anx-
ious -minded persons have only to lie
down and think of everything dis-
agreeable that can possibly happen to
this poor planet and the dwellers
thereon between January and Decem-
ber, 1886. And really, if the earth-
quakes, epidemics, wars and rumors
of wars of the past five years are to
be eclipsed by next year, the prospect
is not a pleasing one, ,
FALL OPENING.—Last Thursday,
Friday and Saturday were the open-
ing days for the fall and winter cam-
paign of F. 0. Rogers' millinery,
dregs goods and mantle departments.
Saturday special pains were taken to
make everything attractive and to
that end a banner with Welcome hung
over the front door, and another at
the entrance to the millinery show
room, while 2 dozen pots and baskets
of beautiful flowers and plants, add-
ed to the scone. The millinery room
was filled with ladies who "took
stock" of all the hats, bonnets, flow-
ers, plumes, birds, silks, satins,
plushes, &c. hies Filer displayed
the goods to the best advantage and
her handiwork speaks for itself. The
counters in the store were filled with
dress goods, French merinos, ladies
skirts, silk handkerchiefs, gleves and
a host of other goods suitable for lad-
les wear. The evening was very un•
propitious yet a large number of peo-
ple visited the store and admired the
display, In addition to the usual
lighting of the premises 5 dozen
Chinese lanterns were arranged inside
and outside of the store. The brass
band was there and for about an hour
discoursed some of their excellent
Music. Mr. Rogers is well satisfied
with the opening and he counts on
doing a large trade this fall and win-
MAox1r.=In Grey, on Oct. 21st the wife o
Mr. Hugh Mackay, of a son.
Neto fol liars d:1lncounted.
Lnterestillewedoa deposits repayable:;on
Prompt tttentinnglvon socollections. -a%
HAsttLTON—Lane.—At the residence of the
bride's parents, on Tuesday, Oct. 611,
by Bev. W. H. Beed, Mr. Jas. Hamil-
ton, of Howard, to Miss Maggio Lees,
eldest daughter, of Mr. A. Lees, of
Howard, Kansas, formerly of Morris.
TSnon.—In Morris, on Tuesday, Oot.20th,
Margaret McAlpine, beloved wife of
Archibald Taylor, aged 67 years.
Parma, a, Oar, 8001.—Farm, Farm stook
and Implements, on lot 88, eon. 2, Grey,
commencing at 1 o'alook. Jas. Wakefield,
prop., Oapt. Stratton, and.
FRIDAY, OCT. 23nn.—Farm stock, on lot
11, con. b, Morris, commencing at 1 o'clock.
Jag. Miskimmins, prop Geo. Kirkby, isnot,
FRIDAY, Nov. 6s:3y.—.Stock,1st lot 82, eon.
18, Grey, commencing at 1 o'clock. Henry
McNaught, prop. A. Delgatty, mud.
Brusele18 IVlnrlret.
White Fall wheal.... • ... 88 85
Bed Winter 86 86
Spring Wheat 8o 86
Spring wheat (new) 40 78
Oats 57
27 28
Peas .,.
Button, tube and rolls18 14
18 00
Eggs per dozen 5 00 00
Floor per barrel26 00
Potatoes 8 26 10 00
Hay per ton
Hides per lb 6 61
Dressed Hoge 6 60 6 60
Salt per bbl., wholesale .t60 80
Sheep skins,eseh 50 1 00
Ofnae, (Irant's Block, Bruesele, 1,101181
Of Ie0900tnorlyeoeupled oy A. J. Mo
Ooll,Eeq.,iu Leokle'sBlock. Money to lend.
o (late with Darrow & Proudfoot,0odo-
Gre.nt's Block,'lirnasele. Modneer tley 4o Loan. In
.Ci_ the Fourth Drv101051 Coati Co , Hums,
Insurance Age !,Bunds alyo tedaul to= Loan
Oollootions made, Office, Graham's Block
r 1. McNAUWIT'ON, Al. D., 0.
