The Brussels Post, 1885-10-9, Page 5Ore. 0, 1886.
Aer, BIM not GANPF.n,...—Not long
ago two youths visited Afro, Gill's
yard and cabbaged 0 geese, leaving
only one find that one the old gander,
'i'he boys had to psy for 11 nicely and
they don't tike to hear about goose.
They should Thorn this little poem
G°OHIO, goosie gander,
(there shell t wandere
up town and down tows
And aeroee to Gill's corner.
Tho following aro the names of the
charter members, who have boon
duly installed as officers in Ethel
Court, 0. 0, F.-0. D. H. 0. R., J.
M. Davis ; 0. 11,, A. W. Milne ; V.
0. R., Robert Lang ; R. S., D. W.
Milne ; F. S„ J. A. Young ; Trolls,*
Alox.Peebles ; Chap„ Hon ry Warner;
S. W., J. N. Henry ; J. W,, Geo.
.Brewster ; S. B., Thos, Paterson ;
3. B., W, Dowdell ; 1?, 0. R„ W. J.
hJolyre re.
The Fall Show far this township
will be held at l3lytli on Tuesday and
Wednesday of next week.
Mrs, tfoseplr Harris, of Petrone,
has been visiting her friends in this
township, She likes the Host well,
Danl. McQuarrio, who wee farming
near Brandon, Man, all summer, sr.
rived home last Friday evening, He
reports a great deal of the wheat
badly frosted.
See the advte, of cattle strayed and
farms for sale in this paper.
The Misses Gould, of Listowel,
were visiting for several days with
the family of Thomas Heritage.
Russell Bishop has gone to the
Agricultural College, Guelph, for a
term. He is a good student and will
be benefited by hie sojourn thorn.
In the prize List of the East Huron
Fall Show the 1st prize for a 2 year
old gelding should have boon credited
to Thee. Moore instead of James
Thomas hfawkehaw has disposed
of his excellent 100 acre faun, on
con. 11, to a man named Davidson,
living near Toronto, The prize paid
eves $6,000, just the figure asked by
Mr. liawkshaw. Tho farm wag ad-
vertised in Tuan Posr.
J. D. Williams is erecting a very
neat frame reeidence in this village.
Rev. Dr. Williams will deliver a
lecture on "50 years of Canadian life,"
on Monday, Nov. 2nd, hero.
It is a little a•vicward here since the
ticket office was closed at the station.
Paseeugers now have to get their
tickets on the train. Jno. Symonds,
Um station agent, now looks after the
watering teak with hie ether duties.
SecuAL.—Last Monday a very pleas-
ant timo was put in at the Methodist
social. W. 0. Stevenson filled the
chair and speeches were made by J.
Gimlet, Rev. W. J. Brandon and 3.
K. Baker. Music of a high order was
given by the choir of Whitfield's
eburch, with Mies Rebecca Oook pre-
siding at the organ. An election for
the honor of cutting a cake was hold
between Mies Gimlet and Miss Cook,
and after au exciting contest the
former was declared the eucceesful
candidate by a majority of 30 votes.
Although the night was dark and the
roads muddy a splendid time was en-
joyed by all and the parsonage fund
counts $22 to its credit. We are
just commencing to find out how to
run good socials. The tea was served
in Millard's hall and the speeching
in the ohurch.
Harvey Bunter is recovering from
the effects of typhoid fever.
R. Brown sr. is poorly. His four
sons aro home paying him a visit
Last Saturday and Sunday Rev.
Cohn Fletcher, M.A., of the Thames
Road, preached in Knox church. His
services were very Highly appreciated
by the congregation.
Mr. Coutts, of Galt, purposes or-
ganiziug a singing elites here for the
winter season. We trust the young
people of this section will take advan-
tage of this opportunity.
The Grey Young Men's Liberal
Club tneets in Drones' Hall on Fri-
day, 0th inst. The subject for de-
bate is "Resolved that female suffer -
ago world be beneficial to tbs
Fifteen applicants for ncombereliip
to the Canadian ardor of Foresters
underwent a medical examination by
a Brussels lvi. D. on Friday evening
last, Thio benoficient order is doiug
well hero and the probabilities are
that ore long we shall have a good
Court here.
IDthel .
Mrs. Win. Spence and daughter
are visiting frieuds at Harrieton tliie
Councillor 1lfiluo takes the load
with his celebrated roller flour. He's
a pusher.
A. W. Panabaker resumed work
last Monday. Ho was on the sick
list for about two week.s
David Milne took 16 prizes at the
Brussels show last week. He is hard
to beat on thoro.bred cattle.
There was no service in the Pres-
byterian church last Sunday ae it
was Sacrament Sunday at Cranbroos.
An infant child of Alex. Clamorous
died from whooping cough last Sat-
urday morning. The funeral on
Sunday afternoon was well attended.
Somo of the Orangemen talk of
holding a celebration here on the 6th
of November. Tho gatheriuge held
on other years have been very sue•
On Friday of this week there will
bo two horse races or Manes' race
course here. Tho first race is for
colts, 4 years and under, to harness,
miloheate, 3 in 6, 1st prize $10; 2nd
$5, Then there is an open trot.
The judges are Jacob Tuck, of Oran.
brook, Thos. Hall, of Brussels, and
Wm. Hawlcshaw, of Seaforth. Ad-
mission to grounds 10 cents. Races
start at 3. o'clock.
