The Brussels Post, 1885-9-25, Page 8Y TSE BRUSSELS POST SEPT, 20, IBM, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION, W. G, & B. R Troi,., heaves liruseels Station, aortU and iieut11 as fellows: Gain;: South Going North, Mail ... " 2 , u m. ailaud 10:00 nomblspreas. .. 1i 0 a•n1.1111all 2:51 p.m. Mixed 5:15 pan, I l:sproee 0:37 p.m, The morning train south and the night t train uorth ill enle• run un Tuesdays, and "aciit ei% tem . .1 ohiel's among ye Lakin' notes Au' faith 110'11 prent it, Fno"r • Tor. National Boller,hills shipped ., ears of four, 3 ears of bran and 1 of shorts ti Halifax this week. tireePreN Bans. have pit in a grand square piano into the Queen's Hotel this week, It is a Mason & Riseh, T o Loan. --Gordon Mooney haul- ed from Messrs. Vanstonos Mills fifty two carrels of flour at one load. Tho load -Neighed 11,e32 pounds. Crr,In vinegar, Adana Coo<1. WnoLVEI felt it their duty to throw their evergreens on the side of the „ tn+ t did not materially ineprave the appeerance of that part of the town. \1-, T..11. Pn]ssrn 1, secretary of the Reform Aeoociatian for Ontario, ttt- tendcd 111,, Conveutiou of the East Huron llaformers on Thursday of this week. WANTED, --At F. C. 1logers' first-class ,uilli,u.ry establishment, an apprentice and or n good improvers. Wic regret to have to record the death of the infant son of Rev. Jim. Ross, Tli' little. sufferer died on Tuesday afternoon aad was buried on 'lhursday. Cemar Cnro,nin To DEATH.—Our books will be closed Oct. let, everyone will please call aud xrtttc their account, A. B. 8 urn. BRAD F. C Rogers' advt. in this paper The Dominion House is well L•tecked with good goods, including Pry goods, Clothing, Millinery, Gro- reriee, Boots, Shoes, ate. Tans week a man named Cronso had his hand badly damaged while assieting in loading building stone at the station yard. J. Smart met with a similar accident on Tuesday. WE believe Mr. Massie, of Mil- waukee, brother-in-law of Mr. Ronald, has volenteerd to assist in the enter- tainment in the Town Hall tonight, (Friday) in both recitation and song, no doubt good and racy. Miss Grace Ronald and he will also give a duett. Tux Salvation Army expect a big time at their anniversary services cummencing on Saturday evening of this week and continuing over Sun- day and Monday. Staff Copt. Glov- er lower and Cadet Starling are to be here. TER counterfeit Canadian $2 bills enid to be in circulation aro described ne fellows ; Lord Dufferin iesno and are dated June 1, 1878, check letter C. No, 103,707, Torontaiesue. Tho figure of Lord Dufferin has a snentehy appearance. WIen yon believe it? let quality of honey only Picts. per lb. I have separated my best honey, aud will dispose of the 2nd quality in large quantities, mt n much lower figure. G. A. Deadman, druggist & bookseller. ttLL potatoes are not failure in this locality anyhow, as S. Fear has estimated his crop at the rate of 325 busl]eis to the aura. Ile bas not an acre in, however. They are the Ear- ly end late Rose, and Beauty of Heb- ron 'varieties. Mr. Fear has a good garden. MILLINI:r.Y ornNnxo,—On Friday and Saturday of this week the well- known millinery establishment of A, R. Smith will be opened for inspec- tion for the fall of 18855. Miss Luck, who gave Buell good eatiefaetion last year, is iu her old position and pre- 'firedto supply the wants of the hid - ie d- iu headgear. See advt. 1n this lesuc and call at "up." A elioura of England temperance ,ociety was organized in St. John'a eburch on Wednesday evening last, when the following were appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws and report two weeks from that date —Rev. Cluff, Dr, Holmes, Jun. Har• greaves,.and James Drewe. Quito a number of the oongreation have al- ready given in their names as wish- iug to become members of the society. Gooenews to tho A01ioted, James Eiirsts' ride exterminator, has arrived in Brussels and is sold by JohnIg� Hargreaves A, Headman, drngg , good Inflow. oratory