HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-10-9, Page 1VOL. XIII, COMMUNICATION, TUE SCOTT ,ACT. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, 00T. 9I 1885- Clinton, all hotel -keepers. James Davis, = of Myth, laid tho information. The first two wore fined, and Speoner's ease was dismissed. EARL OF SIIAFTESBURY. Editor Pori. Sia.—Referring to tite article in Trio foes lint week on the questieli of appoint- ment of County Police Magistrate, your cobs'poneent aimed the objectionable features of the proposed action of the Coun- ty C'owtoil and that the Warden had car- ried out the letter of the resolution passed. 'f'hie Appointment is sought to bo made in the interests of the Scott Aot, trhioh was carried by a large majority at the polls, but is marc honored in the breech than in the observaueo,for reasons that aro appar- ent and in the language of a higher author- ity than wino aro as follows ;- 1st, The Lagislattue has no right to say what 111e citizens 1110y or may not eat of drink. •.nil, The law which seeks to do this is it breach of the /higher law from whish Statute 111w draws its inapiratlons and sometime. 3rd, Any law which violator what every plan knows to be a natural right, a right w1iell 1h0 ererai'helmiug mass of mankind exercise in the Utn1Oet innocence cannot be entered.. lours truly, A.1'OTNEN TA%PAYER, Brussels, Oct.1st, 1885. Brussels Scheel Beard. Tho regular meeting of this Board was field on Oct. 2nd. Present—W, R. Wilson, Dr. Hutchinson, Mrs, Smith, and F, S. Scott, Moved by Dr. Hutchinson, seconded by P. S. Scott, that W. 13. Wilson act as ehairinan. Carried. Minutes of Iast regular and special meet- ings were read and confirmed. Moved, seconded, and carried, that the accounts of W.1. herr, postal cards, $2.25, and Jae. Drowo, pail, screws, hooks and bolts, $1.75, be paid. Moved by 1!. S. Scott, seconded by Dr. Hutchinson, and carried, that this Board renew netts on bank of Hamilton, and bor- row 9500 more to pay teachers' salaries. Mover/ by Dr. Hutchinson, seconded by hlrs. Stnith, and carried, that this Board accept tho reeignatious of Miss Adams and Miss Wicklifleld and that the advertise in the Daily Globe four times, two Wednes- days and two Saturdays, for two second class (prof) female teaohers, applicants to state salary expected and enclose testi- monials from Inspectors. Applications re- ceived until the 23rd inst. Moved, seconded, and carried, that the Principal be instructed to proouro five cop- ies of the Authorized /loaders, First Boolt Tablets and Monthly Reports for the rise of tho sohool. The Principal presented hie report for the month of September, showing the at- tendance to be greater than it has been for the 0am0 month during tho last five years. It was ordered that the report be planed on the minutes. Depart's-1st, Ind, 3rd, 4th, 5th. Total. Average— 86 34 32 50 61— 213 Noon Roll -44 41 42 62 81— 270 The Principal was instructed to read to the pupils in school the regulations of the department, regarding contagions diseases and that he intimate that this Board re- commend the vaccination of all children at- tending school - Tho Board then adjourned. SCOTT ACT NOTES. A. Woodat0ok despatch says : Tho Grand Jury for Oxford has given an unanimous (101iver0nee expressing gratification at the decrsa00 of drunkannese and oxime in the county under the Scott Act as shown by the feet that aim May 1st, when tbo Act carne into fordo, there have been only seven committed as drunk and disorderly, while during the corresponding period of 1884 under license there were thirty committed for this offence. At the convention bold in Teestvater on the 22nd, delegates were present from the throe ridings of Bruce. Judge Ifingamill,. chairman of the Dominion ooinmissionors, communicated through the secretary that be had received a circular from Ottawa which slated that the Department is de- sirous that in all cttstriots in which the Scott Aot is in force, no effort should be spared on the part of the Government ofir- cars, loyalty and faithfully to carry ont the provisions of the law. A0 chairman of the board, Judge Iiingsmiil offered to call a meeting of the commissioners to receive n deputation from the temperance people, with any engg00tiou8 whioh they were pre- pared to hake, It was decided to