HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-10-23, Page 7OCT, 28, 1885. Mewing }Yltaat the Valt. In October last tbollamiltou Times mentioned that a field of fell wheat had been mowed on the farm of Thos. Wood, lot 1, con, 1, New survey of Trafalgar, Helton comity, Tho wheat stood about eighteen inohee high, anti Mr. Wood ran the mower through it, cutting M' about twelve inuhee. Con- siderable curiosity was felt to know how the wheat would turn out after that treatment. Tho field Inid a fine appearance tide year—all the °reps aro good m Halton county except spring wheat—and the threshing showed the following results :—Ono hundred anti forty pounds of Medit- erranean Hybrid seed, yielded eighty- eight bushots. On the remainder of the field, which was sown with Dom- ocrate wheat, the yield was forty bushels to the acre. The farmers in the vicmety are of the opinion, from the result of this experiment, that it is good policy to snow wheat iu the fall, when the top is exoop tionally heavy. YARLLTIES. A. convict, however poor, can al- ways have a watch and chain. A man is a "perfect brick" when he shows Itltnsolf all the bettor for being hard.pressod, How cloth the little quilting beo— Improve each shining hour ;—And gather scandal all the day—From every prune wall -flower. Fond Mother— 'Are you better my dear ?' Little Effie—"I amino ; is the jelly all gone ?" "Yes," "Nell. I'm well enough to get up, then." Many forme of toothache may be promptly and pleasantly relieved by chewing cinnamon bark, And cot- ton, soaked in two parts chloral, ton parte of nil of almonds and sixteen parts of glycerine, often allays ear- ache. "So you expect to go to the country soon, hiss Gusbington ?" "Yes," she replied ; "we are to visit Uncle Jatmes, and lie has such a delightful house, with a wide porch all covered wit]i trellis vines and grape vines and bovines—1 can soarcoly wait forthe time to start. On the continent of Europe rail- way locomotive engines give only ono short low whistle on approaching a station. In England they keep up a soul -piercing scream for several miles. It is not necessary to say what they do in this country. Their victims maybe found iu many a lun- atic asylum. b The is the npple, large and round, At the top of the barrel always found. b This is the apple small and mean, Always at the bottom sten, They tell at good story on a south Georgian statesman, who went to Charleston in the old days and stop- ped at a Betel. A. waiter brought out some shrimps which the Georgian stowed away as best he could. In a moment the waiter re -appeared with a stand of celery. "No," said the Georgian, shaking his head solemnly, "I have tried your bugs and I don't like them, and you can bet yer life I don't want none of your grass 1" A valuable cow in Yorkebire, Eng - laud, having broken her leg, the vet- erinary Burgeon was asked to ampu- tate the limb and try to save the ani- mal. This was done, and the stump of leg healed naturally and complete- ly. When the swelling had subsided, a rudely constructed wooden log was fastened on, with which the cow did so well that she has now been pro- vided with an improved and shapely one upon which her existence seems to be about as happy as before the mishap. A German manufactory is now pro- ducing glucose from old linen rags, which is chemically identical with grape sugar, "Next thing," enye the N. Y. Tribune, "we shall hear of whiskey being made out of old rags." Well that would be merely n reversal of'tlee present order of things. A. great many old rage can now be trac- ed directly to whiskey—froin those stuffed hi the broken window to the tattered garments on the mendicant's back. Tho Minister Getting Acquainted. --A new minister over on the West Side wco around during the week making the aequaintattce of his par- ishioners. Be called' on Deacon Smith, and, desiring to aquertain what business the deacon was in without seeming too curious, he con. eluded to get at it in another way. "Now, my little girl," he said to the 4 -year-old, "what is your name?" "Sadie Smif, sir." "Your papa goes clown town every eeorniug, I s'pos a. Can you tell the what he dons down town 7" "No, ]: tan't but I hoard ma tell hint the other night if he did it any more eleo'd snatch him bald