HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-10-23, Page 44 THE 13Ii,USBE�S POST. OCT, 22, 1885, f lC rue ,Cls pot Fj ti)..Y, OCT. 33, 1885. Temperance Oolventitou, A. largely attended, en thusiastic and thoroughly representlative convention of tomperanee workers of Huron county was held in the town stall, Clinton, on Thursday, Oct. 15t11, commencing at 10 nem, and coutinu• Mg throughout the day. The ladies of the W. C. T. U., of Clinton, spread a tempting table in the council chain• ben, and invited all the delegates of the convention to partake of both dinner and tea, free of charge, The delegates accepted the generous in• vitation, and were loud in their prate. es of the deltoaoles provided. The convention opened with devo- tional exercises led by Revs. A, Y. Hartley, T. M. Campbell, J. Hough, W. Birks and E. S. Rupert. The program of business to be brought before the convention was prepared by a committee appointed . for that purpose. The Executive Committee of the Scott Act Association tendered their resignation as executive officers, and asked to be relieved of the posi- tion which they had held since the formation of the Scott Act Associa- tion ; but on motion of Rev. J. Bough, of Londesbolo, seconded by Rev. Mr, Danby, of Varna, the present execut- ive WS3 re appointed. Reports of the delegates from the various municipalities of the county, concerning the worlciug of the Scott Act, made very evident the fact that many hotel -keepers are violating tho Act, and the Executive committal's statement of the difficulties experienc- ed in obtaining magistrates williug to net in Scott Act cases, rendered equally evident the pressing necessity of a Police Magistrate. The Execut. ive committee were authorized to adopt any means which they deemed advisable to obtain information of violations o1 the Act, and to prosecute offenders, the convention pledging its support to the Executive in the work. In regard to the police magistracy a resolution was moved by J. C. Stev- enson, of Clinton, seconded by Rev. T. M. Campbell, of Goderich, and unanimously carried, to the effect that the Ontario Government be requested to appoint a Police Magistrate with- out salary. Another resolution was moved'oy Appleton Elcoat, of Tucker - smith, seconded by Jas. Wanless, of Stanley, that John Beattie, of Sea- foetll, be the choice of the convention for Police Magistrate, and that the Executive committee do their utmost to have him appointed snob by the Ontario government. This resolution was also adopted by a unanimous vote. Much indignation was expressed at the inactivity of one of the inspectors appointed under the McCarthy Act, and the following' resolution, moved by 3. 0. Morrison, of McRillop, an d seconded by Edmund Corbett, of Clinton, was unanimously adopted "Whereas it has been represented to this couventlon,;i assembled, that many cases of violation of the Scott Act have been brought to the notioe of ono of the inapeetord under the McCarthy Act in this county ; and, whereas, his fees in some of these cases were guaranteed to him ; and, whereas he llae failed, neglected and refused to prosecute these cases ; and whereas it is reported that he has di- vulged the names of parties giving Information. Now, therefore, the temperance workers of Huron, 1n con- vention assembled, would call the at. tention of the public in the county to the failure, neglect and refusal to do duty, on the part of the inspector, and strongly censure such officer, tend that saoh acts of neglect and breach of duty be, by the Executive of the Scott Act Association, at once brought to the notice of the Dominion Gov. eminent ; and the government be asked to have the said inspector forth- with dismissed, and a party appoint. ed who will do his duty. A lenglity discussion took plane as to what action ehould be taken by tho temperance party at the approach- ing municipal elections, which result- ed in the adoption of a resolution