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The Brussels Post, 1885-10-9, Page 8
s IJ AND TRUNK RAILWAY.. SOUTHERN EXTENSION, W. Gee ©• R Tralu leaves Brunel% station, north and e l; til as'follow ,l: (.utas Serail. Going North. \fall ., 7:26 am, Mixed 10:00a.m. Mncrs 11:56 ami. Mall 9161 p,m To i�c,l.. .., g:40 p.m, Express . 9:97 p.m. The morning train south and the night trent norm will only run on 'ruesdaye, Thursdays, and Ht.U1laVc. ac,t7 aleb 4t1sm , A chiul's :mane yo takin' note An' faith he'll Arent it. STOVES. STOVEPIPES. Benev worked up min. Ora oyster dealers are hanging out their signs. T11ANItetrIViNG day will be the next public holiday. Trak: XXX \Vllite Wine Vinegar, A. {loon .0 Co. Sr•var,AL 13russelites attended the show at Wroxeter last Wednesday. .MMas, E. LOURIS; of LncknOW, is visiting at S. Smales this week. Don STANLEY, of Harrieton, the celebrated roller skater, was visiting Ms brother this week. SEE Shand's advt. this week. He has 7 hands employed now, and ie rushing work out lively. CREDIT C1lVFnrh TO DEATIL—Our books will be closed Oct. lit, everyone will please call and settle their account. A. R. SMITE, Before you put up your stove, neighbor, take a good look at your chimney and see that it is thoroughly cleaned out. It will not trouble you much to do this, and it may save you a good deal of trouble and loss here- after. TEMPERANCE MEETING.—On Tneb- day evening of next week an open temperance meeting will bo held in the Methodist church. An interest- ing program of music, readings, and addresses is prepared. Everybody welcome. Meeting opens at 7:30 o'clock. Ox the let of September, the new Provincial law providing for the as- signments of debtors to creditors came into operation. 13y this Act, which was passed at the last session of the Ontario Legislature, assignments for the benefit of creditors must be made to the sheriff of the county in which the debtor lives. With the consent of a majority of the creditors having claims of $100 and upwards, a debtor, however, can eolect some other per- son as assignee, but there is no ad- vantage in so doing. Tam Mitchell Recorder says :— On Wednesday evening Capt. Conner, of the Salvation Army, farewelled to a large audience. Sines coming here this young lady has by her kindly die. position, earnestness, and untiring efforts to win laborers for the Master's vineyard done much good, and by her methods done much to break down prejudice against the Army. She spoke in very complimentary terms of the manner in which she had been Created since coming to Mitchell, and closed by an earnest, powerful and soul stirring appeal to sinners to come to Christ. Capt. Gibbs, of Pori Elgin, a lady well recommended, takes Charge of this station, and Capt. Conner goes to Brussels, followed by the well wishes of many warm friends in Mitchell. WANTED.—At F. C. Rogers' first-class millinery establishment, an apprentice and Ger 0 good improvers. Lmaxunm.—Evening of travel in bible lands with museum and map il- lustrations, by Rev. W. Henderson, of Wyoming, Ont., who has lately re- turned from a visit to the orient, in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Thurs- day evening of next week. There will be exhibited during the evening, one hundred genuine arttolee from the east, including specimens from the battlefields of Egypt ; all the woods and grains of Palestine ; husks of the Prodigal ; pomogranito ; water from the Dead Sea, Nilo and Jordan; Palestine honey ; idols from Moab and Aekelon ; earth from Gethsem- ene ; ancient coins ; several native costumes of men and women ; Arabic slate ; Bedouin's pipe ; long spear and dagger ; camel's bell ; Turkish Nargileh ; geological speoimens from twenty localities ; lamps from under ruing of Solomon's Temple ; antique jars ; eackeloth ; ancient roll ; goat's hair covering of Bedouin'e tent ; stone cup ; salt and asphalt from Dead Sea ancient ink -horn ; reed flute ; leather bottle tuffs from Rom- an catacombs ; crown of thorns, &c,, &e, And a tableaux in which three Wiwi and three gentlemen will ap- pear dressed in genuine Turkish and Jewisb costume, with explanations illustrating Scripture, and modes of eastern life, This lecture and tab - lam bavo been given in different towns, cities and villages from Mon- treel westward, and in every case the press and people have epoken of them ill highe4 terlu8, THE Bx.