Contractor Timmins is pushing
work on the new Methodist pareon-
Rev, Mr. Cook arrived Homo with
Ins bride on Wednesday evening last,
and was tendered a reception by his
pariehioners, and treated to a ear.
evade by the Band.
Thos. Curry, who loaves rn a few
days for Muskoka, was given a fare-
well supper by his brother Foresteas
on Monday evening and presented
with an address and au elegant gold
chain, with locket, suitably inscrib-
The Methodists have bills out for
a grand Harvest Homo service, festi-
val and Contort, en Thursday, Oct.
15th to hist all day and part of the
night. Rev. Mr, Broley, of Seafortb,
will be the orator of the day, and
first-class foreign talent has been se-
cured for the concert in the evening.
The dinner which comes between
5.80 and 7.30 p. in. is to be an elab-
orate affair with roast turkey, goose,
chicken, pumpkin pie and all the
Canadian News.
Brantford has now a population of
The number of wife- beaters broug ht
to the Toronto Police Court is la-
mentably on the increase.
The Minister of Militia has declin-
ed to take any steps towards the pres-
ervation of the peace in Montreal.
S. J. Lane has received 'the ap-
pointment of junior judge of the
Conuty Court for the County of Grey.
Barnum is reported to have start-
ed a libel suit for $60,000 damages
against the Hartford, Oon., lS'no-
Globe for alleging that the groat
showman had purposely ordered
Jumbo to be put in the way of a
train and killed.
Pat. Hunter, a well-to-do resident
of Beverly, before marrying a certain
young lady ie alleged to have played
havoc with the affections of anoth-
er, Miss Mary Costello. of the eame
township. She has begun a suit
against Hunter for $6,000, which, if
recovered, would go to heather lacer.
abed feelings.
Tho A. 0. 17. W. will celebrate the
auuaversary of the introduction of the
Order into Ontario on the 28th Oc-
tober. Altogether in this Province
there have been 11,800 beneficiary
certificates iseued. An increase this
year so far of 1,242 membere is noted,
Since 1880 there were 214 deaths,
and $428,000 was paid to the wed.
owe and orphans. No definite ar-
rangements have been made.
On Wednesday Mrs. R. McKnight
of 1Vallaoeburg, left her house intend.
ing to visit a neighbor, who was sick,
but in attempting to cross Otter
Creek in a boat she was unfortunate.
ly capsized and drowned. Her pro-
lengedahsonco caused uneasiuoss in
her family and search was made for
her, but in vain, until Thursday
morning when her body was recover.
ed in the creek. her hand stili grasp
ing the oar of the beat.
Alexander Nelsen and George Nore
son quarrelled over religious meetore
while at work in the Toronto Brew.
ing Co'a. stables, Thursday, and
George seized a pitchfork, punching
Alexander's vibe with it. Alexander
retaliated by striking George over the
head with a heavy stick, laying his
skull bare. Alexander was arraigned
for folonout wounding, but was re•
manded, as George was unable to ale.
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We beg to .announce that our grated Millinery Opening takes place on
Fill aiid Sdonliii3OGL '15, 168117.
We do not intend to give the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity a lot of Taffy and small talk such as
some stores have lately been treating them to. We intend to treat them to an inspection of our Millinery
such as no other store in Brussels can produce, from the fact that they have not the stock nor the ability
to carry it out. We do not wish to under -rate our neighbors, they do the best they can and they made a
very creditable little display at their late openings, but if the Ladies want to see really first-class, fashion-
able Millinery they must pay a visit to our establishment. We spare neither pains nor expense to pro-
duce the newest styles and every Lady who calls in on the above mentioned days will be highly gratified
at seeing our magnificent display. Wo charge nothing for looking.
Mies Filer, who was many years with that celebrated millinery artiste, Maclaine lttcConkey, of -.Ion-
treal, has charge of this department for another season ; her last having proved so successful we confi-
dently recommend her to every Lady wanting first-class Millinery. She is now fully prepared to show
our very large and varied stock consisting of every novelty of the season.
Wo have now received our entire stock of Mantle Cloths, which are unusually pretty and stylish.
This Season this department will be under the charge of 11Iiss Wilson, so long and favorably known in
Brussels for her excellent fit and workmanship, any Lady wanting anything in this way should give her
their: orders. Don't buy old moth-eaten garments, of which there too many aro in the market, when you
can get a good fitting, fashionable Mantle for the same money.
In this department we stand unrivalled. Our stock was never so Iarge nor attractive. Wo say with-
out any exaggeration, we have more dress goods on one small table than any other house in Brussels has
in their whole store. We have them as low as 10c. up to $1.50 per yard. Any Lady wishing a stylish
dress should look at our stock, under the management 0f Mrs. Rogers, who always fools it a pleasure in
ahowing our very choice stock of Dress Goods, which are marvel of beauty this season.
Our Fall Stock of Tweeds is now very complete, comprising all the newest patterns. They are cheap-
er this year than for many years past. We can get up a good serviceable suit at a very low price, in fact
Much cheaper and bettor than the ready-made rubbish which we clo not keep, it being generally made;
from shoddy or seine other very inferior material and the work is, as a rule, very poor. If you want toget satisfaction, buy your cloth, get your measure taken by a respectable Tailor and you will than get a
good fit, good work, and an article that will do you service.
In these departments we make no comment, suffice it to say we keep a large stock of Boots Slrici ,s,
from rho very best makers and our Groceries are always fresh aid good, in fact if you want to get the very
best value for your ninny go to
Noted Cheap t