and Chronic Ehoumatiem, Neur- algia, Toothache, Catarrh, Coughs, Colds, Diarrhala, Ring worms, gallstones, Seiatioa, intiannntatiou in the bowale. It is a family Pl]y'sieian, Price only 25sts, per bottle. Din you read Mrs. Long's advt, ? They have a full and complete etook of furniture and all appertaining to their line and ask you to inspect their goods, Mr. Lotabordale has been un- der instructions, at the Undertaker's Association, and now stands as a professional. They have applied to the authorities to bo allowed to ro- receiye the necessary registrations for the Olork, in case of death, instead of it being sent throunh the minister, Now is 1110 time to advertise. Sun advt. of sheep to lot on sharps, Now rho big pumpkin will have to appear on the .program. Roue DIeueoi hag Set oat 3,000 strawbery plants this wase, on lite farm. Tuns weelc we publish an interest- inglettor from J. Barnhill, of Californ- ia. Read it. Tmuiue was no l7ouuail meeting hast 11ouday evening owing to the absence of the Clerk. SltvslAL people (roan this locality are attending the Fell Exhibition at Hamilton this week, A L1TTLii 501n of James Smart trimmed the ends of 111s fingere with n strawcutter thie week. Excursion no Thursday to Buffalo and other points was patrouized by several from this locality. READ the advt, of Jno. Shand tilts week. Ile is a reliable sliubmakur and is doing a largo business this fall. Jas. DRLwn received $500 and Mrs. Long $107 from the insurance companies is settlement for loss in connection with the recent fare. RrALL Pui.x(N and Robt. ;Wilson, of Woodstock, have purchased the pump business of Chas, Fiko and have taken poseossiou this week. 10 F011L01t5i looking grass widowers met the 10 o'clock train last Saturday night and welcomed the sunshine., of their respective homes. What is home without a wife ? STnANes nor Tula•:.—This is ono of the curious (binge floating about :— Take a piece of paper, and upon it pint in figures yotir age iu years, dropping menthe, weeks aud (lays. MIultiply 1t by two ; thou add to the result obtained the figere:l 8,708 ; add two, and then divide) by two. Subtract from the result ubtaiued the number of your years on earth, and see if you do not obtain figures that you will not bo likely to forget. S. S. ENTOItTAIN3ncNT.--Te1e enter. taiument given last Friday evening in the Town Hall, under the auspieos of St. John's Church Sunday School, was a very entertaining ono.• The program provoked any aueouut 'of mirth' and everybody got 15 cents worth of fun. The program consist- od of musical selections, recitations, tableaux, pictures, &c. Tito- superiu• tendonce of the evening's proceediuga was in the hands of E. B. Burt and he arranged everything very nicely. The Sunday Schools treasury will bo the richer by several dollars by the entertainment. F. C. R., of Brussels asks the Tor- onto Mail would you kindly give the defiuitiou of I. I3.. S. commonly used on altar cloths in the Church of Eng- land ? Ans.—"I, 13. 5," is popular- ly believed to represeut the initial letters of Jesus Hominem Salvator. This is an error, as is also the sup• position that the monogram is. form• ed of the initial lettere of the three English words, "I have suffered." In Greek the name of the Saviour reads, "IFISOUS," audit will bo ob- served that the three first lettere are "I. H. S." ST. JOHN'S CuUROa.—This work WO took a look through the above men- tioned church. If it were not for the peotlliarity of the pews a person could readily be deceivedas to its being the same building as of yore so complete- ly has the work boon done. Tho walls have been painted with a uow shade of green, with a neatly painted border of brown. Running tho full length of tho walls are the following Scriptural quotations. ou either side, "1 will pay my vows unto the Lord now iu the presence of all his people," and "Exalt ye the -Lord our God and worship at His footstool, for He is holy." On the front wall may bo read "Feed my