thank the chairman of 111e board for hiscour'teoue treatment and to appoint a committee to lay before the commissioners the desire of the temperance people. Attention wae called to the fact that thorn were a number of appeal cases to be decided at the Quar- ter Sessions, and it was decided to wears the services of Mr. McLaren, Q. O,, of To- ronto, to manage the 00800, Tho conven- tion determined to renew its efforts to en- force the Act, and as the temperance poo - plc are now backed up by the Government they have good prospects of making the Act a 871coe80. Comers O8 EIVnoa SCOTT AaT ASSOCIATION. —A temperance convention will he hold in the town ball, Clinton, on Friday, Oet. 13th, commencing at 10 o'clock a.m. Every temperance worker in the county of Huron is cordially invited to attend and take part in thepro000ding0. 11`, S. Spence, of To- ronto, Liao secretary of the Ontorio Dranoli of the Dominion Alliance for the snppr080. ion of the 31(100r Traffic, Will be in attoncl- oclockp.m, e nnet on the preseress the nt aspect ofn athe Temperane0 question, The future Potion of the Temperance party in the county will be d30cu08011 Three Scott Act oases wore tried at Clin- ton on Saturday before Mr. Young, J. P., of Biyth, and Idom'y Stoops, 3. P., of Clin- ton, navel; 1.1, Reynolds, llensall ; Xf. Pelutelsr, Kipponr and Oise, Spooner, of Tho Earl of Shaftesbury died last week. Right Hon. Anthony Miley - Cooper, the dsgeatted Earl, was the -seventh in the succession and a bar; oust. Ifo was born April 28, 1801, and succeeded his father in 1851. From harrow bo went to Christ Church, Oxford, where he took a first class in classics, and was made a D, C. L. in 1841. In 1826 he was re- turned, as Lord Ashley, Member for Woodstock, and supported the Gov- ernments of Liverpool and Canning. In tho administration of the Duke of Wellington lig was a Commissioner of the Board of Control. He wae re- turned for Dorchester in 1880 and for Dorsotshire in 1884, representing tho latter oounty (Ill February, 1846. Iu August, 1847, ho became one of tho members for Bath, a seat whish he hold until be succeeded his father. He was a lord of the Admiralty in Sir Robert Peel's Administration in 1884.5, and took °barge of the Ten Hours' Big on the removal from the Rouse of Commons of the late Mr. Sadler. He was invited to join the Administration when Sir R. Peol again took office in 1841, but refused, as Sir Robert would net support the Ten Hours' Bill. The chief object for which Earl Shaftesbury labored, both in and out of Parliament, was the improvement of the social condi• tion of the working classes. His in. fluence fn the evangelical party with. in the Church of England was con- siderable, He wee President of the Bible Society, the Pastoral Aid Soci- ety, and the Society fur the Conver- sion of Jews, and wise, at one time, President of the Protestant Alliance. He was a prominent member of all religious societies founded on au evangelical basis, and wae an active advocate of the abolition of slavery throughout the world. Canadian News. Potrolia has 82 telephone inotru menta. American dealers anticipate a pick- le famine duo to the failure of the crop. Hog cholera is reported to have broken out in Kent, near the Essex county hoe. Barnum's big elephant Pilot takes a morning cocktail of twenty-seven gallons of water. Mr. Cairns, a Dutton school teach or, has paid $2 and costs—$7,50 in all—for unmercifully punishing a lad. A sheep thief near Palmerston kill- ed a lamb, throw the offal into the out house, left the skin near the milk - house, and bore off the carcass. A special edition of the Ontario Gazette contains the proclamation of the Lieutenant -Governor raising :Perlcdsie to the dignity of a town. It is probable that the routes of the 0. P. R. boats will be changed next season, and that one or more of them will run from Windsor to Du- luth. Inducements aro being offered to Beech, the Australian oarsman, to come to the United States and row 13anlan for the championship of the world. It is thought the match will be made. '1'he vote in the town of Niagara on the bonne of ten thousand dollen in favour of the Chautauqua Assembly, was parried by a majority of eleven after an exciting contest. The vote was ;—For the bonus, 74; against, 68. John T. Chambers colored, was