moved by Rev. T. M. Campbell, of Goderioh, and seconded by Andrew Govenlo°k, of MelRillop, recommend- ing that an electoral union be organ. ized in each municipality, to select men who will eupport temperance principles as candidates in education- al, municipal and parliamentary elec. tions. tf. S, Spence, of Toronto, Secretary of the Ontario branch of the Dominion Alliance, was in attendance at rho convention, and delighted the midi. 3nc0 for npwaada of an hour 111 an able and eloquent address upon the present aspect of the temperance question. Rev. T. Mt Campbell moved, se- oonded by4 Hugh MoQuerrie, "That we, the members of this convention, desire hereby to express our deep and heartfelt sympathy with our belovedPresiden1 w W Soaforthtinithe sorrow lthrou h Esq,, hich nation, you Dona has bten appointed he bythe loss of his Reusing Barriatlr for Eoet and Vest he 1e now passing companion, and to assure him of our Ridings of Duron, and Judge Toms prayers that God may sustain slim for the South Riding. A. BAllr'r1N1113isf is still confined to his house with his stiff knee. "DoIeT 100011 my arm," 19 the every day anlutation now. Vaooi- anti continue to ilius wisdom aucl strength for his responsible position," This resolution was carried, as was also It vote of thanks to F. 8, Spence for his interesting address, and to the ladies for their kindness in previdiug euoh au excellent dinner and tea for the delegates ; and the meeeing ad- journed. Canadian 1N a wvs. Another case of small- pox is report- ed from London. The President of the United States has appointed James N, Childs, of Maine, to be United States Consul at Guelph. Proclamation is issued of an elec- tion under the Canada Temperance Act in the United counties of Pres- cott and Russell, to take place on the 26111 November. David F. Hendricks a farmer lin- ing about five miles from Chatham, was very badly gored by a bull on Sunday, one of the wounds being iu the abdomen, causing the bowels to protrude. His recovery is doubtful. A Winnipeg despatch says :-Hon. Thos. White promised the settlers of Prince Albert that the question of North western representation will be taken up at the next session of Par- liament and probable the odd seotiona will bo dealt with. He did not favor provincial legiel(ltion for the present, and thought something simple would avower better. Sarah A. Murray has commenced a $10,000 libel suit against the De- troit Free Press. Mrs. Murray'e husband was recently arrested in 'Windsor as an escaped convict from the Central Prison at Toronto. In reporting the fact Wednesday the Free Press stated that Murray's wife had the reputation of being "a slick party herself." Mrs,. Murray feels ag- grieved at this statement, According to the Dundas Standard, Township Treasurer 1/'raser, who left on Monday evening, was behind in his account with the town- ship some $1,600, and with seotion No. 2, of which he was also treasurer, about $600. Apparently Messrs. Jonathan Morden and John Froder- ick, Fraser's securities, are stuck for $1,800, and R. Surerus, school trus- tee, for $600. There are numer. ons other losers besides. The agent at the Fort Belknap Indian reservation in Northern Mon tans has informed the Interior De- partment that a number of Oree In. dian refugees from the British Poe sessions have orossed the line into the reservation, having in their p os - session silverware, articles of ladies' apparel and other spoils supposed to have been captured during the Big Bear outbreak. The agent requested that these intruders be escorted across the line and forbidden to enter the United States. The matter was re- ferred to the Secretary of State, who has replied that the Iudiaus cannot be arrested except upon extradition by the British authorities, and that this Government should not counten- ance any kidnapping of the Indians. The Interior Department is at a loss to know how the dangerous refugees can be removed. Win are. Barry