HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-10-9, Page 22
Oct, 9, 1 695
Lorne, I am glad to know.,'
"So soon 1" exclaims Brnuo, "Well,
that was the shortest waltz 1 over It
them play I"
"It really was, I think," returns Dick,
By the Author of "1110,1;100" TI,EVAN"lx,"
otors, Lome B(:att£,tultb,"
" MOLLY 11AW(, ' ETV,
tier eyes seek tee ermines
What ?" asks Diol: again gently.
"Nover mind, Aak Inv sumo other
time," murmurs elle, with an almost
childish appeai to frim not to issues the
"Wall," ho says quickly, "I hope your
card is not full yet, though 1 and so late
in finding you, 1 dare say"--laughbes
if 1 lord not songlityou so (Ungodly,
I should have fuuud yolt long ago.
What dame.) may I have:"' -ho has
takon hos prograintuo from Iter,
" Not this," t.hu uavd---" 1 and engaged
to your brother fur this: -but the most,
if you will:"
And tllu ninth and fifteouth?"-
Sire Molts lirltiee'idad.
" Olt, )0o w't11:"-1•aLltotically. "Th('v
are the only deuces vacant. And ro-
me'tbor what ill -luck I had in not being
able to plead my cacao with you at
first '."
His manlier is growing positively
Don't cry, Dick," entr oats Bruno ;
whernupnn they all laugh a little.
" Miss Lorne, It you are going to bet
unkiud to me iu this matter, you will
have much to answer for," says Dick
persist."(111'. " You would not know.
iugly cu.,"ign me to an Darty grave,
would you 1"
" Don't mind him, Mies Lorne," says
Brnuo. "He is gnito too tough for that
sort of thing. 'You take my word for it
that the grave wou't sur him fur years
to come. If you pot fait.( in Diclt's
promises to die, yon will ho disap-
p0in ted."
":Vas, Mr. Bouvcrio, that your word
should bo so nnreliattle 1" says elle lois-
chievonsly. "Tor do protest too (111011,
it seemed). me. Delver words and
truer would be better. Mayo you for-
gotten ' In muehospeeclro sirao wauboth
not' "?
"Well, punish lee if yon will," :aye
Bonyerie; "thonglr I dotty my guilt.
But understand, at all events, that, if
you refuse me tho,0 two (Mimeo, yon
leave mo with nothing to do all right.
Think then of the mischief my idle
hands are sure to commit 1"
"Nothing to do? (lo enddeuoo with
all the other;.'
"There are no others."
"No woman in tho room bob me 7" -
"Not one l"
" 01,11r. Bouverie t It was true thou
what your brother bintotl about -about
your veracity ?"
"I maintain," says Bouverie stoutly,
but in a low tune, " that for me there is
uo w0118.11 10 these rooms to -night- save
and except your:0if:'
A little smile gathers about her lips.
Sho oasts a swift • lauoe at hint, and
then looks down. Bruno is talking in
an interu8ttl fitshioll t0 !,01110 one near
them, so that virtually they aro alone.
" You shall havo your (lances," she
murmurs softly, with 00 adorable blush.
"To thank you is impu•,sihlo1" says
"Now, Dick, do go away 1" exclaims
Bruno, returning to his ehauge. "
novas saw such a follow to talk as you
are; and 1'Iiss Lorne and I want to
finish our waltz and our conversation,
though we have almost forgotton what
it was about now. Is my partner the
only one in the root' that will satisfy
)'on ?"
"It seems so," says Dick, with a
quick glance at Dolores; then hs bows
slightly, and moves away with a half -
formed intention ot bribing the musicia118
to out short the waltz now playing.
" What a beautiful old house this
seems to bo 1" says Dolores, when bo has
gong, gazing stoma bor. " Is that the
picbnro-gallery clown there ?"
"1 Yes. Would you like to see it by
lamp -light ? It is rather worth looking
at when lit as it is at present,"
They go slowly towards it, guided by
the clear light that 8tr00015 from its
many lamps within and makes quite a
little pathway of yellow glare all along
the ebining oaken floor.
" We've boon hero, you know, for
centuries," say: Bruno, as they move
leisurely down the alrnost deserted gal-
Tory-" that is not exactly Diel: or use,
you .mow, but our people; and those is
really nothing in the way of rascality
\VC haven't done. Wo are old enough
rued disreputable enough for anything.