ar. rested at Windsor, Wednesday, for assaulting Jamos+0. Smith, the col- ored pastor of the Zion Church. A dispute grew out of the ownership of a crop of corn which Chambers had planted "on shares." Mr. Smith or- dered Chambers, out of the field, when the latter attacked the preach- er with his corn gutter, inflicting a scalp wound and tearing Smith's elothes. Hundreds of prominent railroad men from throughout New England have arrived at St. John, N. B,, to witness the formal opening of the new cantilever bridge, which, after two year's labor, has just been coin- plated over the month of the S t. John River. It cost 41400,000. It will open for regular business on Thurs. day. All trains may then run with- out change between the United States and any part of the Eastern Provino- ee of the Do mien. NO, 14 Salida, Col., has sixteen saleaus and no church. Tho Chit:ego /hock yard has fifty miles of steel railroad track. ltiol's Cane 18 to be considered by the Privy Council in a fortnight. The Port Hope Times has re -com- menced the issuauco of its daily edi. tion. The grape yield in and around Sandwich this sea80n will bo the largest in 20 years. Eight Indians on the Mohawk re- serve have been committed for trial at Belleville for disturbing divine ssrvioe. Toronto St. George's Society mot last week when a motion to provide lodgings for destitute Englishmen was negatived. To obtain one pound of honey the busy boo must insert its proboscis in- to 8,500,000 clover tubes that have not been sucked by its companions. A great many coins—English shillings, six -ponces, coppers and one Canadian piece --were found in Jum- bo's stomach by the gentleman hay. ing charge of his remains. An extensive hatobery for the breeding of whitefish is to bo built at Owen Sound, and is expected to be completed in time to be stookad this fall, The West Bruce Scott Act Associa- tion will meet in Kincardine on Tues- day, 18th of October, when matters of importance will come up for con- sideration. Rev. T. O'Connell, of London, liar received two offers from tbo United States, one being a large and wealthy congregation. A move is being made by his Episcopalian clerical friends with a view of inducing the Bishop to restore the reverend gentleman's license. in whioh case he will accept one of the offers. Daniel Freeman, of Los Angelo, California, is stopping in Toronto. Afr. Freeman ie a native of countyof Nor. folk, Ont., and a brother of Jno. B. Freeman, AI. P. P. of that county. He raised last season over 1,000,000 bushels of cereals, and used 30 steam threshers. He will remainin in Toronto several years, in order to use the educational facilities of the city for his children. Robt Walker, of Toronto, of Gold en Lion notoriety and a leading Methodist, died last Monday of con- gestion of the lungs at his residence on Maitland street, in that city. The deceased, whose name was a familiar one throughout the Province, was 77 years old. He went to Tor- onto in 1827, and oommeneed butin- eses in 1886, retiring therefrom about fifteen years ago. The Executive Committee of the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Al- liance met in Toronto Friday night, and adopted a resolution agreeing to unite 1n organization for electoral uuion and pledging themselves to support for educational, municipal and parliamentary positions only those candidates who are known and professed prohibitionists, and who will veto for enacting, sustaining and enforcing prohibitory legislation. The following appointments have been made by the Ontario Govern. meat :--E. 1'.13. Johnson, of Guelph, barrister, to bo Deputy Attorney. General and Olerk of the Privy Oounoil, in place of J. G. Scott. Fisher Munro, of Orangeville, to be Police Magistrate for the County of Dnfforin, without salary. Archibald G. Campbell, of Harriston, H. W. Mickle, of Toronto ; John Dickinson, of Barrie, barristers ; Alex Stewart, of Glencoe, and John A. Forin, of Belleville, to be Notaries Public. There resides near the Centre inn hotel, in Eramosa, a buxom lass of seventeen, who delights in playing jokes and making fun. The other day elm made her parents feel very anxious because of her unusual con- duct. While they were absent in the city, she donned a suit of clothes be. longing to her brother, and started out