to hear of the severe and clnugereue illness of John Leckie, our old townsman, but eve hope ore this he is on 0 fair way of recovery. A TneNxeoIveso tea will be hold In the Methodist Cburoh on the evening of Thanksgiving Day, under the anti - pines of the Ladies' Aid Society. A good program is in °ours° of prepara- tion, Further particulars later. En. DuNFoen could not stand the separation from his wife who has been away visiting any longer so to day, (Friday), he takes a trip to Brigden and Ohatbam- RIOn. MANNING, District Agent for the Confederation Life Association, was in town this week. Mr. Man- ning ie a model canvasser. Ax -ex. MoLaowAN has purchased the shop and dwelling, on the corner of Turuberry and Queen streets, from R. G. Vincent. The price paid ens $860. Tan youngsters in several of the department of our public school en- joyed a holiday on Thursday and Friday es the teachers were away at the Teachers' Convention at Wing - ham. LITERARY SOCIETY. -The long even- inge are Coming On and will 500n he Here and our Mock Parliament, is connection with the Brussels Literary Society, should be talked up. The Hoose was prorogued last winter with the expectation of being called to. gather early in November. We hope a lively interest will beitaken in this Society this fall and winter and there is no reason, with as much talent as Brussels can turn out, why a very pleasant and profitable time should not be put in, LEOTunE.-The lecture on the Holy Land, by Rev. Win, Henderson, of Wyoming, in the Town Hall on Thursday evening of last week, was very well attended, considering that it was a lecture and that this 15 Brus- sels. The rev. lecturer was introduc- ed by Rev. W. Smyth, after the meet- ing had been opened by prayer, by Rev. S. Jones. Mr. Henderson then entered upon his lecture, and for over two hours had the closest attention of the audience as he described the towns and cities of the East ; the people and their manners and customs ; the kinds of grain and timber that grows in the Holy Land, &c. To add to the pleasure of the lecture he has samples of grain, wood, stone, pipes, flutes, and a boat of other articles collected during his visit three years ago. Before the close of the lecture three ladies and three gentlemen ap. peered on the platform robed in the costumes of that far off land. These various articles of apparel were de- cribecl by the lecturer and will help many a Bible student in understand- ing the history of Palestine. Tho lecture was instructive and entertain' ing, the only trouble is there has to be too 11111011 crowded into the couple of hours. Mr. Henderson should made two or three lectures out of the one. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the lecturer. Those who stopped home missed a treat. Sir Charles Tupper, the Canadian minister of railways, was interviewed at Chicago. B,e has been wont on a tour of inspection over the Canadian Pacific railway. He states that the work of construction is progressing rapidly, But forty miles of rho road yet remains to bo iluilt to connect the government road with that the Can. adian Pacific Railway is building. This is the only uncompleted part of the road wast of Winnipeg. The forty miles yet to be built aro west of Kick. MgHorse pass. Sir 0. Tupper thinks the connection botweeu these sections will be made during the early part of November. When this work is com- plete the Canadian Pacific will have a through line frpm Montreal to the Pacific, as the Lake Superior section is expected uo be completed and ready for business by the first of next month. All arrangements for the opening ceremonies have been made. The last spike will be driven by Governor. General Lansdowne, who is now in the mountains. NOTION.-A13UUT TWENTY - four abenp to lot On shares on the usual terms, to soma goal larmer. 