Thuro-that cavalier over there with
the villainous squint VMS han rod for
pira0)' on the high seas; and tho one
beside him \vas belieaded for murder in
some forgotton x0:;,'01 and the little
innocent simpering thing just behind
you poisoned her own husband because
slut tventetl to marry some other Wo-
man's husband. We have been 088801(00
and swiudlors for a sufficient length of
time to euablo 09 now to call our8ulvee
elniuently re11iactable."
1 don't think we have any shame -
with un ilmo0ently thoughtful air,
Then 1)olor08 lays her !land npo1 his
arm, 1001 go0s down the lnandsonlo gal.
lacy and into the ballroom with him,
As 14110 110014 80, Sir (Morse Bouverie,
li'lio has ,gra vid hiltl5olf awiei from his
1)(101{8 to d > sue 111011 " to his cousin the
1)uellene, 00010118 cxoitudly-
"There now -who is that with Dick
alts eh? Who is it -eh ?"
"A moat 800(1 face indeed 1" says the
Dn0ho88 ear110.5113'.
"' That is Miss Lorne -the latest ac•
(htisition to our society here," answers
Lady Bouverio, quite pleasantly for her.
11 A \ret)' pretty elle," piste in her
"Pe.canso so fresh ; a yoar will spoil
her," duclarelt lady Ponverie, in her in-
solent f :,chin'. "Meantime I admit she
is charming. Yo'i remember old .lir.
Matarin of Greylauds ? Sho is his
graud•ui0c0, and au heiress."
" Is it much ?" ask the Duchess.
" She will inheritOreylxuds, we hear,
and a considerable property in the
North, and all her aunt rites Idaturin's
money, ((Well amounts to a good sum."
° A do,.irable wife for some ono," ro•
mark's her (trace, smiling; "and 'what
a faun and tignrn fur nu Ophelle or
a---" She 11au8os, as though lost in
"I hope she will suit Richard," says
Lady Bouverie, in her cold measured
toned. " Ile seems very attentive to
her. It is the o,. sensible 111000 I have
000r 1400(00 1(11" leaks. Her fortune
wool(' be of nen to !tiro."
" tl„ will r,•rr.duty be open to eon.
.'Cat,(lati'il it Y4e gains her," observes the
Declines, 101(0 10'514 rt handsome woman
in llur time, and has still a weakness fur
beast by.
o So will she, if she t;nins him," re -
torus Lady Bouv"rle, will' (4011)13 lett ulerir,
to whom eye1 11 1)onitoss-i1( her Olvn
Opinion -is not a auperi10.
iiut her Grace, lust in abstruse cal-
00111(ous about a projected 1110010h:el
OLbm'taiunleut to he given at tho Castle
to 110111iate her ongagad girl, does not
hear her. Here, in this benighted vil-
lage, whore hope seems hopeless, she
has titian two fact% full of life and happy
possibilities; and, 0V0)1 as 8110 thinks
t1is, she coos 11, third.
" Who is that pretty creator° over
there with-er-y08, it 1s your younger
sou," she says eagerly-" a small woman
in a queer gown, but a face full of life,
" That is Mrs. Wemyss," answers Lady
Douverie, disapprobation in her tout'.
" Sho is a widow, though not ' one in-
deed' -0, very frivoiuos person, and
much wanting In respect for her elder's.
Fast' is, I think, the obnoxious mod-
ern word that would best describe her."
" A vary speaking Moe. What au ox.
eo110(11 Constautia Neville she would
make!" says the Duchess dreamily.
" Is she - ex -anybody ? Nowadays
education and dross so unite the classes
that really one doesn't know to wilom
one is spooking, and one woman looks
quite es well as another; though, after
all, why sh0nld it not he so 7" windN upp
her (,rico, who is 11 largo, soft, liberal•
minded fraction of humanity.
" She married the Honourable George
\S'emyss, and her father was Lord
Brandrum," explains Lady Bouverie
" Bless mel Is that poor Michael
Bramlrum'e danghter 1" says the Duch -
oar„ for otter) forgetting stage effoc1s.
" I shonitl have known the eyes. Whitt
a Lady Teazle she could bo 1 You must
prose -lit hor to me -and your niece and
that pretty child lilies Loxes as well.
lly-the-bva, your sou looms intoreated
iu Mrs. \i•omy,s."
" I thiult vont- t i tae(+ is at fault thar0,"
00111rna Latly Iluuverii: coldly.