(JSSELS POs' Lars of beechnuts. HEAVY (mete. 1l1,rsTElamll fingers. Bean the People's Column every Ewes Fall Show wee held lad( Tuesday at Newry, Tan pupils of the Public. School have to get vaccinated, A PRIVATE wedding is reported last week. Both parties live iu town. AT the Seaforth Show, Inst week, W. H. McCracken tools 21 prizes. F. 0. Roman antende devoting the most of his time to the mltuul'actare of dairy salt. Orders are pouring in every day. Prune prise cheese at Tltomson's,10 cents per lb. lion. Busse purchased the stone house on Tnruberry street from firs. Govsnlock. The price paid was $500. THE ANTI- VACI'INA'1'l,fi is tllo name of a new paper publiehed in filum• real, by Dr. Rosa. IIo la a rel hot an ti. vacein alienist. \fne. 3. W. Beam fix, of Chioaga, sistir to lMre. Ronald, and her daught- er, Aire. Gardner, aro visiting for is few weeks at J. D. Ronald's. Miss Anse and pias Widdifield have tentlere their reeignntioue fie teachers 111 the Brussels Scholl. Their engagements expire at ()inlet ma8. JAMES KELLY is through watering the streets for this year and ha says he will give a statement of the whole affair, who Lave paid and all, next week. ANYONE having honeos for sale or to rent would do wolf to make the feet known through the columns of Tan POST as people are asking about houses almost every day. ON Thursday evening, of last week, as the Army wa8 holding their usua] street eervioee, some mean sneaks threw some ancient eggs into the crowd. The guilty parties are sus- pected and if it can be ferreted out the; won't forgot it for a while. JOHN MCFARLANE met witll an ac- cident in a peculiar way reeently. He was using a largo file and as the handle was loose he went to strike it on the bench when off dame the handle and his wrist same down on the sharp point inflicting an ugly wound. LAST Sunday morning Frankie, the youngest eon of W. A. Calbick, died. He had been sick for several weeks with typhoid fever first, then an ab - seen started, so that the little fellow had no chance to regain his strength. The funeral was on Monday after- noon. MILLINERY OPENING.—Next Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday, as will bo seen by advertisement, will be the fall opening of F. C. Rogers' millin- ery rooms. His advt. should be read by all our readers, and the ladies es- pecially will not forget to call. Tho store is well stocked with seasonable goods and Mr, Rogers invites inspec- tion. Grass Wiens.—Every housekeeper and student should use them. Neatness, econ- omy, cheapness, Non-combustible, there. fore no trimming is necessary. No clogging up or waxing o1 these wicks, as is the ease with the Asbestos and other non-combust- ible wicks. The oil passes up the fine glass threads by capillary attraction, always furnishing an abundant supply of oil as long as any remains in the lamp. They produce a clear, brilliant light, in a common lamp, equalling that of a student lamp. Last for years, no danger of explosion. The wink once in, you have no further trouble. All that is necessary is to brush the carbon from the top of the wick once a week and turn it down before blowing out the light. For sale by B. GERRY. PEOPLE SAY 1t feels like winter. -- That the cheese factories will soon shut down for this year.—Wo will have an open winter.—Indian summer Brussels market brought farmers from beyond Winthrop with grain last week and more will follow.—A now bridge will be needed next year over the river hear, as the old one has shout served its day.—The Scott Act is not getting a fair show, and wonder what Inspector Perkins, of Gerrie, is doing for his salary.