HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-10-9, Page 7Orr, 9, 188E, MEN WA1i17'Ii!1. The groat want of this age ie men, Mon who aro not for sale. Alen who aro honest, sound from centre to air. cuinforenee, tree to the heart's mere, Mau who will condemn wrong in friend or foe, in themselves as well as others. Men whose aunsaiou es are ns ateatly as the needle to the polo. Men who will stand for the right if the hoovens totter and the earth reels, Alen who can tell the truth, and look the world and the devil right in the eye, Mon that neither drag nor run. Men that neither flag nor .reach, Alen who can have courage without shouting to it. Men in whom the courage of everlasting life runs still, deep and strong. Men who do not cry nor cause their voices to bo beard on the street ; but who will not fail nor be discouraged till Judgment be set in the earth. Men who know their place and fill them. Mon who know their own business. Iden who will not lie. Mon who aro not too lazy too work nor too proud. to be poor. Mon who aro willing* to eat what they have earned and wear what the, have paid for. What n Ruby Can Do. It can wear out it $1 pair of kid shoes in twenty-four hours. It can keep its father busy adver- tising in the newspapers for a nurse. It can occupy Loth sides of the largest sized bed manufactured. sim- ultaneously. It can cause its fattier to be insult- ed by every second-class boarding- house keeper in the city who never "never take children," which in nine eases out of ten is very fortnnate for the children. It auto make itself look like a fiend just when mamma wants to show "what it pretty baby she bas." It can make an old bachelor in Ilio room adjoining use language that, if uttered on a street, would get him in the penitoniiaiy for two years. It eon go from the farthest end of the room to the foot of the stairs in the hall adjoining quicker than its mother can just step into the closet and out again. It can go to sleep "like a little an- gel," and just as mamma and papa are starting for the theatre it can wake up and stay awake until the last act. These aro some of the things that a baby can do. But there are other things as well. A baby can make the commonest home the brightest spot;on earth. It i;an lighten the burdens of a loving mother's life by adding to them. It man flatten its dirty little face against the window pane in such a way that the tired father can see it as a picture before he rounds the corner. Yes, babies are great institutions, particularly one's own baby. Smallpox and its Remedy. Several years since a correspond - of the Stockton (California) Herald gave the following concerning small• pox and its remedy. I gave it as published, "I herewith append g re- cipe which has been used to my know- ledge in hundreds of oases. It will prevent or cure smallpox through the pittings and filling. When Jenner discovered cow pox in England, the world of soienco hurled an avalanche of fame upon his head ; but when the most scientific school of medicine in the world—that of Paris—published the recipe and pan- acea for smallpox it passed unheeded. It is as unfailing as fate, and con- quers in every inetuuce. It is harm- less when taken by a well person. 1t will also cure scarlet fever. flare is the recipe as I have used it and cured my children of scarlet fever and smallpox. When learned phy- sicians said the patient must die, it cured. Tum Rmoipm,—Sulphate of zinc, 1 gr. ; fox -glove (digitals), 1 gr. ; toaepoonful of auger. Mix with two teaspoonfuls of water. When thoro- ughly mixed add four onnees of wat- er. Take a teaspoonful every hour. Either disease will disappear in twelve hours. For a child, smaller doses according to ago. For a preventive take a teaspoon- ful before each moat. Children lees quantity according to age. If countries would compel physic- ians to use this therm would be no need o1 poet -lienees. If you value advice and experience use this for that terrible disease, '.Clio