(y o dt„L It, O. P„Edinburgh . 1'hystcio n,
Surgeon an d Aeooucbour, O111ee in Mrs,Suiel'e
blocs, l'urebury Strout.
e➢ L. R. E. Y. Edinburgh.
I•Iaoromovod to hie roeidonce on 62,11 Street
the house formerly oocupled by Dr. Graham,
and ,rill be there at night. no still retains an
oMoe at Hargreaves' Drug Store.
• Graduate and Member of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons. Toronto. The
various aumethetlos given, also a now loose
aumsthutlo for the gums only, All operations
carefully performed and guaranteed. Prfoes
moderate. Olaoe over rowan's store. Hours
a.m. t0 6 p.m.
of Thorough Base. Vocal, and Instru-
moutal Music on Piano, Organ and Guitar.
lietereuoe—Ladies of Loretto, Guelph.!
Residenee—No. 3, (south) BrickTerraoe,
44.3m. Brussols, Ont.
Issuer Marriage Licenses. O1Soo at his groo;;
ery, T•rnberry street, 11-23
e� Ourgeoa,Gradnato of Ontario Veterinary
college Toronto. Residence, the house lately
oconpledbv Mrs,J,Parker Mainstreet,Br us-
. rings Licensee. by appointment of
L4entenant-Govern or ,0ommissl ono r &a „Q
B ,0ouYeyanogrand Agent•Fire lneurance0o
0 MoeattheOranbrook PostOffico
Insurance Agent, ,
tJ . Accident and Loan Ineuraane Agent for
some of the best and most reliable Companies
in the Dominion. 0110e. brisk terrace, Turn-
boary St., near the Station, 8 months.
ternan would intimate to the ladles of
Brussels and surrounding country that having
returned from her summer vacation abets pro -
pared to attend to dress and mantle making as
of yore, A oouttnuanoe of patronage solicited.
ing done by Mrs. Turnbull. Reei-
denoe—North of eohool house, corner of Me-
chanic street, Brussels, 0,151—We would
recommend Mrs. R, Turnbull to the citizens of
Brussels as a good straw milliner. While in
Lakofield she gave good satisfaction to her
customers in making over and dying telt and
straw hats. R. Graham &Son. 45.4in
and mlllinor wishes to inform the pub.
lie that oho has returned from Toronto, after
learning Prof. Moody's new system of cutting
and w111 teach it to all its brandies to any
lady desirous of scouring the boot of systems
for dress and mantle omitting. For further in-
formation apply to Mies Carter, Ethel, or to
Mr, James Carter, 372 Young street, Toronto,
Head Office for Canada.
Dutcher, thanking hos
many engem era for their liber-
al supportfor the pact six years
wishes to inform them that be-
ing burned out of the old stand has Stied up
a shop in Smale's Sleek in first-class style
whore he hopes to doe all the old customers
and as many new ones as see at to give him a
eon. ikoop soothing butfirat-class meats, all .
kinds of Poultry and Sausagoldeat. Delivered
to all parts of the Town Prins. Coati paid for
Pat Stook.
Poet Moe Block, - Brussels,
Toronto, t for S Joseph
Clement Roofing—for es do MonlHe and
on and Brace flotation.
Gravel, Tin, Iron and other roofs repaired
and eatiefaotion guaranteed,
Estimated given. Tar & Pelt at wholesale,
a Court will be held pursuant to the
Voters' List Act by His Honor the Judge of
the County Court of the County of Huron,
at the Town Hall, BBrussiels, on
THURSDAY, November 5th, 1885,
at 9 o'clock a.m., to hear and determine
the several complaints of errore and onus.
sions in the Voters' List of the Munioipali•
ty of Brussels for 1886'.
All persons having business at the Court
aro requested to attend at the said tiros
and place,
Dated the 16th day of October, 1886.
F. 8, SCOTT, CLasr,