—To avoid saying "cuss" words we'll got the tinsmith to put up our stoves this fall.—Wood will not be so plentiful as last winter, although there is a good deal of it cut.—Tho shooting of peas by the small boy should be stop- ped.—Tiley aro going to the Walton races on Friday if the weather is fine, ---A big trade will be done by our merchants this fall and that people should watch Tan Poem for their an- nouncements. If they have bargains they will tell you of them.—Housee to rent are scarce article in Brus- sels.—Another wedding will take place before long, in town.—Everybody should read Tau Poor,—"Disk's Sweetheart" is a good story.—Riel will not be hanged but will likely be made a ,Senator. --Politics in England is getting rod hot.—Candidates will soon be cropping up for municipal honors,—Some people don't know how to behave at church.—Bad roads will soon be bore. --They will try and square up that little account and get even with the world before January 164, week, .Line Rapala Works are busy on throe new steamers and expect to hews ileum finished by January let. 25 lbs, grapes for 81,00, A. Goon, SINCE last issue wo have hnd two or three Hurries of snow in this lo• oality. A. M. TAyton is a candidate for the vice-pri'sidrncy of the Young :Hen's Liberal Cliub, of Toronto. Tile trailing countenance of W. M. Sinclair was seen on our streets this week. IIo returned to Toronto on Thursday, Doers 's Catarrh Snuff washes 11000 Ont, W. J. FEAR, L. D. S„ of Seaforth, and bride were visiting at hie father's residence for ,t couple of Heys this week. thou subocriptlon list is having a boom. Tho trial trip for 25 cents for the balance of 1885 catches the peo- ple where their Bair is short. Dusroee Catarrh Snuff allays inflammr.- tiou. SEvmnAL of our subscribers have kindly remembered in (Lig week and settled up their subscription to Tour Pose. Is your subscription paid yet 0 Bourses Catarrh Snuff is the greatest known remedy for Catarrh, de., get a frau sample at Dcadman's. No small -pox at toe Garfield lIouie and you are invited to call in and make your fall and winter purchases of millinery, dress goods, &c. Read the now advt. this week. DOBYN'8 Catarrh Snuff is a white, non - sneezing snuff. BRUSSELS subscribers to the Lis- towel Banner wonder if the drubbing the cricketers received here, last week, and of which club the editor is a member, had anything to do with the non.appearenoo of that journal last week. FARMERS \V110 halo threshed their fall wheat should be particular that it is properly aired. In many cases the crop wes housed before being thoroughly dried, and when tliruelled and large quantities left in a bin, it heats and musts in a very short time. Downes Catarrh Snuff heals the sores and restores the senses of taste, smell and hearing. E. B. BURT was canvassing the business men this week for shares in a proposed skating and curling rink. The shares are $25 each and some $500 or $000 has been subeoribed already. The amount required is about $1500. 10 Mr. Burt is suc- cessful the youngsters in town will erect a statue to perpetuate his name. ONE of our young townsmen, Al- bert Rivers, intends going ,lute busi- ness for himself and hag purchased the tools a"d stock and Ieased the shop of a blacksmith, named Thack- er, in Teeswater. Mr. Rivers leaves next week for his new homb. He is a good blackemith and a reliable young man and will make a good citi- zen for Teeswater. A Plan sample of Dobyn's Catarrh Snuff may be got at Deadman's Drug Store.) Tait extremely warm weather of the past week brought out summer attire again. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, the thermometer registered 90 in the shade, and the cool side of the house was the best place to smoke the after•dinner cheroot. This week we take the warm side of the house when we can get it, that is inside by the stove. DonvN's Catarrh Snuff removes cold in the head at once. Oun merchants are bringing in largo etosks of fall geode this season, and the sidewalks fronting the stores are lined with cases containing the new purchases. By consulting the advertising columns of THE Pose the public will see who ere showing the most enterprise in their respective lines of business, and where the cheap- est and best goods can be bought. STOP, READ TEta.