writer has given the above re- cipe as a preventive when smallpox was prevailing, and found it to cor- respond with the above statements itis therefore ooucoded not only as a cure but a preventive, It is hoped the papers will keep the above before the public. THE POST' Is Supplied With All kinds of School Books, SUCH AS B. DERS, GR.A.71132..gRS, GEOGB.IPHIES, DICTIONARIES, SCRIBBLING BOOK'S. DB,f4 .WING BOOKS, COPY BOOK'S, PENS, INK, PENCILS, SLATES, CHALK CRAYONS, &c. .NOTE PAPER, FOOLSCAP, EN- VELOPES, AND BLOTTING PAPER IN STOCK, as well as PURSES, RUBBER BALLS, MOUTH ORGANS, CHILDREN'S PAINTS. Seo our Memorandum Books, Book-keeping Books, and Hymn Books. Call at "THE POST" BOOK STORE. THE BRD'SSELS POST. NEW GOODS AT THE 'Colder Paa1oc' The Afainmotit Hardware Store. T A 11 W PL A.TFORIT SCALES, 900, 1200, and 2000 Pounds, —'o -- Family Scales For Butter, Groceries, Etc., Etc. —c -- Cross-Cut Saws: -- "NEW IMPROVED CHAMPION," "RACER," "LANCE,,' d�•C., &ie., &c. The 'Electric' 'Electric' buck saw. OHOPPING AXES, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. i J 1 1 7 H1VITURE STOBE! Thu undersigned having purchased the Stock and Trade of Mr. A. Veal, and added thereto, is prepared to furnish anything in the F'URNI'TURE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. Economy in Funerals. Having added to the Furniture Business the Undertaking I am pre- pared to Furnish Funerals on short notice. FIRST-CLASS HEARSE in connection. fEl' W1K A Specialty. Raving a Practical Knowledge of every branch of the Trade and having worked in some of the largest factories in the Dominion of Canada the Public may always rely on gutting SATISFACTORY WORK. I hope by strict attention to business to merit a share of the Public —o Patronage. Candle Chains AND ALL TIIE BEST TEAT MONEY CAN BUY AT LOW PRICES. J. FALL 1885. FALL 1885. in thanking our numerous cnstginers for the patronage of the past year we have pleasure in stating that our stock of consisting of Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables, Bed- steads, Lounges, Chairs, Sofas, Rattan Furniture, &c., Was Never More Complete. —A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF— FIA- .) TIFTT.L .., *ATNTJNGS and Pictures to choose from. All Kinds of MOULDINGS for Frames kept on hand and macho up on short notice. We are continually at work on HoRND-MILDE 1' UEsY1TURE and we aro prepared to fill all orders in a thoroughly manner. Repairing attended to with Promptness. Undertaking, workmanlike Undertaking, We have a Largo and B1laborate Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and Un. clortaker's Furnishings on hand and ask those requiring anything in this line to call and eau our goods. Two First -Class Hearses kepi in connection with the establishment: .Oh, Leatherdale, Mrs. q. Long. Manager. ROBERT M LC OL , WILSON'S NEW BLOCK, J3 R/USSF=C.,S . NATIONAL ROLLER MILLS. iL Vas stone Su Sons, Pr®pzietors . We have much pleasure in announcing to the public that our New Roller Mill is in Complete Running Order and is giving the Best Sa't•is- faction. SHORTS, MEAL, BRAN & CHOP CONSTANTLY ON HMV We also make the following Brands of Flour : Patent, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Storm. Gristing Attended to with Promptness. ' ALL KINDS OF LUMBER CUT TO ORDER. ST 1--mRicav CARRIAGE WORKS ! JAMES BUYERS —luANUPACTUBNIt OF— BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, DEMOCRATS, EXPRESS WAGONS, &c., &e. all made of the Best Material and finished in a workman -like manner' Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to, WAGONS, Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing. RnrmanNona.—Marsden, Smith, Bm , Laing, James Cutt and William McKelvey, Grey township ; Wm. Cameron, Wm. Little, Geo. Browar , and David Breckenridge, Morris township ; Thos, Town and William Blashill, Brussels ; Rev. E. A. Fear, Kirkton, and T. Wright, Turn berry township. REMEMBER THE STAND --SOUTH OF BRIDGE. JAMES 1E3TTY11E, S.