to call on her neighbors. None recognized her in her male attire, and the girl had heaps of fun flirting with others of her own sex and mak. ing the boys feel jealous. At one farmer's house she consented to stop and have Yea. While she was par- taking of the very sumptuous repast the young lady's parents put in an appearance. They had learned of her whereabouts and had found her out. No morn such tricks have alnee been played by this particular Bram- sett girl, Tho deaths in Montreal city on Saturday were 45. The hearing of the Riel appeal case will take plaoo on the 19th Met, Toronto Exhibition Committee propene to extend the grounds. There were 59 deaths In Mont- real on Sunday from Smallpox, A Toronto medical man has reach'. ated 2,155 children and adults sinew the Montreal smallpox epidemic sot in, The Toronto Public Scheel Board voted down a motion that the next election for school trustees be by ballot. A. Montreal lady has entered suit against the Mount Royal Cemetery Company for $5,000 damages 'bo - cause the head of her infant had boon taken from tho grave. On Elio 14th inat, Brantford will loect a mayor to fill the vacancy caused by the appointment of W. J. Scarfo to the shrievalrty of Brant. Tho candidates aro C. B. Keyd and Goo. Watt. Judge Macdougall, of the Superior Court of Quebec, holds that no more than 6 per cent. interest on a loan can be recovered although a loan can be recovered although there is an ex• press stipulation to pay a larger sum, Goldsmith Maid died last week having reached the age of 28 years and 4 menthe. She began trotting in 1867, getting a record of 2.24, which she lowered to 2.14 in 1874. She was owned by Henry N. Smith, of New York, The Toronto police magistrates gave judgment in the Blue Ribbon Beer test case, fining defendants $20 and coots. In imposing conviotions, he said he did so ouly fur the parpose of getting the opinion of the judges in the impeder courts. Hie own impros- sien was that drink of the strength, whioh this beverage was proved to be did not oome under the description of intoxicating liquor under the Act. If the conviction was sustained he would not be ruled thereby in dealing with the other defendants. Professor Campbell, of Montreal, advances the theory that the mounds found in various parts of the west are not the work of Indians at all, but that they a•e the remains of the Hit. *ilea of Scripture, who emigrated from China to America. and of whom the Indiana are the lineal desoen- dents. He thinks that the Hittites, on the capture of their capital on the Euphrates by the Assyrians in 717 B. 0. took refuge in the Caucasus, and thence were driven eastward to Punjaub, from the Punjaub to the Songari, and thence to Corea, Japan, Ke.mschatka and the Alutian Islands, the last named being the stepping stone by which they reached North Amerioa. Professor Campbell also es- tablishes a family of languages or dia- lects in Europe, Asia and America, which in his opinion, conclusively prove the Asiatic origih of the North American Indian. The tumuli found throughout Aeia mark, he thinks, the journeying of the Hittite people, who on their arrival here, erected the mounds now found in the Ohio valley and in the basin of the Mississippi and its tributaries. A report from Bell's Corners statue that about two o'clock last Friday, and while tho Fair was in progress, a number of men who had been drink- ing got into some difficulty, and a fight ensued. Soon an immense crowd surrounded the combatants, the spectators becoming intensely ex. cited. It was feared that a riot of very serious dimensions had broken out. In about live minutes the crowd had swayed down from the hotel to opposite the grounds, Stones were flying in all directions. The gates of the exhibition grounds were closed. Ladies screamed and men wore seen hurrying away with bleeding hands, as stones, brickbats and other missies began to fly about. There must have been fully 150 men in the crowd, and some outsiders had narrow escapes from the flying stones. A constable managed to get the names of the principal participators. Seven or eight persons were more or lees hurt, none seriously. The dispute, 11 is said, arose out of a drsoussion on the Riel matter. After the disturbance had been quelled one of those engag- ed in tho fight went