1f. Apply to i IIUN 1o.1'111aYale LIT AY CATTLE,-OAM I; U N 1,1 ll, promises utises of tate undersigned, Lot 11, Con. 11 rot holNUNler Mop,d spring 1inlI'1 whilm te st cele piny person owning t1:0 Sana olid proving property pan ilia 1110111 Ily'payhlg 111, x e1190i 15.1 OLLIIY. LOCAL ITEM. $EE professional card of Cr. L, Ball, L. D. S., in this issue. A. M. TAYLOR, of Toronto, was here this week attending the funeral of his mother. S. PEARSON and wife went to St. Marys last Monday to attend the funeral of his sister. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, 10011, SALE. -1 SPAN O1' HEAVY . Draught Colts. One is rising 1 years ohs, aiid was sired by the wall -known stalltOn'Wel- come," the other le rising 3 years old, mid was sired by "e4elloa" They may bo 0000 on bot 10, 0^n. 5. Groy, JNO. LOWS, 15.4 - Prop. WANTED -A. SERVANT GIRL. V` Y Apply to 0110. untorssoet. QT11AYLD ON THE PREMISES 17 or the undersigned lob 14, 000, 18, Choy', about the last of Anguel, ono year-old holier, red and white to color, The Gwuer Gan have Santo by proving property and paying oxp aaeee P110S. L0000UAI41rMO11800k,P. O. l0.4,L , ((,�,,�'.iTliAYE] P11011 LOT 28, CON. , Morris about Aug. 15111, 0 cattle -5 year- lings old 1 steel', 2 years old, gray nn 4010r. 2 of the yearlings are rad and wit to ; 2 heifers aro reddish gray, and 1 steer is nil white. Any iutorm0tton leading to their recovery will bo rewa-0od. J011/4 BOWMAN. 16.9 QTRAYRD P11011 TSL PRLMIS. 1J °sof the ludersigned, lot 94, eau. 5, Groy, about two months ago 2 pito-your-old heifers, light gray lu color, with a small hole in their right ear. Any person giving information that wi11101o0 to their recovery will be suitably re- warded. WM. AfoDON ALP, 1e -4r iloufryv 37,0 1.105 SALE. -ONE GOOD GL"N- J.. tlo driving horse, 6 yours old; 2 general purpose mares, rising 3 years old: 6 steers, rig - log 9 years old; l dry cows; 4 dairy oows; 10 lambs; 10 hat yearnag wailers cad owes; 10 fat owes; 10 heavy fat pigs; 10 at pigs; 1 brood sow and four young pigs. Apply to 'BRIAR Mcb'All1114N 16.1E Lot 3, Oon.10, Grey. �3OICE FARMS FOR SALE.- 'Anew splendid, 180p007011, #00100 far sale 10 rho township of Groy, Morris and AlaIill- lop. Apply to A, DNLGATTY, Oo, Auctioneer, Brussels F 0. tm'iTRAYED ON THE PREMISES 01 thee iidersignod lot 13 con.13, Groy, on or about Aug, 1st, a yearling bull. The 00005 1e requested o call, nlovo property, pay ex- poneo scud take him away. 14-4 JNwen, SK, Prop. 'AMA le011 SALE, BITING THE south halt of lot 28, con, 6, Uorrie, contain- ing 100 acres, 76 mum:cleared. Frame build- ings on the premises, The property will be east at a Uargain. For 1'000, 5,10110814011100 apply to SB ti. LARGE STABLE, Mal FEET, fitted up with 6 stalls, and a driving floor, for colo, 0101er has no use for it. Purchaser mars ask at it P s Pub1FOr 1sbingrNousre artia- 14.4 iC11AR1'I FOR SALE, BEING LOT I t 6, con. 10, Grey township ,11111011 00., 00D - tabling 100 acres, 80 acres a leered, The farm is sitnatod 1 1 miles from Brussels, Ler fur- tior purtiuulars apto 3OyBT, MONA17GHTON 14-8 Prop STIa.YED ON THE PREMISES of tho dndoreignod,lot Be, con, 16Grey, a , yearling heifer, rod In color, with a white belly. Oamo on my premises about Sept. 10111. The owner is requested to Provo prop- eriy,4.00 pay eXp000 and take her away 66 , 7AS, L'17WST'1u1t, Prop. QTRAYED FROM THE PREMIS- S...7 oe at the undersigned, about July 16611p throe hood of cattle 2 years 01 d. 1. steer red and white, horns turned out, 81 01 cm forehead; 1 rad baiter, horns turn0ditt, spot on forehead; 1 vollowIOh brindle, Any information that will load to the recovery of the sane will be notably reWar1l100 If. 166x Lot 11, oou, 8, Grey, Ethel DIPSIBOICUM A true tonic, is highly recommended for all diseases requiring n oort,110 etboiont tonic, 0n- pcolony Iudigostiou, Dyspepsia, and el Ap- posite, Loes of Strength, /0enriches now life to the nerves, 1tbene 0 eats ul kle a oharm and 10 lust what ovorybndy wants. It is al oliolio Worble sale bydealersgoeernllii0uon- C'(TRAYED OR STOLEN FROM e. e. ilio premises of the subscriber, north 11011 lot 10 000, 2, Aforris, (theta jay 1st, 6 head yearling oattlo, viz; -1 white heifer, 2 red heifers, 1 rod steer with white mark on fore- head, 1 red and white steer with white strand down book, and L rod bull. Any person giving ouch information as will load to the recovery of the same will besuitablyrewarded. 