" Because my mother Wile delicate,"
says the girl, pausing and looking at
him with rogrotful eyes. "She diol
very young, you 000. But" -the regret
vanishing, and a saucy smile tatting Its
plaeo-" I think the priuc'ipttl reason is
that auut10 wonitl he quito (W :table
011108N 1110 \veto making a fns, a11,nt
ate," She pauses hero, 1711(.1:5 a litsi,•
bit of ivy from. the wall, anti then says
shyly but anxionsly, 1 Jon lila: turn tic 7,,
001114 hardly Na)' hew much," rc•
turns tLo young 111011, with 811011 9 (1(1110
1(0artiueas as 10 (100011100 her of 1114
Them is an 1nr11•1 1'('il swot toOtt 4 111 1;er
face 1(11 she tome to hire,
"I (tut glad of that," she seta, " bo.
cense "-n"ivohv--" 1 want iio iii:0.you.
and I could not if you nod LalIlo war"
not friends." " 11141110" Is list In
for Miss llat'lrin.
,1 'Voll, now you may liko m0 19 11111.'11
as ever )00 will with a pure heart," :s-
torm, lionve1 e, laughing.
As the says this, it uumlr8 to him the::
it fs a 0Or)' pare heart inde011 that is
looking at him out of those lel u.)• 1. u. -
fel story in our family," says Dolores,
pondering regratfltlly.
"Then, take toy word for it, you aro
not half so worthy of regard as we aro,'
says Bruno, laughing, " Look at that
old colonel over there I Isn't he liko
Ditch? Tifo is a gr oat.grand•nucle, I
think, or (40mothing of that sort."
" Ho is liko him certainly," •
"Dick's a good sort, isn't ho?" says
Bruno suddenly, turning to look at her.
" A very good sort, I should say," she
replies, smiling,
You should nob fore° Mae Lorno's
.rand," murmurs Dick's voice behind
them. Ho looks down at Dolores with
an arnu80d glance, 11 Do listeners hoar
t•ad of thumbed ves? I don't botiove it,"
1." 0a.V0 "TUto la our danco, ]hiss
" Ill -es 110 dev1, 1,41 4(071
) 7„( too "r ,ruenixu to l.. L, 16,
7:O„ lowly 10 I..- ,:, n,."
And yet they are gray too, but (".ark and
tondos and loving.
They have desechdo(1 the steps, have'
puttee Ilia ivied hall of the 110(1, 1411.4
hare now entered the garden's oncL.et-
ad ((,,rounds, where " low and long the
shatlow•s creep " OTer poet patchot of
silvery moonshine to lose tllalnaolres ill
quaint shall bods filled full with lily
l uwors &row.
1i1' 1'115trit(tHouinar.11v111 an,vs.
8Lo 1i41,0 1 thus, say 11, 'Ohne., be (Mr,
1(1'411101111011'. 1 .14.11. "Veil 74 1,
t;t,ou ti o t Ise 111 thia,(s rtnlage and bVant
Looking at ilio pale slond::r little
maiden walking beside them, t110(10
Words involuntarily come to Pouverio's
11!01. Bat silence, born of the beauty
of the scene around, has fallen upon
there both, and, mute 08 the sleeping
luttu1e upon which they gaze, thuy p;u
111,0115h the mists of night. Tiler some
little wovemout, soru0 catching ot her
5Ow" l)0' an amorous r000.busli, kills
their silence, and, as tborgh not at1 1n-
st.,ut iota tlown since his last spcocll, he
1.(05 slowly
" 1.)" yon like me.?"
"You know it,' replies she very kind-
ly, and without hesitation or confusion
of any kind. " See here "-stopping to
lay hos Augers lightly on his anti-" I
will tell you something I I like yon bet-
ter than anybody I levo met since I
(1,101 hero."
A 80111011 and eager desire to kiss the
dainty Augers of this dainty speaker is
at this moment couecie)1tiouely and van•
0ronuuly overoomu by Ea)nverie.
" What l Better titan Bruno 1" he
asks, with an affectation of llghthers.
but with real 0000ern.
" Ponf-yes 1" exclaims silo, with a
faiutly toreigu gesture and the 11:ettie11
ehrag of her ehotlldrri.
" Yet Bruno is n.00o calculated to
please a little light-1101dt ed 001 a...:a r"u
11100 I 518,1-0 dud fu(luw like me."
11 Aro von 11111) ?" atilt, ,Dolores, rai8iu5
her dark brows.