headed., Didn't you, me, ?" Cronological Table Christopher Colnlilhus discovered America 1492, and Customers dis- covered that The Post c oOkstore was the place to get School Books, Slates, Copy Books, Scribbling Books, &c., &c. H. W. Shaw, better known as Josh Billings, died of apoplexy, on Oct. 14111, 1885. The People of Brussels, Grey and Morris fund that (lead stook was not kept at Tun POST Book Store but the Latest Novelties in Note Paper and Envelopes and all kinds of writing materal. King John signed the Magna C1larta, at Runnymede, in 1215, and we ordered a large stock of XMA S GOODS in the shape. of cards, dolls, books, toys, albums, rubber balls, &c. for the holiday trade early in October of 1885. The second Riol Rebellion took place in 1885, and Tun POST Book Store can give you Real Bargains in all lines kept, so don't bo afraid to call. You Know the Place. The Post Bookstore. THE BRUSSELS POST. NET GOODS AT THE 'Golden Pali1uc' The Mammoth Hardware Store. ---0.-- d PLATFORIYI NAPS, 900, 1200, and 2000 Pounds. —o— Family Scales For Butter, Groceries, Etc., Etc. —o -- Cross -Cut Saws: -- "NEW IMPROVED CHAMPION," "RACER," "LANCE," &c., &C., &c. --0-- The 'Electric' buck saw. — —0-- CHOPPING 0_._ CHOPPING AXES, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. NEW 7 Atli STORE! The undersigned having purchased the Stock and Trade of ltlr. A. Veal, and added thereto, is prepared to furnish anything in the Z'U1LN =Z'UR H] LINE. NDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. Economy in Funerals. Having adclecl to the Furniture Business the Undertaking I am pre- pared to Furnish Funerals on short notice. FIRST-CLASS HEARSE in Connection. ERE 0 A Specialty. Having a Practical Knowledge of every branch of the Tracie and having worked in some of the largest factories in the Dominion of Canada the Public may always rely on getting SATISFAOTOR,y WORK. EI hope by strict attention to business to merit a share of the Public —0-- Patronage. Cattle Chains ANI) ALL THE BEST THAT MONEY GAN BUY AT LOW1�QgPPRICEm} SW. g.� b Pim W,� 9Jp,b FURNITURE EMrORI FALL 1885. FALL 1885. In thanking em' numerous customers for the patronage of the past year we havo pleasure in slating that our stock of consisting of Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables, Bed- steads, Lounges, Chairs, Sofas, Rattan Furniture, &c., Was Never More Complete. —A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF— EAU TIFTTL AI N'X'INGS and Pictures to choose from. All Kinds of MOULDINGS for frames kept on hand and made up on short notice. Wo aro continually at work on HAND -ALM DE FURNITURE and we are prepared to fill all orders in a thoroughly workmanlike manner. Repairing attended to with Promptness. lTndertaki.ng. =maw grassamemm We have a Largo and Elaborate Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and Un- dertaker's Furnishings 0n ]land and ask those requiring anything in this Iino to call and see our goods. Two First -Class Hearses kept in connection with the establishment, icl�e Leathordale, Manager. M. E. Long. RO E T MALCOL , WILSON'S NEW BLOCK, PRUSS H1IjS. NATIONAL ROLLER MILLS. Wm. Vanstono & Sons, -a.L rzo:pristors. We have much pleasure in announcing to the public that our \cnv Roller Mill is in Complete Running Order and is giving the Best i-atii.- faction. SHORTS, MEAL, BUN & CHOP CONSTANTLY ON FMr'ii We also make the following Brands of Flour : Patent, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Storm. Gristing Attended to with Promptness. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER CUT TO ORDER. MAST I URQN CARRIAGE WORKS ! JAMES BUYERS —sANIIFACTUnnR or - BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, DEMOCRATS, WAGONS, EXPRESS WAGONS, &c. &e. all made of the Best Material and finished in a workman -like manner' Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to. Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing. larioitngcrs.--ltlai'sdon Smith, B. Laing, James Cntt and. William MoEolvey, Grey township ; Wm. Cameron, Wm. Little, Geo, Brewar, and David Breckenridge, Morris township ; Thos, Town and William Blashill, Brussels ; Rev. E. A. Fear, Kir]rton, and T. Wright, Turn!" burry township. REMEMBER THE STAND—SOUTId OF BRIDGE, TAMIS 23UY1'RS.