sheep," and "Feed my lambs." Over the chancel is in- scribed "In this place will I give peace saith the Lord of hosts," 'TIio pulpit ]las been done away with and the reading desk brought out in front of the chancel. The choir is placed in the chancel which has boon neatly seated for then!. The communion table, is covered with purple baize and the arm chairs, desk, &c. are up- holstered with the same material. Just above the communion table is the familiar inscription "'.Chis do in remembrance of Me," in elegant gilt letters,, while over the channel window is "Holy I Holy I Holy I " There are also three satin banners with gold fringe bearing the texts "Tho Lord reigneth," "God is love" and "Trust in God." The painting was done by Mr. Clncas, of Goderieh, who is well- known for his artistic ability. He displayed uo small amount of taste in the work done and can get a recom. mendation from the people of St. John's Church at any time. F. 0, Rogers took a very active part in raising the where -with -all to meet the expanse of the work done, Tho church Tooke very neat, attzactiVe and comfortable. ()Ysricne. PueiYate pion, T1111 excursion season is about through fur this year. 25 wexes pays for Toni Peter, for the belnnee of 1885, Now is the time. lbaisn our new story "Diolt's Sweet- heart," 11 commenced host week. Tele Lietowel cricketers aro expect- ed to play a friendly gains with our team, 0n Victoria Square, on Satur- day of this week, R. MALCOLnt has removed Itis stoup of furniture, &c, to the now store 0. cross the street. her. Alaloolm has a very neat and sommodiorts place and intends living upstairs iu the sumo bnilding. IN referring to the Caledonian games we inadvertently otnittod mentioning tho running of tho Mitch- ell hose root company, Considering everything the made good time, being credited with 57 seconds. Rltsfttneu>:R the Harvest IIouio and Concert in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Friday of this week, fillies Wy01t, of Godoricb, Mr, Harrison, of Mitch- ell, and others will take part iu rho cuneert. Sco bills and programs fur particulars, Ai'pLi:s n e BAOmtLs.—At the hast session of the Dominion Parliament several changes worn made in 111e act relating to weights and int: asures. The principal change in the one ra- gnlating the size of apple barrels. The clause in the act reads as follows : All apples packed in Cauada for sale by the barrel, shall bo packed in good. and strong barrels of seasoned wood made as nearly cylindrical as !nay be ; the Staves of such barrels to be 2710. in length from crud to crus, with heads from sixteen and cue half to seventeen iu diameter ; and such bar- rels shall be sufficiently hooped, with n liniug hoop within the chituce, the whole well secured by nails. Every poreon who offere or exposes apples for sale by the barrel, otherwise than all accordance with tho foregoing pro- visions of this section, shall be liable to a penalty of 25 coins for each bar- rel of apples so offered or exposed for tale. Peasoxtes.--G. L. Ball, L. D. S., rirrived home last Thursday from a week's visit to 'T'oronto, Port Perry and other places in the east.—J. V. Fear, druggist, of Ssafarth, was home hast Sunday.—R. Leticsrdalo attended the Undertakers Association in Tor- onto, last week. A Professor was there and delivered a lecture on am- baltning. Rather a gravo quoetion. —P. S. Scott and A.. Hunter, Olerk of 4t11 Division Court, were attending the Assizes of Perth 0o., at Strat- ford this week,—Thos. Calbick is ou tho sick list and has gone to Holmes - villa fur a rest.—Jas. Fitzphtriok start- ed for Denver, Colorado, last Monday. —Wm. Brace, wife and daughter, of Peel, were visiting Alex. Bruce this weele.—Miss Jennie Dickson is visit- ing at Goderiob.—Thos. W. Sloan, of Blyth, was visiting J. W. Shaw last week. Ho intends taking a visit to Southern California with the !nope of beneftiug his health. Wo hope he will not be disappolntod,—R. Bruce has secured a situation as teacher in cue of the schools iu Winnipeg,— We had a pleasant cell, last Monday from Miss Langdale who ie a grad- uate of the Art preservative and is employed in tho Durham Chronicle ofiiee.