—Are you going to at- tend Blyth Fall Fair on Oot. 13th and 14tH? Blyth has been noted for having the best fair in the County and this year promises to excel. Metcalf, the jeweller, stationer and fancy goods dealer, has made arrange- ments with a wholesale jewellery house to have on sale for fair days an 00000l005 hue of gold and silver watches and jewellery, (over 820,000 worth) and to adverbiao and extend our business we have decided to lot our customers select from this enormous stock at prices that will astonish the closest buyer. Yon are invited to call and see our display if you aro prepared to buy or not. Respectfully Yonrs, FnANE METOALr, Blytb. FALSE REPORT. --It was reported around town this week that small- pox were in Brussels and that Mra. T. G. Holmes was down sick with them. The whole yarn is an abet). lute lie as there has not been a ease of smallpox nearer Brussels than London. Although this is the Baso ' prevention is better than cure" and a large number of our residents have been vaccinated this week. Our merchants have not purchased goods from Montreal houses and there is, apparently, no more danger of small• pox hero than there is of cholera. People who start such lying yarns should bo =ado tiTtt'-1oTY 4horal,. Mus. En. MELeow is visiting friends in St. Marys. SEE our townie advertising etude, They tape well. LAST Sunday Isaac Fear, of Sea - forth, was in town, WOOD 1 \loon 11—F. C. Rogers is now propared to take any quantity of hard or eeft cord wood in trade, from this data, but 110110 will b0 takou on book accounts unless previously arranged. Oct, Stb,1885, Brussels Balt Works, tiiVE1tAL of our townspeople attend- ed the Wttlkorton fair thin week, MISS JENNIa'1'1{OMHOii and her site. ter Ida are on the sick list this week. 13rantford has a population of 12,188. Edward Morgan has been swore in as Junior Judge of York County. The New York prose are publiab. ing grossly exaggerated accounts of the smallpox epidetnio in Montreal, Two noon, charged with taking part in the Montreal riot, have been soutencod to 4 months impriaonmont. G. F. Holcomb, a well known mor• chant, died yesterday in Montreal of .congestion of the lunge, aged 65 years. The C. P. R. is reported to be try- ing to raise money to build a bridge across the St. Lawrence and buy the Portland and Ogdonaburg Railway. A. eurveying party, under the Que. bee Government, hive commenced operations on the Liovro river in con- nection with Rev. Father La Bel's colonization scheme. Compulsory vaccination in the pub- lic schools at Ottawa leas been carried on without a single instance of objec- tion, and it is beleived that there is not au unvaccinated pupil in them. Potatoes aro reported rotting so badly in the northern part of East Williams township that some people will not dig over the ground for the few sound tubers to be found therein. The first scrip issued by the De- partment of the Interior as a bounty to volunteers who served in the Northweet rebellion saw tbo light of day Tuesday. The recipient was Lance Corporal Tacker, of the Oftel,. wa Sharpshooters. The Toronto debenture debt has this year inoreared $684,800, bring- ing it up to the total amount of $7,- 107,488, in addition to $1,000,000 for local improvements. No lees than $74,800 of the sum is for pub- lic and separate schools. A young man named Pigot, em- ployed at Meloche's vineyard, near Petite Coto, fired a charge of small shot at a couple of thieves who were stealing grapes Tuesday night. The charge evidently took effect, as the thieves were traoked half a mile by a trail of blood. The people residing in the vicinity of High Park, the Indian -road, and Kong and Queen streets, Parkdalo, and adjoining districts are