up to Sir John Macdonald and said :—"Are you go. ing to hang Biel?" A number of bystanders shoved the man away, when Sir John said " I am not the bantl1/3211.'; Hiram Walker lately received 170 head of fine cattle at Walkcrvillo, which are to be fattened for the I:ug- iall market, The Watford Y. M. C. A. have or- ganize,/ with the following elli,vers:__ John Liviugetuu, President ; D. Wise vivo Prooident ; John White, Treas- urer ; D. :Eccles, Secretary; Com- mittee;—D. Thom, Jolui Switzer, President, 7100-Proaidont and Secre- tary, The arrangements for the grand Liberal demonstration at Lnclrnow, on Friday, 16t11 October, are now complete. Tilo speakers will be Sir Richard Cartwright, AI, 1.'., M. C. Cameron, Q.C., MLP., 11on, A. M. Ross, M,P.P., James Suuiervllle, M. P., II. P. O'Connor, A1.P.P., and A. II. Manning, of Clinton, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Young Men's Liberal Association of Ontario. k'red. Bahr's now flying machine, whioh he is to test shortly at Wash- ington, Is in the shape of a oigal•, and ie furnished with wings. It is fifty feet long by fourteen in diameter, with wings like a bird, a tail and a rudder. It will be inflated with gas. The inventor will be suspended antler the centre of the machine, which will sail through the air horizontally, the wings being the prepoling /,ower. The editor of the Neepawa Star speaks as follows ;—It was either through a lack of common politeness or through sheer stupidity that the ladies present at the reception to the Governor-General on Saturday, were not introduced to His Excellency. Instead of the Mayor remembering that Lord Lansdowne visited the peo- ple of this locality he appeared to think that the entire program was arranged for his (Jonathan's) exclus- ive benefit. Of course it 1s not to be expected that a person who has never had an opportunity of observing soc- ial customs should feel at ease in so- ciety, but at the same time a person who aspires to a public position should endoavor,not to behave like a loot. At the close of the ascent North- west Rebellion the Toronto Stove and Manufacturing Co., offered as a pres- ent one of their Diamond "A" Rang- es, or a No. 14 square High Art self-feeding base burner to the Vol- unteer who served in the recent re- bellion and was the first to get mar- ried after the 17th day of July, 1885. Applications with proof of marriages were received up to the 1st of Octob- er. The firm state that Fred. J. Nixon, of 0 Company, 90th Battalion, Winnipeg Rifles, and who formerly belonged to G Company, Queen's Own Rifles, of Toronto, was married in Winnipeg on the 18th day of July. The range or parlor heater will, it is understood, be shipped to him as soon as he informs the company whioh he prefers. A great sensation was mused here on Saturday last by the announce. meat that E. B. Rice and wife levant - ed, taking with the $2,268.67 in Dash belonging to the patrons of Shel- burne and Badjeros cheese factories and leaving numerous debts unpaid. The rumor of Rioe'e absconding was confirmed during the afternoon by a letter delivered to one of our merch- ants, signed by Thee, and wnich wee intended to explain the cause of his departure. Rice left Shelburn on Mon. day of last week with the avowed in- tention of visiting the Toronto, Ex- hibition. For several days promos he had been making inquiries at Vickers Express Office Here for a parcel of money accruing from a re- cent shipment of cheerio, and before leaving he told Mr. Belfry, the agent, that he wae going to the Toronto Ex- hibition, and that ho could give the money to his (Ride's) wife when she oalled for it. The parcel oontained $2,268.67 belonging to the patrons of the factories at Shelburne and Bad- jore—less the 2f cents per pound whioh Rice & Soott and Rice &r Watts were toroceivo for the manufacture of the cheese, Aire. Rice and her three youngest children loft by the evening train, going south the same day. No ono suspected that a big flawing game was being carried out. E. B. Rice and wife were tbo last persons to bo suspected of snob aotions as have singe been brought to light. Rico is supposed to be in American territory with his wife and family, having in hie possession from $9,000 to $5,000 in borrowed and stolen cash.— [Shelburne, Grey county, ,d- oonomiet,