--We record with pleasure the fact that J. W. Shaw, now teaching in S. S. No. 8, Grey, has secured tho principalship of the. Blyth Public School, the present teacher, R. Hen- derson, having 'resigned to attend Collage. J. W. will have two assist- ants and we can tell theBlyth people, who are not acquainted with Mr. Shaw, that they are getting a clever, steady, reliable teacher who will not fail to give satisfaction. Ho goes to Blyth ou Thursday of next week, Oct. lst.—Root. May, of Paisley, was visiting his sister, Mrs. Hargreaves, last wook.—A. 11. Kay, of Sarnia, spout soveral days in town this week, A. M. is greatly taken up with the border town.—Wm, Harper, teacher at Wingham, was in town last Satur- day.—lfrs, J. Philips and family, of Oil City, are visiting friends in town this week.—Fred, Haverkoa left last Tuesday for Addison, Ione—Mrs. Goo. Armstrong is visiting at Clin- ton.—Our old townsman, Robt. Nott, of Kansas, was in town this week. The west evidently agrees with him. —.-bir. Massie, df Milwaukee, and Airs. Ronald, of Chatham, are visit- ing at ,J. D. Ronalds this week,— Little Frankie Calbick is dangerously ill, we aro sorry to hear. Wo hope he will pull through. --Berl. Jackson is away with tho Perth volunteers, playing in St. Marys band. --Mies Mary Buyers has gono to Hamilton where she takes a situation in a store, --D. McGillicuddy, of Goderich, is in town this week. --Last Monday Mrs,. Conks'', daughter of T. Pierce, died at Walton, The funeral was on Wednesday. Bins. Ai.inttI.Dnt's new millinery ie very attraotive, Look at the Lion's window for raciest millinery gems. Tent Listowel Banner, edited by an old cricketer, says, in speaking of the match last week, the ]3rnssols club poly requires praotiee to be ono of the best in Western Ontario. BORN. Duuwi'.—In Brussels, on Sept. 22nd, the wife of Mr, James Drowe, merchant, of to daughter. MARRIED. Coxotlr—Boon.—A.t the parsonage, Blyth, on Sept. 23rd, by Rev. 3. S. Fisher, Mr. John C. Cousry, of Snnsbine, to Mies Jane M flood, of Mor -is, DIED. Cove'rrn --In }Walton, on Sept, 21st, Mrs. Hannah Coulter, aged 98 years, 1 mouths, aud 91 days. . Ross... -On Tuesday, the :and inst., itt +liol- vino Church Slane, Brussels, Arthur Graham, son of Rev. John Boss, aged 3 mouths and 11 days, ,1COCION FitinAT, OCT. 2nd.—Farm stools and Iin. pion -lents, on lot 3.1. con. 0, Grey, to 0010 - menet) at 10 o'clock, 11, J. ."'loiter, prop., A. flay mann. Wesolssar, Orr, 7th,—Farm stook, Im- plembnts, ere., on lot 19, con. S, Uroy,. com- mencing at 1 o'clock sharp. Mrs, 13. Tin. tall, plop„ A. Delgatty, auctioneer. Full Shows in 1851. . South Huron, Exeter, S,•p1.'.i, 23. Tuskorsmith, Seafurth, Oct, 1, 9, West Huron, Godorioh, Oct, 1., 2 iiorningtou, Milverton, Oct. 7.4 Wallace, Listowel, Oct. 8, 0, Wallace, Listowel, Sept. 30, & Oct.; 1. Morris, Blyth, Oct. 13, 14. ltirtas,soe Ise R1Crtrlicet.. (1:, 11t1geTltD (11tiarntLT vas'S Wssa, White Fall Wheat. , .... Rod Winter Spring Wheat Spring wheat (new) Barley Oats Peas Butter, tubs and rolls .. Eggs por dozen Flour por barrel Potatoes Hay por ton IOidos per lb Dressed !logs Salt par bbl., wholesale .: Shoop skins, each Wool .. 78 83 80 811 80 83 00 70 50 38 30 55 00 19 19 19 00 n",00 ;00 10 00 700 800 0 04 5 50 5 50 .. GO 80 50 1 Ou 17 18 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. kL+RVANT GIRL WANTED Ib1- modiately. Apply to SUBS GRAHAM, �- UTICE ABOUT 'TWENTY• four sheep to let on shores on the amid terms, to some goo,! farmer, 15, Apply to A. E.t7NTEn, D. 0. C., Brussels. WOE SALE.—ONE 4 YEAR 0L1) .� Mare for solo ,woppesa•.i t , bn ie fta1 to the imported horse "Deka of .erg no." Also la good milch pow for sale. Apply to T130& arotriEGOi, dint. Lot ll,C ou. O,Grey. �WE STRAYED FROM THE promises of the undersigned, about two weeks ago. Sao is white in color with a dark 11000. Auy information loading to hor reran er0 will be thankfully received. word may bo loft at rns POST publishing House, tf. B. WELSH, Brussels. 