" Base flatterer 1" "aye Bon eerie, with
a. Budded pleased laugh. "Yea, 1. and
tory dull, 05 you will in onto discover."
"Ah, well, then" --with a g':aiut
Bwcot glance-" I kuoty nolo that dull
pto111e are congenial to gaol Tob I do
not know' -archly-" that your last
little speech altogether plotless me.
• Birds of a feather,' say they, ' flock to.
Bother.' If your company Baits me,
that proves me dull too ; your sugges-
tion 18 not over -polite ; is it?"
" There is another proverb," says be,
" about 1 extremes meeting.' Thus
should explain my seeming rudeness ;
"Look at those lamps in the garden
beyond ; lioly lovely they aro 1 Soo "
loaniug eagerly torwircl-" those aro
purple walking No 111111 ,11(0)11 011, why
shouldn't Wu go thorn too ?"
Their waltz has Dome to au and; and
they, Dolores nod houvoric, aro stand-
ing on the balcony from which the die -
tout, seentt:d, lighted garde110 can bo
' Why not indeed?" says Dick. "But
first 11rn.st get aonlat111115 to wrap romayon "-looking vagnoly about him oast
and west,
"No, n0 ; I hate being muffled up, and
the night 18 s0 warm that I Can want
11 Still OVell preten110 is necessary, as
I promised your aunt most faithfully to
take great caro of you. And see, some
providouco has supplied loo with tho
means 1 Let mo cover your nook with
this." " This " is a white silken Indian
shawl with long trailing fringes which
is lying on a couch hard by.
" Che sari, Rasa," says Dolores, bonding
hor nook to tho yoko.
"Now you are liko a naiad, a river.
nymph," says Bouverie, gazing, at her
with tender admiration when ho has
wound the shawl round hor little form;
" and those friugoe-they aro Ino drop-
ping water."
" What a fanoifnl thought l" roturn0
she, with dainty soorn•, though in truth
she is right well pleased with his com•
plilnont. "And the owner of this
shawl " -doubtfully-" what shall bo
said to her?"
" To avoid tho sayiug of anything, let
no make our oscapo whilstit is yet pos-
siblo," says Bouverie, taking her nosed
and leading her towards the steps that
will bring 11or to the perfumed gardcml.
As they go down tlloso stops, roue old
thought occurs to him,
" Why is your exist so careful of you 7"
ho asks slowly.
For the Farmer.
I have secured tlw 111(1111
Grey township for a
Patent Load Lifting Machine,
i'ou eau do your hauling and
plowing with one elan less than
usual, as It boy can r1(11 the ma-
chine. It is simple, durable, labor
saving, convoniont and (ambo had
ata small expense. Farmers do
not bo deceived, order this patent
and take no other. We will take
pleasure any time in testing it
with any other load lifter made,
and as to its reliability, safety,
strength, lightness of draught and
expedition, it has no equal. 'We
have testimonials from farmers
saying it is the best thing they
have on the farm and that they
would not be without it for throe
times its cost. See this Lifter bo-
fore you invest a dollar in any-
thing of the kind as it is just what
you want. Any information de-
sired will be furnished
Anyone infringing On the Patent
will be prosecuted.
to loan on farm property at
Brussels, Ont.
Money to Loan.
and indoe to be rode to you oven in
thought would reg11ir0 more courage
than I poss08s--- Who also in this
benighted spot hue found favour in your
sight? You see, I atu only too glad to
believe your statomont that I have at
Least a small place in your regard."
" Many people; but your cousin Au-
drey -of all my women•acllnaintauces,
T. like hor host." -
" You will find yourself alone in that
fancy, I think," Bays Dick, who doos not
get ou with Miss Ponsonby.
"No. Auntio likes her too, and -and
there are others."
14 Sir (Mickey, for oxample "-with an
irrepressible laugh that is suggostivo of
1 Ho is very kincl•hoartod," says Do,
loses, with a touch of reproof.
"I darn say. 1 wouder if Audrey
means marrying 131,11 ?"
" Oh, no, uo l" -hastily.
"Why that emphatic no ? Sho
might do horse,"
"She might do so much bettor, And
why marry him if she door not love
hint ? "
"To marry without love -is that a
crime ?"
"I think so."
"It i1 committed daily thou by very
estimable people."
"Poor things 1" says flies Lorne, with
a gentle sigh.