10-41, ROBT. BLOOMFIELD, 731uavalo, T1ARbf FOR SALE IN la•REY °' 1'778 10, 0onnty of ftltrou, bolas lot 19, 000.7. rhd farm lomat acme, 70 00008 cleared, and 10 well watered. well fenced 10 fn a first -aloes state of cultivation. armMore is a good brick house, frameebaro, stables en tho 1308801000, and an exoollent orchard. The fermis situated ova mho from the village of Lithos cad 6 miles from Brussels, Por further particulars apply to 15-4 F, BATEMAN, Pro°, J ARM. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. .a-' -being lot 12, con, 4, Groy township, Our - on 0o., containing 100 Rens. 70 nares of high ,laud fit for gro ming fall wheat, 00 soles under pasture and fit for any per pose, 2 sores in or- ohare, There are frame buildings in good state of repair andgood water for anypurnose. The farm is in god state of oultivation and im- mediate possession (limbo given. For further particulars apply on the premises. 79.4• H. MQl7 OARBIF„ Prop. STRAYED FROM THE PREMIS- t os of the undersigned lot 6, con, 0, Morrie township, cattle,. 6 of theme aree22 years pieJune. and t12 he other 3 are throe years old. 6 of them are steers lands of the two year olds oro heifers. Ono of the two year old aims le mostly albite and two others are spotted red mud white and the rest wore mostly red. Any Information leading to their recovery will be thanktftlly rooived, BORT. IRVIN, 16.2 Proprietor. GUELPH 3USINESS COL ILEGE, t,lll:f,t'H, - - ON's'. rreetie 144CONI) tHLIZOl.ARl'1c; Y1i.t11 oonunouood Sopa. 101 11nu01 don artment Is in char:;0 of it almaiallst. (o impart 0 prae- tloal 10,1111110 for tho (+Melon1 coo do et of beet. DAM affairs in the 01011000 and wont of the h atl- tution. its orndnnt: a are already holding 00- 0p01) 0111) positions 111 1118 ooulnierolnl centres of the Do,il,iton, 19uorgotie young men and women aro thoroughly prepared for positions as 130ok-ice:mers, Htortdaand Writers, Corre- spondents, or Telegraph Operators. SEOdont0 received at any baso, Por olroibnr trod eata- 10gnie, givhig full information, addr00e 13.0ioo At, kf00CCli\tICf{, Prluclpai ESTATE NOTICE. Notice ro C1eeditors. Pursuant to the Act 40, Vto.0ap, 0, (Ontario) the oredttore of Wnl. Rhine, late of the Town' ship of Groy• to rho County of Nam 2, who died on Or about 1110 12obday of March, A, D. 1886, and others having claims in r00peet of hie Oe - 0a10, aro hereby notified to send, on or before the prat day of February 1846, to the nuder0lgn. ed executors of the personal estate and OHoot0 of said deceased, their names and addresses and the full particulars of their claims and of alto aeouri tilts (if any) held by them, and also that ts of paid deceased willter bo diet n distributed amosat d dale theeig hlte 'parties entitled thereto, having regard 01111' i0 olohns of which Oho oxoettors have then not- ice, andtho executors will not be liable for any asset ea0 distributed to any person of whose claim they shalt not have bad notion. Dated in Grey the first day of OI0Ot,b or 1885. WM 13-410 388.. FERGUSON,1.87A N11,) I'xnerrona, BERXSHIRE BOAR FOR SBR. VTon,Theuuder0ignadwillkeep a thor. ovg11 bred Berkshire boar for service on lot 27, 4thline, Morris, about two miles from Brus- Sols 011uron Lad" was bred by II, Barbey, Guelph, and w0,0 sired by Lord Wellington, 0917, broil by l7. Tombs, Mislead; 1010, Lady No13y, 6010, got byyrrizoman 1407, bred by E. Tombs ,Llughtnd. This well bred pig was far- rowed Jan.28th,1882. Terms: 01, 10 bo paid at time of service, with privnega of returning, if ne00aary. Jenna M. pro' fetor. 49-6m0p T1ARM FOR SALE. -THE EN.