taking steps to extend the eleotric rail way, westward to the Humber River and eastward via the grounds of tho Old Fort and Front -street, to the Union Station Toronto. A large number of the Montreal manufactures, hardware and dry - geode merohante have signed an ag- reement, which has been published, stating that they will not continue any of their employees at work after the 5th inst. except those who present medical certificates that they and their families have been vacoinatod. Some time ago H. 13. Hughes, of Dresden, visited Detroit and was un- accountably lost track of by his friends. It was supposed by acci- dent or foul play he had Dome to grief. Since that time there have transpired eircumstaness which gave his disappearance another color, and connect his name with alleged crook.- canes. rook•educes. The Sheriff in in charge of his few remaining effects. The following list of subjects is submitted for debate by the Leaming- ton Club :—Why do not cows sit down to rest the same as dogs ? Why does a dog turn around a few times before ho lies down ? Why does a cow get up from the ground hind and first and a horse fore and first ? Why does a squirrel comp down a true head first, and a cat tail first ? Why does a mule kick with its hind foot, and a sheep with its,fore loot. BORN- BANJUL—In ORN- BAx o ,—In lionfryn, on Sept, Gth, the wife of Mr, John K. Bilker, of a son. MARRIED. STewaosox—IireLOP.—In Blyth, on Oot. 751,1885, at the Methodist parsonage, by the Rev. J. S. Fiehsr, Mr, John Stevenson, of Grey, to Miss Mary Hys- lop, of Morrie. BAninn,L--TuaNnvLL,—At tho residouoe of the bride's parents, Dunipaee, Me. Rillop, near Seaforth, on the 8th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Graham, of Egmond- villa. Mr. James Barnhill, of Colton, California, to Miss Janet, youngest daughter of Mr. Robert Turnbull. DIED. CAfnrex. —.In Brussels, on Sunday, Oct. 4th, 188G, Oliver Franklin, youngest son of W. A. and Mary Calbick, aged 4 yrs„ J 8128., 23 clays, OCT, 9, 1886. Be dX1Lx•1t:('t,g 0onaseri r tltnerul l,Y Pv1111T WANE. White Yell \Vlteat ,... 78 89 89 83 82 83 G5 75 10 50 37 1111 50 07 12 19 14 00 S 00 00 91 00 8 00 10 00 fl r3• 5 no 0 50 60 80 50 1 00 17 18 Rod \\'tutor Spring Wheat Spring wheat (new) Barley Oats ,,. Was Butter, tubs end rune ,., Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Petatoes limy por tun Iridua por lb Dressed flogs Salt por bbl,, wholesale . , Sheep rhino, each Wool THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. UTICIi.—ABOUT TWENTY - MIT sheep to lot on eharos on the usual terms, to Immo good farmer. if. Apply to A, HUNTER, 17.0. 0., 11000501s iTRAYED ON THE PREMISES of the ndorsignod lotls, eon. 18, Grey, on or about Aug 1st, a yearling bull. The owner 1s requested to call, prove property, pay ex - 1 Or 00 a and take him away. 14-4 • JNO. CASH, Prop. L4YEAR SALE.—ONE 4 YAR OLD mare for sale ,e001 000 1 t0 be in foal bo too imported horse' 'fluke of Argyle." Ain a good witch cow for THHOS.o. A510Cyto 0C41115 0010, 4 in. Lot 11, Con. 9, Gruy tttrrretARI1 aOR SALE, BEING THE eo.,th half of hit 28, con. 5, Morris, contain- ing lou anrva, 75 aurua 01010 1. Frame build - Inge on sue promloea, The property will bo sola at a bargain. For further particulars apply t9 G100. sumeT1=CNG, 13 tf. f'IARD OF THANKS.—T;SE LAD. i-1 in Aid society of 8t. John's Church desire to express their thanks to the ladies and gen- tlemen who assisted in the ooucert on Friday evening, They also express them thanks to the. Harmonica Baud or their services. ARGE STABLE, 26x34 FEET, ■ / fitted lip with 6 stalls, .and a driving floor, for sale. Ownor has no use for it, Purchaser can remove it any time. For further partic- ulars ask at Tau Posy Publishing House. 1d-4 L1A1),3[ FOR SALE, BEING LOT 0, con. 10. Grey township ,Huron Co„ eon- taioing 100 sores, 80 acres olearod. The farm ie situated 1 1 miles from Brussels. Fox fur- ther parttoulsrs apply to 1toBT. MCNA'OGHTON 14.8 Prop QTRAYED FROM THE PREMIS• kJ es 0 f the undersigned, lot 34, eon . 