1•] SIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALr.—Tho rosldouoo occupied by the undersigned is offered ter 0010 011 reasonable terms, cheap, Every necessary 00nvenloneo to waken desirable property. Also good frame building: t0 x 00, which has b 301111913d by us for a store. This building would make a good show room for machinery.Will se11 sol arate or togother, Apply to W. I.1flS0N, & SON. 0 Ethel, T'. O. C TRAYE D FROM THE PRE III S- L 7es of the undersigned, lots 31 A 02, Oen.a, Grey, about Sop t. 1st 2 hoed of ca talo, 3 years old. Obo is a steer, light red and white, spot- ted, menthe bolter is dark red, with a few w hite cents, 7.11a right holo of tho stoor is brokoo off and hearing by hes bend, Any In- formation 10adIng t0 their recovery will bo thankfully received, I2•Ole, DANL. ECI{1[11011, Ethel P. 0. reARIII FOR SALE IN GREY Township, County of Huron, being Tot 10, Con, 11. Thu farm contain 0100 a0r'0e, 80 Olear- n& the remainder in gond hard -wood bush. Tho bum is well fenced, well watered and 1n a first class state of oultivatian. It is b eanti- lu11ysituatod on ttio (milks of Silo Maitland river, 00 Innes from Bressola a station on W. G. & B., at which thoro is always a good mar. ]rot for every kind of Lam pr0daeo; it is also 11 milos from Cr:tilbrOeli whore there are stems ahurelie5 ,shops, &e, There 15 a steno house w ith 1st class ostler, two barns, with stabil oG and three excellent orchards on the faros. Tt is ono of tho most desirable prouorttos le the township, pins is a good &lance for any per- son wanting afarm, as the proprietor has to retire on twoouut of 111 health; Por further parttouhars apply to 1115 u•OperB,ieter,HA lII'OAW, ranbr 12-•4 in, Craubrobk. P.S.—There is 113i acres of fall Wheat al. ready sown on rho term aud moss of the tall plowing dune, VOTERS' HST, 1885, lltunieipatity of he Township of ]Morris in th0 doaaty of Burma. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVBN, THAT I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the 3rd end 1011 soot Mons of tho Voters' List Act, the 003le1 re- dequired by said section to be transmitted or liverocl of the list made pursuant to this Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of filo said Munici- pality, to bo entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for the Members of the Legislative Assembly aud at Mmrici- pal Eleotion ; and that the said List was first posted at my officio, in tho Township of Morris, on the 21st of Sept„ 1885, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called iipon to' examine the said List and if any omissions or other errors arc found to take immediate .pro0eoclings to have Bald errors corrected according to law. NM. CLARK, Olorlt of Morris, Dated at Morrie, this else clay Sept, 1885. COMPLETE 99. CHANGE UF B USIN SS AFTER OCTOBER let, A STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS clone after the above date, att- er which there will 110 a Great Revolution. Of prices in l31'ussela. A. R. SMITH has the Largest Stock of !toady -made Clothing of any House in the. County and more than all BRUSSELS COMBINED, And if we can't snit you, you will have to leave town. Boy's suits t$1.25, And any amount to choose from. Youth's suits $4, 1uc1 onward,-. Men's suits $4,45 And upwards. ©VEBCOATS • By tho hundred, from $B to $107 or as good as can be bought from $6 to $20 in any other store. As we purchase 9S E UE out at a time, We buy from 25 TO 40 PJRI OD_ Ta cheaper than any other house in r therefore we can sell for less than our opponents can buy. Drop in and take a look through our stock. We can either Overcoat or Suit you. gRITtit N.B.--Miss Lack, Our Millner Of last )Season, is still in charge of the Millinery Department. , OPENINGS ON FfIDAY & SATU1110, SE T( 26 a 26.