- ooutors el tie estate o1 the late 0Amair, be- ing 1a con.19.,Groy thatexcellentare 100 acres in the farm 80 of which aro cleared, 10 acres part- 1yyclaared aeon) acres of good hardwood bush. There ie a good frame barn, 80x60 foot with steno stabling underneath. Immediate pos- session will be stem. A goal portion of pur- chase money will be allowed to stand on inter- est, For further particulars apply so JOHN 1/310E113, 014, 107 College street, Toronto, or JOHN SL1aMILON, 15 it Ethel P.O. 11OR SALE OR TO RENT. -TWO forma -Lob 14, on the 0th Oon.,aud Lot 15 on the 7011 Oon,lof Morrie, containing 100 acres each, about 00 acres cleared, free from stmmns on 000 10001, and about 60 aoros cleared 011 the Other. The cleared land is in 0good Onto of oultivation, and well fonood. Good frame barn and stables, and log house on ono, and on the other a log 110000 mentos hare' There is a good bearing orchard on Lot 19, A never failing spring crook runs through both plmr0a, The Soil is drat-olass, there being no bettor farm010 the township. Those places are admirably ad- apted for grain growing 00 grazing, and within five miles of the nourie ing town of Brussol6. Tito planes will be sold together or separately, and earth° bought cheap and on easy terms. t1tp1y on the promises or address the ptropri- etor, Sunshino P,O, 0800. menu, 16,lx Proprietor. THD ORB iROOK HERD OP "BARNUNI" & `LBARR{NUTON" Tan MIn9T rn1ZE BER11011101 BOAas. The above mentioned pure bred lSoritohiro Boars win bo Itopt for the season at 'r BOWS Pieta, 0raabrook,Ortt. Barnum wag harrowed March 114,1886, bred by W. H, McNish, Elm Groove Farm,L5ed0 Co,, Ont., from 180porte4 sire and tram dli0ot i0o01 the bora a1 the 0010- bratod brooder ,R. bwanowiok, L10g, and is one of tho finest Berkshires over brought to this oouutry, Barrington was farrowed Nov, 7011, less, bred by Simmons & Petrie, of Delaware, Middlesex Oo, He is from Imported stook on both sides( With registered pedigree and is a grand animal throng110ut, Also the pure brad Oullollt boar, "Yonugdhamp len," bred by las. Main, 01a1t011 Oo, Ho i8 a porn typo of Suffolk standing on very short loge with groat length of body, immense shoulders and wall turned steins. Bove exhibited my herd at fairs this fall earryleg Off 26 First Prises. Terme atrlot- iyy cash. One dollar at the time of service with the privilege of roturnin if nocoesery. 38`1015 0, 117020 10.01 Onbreek, b raut, BRUSSELS PUMP WORKS. WVlL,SOJV ' PELTON Take much pleasure in announc- ing to the people of Brussels and snni'ounding country that having Purchased the Business of Mr, C. Pike, on Mill Street, opposite Mr. P. Scott's Black`smitll Shoo; they will keep a Good Supply of PUMPS ON LUND And are prepared to till all orders at Reasonable Prices. Repairing neatly and promptly clone. Please call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. WILSON & PELTOI4. 15-tf. No now departure with Shand, Ho is content with acting on the good old rule, the simple plan, to do what's honest, fair and true, and squarely deal with every man. NO HMO ; N9 BLARNEY, Shand's no inflated wind bag, that would burst if it did not empty itself now and then. He deals in SO&ID 'ACTS St SOLID DEATII?IRI My customers work for me, the old bringing new ones every day. My boots speak for themselves. 1 spare no pains 1101' tremble to make my Work what it should bo - first -class in every respect -and give Ily Customers honest Value. THAT ! T APPRECIATI my efforts is shown by the fact that I am doing today, probably, tho Largest llboe- Mualriug Busiueas ever done iu Brussels. I mean to continuo to fight hay Business Battles on exactly the sante linos I have hitherto pursued, and so keep the load in apito of the Frantic Nfforts of some, of whom it may bo said "They know them- selves to bo humbugs and they deem others no bettor than the TILING$ they seem." Itemomber Shand 12 110001 for Tiret.alass Work and is rho place to leave your orders for BOOTS AND SEM m