Sho 8eoms so in earnest in this
speech, to feed so deeply the importance
of her subject, that Bouverie's oyes seek
hers with 8 swift and rather distasteful
" What do you know of lovo ?" ho
asks, with subdued sharpness.
"Why nothing I" aha rattans slowly.
They ;.rave passed ovor the stratus
bridge now, and Bono beyond the sound
of the laughter and the light fall of foot-
steps ; there is a strange seductive calm
on ovorything,broken only by rho rapid
rush of the stream as it hurries ever on-
It is the " mid -hour of night, when
stars aro weeping " and the moon's
richest rays are cast upon the east's;
tbero is no chill, 110 damp fn an the ail,
no touch el death in rho glad luxuriance
of the sleeping flowors.
Pratioal Watchmaker and Jeweller,
of Pr,vate Funds have just been plaoed fn
my hands for Investment
Borrowers can have their loans eomplet0
r three doss if title is satiefa0tory.
Apply to E. E. WADE.
W. K. Blas rIS,
Fumanti Tams Wonxs, • Mrronanr., Our
Satisfaction Guarantee° in ail
-SHJP AT----
\l', .1. JA('G(MDN'8 53'08(!) 051l'KB009.
Manufao tutor of throe dilteront finds of
ry Wiedmi]]1s yob Sado oet Por i
ing water, sawing wood, chopping grain or
driving any Dot machinery they have no
equal, My 014Li(111ATIdD 1,1/11PS 11nvo so-
eurod a world•wldo reputation. I guarantee
them as being superior to 1nany now in the
market, and equal to any over made. They
1vi11 throw water 000 foot, or 1000011 a m115 on
the ravel. Parmor8and dtookm en are re -
quaked to send for particulars betoro buying
eitbar a windmill or a Pump, as I claim that
mine aro rho best the market.
MORMitch, Address
Any amount of Money to Loan on
Farm or Villago property at
Straight Loans with privilege of re-
paying when required. Apply to
Div. Court Cleric, Brussels.
214' Ell1'OOL,1,0N110AUL11i 1I T G1,A8 COW
steerage, 010, Liverpool London oboe
Queenstown, Glasgow, or Belfast to Q
and %mavens low ashy any arst-o1085line,
Tho undersigned has the following
goods for sale :
Harvest Queen Reaper,
Front and Rear Cut Mover,
Hay Relics, Hay Tenders, Wisner
Seed Drill, the Bain Wagon, The
Guelph Bell Organ, Raymond Sewing
Machine, General Purpose Plows,
Sulky Plows, ihreo kinds of Belittlers,
Horse Powers, Grain Grinders, Mow-
er Knifo Grinders, Herriston Fanning
Mill, 1 second hand Buggy, 1 second
hand Wagon and other implements
too numerous to mention. Wo would
just say that ourBiuder is considered
by competent Judges to he the
Best in. the Market,
being simple in construction and eas-
ily worked by one span of horses,
l'Farnlors will do well to Give Us
a Call before investing elsewhere.
PARISIAN, Saturday, Oct. Ord,
SARMATIAN, , 'i 10th.
POLYNESIAN, " 17111.
OII1OA.SSIAN,..," 24th.
SARDINIAN, " 31st,
PERUVIAN, " Nov. 711i.
SARMATIAN, " 21at.
The lasttralta0onneetingg with the steamer
atQuobcoloeve sToronto Wodneed ay5008:88 0'
M. 0155ean80050anloa00 Wednoodaye at 9A0
p,m, 8100, and oonuootwith the eteamor 01801-
1110x, by paying an additional faro of 114;45
lst ,and $3.18 2n class,
Mail Btoa1rior)otilla 11auLino=rio(1 on tiro
For Tickets and Earths and ovory informs
tion apply to '
J. R. GRANT, Agent,
At tkc Fest 00703), Itras.el..
I beg to inform the farming com-
munity that I am now prepared to
take in
Carding, Spinning,
And T'Veaving,
at my New Brick Woolen Mill,
and promise to give Satisfaction
to those favoring 118 with their
trade. I have on hand and will
keep constantly in stock a full as-
sortment of
Cloth& Tweeds,
Flannels, Ura ggets,
Blankets, Ferns,
knitted Goods, 11r0B8 Beads,
Cotton Silirtings, Grey Cottons, &e.
A iso Fine Canadian Tweeds,
for Suits which we will get made
up on short notice and a good fit
warranted every time.
Highest Market Price
tit my New Mills before going
Geo. Howe.