9 , Grey, about two months ago 2 Ono -year -cid heifers, light gray in color, with a small Milo in their right ear. Any per eon giving information that will lead to their recovery will be suitably, re- warded. WM. MoDONALD, 13.4' lieatryn P.O FOR SALE.—ONE GOOD GEN- il0 driving hors°, 0 years old; 2 general ,purpose mares, rising 3 years old; 0 steers, rte. ing 3 years old ; 4 dry Cows; 4 dairy cows; 10 lambs; 10 fat yearling washers and °woe; 10 fat owes ; 10 heavy fat pigs; 10 light fat pegs; 1 broad sow and four young pigs. Apply to TIBIAE aforA,DxEN 10.41 Lot 3, Oon.12, Grey. 71AR14 FOR SALE IN GREY 12 township, County of Huron, being lot 10, oou,7. The farm contains 160 morns, 70 soros cleared, midis Won watered. well ,mead is in a first-class state of cultivation. Thorn Is a re,eraecllns'orchard.n hepmisesand anxeeet T corm is situated one ane from the village of Ethel and 6 miles from Brussels, For further partioulars apply t0 38.4 E. BATIIMAN, Pron. QTRAYE D FROM THE PRE MIS- (. ocelot the undorelgnod,fete 21 tk 09,000.0; Grey, about sop List 2 bond of uritis, 2 years old. One is a steer, light red and white, spet- ted,andthe heifer is dark sod, with a few white snots, The right horn of tbo steer is broken off and hewing by his head. Any in- formation leading to their r000vory will bo thankfully received, 12.41n. DANL. EC1071(Bll, Ethel P. 0, Fj AR 1i FOR SALE OR TO RENT, J..' —being lot 12, con. 4, Gray township, Hur- On Co„ containing 100 awes. 70 acres of high sand at forrowing Sall wheat, 30 mores under pasture and fit for any p10110505 acres in Or - °hard. Moro aro frame buildings in good state of repair and good water for any purpose. Tho farm is in gond state of oultivatlon and im- mediate possession ameba given. For further particulars apply on the MaQUARRIE, Prop. 'ERKSHIRE BOAR FOR SER- I-) will keep a thor- ough bred Berkshire boar for servioo on lot 37, 4th lino, Morrie, about two miles from Brus- eels Huron Lad" was bred by 1i, Sorboy, Guelph, and viae aired by Lord Wellington. 3017, bred by E. Tombs, England; dam, Lady Nally, 9010, got by Prisomon, 1407, bred by E. Tombs,lingland. This wall brod pig was far- rowed Jan.28th,1882. Terms: el, to be paid at tlmo o1 soxvloo, with privilege of returning, if necessary. 111IE6 (0. MAnmti,, 49.0m, Proprieten. SALE OF Valuable VILLAGE PROPERTY. Under and by virtue of a power of sale oon- 6ainedin a mortgage mule by JANET ldoboN- AIM, default having boon made in payment thereof, there will bo sold h y Publics Auction at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels. on TnnaeDAT, T112 8Tir or, Octonao, 1880, itt 1 o'clock, p, m„ the following property: Viflago Lobe Nos, 426, 420 and 437, on the west side of Ann street, in Wothorald s Survey ,in tat) village, containing 1 8.6 mores, On the property is a if storey frame dwelling house 00 x 35 it., in good state of repair, mada frame stabil) ; excellent water supply; orchard of about 00 trees, all bearing. TEaMs.—Tho purchaser shall pay a deposit of 0100 at the time of Rale, bbe balance of one- half of tho purchase mouoyin two weeks there- after ; the remaining ono -half to be paid in Gash or enured by a mortgage payable in from 1 to 6' yearn at the option of the purchaser, For fiarthot particulars apply to 13.2in O EVendors' iio pito e,OHamilton, GUELPH :BUSINESS COLLEGE, ovum, C11iluLPli, — — O11T. r 1HE SECOND SCHOLASTIC YBAB .L oommeneod Sept, let. leach dapartmont 1 ole °barge of a specialist, To impart a prac- tical training for the Indent conduct of bund. noes affairs is the sphere and Work of the natl. talon, Its graduatoa aro already lloldi05 re- s)oilaible positions in the eemmeralal oontron of the Dominion. Energetic young mon. and women aro thoroughly lropnrod for position ao (loon -keepers, short -hand Writers, Corr°- apondontn, or Telegraph. Operators. Students received at any tim°, For atinnier and oata- 10 no,givingfull1ntorntabfor. Wren s -ale* uta »f4.0091 ulcli a xrtsolpal 1